Matter of K.L. L.L. B.L. YINC , 2014 MT 156N ( 2014 )

  •                                                                                           June 10 2014
    DA 14-0025
    2014 MT 156N
    K.L., J.L., and B.L.,
    Youths in Need of Care.
    APPEAL FROM:            District Court of the Nineteenth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Lincoln, Cause Nos. DN-10-05, DN-10-6,
    and DN-10-7
    Honorable James B. Wheelis, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Elizabeth Thomas, Attorney at Law, Missoula, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Timothy C. Fox, Montana Attorney General, Mardell Ployhar, Assistant
    Attorney General, Helena, Montana
    Bernard G. Cassidy, Lincoln County Attorney, Libby, Montana
    Emily Von Jentzen, Assistant Attorney General, Child Protection Unit,
    Kalispell, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: May 21, 2014
    Decided: June 10, 2014
    Chief Justice Mike McGrath delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1        Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(d), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating
    Rules, this case is decided by memorandum opinion and shall not be cited and does not serve
    as precedent. Its case title, cause number, and disposition shall be included in this Court’s
    quarterly list of noncitable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana Reports.
    ¶2        K.L. (Mother) appeals from an order of the Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Lincoln
    County, terminating her parental rights to her three children, K.L., J.L., and B.L. We affirm.
    ¶3        The following issues are raised on appeal:
    ¶4        Whether the District Court erred in finding the treatment plan appropriate.
    ¶5        Whether the District Court erred in finding that Mother was not in compliance with
    her treatment plan.
    ¶6        Whether the District Court erred in finding that the conditions rendering Mother unfit
    were unlikely to change within a reasonable time.
    ¶7        Whether the District Court abused its discretion when it terminated Mother’s parental
    ¶8        K.L., J.L., and B.L. were removed from Mother’s care on March 27, 2012, following
    reports of neglect and abuse. The Department of Public Health and Human Services
    (Department) petitioned for temporary legal custody and adjudication of the children as
    youths in need of care on June 20, 2012. Mother stipulated to the adjudication and agreed to
    a treatment plan on July 9, 2012. Mother did not object to updated treatment plans approved
    on January 7 and June 21, 2013. The treatment plans required Mother to participate in
    supervised visitation, maintain a stable and safe residence, take her medication as prescribed,
    participate in parenting education classes, participate in individual therapy, participate in
    vocational rehabilitation, maintain a monthly calendar of appointments, and maintain weekly
    contact with the Department. The Department petitioned for termination of Mother’s
    parental rights on November 18, 2013. Following a hearing on December 10, 2013, the
    District Court terminated Mother’s parental rights.
    ¶9     A district court’s termination of parental rights is reviewed for abuse of discretion. In
    re H.R., 
    2012 MT 290
    , ¶ 9, 
    367 Mont. 338
    291 P.3d 583
    . A trial court abuses its discretion
    when it acts arbitrarily, without employment of conscientious judgment, or exceeds the
    bounds of reason resulting in substantial injustice. In re D.B., 
    2007 MT 246
    , ¶ 16, 
    339 Mont. 240
    168 P.3d 691
    . Findings of fact are reviewed for clear error. In re D.B., ¶ 18. A finding
    is clearly erroneous if it is not supported by substantial evidence, if the court
    misapprehended the effect of the evidence, or if our review of the record convinces us that a
    mistake has been made. In re H.R., ¶ 12.
    ¶10    A court may order termination of parental rights upon a finding of clear and
    convincing evidence that the child is an adjudicated youth in need of care, an appropriate
    treatment plan has not been complied with or has not been successful, and the conduct or
    condition of the parents rendering them unfit is unlikely to change within a reasonable time.
    Section 41-3-609(1)(f), MCA. Partial or substantial completion of a treatment plan is
    insufficient. In re D.V., 
    2003 MT 160
    , ¶ 27, 
    316 Mont. 282
    70 P.3d 1253
    ¶11    Mother argues the treatment plans were not appropriate because they failed to address
    her particular cognitive and mental health needs. “A parent who does not object to a
    treatment plan’s goals or tasks waives the right to argue on appeal that the plan was not
    appropriate.” In re H.R., ¶ 10. Mother was represented by counsel and did not object to the
    treatment plans. She has waived the right to argue on appeal that the treatment plans were
    inappropriate. Nevertheless, testimony at the termination hearing indicated that many of the
    treatment plan components had been broken down and simplified to a level appropriate to
    Mother’s abilities. Her therapist employed “creative” approaches designed to accommodate
    her borderline intellectual functioning. During parenting education classes, written
    assignments were replaced by “interactive real time discussion.” The District Court’s
    finding that the treatment plans were appropriate was not clearly erroneous.
    ¶12    Mother claims the District Court erred in finding that she failed to complete her
    treatment plan. Mother’s therapist testified that she missed some therapy sessions and
    arrived late to others.   She did not meet therapeutic goals regarding life skills and
    establishing independence. Mother attended supervised visitation, but sometimes discussed
    inappropriate topics with the children. She obtained her own residence two months before
    the hearing, but it was not considered a safe and stable environment because she lived with
    her boyfriend, who admitted molesting a nine-year-old girl. Mother was vague about
    whether she was taking her medication. She was inconsistent in maintaining a calendar of
    appointments. She admitted that she did not contact the Department weekly. She attended
    parenting education sessions, but needed prompting to apply what she had learned. She
    completed vocational rehabilitation and obtained employment. Though Mother made some
    efforts to comply, partial completion of a treatment plan is not sufficient. In re D.V., ¶ 27.
    The District Court’s finding that Mother did not successfully comply with her treatment plan
    was not clearly erroneous.
    ¶13    Mother also claims the District Court erred in finding that the conditions rendering her
    unfit were unlikely to change within a reasonable time. Mother was given well over a year
    to work on her treatment plan, but met few of its goals. Her therapist testified that her
    prognosis for change was “very poor to poor.” He observed that Mother exhibited very little
    insight regarding her responsibility for the children’s condition. Dr. Edward Trontel, who
    performed a psychological evaluation, testified that Mother was unable to reflect on her
    behavior “in a useful fashion” and could not articulate any behavioral changes she felt she
    needed to make. He testified that she “construed her children’s behavior as a product of
    some disorder . . . rather than reactions to the situation in which they were living.” He
    concluded she would not be prepared to resume caring for her children. The District Court’s
    finding that the conditions rendering Mother unfit were unlikely to change in a reasonable
    period of time was not clearly erroneous.
    ¶14    Finally, Mother claims the District Court abused its discretion when it terminated her
    parental rights. The evidence presented at the hearing made clear that termination was
    appropriate in this case. Testimony established that both K.L. and J.L. were suicidal at the
    time of removal. They were ten and nine years old at the time. K.L. had difficulty in his
    foster placement because he defecated and urinated in a trash can in his bedroom. He
    refused to shower or brush his teeth and claimed he had never used shampoo. J.L. exhibited
    overly sexualized behavior and compulsively masturbated in public. B.L., who was five
    years old when he entered foster care, exhibited rage and severe anxiety. He bonded strongly
    with his foster parents and regressed following visitation with Mother. Dr. Trontel testified
    that Mother did not have a full understanding of the children’s needs. The District Court did
    not abuse its discretion when it terminated Mother’s parental rights.
    ¶15    We have determined to decide this case pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(d) of our
    Internal Operating Rules, which provides for noncitable memorandum opinions. The
    District Court’s findings of fact are supported by substantial evidence. It is manifest on the
    face of the briefs and the record that there was no abuse of discretion.
    ¶16    Affirmed.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-0025

Citation Numbers: 2014 MT 156N

Filed Date: 6/10/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014