Hendrix v. Jaeger , 2022 ND 168 ( 2022 )

  •                                                                             FILED
    SEPTEMBER 7, 2022
    2022 ND 168
    Jared Hendrix, as chairman of the
    North Dakota for Term Limits
    Sponsoring Committee, and North
    Dakota for Term Limits,                                        Petitioners
    Alvin A. Jaeger, in his official capacity
    as North Dakota Secretary of State,                           Respondent
    No. 20220233
    Petition for Writ of Mandamus.
    Opinion of the Court by Tufte, Justice.
    Edward D. Greim (argued) and Matthew R. Mueller (on brief), Kansas City,
    Missouri, and Jesse H. Walstad (appeared), Bismarck, North Dakota, for
    David R. Phillips, Special Assistant Attorney General (argued), Matthew A.
    Sagsveen, Solicitor General (appeared), and the Honorable Drew H. Wrigley,
    Attorney General (appeared), Bismarck, North Dakota, for respondent.
    Hendrix v. Jaeger
    No. 20220233
    Tufte, Justice.
    [¶1] Jared Hendrix, as chairman of the North Dakota for Term Limits
    Sponsoring Committee, and North Dakota for Term Limits (collectively,
    “Petitioners” or “Committee”) petition for a writ of mandamus requiring the
    Secretary of State to place the Term Limits Initiative on the November 8, 2022,
    general election ballot. The Secretary of State rejected 29,101 signatures on
    circulated petitions and concluded the initiative did not qualify for placement
    on the ballot. The Petitioners argue the Secretary of State improperly
    invalidated signatures on the basis of a finding of notary fraud relating to two
    circulators, a pattern of notary fraud relating to one notary, violation of the
    pay-per-signature ban, and other issues. We conclude the Secretary of State
    misapplied the law by excluding signatures on the basis of a determination
    that a pattern of likely notary violations on some petitions permitted his
    invalidation of all signatures on all petitions that were sworn before the same
    notary. Because adding the signatures invalidated for imputed fraud to the
    17,265 other signatures accepted by the Secretary of State places the initiative
    over the constitutional requirement of 31,164, we grant the Committee’s
    petition and issue a writ of mandamus requiring the Secretary of State to place
    the Term Limits Initiative on the November 8, 2022, ballot.
    [¶2] In July 2021, the Committee submitted the Term Limits Initiative
    petition to the Secretary of State for review and approval. The proposed
    initiative would create a new article in the North Dakota Constitution
    imposing term limits on the Governor and members of the Legislative
    Assembly. The Secretary of State approved the petition for circulation. To place
    the initiative on the November 2022 ballot, the Committee was required to
    gather 31,164 qualified elector signatures.
    [¶3] On February 15, 2022, the Secretary of State received 1,441 petition
    packets containing 46,366 elector signatures from the Committee. On March
    22, 2022, the Secretary of State notified the Committee that 29,101 signatures
    were invalid and thus it had failed to submit enough valid signatures to place
    the initiative on the November ballot. He informed the Committee that he
    would not certify the initiative for placement on the ballot. The Committee
    requested an opportunity to review the petitions and the specific reasons for
    the rejection of each signature. In the following weeks, the Secretary of State
    returned the petitions, provided a spreadsheet outlining his reasons for
    rejecting signatures, and advised the Committee it had 20 days to review the
    rejections and provide any corrections.
    [¶4] The Secretary of State invalidated every elector signature appearing on
    petitions gathered by circulators whose affidavits were notarized by Zeph Toe.
    The Secretary of State informed the Committee that “[s]everal signatures of
    circulators were likely forged on affidavits in the presence of [Toe]. Therefore,
    all affidavits (attached to 751 petitions that included 15,740 signatures)
    notarized by [Toe] were not counted.” In reaching this decision, two petition
    circulators raised “red flags” for the Secretary of State: Chloe Lloyd and
    Ramona Morris. The Secretary of State determined their signatures on
    circulator affidavits attached to the petitions were inconsistent. As a result of
    his opinion that these signatures “vary wildly,” the Secretary of State inferred
    they had not been signed in the presence of Toe when he notarized them, which
    would be unlawful and raise serious credibility concerns about Toe.
    [¶5] In August 2022, the Committee petitioned the Court for a writ of
    mandamus requiring the Secretary of State to place the Term Limits Initiative
    on the November 8, 2022, general election ballot. We ordered the district court
    to hold an evidentiary hearing and make findings of fact on the Secretary of
    State’s disqualification of petition signatures. On August 23, 2022, the court
    held the evidentiary hearing.
    [¶6] The people of North Dakota reserved to themselves the power to propose
    and adopt constitutional amendments by the initiative. N.D. Const. art. III,
    § 1. “Laws may be enacted to facilitate and safeguard, but not to hamper,
    restrict, or impair these powers.” Id. “All decisions of the secretary of state in
    the petition process are subject to review by the supreme court in the exercise
    of original jurisdiction.” N.D. Const. art. III, § 7; see also N.D. Const. art. III,
    § 6 (stating all decisions of the Secretary of State “in regard to any petition are
    subject to review by the supreme court”). We have mandatory original
    jurisdiction under N.D. Const. art. III, §§ 6, 7. Zaiser v. Jaeger, 
    2012 ND 221
    ¶ 11, 
    822 N.W.2d 472
    ; N.D. State Bd. of Higher Educ. v. Jaeger, 
    2012 ND 64
    ¶¶ 10, 13, 
    815 N.W.2d 215
    [¶7] The Secretary of State has a constitutional duty to pass upon the
    sufficiency of initiative petitions. N.D. Const. art. III, § 6. According to
    N.D.C.C. § 16.1-01-10, this duty must be completed within thirty-five days. We
    have recognized the Secretary of State “has some discretion in passing on the
    sufficiency of submitted petitions.” Zaiser, 
    2012 ND 221
    , ¶ 19. However, these
    responsibilities are “limited” and “ministerial in nature.” Haugen v. Jaeger,
    2020 ND 177
    , ¶ 4, 
    948 N.W.2d 1
     (quoting Bd. of Higher Educ., 
    2012 ND 64
    ¶ 10). If the Secretary of State’s decision “involves the exercise of some
    discretion, his decision is entitled to some deference; however, to the extent his
    decision involves a question of law, the review is de novo, and neither party has
    the burden of proof.” Zaiser, at ¶ 19.
    [¶8] The Petitioners argue the Secretary of State erred by invalidating 15,740
    otherwise valid signatures merely because they appeared on petitions gathered
    by circulators whose affidavits were notarized by Zeph Toe. The March 22,
    2022, letter from the Secretary of State to the Committee stated, “Several
    signatures of circulators were likely forged on affidavits in the presence of a
    notary public. Therefore, all affidavits (attached to 751 petitions that included
    15,740 signatures) notarized by this notary were not counted.” The 751
    petitions having a circulator affidavit notarized by Zeph Toe contained 21,684
    signatures, 5,944 of which were deficient for other reasons and 15,740 of which
    were otherwise “valid” and disqualified solely on the basis of the Zeph Toe
    [¶9] At all relevant times, Toe has been a North Dakota notary in good
    standing. On April 11, 2022, during the 20-day correction period, the
    Committee provided the Secretary of State an affidavit from Toe attaching
    some of his notary logbook entries. Toe attested he followed the law in
    identifying the circulators appearing before him and witnessed the circulators
    sign the petitions before he notarized them. Lloyd, the circulator whose
    signatures raised suspicion, also provided an affidavit, dated April 14, 2022,
    stating the disputed signatures were her signatures. The Secretary of State
    did not consider either affidavit for purposes of correction, explaining Zeph
    Toe’s affidavit “was inaccurate because the signatures varied too much among
    the various petitions; so I can’t believe it.” The district court disregarded these
    affidavits as untimely and untruthful. In original jurisdiction cases such as
    this, we do not apply the clearly erroneous standard, but rather give the
    district court’s findings of fact “appreciable weight.” Berg v. Jaeger, 
    2020 ND 178
    , ¶¶ 14-15, 
    948 N.W.2d 4
    [¶10] The Secretary of State had no more than 35 days to pass upon the
    sufficiency of the initiative petition under N.D.C.C. § 16.1-01-10, which in this
    case was March 22, 2022. After the Secretary of State’s 35-day review period
    closes, Article III, § 6, of the North Dakota Constitution allows twenty days to
    correct an insufficient petition from the date the Secretary of State notifies the
    sponsoring committee. Although the Committee was initially notified of the
    insufficient petition on March 22, 2022, the Committee did not receive the
    spreadsheet outlining the precise reasons for excluding each signature until
    April 5, or the last of the returned petitions until April 11. The Secretary of
    State does not contest the timeliness of these affidavits, and we conclude both
    were timely submitted to the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State
    explained he viewed the affidavits as untruthful on the basis of his belief that
    the signatures on the circulator affidavits varied too much to be anything other
    than fraudulent. As a result, he determined that both Lloyd and Toe lacked
    credibility to submit an affidavit that should be considered. We consider all
    information available to the Secretary of State when the final decision was
    made at the end of the correction period.
    [¶11] We begin our analysis by stating what we do not decide here. The
    Secretary of State determined that differences in handwriting by petition
    circulators Chloe Lloyd and Ramona Morris in their affidavits purportedly
    sworn before notary Zeph Toe were sufficient on their own (despite
    supplemental affidavits disputing the alleged fraud) to find the notarial act by
    Toe was fraudulent. We need not review whether that finding was supported
    by the information available to the Secretary of State at the time he
    determined the petition was insufficient. Assuming without deciding that the
    petitions having circulator affidavits by either Lloyd or Morris and sworn
    before Toe were properly excluded for fraud, we conclude the dispositive issue
    is whether there is legal authority supporting the Secretary of State’s decision
    to impute that fraud to all petitions having circulator affidavits sworn to before
    the same notary.
    [¶12] Concerning only the petition affidavits notarized by Toe, the record
    reflects a total of 1,043 “valid” signatures on the Lloyd petitions and zero
    “valid” signatures on the Morris petitions.1 The disqualification of petitions
    1Chloe Lloyd submitted the following petition packets having a circulator’s affidavit notarized by Toe.
    Pet. No.   Invalid         Valid        Raw Total
    808         49               0              49
    809         11             37               48
    812          7             39               46
    814         15             35               50
    815          5             45               50
    816          8             42               50
    817         20             30               50
    818         10             40               50
    819          9             41               50
    820          8             42               50
    821         15             35               50
    824          5             12               17
    825         13             37               50
    826         11             39               50
    827          5             45               50
    828          9             41               50
    829         15             35               50
    830         11             39               50
    831         15             34               49
    832         15             35               50
    833         33             17               50
    1377         7             33               40
    1378         3             37               40
    1379         6             34               40
    1382         1               5               6
    1385         2             12               14
    having circulator affidavits notarized by Toe invalidated 15,740 signatures
    solely on the basis of the Toe notarization. Those 15,740 signatures included
    all Morris and Lloyd signatures indicated as valid in the Secretary of State’s
    summary. The Secretary of State’s inference of fraud due to inconsistent
    signatures attached to these Lloyd and Morris petition packets directly
    implicates 1,043 otherwise valid signatures. The Secretary’s imputation of
    fraud to the remaining petition packets notarized by Toe, but not circulated by
    Lloyd or Morris, accounts for invalidation of the other 14,697 signatures
    (15,740 minus 1,043). If, as petitioners argue, imputed fraud may not be a basis
    for invalidating signatures, that question alone is dispositive and we need not
    review whether there is sufficient support for the Secretary of State’s finding
    of fraud.
    [¶13] Without conceding the circulator signatures taken before Toe were
    inconsistent, the Petitioners contend that even if some circulator affidavits had
    inconsistencies or some circulator signatures were actually forged, the
    invalidation of all elector signatures on all petition packets notarized by Toe is
    unprecedented and unlawful. The Petitioners cite several cases from other
    jurisdictions in support of rejecting only those signatures that are actually and
    demonstrably fraudulent, not the otherwise valid elector signatures. See
    Bradshaw v. Ashcroft, 
    559 S.W.3d 79
    , 88 (Mo. Ct. App. 2018) (concluding
    statute did not “expressly provide that a circulator’s dishonesty in an affidavit,
    or a notary’s dishonesty in an attestation, will require otherwise valid voter
    signatures not to be counted”); Committee for a Healthy Future, Inc. v.
    1391         10              22              32
    1392          5              30              35
    1394          2              35              37
    1397          5              12              17
    1398          1              17              18
    1401          6              15              21
    1404          3              23              26
    1405          3              23              26
    1406          2              25              27
    345            1043            1388
    Ramona Morris submitted six petition packets numbered 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, and 1116 having
    a circulator’s affidavit notarized by Toe. The Secretary of State’s Apr. 5, 2022 summary of the petition
    packets indicates there were no valid signatures in these petition packets.
    201 S.W.3d 503
    , 509 (Mo. 2006) (en banc) (stating that “[i]f the
    validity of the voters’ signatures can be otherwise verified, their signatures
    should not be invalidated by the notary’s negligence or deliberate misconduct”);
    United Labor Committee of Missouri v. Kirkpatrick, 
    572 S.W.2d 449
    , 454 (Mo.
    1978) (en banc) (same); Hebert v. State Ballot Law Comm’n, 
    10 Mass. App. Ct. 275
    , 279 (1980) (quoting State ex rel. McNary v. Olcott, 
    125 P. 303
    , 307 (Or.
    1912)) (“[I]n the absence of evidence of intentional fraud or guilty knowledge
    on the part of the circulator, it would be an unjust rule to deprive the honest
    signer of his right to have his signature counted, merely because some
    disqualified person signed, or because some person, without the knowledge of
    the circulator, affixed a fictitious name, or gave a fictitious address.”);
    Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 35 v. Montgomery Cty., 
    80 A.3d 686
    , 697 (Md.
    2013) (holding that “minor errors in the circulator affidavit will not invalidate
    petition signatures that are already certified by the appropriate administrative
    [¶14] The Secretary of State acknowledged his office has never before
    invalidated all petitions from a single notary, and he cited no authority from
    any jurisdiction in which a class of documents relating to a notary had been
    invalidated as a result of notarial fraud or other misconduct. Our research,
    both inside and outside the election context, has revealed no precedent
    supporting invalidation of a class of documents notarized by an individual
    notary on the basis of imputing fraud relating to some of the documents. The
    Secretary of State applied the logical inference of the common law maxim “false
    in one thing, false in all things,” often referred to in Latin as falsus in uno,
    falsus in omnibus. Of course, the Secretary of State found not one, but “several”
    of Lloyd’s circulator affidavits to have been fraudulently notarized by Toe. But
    as detailed below, North Dakota law is contrary to application of the inference
    in this context, and the weight of authority from other jurisdictions is to reject
    application of this inference—even where there is admitted fraud as to several
    documents—and invalidate only those documents bearing indicia of fraud.
    [¶15] The Secretary of State invalidated petition signatures on the basis of
    notary fraud he imputed from his inference of fraud in other petitions. Section
    44-06.1-24, N.D.C.C., provides for when notarial acts are valid: “Except as
    otherwise provided in this chapter, the failure of a notarial officer to perform
    the duties or meet the requirements specified in this chapter does not
    invalidate a notarial act performed by the notarial officer.” Application of the
    common law maxim “false in one, false in all” to notarial acts in this context
    would be contrary to the Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (RULNA). See
    N.D.C.C. §§ 1-01-06; 1-02-13. Imputing fraud to a facially valid notarial act
    from a separate act that may support an inference of notarial misconduct is
    impermissible—each notarial act must be challenged separately. N.D.C.C.
    § 44-06.1-24 [RULNA § 26] (“The validity of a notarial act under this chapter
    does not prevent an aggrieved person from seeking to invalidate the record or
    transaction that is the subject of the notarial act or from seeking other
    remedies based on other laws of this state or law of the United States.”). The
    official comments to RULNA § 26 confirm a strong presumption of validity for
    facially valid notarial acts. So long as an individual is a notarial officer, “the
    failure of a notarial officer to perform the duties or to meet the requirements
    of this act does not invalidate the notarial act performed by the notarial officer.
    For example, a notarial act performed by a notary public whose assurance or
    surety bond may have expired or been cancelled is not invalidated.” RULNA
    § 26 cmt. Although “a notarial act may be valid, the underlying record . . . may
    be set aside in appropriate legal proceedings.” Id. Reliance on the validity of
    notarial acts is vital in many areas of law, including real estate transactions.
    Although fraud in one transaction is certainly relevant to a notary’s credibility
    as to another transaction, it is not by itself sufficient to invalidate other acts
    by the same notary.
    [¶16] In passing on the sufficiency of petitions, the “secretary of state shall
    conduct a representative random sampling of the signatures contained in the
    petitions . . . to determine the validity of the signatures.” N.D.C.C. § 16.1-01-
    10. “Signatures determined by the secretary of state to be invalid may not be
    counted . . . .” Id. However, “in passing on the sufficiency of a petition, there is
    a presumption that each signature in the petition is the genuine signature of
    the person whose name it purports to be.” Zaiser, 
    2012 ND 221
    , ¶ 21. The
    Secretary of State described the importance of the notary as follows: “If the
    notary does not faithfully execute his duties and cannot be trusted, it calls into
    question whether the circulator did make the required attestation, and in turn
    calls into question the information contained on the attestation about the
    signers and signatures.”
    [¶17] In Zaiser, the Secretary of State rejected signatures on circulated
    petitions and determined an initiative measure to legalize medical marijuana
    did not qualify for placement on the ballot. 
    2012 ND 221
    , ¶ 1. The Secretary of
    State, through the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, had conducted personal
    interviews of six petition circulators. Id. at ¶ 21. All six circulators admitted to
    forging signatures on petitions they circulated, including one circulator who
    admitted that “every signature he turned in” was forged. Id. at ¶ 5. The other
    five circulators “indicated that [they] would not be able to identify any
    legitimate signatures [they] obtained with a level of confidence that [they]
    would be willing to sign a petition circulator affidavit indicating the signatures
    were legitimately obtained.” Id. at ¶ 28. After the Secretary of State rejected
    all of the signatures on these petitions, the sponsoring committee challenged
    his rejection. Id. at ¶¶ 6-7. We concluded the Secretary of State “correctly
    determined the petitions with elector signatures forged by circulators and
    accompanied by false circulators’ affidavits could not be used to calculate the
    number of elector signatures necessary to place the initiative measure on the
    [ballot].” Id. at ¶ 29. Thus, the disqualification of signatures was limited to
    those petitions where circulators admitted to forging signatures and the
    petitions were not supported by a supplemental circulator affidavit.
    [¶18] The Pennsylvania Supreme Court considered and rejected a similar
    argument in In re Farnese, 
    17 A.3d 375
     (Pa. 2011). In that case, “the objectors
    essentially made a ‘pattern of fraud’ or ‘false-in-one, false-in-all’ argument and
    asked the court to strike as invalid every signature page submitted by any
    circulator who had a page voluntarily withdrawn by the candidate. Similarly,
    the objectors argued that all the signature pages notarized by Jonathan J.
    Oriole had to be stricken because Mr. Oriole had falsely notarized a withdrawn
    page.” Id. at 384 (Castille, C.J., concurring); id. at 388 (Saylor, J., concurring)
    (“I also agree with Mr. Chief Justice Castille, that Appellants’ novel false-in-
    one-false-in-all theory, as presented to the Commonwealth Court, was
    appropriately rejected by that court.”); id. at 390 (Eakin, J., joined by Baer, J.,
    concurring) (“I continue to agree that a ‘false in one, false in all’ principle
    should be rejected in these cases . . . fraud should not be a presumptive total
    disqualification, but a permissible consideration.”).
    [¶19] In Cunningham v. Schaeflein, the Appellate Court of Illinois considered
    a pattern of violations involving two circulators who “regularly failed to
    personally appear before notary Lisa Hwang when swearing their petition
    sheets” and a request by the objecting parties to invalidate all petitions
    associated with the notary and the two circulators. 
    969 N.E.2d 861
    , 865 (Ill.
    App. Ct. 2012). Both circulators testified that they had submitted signed
    circulator affidavits without personally appearing before the notary. 
     at 866-
    67. The notary also testified that she would sometimes notarize petitions of
    individuals who had not appeared before her. 
    Id. at 867
    . In addition to this
    testimony, a certified forensic document examiner provided expert testimony
    that many of the signatures submitted by the two circulators “bore
    characteristics of common authorship.” 
     The hearing officer found no basis
    to invalidate all petitions notarized by Hwang, and the electoral board adopted
    the hearing officer’s findings. 
     On appeal, the court concluded that the
    testimony called into question all sheets signed by the two circulators and
    “cast[] a cloud over all sheets notarized by Hwang, even if the evidence does
    not establish that every instance of swearing was improper” and struck only
    the petition sheets circulated by the two circulators. 
    Id. at 876-77
    [¶20] In Raila v. Cook Cty. Officers Electoral Bd., the Board adopted the
    hearing officer’s finding that “ten notaries and 12 circulators engaged in an
    intentional pattern of fraud” and struck all sheets notarized by the ten notaries
    and all sheets circulated by the 12 circulators. 
    2018 IL App (1st) 180400-U
    2018 WL 1365513
    , at ¶¶ 25-26. On appeal, the only issue was the invalidation
    of signatures on the basis of a pattern of notary and circulator fraud, consisting
    of “numerous instances of Raila’s circulators having mailed in petition sheets
    to the campaign that were either unsigned or signed but unnotarized, and that
    those petition sheets were subsequently signed by someone other than the
    original circulator.” Id. at ¶¶ 6, 8. The hearing officer received affidavits from
    mail-in circulators who stated they returned signed but unnotarized petitions
    that were later notarized. Id. at ¶ 40. Three circulators testified at the
    evidentiary hearing that a total of 38 petition sheets were notarized without
    their having appeared before a notary. Id. A fourth was barred from testifying
    but provided affidavits supporting the pattern as to 121 additional sheets. Id.
    at ¶¶ 15, 40. Beyond these 159 sheets, the Board struck sheets containing over
    7,800 valid signatures on the basis of notary misconduct. Id. at ¶ 41. The court
    Furthermore, there were no admissions by any of the
    notaries involved that they intentionally notarized sheets without
    the circulator present. There was no evidence from any witness
    who observed notaries notarizing petition sheets without the
    named circulator present. There was no evidence from any witness
    that anyone ever instructed a notary to notarize petition sheets
    without the named circulator present. While there was some
    evidence that certain notaries, including Raila herself, notarized
    sheets without the circulator present, that evidence simply does
    not rise to level of “clear and convincing” evidence of a pattern of
    fraud, and is certainly not sufficient evidence to warrant striking
    each and every sheet notarized by ten of the notaries.
    [¶21] We find these cases persuasive in rejecting wholesale invalidation of
    signatures for irregularities by the notary. See also Zaiser, 
    2012 ND 221
    , ¶¶ 5,
    28-29 (rejecting signatures that were either admitted to be forged or which
    were not supported by a supplemental circulator affidavit). We conclude the
    Secretary of State misapplied the law by imputing fraud from several
    inconsistent signatures of circulators on several affidavits sworn to before Toe
    and, as a result, disqualifying all 15,740 signatures on 751 petitions notarized
    by Toe.
    [¶22] The Secretary of State’s decision to invalidate all signatures on petitions
    having circulator oaths notarized by Zeph Toe was a misapplication of law. The
    Secretary of State’s spreadsheet of signatures notarized by Zeph Toe indicates
    15,740 signatures were disqualified solely because Toe notarized those
    petitions and were otherwise indicated to be “valid signatures.” Setting aside
    the 1,043 signatures directly connected to the signature inconsistencies found
    by the Secretary of State, the remaining 14,697 signatures are sufficient when
    added to other signatures found valid by the Secretary of State to qualify the
    measure for the ballot.
    [¶23] We need not address the Petitioners’ additional arguments that the
    Secretary of State erred in invalidating signatures for violating name and
    address requirements and the pay-per-signature ban, N.D.C.C. § 16.1-01-
    12(1)(j), because they are unnecessary to our decision. We also need not address
    the constitutional challenge to N.D.C.C. § 16.1-01-12(1)(j). See Poochigian v.
    City of Grand Forks, 
    2018 ND 144
    , ¶ 10, 
    912 N.W.2d 344
     (noting that “courts
    will not give advisory opinions on abstract legal questions, and an action will
    be dismissed if there is no actual controversy left to be determined and the
    issues have become moot or academic”). Accordingly, we decline to address
    those issues.
    [¶24] We grant the Committee’s petition and issue a writ of mandamus
    requiring the Secretary of State to place the Term Limits Initiative on the
    November 8, 2022, general election ballot.
    [¶25] Jon J. Jensen, C.J.
    Lisa Fair McEvers
    Jerod E. Tufte
    Allan L. Schmalenberger, S.J.
    William A. Neumann, S.J.
    [¶26] The Honorable William A. Neumann and the Honorable Allan L.
    Schmalenberger, Surrogate Judges, sitting in place of VandeWalle, J., and
    Crothers, J., disqualified.