Gustafson v. Poitra , 2020 ND 9 ( 2020 )

  •             Filed 1/23/20 by Clerk of Supreme Court
    2020 ND 9
    Darrel Gustafson,                                       Plaintiff and Appellee
    Linus Poitra, Raymond Poitra,                     Defendants and Appellants
    any and all others in possession of the
    Property described in the Complaint,                              Defendants
    No. 20190230
    Appeal from the District Court of Rolette County, Northeast Judicial District,
    the Honorable Anthony Swain Benson, Judge.
    Opinion of the Court by Crothers, Justice.
    David J. Smith and Tyler J. Malm, Bismarck, ND, for plaintiff and appellee;
    (on brief).
    William J. Delmore, Bismarck, ND, for defendants and appellants Linus Poitra
    and Raymond Poitra; (on brief).
    Gustafson v. Poitra
    No. 20190230
    Crothers, Justice.
    [¶1] Linus and Raymond Poitra appeal the district court judgment of eviction.
    The Poitras argue the district court erred by exercising jurisdiction over this
    matter, and by sending a North Dakota law enforcement officer onto the
    reservation to evict tribal members from property within the Turtle Mountain
    Reservation. We affirm.
    [¶2] The parties have been before this Court multiple times. First, was a
    foreclosure action on two parcels of property. Gustafson v. Poitra, 
    2008 ND 159
    755 N.W.2d 479
    . Tribal jurisdiction was raised at the district court, but not on
    Id. n.1. This
    Court affirmed the district court and concluded Raymond
    Poitra waived his statute of limitations defense, he failed to raise a material
    fact that his prior bankruptcy proceedings released the mortgage on his real
    property, he received due process when the district court granted Gustafson
    summary judgment, and the court did not abuse its discretion in denying the
    post-judgment motion. 
    Id. at ¶
    [¶3] In the second case, Gustafson sued in district court claiming Leon
    Poitra’s estate owed him money for maintenance and repairs he made on a
    building located in part on his land and in part on Leon Poitra’s land.
    Gustafson v. Estate of Poitra, 
    2011 ND 150
    , ¶ 2, 
    800 N.W.2d 842
    . The 2011 case
    centered on a 1997 lease between Gustafson and Leon and Linus Poitra. This
    Court vacated the default judgment in favor of Gustafson because the district
    court did not have subject matter jurisdiction over the lease. 
    Id. at ¶
    ¶ 1, 14.
    [¶4] The third case was Gustafson v. Poitra, 
    2018 ND 202
    916 N.W.2d 804
    In that case, Gustafson sued Raymond and Linus Poitra alleging he was a non-
    Indian fee owner of two parcels located in Rolette County within the exterior
    boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Reservation. 
    Id. at ¶
    2. Gustafson claimed
    ownership by virtue of a 2007 foreclosure judgment and a 2008 sheriff’s deed
    after the Poitras placed a lessor’s lien on the properties. 
    Id. The district
    quieted title in the two parcels of land to Gustafson and ordered the Poitras
    pay damages. The Poitras argued the district court erred in deciding the Turtle
    Mountain tribal court did not have jurisdiction over the action. 
    Id. at ¶
    1. This
    Court affirmed, and concluded neither of the two Montana exceptions applied.
    Id. at ¶
    ¶ 17, 19.
    [¶5] The current case began when Gustafson sued to evict the Poitras and
    require that they remove their personal property from property that was
    subject of the 2018 quiet title action. The district court determined it had
    subject matter jurisdiction and granted the eviction. The Poitras contend this
    action is a continuance of the prior foreclosure, and they are not challenging
    the foreclosure or the quiet title. They argue the eviction action should have
    been brought in tribal court, and sending a North Dakota law enforcement
    officer onto the reservation to evict tribal members is not a continuance of the
    prior foreclosure action, but is a clear violation of the United States Supreme
    Court holding in Montana v. United States, 
    450 U.S. 544
    [¶6] “In Fredericks v. Fredericks, 
    2016 ND 234
    , ¶ 6, 
    888 N.W.2d 177
    omitted), we described standards for analyzing subject matter jurisdiction:
    ‘Subject-matter jurisdiction cannot be conferred by agreement,
    consent, or waiver, and issues involving subject-matter
    jurisdiction can be raised by the court or a party at any time in a
    proceeding. When the jurisdictional facts are not in dispute, we
    review the district court’s decision on subject-matter jurisdiction
    de novo. If the underlying jurisdictional facts are disputed, this
    Court is presented with a mixed question of law and fact, and we
    review the question of law de novo and the district court’s findings
    of fact under the clearly erroneous standard of review. A finding of
    fact is clearly erroneous if it is induced by an erroneous view of the
    law, if no evidence exists to support it, or if, upon review of the
    entire record, this Court believes a mistake has been made.’”
    2018 ND 202
    , ¶ 6, 
    916 N.W.2d 804
    [¶7] Here, the dispute is whether the district court had jurisdiction to
    adjudicate an action for eviction regarding the property, which is non-Indian
    fee land located within the Turtle Mountain Reservation. The dispute is not
    factual. In the 2018 case we accepted that: 1) Gustafson is a non-Indian; 2) the
    property at issue is owned by Gustafson in fee; and 3) the property at issue is
    within the exterior boundaries of the Turtle Mountain Reservation. Therefore,
    the applicable standard of review is de novo. Poitra, 
    2018 ND 202
    , ¶ 4, 
    916 N.W.2d 804
    [¶8] The Poitras argue the district court did not have jurisdiction over an
    eviction regarding the non-Indian fee land located within the Turtle Mountain
    [¶9] “Subject matter jurisdiction is a court’s power to hear and decide the
    general subject involved in the action.” Poitra, 
    2018 ND 202
    , ¶ 9, 
    916 N.W.2d 804
    (citing Albrecht v. Metro Area Ambulance, 
    1998 ND 132
    , ¶ 10, 
    580 N.W.2d 583
    ). In Plains Commerce Bank v. Long Family Land & Cattle Co., Inc., 
    554 U.S. 316
    , 320, 327-30 (2008), a tribal court did not have jurisdiction to
    adjudicate a discrimination claim against a non-Indian bank concerning the
    non-Indian bank’s sale of its fee land. In Plains Commerce Bank, the Supreme
    Court described the underlying principles and framework for assessing tribal
    court jurisdiction under the Montana exceptions:
    “For nearly two centuries now, we have recognized Indian
    tribes as ‘distinct, independent political communities,’ qualified to
    exercise many of the powers and prerogatives of self-government.
    We have frequently noted, however, that the ‘sovereignty that the
    Indian tribes retain is of a unique and limited character.’ It centers
    on the land held by the tribe and on tribal members within the
    “As part of their residual sovereignty, tribes retain power to
    legislate and to tax activities on the reservation, including certain
    activities by nonmembers, to determine tribal membership, and to
    regulate domestic relations among members. They may also
    exclude outsiders from entering tribal land. But tribes do not, as a
    general matter, possess authority over non-Indians who come
    within their borders: ‘[T]he inherent sovereign powers of an Indian
    tribe do not extend to the activities of nonmembers of the tribe.’ As
    we [have] explained, the tribes have, by virtue of their
    incorporation into the American republic, lost ‘the right of
    governing . . . person[s] within their limits except themselves.’
    “This general rule restricts tribal authority over nonmember
    activities taking place on the reservation, and is particularly
    strong when the nonmember’s activity occurs on land owned in fee
    simple by non-Indians—what we have called ‘non-Indian fee land.’
    Thanks to the Indian General Allotment Act of 1887, there are
    millions of acres of non-Indian fee land located within the
    contiguous borders of Indian tribes. The history of the General
    Allotment Act and its successor statutes has been well rehearsed
    in our precedents. Suffice it to say here that the effect of the Act
    was to convert millions of acres of formerly tribal land into fee
    simple parcels, ‘fully alienable,’ and ‘free of all charge or
    incumbrance whatsoever.’
    “Our cases have made clear that once tribal land is converted
    into fee simple, the tribe loses plenary jurisdiction over it. Among
    the powers lost is the authority to prevent the land’s sale,—not
    surprisingly, as ‘free alienability’ by the holder is a core attribute
    of the fee simple. Moreover, when the tribe or tribal members
    convey a parcel of fee land ‘to non-Indians, [the tribe] loses any
    former right of absolute and exclusive use and occupation of the
    conveyed lands.’ This necessarily entails ‘the loss of regulatory
    jurisdiction over the use of the land by others.’ As a general rule,
    then, ‘the tribe has no authority itself, by way of tribal ordinance
    or actions in the tribal courts, to regulate the use of fee land.’
    “We have recognized two exceptions to this principle,
    circumstances in which tribes may exercise ‘civil jurisdiction over
    non-Indians on their reservations, even on non-Indian fee lands.’
    First, ‘[a] tribe may regulate, through taxation, licensing, or other
    means, the activities of nonmembers who enter consensual
    relationships with the tribe or its members, through commercial
    dealing, contracts, leases, or other arrangements.’ Second, a tribe
    may exercise ‘civil authority over the conduct of non-Indians on fee
    lands within the reservation when that conduct threatens or has
    some direct effect on the political integrity, the economic security,
    or the health or welfare of the tribe.’ These rules have become
    known as the Montana exceptions, after the case that elaborated
    them. By their terms, the exceptions concern regulation of ‘the
    activities of nonmembers’ or ‘the conduct of non-Indians on fee
    “Given Montana’s ‘“general proposition that the inherent
    sovereign powers of an Indian tribe do not extend to the activities
    of nonmembers of the tribe,”’ efforts by a tribe to regulate
    nonmembers, especially on non-Indian fee land, are
    ‘presumptively invalid[.]’”
    2018 ND 202
    , ¶ 11, 
    916 N.W.2d 804
    . “The burden rests on the tribe to
    establish one of the exceptions to Montana’s general rule that would allow an
    extension of tribal authority to regulate nonmembers on non-Indian fee land.”
    Plains Commerce 
    Bank, 554 U.S. at 330
    ; but cf. Schaghticoke Indian Tribe v.
    138 Conn. App. 204
    50 A.3d 411
    (2012) (citing State v. Velky, 
    263 Conn. 602
    , 605 n.5, 
    821 A.2d 752
    (2003) (“Our Supreme Court has indicated that
    tribal sovereignty may only be invoked by a member of the tribe.”)). “These
    exceptions are ‘limited’ ones, and cannot be construed in a manner that would
    ‘swallow the rule,’ or ‘severely shrink’ it.” Poitra, at ¶ 11.
    [¶10] The Poitras broadly argue that eviction of tribal members from land
    within the Turtle Mountain Reservation by a state law enforcement officer
    violates the Montana exceptions. However, they make no discernable
    argument addressing the first exception permitting tribal regulation of certain
    consensual relationships.
    [¶11] Regarding the second Montana exception, the Poitras argue “the
    utilization of a nonfederal law enforcement official from a foreign jurisdiction
    to enforce the eviction action certainly appears to challenge the political
    integrity and the health and welfare of the [t]ribe.” They provide no legal
    support for the claim. Nor do they explain how the remedy selected by the court
    deprives the court of subject matter jurisdiction. Christenson v. Grandy, 
    46 N.D. 418
    180 N.W. 18
    , 22 (1920) (“Jurisdiction is the power to hear and
    determine a cause, and carries with it the power to decide a cause within the
    jurisdiction of the court incorrectly as well as correctly, and it does not relate
    to the rights of the parties, but to the power of the court.”).
    [¶12] The argument that sending State law enforcement to effectuate the
    eviction violated either Montana exception is inadequately supported.
    Therefore, the Poitras have not met their burden. We “will not consider an
    argument that is not adequately articulated, supported, and briefed.” Hale v.
    2012 ND 148
    , ¶ 12, 
    818 N.W.2d 684
    (citing Holden v. Holden, 
    2007 ND 29
    , ¶ 7, 
    728 N.W.2d 312
    (quoting State v. Haibeck, 
    2006 ND 100
    , ¶ 9, 
    714 N.W.2d 52
    [¶13] The Poitras did not meet their burden under either Montana exception
    and did not explain how a district court was divested of subject matter
    jurisdiction to grant a judgment of eviction. The district court judgment is
    [¶14] Daniel J. Crothers
    Gerald W. VandeWalle
    Lisa Fair McEvers
    Jerod E. Tufte
    Jon J. Jensen, C.J.