Matter of M.A.S and C.M.S. , 2011 MT 313 ( 2011 )

  •                                           DA 11-0231                                      December 20 2011
    2011 MT 313
    Incapacitated and Protected Persons.
    Petitioner and Appellee,
    Respondent and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the First Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Lewis and Clark County,
    Cause Nos. ADG 08-39 and ADG 08-40
    Honorable Dorothy McCarter, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Brian J. Miller (argued); Morrison, Motl & Sherwood, PLLP; Helena,
    For Appellee:
    David L. Jackson (argued), Iris H. Basta; Jackson, Murdo & Grant, PC;
    Helena, Montana
    Argued and Submitted: November 9, 2011
    Decided: December 20, 2011
    Justice Beth Baker delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     M.S. (Father) appeals the First Judicial District Court’s order requiring him to
    provide support for his disabled adult twin sons. We consider on appeal whether § 40-6-
    214, MCA, grants authority for the District Court’s ruling.
    ¶2     M.A.S. and C.M.S. are the twin children of Father and V.L-S. (Mother), who
    divorced when the twins were eight years old. Now twenty-two years old, the twins were
    born with significant physical and mental disabilities and require full-time care and
    supervision. C.M.S. is legally blind, does not speak, cannot walk independently, and
    cannot take any food by mouth but instead receives a liquid diet through his abdomen.
    M.A.S. is autistic, has significant cognitive delays, and cannot be left alone for any length
    of time. Both twins live with Mother, who has modified her home to accommodate their
    unique needs.
    ¶3     Upon dissolution of his marriage to Mother, Father was ordered to pay child
    support. The twins graduated from high school on June 6, 2009, and turned nineteen
    years old approximately two months later. Pursuant to § 40-4-208(5), MCA, and in the
    absence of a written agreement to continue providing support beyond the age of majority,
    Father’s obligation to provide for the twins under the child support order ceased upon
    their graduation from high school.
    ¶4     After the twins turned eighteen, Mother petitioned the court for appointment as
    each boy’s conservator and guardian. The District Court granted Mother’s petitions on
    March 24, 2009. The court found the twins were “incapacitated persons” in need of
    protection and granted Mother all powers and duties of a guardian of an incapacitated
    person, as described in § 72-5-321, MCA.
    ¶5     On June 4, 2009, Mother filed a petition in the conservatorship actions, requesting
    continued child support from Father once the twins turned nineteen. In its August 5,
    2009 order, the District Court first determined that it could not order child support under
    the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, which defines a “child” as
    “an individual who has not attained 18 years of age.” Section 40-7-103, MCA. The
    court proceeded to consider § 40-6-214, MCA, which it held abrogated the common law
    and provided the court with authority to order a parent to support an adult child who is
    poor and unable to maintain himself, if the parent does not do so. Nevertheless, because
    “[Father] has given no indication that he will not assist in supporting the twins[,]” the
    court concluded the statute did not allow an order imposing such support.
    ¶6     On April 19, 2010, Mother filed a second petition in the conservatorship actions,
    alleging Father had not provided meaningful support for the twins since the court’s
    August 2009 order. Relying again on § 40-6-214, MCA, the District Court found it had
    the authority to order Father to support the twins based on information he was not
    providing for them to the extent of his ability. The court ordered the parties to submit
    financial affidavits. Father appealed, contending the court lacked the statutory authority
    to order support. The two proceedings have been consolidated on appeal.
    ¶7     We review a district court’s conclusions of law for correctness. Emmerson v.
    2010 MT 167
    , ¶ 20, 
    357 Mont. 166
    236 P.3d 598
    ¶8    Whether the District Court had statutory authority to order Father to support his
    incapacitated adult children.
    ¶9     The District Court relied on § 40-6-214, MCA, codified among statutes governing
    the Obligations of Parents, which states, “it is the duty of the father, the mother, and the
    children of any poor person who is unable to provide self-maintenance by work to
    maintain that person to the extent of their ability.” Citing § 40-4-208(5), MCA, which
    concerns child support obligations upon termination of a marriage, Father argues his legal
    obligation to provide child support terminated when the twins graduated from high school
    or, at the latest, on their nineteenth birthday. Father cites previous rulings of this Court
    for the proposition that pursuant to a marital dissolution decree, a parent’s obligation to
    provide child support terminates when the child becomes an adult.           Chrestenson v.
    180 Mont. 96
    , 99, 
    589 P.2d 148
    , 150 (1979); Tefft v. Tefft, 
    192 Mont. 456
    628 P.2d 1094
    , 1097 (1981); Torma v. Torma, 
    198 Mont. 161
    , 164, 
    645 P.2d 395
    397 (1982).
    ¶10    Mother’s petitions, however, were not filed in the parents’ marital dissolution
    proceeding but under the statutes governing a conservator and guardian. The District
    Court declared the twins “incapacitated persons” under § 72-5-101, MCA, meaning each
    suffers from “physical illness or disability . . . to the extent [he] lacks sufficient
    understanding or capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions[.]” Mother was
    appointed, and continues to be, the guardian and conservator of both twins. Her rights
    and duties in this position are outlined in the guardianship and conservatorship statutes,
    which include the right to “institute proceedings to compel any person under a duty to
    support the ward or to pay sums for the welfare of the ward to perform that person’s
    duty.” Section 72-5-321(2)(d)(i), MCA. We held in a prior case that § 40-4-208(5),
    MCA, and Torma did not apply to a mother’s request for support where the mother had
    brought her action under the Uniform Parentage Act, rather than in the context of a
    marriage dissolution.    In re W.L., 
    259 Mont. 187
    , 192, 
    855 P.2d 521
    , 524 (1993).
    Likewise, Mother’s petitions here were not filed in the dissolution proceeding.
    ¶11    Under Montana law, the relationship between parent and child “extends equally to
    every child and to every parent, regardless of the marital status of the parents.” Section
    40-6-103, MCA.        Irrespective of the parents’ prior marriage and its subsequent
    dissolution, the instant petitions are filed directly on behalf of Father’s two adult children,
    not on behalf of their mother. Since the laws governing guardians and conservators grant
    express authority for the guardian to bring an action for support, the operative question is
    whether there is “a duty to support” the twins that may be enforced against Father in the
    conservatorship proceedings.
    ¶12    Mother claims Father’s duty to provide support for the twins arises under § 40-6-
    214, MCA. The statute was enacted in 1895 as part of the Civil Code of Montana, but
    never has been applied by this Court to circumstances similar to those presented here.
    We find instructive the rulings of other jurisdictions that have held similar statutes
    impose a duty to support one’s disabled adult child independent of a child support order
    awarded in a marital dissolution action. Courts in both Oregon and California have
    analyzed in detail the origins of statutes creating a parental duty of support and their
    applicability to an adult disabled child. In re Haxton, 
    705 P.2d 721
    , 730-31 (Or. 1985)
    (citing cases recognizing the duty to support a disabled adult child and permitting
    enforcement of that duty through a direct action by the child); Chun v. Chun, 190 Cal.
    App. 3d 589, 596 (1987) (father owed duty of support to disabled adult child who was a
    “person in need who is unable to maintain herself by work” within the meaning of the
    statute).   In Haxton, the court rejected the father’s argument that modern domestic
    relations statutes prescribed exclusive authority for an award of support, concluding,
    “[n]either the process of collecting the law and procedure of domestic relations into one
    code section [n]or enactment of newer provisions to address the obligation of support in
    specific instances was intended to preclude other remedies that already 
    existed.” 705 P.2d at 729
    ¶13   Other courts have articulated alternative mechanisms by which maintenance for an
    adult disabled child can be enforced outside the purview of a child support order granted
    during marital dissolution. See, e.g., Parrish v. Parrish, 
    361 N.W.2d 366
    , 372 (Mich.
    App. 1984) (support needed for adult disabled child properly considered by trial court in
    fashioning alimony award notwithstanding statute precluding an award of support for
    adult child); Feinberg v. Diamant, 
    389 N.E.2d 998
    , 1000-02 (Mass. 1979) (noting the
    common law rule there is no obligation on the part of parents to support adult children,
    but recognizing a parent may be required to support an adult disabled child not through
    the divorce statutes but under the court’s general equity powers in guardianship
    proceedings); Prosser v. Prosser, 
    157 P.2d 544
    , 545-46 (Kan. 1945), superseded by
    statute as noted in Arche v. United States, 
    798 P.2d 477
    , 486 (Kan. 1990) (upholding
    action to enforce common law duty of support “where a child on becoming of age is in
    such a feeble and dependent condition physically or mentally as to be unable to support
    ¶14   Based on the plain language of § 40-6-214, MCA, and the construction given
    similar statutes in Haxton and Chun, we conclude the statute has clear application to the
    facts of this case. No party disputes the twins are completely dependent on others and
    have insufficient income to be self-maintaining, aside from what benefits they may
    receive from government agencies and their parents. The District Court’s determination
    of the twins’ incapacity for purposes of the guardianship statutes satisfies the statute’s
    predicate that they be unable to provide self-maintenance by work. Applying the “usual
    and ordinary meaning” of the words used, In re M.N., 
    2011 MT 245
    , ¶ 27, 
    362 Mont. 186
    261 P.3d 1047
    , we hold the statute imposes a duty on Father to support the twins “to
    the extent of [his] ability.” Father’s duty runs directly to the twins and is enforceable
    under the guardianship statutes. Section 72-5-321(2)(d)(i), MCA. See Paxton v. Paxton,
    89 P. 1083
    , 1085 (Cal. 1907).
    ¶15    We therefore affirm the District Court’s decision and remand for further
    proceedings to fashion an order of support consistent with the statute’s directive. Section
    40-6-214, MCA, states clearly that parents must support a child “to the extent of their
    ability.” A parent is only obligated to provide such support as he or she can afford.
    Chun, 190 Cal. App. 3d at 597
    . Additionally, the court must formulate a support order
    considering the twins’ other sources of income and means of support. While § 40-6-214,
    MCA, does not specify how a parent’s ability is to be determined, Montana’s Uniform
    Interstate Family Support Act applies in other situations where the support of a child is at
    issue and provides guidance in this situation. Title 40, chapter 5, part 1, MCA. That Act
    defines “child” to include an individual who is “owed a duty of support by the
    individual’s parent,” whether the child is over or under the age of majority. Section 40-5-
    103(1), MCA. The Department of Public Health and Human Services has adopted child
    support guidelines pursuant to § 40-5-209, MCA, for calculating minimum child support
    payments considering the circumstances of the parents and the family. Admin. R. M.
    Title 37, chapter 62.    The court should consult those guidelines in determining an
    appropriate support award in this case.
    ¶16    The order of the District Court is affirmed and remanded with instructions
    consistent with this opinion.
    We concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE