State v. Salvador Rodriguez , 296 Neb. 950 ( 2017 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    06/23/2017 09:13 AM CDT
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    State of Nebraska, appellee, v. Henry O.
    Salvador Rodriguez, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed June 16, 2017.    No. S-16-563.
    1.	 Constitutional Law: Search and Seizure: Motions to Suppress:
    Appeal and Error. In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to
    suppress based on a claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment, an
    appellate court applies a two-part standard of review. Regarding histori-
    cal facts, an appellate court reviews the trial court’s findings for clear
    error, but whether those facts trigger or violate Fourth Amendment
    protections is a question of law that an appellate court reviews indepen-
    dently of the trial court’s determination.
    2.	 Motions to Suppress: Warrantless Searches: Appeal and Error.
    In reviewing a trial court’s denial of a motion to suppress evidence
    obtained by a warrantless search under the emergency doctrine, an
    appellate court employs a two-part standard in which the first part of
    the analysis involves a review of the historical facts for clear error and
    a review de novo of the trial court’s ultimate conclusion that exigent
    circumstances were present. Where the facts are largely undisputed, the
    ultimate question is an issue of law.
    3.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Appeal and Error. It is within the
    discretion of the trial court to determine relevancy and admissibility of
    evidence of other wrongs or acts under Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), Neb. Rev.
    Stat. § 27-404(2) (Reissue 2016), and the trial court’s decision will not
    be reversed absent an abuse of discretion.
    4.	 Search and Seizure: Warrantless Searches: Proof. Searches without a
    valid warrant are per se unreasonable, subject only to a few specifically
    established and well-delineated exceptions that must be strictly confined
    by their justifications. The State has the burden of showing the applica-
    bility of one or more of the exceptions to the warrant requirement.
    5.	 Search and Seizure: Warrants: Police Officers and Sheriffs. In the
    case of entry into a home, a police officer who has obtained neither an
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    arrest warrant nor a search warrant cannot make a nonconsensual and
    warrantless entry in the absence of exigent circumstances.
    6.	 Search and Seizure: Words and Phrases. The “emergency doctrine”
    is a category of exigent circumstances. The elements of the emergency
    doctrine are that (1) the police must have reasonable grounds to believe
    there is an immediate need for their assistance for the protection of life
    or property and (2) there must be some reasonable basis to associate the
    emergency with the area or place to be searched.
    7.	 Constitutional Law: Police Officers and Sheriffs. An action is reason-
    able under the Fourth Amendment, regardless of the individual officer’s
    state of mind, as long as the circumstances viewed, objectively, justify
    the action.
    8.	 Police Officers and Sheriffs: Probable Cause. The presence of an
    emergency, like probable cause, hinges on the reasonable belief of the
    officers in light of specific facts and the inferences derived therefrom,
    not whether, in hindsight, one actually existed.
    9.	 Search and Seizure: Police Officers and Sheriffs: Probable Cause.
    The first element of the emergency doctrine is similar to probable cause
    and asks whether the facts available to the officer at the moment of
    entry warranted a person of reasonable caution to believe that entry
    was appropriate.
    10.	 Search and Seizure: Police Officers and Sheriffs: Burglary. Courts
    generally find sufficient exigent circumstances to justify the warrantless
    entry into a home when a police officer reasonably believes that a bur-
    glary is in progress or was recently committed therein.
    11.	 Burglary. A burglary indicates an immediate need to secure the prem-
    ises because it raises the possibility of danger to an occupant and the
    continued presence of an intruder.
    12.	 Other Acts: Words and Phrases. Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), Neb. Rev. Stat.
    § 27-404(2) (Reissue 2016), concerns evidence of other crimes, wrongs,
    or acts. Other acts under rule 404(2) are acts that are not part of the
    events giving rise to the present charges.
    13.	 Indictments and Informations: Words and Phrases. The phrase “on or
    about” in an information indicates the date with approximate certainty.
    14.	 Criminal Law: Time: Words and Phrases. The crime of “possession”
    may extend over a period of time if uninterrupted.
    15.	 Criminal Law: Statutes: Words and Phrases. Absent language indi-
    cating differently, “possession” within a criminal statute contemplates a
    continuing offense as opposed to a single incident.
    16.	 Criminal Law: Time: Words and Phrases. An offense is continuing if
    set on foot by a single impulse and operated by an unintermittent force,
    however long a time it may occupy; an offense which continues day by
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    day; a breach of the criminal law, not terminated by a single act or fact,
    but subsisting for a definite period and intended to cover or apply to
    successive similar obligations or occurrences.
    17.	   Evidence: Other Acts: Words and Phrases. Evidence of uncharged
    criminal activity is not considered “other crimes” evidence under Neb.
    Evid. R. 404(1)(b), Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404(1)(b) (Reissue 2016), if it
    arose out of the same transaction or series of transactions.
    18.	   Records: Appeal and Error. Where allegedly prejudicial remarks of
    counsel do not appear in the bill of exceptions, an appellate court is
    precluded from considering an assigned error concerning such remarks.
    19.	   Motions for New Trial: Affidavits: Evidence: Records: Appeal and
    Error. Affidavits in support of a motion for new trial must be offered in
    evidence and preserved in and made a part of a bill of exceptions to be
    considered by an appellate court.
    20.	   Motions for New Trial: Testimony: Affidavits: Records: Appeal
    and Error. An appellate court will not review testimony in the form
    of affidavits used in the trial court on the hearing of a motion for new
    trial, unless such affidavits have been included in and presented by a bill
    of exceptions.
    Appeal from the District Court for Sheridan County: Travis
    P. O’Gorman, Judge. Affirmed.
    Travis Penn, of Penn Law Firm, L.L.C., for appellant.
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Siobhan E.
    Duffy for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    Wright, J.
    The defendant appeals from his conviction of possession of
    methamphetamine with intent to deliver. At issue is whether
    the trial court should have suppressed evidence found during a
    search with a warrant that was obtained as a result of observ-
    ing defaced firearms during a prior warrantless search for a
    possible burglar at the request of a houseguest. Also at issue
    is whether the defendant was prejudiced by the admission,
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    without a limiting instruction, of evidence of his drug use
    around the time specified in the information. The defendant
    argued the drug use was evidence of prior bad acts subject to
    Neb. Evid. R. 404, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404 (Reissue 2016).
    The court concluded the drug use was intrinsic to the crime
    charged. Finally, the defendant argues he was prejudiced by
    comments purportedly made by the prosecutor during closing
    arguments erroneously stating that the defendant owned the
    home he lived in.
    Henry O. Salvador Rodriguez was charged with one count of
    possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver and one
    count of possession of a defaced firearm, both on or about July
    30, 2014. A jury found Salvador Rodriguez guilty of possess-
    ing methamphetamine, in an amount of over 10 grams, with
    intent to deliver. The jury found Salvador Rodriguez not guilty
    of possession of a defaced firearm.
    1. Warrantless Search
    Salvador Rodriguez sought suppression of all evidence
    obtained during searches of his place of residence conducted
    pursuant to warrants that were issued based on observations
    during an initial warrantless search. The State asserted that
    the warrantless search was reasonable because of the exigent
    circumstance of a possible intruder in the house. Alternatively,
    the State argued the search was authorized by Lori Ezell, who
    had common authority over the house.
    (a) Officer Testimony
    Officer Adam Wackler testified that on July 23, 2014, he
    responded to a report of a domestic disturbance between Ezell
    and Gilbert Chavez at the apartment where Chavez lived.
    Wackler had responded previously to similar disturbances at
    that apartment. Wackler suggested that Ezell and Chavez spend
    the night apart, and they agreed.
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    Ezell told Wackler that she had the key to a friend’s house
    because she was taking care of the friend’s dog and that she
    stayed there when she was not getting along with Chavez.
    Ezell told Wackler that she had a bedroom at that house and
    that she kept some of her and her children’s things there. Ezell
    said she stayed at the house sometimes for just a day, other
    times for 2 weeks; it depended on the situation.
    Ezell explained to Wackler that her friends, whom she iden-
    tified as Salvador Rodriguez and Rosa Anguiano, were out of
    town. She explained that Salvador Rodriguez and Anguiano
    rented the house, hereinafter referred to as the “Salvador
    Rodriguez house.”
    Wackler testified that after making a telephone call, Ezell
    reported to him that Salvador Rodriguez and Anguiano had
    given Ezell permission to stay at their house that night.
    Wackler drove Ezell and one of her children to the Salvador
    Rodriguez house.
    A couple of hours later, Wackler received another call from
    Ezell. Wackler had given Ezell his work cell phone number
    to use in case things escalated further between Ezell and
    Chavez that night. Ezell seemed upset. She told Wackler that
    she was afraid an intruder was in the Salvador Rodriguez
    house. Wackler met Ezell and her child on a street corner near
    the house.
    Ezell told Wackler that she had gone for a walk with her
    child. When she returned to the Salvador Rodriguez house,
    all the lights were on and she thought she saw somebody in
    the garage looking at her. Ezell reported that she had shut and
    locked the door and had turned off all the lights in the house
    before leaving for their walk.
    Ezell told Wackler that she was afraid to go back into the
    house, because she knew Salvador Rodriguez and Anguiano
    were not there. She asked Wackler to come and make sure that
    nobody was inside.
    When Officer Clay Heath arrived as backup, Wackler and
    Heath approached the Salvador Rodriguez house and observed
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    that the front door was unlocked and open a crack—though in
    later testimony Wackler described that it was closed but was
    not latched closed.
    Wackler and Heath entered and proceeded to clear the house
    by looking “anywhere that a person could fit.” They did not
    find anyone in the house. When looking in closets, however,
    Wackler and Heath observed two firearms in plain view. In the
    closet of the kitchen, they observed a shotgun that appeared to
    have the barrel cut off. In the closet of the master bedroom,
    they saw a pistol.
    Concerned that someone might be hiding in the house who
    would have access to the weapons, Wackler and Heath made
    sure that the pistol did not have ammunition. They picked it
    up to clear the chamber. In doing so, they found that the pis-
    tol’s serial number appeared to have been partially scratched
    off. They returned the pistol and continued their search. It was
    unclear whether Wackler and Heath picked up the shotgun in
    the kitchen.
    After ensuring that no one was in the Salvador Rodriguez
    house, Wackler and Heath returned the keys to Ezell. Anguiano
    called Wackler later that night to ask if the house had been
    broken into. Wackler reported that because Ezell did not see
    anything out of place, he did not think so. Wackler confirmed
    with Anguiano that Ezell had permission to stay in the house.
    (b) Ezell’s Testimony
    Ezell testified that she stayed at the Salvador Rodriguez
    house at least once a week, when she and Chavez would “get
    into it.” She had a bedroom there where she and her children
    slept when they stayed the night. She kept some of her and
    her children’s possessions in that bedroom and had a key to
    the house.
    Ezell repeatedly testified that she moved into the Salvador
    Rodriguez house approximately 1 week prior to July 23, 2014.
    But in other testimony, she seemed to indicate that she moved
    into the Salvador Rodriguez house on July 23.
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    After moving in, Ezell considered herself a “permanent resi-
    dent” insofar as she was living there and had all of her and her
    children’s belongings there. She described those belongings as
    clothing, toiletries, medicines, and a crib. Salvador Rodriguez
    and Anguiano told her to “make it like it was [her] own home.”
    She further affirmed that she had “free rein over the entire
    house.” Ezell said she was a “guest” inasmuch as she did not
    pay any bills or rent.
    Ezell testified that a couple of hours after Wackler responded
    to the domestic disturbance report, she called Wackler because
    she thought an intruder was inside the Salvador Rodriguez
    house. Salvador Rodriguez and Anguiano were out of town all
    that week. Ezell and her children had gone to get ice cream.
    When they returned, she noticed that a light was on and the
    garage door was open, but she did not think anything of it right
    away. One of her children wanted to go back to get more ice
    cream, and when they exited the house, they saw Ezell’s van
    with all the doors open, including the back hatch. She had left
    all the van doors closed. One of her children screamed that
    someone was in the garage. Ezell testified that she also saw
    someone in the garage.
    Sometime after Wackler and Heath searched the house
    and found no intruders, Ezell called Salvador Rodriguez and
    Anguiano. Ezell testified that neither gave her any indica-
    tion that she did not have authority to ask the police to check
    if there was an intruder in the house. Salvador Rodriguez
    reportedly told her, “‘It’s okay. I had someone go check on
    the house.’”
    (c) Subsequent Searches
    On July 30, 2014, Wackler and Heath obtained a warrant to
    search the Salvador Rodriguez house, based on their observa-
    tions of the defaced firearms. A water bill confirmed Salvador
    Rodriguez and Anguiano as the residents, either the owners or
    the renters, of the house. At trial, Wackler testified that photo-
    graphs inside the home, as well as other documents, such as
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    checkbooks and tax documents, identified Salvador Rodriguez
    and Anguiano as the residents of the house.
    When conducting the search pursuant to the warrant,
    Wackler and Heath found what appeared to be methamphet-
    amine under a couch in the basement. On August 2, 2014,
    Wackler and Heath obtained another warrant, to search for
    drugs and drug paraphernalia. In the search conducted pursu-
    ant to this second warrant, they found more methamphetamine
    under the couch in the basement, as well as underneath a base-
    ment sink.
    (d) Trial Court’s Order
    The court overruled the motion to suppress. The court
    found that Wackler was called to a domestic dispute between
    Ezell and Chavez and that Ezell had Wackler take her to the
    Salvador Rodriguez house. The court found that Ezell advised
    Wackler that she was housesitting for Salvador Rodriguez and
    Anguiano, had a key to the premises, stayed there off and
    on when she and Chavez were fighting, and had a room at
    the house.
    The court found that after a couple of hours, Ezell called
    Wackler and reported that upon her return from a walk, the
    lights of the residence were on and she thought she saw some-
    one in the garage. Ezell told Wackler that she had shut off
    all the lights and locked the door before going for her walk.
    Ezell was frantic, very upset, and scared. She asked Wackler to
    check the house to make sure no one was inside.
    The court found that once Heath arrived as backup, the offi-
    cers approached the house and noticed the lights were on and
    that the door was unlocked and not entirely shut. They entered
    the house and searched the house only in locations where it
    was reasonable that a person could hide.
    In the closet of the master bedroom, the officers saw a
    revolver. The court found that for their safety, Wackler and
    Heath decided to clear the handgun of any ammunition. In
    doing so, they noticed that the serial number had been altered
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    or filed and that it was defaced. After clearing the bedroom,
    the officers searched a closet in the kitchen that was large
    enough for a person to hide in. Inside, they found a shotgun
    that appeared to have been altered.
    The trial court concluded that the warrantless search at
    issue was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment either as a
    search undertaken with consent or as a search conducted under
    exigent circumstances. With regard to its conclusion that the
    search was undertaken with consent, the court reasoned that
    Wackler had a reasonable basis to conclude that Ezell had
    common authority over the house at that time. With regard to
    the exigent circumstances, the court reasoned that Wackler had
    reasonable grounds to believe that there was an emergency and
    that the clearing of the guns found during the search did not
    exceed the scope of the exigency.
    (e) Evidence Seized During Searches
    The motion to suppress was overruled. The evidence adduced
    at trial showed that a total of approximately 340 grams of
    methamphetamine was seized during a search of the Salvador
    Rodriguez house. From the master bedroom, the officers also
    seized the pistol and drug paraphernalia; they did not find the
    sawed-off shotgun.
    2. Prior Drug Use
    The prosecution offered testimony by Ezell describing
    Salvador Rodriguez’ drug usage and how he kept metham-
    phetamine under the basement couch and provided the drug
    to her and other guests. No notice was filed by the State prior
    to trial advising Salvador Rodriguez that it intended to adduce
    any evidence of prior bad acts under rule 404(2), and Salvador
    Rodriguez did not file any pretrial motions concerning the
    possible admission of prior bad acts. No hearing pursuant to
    rule 404(3) was conducted outside the presence of the jury to
    determine whether the State proved by clear and convincing
    evidence that a prior crime, wrong, or act occurred.
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    Ezell testified, without objection, that she and Salvador
    Rodriguez used methamphetamine together in the basement of
    the Salvador Rodriguez house as follows:
    Q[.] Once you became friends with [Anguiano]
    did you also get to know [Salvador Rodriguez] better
    as well?
    A[.] Yes.
    Q[.] In what way?
    A[.] We both shared a habit that we used together.
    Q[.] Well, let’s talk about that. You said you shared a
    habit that you used together. What do you mean by that?
    A[.] We both used meth.
    Q[.] And when you began using methamphetamine,
    how did it happen that you started using it?
    A[.] The owners of the plant first offered it to me at a
    party. And that’s when I very first started using it.
    Q[.] And you said that you and [Salvador Rodriguez]
    shared in that habit. What did you mean by that?
    A[.] After I got to know him a little better, I found out
    that he also smoked meth and so we would smoke meth
    Q[.] And where would you typically do that?
    A[.] At his house.
    Q[.] Where at in the house?
    A[.] In the basement.
    When the prosecutor proceeded after this questioning to
    ask if other people smoked methamphetamine with Ezell and
    Salvador Rodriguez, defense counsel objected for the first
    time. Defense counsel objected on the ground that the line of
    questioning violated rule 404. The court sustained the objec-
    tion, but denied defense counsel’s motion to strike Ezell’s
    testimony that she and Salvador Rodriguez smoked metham-
    phetamine together.
    When the prosecutor pursued further questioning about
    Ezell’s and Salvador Rodriguez’ drug usage, the attorneys
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    approached the bench for an off-the-record discussion.
    Questioning about drug usage after that was focused on the
    summer of 2014. Defense counsel made a continuing objec-
    tion to “any evidence regarding past use of drugs” as being in
    violation of [rule 404]. The court overruled the objection.
    Ezell then testified that two or three times a week she
    smoked methamphetamine with Salvador Rodriguez in his
    basement. Other people were sometimes present. The metham-
    phetamine that anyone used in the basement always came from
    underneath the basement couch.
    Ezell also testified that she once saw Anguiano with a large
    amount of cash. Ezell testified that on the day of the “raid”
    on the house, Salvador Rodriguez admitted to her that law
    enforcement would find large quantities of methamphetamine
    there, because he was a dealer.
    After the State’s case in chief, defense counsel called sev-
    eral character witnesses who testified generally as to Salvador
    Rodriguez’ good character and testified that Salvador Rodriguez
    was not a drug user or abuser.
    At the jury instruction conference, defense counsel con-
    ceded that he was not arguing that the evidence of Salvador
    Rodriguez’ drug usage with Ezell was inadmissible. Defense
    counsel asked for a jury instruction that would ensure the jury
    would use the evidence for its independent relevance and not
    for propensity reasoning. The trial court denied the request and
    did not instruct the jury on the proper purpose for which it
    could consider the evidence of Salvador Rodriguez’ drug use.
    The court reasoned that the drug use was not prior bad acts, but
    instead was an integral part of and contributed to the factual
    setting of the crime charged.
    3. Closing A rguments
    No record was made of closing arguments. Neither did
    Salvador Rodriguez make an offer of proof concerning any
    statements allegedly made during closing arguments. In a
    motion for new trial, defense counsel alleged that the prosecutor
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    stated in closing arguments that Salvador Rodriguez “‘owned’”
    the house where the methamphetamine was found. The motion
    further alleged that defense counsel’s objections to such testi-
    mony were overruled. Defense counsel attached to the motion
    an affidavit averring that the factual allegations in the motion
    for new trial were true.
    The jury was instructed that “possession” of a thing means
    either knowingly having it on one’s person or knowing of its
    presence and having the right to exercise dominion and control
    over it. During deliberations, the jury asked, “Is there any other
    evidence that [Salvador Rodriguez] had leased or rented the
    house?” and “Does ownership/lease equate to liability?” The
    court answered that the jury had received all the evidence and
    must refer to the jury instructions.
    Salvador Rodriguez assigns that the trial court erred when
    it (1) overruled his motion to suppress evidence gained as a
    result of the warrantless search of his residence, (2) allowed
    evidence of past methamphetamine use, (3) gave no limiting
    instruction concerning for what limited purpose the evidence
    of past methamphetamine use was allowed, and (4) overruled
    his objection during closing arguments to the State’s comments
    that he owned the house where he lived.
    [1] In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion to sup-
    press based on a claimed violation of the Fourth Amendment,
    an appellate court applies a two-part standard of review.
    Regarding historical facts, an appellate court reviews the trial
    court’s findings for clear error, but whether those facts trig-
    ger or violate Fourth Amendment protections is a question of
    law that an appellate court reviews independently of the trial
    court’s determination.1
    State v. McCumber, 
    295 Neb. 941
    893 N.W.2d 411
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    [2] In reviewing a trial court’s denial of a motion to suppress
    evidence obtained by a warrantless search under the emergency
    doctrine, an appellate court employs a two-part standard in
    which the first part of the analysis involves a review of the
    historical facts for clear error and a review de novo of the trial
    court’s ultimate conclusion that exigent circumstances were
    present.2 Where the facts are largely undisputed, the ultimate
    question is an issue of law.3
    [3] It is within the discretion of the trial court to determine
    relevancy and admissibility of evidence of other wrongs or
    acts under rule 404(2), and the trial court’s decision will not be
    reversed absent an abuse of discretion.4
    Three basic issues are raised in this appeal. First, Salvador
    Rodriguez asserts that the court should have suppressed the
    physical evidence found in his home, because it was the fruit
    of a warrantless search. Second, Salvador Rodriguez argues he
    was prejudiced by the lack of a limiting instruction concerning
    what he contends was evidence of prior bad acts within the
    purview of rule 404. Lastly, Salvador Rodriguez argues there
    was prosecutorial misconduct during closing arguments when
    the prosecutor falsely stated Salvador Rodriguez owned the
    home where he resided.
    1. Motion  Suppress Evidence Obtained
    Warrantless Search
    [4] Searches without a valid warrant are per se unrea-
    sonable, subject only to a few specifically established and
    well-delineated exceptions that must be strictly confined by
    their justifications.5 The State has the burden of showing the
    See State v. Eberly, 
    271 Neb. 893
    716 N.W.2d 671
    State v. Modlin, 
    291 Neb. 660
    867 N.W.2d 609
    State v. Parnell, 
    294 Neb. 551
    883 N.W.2d 652
    See, State v. Rocha, 
    295 Neb. 716
    890 N.W.2d 178
     (2017); State v. Perry,
    292 Neb. 708
    874 N.W.2d 36
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    applicability of one or more of the exceptions to the war-
    rant requirement.6
    [5] In the case of entry into a home, a police officer who has
    obtained neither an arrest warrant nor a search warrant cannot
    make a nonconsensual and warrantless entry in the absence of
    exigent circumstances.7 The trial court found that the search
    of the Salvador Rodriguez house was justified by the exigent
    circumstance of a possible burglary in progress and by being,
    regardless, consensual.
    The question presented on appeal is whether the trial court
    was correct in determining that the warrantless search was con-
    stitutional because a reasonable officer would have believed
    either that (1) a burglary was in progress or (2) Ezell had
    authority to consent to the search. The parties do not dispute
    that if the warrantless search was unreasonable, the court
    should have suppressed evidence of the items seized during
    subsequent searches pursuant to warrants based on the items
    observed during the warrantless search. The parties do not
    dispute that if the warrantless search was reasonable, any han-
    dling of the weapons in plain view in order to ensure officer
    safety was within the proper scope of the search.
    We conclude that the exigent circumstance of a possible
    burglary in progress justified the warrantless search, and we
    need not address the alternative basis from the trial court’s
    order that Ezell had authority to consent to the search.
    [6] The “‘emergency doctrine’” is a category of exigent cir-
    cumstances.8 The elements of the emergency doctrine are that
    (1) the police must have reasonable grounds to believe there
    is an immediate need for their assistance for the protection of
    life or property and (2) there must be some reasonable basis to
    associate the emergency with the area or place to be searched.9
    State v. Perry, supra note 5.
    See State v. Eberly, supra note 2.
    See id. at 900, 716 N.W.2d at 677.
    See id.
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    The first element considers whether there were reasonable
    grounds to find an emergency, and the second element consid-
    ers the reasonableness of the scope of the search.10 Salvador
    Rodriguez focuses only on the first element and argues that
    reasonable police officers would not have had grounds under
    these facts to believe there was an immediate need for their
    assistance for the protection of life or property.
    [7-9] An action is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment,
    regardless of the individual officer’s state of mind, as long as
    the circumstances viewed, objectively, justify the action.11 The
    presence of an emergency, like probable cause, hinges on the
    reasonable belief of the officers in light of specific facts and
    the inferences derived therefrom, not whether, in hindsight, one
    actually existed.12 The first element of the emergency doctrine
    is similar to probable cause and asks whether the facts avail-
    able to the officer at the moment of entry warranted a person
    of reasonable caution to believe that entry was appropriate.13
    [10,11] Courts generally find sufficient exigent circum-
    stances to justify the warrantless entry into a home when a
    police officer reasonably believes that a burglary is in progress
    or was recently committed therein.14 A burglary indicates an
    immediate need to secure the premises, because it raises the
    possibility of danger to an occupant and the continued presence
    of an intruder.15
    In State ex rel. Zander v. District Court,16 the court found
    that an officer reasonably believed a burglary might be in
    progress in a house after a neighbor reported that he knew
    See id.
    See id.
    See id.
    See State v. Eberly, supra note 2.
    See id. See, also, Annot., 
    64 A.L.R. 5th 637
     (1998) (and cases cited
    See State v. Eberly, supra note 2.
    State ex rel. Zander v. District Court, 
    180 Mont. 548
    591 P.2d 656
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    no one was at home, he saw someone tampering with a win-
    dow in the home, and the door to the home was always kept
    locked. The investigating officer found no signs of tampering
    at the window, but after knocking on the door and receiving
    no response, the officer found the door unlocked when he
    tested the handle.17 The court concluded it was reasonable for
    the officer, believing a burglar might be hiding in the house,
    to search without a warrant those areas of the house where a
    burglar might be hiding.18
    In Hill v. Com.,19 the court similarly found that officers rea-
    sonably believed a burglar might be in a house that was the
    subject of a warrantless search. A neighbor reported that the
    occupant of the house had been out of town for 2 days and
    that the front door of his house was open. When the officers
    arrived, they observed that the front door was ajar approxi-
    mately 12 to 15 inches and that no one answered the door
    when they rang the doorbell and knocked on the storm door.20
    The court found that under such circumstances, it was reason-
    able to search without a warrant those places inside the house
    where a burglar might hide.21
    The court in Hill explained that the situation of a possible
    burglary in progress required prompt action and an immediate,
    warrantless entry. It was the officers’ duty to determine if the
    house had been burglarized, to apprehend any burglar, and to
    resecure the premises.22 It would have been impractical, the
    court noted, for one officer to go for a warrant while the other
    attempted to secure the premises from all sides.23
    Hill v. Com., 
    18 Va. App. 1
    441 S.E.2d 50
     (1994). See, also, e.g., Love v.
    290 Ga. App. 486
    659 S.E.2d 835
    Hill v. Com., supra note 19.
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    In contrast to State ex rel. Zander and Hill, in United States
    v. Selberg,24 the court held there were insufficient facts for a
    reasonable officer to believe that warrantless entry was appro-
    priate. The neighbor who called the police saw the occupant
    leave the door open when he left, observed that the door
    remained open the following day, and observed that the occu-
    pant’s car was still gone. No occupant answered to knocks on
    the door.25 The court found that under such facts, the warrant-
    less search of the home was unreasonable.26
    We find no clear error in the trial court’s findings con-
    cerning the historical facts. Ezell told Wackler that Salvador
    Rodriguez and Anguiano, who leased the house, were out of
    town, and that she and her child were the only occupants in
    the house before they went for a walk. Ezell told Wackler that
    when they left for their walk, they turned off all the lights in
    the house and locked the doors. Ezell told Wackler that when
    they returned, they saw someone in the garage and all the
    lights in the house were on. Wackler and Heath confirmed that
    the lights of the house were on, and they found that the front
    door of the house was unlocked and not entirely shut.
    In our de novo review, we agree with the trial court that
    these facts, taken together with rational inferences therefrom,
    reasonably warranted an immediate intrusion of the Salvador
    Rodriguez house into areas where a burglar might be hiding.
    The officers had reasonable grounds to believe that there was
    an emergency requiring an immediate warrantless search of
    the house. The trial court did not err in overruling Salvador
    Rodriguez’ motion to suppress.
    2. Drug Use as Prior Bad Act
    Salvador Rodriguez’ second assignment of error con-
    cerns Ezell’s testimony that she smoked methamphetamine
    United States v. Selberg, 
    630 F.2d 1292
     (8th Cir. 1980). See, State ex rel.
    Zander v. District Court, supra note 16; Hill v. Com., supra note 19.
    United States v. Selberg, supra note 24.
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    with Salvador Rodriguez and other guests and that Salvador
    Rodriguez provided the methamphetamine which he kept under-
    neath his basement couch. Salvador Rodriguez argues that the
    court committed error because the testimony was admitted as
    intrinsic evidence rather than as other acts evidence admitted
    for a proper purpose under rule 404(3). Specifically, he argues
    he was prejudiced by a lack of an instruction to the jury to
    consider the evidence only for its proper purpose.
    [12] We find no error in the trial court’s determination that
    Ezell’s testimony was direct evidence of the crime charged and
    thus outside the purview of rule 404. Rule 404(2) concerns
    “[e]vidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts.” Other acts under
    rule 404(2) are acts that are not part of the events giving rise to
    the present charges.27
    Salvador Rodriguez was charged with possession of meth-
    amphetamine with intent to deliver “on or about” July 30,
    2014, the date when officers found methamphetamine under-
    neath Salvador Rodriguez’ basement couch. Defense counsel
    objected to Ezell’s testimony that during the summer of 2014,
    she had observed Salvador Rodriguez in possession of meth-
    amphetamine which he kept underneath the basement couch.
    [13-16] The phrase “on or about” in an information indi-
    cates the date with approximate certainty.28 Furthermore, the
    crime of “possession” may extend over a period of time if
    uninterrupted.29 Absent language indicating differently, “pos-
    session” within a criminal statute contemplates a continuing
    offense as opposed to a single incident.30 There is no indication
    27 U.S. v
    . Gorman, 
    312 F.3d 1159
     (10th Cir. 2002). See State v. Cullen, 
    292 Neb. 30
    870 N.W.2d 784
     (2015). See, also, e.g., U.S. v. Carboni, 
    204 F.3d 39
     (2d Cir. 2000); U.S. v. Kinshaw, 
    71 F.3d 268
     (8th Cir. 1995); U.S. v.
    813 F.2d 277
     (9th Cir. 1987); U.S. v. Fortenberry, 
    971 F.2d 717
    (11th Cir. 1992).
    See State v. Metzger, 
    199 Neb. 186
    256 N.W.2d 691
    State v. Williams, 
    211 Neb. 650
    319 N.W.2d 748
    See id.
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    the Legislature intended that possession of methamphetamine
    should always be a single incident rather than a continuing
    offense. An offense is continuing if
    “set on foot by a single impulse and operated by an
    unintermittent force, however long a time it may occupy;
    an offense which continues day by day; a breach of the
    criminal law, not terminated by a single act or fact, but
    subsisting for a definite period and intended to cover or
    apply to successive similar obligations or occurrences.”31
    [17] In U.S. v. Towne,32 the court held that evidence of the
    defendant’s possession of a pistol on days other than the date
    described in the information charging him with being a felon
    in unlawful possession of a pistol was not evidence of other
    acts within the meaning of Fed. R. Evid. 404(b), the federal
    equivalent to our rule 404(2). The continuous possession of the
    gun, the court explained, constituted a single offense. And evi-
    dence of uncharged criminal activity is not considered “‘other
    crimes’” evidence under that rule if it “‘arose out of the same
    transaction or series of transactions.’”33
    Justice Cassel in his concurring opinion in State v.
    Freemont 34 discussed several analogous cases holding that
    evidence of possession on dates other than those specified
    in the information is direct evidence of the charged crime of
    possession rather than other acts evidence.35 The defendant in
    Freemont was charged with second degree murder. In addition,
    Id. at 655, 319 N.W.2d at 751, quoting 22 C.J.S. Criminal Law § 1 (1961).
    32 U.S. v
    . Towne, 
    870 F.2d 880
     (2d Cir. 1989). Compare U.S. v. Bowie, 
    232 F.3d 923
     (D.C. Cir. 2000) (affirmative evidence that is not same item
    previously observed).
    See U.S. v. Towne, supra note 32, 870 F.2d at 886.
    State v. Freemont, 
    284 Neb. 179
    817 N.W.2d 277
     (2012) (Cassel, J.,
    See, U.S. v. Dorsey, 
    677 F.3d 944
     (9th Cir. 2012); U.S. v. Adams, 
    604 F.3d 596
     (8th Cir. 2010); United States v. Mitchell, 
    613 F.2d 779
     (10th Cir.
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    he was charged with use and possession of a deadly weapon.
    Justice Cassel reasoned that evidence that the defendant had
    been seen a week prior with a gun similar to the one used in
    the shooting bore directly on an element of the possession
    charge and therefore was not other acts evidence. Noting that
    the crime of possession stated in the information was commit-
    ted “‘on or about’” the date specified, he concluded that the
    evidence of the possession days before was “not so removed
    in time as to lose its temporal connection to the charged date
    of possession.”36
    The majority in Freemont held that the evidence of the
    defendant’s possession of a gun before the date specified in
    the information was other acts evidence. But we failed to
    discuss the concept of continuing possession. We have since
    explained that our holding in Freemont is limited to circum-
    stances where the offense of possession is entirely different
    from the most serious charged offense.37 That is not the situa-
    tion presented here.
    We find the reasoning in Towne 38 is applicable to this case.
    Ezell’s testimony supports the inference that in July 2014,
    Salvador Rodriguez gradually consumed with his acquaintances
    a stash of methamphetamine that he kept in his basement.
    In the objected-to testimony, Ezell did not testify that
    Salvador Rodriguez had committed on unrelated occasions
    the crime of possession of methamphetamine with intent to
    deliver, such that he had the character trait of being the type
    of person who possesses methamphetamine with intent to
    deliver. Rather, Ezell’s testimony was direct evidence that on
    or about July 30, 2014, Salvador Rodriguez was engaged in a
    series of transactions constituting the crime of possession of
    State v. Freemont, supra note 34, 284 Neb. at 212, 213, 817 N.W.2d at
    303, 304 (Cassel, J., concurring).
    State v. Cullen, supra note 27.
    38 U.S. v
    . Towne, supra note 32.
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    methamphetamine with intent to deliver. This is not other acts
    evidence. Ezell’s testimony did not require an intermediate
    propensity inference in order for the trier of fact to have con-
    cluded based on that testimony that Salvador Rodriguez com-
    mitted the crime charged. The court did not err in overruling
    defense counsel’s rule 404 objection.
    3. Comments in Closing A rguments
    [18] Salvador Rodriguez asserts there was prosecutorial mis-
    conduct in closing arguments. But the closing arguments were
    not recorded in the bill of exceptions. It is the law in Nebraska
    that, where allegedly prejudicial remarks of counsel do not
    appear in the bill of exceptions, this court is precluded from
    considering an assigned error concerning such remarks.39 We
    mentioned in State v. Harris 40 that counsel could have made an
    offer or proof when closing arguments were not in the record.
    But here, the only “evidence” of the statements made in clos-
    ing arguments is an affidavit attached to the motion for new
    trial in which the defense attorney avers that the factual allega-
    tions in the motion are true.
    [19,20] It has long been the law of this state that affidavits
    in support of a motion for new trial must be offered in evidence
    and preserved in and made a part of a bill of exceptions to be
    considered by this court.41 This court will not review testimony
    in the form of affidavits used in the trial court on the hearing
    of a motion for new trial, unless such affidavits have been
    included in and presented by a bill of exceptions.42
    Salvador Rodriguez argues he was unfairly prejudiced
    when the prosecutor said in closing arguments that Salvador
    State v. Harris, 
    205 Neb. 844
    290 N.W.2d 645
    See id.
    Metschke v. Department of Motor Vehicles, 
    186 Neb. 197
    181 N.W.2d 843
     (1970), overruled on other grounds, State v. Perez, 
    235 Neb. 796
    457 N.W.2d 448
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    Rodriguez owned the house where the methamphetamine was
    found. Defense counsel averred that in his closing arguments,
    he corrected this and told the jury that Salvador Rodriguez
    was only a tenant and had no legal ownership in the house.
    Even assuming the prosecution made the statements alleged,
    the prosecutor’s remarks were not misconduct and Salvador
    Rodriguez was not prejudiced. The ownership of the house was
    not decisive of any issue in the case, and there was no allega-
    tion that the prosecutor told the jury that ownership of the resi-
    dence was relevant to the crimes charged. We find no merit to
    this last assignment of error.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court.
    A ffirmed.