State v. Spinks , 256 N.C. App. 596 ( 2017 )

    No. COA17-413
    Filed: 21 November 2017
    Guilford County, No. 15 CRS 72481-85
    Appeal by defendant from judgments entered 26 May 2016 by Judge Richard
    L. Doughton in Guilford County Superior Court. Heard in the Court of Appeals 4
    October 2017.
    Attorney General Joshua H. Stein, by Special Deputy Attorney General Jennie
    W. Hauser and Assistant Attorney General Michael E. Bulleri, for the State.
    Appellate Defender Glenn Gerding, by Assistant Appellate Defender Andrew
    DeSimone, for defendant-appellant.
    TYSON, Judge.
    Daris Lamont Spinks (“Defendant”) appeals from judgments entered upon jury
    verdicts convicting him of two counts of statutory sexual offense, one count of
    statutory rape, and two counts of indecent liberties. We find no error in Defendant’s
    convictions. We dismiss Defendant’s appeal of the trial court’s order on lifetime
    satellite based monitoring (“SBM”) without prejudice.
    I. Factual Background
    A. State’s Evidence
    Opinion of the Court
    The State’s evidence tended to show the victim (“Amy”) and Defendant knew
    each other through Amy’s older sister, Alexis, for a period of about five years. When
    Amy’s sister had her own apartment, Amy would visit and Defendant would bring his
    10-year old daughter over. Amy testified at one of these visits Defendant attempted
    to pull her pants down and put his lips to her bottom to make a noise.
    Amy testified Defendant and her sister had a baby daughter together. She
    testified Defendant, Alexis and their baby daughter stayed at Amy’s house twice in
    December 2014. Amy was 13 years old at this time. Around 1:00 a.m. on the first
    night, Defendant entered Amy’s room and threated to harm her if she said anything.
    Defendant pulled down her pants and touched her buttocks, stomach, and breasts.
    Defendant then engaged in vaginal intercourse with Amy. Amy pushed him away.
    Defendant then performed cunnilingus upon her. Amy told him to stop, but he
    continued. Defendant told Amy if she told anyone, his child would be taken away,
    and he would hurt Amy or have someone else hurt her.
    The next time Defendant stayed at Amy’s house in December 2014, Amy set
    up a computer tablet in her room to record any other incidents which may occur.
    Defendant entered Amy’s room during the night and threatened to hurt her.
    Defendant again engaged in vaginal intercourse with and performed cunnilingus on
    Amy. He left Amy’s room when his child began to cry in another room. Amy told
    Defendant the following morning that she had recorded him. Defendant repeated to
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    Amy that his child would be taken away if she told anyone. He told Amy he would
    kill her.
    Several days later, Defendant gave Amy a new pair of Nike shoes. Defendant
    told her the shoes were provided for her to “shut up” and to delete the video. Amy
    deleted the video, while in front of Defendant, and accepted the shoes.
    Amy told Defendant sometime in mid-January she was going to report the
    incidents. Soon thereafter, a rock was thrown through her window in the middle of
    the night. Defendant came to Amy’s house the following day to look at the window.
    While Defendant was in the home, Amy told him she was going to tell someone about
    his assaults. Amy testified Defendant told her he was going to kill her.
    A few days later, Amy told her mother that Defendant had sexually assaulted
    her in December. Amy, her mother, and brother went to the police department two
    days later to report the sexual assaults.
    Dr. Stacy Thomas testified she had practiced as a pediatrician for over ten
    years. Dr. Thomas estimated she has examined over 500 child victims of alleged
    sexual abuse. Dr. Thomas was qualified as an expert witness in pediatrics, especially
    the evaluation and treatment of physically and sexually abused children. She was
    admitted to testify as an expert witness without Defendant’s objection.
    Dr. Thomas testified she physically examined Amy on 16 March 2015. Prior
    to the examination, Dr. Thomas was briefed about the contents of an interview of
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    Amy by Greensboro Police Detective Hines. Detective Hines told Dr. Thomas that
    Amy had disclosed one act of cunnilingus and one act of vaginal intercourse by
    Defendant.    Dr. Thomas testified Amy exhibited symptoms “consistent with
    depression and anxiety.”    Amy’s physical examination revealed she was in good
    physical health, and her external genital and anal exams were normal. During Amy’s
    exam, Amy became hysterical, cried and shook.
    Dr. Thomas compiled her findings into a report after completing her
    examination of Amy. This report was admitted into evidence without Defendant’s
    The State offered the testimony of child witness (“Katy”) over Defendant’s Rule
    404(b) and Rule 403 objections. Katy testified she was six years old in 2011. Katy
    testified she went to her friend’s birthday party, where Defendant and Defendant’s
    daughter also attended. Katy testified the party included a sleep over. Katy testified
    Defendant opened the door to the bedroom during the night where she and her friend
    slept, but closed it after both girls woke up. Katy testified someone had later entered
    into the room and engaged in anal intercourse with her. Katy identified Defendant
    as the person who had sexually assaulted her. After the assault, Defendant told Katy
    to be quiet and he would give her a dollar. Katy testified the next morning Defendant
    gave her a dollar.
    B. Defendant’s Evidence
    Opinion of the Court
    Keisha Oats, testified Defendant was her nephew.           Ms. Oats testified
    Defendant, Alexis, their baby, and Alexis’ sister, Amy, visited at her home on
    Christmas Eve 2014. Ms. Oats testified Defendant and the others left her home
    around 1:30 am.
    Defendant testified when they left Ms. Oats home on Christmas Eve, he,
    Alexis, their baby and Amy went to Amy’s mother’s home, where he and Alexis had
    cooked and wrapped presents. Defendant denied performing any sexual acts upon
    Amy in December of 2014 and January of 2015, threatening Amy in December of 2014
    and January of 2015, and going to Amy’s home on New Year’s Eve 2014 and giving
    Amy a pair of shoes.
    Defendant testified he found out about Amy’s allegations after the Super Bowl
    in February and Detective Hines had contacted him soon thereafter. Defendant met
    with Detective Hines and denied the allegations.        Defendant also denied the
    allegations against him by Katy. Defendant admitted he had stayed overnight at
    Amy’s home on Christmas Eve and on another night around Thanksgiving of 2014.
    The jury returned verdicts finding Defendant guilty of two counts of statutory
    sexual offense of a person who was thirteen years old, one court of statutory rape of
    a person who was thirteen years old, and two counts of indecent liberties. The trial
    court sentenced him to two consecutive terms of 280 to 396 months in prison, and
    ordered lifetime sex offender registration and SBM. Defendant appeals.
    Opinion of the Court
    II. Jurisdiction
    Jurisdiction lies in this Court pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7A-27(b) (2015)
    and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1444 (2015).
    III. Issues
    Defendant asserts three issues on appeal: (1) testimony from Katy concerning
    a previous alleged assault was improperly admitted under Rule 404(b) and unfairly
    prejudicial to him under Rule 403; (2) the trial court committed plain error by
    admitting Dr. Thomas’ expert diagnosis and opinions, and he received ineffective
    assistance of counsel on this matter; and (3) the trial court erred by ordering
    Defendant to a lifetime registration on the sexual offender registry and SBM.
    IV. Katy’s Testimony
    Defendant contends the trial court erred in admitting testimony from Katy
    under Rule 404(b). He argues the alleged acts at issue were different, the children
    were of significantly different ages, the circumstances surrounding the alleged
    assaults were different in nature, and the circumstances following each of the alleged
    acts were different.
    A. Standard of Review
    Our Supreme Court has held:
    when analyzing rulings applying Rules 404(b) and 403, we
    conduct distinct inquiries with different standards of
    review. When the trial court has made findings of fact and
    conclusions of law to support its 404(b) ruling. . . we look to
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    whether the evidence supports the findings and whether
    the findings support the conclusions. We review de novo
    the legal conclusion that the evidence is, or is not, within
    the coverage of Rule 404(b). We then review the trial court’s
    Rule 403 determination for abuse of discretion.
    State v. Beckelheimer, 
    366 N.C. 127
    , 130, 
    726 S.E.2d 156
    , 159 (2012).
    “A trial court may be reversed for an abuse of discretion only upon a showing
    that its ruling was so arbitrary that it could not have been the result of a reasoned
    decision.” State v. Hayes, 
    314 N.C. 460
    , 471, 
    334 S.E.2d 741
    , 747 (1985) (citation
    B. Analysis
    1. Rules 401 and 402
    “‘Relevant evidence’ means evidence having any tendency to make the
    existence of any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the action more
    probable or less probable than it would be without the evidence.” N.C. Gen. Stat. §
    8C-1, Rule 401 (2015). “All relevant evidence is admissible.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 8C-1,
    Rule 402 (2015).
    2. Rule 404(b)
    Our Supreme Court has held “a careful reading of Rule 404(b) clearly shows,
    evidence of other offenses is admissible so long as it is relevant to any fact or issue
    other than the character of the accused.” State v. Weaver, 
    318 N.C. 400
    , 403, 348
    Opinion of the Court
    S.E.2d 791, 793 (1986) (citing 1 Brandis on North Carolina Evidence § 91 (2d rev. ed.
    The rule lists numerous purposes for which evidence of
    prior acts may be admitted, including motive, opportunity,
    intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence
    of mistake, entrapment or accident. This list is not
    exclusive, and such evidence is admissible as long as it is
    relevant to any fact or issue other than the defendant’s
    propensity to commit the crime. In addition, this Court has
    been markedly liberal in admitting evidence of similar sex
    offenses by a defendant.
    Beckelheimer, 366 N.C. at 130, 
    726 S.E.2d at 159
     (internal citations and
    quotation marks omitted).
    North Carolina courts have interpreted Rule 404(b) as a rule of inclusion, not
    exclusion. Id. at 131, 
    726 S.E.2d at 159
    .         This inclusion is constrained by the
    requirements of similarity and temporal proximity of the evidence of the acts. State
    v. Al-Bayyinah, 
    356 N.C. 150
    , 154, 
    567 S.E.2d 120
    , 123 (2002).
    Rule 404(b) is “subject to but one exception requiring the exclusion of evidence
    if its only probative value is to show that the defendant has the propensity or
    disposition to commit an offense of the nature of the crime charged.” State v. Lyons,
    340 N.C. 646
    , 668, 
    459 S.E.2d 770
    , 782 (1995) (emphasis original) (citation omitted).
    The record indicates the State offered Katy’s testimony to establish Defendant
    had a common scheme or plan to commit assaults upon young females. The trial
    court determined Katy’s testimony to be “very similar to what the allegations are in
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    this case” and “if [the State] [is] offering to show there is an existence in the mind of
    the defendant, a common scheme or plan in the crime involved and the charge in this
    case, I think it’s admissible.”
    Defendant argues the allegations are too dissimilar to show a common scheme
    or plan. Defendant relies upon State v. Gray, which found the proffered 404(b)
    evidence was not “substantial evidence tending to support a reasonable finding by
    the jury that the defendant committed [a] similar act.” State v. Gray, 
    210 N.C. App. 493
    , 512, 
    709 S.E.2d 477
    , 490-91 (2011) (emphasis original) (citations and quotations
    omitted). In Gray, the defendant engaged in forcible anal intercourse with a young
    boy at night and later sexually assaulted a young girl by inserting his finger into the
    girl’s vagina during daylight hours. 
    Id. at 511-12
    709 S.E.2d at 490
    . The defendant
    was a guest in the home where each child victim was staying. 
    Id. at 512
    709 S.E.2d at 490
    This Court held the similarities in the two acts “show little more than that the
    alleged perpetrator of both acts was attracted to young children, and that he used the
    fact that he was a welcome guest in the house where each child was staying to find
    time alone with that child in order to commit the assaults.” 
     This Court recognized
    “[t]hese facts are all too common in cases involving sexual assaults on minors by an
    Opinion of the Court
    The case and incidents before us are distinguishable from Gray. Amy and
    Katy are of the same sex; Defendant allegedly had forcible intercourse with both of
    them; and the assaults took place during the early hours of the morning. In addition
    to these factors, here Defendant was a guest in the home where each child was
    staying, entered their bedrooms well after midnight, and later bribed both victims for
    their silences.
    “Our case law is clear that near identical circumstances are not required;
    rather, the incidents need only share some unusual facts that go to a purpose other
    than propensity for the evidence to be admissible.” Beckelheimer, 366 N.C. at 132,
    729 S.E.2d at 160 (citation and quotations omitted).
    Here, Katy’s testimony tended to prove Defendant had a common scheme or
    plan to have (1) intercourse; (2) with young female children who were asleep; (3) at
    night; (4) while he was a guest staying overnight in a home; and (5) offered a bribe to
    his victims afterwards to buy their silence. The trial court correctly concluded that
    Katy’s testimony was offered to show a purpose other than simply Defendant’s
    propensity to commit the crimes.
    [E]ven though evidence may tend to show other crimes,
    wrongs, or acts by the defendant and his propensity to
    commit them, it is admissible under Rule 404(b) so long as
    it also is relevant for some purpose other than to show that
    defendant has the propensity for the type of conduct for
    which he is being tried.
    - 10 -
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    State v. Bagley, 
    321 N.C. 201
    , 206, 
    362 S.E.2d 244
    , 247 (1987) (emphasis original)
    (citation and quotations omitted).
    The purpose of the evidence was relevant to show the common scheme or plan
    held by Defendant, although this evidence may also tend to show Defendant’s
    propensity to commit sexual assaults. See 
     (“evidence may tend to show other
    crimes, wrongs, or acts by the defendant and his propensity to commit them . . . .”).
    Record evidence demonstrates the trial court’s admission of the 404(b) evidence
    was not arbitrary or the result of an unreasoned decision. We find no error in the
    admission of Katy’s testimony under Rule 404(b).
    3. Rule 403
    Admissible evidence under Rule 404(b) must also meet the criteria of Rule 403.
    “Although relevant, evidence may be excluded if its probative value is substantially
    outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or misleading
    the jury, or by considerations of undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation
    of cumulative evidence.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 8C-1, Rule 403 (2015).           Otherwise
    admissible evidence, whose probative value is outweighted by the danger of unfair
    prejudice, is inadmissible under this rule. State v. Scott, 
    331 N.C. 39
    , 43, 
    413 S.E.2d 787
    , 789 (1992).    However, “[e]vidence which is probative of the State’s case
    necessarily will have a prejudicial effect upon the defendant; the question is one of
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    degree.” State v. Coffey, 
    326 N.C. 268
    , 281, 
    389 S.E.2d 48
    , 56 (1990) (citation omitted).
    It is within the trial court’s discretion whether to admit such evidence. 
    Defendant argues the testimony of alleged anal intercourse against a much
    younger child by a much older adult, inflamed the jury to compel his conviction. The
    evidence showed Defendant’s common scheme or plan to have forcible intercourse
    with young female victims asleep in their bedrooms, while he and his daughter were
    guests staying overnight in a home and to bribe the victims afterwards for their
    silence.    The probative value of Katy’s testimony, although prejudicial, did not
    substantially outweigh the danger of unfair prejudice. Defendant has failed to show
    the trial court abused its discretion in admitting Katy’s Rule 404(b) testimony under
    Rule 403.
    V. Dr. Thomas’ Testimony
    Defendant next argues the trial court committed plain error by admitting (1)
    Dr. Thomas’ assessment of “Child sexual abuse” and (2) her expert opinions which
    impermissibly bolstered and vouched for Amy’s credibility. Defendant acknowledges
    he did not preserve these errors by objection at trial. Defendant also argues that
    because of this plain error, he received ineffective assistance of counsel.
    A. Standard of Review
    Unpreserved errors in criminal cases are reviewed only for plain error. N.C.R.
    App. P. 10(a)(4); State v. Black, 308 N.C.736, 739-41, 
    303 S.E.2d 804
    , 805-07 (1983).
    - 12 -
    Opinion of the Court
    For error to constitute plain error, a defendant must
    demonstrate that a fundamental error occurred at trial. To
    show that an error was fundamental, a defendant must
    establish prejudice—that, after examination of the entire
    record, the error had a probable impact on the jury’s
    finding that the defendant was guilty.
    State v. Lawrence, 
    365 N.C. 506
    , 518, 
    723 S.E.2d 326
    , 334 (2012) (citations and
    quotation marks omitted).
    Defendant must show an error occurred and that the error was “fundamental”
    such that the jury “probably would have returned a different verdict[,]” to receive a
    new trial. Id. at 519, 
    723 S.E.2d at 335
    B. Analysis
    1. “Child Sexual Abuse”
    Our Rules of Evidence prohibit an expert witness from commenting on the
    credibility of another witness. State v. Wise, 
    326 N.C. 421
    , 426, 
    390 S.E.2d 142
    , 145,
    cert. denied, 
    498 U.S. 853
    112 L. Ed. 2d 113
     (1990). “[A]n expert may not testify that
    sexual abuse has occurred without physical evidence supporting her opinion.” State
    v. Towe, 
    366 N.C. 56
    , 60, 
    732 S.E.2d 564
    , 567 (2012) (citation and quotation marks
    omitted). “However, if a proper foundation has been laid, an expert may testify about
    the characteristics of sexually abused children and whether an alleged victim exhibits
    such characteristics.” Id. at 62, 732 S.E.2d at 567-68 (citation and quotation omitted).
    Defendant asserts his case is controlled by Towe. The expert in Towe was the
    director of the child sexual abuse team at the local hospital. Id. at 63, 732 S.E.2d at
    - 13 -
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    569. The jury heard she was a published author in the field of sexual exploitation of
    children and had frequently been qualified as an expert in pediatrics and child sexual
    abuse in previous cases. Id. at 63-64, 732 S.E.2d at 569.
    The expert in Towe testified that between 70-75% of children who have been
    sexually abused have no abnormal physical findings, and she would place the victim
    in that category. Id. at 60, 732 S.E.2d at 566.          The Supreme Court found this
    testimony to be improper and qualified as plain error. Id. at 64, 732 S.E.2d at 568.
    Dr. Thomas testified to general characteristics of abused children, but did not
    offer an opinion that Amy had been sexually abused, or that Amy fell into the category
    of children who have been sexually abused, but who showed no physical symptoms of
    such abuse. The report published to the jury includes a statement “Chief Concern:
    Possible child sexual abuse.”       The controverted statement in Dr. Thomas’
    examination report of Amy is a paragraph titled “ASSESSMENT AND
    RECOMMENDATIONS,” where the paragraph begins with “Child sexual abuse by
    [Amy’s] disclosure.”
    While the jury has the duty to weigh the credibility of the expert’s testimony,
    the expert’s opinion tendered in Towe left little room for the jury to find the victim
    incredible. The proffered testimony by the expert in Towe impermissibly bolstered
    the credibility of the child victim. Towe, 366 N.C. at 63, 732 S.E.2d at 568. Dr.
    Thomas’ testimony was not conclusory and left the ultimate issue to the jury to
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    determine whether the facts and circumstances of the case were explainable by the
    possibility presented by Dr. Thomas.
    Dr. Thomas did not offer an opinion that Amy had been sexually abused. The
    phrase in her report merely introduces the paragraph of the report dealing with
    Amy’s disclosures. Dr. Thomas’ testimony did not impermissibly bolster or vouch for
    Amy’s veracity. See id. Defendant’s argument to the contrary is overruled.
    2. “Consistent,” “Compelling” and “Concerning”
    Defendant argues Dr. Thomas’ statements in her written report published to
    the jury that Amy’s disclosures have been “consistent and compelling” and
    subsequently that she “agree[s] with law enforcement in this compelling and
    concerning case” served to impermissibly bolster Amy’s credibility.
    Defendant argues State v. Aguallo, State v. O’Connor and State v. Frady
    require a new trial in this case. In Aguallo, the expert testified she thought the child
    victim “was believable.” State v. Aguallo, 
    318 N.C. 590
    , 599, 
    350 S.E.2d 76
    , 81 (1986).
    The Supreme Court held this was an impermissible expert opinion as to the
    credibility of the victim. Id. at 599, 
    350 S.E.2d at 81
    . The Court in Aguallo found the
    error to be prejudicial and allowed a new trial where the State’s evidence of the
    defendant’s guilt was “not overwhelming.” 
    350 S.E.2d at 82
    In O’Connor, the expert testified she had found no physical indications of
    sexual assault. State v. O’Connor, 
    150 N.C. App. 710
    , 711, 
    564 S.E.2d 296
    , 297, disc.
    - 15 -
    Opinion of the Court
    review denied, 
    356 N.C. 173
    567 S.E.2d 144
     (2002). She stated the victim had told
    her he had been sexually assaulted on three occasions. 
     The expert’s written report
    of her findings and conclusions was admitted into evidence without objection. 
    report contained the statement, “It is my impression that [J.M.’s] disclosure was
     This Court held it was plain error to admit into evidence that portion
    of the report. Id. at 712, 
    564 S.E. 2d at 297
    In Frady, the expert neither examined nor interviewed the victim. State v.
    228 N.C. App. 682
    , 684, 
    747 S.E.2d 164
    , 166 (2013). The trial court allowed
    the expert witness to testify that the victim’s “disclosure [was] consistent with sexual
     This Court held the expert’s statement was “essentially” an expression of
    her opinion that the victim was credible. Id. at 686, 747 S.E.2d at 167. The Court
    held this admission to be a prejudicial error where the only evidence of the
    defendant’s guilt was the victim’s testimony and the State offered the expert
    testimony as rebuttal, being the last testimony the jury would hear before retiring to
    deliberate. Id.
    Our appellate courts have repeatedly held that it is not improper for an expert
    to testify to a victim’s examination being “consistent” with the victim’s statements of
    abuse. State v. Kennedy, 
    320 N.C. 20
    , 31-32, 
    357 S.E.2d 359
    , 366 (1987) (no error to
    admit physician’s opinion that victim’s symptoms were consistent with sexual abuse);
    State v. Wise, 
    326 N.C. 421
    , 427, 
    390 S.E.2d 142
    , 146 (1990) (no error where expert
    - 16 -
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    merely described her personal observations concerning the emotions of the victim
    during the counseling sessions); State v. Marine, 
    135 N.C. App. 279
    , 281, 
    520 S.E.2d 65
    , 66 (1999) (no error where expert testified that one of the indicators that she used
    to conclude victim suffered from post-traumatic stress syndrome was that the victim
    “has experienced actual or threatened serious injury….”).
    While our courts have allowed admission upon proper foundation, an expert
    opinion that the victim’s symptoms or physical examination are “consistent” with the
    victim’s statements of abuse, Defendant asserts Dr. Thomas’ use of the terms
    “consistent and compelling” and “compelling and concerning” are tantamount to
    stating Amy’s allegations are credible.
    Our “courts have consistently held that the testimony of an expert to the effect
    that a prosecuting witness is believable, credible, or telling the truth is inadmissible
    evidence.” State v. Bailey, 
    89 N.C. App. 212
    , 219, 
    365 S.E.2d 651
    , 655 (1988).
    At oral argument, Defendant argued the problematic word here is
    “compelling.” Dr. Thomas’ report contains the term “compelling” twice. In the first
    use, Dr. Thomas’ written statement is “Her disclosures have been consistent and
    compelling.” Merriam Webster offers three definitions of compelling as “forceful,”
    “demanding     attention”   or   “convincing.”     Compelling   Definition,   MERRIAM-
    WEBSTER. COM,          (last
    visited Oct. 26, 2017). The term “compelling” as used here could be construed as
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    impermissible opinion testimony regarding Amy’s credibility. Bailey, 89 N.C. App. at
    365 S.E.2d at 655
    The second use, the expert witness’ agreement with “law enforcement[’s]
    involvement in this compelling and concerning case” is not as troubling. The context
    of this statement reveals Dr. Thomas used the terms “compelling” and “concerning”
    to connote forceful, demanding attention, gut-wrenching, troubling, worrying or any
    of the many other adjectives that could describe the sex offenses.
    Presuming arguendo, the court’s admission of the statements in the doctor’s
    report was error, we must determine whether it rises to the level of plain error. “A
    plain error is one so fundamental as to amount to a miscarriage of justice or which
    probably resulted in the jury reaching a different verdict than it otherwise would
    have reached.” State v. Carroll, 
    356 N.C. 526
    , 539, 
    573 S.E.2d 899
    , 908 (2002). Thus
    our question is whether the jury would probably have reached a different verdict if
    this testimony had not been admitted. Bagley, 
    321 N.C. at 213
    362 S.E.2d at 251
    In State v. Hammett, 
    361 N.C. 92
    , 97, 
    637 S.E.2d 518
    , 522 (2006), our Supreme
    Court held the expert witness improperly vouched for the child victim’s credibility
    when the expert added “that she would reach the same conclusion based on [the child
    victim’s] history alone and that the physical evidence was not a necessary basis for
    her conclusions” to her previous admissible testimony that her findings were
    consistent with abuse. While the Court held the admission of this part of the expert’s
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    testimony was error, the Court recognized, as here, the issue had not been preserved
    by the defendant and applied plain error review. Id. at 98, 
    637 S.E.2d 522
    . Under a
    plain error review, the Supreme Court “believe[d] the jury would not have acquitted
    defendant if the challenged statements had been excluded.” Id. at 99, 
    637 S.E.2d at 523
    Here, the victim testified and described in detail about the alleged assault. The
    State offered witnesses, who corroborated Defendant’s access to the victim, as well as
    a 404(b) witness showing Defendant’s common scheme to have intercourse with
    young females. This other evidence along with Dr. Thomas’ trial testimony of Amy’s
    demeanor, emotional state and behavior since the alleged incident provide sufficient
    other evidence of Defendant’s guilt. Defendant has failed to show prejudice in the
    trial court in the admission of Dr. Thomas’ statements and reports. The trial court’s
    admission of Dr. Thomas’ statements in her report that Amy’s disclosures have been
    “consistent and compelling” does not rise to the level of plain error.
    3. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel (“IAC”)
    Defendant asserts an alternative argument if this Court does not find plain
    error in the admission of Dr. Thomas’ report. Defendant argues his counsel was
    ineffective because he failed to object when the State tendered Dr. Thomas as an
    expert witness or when the State introduced Dr. Thomas’ report. “When a defendant
    attacks his conviction on the basis that counsel was ineffective, he must show that
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    his counsel’s conduct fell below an objective standard of reasonableness.” State v.
    312 N.C. 553
    , 561-62, 
    324 S.E.2d 241
    , 248 (1985) (citing Strickland v.
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687, 
    80 L.Ed.2d 674
    , 693 (1984)).
    To meet this burden, Defendant must satisfy Strickland’s two-part test:
    First, the defendant must show that counsel’s performance
    was deficient. This requires showing that counsel made
    errors so serious that counsel was not functioning as the
    “counsel” guaranteed the defendant by the Sixth
    Amendment. Second, the defendant must show that the
    deficient performance prejudiced the defense. This
    requires showing that counsel’s error were so serious as to
    deprive the defendant of a fair trial, a trial whose result is
    466 U.S. at 687
    80 L.Ed.2d at 693
    IAC claims brought on direct review are “decided on the merits when the cold
    record reveals that no further investigation is required.” State v. Fair, 
    354 N.C. 131
    557 S.E.2d 500
    , 525 (2001) cert. denied, 
    535 U.S. 1114
    153 L. Ed. 2d 162
    Our Supreme Court has recently held that whether defense counsel “made a
    particular strategic decision remains a question of fact, and is not something which
    can be hypothesized” by an appellate court on direct appeal. State v. Todd, __ N.C.
    __, __, 
    799 S.E.2d 834
    , 838 (2017).
    Defendant presents attorney conduct that cannot be determined by the “cold
    record” alone. We dismiss Defendant’s IAC claim without prejudice.
    VI. Lifetime SBM
    - 20 -
    Opinion of the Court
    Defendant petitions this Court issue our writ of certiorari to hear his appeal.
    We allow Defendant’s petition to review his claim. He asserts the State failed to
    establish his enrollment in SBM constituted a reasonable search under the Fourth
    Amendment as required by Grady v. North Carolina, __ U.S. __, __, 
    191 L. Ed. 2d 459
    , 462-63 (2015). This Court has made it clear that “the State shall bear the burden
    of proving that the [satellite-based monitoring] program is reasonable.” State v. Blue,
    __ N.C. App. __, __, 
    783 S.E.2d 524
    , 527; State v. Morris, __ N.C. App. __, __, 
    783 S.E.2d 528
    , 530.
    The transcript of Defendant’s SBM hearing shows:
    [Prosecutor]: Your Honor, looking at the AOC-CR 615
    form, Judicial Findings and Order Sex Offenders Active
    Punishment, the State would contend--
    THE COURT: Do you have it filled out?
    [Prosecutor]: No, sir.
    THE COURT: Let’s get it. You have it filled out here?
    THE CLERK: No, it’s not filled out.
    [Prosecutor]: The State contends that number one, that
    would be a B1 sexually violent offense.
    THE COURT: That’s also a rape of a child.
    [Prosecutor]: No, sir, that’s a different statute. That is
    under the age of 13.
    THE COURT: A B1?
    - 21 -
    Opinion of the Court
    [Prosecutor]: Yes, sir.
    THE COURT: And two would be the defendant has not
    been classified as a sexually violent predator. Number
    three; the defendant is not a recidivist. Number four; the
    offense of conviction is an aggravated offense and that’s as
    to the statutory rape, and five; the offense did involve the
    physical, mental and sexual abuse of a minor.
    [Prosecutor]: Yes, sir. As to the order, we would contend
    number one should be A; natural life registration because
    you find one of the factors two to four was found in the
    THE COURT: For his natural life?
    [Prosecutor]: Yes, sir, and satellite based monitoring, I
    believe 2B, which is because the aggravating factors were
    found in the affirmative.
    THE COURT: That’s correct, 2B?
    [Prosecutor]: Yes, sir.
    THE COURT: All right. I’m going to find that he has been
    convicted of a reportable conviction under 14-208.6, he has
    a sexually violent offense. Under 14-208(5), he has not been
    classified as a sexually violent predator, under the
    procedure set out in 14-208.20, he is not a recidivist; in
    number three, it is an aggravated offense and it did involve
    the physical[,] mental[,] and sexual abuse of a minor, and
    the registration is going to be for his natural life upon
    release from imprisonment. He is enrolled in satellite
    based monitoring for his natural life unless terminated
    pursuant to the statute. That’s going to be the judgment of
    the Court as well.
    [Defense counsel]: Your honor, I talked to my client if this
    were to happen we are giving Notice of Appeal.
    - 22 -
    Opinion of the Court
    Under our precedents, if Defendant had challenged the constitutionality of the
    SBM as applied to him, we would have been required to reverse the court’s order of
    SBM. See State v. Greene, __ N.C. __, __ S.E.2d __, 
    2017 WL 4364396
    , at *2 (N.C. Ct.
    App. Oct. 3, 2017). However, here Defendant raised no constitutional challenge at
    any point of this “hearing.”     Defendant’s counsel filed no motion, objection or
    argument that the SBM imposed upon Defendant was an unreasonable search.
    In State v. Bishop, __ N.C. __, __ S.E.2d __, 
    2017 WL 4364391
     (2017), the
    defendant was convicted of taking indecent liberties with a child. The trial court
    sentenced him to SBM for thirty years. 
    2017 WL 4364391
     at 1. At the hearing, the
    defendant did not challenge the court’s imposition of SBM on constitutional grounds.
     Further, the defendant did not timely file a notice of appeal. Defendant petitioned
    this Court for a writ of certiorari. Before this Court, the defendant argued the petition
    should issue and sought this Court to invoke Rule 2 of the North Carolina Rules of
    Appellate Procedure, because his constitutional argument was otherwise waived on
     This Court held the defendant was “no different from other defendants
    who failed to preserve their constitutional arguments in the trial court, and because
    he has not argued any specific facts that demonstrate manifest injustice if we decline
    to invoke Rule 2, we do not believe this case is an appropriate use of that
    extraordinary step.” Id. at 2.
    - 23 -
    Opinion of the Court
    As with the defendant in Bishop, Defendant cannot prevail on this issue
    without invoking Rule 2, because his constitutional argument was waived. In our
    discretion, we decline to invoke Rule 2 to issue a writ of certiorari to review
    Defendant’s unpreserved argument on direct appeal. Defendant’s purported appeal
    of his SBM is dismissed.
    As with the admission of expert testimony, Defendant argues in the alternative
    that his counsel rendered IAC and that the designation of SBM proceedings as civil
    should not bar a determination that he received ineffective assistance of counsel on
    this issue. Defendant concedes we are bound by our precedents in State v. Wagoner,
    199 N.C. App. 321
    , 332, 
    683 S.E.2d 391
    , 400 (2009) (holding IAC claims are only
    available in criminal matters and SBM is not a criminal punishment) and In re Civil
    324 N.C. 373
    , 384, 
    379 S.E.2d 30
    , 36 (1989) (“Where a panel of the Court of
    Appeals has decided the same issue, albeit in a different case, a subsequent panel of
    the same court is bound by that precedent[.]”). Defendant’s argument is dismissed.
    VII. Conclusion
    The trial court properly allowed Katy’s testimony of Defendant’s sexual assault
    under Rules 404(b) and 403. Defendant failed to demonstrate any plain error with
    respect to the admission of Dr. Thomas’ expert testimony and report. Defendant has
    waived direct appellate review of any Fourth Amendment challenge to the order
    requiring him to enroll in the SBM program for life.
    - 24 -
    Opinion of the Court
    We find no error in the jury’s convictions or in the judgments entered thereon.
    Defendant’s petition for writ of certiorari to review the trial court’s imposition of SBM
    is allowed. His appeal of SBM as applied to him is dismissed without prejudice.
    Defendant’s IAC claims regarding the expert testimony have been prematurely
    asserted on direct appeal and are dismissed without prejudice. It is so ordered.
    Judge HUNTER concurs.
    Judge STROUD concurs with separate opinion.
    - 25 -
    No. COA17-413– State v. Spinks
    STROUD, Judge, concurring.
    I concur in the majority opinion fully on all issues except the last, as to the
    SBM order. On this issue, I concur in the result only. I write separately to note my
    concern regarding the trial court’s failure to consider the Grady issues arising from
    the SBM order. But I will not address the substance of the issue or dissent primarily
    because a hearing to consider “the reasonableness of [the] search” depends upon “the
    totality of the circumstances, including the nature and purpose of the search and the
    extent to which the search intrudes upon reasonable privacy expectations.” Grady v.
    North Carolina, __ U.S. __, __, 
    191 L. Ed. 2d 459
    , 462, 
    135 S. Ct. 1368
    , 1371 (2015).
    The reasonableness of the search and the totality of the circumstances under which
    the SBM will operate will depend necessarily upon the defendant’s circumstances and
    the operation of SBM at the time the monitoring will be done of the defendant.
    Attempting to determine the reasonableness of satellite based monitoring which will
    not take effect for nearly 50 years and possibly as long as 66 years would be an
    exercise in futility.
    At the time of his conviction and sentencing, defendant was almost 32 years
    old. He was sentenced to two consecutive terms of imprisonment of a minimum of
    280 months and a maximum of 396 months. In other words, he will be in prison for
    at least 46 years, 7 months or as much as 66 years. If he is released from prison upon
    completion of his minimum sentences, he will be nearly 79 years old; if he is released
    after completing his maximum sentences, he will be nearly 98 years old.
    STROUD, J., concurring
    If the trial court were to conduct a Grady hearing, it would need to consider
    evidence presented about various factors, such as “the nature of the privacy interest
    upon which the search . . . intrudes”; “the character of the intrusion that is complained
    of” and the type of private information the search discloses; and “the nature and
    immediacy of the governmental concern at issue . . ., and the efficacy of [government
    action] for meeting it.” Vernonia Sch. Dist. 47J v. Acton, 
    515 U.S. 646
    , 654, 658, 660,
    132 L. Ed. 2d 564
    , 575, 577-78, 579, 
    115 S. Ct. 2386
    , 2391, 2393, 2394 (1995). One
    type of evidence at this type of hearing would be information regarding the size and
    intrusiveness of the monitoring device as well as how it functions to monitor the
    defendant and how the device is maintained. Even if a court were to consider only
    the facts relevant to the monitoring device -- ignoring whether a 98 year old man
    presents the same potential threats to society as a 32 year old man -- it is simply
    impossible to predict what sort of satellite-based monitoring technology will be used
    in 2063, or in 2083, or anywhere in between. The SBM technology as it exists now is
    irrelevant to this defendant.   The changes in technology in the last 47 years have
    been tremendous. The cell phone is just one example of these changes. Wireless
    phones existed only in science fiction 47 years ago; cell phones were not invented until
    1973. Cell phones used to be large, bulky devices that weighed several pounds. Even
    just a few years ago, cell phones had one function: phone calls. Cell phones now weigh
    a few ounces and have more computing and data storage capability than the largest
    STROUD, J., concurring
    and most advanced computers in the world of 47 years ago. And 66 years ago, in
    1951, the first commercial computer produced in the United States, the UNIVAC,
    debuted. It weighed about 16,000 pounds and took up about 382 square feet of floor
    space; its computing speed was glacial compared to the most basic cell phone
    available today.
    The United States Supreme Court has recognized in recent cases the need to
    consider how modern technology actually works as part of analysis of the
    reasonableness of searches. See Riley v. California, __ U.S. __, __, 
    189 L. Ed. 2d 430
    134 S. Ct. 2473
    , 2489-90 (2014) (“One of the most notable distinguishing
    features of modern cell phones is their immense storage capacity. Before cell phones,
    a search of a person was limited by physical realities and tended as a general matter
    to constitute only a narrow intrusion on privacy. . . . But the possible intrusion on
    privacy is not physically limited in the same way when it comes to cell phones. The
    current top-selling smart phone has a standard capacity of 16 gigabytes (and is
    available with up to 64 gigabytes). Sixteen gigabytes translates to millions of pages
    of text, thousands of pictures, or hundreds of videos. . . . . The storage capacity of cell
    phones has several interrelated consequences for privacy. First, a cell phone collects
    in one place many distinct types of information . . . that reveal much more in
    combination than any isolated record. Second, a cell phone’s capacity allows even
    just one type of information to convey far more than previously possible. . . . Third,
    STROUD, J., concurring
    the data on a phone can date back to the purchase of the phone, or even earlier. . . .
    Finally, there is an element of pervasiveness that characterizes cell phones but not
    physical records.” (Citations omitted)). And again, the technology of SBM is just one
    part of the analysis of the “totality of the circumstances” which the trial court must
    undertake based on Grady.
    I would encourage the General Assembly to consider addressing the absolute
    futility of having trial courts conduct SBM hearings immediately upon sentencing
    offenders who are to serve extremely long sentences. Holding this type of hearing so
    many years before any possible release is simply a waste of time and resources for
    prosecutors, defense counsel, and the trial courts. A hearing to consider SBM held
    shortly before a convicted sex offender is to be released upon completion of his
    sentences would allow the trial court to make a meaningful assessment of SBM based
    upon technology available and the offender’s circumstances at that time.
    I therefore concur with the majority opinion on all issues except the last. On
    that last issue -- relating to the SBM order -- I concur only in the result.