State v. Gordon , 372 N.C. 722 ( 2018 )

    No. COA17-1077
    Filed: 4 September 2018
    Forsyth County, Nos. 15 CRS 58663-4
    AARON LEE GORDON, Defendant.
    Appeal by defendant from order entered 13 February 2017 by Judge Susan E.
    Bray in Forsyth County Superior Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals 22 March
    Attorney General Joshua H. Stein, by Special Deputy Attorney General Joseph
    Finarelli, for the State.
    Appellate Defender Glenn Gerding, by Assistant Appellate Defender Michele A.
    Goldman, for defendant-appellant.
    ZACHARY, Judge.
    The trial court ordered Defendant Aaron Lee Gordon to enroll in lifetime
    satellite-based monitoring following his eventual release from prison. Defendant
    appeals. Because the State cannot establish at this time that Defendant’s submission
    to satellite-based monitoring will constitute a reasonable Fourth Amendment search
    in the future, upon Defendant’s release from prison, we vacate the trial court’s civil
    order mandating satellite-based monitoring.
    Opinion of the Court
    I. Satellite-Based Monitoring
    Our General Assembly has described the legislative purpose of sex-offender
    registration programs as follows:
    . . . the General Assembly recognizes that law enforcement
    officers’ efforts to protect communities, conduct
    investigations, and quickly apprehend offenders who
    commit sex offenses or certain offenses against minors are
    impaired by the lack of information available to law
    enforcement agencies about convicted offenders who live
    within the agency’s jurisdiction. . . .
    Therefore, it is the purpose of this Article to assist law
    enforcement agencies’ efforts to protect communities by
    requiring persons who are convicted of sex offenses or of
    certain other offenses committed against minors to register
    with law enforcement agencies, to require the exchange of
    relevant information about those offenders among law
    enforcement agencies, and to authorize the access to
    necessary and relevant information about those offenders
    to others as provided in this Article.
    N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.5 (2017).
    In furtherance of these objectives, the General Assembly enacted “a sex
    offender monitoring program that uses a continuous satellite-based monitoring
    system . . . designed to monitor” the locations of individuals who have been convicted
    of certain sex offenses. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40(a) (2017). The present satellite-
    based monitoring program provides “[t]ime-correlated and continuous tracking of the
    geographic location of the subject using a global positioning system based on satellite
    Opinion of the Court
    and other location tracking technology.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40(c)(1) (2017). The
    reporting frequency of a subject’s location “may range from once a day (passive) to
    near real-time (active).” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40(c)(2) (2017).
    After determining that an individual falls within one of the three categories of
    offenders to whom the program applies, see N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40(a)(1)-(3), the
    trial court must conduct a hearing in order to determine the constitutionality of
    ordering the targeted individual to enroll in the satellite-based monitoring program.
    Grady v. North Carolina, 575 U.S. ___, ___, 
    191 L. Ed. 2d 459
    , 462 (2015) (“Grady I”);
    State v. Blue, ___ N.C. App. ___, ___, 
    783 S.E.2d 524
    , 527 (2016). The trial court may
    order a qualified individual to enroll in the satellite-based monitoring program during
    the initial sentencing phase pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40A (2017), or at a
    later time during a “bring-back” hearing pursuant to § 14-208.40B (2017). For an
    individual ordered to enroll in the satellite-based monitoring program at the
    sentencing hearing, the monitoring begins after service of the individual’s active
    II. Defendant’s Enrollment
    In February 2017, Defendant pleaded guilty to statutory rape, second-degree
    rape, taking indecent liberties with a child, assault by strangulation, and first-degree
    kidnapping. Defendant was sentenced to 190 to 288 months’ imprisonment and
    lifetime sex-offender registration. The trial court also ordered, pursuant to N.C. Gen.
    Opinion of the Court
    Stat. § 14-208.40(a)(1) and § 14-208.6(1a), that Defendant enroll in the satellite-based
    monitoring program for the remainder of his natural life upon his release from prison.
    The State’s only witness at Defendant’s satellite-based monitoring hearing was
    Donald Lambert, a probation and parole officer in the sex-offender unit. Lambert
    explained that the satellite-based monitoring device currently in use is “just basically
    like having a cell phone on your leg.” The device requires two hours of charging each
    day, which must occur while the device remains attached to Defendant’s leg. The
    charging cord is approximately eight to ten feet long. Defendant must also allow an
    officer to enter his home in order to inspect the device every 90 days.
    Lambert testified that under the current satellite-based monitoring program,
    the device is “monitoring where you’re going at all times[.]” Once Defendant is
    released from prison, “we [will] monitor [him] weekly. . . . [W]e just basically check
    the system to see his movement to see where he is, where he is going weekly. . . . [W]e
    review all the particular places daily where he’s been.” “[T]he report that can be
    generated from that tracking[] gives that movement on a minute-by-minute position,”
    as well as “the speed of movement at the time[.]” Under the current statutory regime,
    this information can be accessed at any time; no warrant is required. The monitoring
    system will also “immediately” alert the authorities if Defendant enters a restricted
    area, such as driving past a school zone. In the event that this were to happen,
    Opinion of the Court
    Lambert testified that “What we normally do is we contact [the enrollee] by phone
    immediately after they get the alert, ask where they are.”
    Lambert was asked what Defendant would have to do if “he had a traveling
    sales job that covered, for instance, a regional area of Virginia, North Carolina and
    South Carolina?” Lambert explained that the sheriff’s office “would have to approve
    it.” Defendant would also “have to clear that with [the Raleigh office] as well. And
    then he would have to notify the state that he’s going to if he was going to—and have
    to decide whether or not he’d have to stay on satellite-based monitoring in another
    The State introduced Defendant’s Static-99 score at his satellite-based
    monitoring hearing. Lambert explained that Static-99 is “an assessment tool that
    they’ve been doing for years on male defendants over 18. It’s just a way to assess
    whether or not they’ll commit a crime again of this [sexual] sort.” Lambert testified
    that defendants are assigned “points” based on
    whether or not they’ve committed a violent crime, whether
    or not there was an unrelated victim, whether or not there
    was—there’s male victims. . . . Other than just the sexual
    violence, was there another particular part of violence in
    the crime—in the index crime? Also, [it] does take their
    prior sentencing dates into factor too.
    Defendant received a “moderate/low” score on his Static-99, which Lambert explained
    meant there was “a moderate to low [risk] that he would ever commit a crime like
    this again.” Defendant did not have any convictions for prior sex offenses, but he was
    Opinion of the Court
    given a point for having previous violent convictions. Based on Defendant’s Static-99
    assessment, Lambert agreed that “it’s not likely he’s going to do that [commit a sex
    offense] again[.]” Other than Defendant’s Static-99 score, neither Lambert nor the
    State were able to offer “any evidence . . . as to what the rate of recidivism is during—
    even during [a] five-year period[.]”
    The purpose of the satellite-based monitoring program is “to monitor subject
    offenders and correlate their movements to reported crime incidents.” N.C. Gen. Stat.
    § 14-208.40(d) (2017).     However, Lambert also noted that the satellite-based
    monitoring program could potentially be of benefit to Defendant. As Lambert
    explained, “if somebody takes charges out, it will show where they are. So it kind of—
    it can help them as well, showing that they’ve been to particular places. If somebody
    says he was over here doing this at a particular time, it will—it will show, hey, no, he
    was over here.”
    After reviewing the evidence presented during the hearing, the trial court
    recited the following:
    Let the record reflect we’ve had this hearing, and the Court
    is going to find by the preponderance of the evidence that
    the factors that the State has set forth—his previous
    assaults, the Static-99 history, the fact that this occurred
    in an apartment with other children present as well and
    the relatively minor physical intrusion on the defendant to
    wear the device—it’s small. It has to be charged two hours
    a day. But other than that, it can be used in water and
    other daily activities—so I am going to find . . . that he
    should enroll in satellite-based monitoring for his natural
    Opinion of the Court
    life unless terminated.
    Defendant filed proper notice of appeal from the trial court’s satellite-based
    monitoring order. On appeal, Defendant only challenges the constitutionality of the
    satellite-based monitoring order as applied to him. He argues that the trial court
    erred in ordering that he be subjected to lifetime satellite-based monitoring because
    “[t]he state failed to meet its burden of proving that imposing [satellite-based
    monitoring] on [Defendant] is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.” We agree.
    Standard of Review
    A trial court’s determination that satellite-based monitoring is a reasonable
    search under the Fourth Amendment is reviewed de novo. State v. Martin, 223 N.C.
    App. 507, 508, 
    735 S.E.2d 238
    , 238 (2012) (citing State v. Bare, 
    197 N.C. App. 461
    677 S.E.2d 518
    , 522 (2009), disc. review denied, 
    364 N.C. 436
    702 S.E.2d 492
    (2010)). “Under a de novo review, the court considers the matter anew and freely
    substitutes its own judgment for that of the lower tribunal.” State v. Williams, 
    362 N.C. 628
    , 632-33, 
    669 S.E.2d 290
    , 294 (2008) (citations and quotation marks omitted).
    The Fourth Amendment provides:
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
    houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
    and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall
    issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
    Opinion of the Court
    affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be
    searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
    U.S. Const. amend. IV. A “search” will be found to have occurred so as to trigger
    Fourth Amendment protections where the government “physically occupie[s] private
    property for the purpose of obtaining information[,]” United States v. Jones, 
    565 U.S. 400
    , 404, 
    181 L. Ed. 2d 911
    , 918 (2012), or where government officers are shown to
    have “violate[d] a person’s ‘reasonable expectation of privacy[.]’ ” 
    Id. at 406,
    181 L.
    Ed. 2d at 919 (quoting Katz v. United States, 
    389 U.S. 347
    , 360, 
    19 L. Ed. 2d 576
    , 587
    (1967)) (other citations omitted).
    In Grady I, the United States Supreme Court held that enrollment of an
    individual in North Carolina’s satellite-based monitoring program constitutes a
    search for purposes of the Fourth Amendment. Grady, 575 U.S. at ___, 191 L. Ed. 2d
    at 461-62. In so concluding, the Supreme Court explained:
    In United States v. Jones, we held that “the
    Government’s installation of a GPS device on a target’s
    vehicle, and its use of that device to monitor the vehicle’s
    movements, constitutes a ‘search.’ ” We stressed the
    importance of the fact that the Government had “physically
    occupied private property for the purpose of obtaining
    information.” Under such circumstances, it was not
    necessary to inquire about the target’s expectation of
    privacy in his vehicle’s movements in order to determine if
    a Fourth Amendment search had occurred. “Where, as
    here, the Government obtains information by physically
    intruding on a constitutionally protected area, such a
    search has undoubtedly occurred.”
    We reaffirmed this principle in Florida v. Jardines,
    Opinion of the Court
    569 U.S. 1
    185 L. Ed. 2d 495
    ] (2013)[.] . . . In light of these
    decisions, it follows that a State also conducts a search
    when it attaches a device to a person’s body, without
    consent, for the purpose of tracking that individual’s
    Id. at ___, 191 L. Ed. 2d at 461-62 (quoting 
    Jones, 565 U.S. at 404
    , 406 n.3, 181 L.
    Ed. 2d at 918, 919 n.3).
    Nevertheless, the Supreme Court in Grady I made clear that its determination
    that the defendant had been subjected to a search was only the first step in the overall
    Fourth Amendment inquiry, noting that “[t]he Fourth Amendment prohibits only
    unreasonable searches.” Id. at ___, 191 L. Ed. 2d at 462. The Supreme Court
    explained that whether an individual’s enrollment in the satellite-based monitoring
    program constitutes a reasonable Fourth Amendment search will “depend[] on the
    totality of the circumstances, including the nature and purpose of the search and the
    extent to which the search intrudes upon reasonable privacy expectations.” 
    Id. (citing Samson
    v. California, 
    547 U.S. 843
    165 L. Ed. 2d 250
    (2006) and Vernonia Sch. Dist.
    47J v. Acton, 
    515 U.S. 646
    132 L. Ed. 2d 564
    (1995)). However, as our courts had not
    yet conducted that inquiry, the Supreme Court declined to “do so in the first instance.”
    Id. The Supreme
    Court concluded only that the satellite-based monitoring program
    constituted a search, leaving it to our courts to determine the “ultimate question of
    the program’s constitutionality.” 
    Id. -9- STATE
    Opinion of the Court
    On remand from Grady I, this Court held that the defendant’s enrollment in
    the satellite-based monitoring program was not a reasonable Fourth Amendment
    search.1 State v. Grady, ___ N.C. App. ___, ___ S.E.2d ___, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 460
    (“Grady II”). We noted that, notwithstanding the defendant’s appreciably diminished
    expectation of privacy by virtue of his status as a convicted sex-offender, satellite-
    based monitoring was highly intrusive and unlike any other search the United States
    Supreme Court had upheld thus far. Despite the fact that satellite-based monitoring
    was “uniquely intrusive,” 
    id. at *15,
    “the State failed to present any evidence of its
    need to monitor [the] defendant, or the procedures actually used to conduct such
    Id. at *21-22.
    Accordingly, we concluded that the State had failed to
    meet its burden of proving that satellite-based monitoring would constitute a
    reasonable Fourth Amendment search under the totality of the circumstances. This
    was particularly so in light of the fact that “law enforcement is not required to obtain
    a warrant in order to access [the] defendant’s . . . location data.” 
    Id. at *17.
    it has long been “determined that ‘where a search is undertaken by law enforcement
    officials to discover evidence of criminal wrongdoing, . . . reasonableness generally
    requires the obtaining of a judicial warrant.’ ” Riley v. California, ___ U.S. ___, ___,
    189 L. Ed. 2d 430
    , 439 (2014) (quoting Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 653
    , 132
    L. Ed. 2d at 574).
    1 This Court reached a similar conclusion more recently in State v. Griffin, ___ N.C. App. ___,
    ___ S.E.2d ___, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 792.
    - 10 -
    Opinion of the Court
    In the instant case, pursuant to the satellite-based monitoring statutes, the
    State submitted an application for the general authority to collect and access
    Defendant’s location information on a continuing basis. Defendant’s location
    information would be accessed in order to determine whether Defendant has traveled
    to a restricted area and, more broadly, to “correlate [his] movements to reported crime
    incidents.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40(c)(2), (d) (2017). This is in accordance with
    the underlying purpose of the satellite-based monitoring program, which is quite
    plainly “to discover evidence of criminal wrongdoing[.]” Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 653
    , 132 L. Ed. 2d at 574.
    The State filed its satellite-based monitoring application at the time of
    Defendant’s sentencing, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40A. Because of
    Defendant’s active sentence, the trial court’s order granting the State’s application
    will allow the State the authority to search Defendant—i.e., to “physically occup[y]
    private property for the purpose of obtaining information”—beginning in 2032.2
    Jones, 565 U.S. at 404
    181 L. Ed. 2d
    at 918. Thus, in the instant case, Defendant
    has yet to be searched.
    2 The trial court sentenced Defendant to 190 to 288 months’ imprisonment. Defendant was
    given credit for 426 days spent in confinement prior to the date judgment was entered against him in
    February 2017.
    - 11 -
    Opinion of the Court
    Nevertheless, solely by virtue of his status as a convicted sex-offender, the trial
    court’s order has vested in the State the authority to access the sum of Defendant’s
    private life once he is released from prison. Grady II, 
    2018 LEXIS 460
    , at *15-16
    Jones, 565 U.S. at 415
    181 L. Ed. 2d
    at 925 (Sotomayor, J., concurring)) (“
    ‘GPS monitoring generates a precise, comprehensive record of a person’s public
    movements that reflects a wealth of detail about [his] familial, political, professional,
    religious, and sexual associations.’ [T]hrough analysis of [satellite-based monitoring]
    location data, the State could ascertain whether an offender was regularly visiting a
    doctor’s office, an ABC store, or a place of worship.”). Lambert testified that pursuant
    to the satellite-based monitoring order, his office will “monitor [Defendant] weekly. .
    . . [W]e just basically check the system to see his movement to see where he is, where
    he is going weekly. . . . [W]e review all the particular places daily where he’s been.”
    Neither the State’s application nor the trial court’s order place limitations on the
    State’s ability to access this information. The trial court’s order resembles, in essence,
    a general warrant.
    A “general warrant” has traditionally been described as one “that gives a law-
    enforcement officer broad authority to search and seize unspecified places or persons;
    a . . . warrant that lacks a sufficiently particularized description of the . . . place to be
    searched.”   General Warrant, BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY (8th ed. 2014).                General
    warrants also include those that are not “supported by showings of probable cause
    - 12 -
    Opinion of the Court
    that any particular crime ha[s] been committed.” State v. Richards, 
    294 N.C. 474
    242 S.E.2d 844
    , 855 (1978) (citations omitted).         In other words, general
    warrants are “not limited in scope and application.” Maryland v. King, 
    569 U.S. 435
    186 L. Ed. 2d 1
    , 32 (2013) (Scalia, J., dissenting). It is in the context of a warrant
    to search, however, that the State must make a proper showing of individualized
    suspicion and abide by “[t]he requirements of particularity of descriptions[,]” which
    are met only “when the warrant on its face leaves nothing to the discretion of the
    officer executing the warrant as to the premises to be searched and the activities or
    items which are the subjects of the proposed search.” Brooks v. Taylor Tobacco
    Enters., Inc., 
    298 N.C. 759
    , 762, 
    260 S.E.2d 419
    , 422 (1979) (citation omitted);
    Richards, 294 N.C. at 491-92
    , 242 S.E.2d at 855. The requirements of individualized
    suspicion and particularity operate precisely to prevent the government’s use of
    general warrants—as our Supreme Court has noted, general warrants have been
    “abhorred since colonial days and [are] banned by both the Federal and State
    Richards, 294 N.C. at 491
    , 242 S.E.2d at 855 (citation and quotation
    marks omitted).
    The satellite-based monitoring program grants a similarly expansive authority
    to State officials. State officials have the ability to access the details of a monitored
    defendant’s private life whenever they see fit. A defendant’s trip to a therapist, a
    church, or a family barbecue are revealed in the same manner as an unauthorized
    - 13 -
    Opinion of the Court
    trip to an elementary school. At no point are officials required to proffer a suspicion
    or exigency upon which their searches are based or to submit to judicial oversight.
    Rather, the extent of the State’s ability to rummage through a defendant’s private
    life are left largely to the searching official’s discretion, constrained only by his or her
    will. See, e.g., State v. White, 
    322 N.C. 770
    , 774, 
    370 S.E.2d 390
    , 393 (1988) (quoting
    Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 
    403 U.S. 443
    , 467, 
    29 L. Ed. 2d 564
    , 583 (1971)) (“ ‘The
    second, distinct objective [of the warrant requirement] is that those searches deemed
    necessary should be as limited as possible. Here, the specific evil is the “general
    warrant” abhorred by the colonists, and the problem is not that of intrusion per se,
    but of a general, exploratory rummaging in a person’s belongings.’ ”). Thus, it is all
    the more critical that the State meet the requirement of otherwise showing the
    reasonableness of the satellite-based monitoring search.
    This Court will not exhibit a more generous faith in our government’s benign
    use of general warrants than did the Founders. In the Declaration of Rights of the
    North Carolina Constitution, the use of general warrants is explicitly condemned as
    “dangerous to liberty” and the Constitution mandates that general warrants “shall
    not be granted.” N.C. Const. art. I, § 20. The Framers of the Fourth Amendment to
    the United States Constitution sought to prevent the use of general warrants as well.
    See Payton v. New York, 
    445 U.S. 573
    , 583, 
    63 L. Ed. 2d 639
    , 649 (1980) (“It is familiar
    history that indiscriminate searches and seizures conducted under the authority of
    - 14 -
    Opinion of the Court
    ‘general warrants’ were the immediate evils that motivated the framing and adoption
    of the Fourth Amendment.”); see also Thomas Y. Davies, Recovering the Original
    Fourth Amendment, 98 MICH. L. REV. 547, 590 (1999) (“[The Framers] were concerned
    about a specific vulnerability in the protections provided by the common law; they
    were concerned that legislation might make general warrants legal in the future, and
    thus undermine the right of security in person and house. Thus, the framers adopted
    constitutional search and seizure provisions with the precise aim of ensuring the
    protection of person and house by prohibiting legislative approval of general
    warrants.”). As pointed out in an unrelated case by Justice Newby of our Supreme
    Court, “the purpose of the Fourth Amendment is to impose a standard of
    reasonableness upon the exercise of discretion by governmental officials . . . in order
    to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals against arbitrary invasions[.]”
    State v. Heien, 
    366 N.C. 271
    , 278-279, 
    737 S.E.2d 351
    , 356 (2012) (citation and
    quotation marks omitted).
    Given the unlimited and unfettered discretion afforded to State officials with
    the satellite-based monitoring system, the State’s burden of establishing that the use
    of satellite-based monitoring will comply with the Fourth Amendment’s demand that
    all searches be “reasonable” is especially weighty.3
    3“The[] words [of the Fourth Amendment] are precise and clear. They reflect the determination
    of those who wrote the Bill of Rights that the people of this new Nation should forever ‘be secure . . . ’
    from intrusion . . . by officers acting under the unbridled authority of a general warrant. Vivid in the
    - 15 -
    Opinion of the Court
    In the case at bar, the State has failed to meet its burden of showing that the
    implementation of satellite-based monitoring of this Defendant will be reasonable
    notwithstanding the level of discretion afforded. That is, the State has not established
    the circumstances necessary for this Court to determine the reasonableness of a
    search fifteen to twenty years before its execution.4
    We note that because the stated purpose of the satellite-based monitoring
    program is to discover evidence of criminal wrongdoing, Defendant’s enrollment in
    that program cannot be said to be reasonable in light of the “special needs” exception
    to the warrant requirement, Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 652-53
    , 132 L. Ed.
    memory of the newly independent Americans were those general warrants known as writs of
    assistance under which officers of the Crown had so bedeviled the colonists. The hated writs of
    assistance had given customs officials blanket authority to search where they pleased for goods
    imported in violation of the British tax laws. They were denounced by James Otis as ‘the worst
    instrument of arbitrary power, the most destructive of English liberty, and the fundamental principles
    of law, that ever was found in an English law book,’ because they placed ‘the liberty of every man in
    the hands of every petty officer.’ The historic occasion of that denunciation, in 1761 at Boston, has
    been characterized as ‘perhaps the most prominent event which inaugurated the resistance of the
    colonies to the oppressions of the mother country. “Then and there,” said John Adams, “then and there
    was the first scene of the first act of opposition to the arbitrary claims of Great Britain. Then and there
    the child Independence was born.” ’ ” Stanford v. Texas, 
    379 U.S. 476
    , 481-82, 
    13 L. Ed. 2d 431
    , 435
    (1965) (quoting Boyd v. United States, 
    116 U.S. 616
    , 625, 
    29 L. Ed. 746
    , 749 (1886)).
    4 The merits of this issue have not yet come before this Court. To date, we have only assessed
    the reasonableness of a satellite-based monitoring order at the time the defendant had already been
    subjected to monitoring. Grady II, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 460; Griffin, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 792.
    This case presents the Court’s first analysis of the constitutionality of an order enrolling a defendant
    in the satellite-based monitoring program several years prior to the time at which that monitoring is
    expected to begin. E.g., State v. Greene, ___ N.C. App. ___, 
    806 S.E.2d 343
    (2017) (unnecessary to
    address the constitutionality of the trial court’s satellite-based monitoring order because the State
    conceded that the evidence presented was insufficient to establish that the search was reasonable);
    State v. Johnson, ___ N.C. App. ___, 
    801 S.E.2d 123
    (2017) (remanding the satellite-based monitoring
    order because the trial court did not conduct the appropriate reasonableness inquiry below).
    - 16 -
    Opinion of the Court
    2d at 574, nor does the State argue such to be the case. Rather, if Defendant’s
    continuous location accessing can be constitutional absent proper prior judicial
    approval, it must be in light of its reasonableness pursuant to a general balancing
    approach. See, e.g., 
    Samson, supra
    . That analysis ordinarily involves an examination
    of the circumstances existing at the time of the search, including “the nature of the
    privacy interest upon which the search . . . intrudes”; “the character of the intrusion”
    itself and “the information it discloses”; as well as “the nature and immediacy of the
    governmental concern at issue . . . and the efficacy of th[e] means for meeting it.”
    Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 654
    , 658, 
    660, 132 L. Ed. 2d at 575
    , 577, 578,
    This Court was able to determine the reasonableness of the trial court’s
    satellite-based monitoring orders in Grady II and Griffin because the defendants had
    already become subject to the monitoring at the time of our analyses. In Grady II, the
    trial court ordered the defendant to enroll in satellite-based monitoring at a “bring-
    back” hearing pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40B, “more than three years
    after” the defendant’s release. Grady II, 
    2018 LEXIS 460
    , at *11. We could thus
    examine the totality of the circumstances in order to determine the reasonableness
    of subjecting the defendant to satellite-based monitoring. For example, we considered
    the characteristics of the monitoring device that was currently in use; the manner in
    which the defendant’s location monitoring was conducted as well as the purpose for
    - 17 -
    Opinion of the Court
    which that information was used under the current statute; and the State’s interest
    in monitoring that particular defendant in light of his “current threat of
    Id. at *13,
    17. Based on these circumstances, we concluded that “the
    State failed to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that lifetime [satellite-based
    monitoring] of [the] defendant is a reasonable search under the Fourth Amendment.”
    Id. at *22.
    Similarly, in Griffin, the “[d]efendant was instructed to appear for a ‘bring-
    back’ hearing to determine whether he would be required to participate in [the
    satellite-based monitoring] program.” Griffin, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 792, at *2. At
    the hearing, the trial court “ ‘weighed the Fourth Amendment right of the defendant
    to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures with the publics [sic] right to be
    protected from sex offenders and . . . conclude[d] that the publics [sic] right of
    protection outweigh[ed] the “de minimis” intrusion upon the defendant’s Fourth
    Amendment rights.’ ” 
    Id. at *5.
    However, on appeal, this Court noted that “unless
    [satellite-based monitoring] is found to be effective to actually serve the purpose of
    protecting against recidivism by sex offenders, it is impossible for the State to justify
    the intrusion of continuously tracking an offender’s location for any length of time,
    much less for thirty years.” 
    Id. at *11-12.
    We therefore concluded that “absent any
    evidence that satellite-based monitoring . . . is effective to protect the public from sex
    offenders, the trial court erred in imposing [satellite-based monitoring] on [the
    defendant] for thirty years.” 
    Id. at *1.
    - 18 -
    Opinion of the Court
    In the instant case, the State’s ability to establish reasonableness is further
    hampered by the lack of knowledge concerning the future circumstances relevant to
    that analysis. For instance, we are not yet privy to “the invasion which the search
    [will] entail[].” Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 21, 
    20 L. Ed. 2d 889
    , 905 (1968) (alteration
    omitted) (citation and quotation marks omitted). The State makes no attempt to
    report the level of intrusion as to the information revealed under the satellite-based
    monitoring program, nor has it established that the nature and extent of the
    monitoring that is currently administered, and upon which the present order is based,
    will remain unchanged by the time Defendant becomes subjected to the monitoring.
    Cf. Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 658
    , 132 L. Ed. 2d at 578 (“[I]t is significant
    that the tests at issue here look only for drugs, and not for whether the student is, for
    example, epileptic, pregnant, or diabetic. . . . And finally, the results of the tests . . .
    are not turned over to law enforcement authorities or used for any internal
    disciplinary function.”) (citations omitted). Instead, the State’s argument focuses
    primarily on the “limited impact” of the monitoring device itself. The State, however,
    provides no indication that the monitoring device currently in use will be similar to
    that which may be used some fifteen to twenty years in the future. See State v.
    Spinks, ___ N.C. App. ___, ___, 
    808 S.E.2d 350
    , 361 (2017) (Stroud, J., concurring)
    (citing Riley, ___ U.S. at ___, 189 L. Ed. 2d at 446-47) (“The United States Supreme
    Court has recognized in recent cases the need to consider how modern technology
    - 19 -
    Opinion of the Court
    works as part of analysis of the reasonableness of searches.”). Nor does the record
    before this Court reveal whether Defendant will be on supervised or unsupervised
    release at the time his monitoring is set to begin, affecting Defendant’s privacy
    expectations in the wealth of information currently exposed. 
    Samson, 547 U.S. at 850-52
    , 165 L. Ed. 2d at 258-59; Grady II, 
    2018 LEXIS 460
    , at * 11 (“Defendant is an
    unsupervised offender. He is not on probation or supervised release[.] . . . Solely by
    virtue of his legal status, then, it would seem that defendant has a greater expectation
    of privacy than a supervised offender.”); see also Vernonia Sch. Dist. 
    47J, 515 U.S. at 654
    , 132 L. Ed. 2d at 575 (“[T]he legitimacy of certain privacy expectations vis-à-vis
    the State may depend upon the individual’s legal relationship with the State.”).
    The State has also been unable at this point to adequately establish—on the
    other side of the reasonableness balance—the government’s “need to search[.]” 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 21
    , 20 L. Ed. 2d at 905 (citation and quotation marks omitted). The State
    asserts only that “[i]f, as Defendant acknowledges, the State has ‘a substantial
    interest in preventing sexual assaults,’ then the State’s evidence amply demonstrated
    that Defendant warranted such concern in the future despite his STATIC-99 risk
    assessment score.” However, the State makes no attempt to distinguish this interest
    from “ ‘the normal need for law enforcement[.]’ ” State v. Elder, 
    368 N.C. 70
    , 74, 
    773 S.E.2d 51
    , 54 (2015) (quoting Griffin v. Wisconsin, 
    483 U.S. 868
    , 873, 
    97 L. Ed. 2d 709
    , 717 (1987)); see also 
    King, 569 U.S. at 481
    , 186 L. Ed. 2d at 41 (Scalia, J.,
    - 20 -
    Opinion of the Court
    dissenting) (“Solving unsolved crimes is a noble objective, but it occupies a lower place
    in the American pantheon of noble objectives than the protection of our people from
    suspicionless law-enforcement searches. The Fourth Amendment must prevail.”)
    (emphasis added).         In addition, to the extent that the current satellite-based
    monitoring program is justified by the State’s purpose of deterring future sexual
    assaults, the State’s evidence falls short of demonstrating what Defendant’s threat of
    recidivating will be after having been incarcerated for roughly fifteen years.5 E.g.,
    Brown v. Peyton, 
    437 F.2d 1228
    , 1230 (4th Cir. 1971) (“One of the principal purposes
    of incarceration is rehabilitation[.]”). The only individualized measure of Defendant’s
    threat of reoffending was the Static-99, which the State’s witness characterized as
    indicating that Defendant was “not likely” to recidivate. Lambert, the State’s only
    witness, was asked “what, if any, information do you have that would forecast—
    besides the Static-99, which would seem to indicate [Defendant] has no real likelihood
    of recidivism here, do you have any other evidence that would indicate the reason
    that the State of North Carolina would need to search his location or whereabouts on
    a regular basis?” Lambert responded, “I don’t have any information on that[.]”
    Without reference to the relevant circumstances that must be considered, the
    State has not met its burden of establishing that it would otherwise be reasonable to
    5 We are cognizant of the fact that Defendant’s Static-99 score was based in part upon his age
    at the likely time of release. However, this factor takes into account only Defendant’s age, and not how
    long he will be incarcerated or his potential for rehabilitation while incarcerated.
    - 21 -
    Opinion of the Court
    grant authorities unlimited discretion in searching—or “obtaining”—Defendant’s
    location information upon his release from prison. 
    Jones, 565 U.S. at 404
    181 L. Ed. 2d
    at 918. Authorizing the State to conduct a search of this magnitude fifteen to
    twenty years in the future based solely upon scant references to present
    circumstances would defeat the Fourth Amendment’s requirement of circumstantial
    reasonableness altogether.
    Nevertheless, our concurring colleague urges that our holding today “imposes
    a burden on the State to predict the future.” This is not the case. It is the Fourth
    Amendment that imposes a burden on the State to establish the reasonableness of its
    searches, and an individualized determination of reasonableness in time, place, and
    manner is a routine duty of judges. Our General Assembly in the instant case has
    tasked the State, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40A, with meeting that burden
    decades in the future. As “an error-correcting body, not a policy-making or law-
    making one[,]” Fagundes v. Ammons Dev. Grp., Inc., ____ N.C. App. ___, ___, 
    796 S.E.2d 529
    , 533 (2017) (citation and quotation marks omitted), we are constrained to
    follow precedent and statutes as written, and not as we might wish them to be.
    Moreover, we do not hold that it is not possible for the State to meet this challenge.
    Rather, our holding is simply that, in the case at bar, the State has failed to do so.
    - 22 -
    Opinion of the Court
    It may be that the trial court’s order would be reasonable in the year 2032. The
    State, however, has failed to establish that to be the case. Accordingly, we necessarily
    conclude that the trial court’s order enrolling Defendant in the satellite-based
    monitoring program upon his eventual release from prison is unconstitutional as
    applied to him. We therefore vacate the trial court’s order. Because the instant case
    is the first in which this Court has addressed the merits of the reasonableness of an
    order entered pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40A, we remand with instructions
    for the trial court to dismiss the State’s application for satellite-based monitoring
    without prejudice to the State’s ability to reapply. Cf. State v. Greene, ___ N.C. App.
    806 S.E.2d 343
    Judge HUNTER, JR. concurs.
    Judge DIETZ concurring in the judgment by separate opinion.
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    No. COA17-1077 – State v. Gordon
    DIETZ, Judge, concurring in the judgment.
    I agree with the majority that this case is controlled by our recent decisions in
    State v. Griffin, __ N.C. App. __, __ S.E.2d __, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 792 (2018), and
    State v. Grady, __ N.C. App. __, __ S.E.2d __, 2018 N.C. App. LEXIS 460 (2018) (Grady
    II). Under this precedent, the State failed to meet its burden to justify satellite-based
    monitoring in this case.
    I cannot join the majority’s decision to expand the reasoning of Griffin and
    Grady II to require the State to address future, speculative facts that do not exist
    today. That portion of the majority’s holding renders our State’s satellite-based
    monitoring program unconstitutional in virtually every future case. This is so because
    the statute requires the State to conduct the initial satellite-based monitoring
    hearing at the time of criminal sentencing. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.40A.
    Satellite-based monitoring is imposed on offenders who commit heinous crimes
    such as child sex offenses and sexually violent offenses. N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 14-208.40,
    14-208.6(4). These are not offenders who expect to be sentenced to time served or
    immediately released on probation. Thus, in the vast majority of satellite-based
    monitoring cases, the offender will first serve time in prison before being released and
    subjected to monitoring.
    I disagree with the majority’s view that the State must divine all the possible
    future events that might occur over the ten or twenty years that the offender sits in
    prison and then prove that satellite-based monitoring will be reasonable in every one
    DIETZ, J., concurring
    of those alternate future realities. That is an impossible burden and one that the
    State will never satisfy.
    Those convicted of crimes, “especially very serious crimes such as sexual
    offenses against minors, and especially very serious crimes that have high rates of
    recidivism such as sex crimes, have a diminished reasonable constitutionally
    protected expectation of privacy.” Belleau v. Wall, 
    811 F.3d 929
    , 936 (7th Cir. 2016).
    In my view, if the State can show, based on the facts that exist today, that a convicted
    sex offender is so dangerous to society that satellite-based monitoring will be
    necessary to protect the public upon that offender’s release, then imposition of
    monitoring—even if it will not occur until some future time—can withstand
    constitutional scrutiny. After all, if facts change in the ways the majority speculates—
    the offender becomes disabled; technology radically changes; society becomes less
    tolerant of government monitoring of convicted sex offenders—the defendant can
    assert a Grady challenge at that time and the State will bear the burden of showing
    reasonableness based on those new facts.
    The majority instead imposes a burden on the State to predict the future. The
    Fourth Amendment does not require that level of clairvoyance. I believe society is
    prepared to accept as reasonable the imposition of future satellite-based monitoring
    on dangerous convicted sex offenders when the State has shown, based on the facts
    known today, that those offenders likely will pose a threat to society upon their
    DIETZ, J., concurring
    release—particularly when those offenders can challenge the reasonableness of that
    monitoring if the facts change.