Newfield Exploration Company v. State , 2022 ND 166 ( 2022 )

  •                                                                                  FILED
    SEPTEMBER 1, 2022
    2022 ND 166
    Newfield Exploration Company, Newfield
    Production Company, and Newfield RMI LLC,             Plaintiffs and Appellees
    State of North Dakota, ex rel. the North
    Dakota Board of University and School Lands,
    and the Office of the Commissioner of
    University and School Lands, a/k/a the North
    Dakota Department of Trust Lands,                  Defendants and Appellants
    No. 20220022
    Appeal from the District Court of McKenzie County, Northwest Judicial
    District, the Honorable Robin A. Schmidt, Judge.
    Opinion of the Court by Crothers, Justice.
    Michelle P. Scheffler (argued), Garrett S. Martin (appeared), and Ryan P. Pitts
    (appeared), Houston, TX, and Lawrence Bender (appeared), Bismarck, ND, for
    plaintiffs and appellees.
    David P. Garner, Assistant Attorney General, Bismarck, ND, for defendants
    and appellants.
    Newfield Exploration Company, et al. v. State, et al.
    No. 20220022
    Crothers, Justice.
    [¶1] The State of North Dakota, ex rel. the North Dakota Board of University
    and School Lands, and the Office of the Commissioner of University and School
    Lands, a/k/a the North Dakota Department of Trust Lands appeals from a
    judgment dismissing its claim against Newfield Exploration Company relating
    to the underpayment of gas royalties. The State claims Newfield’s
    underpayment of royalties violated N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1, which obligates a
    well operator to pay royalties. We reverse and remand.
    [¶2] Newfield operates numerous oil and gas wells on property that includes
    State-owned minerals and leases. In 2016, the State audited certain wells
    operated by Newfield. In January 2017, the State informed Newfield it
    underpaid gas royalties because the “royalty payments were being calculated
    on gross proceeds less deductions.” The State claimed that under its standard
    lease, “deductions are not allowed to be subtracted from gross proceeds in the
    calculation of . . . royalty payments.” The letter to Newfield stated applicable
    interest and penalties may be assessed on late royalty payments under
    N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 and the Board’s oil and gas lease rules. In response,
    Newfield denied it underpaid gas royalties to the State.
    [¶3] In March 2018, Newfield sued the State seeking court confirmation that
    it properly calculated royalties under the State’s leases based on the proceeds
    Newfield received for selling the gas. Newfield sought a judgment declaring
    that royalty payments to the State were properly calculated under the terms
    of the leases. The State counterclaimed, alleging Newfield underpaid gas
    royalties by improperly deducting expenses. The State alleged a breach of
    contract, claiming it was entitled to penalties and interest under its
    administrative rules and N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1. The State also sought an
    accounting from Newfield. Newfield denied the State’s allegations and raised
    the affirmative defenses of waiver, estoppel, and laches.
    [¶4] Both parties moved for summary judgment on the “interpretation of the
    gas royalty provisions of the Newfield Leases entered into between [Newfield]
    and [the State] on certain property.” Newfield claimed the lease language
    allowed it to calculate the State’s gas royalty as a percentage of the proceeds
    Newfield received from its third-party purchaser. The State asserted the
    proceeds Newfield received from its third-party purchaser were reduced to
    account for expenses incurred by the purchaser to make the gas marketable.
    The State argued Newfield’s deduction for processing expenses and resulting
    reduction of the royalty was contrary to the lease. The district court granted
    Newfield’s motion, concluding Newfield properly calculated the State’s gas
    royalty under the lease. The court entered a judgment dismissing the State’s
    [¶5] This Court reversed, concluding, “Gross proceeds from which the royalty
    payments under the leases are calculated may not be reduced by an amount
    that either directly or indirectly accounts for post-production costs incurred to
    make the gas marketable.” Newfield Expl. Co. v. State ex rel. N. Dakota Bd. of
    Univ. & Sch. Lands, 
    2019 ND 193
    , ¶ 12, 
    931 N.W.2d 478
    . We held the
    calculation of the State’s gas royalty “based on an amount that has been
    reduced to account for expenses incurred to make the gas marketable, even
    though the cost to make the gas marketable only indirectly benefits Newfield,
    is contrary to the leases.” Id. at ¶ 11. We reversed the district court’s judgment
    in favor of Newfield and remanded for additional proceedings. Id. at ¶ 12.
    [¶6] On remand, both parties moved for summary judgment. The State
    argued it was entitled to the relief sought in its counterclaim based on this
    Court’s decision in Newfield, 
    2019 ND 193
    . Newfield asserted that if the State
    succeeded on its claim to recover unpaid royalties, it may only recover from
    production occurring on or after August 1, 2013. In its order for partial
    summary judgment, the district court dismissed the State’s claim for an
    accounting and concluded August 1, 2013 was the date from which the State
    could seek damages for unpaid royalties.
    [¶7] At an October 2021 bench trial the State submitted evidence identifying
    the leases covered by Newfield’s wells. The State also introduced royalty
    statements and a summary showing the State’s calculation of Newfield’s
    underpayment of royalties, along with penalties and interest. Newfield
    submitted evidence related to estoppel and laches. The district court found the
    State failed to establish a breach of contract because it could not prove a
    contract, lease or other obligation existed between the parties. The court
    entered judgment dismissing the State’s counterclaim against Newfield. The
    State timely appeals.
    [¶8] Our standard of review in an appeal from a bench trial is well
    “In an appeal from a bench trial, the district court’s findings
    of fact are reviewed under the clearly erroneous standard of
    review, and its conclusions of law are fully reviewable. A finding of
    fact is clearly erroneous if it is induced by an erroneous view of the
    law, if there is no evidence to support it, or if, after reviewing all of
    the evidence, this Court is convinced a mistake has been made. In
    a bench trial, the district court is the determiner of credibility
    issues and we will not second-guess the district court on its
    credibility determinations. Findings of the trial court are
    presumptively correct.”
    Sproule v. Johnson, 
    2022 ND 51
    , ¶ 9, 
    971 N.W.2d 854
    [¶9] The State argues the district court erred by dismissing its counterclaim
    against Newfield based on a failure to introduce the leases between the parties.
    The State argues Newfield, as a well operator, has a statutory obligation to pay
    royalties according to the State’s leases.
    [¶10] As an initial matter, we address Newfield’s characterization of the
    parties’ relationship. As mentioned, Newfield operates several gas producing
    wells on property that includes minerals leased by the State. However,
    throughout much of the litigation, Newfield also portrayed itself as a lessee of
    the State. In its March 2018 complaint, Newfield stated, “The oil and gas lease
    agreements entered into between the [State] and Newfield (collectively, the
    ‘Newfield Leases’) were drafted by the [State] based on the Form Lease.”
    Newfield’s August 2018 summary judgment brief stated as an undisputed fact
    that “Newfield has an interest” in the State’s “oil and gas lease agreements.”
    Newfield used its self-defined term “Newfield Leases” throughout its brief.
    [¶11] After prevailing on summary judgment, the district court ordered
    Newfield to prepare a judgment, which provided, “The claims asserted in
    Newfield’s Complaint concern a number of oil and gas leases currently in effect
    between Newfield and Defendants, the terms of which are derived from a
    standard lease form utilized by Defendants.” In the parties’ first appeal, this
    Court said, “Newfield has entered into leases with the State. . . .” Newfield,
    2019 ND 193
    , ¶ 2. On remand, Newfield’s July 2021 summary judgment brief
    reiterated, “It is undisputed that [Newfield] is lessee and the [State] is
    lessor . . . under a number of oil and gas leases.”
    [¶12] Before trial on the State’s breach of contract counterclaim on remand,
    Newfield changed course. Despite consistently characterizing itself as a lessee
    of the State, Newfield stated in its pretrial statement, “the Court must
    determine if the State has proven that Newfield and the State are parties to
    any executed 1979 form leases and that the wells subject to those leases have
    produced natural gas in the relevant years.” Newfield admitted it pays
    royalties to the State, but only as an operator under a spacing unit: “Newfield
    pays the State royalties on leases between third parties and the State on wells
    that Newfield merely operates. Such third-party leases belong to acreage
    pooled under a ‘Spacing Unit’ and for which Newfield serves as operator.” At
    trial, Newfield’s Director of Revenue testified Newfield pays the State royalties
    as a well operator.
    [¶13] The district court agreed with Newfield’s argument that the State must
    prove the existence of contracts that Newfield breached. In dismissing the
    State’s claim, the court concluded, “This court is not able to assume the
    existence of a contract. Nor is this court able to assume a legal obligation if the
    State does not provide one to the court.”
    [¶14] Under N.D.C.C. § 9-01-05, “[a]n obligation arises from: (1) [t]he contract
    of the parties; or (2) [t]he operation of law.” “An obligation arising from
    operation of law may be enforced in the manner provided by law or by civil
    action or proceeding.” Id.
    [¶15] The State titled one of its counterclaims as “Breach of Contract.” The
    substance of the claim relates to Newfield’s alleged underpayment of royalties
    on the gas produced from the Newfield operated wells. In addition to the breach
    of contract label, the claim alleged the State was entitled to interest and
    penalties under N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 and N.D. Admin. Code § 85-06-06-10 as
    a result of Newfield’s underpayment of royalties.
    [¶16] Section 47-16-39.1,1 N.D.C.C., requires a lessee or well operator to pay
    royalties under an oil and gas lease. If an operator fails to pay royalties to a
    mineral owner, the operator “shall pay interest on the unpaid royalties.” Id.
    The statute requires an operator to pay royalties to a mineral interest owner
    whether the interest is leased or unleased. Id. An action to enforce an
    operator’s violation of N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 must be brought in the district
    court for the county where the well is located.
    1Section 47-16-39.1, N.D.C.C., was amended August 1, 2021. The obligation to
    pay the State royalties was moved from N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 to N.D.C.C. § 15-
    05-10. 2021 N.D. Sess. Laws ch. 119, §§ 1-2. For purposes of this appeal, we
    refer to the earlier version of N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1. See White v. Altru Health
    2008 ND 48
    , ¶¶ 10-11, 
    746 N.W.2d 173
     (stating the version of a statute in
    effect on the date the cause of action accrued applies, because statutes
    generally do not apply retroactively).
    [¶17] The district court concluded the State did not establish a legal obligation
    owed by Newfield. However, the State pled N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 in its
    counterclaim, which the court recognized at trial. The State brought the action
    in the county where Newfield operated its wells as required by N.D.C.C. § 47-
    16-39.1. See N.D.C.C. § 9-01-05 (providing a legal obligation may be enforced
    in the manner provided by law). Because the State satisfied both the pleading
    and the proof requirements of N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1, the district court erred in
    concluding the State did not prove Newfield owed it a legal obligation to pay
    additional royalties. Rather, as the well operator, Newfield owed the State an
    obligation under N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1 to pay royalties according to the State’s
    leases. The court failed to recognize Newfield’s legal obligations as a well
    operator under N.D.C.C. § 47-16-39.1.
    [¶18] In Newfield, 
    2019 ND 193
    , ¶ 11, we held Newfield’s calculation of the
    State’s gas royalty was “contrary to the leases.” The parties acknowledged the
    State has been using the same form lease with the same royalty provisions
    since 1979. The district court’s first judgment, prepared by Newfield, stated
    the claims involved in the action “concern a number of oil and gas leases”
    between the parties, “the terms of which are derived from a standard lease form
    utilized by [the State].” (Emphasis added). Because the leases’ royalty
    provisions are the same, the trial on remand should have focused on the State’s
    damages and Newfield’s affirmative defenses, not whether the State could
    prove a breach of each lease involved in this action.
    [¶19] At trial, the State introduced evidence of its damages from August 1,
    2013 through testimony and by documents, including royalty statements, a list
    of Newfield wells and the corresponding State leases covered by each well, and
    a summary showing deductions, interest and penalties. Newfield presented
    evidence on its defenses of estoppel and laches. Although the parties presented
    evidence on their damages and defenses, the district court did not make any
    findings on these issues because it ruled the State failed to establish a contract
    existed between the parties. The court erred in dismissing the State’s
    counterclaim; therefore, we reverse and remand for findings related to the
    State’s damages and Newfield’s affirmative defenses.
    [¶20] The parties’ remaining arguments have been considered and are either
    without merit or not necessary to our decision. The judgment is reversed and
    [¶21] Jon J. Jensen, C.J.
    Gerald W. VandeWalle
    Daniel J. Crothers
    Lisa Fair McEvers
    Jerod E. Tufte

Document Info

Docket Number: 20220022

Citation Numbers: 2022 ND 166

Judges: Crothers, Daniel John

Filed Date: 9/1/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/1/2022