Woodard v. Castle Mountain Ranch ( 1981 )

  •                                            NO.    80-92
    F           F OTN
    GORDON RASE, J I M WOODARD e t a l . ,
    P l a i n t i f f s and R e s p o n d e n t s ,
    VS   .
    CASTLE MOUNTAIN RANCH,              INC.,
    D e f e n d a n t s and A p p e l l a n t s .
    Appeal from:         District Court of t h e Third J u d i c i a l D i s t r i c t ,
    I n and f o r t h e County o f P o w e l l .
    H o n o r a b l e P e t e r Meloy, J u d g e p r e s i d i n g .
    C o u n s e l o f Record:
    For Appellants:
    Gough, Shanahan, J o h n s o n & Waterman, H e l e n a , Montana
    Ward Shanahan a r g u e d , H e l e n a , Montana
    For Respondents:
    P o o r e , Roth, Robischon and R o b i n s o n , B u t t e , Montana
    James P o o r e a r g u e d a n d Urban Roth a r g u e d , B u t t e ,
    Submitted:           March 2 6 ,       1981
    Decided:        JUL 2    -
    Filed :   JUL 2   - 1981
    1                    -
    Mr. Justice John C. Sheehy delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    Both sides appeal from a judgment entered by the Third
    Judicial District Court, Powell County, imposing a constructive
    trust for more than 40 cabin sites at Rock Creek Lake in
    Powell County, on real property now owned by Castle Mountain
    Ranch, Inc., successor to Ward Paper Box Company (Ward).
    The cabin sites which surround Rock Creek Lake about 15
    or 20 miles from Deer Lodge, Montana, were owned until 1972
    by Rock Creek Irrigation, Inc., a subsidiary of Williams and
    Tavenner, Inc. (Tavenner), which operated the surrounding
    ranch.   In 1972, Tavenner sold the ranch, including the
    lakeshore property, to Ward Paper Box Co.   The ranch has
    since been transferred to Castle Mountain Ranch, Inc.    Louis
    Ward is the principal shareholder or owner in both corporations
    and was the primary actor in the purchase of the ranch, including
    the cabin sites around Rock Creek Lake.
    The respondents and cross-appellants here (plaintiffs
    in the District Court) are owners of summer homes and cabins
    around the lake.   They and their predecessors, acting individually,
    at various times since 1922, built and improved summer
    homes, some quite substantial, on the Rock Creek Lake front,
    on real property owned by Tavenner, and with the consent and
    permission of Tavenner.   The issue for us to decide, as in
    the District Court, is the nature and extent of any agreement
    between the cabin owners and Tavenner, individually or
    collectively, express or implied, for termination of the
    The cabins were built around the lake over a course of
    many years, by friends, neighbors and employees of the ranch
    owners, with their consent and possibly with their implied
    invitation.     These were permanent structures, sometimes
    built with timber from the ranch and sometimes with the
    assistance of the ranch owners.    The ranch owners owned one
    of the cabins.     Reasons given for the ranch owners extending
    permission include the wish for companionship at the ranch,
    the help of the cabin owners in protecting the ranch properties,
    their availability for fire lookout and fire fighting, and
    their help in maintaining the roads, as well as their friendship
    and society.
    For at least 50 years, relations between the cabin
    owners and the ranch owners were amicable.    The cabins were
    inherited, bought and sold without interference from the
    ranch owners.    Cabins were expanded and renovated, and the
    ranch owners were advised of sales or inheritance of the
    cabins, sometimes after the fact.    Through the years, the
    cabins were modernized, expanded and improved.    The ranch
    owners were aware of the continuing maintenance of the
    summer homes.    County records, at the time of trial, indicated
    that the summer cabins had an assessed value of $300,000.
    The ranch owners did insist on permanent structures to be
    located on the cabin sites; no trailers or movable homes
    were permitted.
    On some occasions, various cabin owners attempted to
    purchase the underlying cabin sites, but the ranch owners
    advised that the lake provided water for the ranch, and the
    ranch owners wanted to maintain control over the lake itself.
    The use of the lake for irrigation did not interfere with
    the owners' use of their cabins.
    In the very earliest years, no documents were entered
    into between the ranch owners and cabin owners.    After some
    period of time, some of the cabin owners entered into lease
    agreements with the ranch owners, but these agreements
    expired by their own terms.     Starting in 1963, however, the
    cabin owners signed documents that were entitled 'license
    agreements." These documents had been drafted by the lawyer
    for the ranch owners.   All of the license agreements had the
    same general provisions, and essentially provided as
    1. A license from Rock Creek Irrigation, Inc.
    to the cabin owner for the use of the cabin site
    together with right of access thereto.
    2.   A term for the license, solely for a
    summer camp or cabin site, beginning January
    1, 1963 and ending on termination.
    3. A fee for $6.00 per year payable
    in advance or 50 cents per month for any part
    of a year on or before January 1 of each year.
    4. A provision for the erection of structures
    on the cabin site by the licensee, to be approved
    in advance by the licensor, and providing that
    such structures should be removed by the licensee
    at termination, or the structures became the
    property of the licensor.
    5. A provision making the licensee liable for
    damages to the crops, timber, fences and improve-
    ments of the licensor.
    6.     A save harmless provision for the licensor.
    7. A termination provision which is the heart
    of this lawsuit and which provided:
    "Either party may terminate this agreement at
    any time, without regard to payment periods,
    by written notice to the other specifying the
    date of termination, which notice shall be
    given not less than thirty (30) days prior to
    the termination date therein specified .   .".
    8. A provision that the relationship of
    landlord and tenant was not created between
    the parties, and that the license is personal
    to the licensee and not transferable to
    administrators, executors, successors or assigns
    of the licensee.
    9. A provision for written notice by
    certified mail.
    Tavenner did not ever serve a notice of termination
    upon any of the cabin owners.    In the years from 1963 to
    1972, t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e l i c e n s e agreement w e r e b r e a c h e d
    i n many r e s p e c t s by v a r i o u s owners, w i t h o u t o b j e c t i o n from
    Rock Creek I r r i g a t i o n , I n c .         Particularly, the cabins w e r e
    bought and s o l d o r t r a n s f e r r e d by i n h e r i t a n c e w i t h o u t
    o b j e c t i o n from t h e l i c e n s o r .
    R o b e r t Tavenner t e s t i f i e d , however, t h a t t h e r e a s o n
    t h e r e w e r e no t e r m i n a t i o n s w a s "we had no t h o u g h t o f s e l l i n g
    t h e ranch."        H e f u r t h e r s a i d t h e y had no r e a s o n t o t e r m i n a t e
    t h e p e r m i s s i o n s , b u t "we wanted t o be i n a p o s i t i o n t o
    t e r m i n a t e i f w e had t o . "
    I t was p r o b a b l y assumed by a l l p a r t i e s t h a t t h e ownership
    of t h e r a n c h p r o p e r t y would remain unchanged t h r o u g h t h e
    years.        However, i n 1969, on t h e d e a t h o f one of t h e r a n c h
    owners, t h e p o s i t i o n of t h e r a n c h owners changed, and t h e
    r a n c h p r o p e r t y became a v a i l a b l e f o r s a l e .     I n 1972, Ward
    Paper Box Company e n t e r e d t h e p i c t u r e i n t h e p e r s o n of L o u i s
    Ward, i t s c h i e f o f f i c e r .      H e v i s i t e d t h e ranch i n t h e s p r i n g
    o r e a r l y summer of 1972, and on J u l y 2 1 , 1972, h i s company
    (Ward) e n t e r e d i n t o a c o n t r a c t t o p u r c h a s e t h e ranch i n c l u d i n g
    t h e l a n d s u r r o u n d i n g Rock Creek Lake.            The c o n t r a c t p r o v i d e d
    f o r a c l o s i n g d a t e of December 1, 1972.                   Attached t o t h e
    c o n t r a c t f o r s a l e w a s a s c h e d u l e of t h e l i c e n s e agreements
    which i n c l u d e d t h e n o t a t i o n " c o n s e n t of l i c e n s e e s t o a s s i g n m e n t
    not required."
    R o b e r t Tavenner, one of t h e r a n c h owners, t e s t i f i e d
    t h a t near t h e end of t h e n e g o t i a t i o n s , L o u i s Ward r e q u e s t e d
    t h a t Tavenner t e r m i n a t e t h e c a b i n owners.             Tavenner r e f u s e d .
    He testified:
    "Q.     Now a s a m a t t e r of f a c t i f t h a t had been
    made    a c o n d i t i o n of t h e s a l e you w o u l d n ' t have
    gone    t h r o u g h w i t h t h e s a l e ? A. W e wouldn't
    have    gone t h r o u g h , w e t o l d him t h a t .    I f t h a t had
    been    we w o u l d n ' t have gone t h r o u g h .
    "Q. So, basically he took the sale and lake as
    it was, isn't that right? A. After I told
    him that we had a family conference, he said
    let me have a little time to think about it.
    And a day or two went by and he said he would
    take the ranch as planned, the cabins and all."
    On October 13, 1972, counsel for Ward mailed a letter
    to all cabin owners advising that the impending transfer of
    ranch property would be consummated on December 1, 1972, and
    which letter     included the following paragraph:
    "We are writing on behalf of Ward Paper Box
    Company to advise you of this impending transfer
    and also to advise you that the purchaser has
    examined your license agreement and will construe
    it according to its literal terms. There have
    been no oral representations made to anyone with
    respect to the purchasers' intentions as to this
    property. You should therefore not assume that
    you have any rights or privileges other than
    those arising from your license agreement."
    The transfer of the ranch property occurred according
    to schedule and on July 11, 1973, the new owners sent each
    of the cabin owners a notice of termination of their licenses.
    On December 20, 1973, the cabin owners filed their action in
    the District Court for interlocutory and permanent injunctive
    relief, and to quiet the title in their cabins and establish
    permanent easements thereto.     The litigation limped along
    through various motions, hearings, discovery and briefing
    schedules until November 13, 1979, when the District Court
    entered its findings of fact, opinion, conclusions of law
    jvdgrnent and decree.       After post-trial motions by both
    parties, the court issued its final order of January 15,
    1980.    Timely notice of appeal was filed by Ward, and the
    cabin owners thereafter cross-appealed.
    Ward raises essentially the following issues:
    1.   The District Court erred in specified findings of
    fact made, and in refusing offered findings from Ward.
    2.    The e v i d e n c e d o e s n o t s u p p o r t t h e D i s t r i c t C o u r t ' s
    3.    The D i s t r i c t C o u r t d e c r e e v i o l a t e s t h e s t a t u t e of
    f r a u d s and t h e p a r 0 1 e v i d e n c e r u l e , and d i s r e g a r d s w a i v e r
    by t h e c a b i n owners i n s i g n i n g t h e l i c e n s e         agreements.
    4.    Ward w a s a bona f i d e p u r c h a s e r w i t h o u t n o t i c e .
    5.    The c o u r t e r r e d i n imposing an e q u i t a b l e l i e n on
    t h e Ward p r o p e r t i e s .
    These a r e p r o c e e d i n g s o f an e q u i t a b l e n a t u r e .     Under
    s e c t i o n 3-2-204(5),          MCA, o u r d u t y i s t o r e v i e w a l l q u e s t i o n s
    of f a c t a r i s i n g upon t h e e v i d e n c e p r e s e n t e d i n t h e r e c o r d ,
    w h e t h e r p r e s e n t e d by s p e c i f i c a t i o n s of e r r o r o r n o t and t o
    d e t e r m i n e t h e same as w e l l a s q u e s t i o n s of law.           Rule 5 2 ( a ) ,
    M.R.Civ.P.,        r e q u i r e s f i n d i n g s of f a c t made by t h e D i s t r i c t Court
    t o be upheld u n l e s s t h e y a r e c l e a r l y e r r o n e o u s .       Rule 5 2 ( a ) ,
    d o e s n o t make any d i s t i n c t i o n between c a u s e s o f a n e q u i t a b l e
    n a t u r e and c a s e s a t l a w , as f a r a s t h e a p p e l l a t e r e v i e w o f
    t h e D i s t r i c t C o u r t f i n d i n g s of f a c t i s concerned.           W e have
    s t a t e d i n o t h e r cases t h a t i n a p p e a l s o f e q u i t y c a u s e s , w e w i l l
    r e v i e w b o t h q u e s t i o n s o f l a w and q u e s t i o n s of f a c t , b u t w e w i l l
    n o t r e v e r s e t h e t r i a l c o u r t i n a n e q u i t y case on q u e s t i o n s of
    f a c t u n l e s s t h e r e i s a d e c i d e d preponderance o f t h e e v i d e n c e
    against t h e findings of the t r i a l court.                       Boz-Lew B u i l d e r s v.
    Smith ( 1 9 7 7 ) , 
    174 Mont. 448
    , 452, 
    571 P.2d 389
    , 391; B a r r e t t
    v.   Zenosek ( 1 9 5 7 ) , 
    132 Mont. 229
    315 P.2d 1001
    .                           However b r o a d
    t h o s e s t a t e m e n t s may a p p e a r , t h e y s h o u l d n o t be t a k e n t o mean
    t h a t t h i s Court w i l l dodge t h e s t a t u t o r y d u t y f a s t e n e d on i t
    t o make an i n d e p e n d e n t r e v i e w o f q u e s t i o n s of f a c t i n e q u i t y
    cases.       W e cannot s h i r k t h e s t a t u t o r y duty.           Rather, t h e state-
    ments s h o u l d be t a k e n t o mean t h a t i n equity c a s e s , where t h e
    i s s u e s a r e c l o s e , as t h e y a r e h e r e , a d e g r e e o f d e f e r e n c e w i l l
    be accorded the findings of the trial court since it is in
    a better position to make decisions of fact.   Such statements
    are merely a reflection of the long-standing reluctance of
    appellate tribunals merely to substitute their judgment for
    that of the trial court in close issues of fact.
    The findings of fact of the District Court to which
    Ward objects are the essential findings upon which the
    decision of the District Court is based.   In essence, those
    findings include:   that Tavenner did not intend to cancel the
    cabin site arrangements while it owned the ranch; that although
    there were no express assurances, Robert Tavenner allowed
    cabin improvements, assuring the cabin owners from time to time
    that the license agreements were a "formality" and there was
    to be no change in the way the cabins were held by the cabin
    owners; that while the Tavenner corporation was involved in
    selling the ranch, it permitted Martin Olsen and James Biodgett
    to purchase homes from previous owners without informing the
    new purchasers of the impending sale, nerely submitting the
    usual license agreement to the new owners for execution; that
    by allowing the cabin owners to make improvements and to assume
    a long-term occupancy, Tavenner misled the cabin owners into
    believing they did not have to fear the loss of their investment
    and so allowed them to act to their detriment; that Louis Ward
    was advised Tavenner would not sell the ranch if Ward insisted
    on the cancellation of the license agreements; that Ward agreed
    to take the property although he knew, or through the reasonable
    exercise of inquiry, should have known, that the cabin owners
    hoped for a long-term occupancy and had made substantial
    improvements based upon the implied assurances of Tavenner; and,
    that such conduct amounted to constructive fraud against the
    cabin owners.
    To be sure, there were no express assurances from
    Tavenner that the cabin owners had any right of possession
    of the real property beyond the permission stated in the license
    agreements.   It is equally clear that Tavenner engaged in a
    course of conduct, as we have set forth in our statement of the
    facts, that gave the cabin owners an implied assurance of a
    somewhat permanent tenure sufficient that they made substantial
    investments in erecting ahd maintaining the cabins openly
    recognized by Tavenner.   From our review of the record, it
    is abundantly clear to us that while Tavenner, through the
    license agreements, wanted to be in position to terminate
    the permission for any cabin owner it might find undesirable,
    it was never the intention of Tavenner, in procuring the
    agreements or in permitting the improvements, to use the
    license agreements for a wholesale termination of every cabin
    owner's permission in one clatter.   In fact, Tavenner refused
    to do just that.   We determine from the record that it was the
    intention of Tavenner to have a degree of control over who
    possessed the cabins, though it never exercised that control;
    that it wanted to be in a position, if it felt the need, to
    terminate any undesirable possessors of the cabins; and perhaps
    that the execution of the license agreements and the requirement
    of a nominal sum per year eliminated any potential future claim
    of adverse possession or prescriptive right.
    We therefore conclude, though from a slightly different
    viewpoint, that the findings of the District Court are
    Ward particularly objects to the finding that it was
    not a bona fide purchaser.   Ward contends that it relied on
    the language of the license agreements, that it had its
    counsel write the October 13, 1972 letter to the cabin owners,
    and that the contract for deed with Tavenner included the
    statement that the consent of the licensees was not necessary
    to the execution of the contract for deed.    The cabin owners
    point to the fact that Ward made no inquiry of the cabin
    owners with respect to their rights, and that the physical
    examination of the premises by Ward showed possession of the
    lake property by persons other than the record holder in the
    form of substantial permanent improvements, which put Ward
    on notice of something more than a 30-day terminable interest
    in the possession of the lands.
    In Yost Farm Company v. Cremer (1968), 
    152 Mont. 200
    447 P.2d 688
    , 693, we held that a purchaser of lands
    with actual knowledge of an intervening contract for purchase
    from the same owner was not an innocent purchaser without
    notice, and was subject to the prior contract holder's
    rights.   It is generally conceded that when someone purchases
    land under circumstances which suggest outstanding equities
    in third parties, there is imposed on the purchaser a duty
    to make a reasonable investigation as to the existence of
    outstanding claims against the property, and one who fails
    to use due diligence to ascertain the facts within his reach
    is not an innocent purchaser.     Berge v. Fredericks (1979), 
    95 Nev. 183
    591 P.2d 246
    ; Modrok v Marshall (Alaska 19741,
    523 P.2d 172
    ; MacEwen v. Peterson (1967), 102 ~ r i z .209,
    427 P.2d 527
    .   When there appears possession of land by persons
    other than the record holder, which possession is inconsistent
    with the record title, there is a duty of inquiry imposed
    upon a purchaser of that land.    See, Valley National Bank of
    Ariz. v. Avco Develop. Co. (1971), 14 Ariz.App. 56, 
    480 P.2d 671
    Applying those rules here, Ward is not an innocent
    purchaser.   The letter of October 13, 1972 did not fulfill
    the reasonable diligence that was imposed upon Ward to make
    further inquiry.
    We therefore determine from a review of the evidence
    presented in the record, that the District Court findings are
    supported by the evidence and that Ward is not entitled to
    the status of an innocent purchaser without notice.
    In its conclusions of law, the District Court determined
    that the cabin owners had no right, title or interest in the
    lake property under the doctrine of adverse possession or
    prescriptive right, and their occupancy was based on permission
    from Ward's predecessors in interest.   The District Court
    further concluded that the conduct of the predecessor land-
    owners created a constructive trust in the improvements
    placed on the property by the cabin owners and that the
    trust was imposed upon Ward, as the landowners' successor in
    interest, as an equitable lien on the property in favor of
    the cabin owners. The court determined, as an exercise of
    equity, that the equitable lien could be satisfied by a
    continued use by the cabin owners for a reasonable period of
    time or by compensation and money for the value of the
    structures from Ward.
    The evidence supports these conclusions sitting in
    equity, and we find the District Court properly so concluded.
    In its judgment and decree, the District Court provided that
    in lieu of cash payment from Ward, the cabin owners may
    continue to occupy their particular cabin sites with the
    right of ingress and egress until December 31, 1987, at
    which time the licenses to occupy should terminate and if
    the improvements were not removed as set forth in the license
    agreements, the improvements should become the property of
    Ward without payment. Additionally, the District Court
    provided that the cabin owners had the option (to be exercised
    by them before May 1, 1980), to receive payment from Ward
    for the cabin structuresand fixtures.   If any cabin owner
    and Ward could not agree on the purchase price, the court
    would reserve jurisdiction to hear evidence and to make a
    determination as to the amount Ward should pay for the
    Ward contends that the judgment and decree violates the
    statute of frauds, the parol evidence rule, and disregards
    waiver by the cabin owners in signing the license agreements.
    The statute of frauds, section 70-20-101, MCA, provides
    in essence that no estate or interest in real property can
    be created except by an instrument in writing.
    The parol evidence rule is found in two statutes,
    sections 28-2-904, and 28-2-905, MCA, which provide in
    essence that the written agreement supersedes the oral
    negotiations or stipulations and that when the agreement is
    reduced to writing, it is to be considered as containing all
    the terms between the parties.
    The written agreements relied upon by Ward are the
    purchase contract of July 21, 1972, the warranty deed from
    the seller to Ward, dated September 25, 1972, the further
    warranty deed, dated December 1, 1972, and a relevant commitment
    for title insurance, dated December 1, 1972.   Attached to
    the contract for purchase was a schedule of the license
    agreements with the cabin owners, and,of course, the notation
    thereon, "consent of licensees to assignment not required."
    There is an exception to the parol evidence rule when
    the validity of the agreement is the fact in dispute (section
    28-2-905(1)(b), MCA).    Here the validity of the terms of the
    license agreements is the fact in dispute.     When the validity
    of the agreement is a fact in dispute, par01 evidence is
    admissible, not to vary the terms of the instrument, but to
    show that what appears on its face as a valid, binding
    contract is in fact no such thing.     Smith v. Fergus County
    98 Mont. 377
    , 390, 
    39 P.2d 193
    As to the statute of frauds set forth in section 70-20-
    101, MCA, the next following statute, section 70-20-102,
    MCA, provides an exception to the statute of frauds for "any
    trust   . . . arising or being   extinguished by implication or
    operation of law."    This exception, of course, applies to a
    constructive trust.
    Ward's contention on the waiver argument is again based
    on a 30-day clause in the license agreements, and the probable
    existence of a similar clause in the earlier lease agreements.
    The waiver argument is another way of saying that the provisions
    of the license agreements control absolutely, and thus is
    another string to Ward's bow in contending that the court
    should not look outside the license agreements to determine
    the intention of the parties.     Waiver is a voluntary relinquishment
    of a known right (Kelly v. Lovejoy (1977), 
    172 Mont. 516
    565 P.2d 3
     1 and since the District Court concluded that the
    license agreements were not executed with the intention that
    the cabin owners abandoned their permissive rights in favor
    of a 30-day cancellation, a finding of waiver in the execution
    of the license agreements would be inconsistent with the
    court's conclusion that the license agreements did not
    reflect the true intention of the parties at the time.
    The final issue raised by Ward is whether the court
    erred in imposing an equitable lien on the ranch owners
    properties.        Since this involves to some extent the cross-
    appeal, we will discuss these matters at the same time.
    Following the judgment, the cabin owners moved the
    District Court to amend the judgment to provide for a possession
    of 50 years instead of the 13 years granted in the court's
    decree.    The 50 years is contended to be the life expectancy
    of the cabins built on the lake properties.
    The cabin owners raise other grounds on cross-appeal,
    but these are not argued.
    Ward's contention that the District Court went beyond
    its power in establishing its decree for an equitable lien
    for a term of years, and the cabin owners contention that
    the term should be for 50 years, go to the power of the
    District Court in an equity case to fashion an equitable
    result.    A court sitting in equity causes is empowered to
    determine the questions involved in the case and to do
    complete justice.         x
    Ha mes v City of Polson (1950), 123
    4-4 .
    Mont. 469, 477, 
    215 P.2d 950
    , 955. The court has all of the
    power requisite to render justice between the parties,
    particularly if the intent and disposition of one of the
    parties is not to perform his contractual obligations. Link
    v. State By    &   Through Dept. of Fish   &   Game (1979),
    Mont.        , 
    591 P.2d 214
    , 222, 36 St.Rep. 355, 365.         The
    court obviously framed its judgment and decree in this case
    so as to give the cabin owners an option to receive, from
    Ward, the value of the cabin improvements, or to enjoy their
    lakeside cabins for a term of years considerably shorter
    than the useful life of the cabins.            Under either option,
    Ward will not be unjustly enriched, and recognition is given
    by the District Court to the long-term intentions of Tavenner
    and the cabin owners.         Both parties won something from the
    District Court:   the cabin owners, a recognition of their
    long-term rights and the value of their cabin improvements;
    and Ward, a method of obtaining eventually an unimpeded
    title to the lakeshore property.   We find the result is
    The judgment of the District Court granted the cabin
    owners a period of six months from the date of judgment in
    which to notify Ward in writing that the cabin owners were
    exercising their option to receive payment for the cabin
    structures and fixtures.   The prosecution of this appeal has
    taken the case beyond the date fixed by the District Court
    for the exercise of such option.   We therefore modify the
    judgment and decree and grant the cabin owners a period of
    six months from and after the date remittitur is handed down
    from this Court to the District Court, in which the cabin
    owners shall have the option to be exercised by written notice
    to the defendant Ward, to receive payment for the cabin
    structures and fixtures.   Except as so modified, we deny the
    cross-appeal, and affirm the judgment and decree of the
    District Court, and remand the cause to the ~istrictCourt
    for further proceedings therein in accordance with its
    judgment and decree.
    Justice         a/'
    We Concur:
    Mr.   J u s t i c e D a n i e l J. Shea s p e c i a l l y c o n c u r r i n g :
    I concur i n t h e o p i n i o n o f t h e C o u r t , w i t h t h e
    e x c e p t i o n t h a t I would p e r m i t t h e p l a i n t i f f s t o u s e t h e
    p r o p e r t y f o r a s u b s t a n t i a l l y l o n g e r t i m e t h a n u n t i l December
    31, 1987.
    The o n l y e v i d e n c e i n t h e r e c o r d on t h e l e n g t h of t i m e
    t h e p l a i n t i f f s s h o u l d b e p e r m i t t e d t o s t a y on t h e p r e m i s e s ,
    was p r e s e n t e d by t h e p l a i n t i f f s , and t h e e v i d e n c e p r e s e n t e d
    was 50 y e a r s .      A f t e r t h e t r i a l c o u r t made i t s d e c i s i o n ,
    p l a i n t i f f s moved t h e t r i a l c o u r t t o amend i t s f i n d i n g s and
    c o n c l u s i o n s t o p e r m i t t h e 50 y e a r s , b u t t h e t r i a l c o u r t
    r e f u s e d t o s o amend t h e f i n d i n g s and c o n c l u s i o n s .
    I do n o t s a y t h a t 50 y e a r s must be t h e f i g u r e , b u t
    t h e r e i s no e v i d e n c e i n t h e r e c o r d f o r t h e t r i a l c o u r t ' s
    d e c i s i o n t o p e r m i t t h e p l a i n t i f f s t o s t a y on t h e l a n d u n t i l
    o n l y December 31, 1987.               I do n o t , however, deem i t p r o p e r
    f o r a n a p p e l l a t e c o u r t t o s e t t h e number o f y e a r s ; t h a t i s
    t h e f u n c t i o n of t h e t r i a l c o u r t .
    I would a f f i r m t h e t r i a l c o u r t i n a l l r e s p e c t s e x c e p t
    t h a t I would remand f o r a d e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e number of
    y e a r s t h e p l a i n t i f f s s h o u l d be p e r m i t t e d t o s t a y on t h e l a n d ,
    b a s e d on t h e e v i d e n c e i n t h e r e c o r d .     That e v i d e n c e s u p p o r t s
    a d e c i s i o n f a r beyond December 31, 1987.
    T h i s c a s e i s a prime example o f what C o r p o r a t e America
    t h r o u g h i t s a c t i v i t i e s i n t h e S t a t e of Montana i s d o i n g t o
    the citizens.            I t d e m o n s t r a t e s t h e d i f f e r e n c e between ownership
    o f l a n d owned by r e s i d e n t s of Montana and ownership o f l a n d
    owned by o u t s i d e c o r p o r a t i o n s who u s e t h i s s t a t e a s an
    economic playground.
    I concur w i t h t h e f o r e g o i n g .