State v. D. McDonough ( 2022 )

  •                                                                                                06/28/2022
    DA 20-0268
    Case Number: DA 20-0268
    2022 MT 123N
    Plaintiff and Appellee,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the Nineteenth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Lincoln, Cause No. DC 17-126
    Honorable Matthew J. Cuffe, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Chad Wright, Appellate Defender, Haley Connell Jackson, Assistant
    Appellate Defender, Helena, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Austin Knudsen, Montana Attorney General, Mardell Ployhar, Assistant
    Attorney General, Helena, Montana
    Marcia Boris, Lincoln County Attorney, Libby, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: January 19, 2022
    Decided: June 28, 2022
    c ir-641.—if
    Justice Dirk Sandefur delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(c), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating
    Rules, we decide this case by memorandum opinion. It shall not be cited and does not
    serve as precedent. The case title, cause number, and disposition will be included in our
    quarterly list of noncitable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana Reports.
    ¶2     Desirae Ellen McDonough (McDonough) appeals the imposition of restitution in
    the amount of $92,189.50 in her March 2020 judgment of conviction in the Montana
    Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Lincoln County, on the offense of elder exploitation, a
    felony in violation of § 45-6-333, MCA (2015). We affirm.
    ¶3     On October 17, 2017, the State charged McDonough with elder exploitation and
    two counts of witness tampering, a felony in violation of § 45-7-206, MCA, all allegedly
    committed in April 2015 through August 2017. In support of the elder exploitation charge,
    the State’s Information alleged that McDonough:
    purposely or knowingly obtained[,] used[,] or attempted to obtain or use an
    older person’s funds with the intent to temporarily or permanently deprive
    the [] person of the use, benefit, or possession of the funds to benefit someone
    other than [that] person and [while] in a position of trust or confidence with
    the [77 year-old subject,] . . . obtained multiple loans from [him] under false
    pretenses . . . [with] no intention of repaying [them].[1]
    Section 45-6-333, MCA (2015), was not in effect until October 1, 2015. Elder exploitation as
    defined by § 52-3-803(3), MCA (2013), was thus the essential equivalent of the charged offense
    as applied to McDonough’s charged conduct. Based on the substantive equivalency of § 45-6-333,
    MCA (2015) to § 52-3-803(3), MCA (2013), as applied to the facts at issue, McDonough concedes
    that the technical discrepancy in the charged offense does not affect her narrow assertion of error
    on appeal.
    ¶4     At a pretrial hearing on a motion to dismiss for lack of probable cause, the alleged
    victim (French) testified that, after earlier introducing himself to McDonough in response
    to her brokerage business office sign, the two reached an agreement under which
    McDonough would refer qualified individuals to French for personal loans on specified
    terms. Starting in 2010, however, McDonough herself began borrowing money from
    French. He testified that, in April of 2015, at her suggestion, they agreed to consolidate
    her prior loans, and McDonough and her partner then executed a secured promissory note
    on the combined sum of $70,826.50, at 12% interest. French testified that, based on
    McDonough’s representations of personal emergencies, he thereafter made several more
    loans to her, some of which were unsecured and interest free, in the total principal amount
    of $18,600. He testified that McDonough made payments totaling $3,700 in 2015 and
    2016, but stopped making payments after October 2016.
    ¶5     French testified that, after McDonough discovered that her partner gave French four
    bad checks totaling $10,000 on a closed or insufficient bank account and was being
    prosecuted for writing bad checks, she threatened that French would be federally
    prosecuted if he did not tell law enforcement that he had received $10,000 in payment on
    her loans. He testified that she also later threatened him with litigation if he disclosed any
    information to law enforcement about their financial dealings.
    ¶6     Pursuant to a plea agreement, McDonough ultimately pled “no contest” to elder
    exploitation in return for dismissal of the witness tampering charges, and the State’s joint
    sentencing recommendation for a deferred six-year sentence, with restitution to be
    determined upon hearing. As the admitted basis for the charge, McDonough asserted at
    the change of plea hearing that a no contest plea was in her best interests and thus admitted
    that, between “April 2015 to August 2017,” she “nearly obtained or attempted to obtain []
    French’s money with the intent to temporarily or permanently deprive him of that money.”
    At the restitution hearing, based on French’s affidavit of pecuniary loss as included in the
    presentence investigation report, the State sought restitution in the total amount of
    $92,189.50, including $70,826.50 in outstanding loan debt consolidated under the April
    2015 note, $18,600 in subsequent loan debt, less approximately $3,700 in payments made,
    plus approximately $6,300 in related attorney fees/costs. While she disputed the tabulation
    of outstanding loan debt based on amounts of prior payments made and the amount of
    restitution imposed on her partner upon conviction for writing bad checks, McDonough
    did not dispute the initial loan debt consolidated in the April 2015 note ($70,826.50) or the
    total initial amounts of the subsequent loans ($18,600). On sentencing, the District Court
    imposed a six-year deferred sentence pursuant to the plea agreement and ordered
    McDonough to pay $92,189.50 in restitution.
    ¶7     On appeal, McDonough asserts that the District Court erroneously determined that
    her outstanding loan debt to French included $70,826.50. She essentially asserts that the
    calculation erroneously failed to account for the limited terms of the subsequent April 2015
    promissory note which reflected and consolidated her prior loan disbursements from
    French. She ultimately asserts that the State presented insufficient evidence to prove that,
    in the timeframe specified in the charging documents, she caused French to incur actual
    pecuniary loss in the amount claimed. See §§ 46-18-201(5), -241(1), -243(2)(a)(i)(A),
    MCA (sentencing court shall “require payment of full restitution to” a “victim” in the
    amount of “loss” suffered “as a result of . . . the commission of an offense”); State v. Cole,
    2020 MT 259
    , ¶¶ 4-8 and 16, 
    401 Mont. 502
    474 P.3d 323
     (reversing imposed restitution
    for costs of methamphetamine use remediation of entire apartment due to lack of proof of
    causation where the subject criminal conduct was limited to possession of residue and glass
    pipe discovered in one room of the apartment); State v. Simpson, 
    2014 MT 175
    , ¶¶ 20-24
    and 29, 
    375 Mont. 393
    328 P.3d 1144
     (reversing imposed restitution for two
    stolen/damaged boats not included in the list of charged items the defendant admitted to
    stealing); State v. Breeding, 
    2008 MT 162
    , ¶¶ 18-19, 
    343 Mont. 323
    343 P.3d 313
    (reversing imposed restitution for claimed vehicle damage that occurred before the
    admitted acts constituting the charged theft due to lack of proof of causation); In re B.W.,
    2014 MT 27
    , ¶¶ 23-31, 
    373 Mont. 409
    318 P.3d 682
     (reversing imposed restitution due to
    lack of proof of causation to extent based on vandalism committed by third-parties on days
    other than those on which defendant’s vandalism occurred); State v. Hatfield, 
    256 Mont. 340
    , 346, 
    846 P.2d 1025
    , 1029 (1993) (“court has no power to impose a sentence in the
    absence of specific statutory authority”).
    ¶8     Issues not preserved by contemporaneous objection are generally waived and thus
    not subject to review on direct appeal. Section 46-20-104(2), MCA; State v. Thibeault,
    2021 MT 162
    , ¶ 9, 
    404 Mont. 476
    490 P.3d 105
     (citing State v. Parkhill, 
    2018 MT 69
    ¶ 16, 
    391 Mont. 114
    414 P.3d 1244
    ; State v. Ashby, 
    2008 MT 83
    , ¶ 22, 
    342 Mont. 187
    179 P.3d 1164
    ; and State v. Kotwicki, 
    2007 MT 17
    , ¶¶ 8 and 22, 
    335 Mont. 344
    151 P.3d 892
    ). As a narrow sentence-specific exception to the general rule, “unpreserved assertions
    of error that a particular sentence or sentencing condition was either facially illegal (i.e., of
    a type or character not authorized by statute or otherwise in excess of the statutorily
    authorized range or limit for that type of sentence or condition), or facially legal but
    authorized by a facially unconstitutional statute, are subject to review for the first time on
    appeal.” Thibeault, ¶ 9 (citing State v. Coleman, 
    2018 MT 290
    , ¶¶ 7-11, 
    393 Mont. 375
    431 P.3d 26
    ; Parkhill, ¶ 16; State v. Strong, 
    2009 MT 65
    , ¶¶ 7-16, 
    349 Mont. 417
    203 P.3d 848
    ; Kotwicki, ¶¶ 6-22; State v. Garrymore, 
    2006 MT 245
    , ¶¶ 9-15, 17, and 35, 
    334 Mont. 1
    145 P.3d 946
    ; State v. Lenihan, 
    184 Mont. 338
    , 342-43, 
    602 P.2d 997
    , 999-1000
    (1979)). However, while “[a]n otherwise facially legal sentence or condition is nonetheless
    illegal if not imposed in compliance with affirmative statutory prerequisites or mandates
    for that type of sentence or condition,” “unpreserved challenges to sentences or conditions
    on the basis of non-compliance with affirmative statutory prerequisites or mandates for that
    type of sentence or condition are not reviewable under the [narrow] Lenihan exception.”
    Thibeault, ¶ 10 n.4 (internal citations omitted—emphasis original). See also, e.g., State v.
    2018 MT 102
    , ¶ 11, 
    391 Mont. 246
    416 P.3d 1050
     (Lenihan exception not
    applicable to unpreserved objection that court “fail[ed] to state [] reason for” facially legal
    denial of discretionary street credit as required by § 46-18-203(7)(b), MCA (2015)—
    internal citations omitted); State v. Johnson, 
    2011 MT 286
    , ¶¶ 10 & 14, 
    362 Mont. 473
    265 P.3d 638
     (Lenihan exception not applicable to unpreserved objection to facially legal
    restitution imposition that the amount imposed was not supported by adequate
    proof/documentation in presentence investigation report); State v. Swoboda, 
    276 Mont. 479
    , 481-82, 
    918 P.2d 296
    , 298 (1996) (Lenihan exception not applicable to unpreserved
    objection to facially legal sentence that court failed to consider sentencing alternatives as
    required by statute).2
    ¶9     Here, the $92,189.50 restitution obligation imposed on McDonough is a facially
    legal sentencing provision as authorized under §§ 46-18-201(5), -241(1), -243(2)(a)(i)(A),
    MCA. She did not dispute below the initial amounts of the 2015 note and subsequent loans.
    The essence of her assertion of error, that the State failed to prove that the charged conduct
    to which she pled “no contest” caused French to incur actual pecuniary loss in the amount
    claimed and assessed, neither challenges the facial legality of her restitution obligation, nor
    the facial constitutionality of the authorizing restitution statutes. In essence, she asserts
    only that her restitution obligation is illegal due to failure to comply with a statutory
    prerequisite for imposition of that amount of restitution, i.e., adequate proof of the actual
    pecuniary loss caused by her charged criminal conduct, a merely objectionable matter not
    timely raised by contemporaneous objection below.3 Under these circumstances, we hold
    While the common law plain error doctrine is a separate, distinct, and more generally applicable
    exception to the contemporaneous objection/waiver rule, plain error review is generally not
    applicable to unpreserved challenges to facially legal sentences or sentencing provisions in order
    to avoid nullification of the specific Lenihan exception. Thibeault, ¶ 10 n.4 (internal citations
    We note further that McDonough’s charged conduct was not limited to merely obtaining the
    subject loans from French during the specified time period, but also, inter alia, that she “used”
    them without repayment “with the intent to . . . deprive” him thereof.
    that the Lenihan exception to the contemporaneous objection/waiver rule does not apply to
    McDonough’s unpreserved assertion of error on appeal.
    ¶10   Because this case presents a question controlled by settled law or by the clear
    application of applicable standards of review, we dispose of it via a non-cite memorandum
    opinion pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(c) of our Internal Operating Rules. Affirmed.
    We concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE