Inman v. City of Whiteville , 236 N.C. App. 301 ( 2014 )

  •                                  NO. COA14-94
    Filed:    16 September 2014
    v.                                    Columbus County
    No. 12 CVS 561
    municipality incorporated
    under the laws of the State
    of North Carolina
    Appeal by plaintiff from order entered 2 August 2013 by
    Judge D. Jack Hooks, Jr. in Columbus             County Superior Court.
    Heard in the Court of Appeals 5 June 2014.
    Lee & Lee, Attorneys, by Junius B. Lee, III, for plaintiff-
    Crossley McIntosh Collier Hanley & Edes, PLLC, by Clay
    Allen Collier, and Williamson Walton & Scott, LLP, by
    Carlton F. Williamson, for defendant-appellee.
    DAVIS, Judge.
    Kayla J. Inman (“Plaintiff”) appeals from the trial court’s
    order dismissing her complaint against the City of Whiteville
    (“the City”) pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) of the North Carolina
    Rules of Civil Procedure.          On appeal, she contends that the
    trial   court   erred   in   dismissing   her   complaint   based   on   the
    public duty doctrine.          After careful review, we affirm the trial
    court’s order.
    Factual Background
    We   have     summarized    the    pertinent     facts       below   using   the
    statements contained in Plaintiff’s complaint, which we treat as
    true when reviewing an order dismissing a complaint pursuant to
    Rule 12(b)(6).           See Stein v. Asheville City Bd. of Educ., 
    360 N.C. 321
    , 325, 
    626 S.E.2d 263
    , 266 (2006) (“When reviewing a
    complaint dismissed under Rule 12(b)(6), we treat a plaintiff’s
    factual allegations as true.”).
    On 12 September 2011, Plaintiff was involved in a motor
    vehicle accident near the intersection of South Madison Street
    and East Hayes Street in Whiteville, North Carolina.                       Plaintiff
    was “run off the road” by another motorist, and Plaintiff and
    her   passenger      suffered    significant       injuries    arising      from   the
    accident.         Officer    Donnie     Hedwin     (“Officer    Hedwin”)     of    the
    Whiteville        Police    Department       was   called     to     the   scene    to
    investigate the accident.              Officer Hedwin spoke with the other
    motorist but did not ascertain his identity or include his name
    in the accident report.               When questioned about this omission,
    Officer Hedwin and his supervisor, Sergeant Mark McGee, both
    stated     that    the     accident    had   not   been     investigated     further
    because      there   had   been     no    physical     contact     between    the    two
    On 30 April 2012, Plaintiff filed a complaint against the
    City in Columbus County Superior Court alleging that Officer
    Hedwin and Sergeant McGee, who were agents of the City acting in
    the course and scope of their                    employment, were negligent in
    their    investigation       of    the     accident,      primarily     because     they
    failed    to     ascertain        the    identity    of     the    other     motorist.
    Plaintiff      asserted     that        “[b]ased    upon    the    failure    of    the
    officers to properly and completely investigate, the identity of
    the party responsible for this accident has not been determined”
    and that “[b]ut for the negligent acts of [the City], by and
    through its employees, the plaintiff could have and would have
    maintained an action against the unknown driver of the second
    vehicle for her damages.”
    On 7 August 2012, the City filed an answer and motion to
    dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim
    upon which relief may be granted.                  The City’s motion to dismiss
    came on for hearing on 15 July 2013, and the trial court entered
    an   order     dismissing    Plaintiff’s         complaint    on    2   August     2013.
    Plaintiff filed a timely notice of appeal to this Court.
    When a party files a motion to dismiss
    pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6), the question for
    the court is whether the allegations of the
    complaint, treated as true, are sufficient
    to state a claim upon which relief may be
    granted under some legal theory, whether
    properly labeled or not. A complaint may be
    dismissed pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) where
    (1) the complaint on its face reveals that
    no law supports a plaintiff’s claim, (2) the
    complaint on its face reveals the absence of
    facts sufficient to make a good claim, or
    (3) the complaint discloses some fact that
    necessarily defeats a plaintiff’s claim. An
    appellate court reviews de novo a trial
    court’s dismissal of an action under Rule
    Horne v. Cumberland Cty. Hosp. Sys., Inc., ___ N.C. App. ___,
    746 S.E.2d 13
    , 16 (2013) (internal citations and quotation
    marks omitted).
    In order to successfully assert a claim for negligence, a
    plaintiff must allege that the defendant owed a legal duty to
    her.       See Derwort v. Polk Cty., 
    129 N.C. App. 789
    , 791, 
    501 S.E.2d 379
    ,    381    (1998)     (“It    is   fundamental     that    actionable
    negligence is predicated on the existence of a legal duty owed
    by   the    defendant     to   the    plaintiff.”      (citation    and    quotation
    marks omitted)).          “[I]n the absence of any such duty owed [to]
    the injured party by the defendant, there can be no liability
    [and]    when     the    public    duty     doctrine   applies,    the    government
    entity, as the defendant, owes no legal duty to the plaintiff.”
    Scott v. City of Charlotte, 
    203 N.C. App. 460
    , 464, 
    691 S.E.2d 747
    , 750-51 (citations, quotation marks, brackets, and emphasis
    omitted),    disc. review denied, 
    364 N.C. 435
    702 S.E.2d 305
    The public duty doctrine, adopted by our Supreme Court in
    Braswell    v.    Braswell,    
    330 N.C. 363
    410 S.E.2d 897
    provides that “when a governmental entity owes a duty to the
    general public . . . individual plaintiffs may not enforce the
    duty in tort.”       Strickland v. Univ. of N.C. at Wilmington, 
    213 N.C. App. 506
    , 508, 
    712 S.E.2d 888
    , 890 (2011) (citation and
    quotation marks omitted), disc. review denied, ___ N.C. ___, 
    720 S.E.2d 677
       (2012).        Application          of     this      doctrine    has
    traditionally arisen in cases in which a plaintiff asserts a
    negligence       claim    alleging   that       a     law    enforcement       officer
    breached    his    duty   to   protect    a    victim       from   a   third   party’s
    criminal act and that this failure caused the victim’s injury or
    Id. at 508-09,
    712 S.E.2d at 890.
    In such scenarios, the municipality is generally insulated
    from liability because in providing police protection, “[the]
    municipality and its agents act for the benefit of the public,
    and therefore, there is no liability for the failure to furnish
    police protection to specific individuals.”                    Braswell, 330 N.C.
    370, 410 S.E.2d at 901
    .         Accordingly,      “while        the   law
    enforcement agency owes a ‘duty to protect’ the public at large,
    individual members of the public as plaintiffs generally may not
    enforce that duty in tort.”                
    Strickland, 213 N.C. App. at 509
    712 S.E.2d at 890.
    The     Supreme     Court     has,   however,         recognized         two   specific
    exceptions to the public duty doctrine:
    (1)   where    there               is    a   special
    relationship between              the injured party
    and the police, for               example a state’s
    witness or informant              who has aided law
    enforcement officers;             and
    (2) when a municipality, through its
    police officers, creates a special duty
    by    promising     protection   to    an
    individual,   the    protection  is   not
    forthcoming,    and    the   individual’s
    reliance on the promise of protection
    is causally related to the injury
    Braswell, 330 N.C. at 371
    ,    410       S.E.2d    at   902    (citation       and
    quotation marks omitted).
    Our Supreme Court has made clear that with regard to local
    governments, the public duty doctrine only extends to actions
    taken    in   the    exercise      of    their       general    duty      to    protect    the
    public.       Lovelace v. City of Shelby, 
    351 N.C. 458
    , 461, 
    526 S.E.2d 652
    ,      654   (2000)    (“While          this   Court   has        extended    the
    public duty doctrine to state agencies required by statute to
    conduct inspections for the public’s general protection, we have
    never expanded the public duty doctrine to any local government
    agencies other than law enforcement departments when they are
    exercising their general duty to protect the public.” (internal
    citations omitted)); see also Wood v. Guilford Cty., 
    355 N.C. 161
    , 169, 
    558 S.E.2d 490
    , 496 (2002) (explaining that public
    duty doctrine “retains limited vitality, as applied to local
    government, within the context of government’s duty to protect
    the   public    generally,    which   is    necessarily        limited     by   the
    resources of the local community” (internal citations, quotation
    marks,    and   brackets     omitted)).        The    public     duty     doctrine
    “acknowledges the limited resources of law enforcement and works
    against    judicial      imposition   of    an    overwhelming       burden     of
    liability.”      Little v. Atkinson, 
    136 N.C. App. 430
    , 432, 
    524 S.E.2d 378
    , 380, disc. review denied, 
    351 N.C. 474
    543 S.E.2d 492
    This Court has applied the public duty doctrine to limit
    the   liability    of    municipalities     and      their     law   enforcement
    agencies in circumstances beyond the “classic example of . . . a
    negligence claim alleging a law enforcement agency’s failure to
    protect    a    person     from   a    third      party’s      criminal      act.”
    Strickland, 213 N.C. App. at 508
    , 712 S.E.2d at 890.                    Indeed, we
    have applied the doctrine where — as here — the allegations of
    negligence stem from a law enforcement officer’s handling of a
    motor vehicle accident. For example, in Lassiter v. Cohn, 
    168 N.C. App. 310
    607 S.E.2d 688
    , disc. review denied, 
    359 N.C. 633
    613 S.E.2d 686
    (2005), we concluded that the public duty
    doctrine    shielded       the   City    of    Durham   and   one   of    its    police
    officers     from    liability      in    an     action     arising      out    of   the
    officer’s allegedly negligent management and control of a multi-
    vehicle accident scene.             We reasoned that imposing liability
    upon the city and its officer, who was “fulfilling her general
    duties owed when responding to the many and synergistic elements
    of a traffic accident. . . . is exactly that which the public
    duty doctrine seeks to alleviate.”                 
    Id. at 318,
    607 S.E.2d at
    In Scott, we held that the public duty doctrine barred the
    plaintiff’s negligence claim against the City of Charlotte where
    officers    of     the     Charlotte-Mecklenburg          Police    Department       had
    pulled     over     an    individual,     David     Scott     (“Mr.      Scott”),    on
    suspicion     of         impaired   driving,       determined       that        he   was
    “physically impaired in some respect,” been informed that Mr.
    Scott had suffered a stroke during the past year, and failed to
    call for medical assistance.              
    Scott, 203 N.C. App. at 464
    , 691
    S.E.2d at 750.        Mr. Scott later collapsed in the parking lot as
    he was waiting for the plaintiff, his wife, to pick him up and
    died the following day.          
    Id. at 462-63,
    691 S.E.2d at 749-50.
    The     plaintiff   filed       a    complaint    against       the     City      of
    Charlotte alleging that the officers were negligent in failing
    to summon medical assistance for Mr. Scott.                          
    Id. at 463,
    S.E.2d at 750.         We concluded that the City of Charlotte was
    entitled to summary judgment in its favor based on the public
    duty   doctrine      because     the       officers    “were    engaged       in    their
    general      law   enforcement     duty      to   protect     the    public    from      an
    erratic driver who they believed could be intoxicated” when they
    made     the    discretionary      decision        not   to    call     for        medical
    assistance, thereby indirectly harming Mr. Scott.                        
    Id. at 468,
    691 S.E.2d at 752.
    In both Lassiter and Scott, this Court recognized that the
    plaintiffs’ claims arose from circumstances in which the local
    governments at issue, through their law enforcement officers,
    were engaged in their general duty of protecting the public and
    that, consequently, they were shielded from liability by the
    public    duty     doctrine.       See      
    id. at 467,
       691    S.E.2d       at   752
    (“Braswell and its progeny have not wavered from the general
    principle that when a police officer, acting to protect the
    general public, indirectly causes harm to an individual, the
    municipality          that     employs      him        or    her     is        protected       from
    Here,     Plaintiff’s         negligence         claim       is    premised        on    the
    manner in which a motor vehicle accident was investigated by law
    enforcement officers.             Specifically, Plaintiff has alleged that
    Officer Hedwin and his supervisor “failed in their obligation
    and duty to perform competent law enforcement services in that
    they failed to determine both the responsible party [for] this
    [accident] and the facts indicating his responsibility.”                                        The
    duty   to    investigate        motor      vehicle          accidents      and       to   prepare
    accident reports is a general law enforcement duty owed to the
    public as a whole.              See 
    Lassiter, 168 N.C. App. at 320
    , 607
    S.E.2d      at   694    (describing        officer’s          interview          with     parties
    involved in car accident as “general investigatory dut[y]”); see
    also     N.C.    Gen.    Stat.       §    20-166.1          (2013)       (requiring        police
    department       of     city    or       town     to    investigate             “a   reportable
    accident” and “make a written report of the accident within 24
    hours of the accident”).              As such, the circumstances at issue in
    this case fall within the scope of the public duty doctrine.
    In attempting to avoid the application of the public duty
    doctrine,        Plaintiff       relies         heavily        on        our     decision        in
    Strickland.         However, Strickland is clearly distinguishable from
    the present case.
    In   Strickland,       the    plaintiff’s         son    (“the   decedent”)     was
    mistakenly shot and killed by a member of the New Hanover County
    Emergency Response Team (the “ERT”) during an attempt to serve a
    warrant for the decedent’s arrest.                        The University of North
    Carolina       at     Wilmington          Police   Department           (“UNC-W     Police
    Department”) was investigating the decedent for an assault and
    theft on the university’s campus and had requested the ERT’s
    assistance in serving the arrest warrant on him.                            Strickland,
    213    N.C.    App.     at   
    506-07, 712 S.E.2d at 889
    .     The     shooting
    occurred when an ERT member mistook for a gunshot the sound of a
    battering ram striking the door of the decedent’s residence and
    fired his weapon into the residence.                 
    Id. The plaintiff
    filed a
    wrongful death suit against the University of North Carolina at
    Wilmington (“UNC-W”) and the UNC-W Police Department, alleging
    that    officers        of   the     UNC-W      Police    Department       “negligently
    provided false, misleading, and irrelevant information to . . .
    ERT members” in order to secure their assistance in executing
    the warrant.          
    Id. at 507,
    712 S.E.2d at 889.                      The plaintiff
    further       alleged    that      this    false   information,         which     included
    statements that the decedent was involved in gang activity and
    known    to    be     armed   and       dangerous,          “proximately     caused     [the
    decedent’s] death by leading ERT members to believe that they
    were    entering      into    .     .    .    a    severely     dangerous    environment
    including heavily armed suspects with histories of intentional
    physical violence causing injuries to persons.”                        
    Id. In concluding
         that       the       public    duty    doctrine     did   not
    insulate      UNC-W    and    its       police      department      from   liability,       we
    explained that the duty of a law enforcement officer “not to
    negligently      provide      false          and    misleading      information    .    .    .
    during a criminal investigation” did not “resemble the types of
    duties to the general public for which the public duty doctrine
    normally precludes liability.”                      
    Id. at 511-12,
    712 S.E.2d at
    892.    In particular, we emphasized that
    [i]n   all cases where the public duty
    doctrine has been held applicable, the
    breach of the alleged duty has involved the
    governmental entity’s negligent control of
    an external injurious force or of the
    effects of such a force.    See, e.g., Myers,
    360 N.C. 460
    628 S.E.2d 761
    control of a forest fire not started by fire
    fighting agency); Wood v. Guilford Cty., 
    355 N.C. 161
    558 S.E.2d 490
    (2002) (failure to
    prevent third party’s criminal act on county
    property); Stone, 
    347 N.C. 473
    495 S.E.2d 711
      (failure  to   ensure   plant   worker’s
    ability to escape plant fire not started by
    inspection agency); Hunt, 
    348 N.C. 192
    499 S.E.2d 747
      (negligent    inspection    of
    amusement ride prior to ride’s malfunction,
    which was not caused by the inspection);
    330 N.C. 363
    410 S.E.2d 897
                  (failure to prevent a third party’s criminal
    act).   In this case, however, the alleged
    breach is not a negligent action with
    respect to some external injurious force.
    Rather, the UNC-W police department’s act of
    negligently    providing   misleading    and
    inaccurate   information  was   itself   the
    injurious force.
    Id. at 512,
       712   S.E.2d   at    892    (emphasis      added     and   footnote
    Here, unlike in Strickland in which “UNC-W police officers’
    negligent provision of inaccurate information brought about the
    ERT   member’s       decision     to    fire     his     weapon       through     [the
    decedent’s] front door,” 
    id. at 514,
    712 S.E.2d at 893, Officer
    Hedwin’s alleged negligence in failing to ascertain the other
    motorist’s identity did not bring about the physical injuries,
    medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering alleged in
    Plaintiff’s       complaint.      Instead,      Plaintiff       is    alleging    that
    Officer    Hedwin    negligently       failed    to    properly      investigate    an
    accident caused by “an external injurious force” — namely, the
    third-party       motorist     who     ran     her    vehicle     off     the    road.
    Accordingly, as in Lassiter, the public duty doctrine shields
    the    City       from   liability      arising        from     Officer       Hedwin’s
    investigation of the accident.                See 
    Lassiter, 168 N.C. App. at 321
    , 607 S.E.2d at 695 (concluding that officer’s management of
    accident scene “fell completely within Durham’s immunization of
    performing a public duty”).
    Finally,      because       Plaintiff     has      not     alleged      the
    applicability of either the special relationship exception or
    the   special    duty   exception    to   the   public    duty    doctrine,   we
    decline    to    address    the     potential    applicability       of    these
    exceptions.       See Myers v. McGrady, 
    360 N.C. 460
    , 468-69, 
    628 S.E.2d 761
    ,   767    (2006)    (declining    to    address    exceptions   to
    public duty doctrine where plaintiffs did not raise them); Rev
    O, Inc. v. Woo, ___ N.C. App. ___, ___, 
    725 S.E.2d 45
    , 52 (2012)
    (“It is not the duty of this Court to supplement an appellant’s
    brief with legal authority or arguments not contained therein.”
    (citation and quotation marks omitted)).                As such, Plaintiff’s
    negligence claim against the City is barred by the public duty
    doctrine, and the trial court therefore properly granted the
    City’s motion to dismiss.
    For the reasons stated above, the trial court’s 2 August
    2013 order is affirmed.
    Judges HUNTER, JR. and ERVIN concur.
    Judge HUNTER, JR. concurred in this opinion prior to 6
    September 2014.