State v. P. Grimshaw ( 2020 )

  •                                                                                               08/11/2020
    DA 18-0342
    Case Number: DA 18-0342
    2020 MT 201
    Plaintiff and Appellee,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:           District Court of the Eighth Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Cascade, Cause No. ADC 16-701
    Honorable Deborah Kim Christopher, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    Chad Wright, Appellate Defender, Alexander H. Pyle, Assistant Appellate
    Defender, Helena, Montana
    For Appellee:
    Timothy C. Fox, Montana Attorney General, Brad Fjeldheim, Assistant
    Attorney General, Helena, Montana
    Joshua A. Racki, Cascade County Attorney, Ryan Ball, Stephanie Fuller,
    Cascade County Deputy Attorneys, Great Falls, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: June 3, 2020
    Decided: August 11, 2020
    Justice Ingrid Gustafson delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1    Defendant and Appellant Philip Bryson Grimshaw (Grimshaw) appeals the
    Judgment issued by the Eighth Judicial District Court, Cascade County, on April 18, 2018,
    following his conviction of Sexual Intercourse Without Consent, a felony, in violation of
    § 45-5-503, MCA.
    ¶2    We address the following restated issue on appeal:
    Whether the District Court abused its discretion and compromised Grimshaw’s
    right to a fair trial by allowing expert witness testimony regarding statistics about
    false reports of sexual assault.
    ¶3    We reverse and remand for a new trial.
    ¶4    Grimshaw is step-cousins with T.G. The two are around the same age and were
    close friends, particularly in the years after Grimshaw’s father died. Grimshaw developed
    romantic feelings for T.G., which he expressed to her. She informed Grimshaw they could
    not be together because they are cousins. The two remained close friends, however.
    ¶5    Shortly before midnight on November 10, 2016, T.G. got off work. She had been
    texting with Grimshaw throughout the day and went to Grimshaw’s house in Great Falls
    around 1:00 a.m. on November 11, 2016, after Grimshaw texted her and asked if she
    wanted to “come party.” T.G. went to the house and joined in playing drinking games with
    around seven or eight other people. After a while, T.G. heard yelling and glass break. She
    discovered Grimshaw in the bathroom with his hand bleeding because he had punched a
    picture on the wall. Grimshaw kicked everyone else out of the party and went for a drive
    with T.G. Grimshaw and T.G. took some alcoholic beverages from the house and drove to
    the gravesite of Grimshaw’s father, an activity they had done many times before. At the
    gravesite, the two sat on the grass and talked while drinking and smoking. They left the
    cemetery around 4:00 a.m. and continued to drive around while drinking and smoking
    marijuana.    The two arrived at T.G.’s house around 6:00 a.m. on the morning of
    November 11.
    ¶6     After arriving at T.G.’s house, Grimshaw and T.G. briefly hung out on the couch
    before T.G. gave Grimshaw a pillow and blanket and went upstairs to go to bed. At 6:27
    a.m., Grimshaw, who was still on the couch downstairs, texted T.G., “Goodnight
    beautiful.”   T.G. responded “Goodnight love          ” before Grimshaw texted back,
    “Goodnight darlin can I come cuddle with you? I mean if it’s not to [sic] much.” T.G.
    testified she did not respond because she had already fallen asleep.
    ¶7     The parties disagree about what happened next; however, it is undisputed Grimshaw
    and T.G. had sex. At trial, T.G. testified the first thing she remembered upon waking up
    was Grimshaw pulling down her pants and penetrating her anus with his penis. T.G. told
    Grimshaw “no,” before Grimshaw flipped her over and penetrated her vagina with his
    penis. T.G. testified she did not say anything after that because Grimshaw pinned her to
    the bed with his hand around her throat while he had sex with her. T.G. testified she
    blacked out for a moment and regained consciousness as Grimshaw grabbed the back of
    her head and put his penis in her mouth. T.G. immediately took Grimshaw’s penis out of
    her mouth and the two said nothing to each other. Grimshaw then passed out. After
    Grimshaw passed out, T.G. gathered her clothes and went downstairs where she fell asleep
    on the couch. T.G. awoke to Grimshaw coming down the stairs. Grimshaw said he was
    going outside to smoke a cigarette and left the house.
    ¶8     After he left, Grimshaw texted T.G. and the two had the following text message
    Grimshaw: I’m sorry about last night. I love you darling. I know you
    probably never want to talk to me after what happen.
    T.G.: It’s ok, I love you to. Where did you go?
    Grimshaw: I feel like i had to leave
    T.G.: Um ok.
    Grimshaw: So I started walking home
    Grimshaw: Do you hate me?
    T.G.: Did I say that?
    Grimshaw: Just making sure.
    T.G.: Fucked up though.
    Grimshaw: I feel ya
    T.G.: Yep.
    Grimshaw: I’m still hella drunk
    T.G.: Jeez
    Grimshaw: Yeah I love you.
    T.G.: I love ya to.
    T.G. testified it was “[f]ucked up” both because they were cousins and because Grimshaw
    had raped her.
    ¶9    T.G. did not immediately report the rape. She testified she was scared, uneasy, and
    unsure what to do because Grimshaw was family and her best friend. On November 21,
    2016, T.G. went to the hospital due to a migraine headache. While at the hospital, T.G.
    told her mother about the rape and was examined by a sexual assault nurse. At the hospital,
    T.G. told the nurse and a responding police officer what happened with Grimshaw on the
    morning of November 11. A few days later, T.G. was interviewed by Detective Noah Scott
    at the Great Falls Police Department where she told him the story of what happened on the
    morning of November 11.
    ¶10   Grimshaw’s account of the events of November 11 differed from T.G.’s during an
    interview he gave to Detective Scott and Detective Adam Price of the Great Falls Police
    Department on November 28, 2016. Grimshaw first told the detectives he blacked out from
    drinking on the night of the incident and remembered little, but could have had sex with
    T.G. After Detective Scott showed Grimshaw pictures of the text conversation between
    Grimshaw and T.G., Grimshaw stated he apologized to T.G. after she told him they had
    sex, but he had no recollection of having sex with T.G. Grimshaw told the detectives “it
    might have been a little, kind of, rape deal.” He told the detectives all he remembered was
    going up to cuddle with T.G. in her bed. He said she was awake but intoxicated. He said
    the next thing he remembered was waking up alone in T.G.’s bed, and he realized what
    happened because his clothes were scattered everywhere.          Grimshaw said he went
    downstairs, woke T.G. up, apologized for having sex with her, and left.
    ¶11    When asked by the detectives what, looking back, he felt the incident was,
    Grimshaw responded “Rape. I mean . . . yeah, I did something that she didn’t want, and I
    did it forcibly.” After this statement, Grimshaw told the detectives he was going to be
    truthful and he did remember a lot of what happened that night. He said he remembered
    going upstairs to cuddle with T.G. in her bed, starting to feel her up, being felt up by T.G.,
    and then having sex. Grimshaw said he thought T.G. wanted to have sex with him at the
    time and he did not forcibly remove her clothes or have sex with her while she was not
    awake. Grimshaw said he realized after the fact that T.G. did not want to have sex, as she
    had previously told him they “could never be anything, could never do anything” because
    they were cousins. Grimshaw was arrested at the end of this interview and charged with
    one count of sexual intercourse without consent.
    ¶12    Before the first trial setting, the State filed a Notice of Expert Witness and indicated
    Dr. Sheri Vanino would “testify as to the behavior(s) of rape victims, including but not
    limited to the actions of rape victims after being raped, such as delayed disclosures and
    continued contact with the perpetrator following the rape[.]” After receiving this notice,
    Grimshaw moved to continue the trial so he could find a rebuttal expert witness to testify
    at trial, which the District Court granted. Grimshaw thereafter filed a Notice of Rebuttal
    Expert Witness, indicating Dr. Bowman Smelko would “testify in rebuttal on the same
    topics as the State’s expert[.]”
    ¶13    The matter went to trial in September 2017. Grimshaw contended at trial that the
    sex was consensual and T.G. falsely accused him of rape because she was ashamed about
    having sex with her cousin. After Detective Scott, sexual assault nurse Jessica Bray, T.G.,
    and Angela Grimshaw testified, the State called Dr. Vanino. Dr. Vanino testified as a
    “blind expert”—testifying generally to behaviors exhibited by victims of sexual assault
    including delays in disclosure, not specifically to the facts of the present case. While
    testifying to these behaviors, Dr. Vanino stated one of the popular misconceptions was
    “that women tend to run around and falsely accuse people of rape, or cry rape all the time,
    which is really not supported. And so, most women don’t report.” Counsel for Grimshaw
    objected to Dr. Vanino “talking about statistics or what’s common or what’s not common
    on false reports,” arguing such testimony was barred by State v. Brodniak, 
    221 Mont. 212
    718 P.2d 322
    (1986). The District Court overruled Grimshaw’s objection, finding that as
    long as Dr. Vanino’s “comments are with regard to the myths, I’ll allow the witness to
    ¶14    Dr. Vanino continued testifying about the misconceptions surrounding false reports
    and then the State asked a question about what the research supports regarding delayed
    disclosures.   Before answering the State’s question, Dr. Vanino expressed she was
    confused about whether she was allowed to talk about statistics. Grimshaw reiterated his
    objection to testimony about statistics pursuant to Brodniak and M. R. Evid. 702. The
    District Court again overruled Grimshaw’s objection, noting Grimshaw had a rebuttal
    expert and the issue would “come[] down to a battle of the experts[.]” Dr. Vanino then
    testified only 16 to 20 percent of sexual assault survivors ever tell anyone.          On
    cross-examination, Dr. Vanino testified about 19 percent of sexual assault victims fight
    back and again that only 16 to 20 percent of victims report. On re-direct, the State asked
    Dr. Vanino about false reporting statistics. Dr. Vanino testified between “two and eight
    percent of sexual assault cases end up to be false reporting,” and noted false reports
    typically included details consistent with the other rape myths to which she had previously
    ¶15    Grimshaw called Dr. Smelko as his rebuttal expert. Dr. Smelko acknowledged the
    validity of the statistics as presented by Dr. Vanino, but testified to the limited sample sizes
    of the studies and the difficulty in verifying false reporting statistics. Dr. Smelko testified
    “the [two to eight] percent, I think, is pretty recognized as the number if we’re considering
    those who make false allegations.”
    ¶16    During its closing argument, the State emphasized the statistical testimony of
    Dr. Vanino and Dr. Smelko, telling the jury “you heard from Dr. Vanino, and Dr. Smelko
    agreed, incidents of false reporting is two percent to eight percent. And it’s usually from
    someone with something to gain or someone who’s, as Dr. Vanino said, truly psychotic.”
    After deliberation, the jury convicted Grimshaw of felony sexual intercourse without
    consent. The District Court sentenced him to 40 years at the Montana State Prison with 20
    years suspended. Grimshaw appeals.
    ¶17    We review a district court’s ruling on the admissibility of expert testimony for an
    abuse of discretion. State v. St. Germain, 
    2007 MT 28
    , ¶ 14, 
    336 Mont. 17
    153 P.3d 591
    (citations omitted). An abuse of discretion occurs when a district court acts arbitrarily or
    unreasonably, resulting in substantial injustice. State v. Holland, 
    2019 MT 128
    , ¶ 8, 
    396 Mont. 94
    443 P.3d 519
    (citing State v. Zimmerman, 
    2018 MT 94
    , ¶ 13, 
    391 Mont. 210
    417 P.3d 289
    ). “Although a district court possesses broad discretion to determine the
    admissibility of evidence, judicial discretion must be guided by the Rules of Evidence,
    applicable statutes, and principles of law.” Zimmerman, ¶ 13 (citing Maier v. Wilson, 
    2017 MT 316
    , ¶ 17, 
    390 Mont. 43
    409 P.3d 878
    ¶18    Whether the District Court abused its discretion and compromised Grimshaw’s
    right to a fair trial by allowing expert testimony regarding statistics about false
    reports of sexual assault.
    ¶19    On appeal, Grimshaw argues the expert testimony regarding the statistics around
    false reports of rape prejudiced his right to a fair trial by turning the case into a “trial by
    statistic,” rather than one based on the specific facts of this case. The State argues the
    District Court, granted broad discretion to admit relevant expert witness testimony, did not
    abuse its discretion by admitting the statistical testimony. The State further argues that,
    even if the admission of such testimony was an abuse of discretion, its admission was
    ultimately harmless due to the significant admissible evidence that T.G. did not consent to
    sex with Grimshaw.
    ¶20    We begin by first analyzing whether the admission of the expert witness testimony
    as it relates to statistical rates of false reports of sexual assault was an abuse of discretion.
    We will find a district court to have abused its discretion when it “acts arbitrarily or
    unreasonably, resulting in substantial injustice.” Holland, ¶ 8.
    ¶21    “If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to
    understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by
    knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify thereto in the form of an
    opinion or otherwise.”      M. R. Evid. 702.       “It is well settled in Montana that the
    determination of the credibility of witnesses and the weight to be given their testimony is
    solely within the province of the jury.” 
    Brodniak, 221 Mont. at 222
    , 718 P.2d at 329
    (citations omitted). “An expert witness may not comment on the credibility of the victim’s
    testimony.” Rogers v. State, 
    2011 MT 105
    , ¶ 26, 
    360 Mont. 334
    253 P.3d 889
    (citing St.
    Germain, ¶ 27).
    ¶22    The State presented the testimony of Dr. Vanino as a “blind expert” who would
    testify to rape myths and the behaviors of victims. For much of her testimony, this is what
    she did. Eventually, however, the State asked Dr. Vanino to get into the false reporting
    statistics. Dr. Vanino testified the statistics show between two and eight percent of sexual
    assault reports are false.
    ¶23    In Brodniak, we reviewed the testimony of a psychologist, called as an expert
    witness, who had examined the victim of a sexual assault to determine if she had symptoms
    consistent with rape trauma syndrome. During his testimony, the psychologist testified to
    both the statistical percentage of false rape allegations and to his opinion as to whether the
    victim was malingering. 
    Brodniak, 221 Mont. at 219-222
    , 718 P.2d at 327-29. We held
    the psychologist’s testimony “with regard to malingering and the statistical percentage of
    false accusations was improper comment on the credibility of” the witness. 
    Brodniak, 221 Mont. at 222
    , 718 P.2d at 329.
    ¶24    While Dr. Vanino was testifying as a blind expert about rape myths and symptoms
    or behaviors common to victims of sexual assault and had not personally examined T.G.,
    unlike the psychologist in Brodniak, we reach the same conclusion about her testimony
    regarding the statistics of false sexual assault reports as we did in that case. Presenting
    testimony that only between two and eight percent of sexual assault reports are false clearly
    commented on, and improperly bolstered, the credibility of T.G.’s testimony. The clear
    inference of the statistical testimony in this case was that there is a 92-98% probability that
    Grimshaw was guilty of the charged offense such that T.G. was telling the truth as
    compared to a 2-8% probability T.G. had made a false accusation.
    ¶25    The State argues Dr. Vanino’s testimony was similar to expert witness testimony on
    battered woman syndrome, which we noted “assists the jury in understanding the woman’s
    actions” in State v. Walker, 
    2018 MT 312
    , ¶ 42, 
    394 Mont. 1
    433 P.3d 202
    added). Much of Dr. Vanino’s testimony was indeed similar to this type of testimony—
    such as her testimony regarding common misconceptions surrounding rape and victim
    behavior. The statistical probability testimony at issue here, however, is not at all similar
    to expert testimony on battered woman syndrome and typical symptoms or behaviors
    exhibited by those suffering from the syndrome. Dr. Vanino testified that only between
    two and eight percent of sexual assault reports are false. This testimony, in essence,
    vouched for T.G.’s credibility in a case where T.G. claims she was sexually assaulted and
    Grimshaw claims her report is false. See Walker, ¶ 46. Such credibility-boosting expert
    testimony is improper.
    ¶26    The State further alleges Grimshaw was the one who opened the door to the
    introduction of statistical evidence by contending T.G. falsely accused him of rape and the
    State had a right to rebut this defense. “When one party opens the door, or broaches a
    certain topic that would otherwise be off limits, ‘the opposing party has the right to offer
    evidence in rebuttal . . . .’” State v. Guill, 
    2010 MT 69
    , ¶ 39, 
    355 Mont. 490
    228 P.3d 1152
    (quoting State v. Veis, 
    1998 MT 162
    , ¶ 18, 
    289 Mont. 450
    962 P.2d 1153
    ¶27    While the State certainly has a right to rebut a defendant’s chosen defense, a
    defendant alleging he is innocent of a sexual crime does not open the door for the State to
    present statistical evidence that shows a defendant is between 92 and 98% likely to be
    guilty simply by virtue of being accused.          Such an interpretation would turn the
    presumption of innocence on its head for all sexual crimes. Further, it was the State who
    elicited the statistical data from Dr. Vanino—not Grimshaw. On cross-examination,
    Dr. Vanino responded to one of Grimshaw’s counsel’s questions by saying she was “happy
    to talk to you about the false reporting statistics if I’m allowed to get into that because that
    sounds like what you’re asking about.” Grimshaw’s counsel moved on and did not get into
    the false reporting statistics. On rebuttal, the State pounced on defense counsel’s avoidance
    of the false reporting statistics, commenting Grimshaw “didn’t really want to get into”
    these statistics—insinuating Grimshaw was attempting to hide evidence from the jury—
    and then directly asked Dr. Vanino “what are those false reporting statistics?” It was only
    then that Dr. Vanino testified to the two to eight percent false reporting statistic.
    Grimshaw’s questioning did not open the door for the State to present this improper
    statistical evidence. This evidence was not put on to inform the jury on symptoms or
    behaviors of sexual assault victims to better understand T.G.’s behaviors, but rather for the
    sole purpose of bolstering T.G.’s credibility.
    ¶28    Because we find Dr. Vanino’s testimony about the rate of false reports of sexual
    assault was improper and Grimshaw did not open the door to such testimony, we hold the
    District Court abused its discretion in admitting such testimony. The District Court, which
    had admittedly not read Brodniak when it ruled on Grimshaw’s objection, ignored the
    mandates of Brodniak when it admitted Dr. Vanino’s testimony regarding statistics. The
    District Court acted arbitrarily and unreasonably by admitting Dr. Vanino’s testimony over
    Grimshaw’s objection. Holland, ¶ 8.
    ¶29   Finding the District Court abused its discretion in admitting the statistical testimony,
    we now turn to whether Grimshaw’s right to a fair trial was violated. Because the error in
    this case was the improper admission of evidence, it was “trial error.” State v. Van Kirk,
    2001 MT 184
    , ¶ 40, 
    306 Mont. 215
    32 P.3d 735
    . Trial error is neither presumptively
    prejudicial nor automatically reversible. Van Kirk, ¶ 40. As we noted in Brodniak, we
    “will not reverse a judgment of conviction for harmless error, and the question as to
    whether a particular error is harmful or harmless depends on the facts of the case under
    Brodniak, 221 Mont. at 222
    -23, 718 P.2d at 329 (citing State v. Straight, 
    136 Mont. 255
    , 265, 
    347 P.2d 482
    , 488 (1959)). In order to prove trial error was harmless, the
    State “must demonstrate that there is no reasonable possibility that the inadmissible
    evidence might have contributed to the conviction.” Van Kirk, ¶ 47.
    ¶30   The State argues the statistical testimony, even if its admission was an abuse of
    discretion, was merely harmless trial error because it presented admissible evidence T.G.
    did not consent to sex with Grimshaw. It points to Grimshaw’s interview with police,
    where he stated his encounter with T.G. “might have been a little, kind of, rape deal” and
    told them he “did something that she didn’t want, and [he] did it forcibly” to support its
    argument the jury was going to convict Grimshaw regardless of the statistical evidence
    presented. As both parties agree they had sex, the only issue at trial was whether T.G.
    ¶31    At trial, T.G. testified she did not consent. Grimshaw argued she did consent, and
    falsely accused him of rape because she was ashamed of having sex with her cousin.
    Grimshaw argued his statements to police in the recorded interview were essentially that
    of a confused man attempting to explain having sex with his cousin to the police. The jury
    was presented with the conflicting stories of both T.G. and Grimshaw and tasked with
    making a determination of who was telling the truth about what happened in the early
    morning hours of November 11, 2016.
    ¶32    The admission of the statistical evidence boosted T.G.’s credibility and ultimately
    tipped the scales to an unfair trial. While there was admissible evidence tending to prove
    Grimshaw’s guilt, such evidence was not so strong there was “no reasonable possibility”
    the false reporting statistics could have contributed to his conviction. Dr. Vanino testified
    to a two to eight percent chance of a false report of a sexual assault. T.G. reported
    Grimshaw sexually assaulted her, and according to the statistical testimony presented at
    trial, it implied there is a 92-98% chance she was telling the truth about that sexual assault.
    In a case which turns on which party the jury believes, such numbers are impossible to
    ignore. Grimshaw is entitled to be tried on the merits of his own case, and the admission
    of the false reporting statistical evidence undermines our confidence that is what happened
    here. Accordingly, we hold Grimshaw’s right to a fair trial was violated by the improper
    admission of the false reporting statistics.
    ¶33    This is ultimately a “he said-she said” consent case which turns solely on the
    credibility of the parties, one of the most difficult for our legal system to handle. In this
    case, the State’s improper use of credibility-boosting statistical evidence compromised the
    integrity of Grimshaw’s trial. Grimshaw is therefore entitled to a new trial.
    ¶34    The District Court abused its discretion when it allowed expert witness testimony
    on statistics regarding false claims of rape. The District Court’s error violated Grimshaw’s
    right to a fair trial and the proper remedy is a new trial.
    ¶35    Reversed and remanded for a new trial.
    We concur: