State v. Clevinger , 249 N.C. App. 383 ( 2016 )

    No. COA15-1292
    Filed: 6 September 2016
    Forsyth County, No. 13 CRS 057326
    Appeal by defendant from judgment entered 4 November 2014 by Judge Susan
    E. Bray in Forsyth County Superior Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals 25 May
    Attorney General Roy Cooper, by Special Deputy Attorney General Ann W.
    Matthews, for the State.
    Jarvis John Edgerton, IV for defendant.
    ELMORE, Judge.
    A jury found Dominic Clevinger (defendant) guilty of robbery with a dangerous
    weapon. On appeal, defendant contends that the trial court erred in admitting
    prejudicial statements by a detective during defendant’s interrogation, and in failing
    to instruct the jury on the elements of common law robbery. We conclude that
    defendant received a trial free from prejudicial error.
    I. Background
    Opinion of the Court
    The State’s evidence at trial tended to show the following: On 11 June 2013,
    Crystal Lynn McDade was working as the manager and cashier at the Stanleyville
    Business Center (SBC). The SBC was an Internet sweepstakes café where customers
    could purchase Internet time to play games and win cash prizes.            McDade had
    brought her fifteen-year-old daughter, Alyssia Hicks, to work with her that morning.
    Around 9:00 a.m., McDade observed a man walk into the SBC to use the
    restroom and leave a few seconds later. She thought it was unusual because “he did
    not purchase anything” and “did not speak to anyone . . . . We don’t usually have
    people [ ] walk off the street to use the restroom.” Around 10:30 a.m., the same man
    returned to the SBC and approached McDade at the cashier’s station. He handed her
    a twenty-dollar bill and began patting himself down, searching for his driver’s license.
    He told McDade that he could not find his license and left to look for it in his car.
    The man returned a few seconds later and dropped a plastic Dollar General
    bag on the counter in front of McDade. He grabbed Hicks, jerked her head back, and
    held a knife to her exposed neck, telling McDade to “put the money in the bag or he
    was going to slit [Hicks’] throat.” At trial, Hicks described the knife as “cold and
    hard.” McDade testified that she saw the knife but could not recall how big it was.
    McDade opened the register and started pulling out money. Before she could put it
    into the bag, the man snatched the money and fled the store. Hicks was left with a
    red mark on her throat where the knife was held, but she was not bleeding.
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    Officers responded to the scene and took a statement from McDade.            She
    described the suspect as a white male with reddish-brown hair, a slender build, and
    freckles on his arms and face. He was wearing a red polo-style shirt and long plaid
    shorts. Sergeant Gomez, one of the responding officers, located a red shirt on the side
    of the road in a gravel area near the SBC. It was preserved for evidence and sent to
    the state crime lab for testing, where Agent Hannan obtained DNA samples from the
    shirt. A few days after the robbery, McDade identified defendant in a photographic
    line-up as the robbery suspect.
    McDade provided Detective Watkins with a series of videos captured that
    morning on the SBC’s surveillance cameras. As he watched the videos, Detective
    Watkins noticed that, in addition to McDade’s description, the male suspect was
    wearing “a low cut shoe” and “had what appeared to be the end of a belt hanging down
    the right side of his body that is kind of flapping against his leg as he walked.” He
    also noticed that before the male suspect entered the SBC, a woman wearing a
    bandana, a t-shirt with writing across the top and a design in the center, and red
    Capri pants walked into the SBC to use the restroom and leave. Video surveillance
    taken earlier that morning from a nearby Target showed the same woman leaving
    the store with a man who matched the physical description of the male robbery
    Opinion of the Court
    After learning from McDade that the male suspect had used what appeared to
    be a new Dollar General bag during the robbery, Detectives Watkins and Olivo went
    to a nearby Dollar General to follow up on the lead. When they entered the store,
    they noticed a woman in a bright green tank-top checking out at the cash register.
    She caught their attention because of the bright color of her shirt, her tattoos, and
    her noticeable hairstyle.
    The detectives made contact with the assistant manager of the Dollar General
    to review the surveillance footage taken earlier that day—approximately one hour
    before the robbery. The video showed the same woman in the bright green tank-top
    purchasing a three-piece set of chef’s knives and a DVD at 9:09 a.m. One minute
    later, a white male walked into the store, stood next to her at the cash register, picked
    up the DVD to look at it, and then set it back down. He was wearing a red polo shirt,
    long plaid shorts, a belt hanging down the right side of his leg, and otherwise matched
    the physical description of the robbery suspect.
    After reviewing the surveillance footage, detectives returned to the front of the
    store looking for the woman in the green tank-top. The Dollar General cashier,
    Tiffany Perdue, informed the detectives that the woman had left, but she had spoken
    to Perdue about tattoos while she was in the store and had given Perdue her
    telephone number. A reverse search of the number revealed that it belonged to
    defendant’s cousin, Krystal Clevinger. Detective Olivo secured an address for Ms.
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    Clevinger and her photo. He recognized her as the woman in the green tank-top he
    had seen at Dollar General and on the surveillance video.
    The detectives went to Ms. Clevinger’s home to ask about her purchase earlier
    that day at Dollar General. She produced a three-piece set of chef’s knives, one of
    which was missing from the opened package. At that point, Ms. Clevinger agreed to
    go with the detectives to the public safety center for an interview. She also consented
    to a search of her vehicle, where the detectives found the DVD she had purchased at
    Dollar General. The knife set and the DVD packaging were submitted for latent
    fingerprint examination.
    At trial, the State called Cindy Persinger as a witness, with whom defendant
    and his girlfriend had lived several years ago. Persinger recalled that on 10 June
    2013, the day before the robbery, defendant came to her house accompanied by an
    older woman. Persinger testified that the woman was wearing a bandana, a white t-
    shirt, and red Capri pants, and that defendant was wearing a black shirt, plaid
    shorts, black hat, and was carrying a red shirt over his shoulder. Defendant told
    Persinger that he was in town from Florida for a “quick visit,” and was waiting for
    his cousin, Ms. Clevinger, to pick him up. Defendant and the woman waited for about
    three hours until they decided to walk. He called Persinger shortly after leaving her
    house to tell her that Ms. Clevinger had picked him up as he was walking down the
    road. When Detective Watkins interviewed Persinger and showed her still images of
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    the male and female suspects in the Target video, she identified them as defendant
    and the woman who had been at her house.
    Defendant was arrested in Florida in October 2013 on an unrelated charge,
    and extradited to North Carolina on 15 December 2013. Detectives obtained a saliva
    sample from defendant, which was sent to the state crime lab for testing.          A
    comparison of the DNA results from the red polo shirt found near the SBC matched
    the predominant profile of defendant’s DNA. In addition, defendant’s fingerprints
    were identifiable on both the DVD and the set of chef’s knives purchased from Dollar
    General on the same day as the robbery.
    During a video-taped interrogation, defendant repeatedly denied any
    involvement in the robbery. He filed a motion in limine to redact portions of the
    interrogation video in which Detective Watkins: (1) expressed his opinion that all of
    the evidence “points to [defendant]”; (2) referenced alleged statements by Ms.
    Clevinger that defendant had a drug problem; (3) asserted that the “same exact
    person” seen in the SBC surveillance video is seen with Ms. Clevinger in surveillance
    footage from other stores; (4) opined that it was defendant on the SBC video and
    stated that he had “seen the video himself”; (5) referenced alleged statements by Ms.
    Clevinger that defendant was with her at the other stores; (6) referenced alleged
    statements by Ms. Clevinger that defendant looked thinner than usual because of his
    drug use; (7) referenced an alleged statement by Ms. Clevinger that defendant took
    Opinion of the Court
    one of the knives she bought at Dollar General; (8) referenced defendant’s prior
    arrest; (9) told defendant he had phone records and proof that defendant and Ms.
    Clevinger changed their phone numbers after the robbery; (10) alleged that defendant
    “called the shit out of [Ms. Clevinger]” while she was being interviewed by law
    enforcement; and (11) told defendant that he was “one cold dude.”
    In response to defendant’s motion, the State argued that it was not offering the
    statements for their truth, but to provide “context to defendant’s responses” and “to
    explain how a detective conducts an interview and interview techniques.”        Over
    defendant’s objections, the trial court admitted the challenged portions of the video
    with the following limiting instruction:
    THE COURT: Members of the jury, in the exhibit that you
    are about to see, Detective Watkins and Olivo interviewed
    the defendant, Mr. Clevinger, after he had been arrested.
    During the course of the interview it may be that one of the
    detectives expresses his opinion that the defendant,
    Dominic Clevinger, is the person shown in one or more of
    the surveillance videos.
    You are not to consider this opinion evidence for the truth
    of whether Mr. Clevinger is pictured in the videos. It is
    your duty to determine whether the defendant is depicted
    in any of the surveillance videos. You may consider any
    such statement or opinion only for the impact that opinion
    or statement may have had on the defendant as an
    interviewing technique by the detectives.
    Officers are permitted to employ investigative and
    questioning techniques designed to elicit information.
    During the course of the interview it may be that the
    detective accuses the defendant of being untruthful or lying
    Opinion of the Court
    to him. You can consider the detective’s remarks not for
    the truth of what the detective is alleging but as an
    investigative technique designed to elicit information from
    a suspect.
    Similarly, if the detective makes any statements to the
    defendant about what other people told him or about any
    alleged evidence against the defendant or what that
    alleged evidence is, you can consider such statements in
    the context of interrogation techniques used by law
    enforcement officers to secure confessions. You are not to
    consider the statements the detective attributes to others
    as being made for the truth of those statements because
    they were not made under oath and admitted at this trial.
    The trial court repeated the instruction at the close of the evidence, at which point it
    also instructed the jury on the elements of robbery with a dangerous weapon. The
    court declined the State’s request to declare the knife a dangerous weapon as a matter
    of law, leaving the question for the jury, and denied defendant’s request for an
    instruction on the lesser-included offense of common law robbery.
    The jury found defendant guilty of robbery with a dangerous weapon, and he
    pled guilty to an aggravating factor of willful violation of probation or parole. The
    trial court entered a judgment and commitment in the aggravated range, sentencing
    defendant to an active term of 140 to 180 months of imprisonment. Defendant gave
    notice of appeal in open court.
    II. Discussion
    A. Hearsay and Relevance
    Opinion of the Court
    First, defendant argues that the trial court erred in admitting the challenged
    portions of the video-taped interrogation. Defendant contends that no portion of the
    interview was relevant, and that the State’s reasons for admitting the video—to show
    the detective’s interrogation techniques and provide context for defendant’s
    responses—were a pretext to put before the jury what was otherwise inadmissible
    hearsay and improper lay opinion testimony.
    “Preserved legal error is reviewed under the harmless error standard of
    review.” State v. Lawrence, 
    365 N.C. 506
    , 512, 
    723 S.E.2d 326
    , 330 (2012) (citing N.C.
    Gen. Stat. § 15A-1443 (2009); N.C. R. App. P. 10(a)(1); State v. Bishop, 
    346 N.C. 365
    488 S.E.2d 769
    , 779 (1997)). Where, as here, “the error relates to a right not
    arising under the United States Constitution, North Carolina harmless error review
    requires the defendant to bear the burden of showing prejudice.” 
    Id. at 513,
    S.E.2d at 331 (citing N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1443(a)). “In such cases the defendant
    must show ‘a reasonable possibility that, had the error in question not been
    committed, a different result would have been reached at the trial out of which the
    appeal arises.’ ” 
    Id. (quoting N.C.
    Gen. Stat. § 15A-1443(a)).
    “Hearsay” is a an out-of-court statement “offered in evidence to prove the truth
    of the matter asserted.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 8C-1, Rule 801 (2015). “Hearsay is not
    admissible except as provided by statute or by [the rules of evidence].” N.C. Gen.
    Stat. § 8C-1, Rule 802 (2015). Where an out-of-court statement is offered for a
    Opinion of the Court
    purpose other than to prove the truth of the matter asserted, it is not hearsay because
    it does not fit the legal definition. State v. Call, 
    349 N.C. 382
    , 409, 
    508 S.E.2d 496
    513 (1998); Long v. Asphalt Paving Co. of Greensboro, 
    47 N.C. App. 564
    , 569, 
    268 S.E.2d 1
    , 4–5 (1980). To be admissible, however, the statement must still be relevant
    to the nonhearsay purpose for which it was offered. See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 8C-1, Rule
    402 (2015) (“Evidence which is not relevant is not admissible.”).
    “Relevant evidence” is “evidence having any tendency to make the existence of
    any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the action more probable or
    less probable than it would be without the evidence.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 8C-1, Rule
    401 (2015). “In order to be relevant, . . . evidence need not bear directly on the
    question in issue if it is helpful to understand the conduct of the parties, their
    motives, or if it reasonably allows the jury to draw an inference as to a disputed fact.”
    State v. Roper, 
    328 N.C. 337
    , 356, 
    402 S.E.2d 600
    , 611 (1991) (citing State v. Potter,
    295 N.C. 126
    , 132, 
    244 S.E.2d 397
    , 401–02 (1978)). While “a trial court’s rulings on
    relevancy technically are not discretionary and therefore are not reviewed under the
    abuse of discretion standard applicable to Rule 403, such rulings are given great
    deference on appeal.” State v. Wallace, 
    104 N.C. App. 498
    , 502, 
    410 S.E.2d 226
    , 228
    (1991) (citation omitted), appeal dismissed and disc. review denied, 
    331 N.C. 290
    416 S.E.2d 398
    , cert. denied, 
    506 U.S. 915
    121 L. Ed. 2d 241
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    Opinion of the Court
    This Court has previously addressed the admissibility of statements made by
    law enforcement during video-taped interrogations. In State v. Miller, 
    197 N.C. App. 78
    676 S.E.2d 546
    (2009), the defendant argued that “statements attributed to non-
    testifying third parties, which were contained in the detectives’ questions, should
    have been redacted before the [interrogation] was presented to the jury.” 
    Id. at 85,
    676 S.E.2d at 551. We held that the detectives’ questions were relevant to give
    context to concessions made by the defendant during the interrogation, and to explain
    the defendant’s subsequent conduct in changing his story when confronted with
    purported statements of others through the detectives’ questions. 
    Id. at 87,
    S.E.2d at 552.
    Similarly, in State v. Castaneda, 
    215 N.C. App. 144
    715 S.E.2d 290
    (2011), the
    defendant moved to redact portions of a transcript from an interrogation in which the
    detectives referred to statements from “other witnesses” about events surrounding a
    homicide, “as well as portions in which the detectives told [the] defendant that his
    version of events was a ‘lie.’ ” 
    Id. at 146,
    715 S.E.2d at 292. During his post-arrest
    interview, the defendant’s story shifted significantly in response to a detective’s
    allegations that the defendant was not being truthful. 
    Id. at 150,
    715 S.E.2d at 295.
    We held that the statements were admissible to show the effect that they had on the
    Id. More specifically,
    as “part of an interrogation technique designed to
    show [the] defendant that the detectives were aware of the holes and discrepancies
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    Opinion of the Court
    in his story,” the detectives’ statements were relevant because they yielded
    inculpatory responses from the defendant which were “relevant to the murder
    Id. at 150–51,
    715 S.E.2d at 295; see also 
    id. at 151,
    715 S.E.2d at 295 (“[A]n
    interrogator’s comments that he or she believes the suspect is lying are only
    admissible to the extent that they provide context to a relevant answer by the
    suspect.” (quoting State v. Cordova, 
    137 Idaho 635
    , 641, 
    51 P.3d 449
    , 455 (Idaho Ct.
    App. 2002))).
    Finally, in State v. Garcia, 
    228 N.C. App. 89
    743 S.E.2d 74
    (2013), disc. review
    367 N.C. 326
    755 S.E.2d 619
    (2014), the defendant initially denied any
    knowledge of a homicide during an interview with police. 
    Id. at 98,
    743 S.E.2d at 80.
    At trial, however, he admitted to killing the victim but claimed he did so in self-
    Id. at 99,
    743 S.E.2d at 80. We held that the challenged statements made
    by the detectives during the interrogation were admissible because the “[d]efendant’s
    credibility was a key issue for the jury to decide,” and his willingness “to repeatedly
    lie, in spite of [the detective’s] pressuring interrogation techniques, was highly
    probative of [the] defendant’s credibility.” 
    Id. Consistent with
    its position at trial, the State maintains that Detective
    Watkins’ statements were “relevant and admissible, not for the truth of the matter
    asserted, but to show the interrogation techniques of the detectives and to provide
    context for defendant’s responses.” Its reliance on the above-cited cases, however, is
    - 12 -
    Opinion of the Court
    misplaced. First, unlike Miller, the evidence was not relevant for the purpose of
    placing defendant’s answers in “context” because defendant made no concessions
    during the interrogation. Instead, he repeatedly denied any involvement in the
    robbery, and we cannot agree with the State that defendant’s denials were
    incriminating and, therefore, relevant and admissible. Second, unlike Castaneda, the
    evidence was not relevant for the purpose of showing the detective’s interrogation
    techniques because defendant’s responses never changed—much less due to any
    method used by the detective. And a demonstration of even the most impressive
    interrogation tactics, standing alone, would not have “made facts of consequence to
    this case more probable or less probable than they would be otherwise.” Miller, 197
    N.C. App. at 
    87, 676 S.E.2d at 552
    . Finally, although we declined to limit Miller as
    allowing an interrogator’s statements to be admitted into evidence “only if they
    caused the defendant to concede the truth or change his story,” Garcia, 228 N.C. App.
    98, 743 S.E.2d at 80
    , here, unlike Garcia, the evidence was not relevant for the
    purpose of impeaching defendant’s credibility because he did not testify at trial.
    While we agree with defendant that the statements were not relevant to the
    nonhearsay purposes for which they were offered, he has failed to show prejudice to
    warrant a new trial. We presume that the jury follows the trial court’s instructions,
    State v. Gregory, 
    340 N.C. 365
    , 408, 
    459 S.E.2d 638
    , 663 (1995) (citation omitted), and
    in this case, the court instructed the jury twice that it was not to consider the
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    Opinion of the Court
    detective’s statements for their truth. Moreover, this was not a situation where the
    State relied on the detective’s statements to develop its central theory or build its
    case against defendant. Cf. State v. Canady, 
    355 N.C. 242
    , 249, 
    559 S.E.2d 762
    , 766
    (2002) (holding that officer’s testimony received to explain his subsequent actions was
    inadmissible hearsay where it went “so far beyond the confines of the instruction”
    and the State relied on it “as substantive evidence of the details of the murders and
    to imply defendant had given a detailed confession of his alleged crimes”). In fact,
    based on the overwhelming evidence against defendant, there appears to have been
    no need for the State to publish the video to the jury. Surveillance footage captured
    a male suspect matching defendant’s description leaving Target, standing with Ms.
    Clevinger at Dollar General as she purchased the knife set, and subsequently
    entering the SBC. Persinger identified the male suspect as defendant, whom she had
    seen the day before the robbery, and McDade identified defendant as the perpetrator
    in a photographic line-up. In addition, the DNA results from the red polo shirt found
    near the SBC matched defendant’s DNA profile. Defendant’s fingerprints were also
    found on both the DVD and the chef’s knife set purchased from the Dollar General
    store. In light of this evidence, we are not convinced there is a reasonable possibility
    that without the video, the jury would have reached a different result. Any error in
    the admission of the challenged evidence was harmless.
    B. Jury Instructions
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    Opinion of the Court
    Defendant also argues that the trial court erred in failing to submit his
    requested instruction for common law robbery. Because the court left it to the jury
    to determine if the alleged weapon was a dangerous weapon, defendant contends, it
    was also required to submit the lesser-included instruction to the jury.
    We review de novo the trial court’s decision regarding its jury instructions.
    State v. Osorio, 
    196 N.C. App. 458
    , 466, 
    675 S.E.2d 144
    , 149 (2009) (citations omitted).
    The trial court must “instruct the jury on all substantial features of a case raised by
    the evidence.” State v. Shaw, 
    322 N.C. 797
    , 803, 
    370 S.E.2d 546
    , 549 (1988). “Failure
    to instruct upon all substantive or material features of the crime charged is error.”
    State v. Bogle, 
    324 N.C. 190
    , 195, 
    376 S.E.2d 745
    , 748 (1989). On the other hand, “a
    trial judge should not give instructions to the jury which are not supported by the
    evidence produced at the trial.” State v. Cameron, 
    284 N.C. 165
    , 171, 
    200 S.E.2d 186
    191 (1973), cert. denied, 
    418 U.S. 905
    41 L. Ed. 2d 1153
    “An instruction on a lesser-included offense must be given only if the evidence
    would permit the jury rationally to find defendant guilty of the lesser offense and to
    acquit him of the greater.” State v. Millsaps, 
    356 N.C. 556
    , 561, 
    572 S.E.2d 767
    , 771
    (2002); see also State v. Bailey, 
    278 N.C. 80
    , 86, 
    178 S.E.2d 809
    , 812 (1971) (“When
    there is evidence of defendant’s guilt of common law robbery, it is error for the court
    to fail to submit the lesser offense to the jury.” (citations omitted)). If, however, “the
    State’s evidence is clear and positive with respect to each element of the offense
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    charged and there is no evidence showing the commission of a lesser included offense,
    it is not error for the trial judge to refuse to instruct on the lesser offense.” State v.
    299 N.C. 445
    , 456, 
    263 S.E.2d 711
    , 718–19 (1980) (citing State v. Alston, 
    293 N.C. 553
    238 S.E.2d 505
    Robbery with a dangerous weapon consists of the following elements: (1) the
    unlawful taking or an attempt to take personal property from the person or in the
    presence of another (2) by use or threatened use of a firearm or other dangerous
    weapon (3) whereby the life of a person is endangered or threatened. N.C. Gen.
    Stat. § 14-87(a) (2015). Common law robbery is a lesser-included offense of robbery
    with a dangerous weapon. State v. Frazier, 
    150 N.C. App. 416
    , 418–19, 
    562 S.E.2d 910
    , 913 (2002). The difference between the two offenses is that robbery with a
    dangerous weapon is “accomplished by the use or threatened use of a dangerous
    weapon whereby the life of a person is endangered or threatened.” 
    Id. (quoting State
    v. Peacock, 
    313 N.C. 554
    , 562, 
    330 S.E.2d 190
    , 195 (1985)).
    “A deadly weapon is generally defined as any article, instrument or substance
    which is likely to produce death or great bodily harm.” State v. Sturdivant, 
    304 N.C. 293
    , 301, 
    283 S.E.2d 719
    , 725 (1981) (citations omitted). Relevant here, “the evidence
    in each case determines whether a certain kind of knife is properly characterized as
    a lethal device as a matter of law or whether its nature and manner of use merely
    raises a factual issue about its potential for producing death.” 
    Id. at 301,
    283 S.E.2d
    - 16 -
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    at 726 (citations omitted). “The dangerous or deadly character of a weapon with
    which [the] accused was armed in committing a robbery may be established by
    circumstantial evidence.” State v. Rowland, 
    263 N.C. 353
    , 357, 
    139 S.E.2d 661
    , 664
    (1965) (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    In support of his argument, defendant relies on State v. Jackson, 
    85 N.C. App. 531
    355 S.E.2d 224
    (1987), and State v. Brandon, 
    120 N.C. App. 815
    463 S.E.2d 798
    (1995), for the proposition that where the trial court submits to the jury the question
    of whether a dangerous weapon was used to commit a robbery, it must also submit
    an instruction for common law robbery. That may be the rule when there is evidence
    of common law robbery, but as our Supreme Court has held repeatedly, an instruction
    for the lesser-included offense is not required when there is no evidence to support it:
    The necessity for instructing the jury as to an included
    crime of lesser degree than that charged arises when and
    only when there is evidence from which the jury could find
    that such included crime of lesser degree was committed.
    The presence of such evidence is the determinative factor.
    Hence, there is no such necessity if the State’s evidence
    tends to show a completed robbery and there is no
    conflicting evidence relating to elements of the crime
    charged. Mere contention that the jury might accept the
    State’s evidence in part and might reject it in part will not
    State v. Hicks, 
    241 N.C. 156
    , 159–60, 
    84 S.E.2d 545
    , 547 (1954); see 
    Peacock, 313 N.C. at 564
    , 330 S.E.2d at 196 (holding that common law robbery instruction was not
    required where “all of the State’s uncontradicted evidence, if believed, tend[ed] to
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    compel the conclusion that the vase as wielded by defendant, ‘endangered or
    threatened’ the victim’s life” and “[t]here was no evidence to support an instruction
    on a lesser included offense”); State v. Porter, 
    303 N.C. 680
    , 686, 
    281 S.E.2d 377
    , 382
    (1981) (“As a general rule, when there is evidence of defendant’s guilt of a crime which
    is a lesser included offense of the crime stated in the bill of indictment, the defendant
    is entitled to have the trial judge submit an instruction on the lesser included offense
    to the jury.” (citations omitted)); State v. Lee, 
    282 N.C. 566
    , 569, 
    193 S.E.2d 705
    , 707
    (1973) (“In a prosecution for armed robbery the court is not required to submit the
    lesser included offense of common law robbery unless there is evidence of defendant’s
    guilt of that crime.”); State v. Richardson, 
    279 N.C. 621
    , 627, 
    185 S.E.2d 102
    , 107
    (1971) (rejecting defendant’s argument that an instruction on common law robbery
    was required because “[t]here was no evidence that would warrant or support a
    finding that defendant was guilty of a lesser included offense”); State v. Wenrich, 
    251 N.C. 460
    , 460, 
    111 S.E.2d 582
    , 583 (1959) (“[T]he court should not submit to the jury
    an included lesser crime where there is no testimony tending to show that such lesser
    offense was committed.”), overruled on other grounds by State v. Hurst, 
    320 N.C. 589
    359 S.E.2d 776
    (1987), overruled by State v. White, 
    322 N.C. 506
    369 S.E.2d 813
    (1988); see also State v. Rowland, 
    89 N.C. App. 372
    , 377, 
    366 S.E.2d 550
    , 553 (“[T]here
    is no requirement to submit the lesser included offense to the jury when there is no
    - 18 -
    Opinion of the Court
    evidence to sustain a verdict of defendant’s guilt of such lesser offense.” (citations
    omitted)), disc. review improvidently allowed, 
    323 N.C. 619
    374 S.E.2d 116
    In this case, the circumstantial yet uncontroverted evidence shows that the
    knife was the same one missing from a new three-piece set of chef’s knives purchased
    hours before the robbery. It also shows that during the robbery, the man identified
    as defendant grabbed McDade’s fifteen-year-old daughter, pulled her head back, and
    held the knife against her neck as he threatened to slit her throat. The State’s
    evidence was clear and positive as to the dangerous weapon element, and there was
    no evidence from which a rational juror could find that the knife, based on its nature
    and the manner in which it was used, was anything other than a dangerous weapon.
    Nor was there any evidence that a knife was not used during the robbery, that
    the knife used was different than the one from the knife set, or that the knife was
    used in a non-threatening manner. If the jury believed the State’s evidence—that
    defendant robbed the SBC with the missing chef’s knife—then it was required to find
    him guilty of robbery with a dangerous weapon. But if the jury was not convinced
    that defendant was the robber, then it was required to acquit him altogether. See
    State v. Black, 
    286 N.C. 191
    , 196, 
    209 S.E.2d 458
    , 462 (1974). On the facts of this
    case, therefore, defendant was not entitled to a lesser-included instruction for
    common law robbery: he was either guilty of robbing the SBC by the threatened use
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    Opinion of the Court
    of the chef’s knife, or he was not guilty at all. See State v. Fletcher, 
    264 N.C. 482
    , 485,
    141 S.E.2d 873
    , 875 (1965); 
    Rowland, 89 N.C. App. at 379
    , 366 S.E.2d at 554.
    III. Conclusion
    Defendant received a trial free from prejudicial error. While we agree that the
    challenged portions of the interrogation video were not relevant to the nonhearsay
    purposes for which they were offered, any error in their admission was harmless in
    light of the trial court’s limiting instructions and the overwhelming evidence of
    defendant’s guilt. In addition, the trial court did not err in denying defendant’s
    request for an instruction on the lesser-included offense of common law robbery
    because there was no evidence to support it.
    Judges DAVIS and DIETZ concur.
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