Geoscience Grp., Inc. v. Waters Constr. Co., Inc. , 234 N.C. App. 680 ( 2014 )

  •                                       NO. 13-1375
    Filed: 1 July 2014
    v.                                      Mecklenburg County
    No. 11 CVS 7680
    Appeal by defendant from orders entered 28 December 2012
    and   22   February   2013     by     Judge     Lindsay   R.    Davis,    Jr.,    in
    Mecklenburg County Superior Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals
    8 April 2014.
    Keziah Gates,     LLP,     by    Andrew    S.   Lasine,    for     plaintiff-
    Goodman, Carr, Laughrun, Levine & Greene, PLLC, by Miles S.
    Levine, for defendant-appellant.
    STEELMAN, Judge.
    Where defendant failed to object to the trial court’s jury
    instructions submitting a claim based upon quantum meruit, that
    argument is not subject to appellate review. Where defendant
    neither    objected   to   the   trial     court’s     jury    instructions      nor
    requested special instructions, its challenges to the court’s
    instructions were not preserved for appellate review. The court
    did    not     err        by    denying     defendant’s          motion       for     judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background
    Waters Construction Company, Inc., (defendant) is the owner
    of a tract of real estate located in Mecklenburg County known as
    Lost Tree. In 1986 defendant’s owner, William Waters, obtained a
    zoning permit for               Lost Tree    that allowed          construction of           49
    houses. Defendant did not develop the land at that time. In 2008
    defendant hired Frank Craig to prepare plans for Lost Tree, and
    in January 2009            Mr. Craig submitted plans                   to the       Charlotte-
    Mecklenburg         planning      department.       The    plans       were    reviewed      by
    Steve Gucciardi, and were rejected because they did not include
    the    required       wetlands       delineations          and    permits.          After   Mr.
    Gucciardi reviewed the plans, he and Mr. Waters walked through
    the property and Mr. Gucciardi showed Mr. Waters the wetlands
    and streams that were subject to regulation.
    After the plans submitted by Mr. Craig were rejected, Mr.
    Waters hired Wendell Overby to perform a preliminary wetlands
    review of Lost Tree. In August 2009 Mr. Overby provided Mr.
    Waters       with     a        preliminary    report        stating       that        in    his
    “professional opinion that the stream features [in Lost Tree]
    were     jurisdictional,”           meaning        that     they       were     subject      to
    regulation.         Mr.    Overby    recommended          that    “a    detailed       wetland
    delineation be performed and jurisdictional features be surveyed
    for permitting purposes if applicable[,]” and showed Mr. Waters
    the jurisdictional wetlands and streams.
    In the fall of 2009 Mr. Waters met with Kevin Caldwell,
    plaintiff’s senior vice president, about the possibility of Mr.
    Caldwell’s revising the plans submitted by Mr. Craig. Mr. Waters
    wanted plaintiff to produce a set of plans for development of
    all 49 lots that were approved in 1986, although this would
    require two stream crossings. After Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Waters
    held several meetings to discuss “the layout of the subdivision”
    “in    terms    of    these   stream   crossings       and    the    impact    of   the
    buildable lots,” they signed a contract for plaintiff to “design
    the roads, the water facility, [and] the storm drainage for
    [the] 49 lots depicted on [defendant’s] rezoning petition.” The
    parties agreed to a contract price of $24,000, with half to be
    paid    when     plaintiff     submitted       plans   to     the    city     and   the
    remainder when the plans were approved. the contract provided
    that plaintiff was responsible for producing preliminary plans
    depicting the location of roads, sewage and storm drains in the
    subdivision, and for civil engineering plans for grading and
    control    of    erosion,     and    that    defendant       was    responsible     for
    surveying       and    delineating     any   “wetlands       with    jurisdictional
    streams”       and    providing   plaintiff     with    this       information.     The
    contract stated that if “additional service work” were required,
    “a work order (fee addendum) will be presented to [defendant]
    for authorization prior to proceeding with the additional work.”
    “Additional services” were defined in the contract as work that
    was    “[b]eyond       the   scope    of       the   basic    civil   services       to   be
    performed           for      this          proposal”           including           “wetland
    delineation/investigation”               and    “[p]lan      revisions    initiated       by
    [defendant]” after plaintiff had begun work.
    The contract was signed on 29 October 2009. Mr. Caldwell
    met with Mr. Waters several times during November 2009, but Mr.
    Waters did not provide Mr. Caldwell with Mr. Overby’s report or
    with    any     documentation        delineating        the     wetlands      or     stream
    crossings      in    Lost    Tree.       Plaintiff     submitted      plans    in    early
    December 2009, which were again rejected because they failed to
    delineate      the     wetlands     or    address     related     issues.     After       the
    plans were rejected,           Mr. Waters told Mr. Caldwell                   about Mr.
    Overby’s report           and defendant hired Mr. Overby                  to prepare a
    detailed       report     delineating          the   jurisdictional        streams        and
    wetland areas, so that Mr. Caldwell could develop revised plans.
    After     Mr.      Overby     delineated        the     Lost   Tree     wetlands,
    plaintiff      identified      five       alternative        approaches    for      revised
    plans that addressed wetland issues, and provided defendant with
    a memo setting out these alternatives and indicating the effect
    on construction costs of each choice. After meeting to discuss
    which   approach      defendant      preferred,        Mr.   Waters      directed     Mr.
    Caldwell to prepare plans that would allow development of all 49
    building lots, and to first submit the least expensive option.
    When these plans were rejected, Mr. Caldwell prepared another
    set of plans using the second least expensive option. He also
    prepared new plans for the development that adjusted the road
    elevation, storm water drainage, and sewer pipes to accommodate
    the revised approach to wetlands and stream crossings. These
    plans were ultimately approved by “both the City and Charlotte-
    Mecklenburg Utility Department.”
    After the plans were approved, Mr. Caldwell sent Mr. Waters
    an invoice for the additional cost of preparing revised plans.
    Plaintiff had been paid $12,000 at the outset of the project,
    and sought an additional $38,000. Plaintiff contended that the
    additional     work    was     not   within      the    scope       of   the    parties’
    contract, but constituted “additional services” as defined in
    the contract. Mr. Waters refused to pay the additional amount,
    claiming that the work performed was within the scope of their
    On    26   April     2011     plaintiff      filed       a   complaint       against
    defendant,     seeking       damages     based    upon       breach      of    contract,
    implied   contract,      and    unjust    enrichment.         The    case      was   tried
    before a jury at the 5 November 2012 session of Superior Court
    for Mecklenburg County. The trial testimony of Mr. Caldwell and
    Mr. Waters agreed with respect to the general sequence of events
    described above, but differed sharply in regards to the scope of
    work covered by the contract.
    Mr. Caldwell testified that he had asked Mr. Waters for
    documentation      regarding     delineation          of   wetlands     before     he
    prepared the first set of plans, but that Mr. Waters had told
    him   that    he   had    “a   letter”    that    exempted          defendant    from
    compliance with wetlands regulations, and told him to “go ahead
    and submit the plans,” promising that he would provide plaintiff
    with the letter “while the plans were being reviewed.” However,
    Mr. Waters never showed Mr. Caldwell such a letter. Mr. Waters
    denied   telling    Mr.    Caldwell      that    he    had    a     letter   waiving
    wetlands requirements.
    Mr. Waters conceded that (1) after Mr. Craig’s plans were
    rejected because they failed to delineate wetlands, he had hired
    Mr. Overby to produce a preliminary report; (2) Mr. Overby’s
    preliminary    report     concluded      that    there       were    jurisdictional
    streams and wetlands areas on the Lost Tree property; (3) Mr.
    Overby gave him this report in August 2009; (4) Mr. Waters did
    not show Mr. Caldwell the report until after the first set of
    plans plaintiff produced were rejected for failure to delineate
    wetlands, and (5) Mr. Waters did not hire Mr. Overby to prepare
    a   detailed   report   with   the   required   delineation       of    wetlands
    until   December   2009,   after     plaintiff’s    plans    were      rejected.
    However, Mr. Waters denied that he had withheld any information
    from Mr. Caldwell.
    Mr.   Caldwell    testified     that   when   he      and   Mr.    Waters
    discussed the additional cost of revised plans, Mr. Waters told
    him “that money’s no problem, you just get the plans approved.”
    Mr. Caldwell considered Mr. Waters’s statement to constitute “a
    handshake agreement” and testified that he “didn’t see the need
    for a written agreement[.]”
    Q. . . . [D]id you ask for a written
    amendment to the contract or written change
    order for the contract?
    A. At that time we were going through
    various . . . options. I couldn’t put a
    number on how much it would cost, but he’s
    sitting across the table from me saying
    money is not a problem, you just get the
    plans approved, and I took the man at his
    Mr. Waters admitted making the statement that “money is no
    problem,” but testified that:
    A. . . . I made that comment. He asked me if
    money was a problem. At the time we was
    right in the depth of a recession and there
    was hardly any work going on, and I thought
    he meant was we going to finish the
    project[.] . . . I said money’s not the
    problem. . . . I didn’t even understand what
    he was talking about. . . .
    Q. So there was never a handshake agreement
    between you Mr. Caldwell that you were going
    to pay whatever additional expenses he
    incurred above the 24,000?
    A. I had no reason to. He was supposed to do
    the job for $24,000. . . . When you’re
    contractor, that ain’t the way it works. You
    take it for a fixed price and that’s what
    you deliver at.
    Mr.     Waters    testified          that    Mr.   Caldwell       “said   he    would
    finish    up    the     plans   and     submit      it    and     get   it   approved    for
    $24,000,       so   I   took    the    deal.”       He    never    discussed     with    Mr.
    Caldwell the procedure that would be followed if additional work
    was required, testifying that:
    He had a contract to do all the work for
    $24,000. It didn't make any difference to me
    what he had to do. At the time he signed the
    contract, I didn’t know what he had to do
    other than get the plan finished and get it
    Mr. Waters admitted meeting with Mr. Caldwell in January
    2010   to    discuss      options      for     addressing       wetlands     issues,     but
    testified that they never discussed additional costs, and that
    he “didn’t know anything about any additional costs” until Mr.
    Caldwell sent him a bill in June 2010. There was a conflict in
    the parties’ evidence concerning the scope of their contract and
    whether      the    provision         for    written       change       orders   had    been
    On 8 November 2012 the jury returned verdicts finding in
    relevant part that:
    1. Defendant breached       its contract    with
    plaintiff by failing        to pay the      full
    contract price.
    2. Defendant owed     plaintiff   $12,000   for
    breach of contract.
    3. The parties abandoned the provision of
    their   contract  requiring   prior written
    agreement for additional services.
    4. Plaintiff was entitled to recover $26,410
    from defendant for additional services.
    On 28 December 2012 the trial court entered judgment for
    plaintiff in accord with the jury’s verdict. On 4 January 2013
    defendant filed a motion for entry of judgment notwithstanding
    the verdict (JNOV), pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1A-1, Rule
    50(b). The trial court denied defendant’s motion in an order
    entered 22 February 2013.
    Defendant appeals from the judgment and the denial of its
    motion for JNOV.
    II. Jury Instructions
    A. Standard of Review
    When a challenge to the trial court’s instructions to the
    jury raises a legal question, it is subject to review de novo.
    See, e.g. Jefferson Pilot Fin. Ins. Co. v. Marsh USA, Inc., 
    159 N.C. App. 43
    , 53, 
    582 S.E.2d 701
    , 706-07 (2003) (“The trial
    court erred in giving the incorrect re-instruction to the jury
    as a matter of law. Questions of law are reviewable de novo.”)
    (citing In re Appeal of the Greens of Pine Glen Ltd. P’ship, 
    356 N.C. 642
    , 647, 
    576 S.E.2d 316
    , 319 (2003)). However, a challenge
    to a matter within the court’s discretion is reviewed for abuse
    of discretion. “The form and phraseology of issues is in the
    court’s discretion, and there is no abuse of discretion if the
    issues   are    sufficiently    comprehensive     to    resolve    all   factual
    controversies..” Barbecue Inn, Inc. v. CP & L, 
    88 N.C. App. 355
    363 S.E.2d 362
    , 366 (1988) (citing Pinner v. Southern Bell,
    60 N.C. App. 257
    , 263, 
    298 S.E. 2d 749
    , 753 (1983)).
    B. Preservation of Defendant’s Challenges to Jury
    Rule       10(a)(1)   of   the   North   Carolina   Rules     of   Appellate
    Procedure states the general rule that “to preserve an issue for
    appellate review, a party must have presented to the trial court
    a timely request, objection, or motion, stating the specific
    grounds for the ruling the party desired the court to make” and
    must “obtain a ruling upon the party’s request, objection, or
    motion.” Rule 10(a)(2) specifically addresses challenges to jury
    instructions and provides that:
    A party may not make any portion of the jury
    charge or omission therefrom the basis of an
    issue presented on appeal unless the party
    objects thereto before the jury retires to
    consider its verdict, stating distinctly
    that to which objection is made and the
    grounds of the objection; provided that
    opportunity was given to the party to make
    the objection out of the hearing of the
    jury, and, on request of any party, out of
    the presence of the jury.
    As   a    result,    a    party     waives     appellate    review     of    jury
    instructions to which no objection is made at trial:
    “Rule 10[(a)](2) of our Rules of Appellate
    Procedure requiring objection to the charge
    before the jury retires is mandatory and not
    merely directory.”    “[W]here a party fails
    to object to jury instructions, it is
    conclusively presumed that the instructions
    conformed to the issues submitted and were
    without legal error.”
    Wilson v. Burch Farms, Inc., 
    176 N.C. App. 629
    , 633, 
    627 S.E.2d 249
    , 254 (2006) (quoting Wachovia Bank v. Guthrie, 
    67 N.C. App. 622
    ,    626,      
    313 S.E.2d 603
    ,      606    (1984)    (internal     quotation
    omitted), and Madden v. Carolina Door Controls, 
    117 N.C. App. 56
    , 62, 
    449 S.E.2d 769
    , 773 (1994) (internal quotation omitted).
    In   addition,      Rule     21   of    the   General    Rules   of    Practice
    provides in pertinent part that in every jury trial, “the trial
    judge   shall      conduct      a   conference        on   instructions      with    the
    attorneys of record[,]” that an “opportunity must be given to
    the attorneys . . . to request any additional instructions or to
    object to any of those instructions proposed by the judge[,]”
    and that if “special instructions are desired, they should be
    submitted in writing to the trial judge at or before the jury
    instruction conference.” Rule 21 also requires that:
    At the conclusion of the charge and before
    the jury begins its deliberations, and out
    of the hearing, or upon request, out of the
    presence of the jury, counsel shall be given
    the opportunity to object on the record to
    any portion of the charge, or omission
    therefrom, stating distinctly that to which
    he objects and the grounds of his objection.
    If the trial court complies with Rule 21, a party who fails
    to object to jury instructions or to submit proposed special
    instructions may not raise the issue on appeal:
    Defendant failed to object to the trial
    court’s instructions [and] . . . did not
    object after the trial court instructed the
    jury. Defendant was expressly given the
    opportunity to object on both occasions in
    accordance with the provisions of Rule 21 of
    the General Rules of Practice for the
    Superior and District Courts.        . . .
    Defendant has not properly preserved this
    issue for appellate review.
    State v. Storm, __ N.C. App. __, __, 
    743 S.E.2d 713
    , 716 (2013).
    C. Instruction on Quantum Meruit
    Defendant      argues      that    “the     trial      court     erroneously
    submitted   the   issue   of   quantum       meruit   to   the     jury”   on   the
    grounds that “an express contract governed the relationship of
    the parties and thus precluded recovery under a quantum meruit
    claim.” We hold that defendant failed to preserve this issue for
    appellate review.
    At trial, defendant objected to the admission of evidence
    concerning     the   reasonable       value      of    the   additional        services
    provided by plaintiff, on the grounds that                        recovery under a
    theory   of    quantum     meruit    was       not    allowed    where    an     express
    contract      governed     the   same      subject       matter.      Following          the
    presentation of evidence, the trial court held a conference on
    proposed jury instructions. The court informed the parties that
    it intended to instruct the jury on two issues pertaining to
    plaintiff’s breach of contract claim. The court also informed
    the parties that it intended to submit three issues concerning
    plaintiff’s     quantum     meruit    claim      for    payment     for    additional
    services: (1) a special interrogatory asking whether the parties
    had   abandoned      the    requirement          in    the   contract        that        all
    additional work be approved in writing; (2) whether plaintiff
    had performed additional work; and (3) if so, the amount to
    which plaintiff was entitled.
    Plaintiff      objected    to     the      court’s        submission     of        the
    “preliminary issue” of whether the parties had abandoned the
    contract      provision    requiring       a     written     change      order      as     a
    prerequisite to plaintiff’s entitlement to recovery under the
    theory of quantum meruit. Plaintiff argued that under Yates v.
    Body Co., 
    258 N.C. 16
    128 S.E.2d 11
     (1962), it was entitled to
    an instruction on quantum meruit because there was evidence to
    support recovery under that theory. Defendant proffered Keith v.
    81 N.C. App. 185
    343 S.E.2d 562
     (1986), directing the
    court’s attention to           its holding that the plaintiff was not
    entitled to recover under quantum meruit in the absence of a
    jury    finding       that     the       parties      had    abandoned        particular
    provisions       of   their        express       contract.       The     court    denied
    plaintiff’s      request      to     submit     the     issue    of     quantum   meruit
    without predicating recovery on a finding that the parties had
    abandoned the written change order requirement. The trial court
    then    asked    defendant         for    any     requests      or    objections,      but
    defendant       neither      requested        any     special    instructions,         nor
    objected to the trial court’s proposed instructions:
    THE COURT: Yes. And I haven’t heard from
    [defense counsel] the things that he wants.
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]: I didn’t have any changes
    in what you had.
    After the trial court instructed the jury, but before it began
    its    deliberations,        the     court      again    offered       the   parties    an
    opportunity to state specific objections to its instructions, or
    to request special instructions:
    THE COURT: The jury has retired, and I will
    hear from counsel regarding any objections
    or requests for additional instructions.
    [Your] exceptions and objections during the
    charge conference are already [p]reserved.
    [PLAINTIFF’S COUNSEL]: Yes, sir. Those are
    my objections and exceptions.
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]: My objections I think
    were on the whole issue of quantum meruit
    with respect to both cases.
    THE COURT: All right. I’ve considered the
    arguments previously given on both of those
    issues or questions that were raised. Your
    objections are noted.
    Because   defendant     had    not   objected       to    the    court’s    proposed
    instructions, the reference to an objection to “the whole issue
    of quantum meruit with respect to both cases” can only refer to
    his   objection       during     trial     to    testimony        concerning     the
    reasonable    value     of    plaintiff’s       services.       Defense    counsel’s
    reference to an earlier objection to the introduction of certain
    testimony does not constitute an objection to a specific jury
    instruction    and    does     not   “stat[e]     distinctly       that    to   which
    objection is made and the grounds of the objection” as required
    by Rule 10 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. We hold that
    defendant failed to preserve the challenge to the trial court’s
    instruction on quantum meruit for appellate review.
    Moreover, even if this issue were properly preserved, we
    would hold that the trial court did not err. Defendant notes the
    general rule that “[t]here cannot be an express and an implied
    contract for the same thing existing at the same time.” Campbell
    v. Blount, 
    24 N.C. App. 368
    , 371, 
    210 S.E. 2d 513
    , 515 (1975)
    (internal    citation    omitted).       However,    it    is    long   established
    that “[a] written contract may be abandoned or relinquished [by]
    . . .    conduct clearly indicating such purpose[.]”                    Bixler v.
    192 N.C. 199
    , 201, 
    134 S.E. 488
    , 489 (1926) (citations
    The heart of defendant’s argument is that
    plaintiff’s own evidence showed an express
    contract, and that where there is an express
    contract, no implied contract can exist. We
    recognize   the   validity  of   defendant’s
    argument as to this principle of contract
    law. [However,] . . . plaintiff’s evidence
    clearly showed that as plaintiff’s work on
    the project progressed, plaintiff . . . was
    assured that it would be paid for its work.
    Thus, [because the parties’] . . . conduct
    clearly      indicat[ed]     a     different
    understanding, an implied contract could
    arise between them.
    John D. Latimer & Assoc. v. Housing Authority of Durham, 
    59 N.C. App. 638
    , 642, 
    297 S.E. 2d 779
    , 782 (1982) (citing Campbell v.
    Blount) (other citations omitted).
    Defendant does not acknowledge that even when parties have
    an express contract recovery based on quantum meruit is possible
    if there is evidence that the parties abandoned the contract,
    and does not attempt to distinguish the cases addressing this
    issue.   Nor       does       defendant     contest   the   sufficiency     of   the
    evidence on the issue of abandonment. “[T]he evidence warranted
    a   finding    .    .     .    that   the   conduct   of    the   parties   clearly
    indicated that they were not adhering to the written provision
    of the contract relative to desired changes in construction.
    Upon abandonment of the quoted provision by the parties, it was
    proper for the court to allow recovery for the changes on the
    basis of quantum meruit or an implied contract.” Campbell, 
    24 N.C. App. at 371
    210 S.E. 2d at 515-16
    . Therefore, if we were
    to review this issue we would hold that the trial court did not
    err by instructing the jury that, if it found that the parties
    had   abandoned    the    contractual      requirement       of   written     change
    orders, it could then consider whether plaintiff was entitled to
    recover   based    on     the   reasonable      value   of    its      services   to
    D. Other Challenges to Jury Instructions
    In addition to challenging the trial court’s instruction on
    quantum meruit, defendant contends that the court made a variety
    of other errors in its instructions to the jury. However, none
    of defendant’s appellate challenges to the court’s instructions
    were the subject of an objection or of a request for a special
    instruction before the trial court. “A party who is dissatisfied
    with the form of the issues or who desires an additional issue
    should raise the question at once, by objecting or by presenting
    the   additional    issue.      If   a     party   consents       to   the    issues
    submitted, or does not object at the time or ask for a different
    or an additional issue, he cannot make the objection later on
    appeal.   Because        defendant   neither       objected       to    the    issue
    submitted to the jury nor asked for a different issue, as the
    record unequivocally reveals, it cannot do so on this appeal.”
    Hendrix v. Casualty Co., 
    44 N.C. App. 464
    , 467, 
    261 S.E.2d 270
    272-73 (1980) (citing Baker v. Construction Corp., 
    255 N.C. 302
    121 S.E. 2d 731
     (1961) (other citation omitted). Defendant’s
    arguments    concerning         other      alleged     errors       in    the    court’s
    instructions to the jury are dismissed.
    III. Judgment Notwithstanding the Verdict
    Finally, defendant argues that the trial court “erred in
    denying    defendant’s         motion   for       judgment    notwithstanding         the
    verdict,    when     the       evidence      presented        to    the       court   was
    insufficient to support the jury’s verdict.” However, defendant
    fails to identify any issue or element for which the evidence
    was   insufficient,       or    to   cite     any    authority       addressing       the
    sufficiency of evidence of breach of contract or of recovery
    under   quantum     meruit.      Instead,     defendant        makes      a   conclusory
    argument    that    the    “court’s        failure    to     properly     and    clearly
    instruct the jury on the material issues based on the pleadings,
    considering all evidence presented, substantially prejudiced the
    defendant    and    therefore        the     court’s       denial    of       defendant’s
    judgment notwithstanding the verdict was improper.”
    Moreover, defendant’s motion for JNOV did not allege that
    plaintiff’s evidence was insufficient, but was based solely on
    defendant’s contention that the existence of an express contract
    precluded recovery based on quantum meruit. “Such a shift runs
    contrary to our long standing admonition that parties may not
    present, nor prevail upon, arguments in the appellate courts
    that were not argued in the trial court. . . . ‘[T]he law does
    not permit parties to swap horses between courts in order to get
    a better mount’ before an appellate court).’” Hamby v. Profile
    Prods., L.L.C., 
    361 N.C. 630
    , 642-43, 
    652 S.E.2d 231
    , 239 (2007)
    (quoting Weil v. Herring, 
    207 N.C. 6
    , 10, 
    175 S.E. 836
    , 838
    (1934)). This argument lacks merit.
    For the reasons discussed above, we conclude that the trial
    court did not err and that its judgment and order should be
    Judges HUNTER, Robert C., and BRYANT concur.