Ellison v. State , 2015 MT 16N ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                          January 20 2015
    DA 13-0846
    Case Number: DA 13-0846
    2015 MT 16N
    Petitioner and Appellant,
    Respondent and Appellee.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the Thirteenth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Yellowstone, Cause No. DV 12-724
    Honorable Russell C. Fagg, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Elizabeth J. Honaker, Honaker Law Firm; Billings, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Timothy C. Fox, Montana Attorney General, Jonathan M. Krauss, Assistant
    Attorney General; Helena, Montana
    Scott D. Twito, Yellowstone County Attorney, Julie Mees, Deputy County
    Attorney; Billings, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: December 10, 2014
    Decided: January 20, 2015
    Justice Michael E Wheat delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(d), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating
    Rules, this case is decided by memorandum opinion and shall not be cited and does not serve
    as precedent. Its case title, cause number, and disposition shall be included in this Court’s
    quarterly list of nonciteable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana Reports.
    ¶2     Lionel Ellison appeals from the order of the Montana Thirteenth Judicial District
    Court, Yellowstone County, denying his petition for postconviction relief from his
    conviction for partner or family member assault. We affirm.
    ¶3     On May 6, 2010, Ellison was convicted of partner or family member assault by the
    Yellowstone County Justice Court. Ellison was represented by Penelope Strong before and
    during the bench trial that resulted in this conviction.
    ¶4     Following his conviction, Ellison retained new counsel and appealed to the Thirteenth
    Judicial District Court. Ellison raised nine issues, which included an allegation that Strong
    rendered ineffective assistance of counsel (IAC). Ellison claimed that while he insisted upon
    a jury trial, Strong failed to demand a jury trial on his behalf. On January 11, 2011, the
    District Court denied Ellison’s appeal, noting that his IAC claim would be more properly
    raised in a petition for postconviction relief.
    ¶5     Ellison then appealed his conviction to this Court. Relying on other arguments raised
    before the District Court, he did not appeal the District Court’s decision regarding his IAC
    claim. We affirmed his conviction on the merits in a March 6, 2012 opinion.
    ¶6     On June 13, 2012, Ellison filed a petition with the District Court asking for
    postconviction relief. In addition to the several other alleged grounds for this relief, Ellison
    again argued that Strong rendered IAC based on her failure to demand a jury trial on
    Ellison’s behalf. The District Court denied the petition without a hearing, and Ellison
    appealed to this Court. We concluded that the facts in the record did “not conclusively show
    whether Ellison consented to waive his right to a jury trial.” Accordingly, we remanded the
    case to the District Court for “an evidentiary hearing on the question of whether Ellison
    waived his right to a jury trial.”
    ¶7     The District Court held a hearing on Ellison’s postconviction relief claims on October
    18, 2013. Ellison, Ellison’s father, and Strong testified at the hearing. Ellison’s father
    testified that he attended all of the meetings between Ellison and Strong. At the hearing,
    Ellison and his father claimed that Ellison asked for a jury trial during a meeting with Strong.
    Strong, meanwhile, testified that while she could not recall whether Ellison requested a jury
    trial, she would have filed a jury demand if Ellison had wanted a jury trial. She stated that if
    one of her clients wants a jury trial, even in contradiction to her legal advice, then she always
    files a jury demand on his or her behalf.
    ¶8     The District Court determined that Strong provided the most credible testimony
    during the hearing.     Based largely on this determination, it issued findings of fact,
    conclusions of law, and an order denying Ellison’s petition for postconviction relief. The
    findings of fact included findings that:
    17. Ms. Strong followed her usual course of practice in advising [Ellison].
    18. Ms. Strong did not recall [Ellison] saying or insisting he wanted a jury
    trial. She would have put a note to that effect in the file.
    .   .   .
    21. At the time of the bench trial in May 2010, [Ellison] would have seen that
    there was no jury. At no time did [Ellison] protest that he had wanted a jury
    trial. Ms. Strong would have remembered his demand for a jury trial.
    The District Court’s conclusions of law included:
    13. This Court has been in the position to weigh [Ellison]’s veracity for a
    number of years. [Ellison]’s veracity – or lack thereof – is an important factor,
    and this Court considers his veracity to be lacking. After an investigation, his
    probation officer determined [Ellison] once fabricated two job offers.
    [Ellison] has been convicted of making fraudulent statements and has twice
    claimed to have been kidnapped. The Court found [Ellison]’s father to be a
    credible witness, but it is clear that he was not in the room at every meeting
    between [Ellison] and Ms. Strong. This Court considers Ms. Strong to be a
    more credible witness than [Ellison].
    Ellison appeals.
    ¶9     Ellison argues that he did not waive his right to a jury trial and that his constitutional
    right to a jury trial was violated. This is the first time Ellison makes this constitutional
    argument, and we are procedurally barred from considering it. We have consistently held
    that claims that could have been raised on direct appeal are barred from review under a
    petition for postconviction relief. Section 46-21-105(2), MCA; Adgerson v. State, 
    2007 MT 336
    , ¶¶ 11-12, 
    340 Mont. 242
    174 P.3d 475
    , overruled on other grounds by Whitlow v.
    2008 MT 140
    343 Mont. 90
    183 P.3d 861
    ; State v. Evert, 
    2007 MT 30
    , ¶¶ 15-16, 
    336 Mont. 36
    152 P.3d 713
    . Nor will we exercise plain error review over such claims unless
    they allege newly discovered evidence that establishes that the petitioner did not commit the
    underlying offense. Adgerson, ¶ 12. While Ellison has raised the claim of IAC based on
    waiver of his right to a jury, he has not in any of his multiple appeals or postconviction relief
    proceedings raised the independent argument that his constitutional right to trial by jury was
    violated. As the argument is raised for the first time here and because Ellison does not allege
    any newly discovered, exculpatory evidence, we will not consider the argument.
    ¶10    Ellison also argues that he received IAC when Strong did not demand a jury trial,
    despite Ellison’s instructions to do so. Ellison argues that the District Court should not have
    concluded otherwise, claiming that the District Court’s conclusions are unsupported by
    properly admitted evidence in the record. Claims of IAC present mixed questions of law and
    fact that we review de novo. State v. Brown, 
    2011 MT 94
    , ¶ 8, 
    360 Mont. 278
    253 P.3d 859
    ¶11    Ellison claims that the District Court’s findings of fact 17, 18, and 21 and conclusion
    of law 13 are not supported by substantial evidence in the record and are, therefore, clearly
    erroneous. Yet, there is clear support for these findings in the record. Hr’g Tr., 34:18-24,
    35:1-4, 36:9-23, 37:1-10, 41:4-10, Oct. 18, 2013. Moreover, even if the challenged
    conclusion of law and findings of fact were unsupported by substantial evidence, the District
    Court’s remaining conclusions of law and findings of fact would support its conclusion that
    Ellison did not receive IAC.
    ¶12    Ellison also claims that the District Court improperly admitted evidence and
    testimony of Ellison’s past criminal acts. Citing M. R. Evid. 609, Ellison argues that the
    District Court should have prohibited admission of any evidence or testimony regarding
    Ellison’s past wrongdoing. Yet, the prohibition against admitting evidence and testimony
    regarding past acts of a witness is not nearly as broad as Ellison contends. While extrinsic
    evidence of past wrongful acts may not be used to attack a witness’ character, M. R. Evid.
    608(b) specifically allows instances of witness conduct to be inquired into during cross-
    examination, if such conduct is probative of the witness’ truthfulness. Additionally, while
    not admissible for evidence of character, evidence of “other crimes, wrongs, or acts” is
    admissible “for other purposes, such as proof of . . . knowledge.” M. R. Evid. 404(b).
    ¶13    The evidence before the District Court was admitted in compliance with these rules.
    The extrinsic evidence of Ellison’s past crimes was offered for the purpose of proving
    Ellison’s knowledge about his right to a jury trial. Accordingly, it was admissible under
    M. R. Evid. 404(b). Other instances of Ellison’s wrongdoing were probative of his
    truthfulness as a witness. These instances were not proven through extrinsic evidence, but
    were instead inquired into during Ellison’s testimony. For these reasons, the testimony
    concerning Ellison’s past wrongdoings was admissible under M. R. Evid. 608(b).
    ¶14    Ellison also claims that the District Court improperly relied on its own personal
    knowledge in reaching its decision regarding Ellison’s credibility. The weight of evidence
    and the credibility of witnesses are exclusively within the province of the trier of fact.
    Garrett v. State, 
    2005 MT 197
    , ¶ 35, 
    328 Mont. 165
    119 P.3d 55
    . Where a district court
    makes findings resolving conflicting testimony, such findings will not be disturbed if they
    are supported by substantial evidence. State v. Wetzel, 
    2005 MT 154
    , ¶¶ 10-11, 
    327 Mont. 413
    114 P.3d 269
    . Assuming arguendo that Ellison’s contention is true and disregarding the
    facts that Ellison claims are only supported by the District Court’s personal knowledge, the
    District Court’s credibility determination remains supported by substantial evidence. The
    inconsistencies between the testimony of Ellison’s father and the testimony of Ellison,
    coupled with testimony regarding Ellison’s prior acts of fraud and untruthfulness would have
    been enough to discredit Ellison. The District Court’s determination that “Ms. Strong . . .
    [was] a more credible witness than [Ellison]” is supported by substantial evidence, even if
    the facts purportedly supported only by the District Court’s personal knowledge are
    disregarded.     For this reason, we will not disturb the District Court’s credibility
    ¶15    Claiming that the District Court Judge exhibited prejudice and bias in making its IAC
    decision, Ellison also argues that he did not receive due process in the postconviction relief
    proceeding. Ellison, however, does not cite any relevant authority to support this argument.
    As we are not required to perform legal research or develop legal arguments on a party’s
    behalf, we decline to consider this argument.
    ¶16    We have determined to decide this case pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(d) of our
    Internal Operating Rules, which provides for nonciteable memorandum opinions. The
    District Court’s findings of fact are supported by substantial evidence and the legal issues are
    controlled by settled Montana law, which the District Court correctly interpreted.
    ¶17    Affirmed.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE