State v. Strange ( 2014 )

  • An unpublished opinion of the North Carolina Court of Appeals does not constitute
    controlling legal authority. Citation is disfavored, but may be permitted in accordance
    with the provisions of Rule 30(e)(3) of the North Carolina Rules of Appellate Procedure.
    NO. COA13-1062
    Filed: 18 February 2014
    v.                                      New Hanover County
    Nos. 11 CRS 10578, 58357,
    58850; 12 CRS 9327
    Appeal by Defendant from judgments entered 30 May 2013 by
    Judge Arnold O. Jones in New Hanover                  County Superior       Court.
    Heard in the Court of Appeals 27 January 2014.
    Attorney General Roy Cooper, by Special                   Deputy    Attorney
    General Anne J. Brown, for the State.
    Irving Joyner for Defendant.
    DILLON, Judge.
    Kendale Tyrone Strange (“Defendant”) appeals from judgments
    entered upon a jury verdict finding him guilty of possession of
    a   firearm    by    a   felon,    driving    while    license     revoked,     and
    resisting a public officer, and his subsequent guilty plea to
    trafficking in opium or heroin and attaining the status of an
    habitual    felon.        The   trial   court    sentenced      Defendant     to   a
    mandatory       term    of   70    to      84        months     imprisonment      for    his
    trafficking       conviction.            The    court     consolidated        Defendant’s
    remaining       convictions       into     a     single       judgment    and    sentenced
    Defendant as an habitual felon to a concurrent term of 88 to 115
    months imprisonment.             Defendant filed timely written notice of
    appeal from the judgments.
    Defendant’s sole argument on appeal is that the trial court
    erred   when     it    refused    to     dismiss       the    charge     of   resisting    a
    public officer.         Defendant, however, has failed to preserve this
    issue for appellate review.
    At trial, Defendant’s trial counsel moved to dismiss only
    the charge of possession of a firearm by a felon.                               It is well
    established that “where a theory argued on appeal was not raised
    before the trial court, the law does not permit parties to swap
    horses between courts in order to get a better mount in the
    appellate courts.”           State v. Holliman, 
    155 N.C. App. 120
    , 123,
    573 S.E.2d 682
    ,    685      (2002)       (citations        and   quotation        marks
    omitted).       This precludes a defendant from presenting on appeal
    “a different theory to support his motion to dismiss than that
    he presented at trial[.]”                State v. Euceda-Valle, 
    182 N.C. App. 268
    ,    272,    
    641 S.E.2d 858
    ,     862,        appeal    dismissed      and     cert.
    361 N.C. 698
    652 S.E.2d 923
     (2007); see also N.C.R.
    App.   P.   10(a)(3)   (providing   that   “[i]n   a   criminal   case,   a
    defendant may not make insufficiency of the evidence to prove
    the crime charged the basis of an issue presented on appeal
    unless a motion to dismiss the action . . . is made at trial”).
    Defendant’s counsel did not make a motion to dismiss the charge
    of resisting a public officer, and Defendant has thus waived
    review of this argument.        Because Defendant’s sole argument on
    appeal is not properly before this Court, we dismiss his appeal.
    Chief Judge MARTIN and Judge HUNTER, JR., concur.
    Report per Rule 30(e).

Document Info

Docket Number: 13-1062

Filed Date: 2/18/2014

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014