David v. State Compensation Mutual Insurance Fund , 51 State Rptr. 1105 ( 1994 )

  •                               NO.    94-129
    Petitioner and Appellant,
    Respondent and Insurer for,
    APPEAL FROM:      Workers' Compensation Court
    State of Montana
    The Honorable Michael McCarter, Judge presiding.
    For Appellant:
    Patrick R. Sheehy,        Halverson,   Sheehy   & Plath,
    Billings, Montana
    For Respondent:
    Dan Whyte, Legal Counsel, State Compensation Mutual
    Insurance Fund, Helena, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: September 1, 1994
    Decided: November 14, 1994
    Justice       Fred     J.        Weber           delivered       the        Opinion       of        the       Court.
    This     is     an       appeal           from    a     Workers' Compensation                        Court         decision
    in     favor     of        the         State           Fund's     method          of     calculating               benefits          for
    claimant         David.           We        affirm.
    We     consider           the        following           issues          on     appeal:
    I.       Did         the       Workers'           Compensation                Court        err        in        determining
    the     temporary          total           disability           rate       to     be     paid       to       claimant          David?
    II.      Did         the           Workers'             Compensation               Court             properly            deny
    attorney        fees?
    III.     Did         the           Workers'        Compensation                 Court          properly            deny       an
    award     of     a     20%       penalty           pursuant          to     5    39-71-2907,             MCA       (1991)?
    Claimant           Curt        David           (David)           was     hired        by       Mike        McCoy       to     do
    ranch     work       for     a     period          of     one     day          with    compensation            of       $50.00       for
    that     day's        work.            At        the     time    of        this       employment,             David      was        also
    self-employed           as        a         massage        therapist             for     the        YMCA           in    Billings,
    Montana,         and       anticipated                 future        work        on     the        rodeo       circuit          as    a
    rodeo        clown.         David           testified           that       he     had     oral         contracts           to       work
    twelve       rodeos        as      a        rodeo        clown       throughout          the       season.
    During        the       one         day        David        worked        for    Mike           McCoy,         his     horse
    bucked,        forcing          him         to    slam        into       his     saddle       and       breaking           a    fusion
    rod     that     had       been        inserted          in     his       spine       during       a        1986    surgery.         In
    1986,     David       was        thrown           from    his     horse,          fracturing            several          parts        of
    his     spine.         The       injuries              required          the     insertion          of       fusion        rods       in
    the     spine        for     support.              These        rods       we.re       never        removed.
    David        filed            a     workers'            compensation                 claim.                State           Fund
    calculated           DavidUs                compensation             by         interpreting            §      39-71-123,            MCA
    (1991), to mean that a person who is hired to work only one day has
    an     average       weekly         wage        equalling             that       one        day's        wages.           Here,       the
    State     Fund       found         that     David          had        earned          $50     and        that       his       benefits
    would     amount          to       two-thirds           of       that,           or     $33.33           per       week.            David
    received           temporary           total           disability                 benefits               for       a     period        of
    eighteen       weeks       and        four       days.
    As     a     result           of        this        calculation,                 David            appealed             to     the
    Workers'         Compensation                   Court.             The          Workers'            Compensation                    Court
    entered       its        Findings          of     Fact,         Conclusions              of        Law       and        Judgment       on
    March     18,        1994,         concluding                that,          based           upon         5     39-71-123,             MCA
    (1991),        the       State        Fund        properly            determined              David's          temporary            total
    disability         wage        rate       for        his        employment            with         Mike       McCoy.
    From        these          findings            and        conclusions,               David           appeals          to     this
    Did        the     Workers'             Compensation               Court         err        in         determining            the
    temporary        total         disability            rate        to        be     paid        to     claimant            David?
    David        argues         that        the        State       Fund           should        have        calculated            his
    benefits      on     a    total       of        what       he    would          have     earned          had       he    worked       for
    Mike    McCoy       for        a   week,        or     $250.           This       is        because          he        was     employed
    full    time       in     other       jobs       and       the     award          of     $33.33          per       week       does    not
    represent           an     accurate              picture              of        his    wages.                However,               David
    contends       that       his       argument           does       not        mean       that        he       feels        the       State
    Fund     should         have       aggregated          his        actual          wages        from          all       his    jobs.
    The     State          Fund    argues          that       the           Workers'       Compensation                  Court    was
    correct in interpreting the entire statute instead of only one
    subsection of 5 39-71-123, MCA (1991).             The State Fund argues that
    the statute clearly dictates that when a sole proprietor has not
    provided workers' compensation coverage for his business, he cannot
    include money made from the business in the total from which award
    benefits   are   calculated.    The State Fund contends that because
    David had his own massage business he was a sole proprietor.
    Further,   David's alleged contracts with the rodeos were not in
    force yet and could not be included in the award either.
    At    issue    'here is     the       Worker's     Compensation       Court's
    interpretation of 5 39-71-123, MCA (1991).                A conclusion of law
    made by a Workers'     Compensation        Court   is   reviewed   to    determine
    whether the conclusion is correct.            Gibson v. State       Compensation
    Mut. Ins. Fund (1992), 
    255 Mont. 393
    842 P.2d 338
    The court concluded that the State Fund had calculated David's
    award correctly.     That award came to $33.33 based upon the figure
    of $50 that he made while working for Mike McCoy.                  David argues
    that only § 39-71-123(3)(a), MCA (1991),                applies.        State   Fund
    argues that the entire statute must be used to determine the
    benefit rate for David,        including the limitations placed on an
    award by subsection 4(c) of the statute.
    The pertinent statute in its entirety reads:
    Wages defined. (1) "Wages" means the gross remuneration
    paid in money, or in a substitute for money, for services
    rendered by an employee.     Wages include but are not
    limited to:
    (a) commissions, bonuses, and remuneration at the regular
    hourly rate for overtime work, holidays, vacations, and
    sickness periods;
    (b) board, lodging, rent, or housing if it constitutes a
    part of the employee's remuneration and is based on its
    actual value: and
    (c) payments made to an employee on any basis other than
    time worked, including but not limited to piecework, an
    incentive plan, or profit-sharing arrangement.
    (2) Wages do not include:
    (a) employee expense reimbursements or allowances for
    meals, lodging, travel, subsistence, and other expenses,
    as set forth in department rules:
    (b)    special  rewards  for   individual   invention or
    (c) tips and other gratuities received by the employee in
    excess of those documented to the employer for tax
    Cd) contributions made by the employer to a group
    insurance or pension plan; or
    (e) vacation or sick leave benefits accrued but not paid.
    (3) For comoensation benefit purposes, the averaqe actual
    earninqs for the four nay periods immediately nrecedinq
    the iniurv are the employee's waqes, except if:
    (a) the term of employment for the same emplover is less
    than four pay periods, in which case the employee's waqes
    are the hourly rate times the number of hours in a week
    for which the employee was hired to work; or
    (b) for good cause shown by the claimant, the use of the
    four pay periods does not accurately reflect the
    claimant's employment history with the employer, in which
    case the insurer may use additional pay periods.
    (4) (a)    For the purpose of calculating compensation
    benefits for an employee working concurrent employments,
    the average actual wages must be calculated as provided
    in subsection (3).
    (b) The compensation benefits for a covered volunteer
    must be based on the average actual wages in his regular
    employment, except self-employment as a sole proprietor
    or partner who elected not to be covered, from which he
    is disabled by the injury incurred.
    (c) The compensation benefits for an employee workinq at
    two or more concurrent remunerated employments must be
    based on the aqqreqate of average actual wages of all
    emplovments, except self-employment as a sole proprietor
    or partner who elected not to be covered, from which the
    emnlovee is disabled by the injury incurred.
    (5) The compensation benefits and the payroll, for
    premium purposes, for a volunteer firefighter covered
    pursuant to 39-71-118(4) must be based upon a wage of not
    less than $900 a month and not more than 1 and l/2 times
    the average weekly wage as defined in this chapter.
    Section 39-71-123, MCA (1991); relevant parts of this statute have
    been highlighted.
    The    Workers"    Compensation Court relied on both          g 39-71-
    123(3)(a) and § 39-71-123(4)(c), MCA.           According to the court,
    David worked less than four pay periods for McCoy; therefore, the
    court found that the State Fund was correct in using the exact
    number of hours worked and the exact pay received as stated in
    subsections 3(a) and 4(a).       This amounted to eight hours at $6.25
    or $50.00.      The court also looked at the fact that David had other
    employment.      The other employments, however, were not employer-
    employee    situations.
    David was self-employed as a massage therapist: he was not an
    l'employee.'V    Thus, the court found him to be a sole proprietor who
    had elected not to be covered by workers' compensation              insurance
    and pursuant to subsection 4(c) he could, therefore, not include
    any of the money made from this work.           The court further denied
    inclusions of potential amounts provided by future contracts for
    work as a rodeo clown.          The .court determined that the future
    contracts were also obtained by David in a capacity as sole
    The Workers' Compensation Court was correct in considering 5
    39-71-123, MCA (1991) in its entirety; a statute must be read as a
    whole.      Dover Ranch v.   YellOWStOne   COUnty   (1980),   
    187 Mont. 276
    609 P.2d 711
    .           While David chooses only subsection 3,           that
    subsection cannot be interpreted in isolation.            The entire statute
    provides more than the rote "four-previous-pay-periods"             formula   for
    which     David    argues.     The statute anticipates a situation like
    David's by stating that if the work was not equal to four-pay-
    periods for the same employer, then the "actual" hours worked and
    the     "actual" pay obtained must be used.              This is the exact
    calculation used by the State Fund and the Workers' Compensation
    David was hired for one day of work.         He did not work for
    McCoy before this one day nor did he work for him after.                    David
    argues that the State Fund should have projected his weekly salary
    to $250 which is what he would have earned had he worked for McCoy
    for a week.         However,    this total does not resemble at all the
    "actual average wages" received from McCoy.         Section 39-71-123(3),
    MCA (1991).        The "actual" wages were only $50.
    Yet, David cites us to Love11 v. State Compensation Insurance
    (1993) 0 
    260 Mont. 279
    860 P.2d 95
    , for the proposition that his
    method of calculation is appropriate.            David    claims    that Love11
    permits him to project his one day's wages to that of what a full
    week would have been.          David believes that because he was employed
    full-time,        albeit at other work,     he is entitled to make this
    Love11 does not support David'         reasoning.          The   Workers'
    Compensation Court in Love11 determined that g 39-71-123(3)(a),                MCA
    (1987),     precluded aggregation of wages from other sources when
    determining an employee's award benefit.          On appeal, we concluded
    that this was not a correct interpretation of the law.                      We then
    considered the correct interpretation of "wages" and the changes
    made to the workers' compensation law in 1987.
    We concluded that the 1987 changes did not affect the long-
    standing     rule    permitting    aggregation of      concurrent        employment.
    However, we         were   cognizant    that      because of       the     Workers'
    Compensation Court's stance on non-aggregation, the court had not
    considered whether Love11 met the definition of "employee" with
    regard to other work he may have been performing or whether other
    income     constituted     wages    from       concurrent    employment.           We,
    therefore,     remanded the        action back to the court                for    this
    Here, the Workers' Compensation Court did make a determination
    that David was not an "employee" but was a "sole proprietor" who
    had made no workers'        compensation        provisions   for   his    business.
    Such a designation means that the benefit calculations must be made
    without consideration of any money earned from the business.
    David had the burden of proving he was an "employee" in order
    that his other full-time employment could be considered for his
    benefit    award.      Our statutes provide very long and detailed
    definitions of what constitutes an "employee" and an "employer."
    Sections 39-71-117 and 39-71-118, MCA (1991).                An employee is not
    a "sole proprietor."        Section 39-71-118(3)(d), MCA (1991).                 Thus,
    "persons who are truly independent in their operations according to
    the standards established for determining that issue should not be
    held to be employees." St. John's Lutheran v. State Comp. Ins.
    Fund (1992), 
    252 Mont. 516
    , 523, 
    830 P.2d 1271
    , 1276.
    Whether a person is an "employee" is important because both
    subsections    3(a)    and 4(a)   calculate the award benefits         for
    "employees."     However,   subsection 4(c) contains an exclusion for
    sole    proprietors.     Subsection   4(c)     states that when a sole
    proprietor elects not to provide workers' compensation coverage he
    cannot include money derived from his business for the purpose of
    determining his benefit.
    David admits the YMCA merely supplied him with a room in the
    YMCA facility.    The record indicates that the YMCA did not control
    his business as a massage therapist.         The record clearly shows that
    within his role as massage therapist, he was "free from control."
    David independently established his business and ran it himself; he
    was not an employee.        Therefore, we conclude that the State Fund
    had to consider the statutory limitations put on sole proprietors
    by subsection 4(c) of 5 39-71-123, MCA (1991).          Because David has
    not supplied evidence that he paid workers' compensation premiums,
    the exclusions in 4(c) require that any money David received from
    his massage business must not be counted toward his award benefit.
    Without "employee" status for David's alleged full-time work,
    the State Fund and the Workers' Compensation Court had to rely on
    the specific calculations called for in subsection 3(a) and 4(a),
    plus the exclusions found in 4(c).           These calculations call for
    inclusion of "actual"       hours worked per week for "actual" wages
    received.     This total is then multiplied by 66 and 2/3% to get the
    benefit amount for temporary total disability.        Section 39-71-701,
    MCA (1991).    State Fund calculated David's benefits accordingly as
    did the Workers' Compensation Court.
    We hold that the Workers' Compensation Court did not err in
    determining the temporary total disability rate to be paid to
    claimant David.
    Did the Workers'   Compensation   Court   properly   deny   attorney
    The statute governing payment of attorney's fees states:
    [if] the case is brought before the workers' compensation
    judge for adjudication of the controversy, and the award
    granted by the judge is greater than the amount paid or
    offered by the insurer, a reasonable attorney's fee and
    costs . . . may be awarded by the judge in addition to
    the amount of compensation.
    Section 39-71-612(l), MCA (1991).
    Here, the Workers' Compensation Court agreed with the award
    calculated by the State Fund.      Therefore, because the award by the
    court was the same, attorney fees would be inappropriately awarded
    to David.
    We hold that the Workers' Compensation Court properly denied
    attorney fees.
    Did the Workers' Compensation Court properly deny an award of
    a 20% penalty pursuant to § 39-71-2907, MCA (1991)?
    The workers' compensation judge may increase by 20% the
    full amount of benefits due a claimant during the period
    of delay or :refusal to pay . . .
    Section 39-71-2907(l),    MCA (1991).
    The insurer here did not deny the full amount of benefits, but
    calculated   the   benefits   correctly.   Therefore,   there exists no
    basis for a 20% penalty.
    The Workers' Compensation Court properly denied an award of a
    20% penalty pursuant to 5 39-71-2907, MCA (1991).
    We Concur:
    November 14, 1994
    I hereby certify that the following certified order was sent by United States mail, prepaid,
    to the following named:
    Patrick R. Sheehy
    P.O. Box 1817
    Billings, MT 59103-181’7
    Dan Whyte, Legal Counsel
    State Compensation Mutual Insurance Fund
    P.O. Box 4759
    Helena, MT 59604-4759
    BY:    :’

Document Info

Docket Number: 94-129

Citation Numbers: 267 Mont. 435, 51 State Rptr. 1105

Judges: Gray, Harrison, Hunt, Nelson, Trieweiler, Turnage, Weber

Filed Date: 11/14/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/6/2023