In Re the Marriage of Maedje , 51 State Rptr. 47 ( 1994 )

  •                              No.    92-614
    Petitioner and Appellant,
    Respondent and Respondent.
    APPEAL FROM:    District Court of the Fourth Judicial District,
    In and for the County of Missoula,
    The Honorable Ed McLean, Judge presiding.
    For Appellant:
    Thomas W. Trigg, Attorney at Law,
    Missoula, Montana
    For Respondent:
    Neil M. Leitch, Attorney at Law,
    Missoula, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs:       October 28, 1993
    Decided:   February 1, 1994
    Justice Terry N Trieweiler delivered the opinion of the Court.
    Appellant Rick A. Maedje petitioned the District Court for the
    Fourth Judicial District in Missoula County to dissolve his
    marriage to Kim A. Maedje.    A trial was conducted by a Special
    Master in December 1991, and a decree of dissolution was entered by
    the District Court on June 25, 1992.     The court distributed the
    marital estate based on the Special Master's recommended findings
    of fact and conclusions of law. Rick's motion to amend the decree
    was deemed denied pursuant to Rule 5 9 1 ~ ~ )M.R.Civ.P.
    ;            From the
    decree and denial of his motion to amend, Rick appeals.
    We affirm in part and reverse in part.
    The issues on appeal are restated as follows:
    1.   Were the court's findings regarding the increase in value
    of the Inyokern property during the partiesv marriage clearly
    2.   Did the court err in its distribution of the marital
    Rick and Kim Naedje were married on June 8, 1989, in Salt Lake
    City, Utah.   A petition for dissolution was filed by Rick on
    April 30, 1991.   At the time of trial, Rick was 52 years old and
    was employed as a pilot for Sky West Airlines.   He had worked as a
    commercial pilot for over 20 years.    Kim was 34 years old at the
    time of trial and had previously worked as a horse trainer and
    grocery store checker.   No children were born during the parties'
    22 month marriage.
    Both Rick and Kim had previously been married and each brought
    substantial real and personal property into the marriage.      Among
    those assets were Rick's properties located in Tehachapi and
    Inyokern, California, and Kim's interest in property located in
    Caliente, California.     Prior to their marriage, Rick and Kim
    resided together at Tehachapi and then lived at Inyokern during
    part of 1989 and 1990, where Kim conducted a horse training and
    boarding business.
    During their marriage, the parties sold the Tehachapi,
    Inyokern, and Caliente properties, and purchased two pieces of
    property in Montana:     28 acres located on Nine Mile Road near
    Huson, and the Blue Bird Mobile Home Park in Hamilton.      The Nine
    Mile property was purchased with proceeds from the sale of the
    Inyokern property in March 1990.       In April 1991, just prior to
    their separation, the Hamilton property was purchased with proceeds
    from the sale of the Tehachapi property and a loan secured by the
    Nine Mile property.
    At trial, a Special Master for the District Court valued the
    marital estate based primarily on testimony from the parties and
    their experts.   After adopting the Special Master's recommended
    findings of fact and conclusions of law, the District Court
    apportioned the marital estate and entered a decree of dissolution
    on June 25, 1992.     The court awarded Kim the tangible personal
    property she brought into the marriage and the proceeds from the
    sale of the Caliente property.       Rick was awarded his premarital
    personal property, two undeveloped parcels of real property, and
    his retirement account and shares of Sky West stock.          These
    property distributions are not challenged on appeal.
    At issue in this appeal are the court's valuation of the
    appreciation of the Inyokern property during the parties' marriage,
    and its allocation of the increased value realized fromthe sale of
    both the Inyokern and Tehachapi properties.
    The court found that the value of the Inyokern property as of
    tho date of the parties1 marriage was $96,000 and that it was sold
    ten months later for $125,000. Therefore, the court concluded that
    the property had increased in value by approximately $29,000 during
    the time the parties were married.   The court also found that the
    Tehachapi property was appraised in November 1988 at $171,000 and
    sold in February 1991 for $250,000. The court determined that this
    represented an increase in value of approximately $3000 per month,
    and concluded that the property increased in value by $58,000 from
    the date of the marriage to the date the property was sold.      The
    court specifically found the following with respect to these
    increases in value:
    Although there was considerable testimony submitted
    that Kim is and has been a hard worker during the
    marriage, it is highly probable that neither Kim nor
    Rick's improvements to property may have significantly
    contributed to the increase in value during the course of
    the marriage. Rather, it appears that the increase was
    primarily attributable to appreciation.
    The court concluded that the parties should share equally in
    the increased value in these two properties and determined that an
    equitable division of property would be to award Kim the Nine Mile
    property, valued at $55,000, free of all encumbrances.      The court
    stated that this reflected "her contributions to the marriage and
    her portion of the increase in value of both Tehachapi and Inyokern
    during the course of the marriage."    Rick was awarded the Hamilton
    mobile home park and was ordered to pay the mortgage on the Nine
    Mile property which secured the outstanding loan on the Hamilton
    Rick moved to alter or amend the judgment, but this motion was
    deemed denied on September 9, 1992. From the decree and the denial
    of the motion to amend, Rick appeals.
    The distribution of the marital        estate   is governed by
    5 40-4-202, MCA.   This statute vests the district court with broad
    discretion to apportion the marital estate in a manner which is
    equitable to each party under the circumstances. In re Mammuge Rock
    257 Mont. 476
    850 P.2d 296
    ; In reMummageofCollelt (1981), 
    190 Mont. 500
    621 P.2d 1093
    The standard of review employed by this Court in marital
    property division cases is whether the district court's findings of
    fact are clearly erroneous.    lnreMum'ageofMcLean/Fleury (1993), 
    257 Mont. 55
    849 P.2d 1012
    .   When there is substantial credible
    evidence to support the court's findings and judgment, this Court
    will not alter the trial court's decision unless there is an abuse
    of discretion. In re Marriage of Scojfield (Mont. 1993)' 
    852 P.2d 664
    , 50
    St. Rep. 560.
    Were the court's findings regarding the increase in value of
    the   Inyokern property     during    the    parties'   marriage   clearly
    Rick contends that the court's findings in regard to the
    appreciation of the Inyokern property during the time that the
    parties were married is clearly erroneous.        Therefore, he asserts
    that the property distribution scheme, which is based in part on
    the Inyokern property's appreciation, is inequitable.
    Rick   does   not   challenge    the    court's   methodology    for
    calculating the appreciation of premarital property during the
    parties' marriage.    However, he contends that the figures used by
    the court to calculate the appreciation of the Inyokern property
    were purely speculative and are not supported by substantial
    credible evidence.
    We agree with this contention. The District Court's findings
    of fact numbered 23 and 24 address the valuation of the Inyokern
    property.    Those findings state as follows:
    23. Petitioner  testified  that  he   believed
    Inyokern's value as of June 1989 was $103,000.
    Respondent testified that Petitioner told her the
    property was worth between $85,000          -
    $90,000 as of
    June 1989.
    24. Averaging the values given by the parties, the
    Special Master recommends that the value as of date of
    marriage be established at $96,000. Thus the increase in
    the value of this property from the date of marriage to
    the date of sale is approximately $29,000.
    After reviewing the record, we conclude that there was no
    factual basis in the record for these findings.           When Rick
    testified, he stated that he did not know the value of the Inyokern
    property in June 1989, but that he had sold ten acres of it for
    $105,000 in 1983.    There is no indication what relationship that
    ten acres had to the 19.2 acres of Inyokern property which Rick
    brought into the marriage in June 1989,    Although it is unclear
    whether a portion of Inyokern was actually sold or whether this was
    a lease option which ultimately fell through, there is no evidence
    that Rick stated that Inyokern was worth $103,000 in 1989.
    Furthermore, when Kim was asked about the value of the
    Inyokern property in 1989, she gave the following answers to the
    following questions during the course of her testimony:
    Q. (BY MR. WITCH) Moving along here, Kim, regarding
    the Inyokern property, you state in the [proposed]
    Findings that in June of '89 it was valued at $85,000.
    Where did that figure come from?
    A. That figure I had gotten from--and I think it is more
    of a guesstimation on the price that Rick wanted to sell
    it to the Hackers for. They lived right next door to us.
    And originally I had always heard--
    MR. NEWCOMER:   Objection, speculation.
    THE COURT:   Sustained.
    Q.   Okay. But you said that it was valued at $90,000 by
    Rick, not $85,000?
    A.    Well, it was speculation on our part. We thought 8 5
    to 9 0 and that's how I feel about it. It is hard when
    you are not real estate agents, and we are not even
    talking about an appraisal here. We are talking about
    two people talking.
    MR. NEWCOMER: Your Honor, I would object to this line of
    questioning as simply eliciting speculation as to value.
    In other words, in order to arrive at the value sf the
    Inyokern property at the time the parties were married so that it
    could determine the amount by which the property appreciated during
    the marriage, the court averaged a figure which it erroneously
    attributed to the testimony of Rick with a figure thrown out by Kim
    based on total speculation. The result was an average of               $96,000,
    which has no factual basis in the record.
    In hzreMam'ageofLuki (1988),   
    232 Mont. 243
    756 P.2d 4
     5 6 , we
    stated that, when valuing the assets in a marital estate, the court
    is free to adopt any valuation of property which is supported by
    the record.     However, in this instance the court's findings are
    based     largely on speculation, and we have made                 clear that
    speculation, conjecture, inference, or guess do not constitute
    credible factual evidence. Graham v. Rolatuhn        (1967),   
    150 Mont. 270
    We conclude that the court's findings were not supported by
    substantial credible evidence, and therefore, its calculation of
    the appreciation of the Inyokern property during the parties'
    marriage was clearly erroneous. The judgment of the District Court
    with respect to the valuation of the Inyokern property is vacated
    and we remand this case to the District Court for a proper
    determination of the amount by        which   the Inyokern property
    appreciated during the parties' marriage,
    Did the court err in its distribution of the marital estate?
    Rick contends that the court erroneously awarded Kim the Nine
    Mile property as compensation for her share of the appreciation of
    Inyokern and Tehachapi because she did not contribute significantly
    to the appreciation of those pre-acquired properties which Rick
    brought into the marriage.      He asserts that even if Kim did
    contribute to the value of Tehachapi, the court's award of half of
    the appreciation of both properties was disproportionate to the
    value of her contributions.     Finally, he claims that the court
    should not have ordered him to pay the mortgage on the Nine Mile
    property because Kim testified that she would be willing to pay it
    if she were awarded the property.
    Section 40-4-202(1), MCA, sets forth the factors which must be
    considered by the court before distributing property acquired
    before the marriage.   That section provides in relevant part that:
    In dividing property acquired prior to the marriage ...
    the court shall consider those contributions of the other
    spouse to the marriage, including:
    (a) the nonmonetary contribution of a homemaker;
    (b) the extent to which such contributions have
    facilitated the maintenance of this property; and
    (c) whether or not the property division serves as
    an alternative to maintenance arrangements.
    In this instance, the record demonstrates that the court
    considered Kim's contributions to the marriage, including specific
    contributions she ma6e to the properties in question.         Eased on
    testimony by the parties and other witnesses, the court found that
    Kim had made substantial nonmonetary contributions to the marriage.
    There was testimony that, among other things, Kim had remodeled and
    painted buildings on the parties1 various properties, performed
    daily housekeeping activities, and kept the marital financial
    records. Furthermore, although a recpest for maintenance was made
    in the response to the petition for dissolution, no maintenance was
    awarded.   Although the court found that the increase in the value
    of   the   Inyokern   and   Tehachapi    properties    "was   primarily
    attributable to appreciation,'* it concluded that due to her
    contributions to the marriage, she was entitled to half of the
    appreciation in value of those properties.
    Although   the   evidence   does     not   indicate   that   Kim's
    contributions resulted in any significant increase in the value of
    the properties in question, the record does support the finding
    that Kim contributed in some fashion to the maintenance and
    appreciation of these properties.     We conclude that this evidence
    supports the District Court's allocation of these assets according
    to the considerations required by 5     40-4-202,   MCA.
    Therefore, we hold that the court did not abuse its discretion
    when it awarded Kim half of the appreciated value of the Inyokern
    and Tehachapi properties.   Although Kim had stated that she would
    pay the mortgage on the Mine Mile property, it was within the
    court's discretion to award her this property unencumbered as
    compensation for her share of the marital estate.
    This case is reversed in part and remanded for a proper
    determination of the amount by     which   the   Inyokern property
    appreciated during the partiesi marriage. The distribution of the
    marital estate is affirmed subject to any adjustments necessary to
    reflect the corrected value of appreciation on the Inyokern
    We concur:
    Chief Justice
    Chief Justice J. A. Turnage concurring in part and dissenting in
    I concur with the majority opinion on Issue 2. I respectfully
    dissent from the majority opinion on Issue 1.
    The majority opinion reverses the District Court and remands
    this case for determination of the amount by which the Inyokern
    property appreciated during the parties' marriage.     The majority
    opinion concludes that the District Court's        findings of fact
    numbered 23 and 24, relating to the valuation of the Inyokern
    property, have no factual basis in the record and, therefore, are
    clearly erroneous.
    With the exception of finding 23, in that the figure $103,000
    should have been $105,000, findings 23 and 24 are not clearly
    A review of the record in this case is enlightening and
    clearly supports the findings of the District Court.     The record
    consists of:
    (1)     Over 1200 pages of transcribed dep~sitionsand trial
    (2) Over 70 exhibits introduced at trial;
    (3)   Over 94 pages of discovery documents;
    (4)     Two large district court files containing 122 separate
    filings of documents.
    The setting of this conjugal war commenced on June 8, 1989,
    with the marriage of the parties and escalated commencing April 30,
    1991, when the petitioner Rick Maedje (Rick) filed for a dissolu-
    tion of his marriage to Kim Maedje (Kim), This marital war has
    continued for nearly three years and may well continue much longer
    now that the majority has reversed the District Court.
    From a review of this record, it is readily apparent that the
    special master who presided in this case exercised the highest
    standards of judicial conduct and patience. The special master was
    faced with a most complex and difficult trial that consumed many
    judicial hours, three substitutions of counsel and involved parties
    that, charitably speaking, were on many occasions difficult.
    The property that the special master was required to consider
    in arriving at an equitable distribution of the marital estate
    consisted of many items of personal property too numerous to
    mention and six parcels of real estate located in California and
    Montana, each of which had a substantial value that needed to be
    The majority of this Court reverses and remands this case,
    thereby prolonging the marital conflict for an indefinite period of
    time.    The sole reason is the majority's conclusion that there is
    no factual basis in the record to support the master's findings of
    a value, as of June 8, 1989 (the date of the parties1 marriage),
    for a parcel of land of approximately twenty acres located in Kern
    County, California, and the amount of its appreciation during the
    marriage of the parties.    This Court is asking a new trier of fact
    to perform an impossible task in trying to establish a value for
    this parcel of land nearly five years after the marriage.
    It is apparent from the record that Rick was determined to
    avoid testifying concerning the value of the Inyokern property as
    well as to values of other property to be considered in the marital
    estate.   An example of Rick's avoidance of offering evidence of
    values of properties is his response to an August 13, 1991 order of
    the court requiring the parties to set forth an inventory of the
    property involved in the marital estate and the values thereof. By
    Document 37 in the District Court file, Rick's response states an
    inventory of all property owned by the parties jointly or separate-
    ly. Rick lists eighty-three separate items of property, including
    the Inyokern property, and states for his response to the court
    that the value of each of the said eighty-three items is to him
    The special master's Conclusion of Law No. 6 states: "The
    value of the gross marital estate is approximately $520,385. The
    debt against this estate is approximately $167,000, resulting in a
    net marital estate of $353,385."
    The special master in Conclusion of Law No. 9 stated that the
    value of the Inyokern property increased approximately $29,000 from
    the date of marriage to the date of sale and that the parties
    should share equally in the $29,000 increase in value. Therefore,
    the special master awarded $14,500 of the increase to Kim.     The
    majority of this Court now finds that there is nothing in the
    record to substantiate this conclusion of law.       I disagree.
    There is no dispute in the record that the Inyokern property
    sold on March 26, 1990, for $125,000; $55,500 was paid as a down
    payment and the balance of $69,500 was received by Rick in the form
    of a note and deed of trust.    Rick's Exhibit 1-B-4.
    Transcript Volume 111, Page 50, sets forth Rick's testimony on
    direct examination concerning this sale:
    Q.     So then in 1990 did you sell the Inyokern
    A.   Yes.
    Q.   Okay.   And when did you put it on the market?
    A.   It was in the early winter, I believe.
    Q.   Okay.   And it sold March 26, 1990?
    A.   Yes.
    Q. And about how much did you receive?        How much
    did you receive for it?
    A.   The selling price was 125,000.
    This testimony not only sets forth the sale of the property for
    $125,000 on March 26, 1990, but also provides testimony from the
    owner of the property upon which the court can draw a lawful
    inference that this property was placed on the market in the early
    winter of 1989-90. Therefore, by inference in October 1989, some
    four months after the marriage, Rick must have placed a value of at
    least $125,000 on this property because it sold for that sum in
    March of 1990. Most certainly the buyer did not offer to pay more
    than the asking price.    From this sale, Rick has been receiving
    $736 a month on the unpaid balance.   (Transcript Volume 111, Page
    Rick's Exhibit 9 establishes that he had agreed to sell the
    Inyokern property for $105,000 in 1983 but that the sale failed in
    1985.   Transcript Volume V, Page 136, sets forth the question
    directed to Rick by the court and his response.    This portion of
    the transcript tells us that Rick did at this time put a value on
    Inyokern and the value was $105,000.      Undoubtedly the court's
    erroneous figure of $103,000 in its findings should have been
    Rick's testimony establishes that he therefore did put a value
    on that property which the court could use as an inference of value
    when he had offered no other assistance to the court in providing
    a June 8, 1989 value.    In response to a question from the court,
    Rick testified, Transcript Volume V, Page 136:
    Q.   Can you tell me the value of the Inyokern
    property as of June 1989?
    A. The only thing I can go on there is I had sold
    ten acres of it with the main barns and the corrals and
    arena and mobile on it for 105,000 to Lloyd and Beverly
    Hacker (phon.) in 1983 and that's the only value that I
    could out on it. [Emphasis added.] [Note that this is
    the sale which failed.]
    Kim testified as to a value of the Inyokern property, a value
    that she had obtained from Rick, the owner of the property.    This
    testimony and the testimony of Rick provides substantial credible
    evidence upon which the court arrived at a value of the Inyokern
    property and the increase in value during the marriage.        This
    evidence supports the court's findings 23 and 24 whereby the court
    averaged the $90,000 value given by Kim with the testimony given by
    Rick that the value was $103,000 [sic] and subtracted that amount
    from the $125,000 sale price, arriving at an increase in value of
    Kim testified on direct examination concerning the value of
    the Inyokern property, Transcript Volume IV, Pages 153-55:
    Q. Okay. And in June of '89 did Rick tell you what
    he thought it was worth?
    A.   Yeah, approximately.
    Q.   And how much was that?
    A. Approximately 85 to 90,000 is what we thought it
    would sell for. Both of us. It was both of our impres-
    sion that it would be right around that, that that would
    be its selling price, once it was--
    Q.   Was it then sold in April of 1990?
    Q.   And do you know how much it was sold for?
    A. I believe it was 125. I think that this is
    wrong, the 120. That should be--
    Q.   Sold for 120 to 125,000?
    A.   Yeah.
    Q.   Okay.
    A. I think we put the low ends on--both 85 and 120
    here. It looks that way to me.
    Q.   Okay. Assuming it was sold for $90,000--or
    excuse me, it was valued at $90,000 by Rick in June of
    '89 and then sold for 125,000 in 1990, March, what sort
    of an increase in value would that give us?
    A Well, it would be 35, and then split in half, it
    is 17,5.
    Q. Okay. but you said that it was valued at 90,000
    by Rick, not 85?
    A.   Well, it was speculation on our part.       We
    thought 85 to 90 and that's how I feel about it, It is
    hard when you are not real estate agents, and we are not
    even talking about an appraisal here. We are talking
    about two people talking.
    MR. NEWCOMER: Your Honor, I would object to this
    line of questioning as simply eliciting speculation as to
    THE COURT: I think she has been asked and answered
    this same question.
    MR. LEITCH: I think so, too. I am responding to
    the objection.    I think it is an admission against
    interest and I think under the Rules of Evidence it comes
    under what he valued the property at at that time.
    THE COURT: Well, I will overrule the objection, but
    move on, because I think that information is in.
    The record in this case is not a perfect example of how
    property should be valued and appraised; however, it does provide
    the court a substantial credible record upon which to base the
    findings of fact and the conclusions of law. It must be remembered
    that the court is responsible for providing an equitable distribu-
    tion of the marital estate, and such was accomplished in this case.
    This case will soon be three years in duration.        It has
    consumed countless hours of court time, involved five different
    lawyers resulting fromthree substitutions of counsel, and attorney
    liens filed against both Rick and Kim.
    The amount involved in this case in view of the totality of
    the property is minimal. The court's erroneous finding of $103,000
    as the value set in Rick's testimony when the value should have
    been $105,000, is of a trivial nature when viewed in light of the
    significant amounts of property in this case and therefore does not
    warrant any remand or reversal on that point.       A reversal and
    remand undoubtedly will     result in prolonged    District Court
    litigation and, in all probability, further appeal to this Court.
    The time has now arrived to bring to a conclusion the marital war
    between Rick and Kim.    I would affirm the District Court.
    Justice James C Nelson:
    I concur with the concurring and dissenting opinion of Chief
    Justice Turnage.
    Justice Karla M. Gray:
    I concur with the concurring and dissenting opinion of Chief
    Justice Turnage.
    February 1, 1994
    I hereby certify that the following order was sent by United States mail, prepaid, to the following
    Attorney at Law
    210 North Higgins Ave.
    Missoula, MT 59802
    Attorney at Law
    336 Ryman Ave.
    Missoula, MT 59802

Document Info

Docket Number: 92-614

Citation Numbers: 263 Mont. 262, 51 State Rptr. 47

Judges: Gray, Harrison, Hunt, Nelson, Trieweiler, Turnage, Weber

Filed Date: 2/1/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023