State v. Merheb ( 2015 )

  •                          Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. MERHEB	83
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 83
    Elizabeth’s recounting of the events at trial differed some-
    what from her statements to Warner, and her statements to
    Warner themselves were not identical. This was a matter that
    the jury could consider when weighing Elizabeth’s testimony
    and credibility, but it is not a matter for us. Our question is
    only whether a reasonable trier of fact could find the essen-
    tial elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.30 The
    credibility and weight of witness testimony is the province
    of the jury, and we will not reassess credibility on appel-
    late review.31
    We conclude that the out-of-court statements Oseka and
    Guidebeck testified about were excited utterances, and there-
    fore admissible despite their hearsay status. And we conclude
    that the evidence is sufficient to support Hale’s conviction for
    murder in the first degree.
    Heavican, C.J., participating on briefs.
    See State v. Matit, supra note 4.
    See, State v. Tolbert, 
    288 Neb. 732
    851 N.W.2d 74
    (2014); State v. Huff,
    282 Neb. 78
    802 N.W.2d 77
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Ramez Merheb, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.   No. S-14-315.
    1.	 Appeal and Error. To the extent issues of law are presented, an appellate court
    has an obligation to reach independent conclusions irrespective of the determina-
    tions made by the court below.
    2.	 Constitutional Law: Postconviction. A manifest injustice common-law claim
    must be founded on a constitutional right that cannot and never could have been
    vindicated under the Nebraska Postconviction Act or by any other means.
    3.	 Constitutional Law: Effectiveness of Counsel: Convictions. As a general
    proposition, counsel’s advice about collateral matters—those not involving
    the direct consequences of a criminal conviction—are irrelevant under the
    Sixth Amendment.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Appeal from the District Court for Lancaster County: John
    A. Colborn, Judge. Affirmed.
    Robert B. Creager, of Anderson, Creager & Wittstruck, P.C.,
    L.L.O., for appellant.
    Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and Nathan A. Liss for
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    and Miller-Lerman, JJ.
    Heavican, C.J.
    Ramez Merheb filed a verified motion to set aside his
    plea. The district court denied the motion. Merheb appeals.
    We affirm.
    On October 6, 2008, Merheb pled guilty to attempted pos-
    session of marijuana with intent to deliver. On December 2, he
    was sentenced to 1 to 2 years’ imprisonment. No direct appeal
    was filed.
    On May 22, 2009, Merheb filed a motion for postconvic-
    tion relief. In the motion, Merheb alleged that he received
    ineffective assistance of counsel when his immigration coun-
    sel provided erroneous advice regarding the consequences
    of his conviction. Merheb further alleged that he would not
    have pled guilty and would have pursed an appeal on the
    denial of a motion to suppress in his case had his counsel
    acted effectively.
    The district court denied Merheb’s motion on June 26,
    2009. Merheb appealed to the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    on July 7. On December 17, the State filed a suggestion of
    mootness, because Merheb had been released from prison
    on May 23 and his parole had expired on November 17. The
    State argued that because he was no longer under a term of
    imprisonment or parole, Merheb had no right to postconvic-
    tion relief. The Court of Appeals dismissed Merheb’s appeal
    as moot on January 20, 2010. We denied Merheb’s petition for
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. MERHEB	85
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 83
    further review on March 10, and the mandate was spread by
    the district court on March 26.
    On March 31, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court decided
    Padilla v. Kentucky.1 In Padilla, the Court held that in order
    to comply with Sixth Amendment standards regarding com-
    petent representation, counsel must inform a client whether a
    plea carries a risk of deportation. On February 20, 2013, the
    Court held in Chaidez v. U.S.2 that its decision in Padilla was
    a new rule and not retroactive, and that defendants whose con-
    victions became final before Padilla could not benefit from
    its holding.
    On August 16, 2012, Merheb filed a motion to set aside his
    plea. He alleged that his immigration counsel was ineffective
    in providing “clearly erroneous and unreasonable information
    as the immigration consequences of the plea agreement and
    resulting conviction.” Merheb further alleged that if not for
    the erroneous immigration advice, he would have proceeded to
    trial or otherwise preserved his right to appeal the order deny-
    ing his motion to suppress, and that the relief was necessary to
    correct a manifest injustice.
    The district court denied Merheb’s motion, reasoning that
    his conviction was final prior to the Court’s decision in
    Padilla and that thus, Padilla was inapplicable to Merheb.
    The district court further noted that under this court’s deci-
    sion in State v. Gonzalez,3 the common-law right to withdraw
    a plea after final judgment was narrow. The district court
    reasoned that because Merheb’s motion to set aside his plea
    was filed more than 2 years after Padilla, it was not timely for
    Gonzalez purposes.
    Merheb appeals.
    Merheb assigns, restated and consolidated, that the district
    court erred in denying his motion to set aside his plea.
    Padilla v. Kentucky, 
    559 U.S. 356
    130 S. Ct. 1473
    176 L. Ed. 2d 284
    Chaidez v. U.S., ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1103
    185 L. Ed. 2d 149
    State v. Gonzalez, 
    285 Neb. 940
    830 N.W.2d 504
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    [1] To the extent issues of law are presented, an appellate
    court has an obligation to reach independent conclusions irre-
    spective of the determinations made by the court below.4
    On appeal, Merheb assigns a number of errors which can be
    consolidated as one: that the district court erred in denying his
    motion to set aside his plea.
    In his motion, Merheb attempts to set aside his plea on just
    one ground—that his immigration counsel was ineffective. He
    had previously filed a motion for postconviction relief which
    was denied as moot; he makes no argument in this motion that
    postconviction relief is currently available to him. Nor does he
    argue that he could withdraw his plea due to the failure of the
    trial court to inform him of the necessary advisements under
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-1819.02 (Reissue 2008). In fact, a review
    of the trial record reveals that Merheb was given the necessary
    advisements under § 29-1819.02.
    [2] Thus, the only avenue Merheb seeks to use here is that
    of the “manifest injustice” procedure which this court recog-
    nized in State v. Gonzalez.5 A manifest injustice common-law
    claim must be founded on a constitutional right that cannot
    and never could have been vindicated under the Nebraska
    Postconviction Act or by any other means.6 Merheb seeks to
    vindicate the constitutional right set forth in Padilla, where the
    U.S. Supreme Court held that Sixth Amendment standards of
    competent representation require counsel to inform his or her
    client whether a plea carries a risk of deportation.7
    We assume for the purposes of this appeal that Merheb
    could not have vindicated this claimed constitutional right in
    a postconviction action, because he was released from prison
    and parole before his postconviction claim could be decided
    State v. Chiroy Osorio, 
    286 Neb. 384
    837 N.W.2d 66
    State v. Gonzalez, supra note 3.
    See id.
    Padilla v. Kentucky, supra note 1.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. MERHEB	87
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 83
    on appeal. But we conclude that the district court did not err
    in dismissing Merheb’s motion, because Merheb is not entitled
    to relief.
    [3] As a general proposition, counsel’s advice about col-
    lateral matters—those not involving the direct consequences
    of a criminal conviction—are irrelevant under the Sixth
    Amendment.8 Such an analysis is excluded from a Strickland
    v. Washington9 analysis on the ineffectiveness of counsel.10
    But in Padilla, the Court concluded that no such distinction
    should apply in the case of deportation, because deportation
    was “unique”11 in that it was “particularly severe,”12 was “inti-
    mately related to the criminal process,”13 and was “nearly an
    automatic result”14 of some convictions. Later, in Chaidez, the
    Court noted that the rule from Padilla counted as “‘break[ing]
    new ground’ or ‘impos[ing] a new obligation’”15 for purposes
    of a retroactivity analysis under Teague v. Lane,16 and thus was
    not retroactive in its application.
    There is no distinction in the application of these principles
    based upon whether counsel failed to give any advice regard-
    ing immigration consequences or whether counsel instead
    gave erroneous advice. As noted by the Seventh Circuit in
    Chavarria v. U.S.,17 the Court in neither Padilla nor Chaidez
    found any relevant distinction between the two: “There is no
    question that the [Chaidez] majority understood that Padilla
    announced a new rule for all advice, or lack thereof, with
    See State v. Yos-Chiguil, 
    281 Neb. 618
    798 N.W.2d 832
    (2011). See,
    generally, Chaidez v. U.S., supra note 2.
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    See, State v. Yos-Chiguil, supra note 8; Chaidez v. U.S., supra note 2.
    Padilla v. Kentucky, supra note 
    1, 559 U.S. at 365
    Id. 13 Id.
    Id., 559 U.S.
    at 366.
    Chaidez v. U.S., supra note 
    2, 133 S. Ct. at 1110
    Teague v. Lane, 
    489 U.S. 288
    109 S. Ct. 1060
    103 L. Ed. 2d 334
    Chavarria v. U.S., 
    739 F.3d 360
    , 363 (7th Cir. 2014).
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    respect to the consequences of a criminal conviction for immi-
    gration status.”
    Thus, prior to the decision in Padilla, whether counsel
    informed a defendant of the potential immigration conse-
    quences of a conviction was excluded from analysis under
    Strickland. And under Chaidez, the right granted in Padilla is
    not retroactive. Thus, if a conviction was final as of the date
    of the Court’s decision in Padilla, a criminal defendant cannot
    benefit from the Padilla holding.
    Because Merheb did not appeal from his conviction and
    sentence, Merheb’s conviction became final in early January
    2009—30 days after his sentence was imposed by the trial
    court. Padilla was not decided until March 31, 2010. Thus, the
    constitutional right under which Merheb seeks relief is inap-
    plicable as a matter of law and the procedure set forth under
    Gonzalez is unavailable. Merheb’s argument that the district
    court erred in denying his motion to set aside his plea is with-
    out merit.
    The district court’s denial of Merheb’s motion to set aside
    his plea is affirmed.
    Cassel, J., not participating.
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Trent R. Esch, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.    No. S-14-471.
    1.	 Evidence: Appeal and Error. In reviewing a sufficiency of the evidence claim,
    whether the evidence is direct, circumstantial, or a combination thereof, the stan-
    dard is the same: An appellate court does not resolve conflicts in the evidence,
    pass on the credibility of witnesses, or reweigh the evidence; such matters are for
    the finder of fact. The relevant question for an appellate court is whether, after
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational
    trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt.