Wisniewski v. Heartland Towing ( 2014 )

  •     Nebraska Advance Sheets
    in concluding that the general verdict rule did not bar it from
    overturning the jury’s verdict.
    Although the district court’s instructions did not explicitly
    charge the jury on BNSF’s duty of care, they implicitly recog­
    nized BNSF’s duty by requiring the jury to find that BNSF was
    negligent if it found that BNSF had failed to provide Kuhnel
    with a reasonably safe place to work. We therefore find that
    the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the instructions
    constituted plain error. Because our finding that the instruc­
    tions were not plainly erroneous is dispositive, we need not
    analyze BNSF’s remaining assignment of error. We reverse the
    decision of the Court of Appeals.
    R eversed.
    Victoria A. Wisniewski, appellant, v. Heartland Towing,
    Inc., et al., defendants and third-party plaintiffs,
    appellees, and Lyman-R ichey Corporation,
    doing business as R eady M ixed Concrete
    Company, a Delaware corporation, et al.,
    third -party defendants, appellees.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 28, 2014.   No. S-13-171.
    1.	 Judgments: Jurisdiction: Appeal and Error. When a jurisdictional question
    does not involve a factual dispute, determination of a jurisdictional issue is a
    matter of law which requires an appellate court to reach a conclusion independent
    from the trial court’s decision.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: W.
    Mark Ashford, Judge. Order vacated, and appeal dismissed.
    Robert S. Sherrets and James D. Sherrets, of Sherrets, Bruno
    & Vogt, L.L.C., for appellant.
    Christopher P. Welsh, of Welsh & Welsh, P.C., L.L.O., pro se.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    and Cassel, JJ.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    287 Neb. 548
    Heavican, C.J.
    Christopher P. Welsh of Welsh & Welsh, P.C., L.L.O., rep­
    resented appellant Veronica A. Wisniewski in a negligence suit
    against Heartland Towing, Inc. After judgment was entered
    against Heartland Towing, Welsh orally motioned to be paid
    attorney fees and costs from the judgment. The district court
    granted the motion. Wisniewski appeals. We dismiss.
    Wisniewski was injured in a multiple vehicle accident on
    June 9, 2006. Wisniewski braked to avoid hitting another
    vehicle and was struck from behind by a tow truck operated
    by Billy Pipkin and owned by Heartland Towing. On June 5,
    2007, Wisniewski retained Welsh to represent her in a lawsuit
    against Pipkin and Heartland Towing. Wisniewski and Welsh
    entered into a contingency fee contract. After a jury trial, the
    court entered a judgment of $35,006.23 in favor of Wisniewski
    on June 6, 2012.
    On October 12, 2012, Wisniewski, represented by new coun­
    sel, filed a legal malpractice suit against Welsh alleging that
    Welsh failed to adequately represent Wisniewski’s claims aris­
    ing out of the June 2006 automobile accident.
    On January 23, 2013, Welsh made an oral motion for pay­
    ment of attorney fees and costs in this, the underlying negli­
    gence lawsuit. The district court granted the motion and autho­
    rized the clerk of the district court to distribute $11,085.29
    in attorney fees and $3,311.55 in costs to Welsh from the
    Wisniewski filed a motion to alter or amend the order. The
    district court denied the motion and set a supersedeas bond.
    Wisniewski appeals from the order denying her motion to alter
    or amend. Welsh responds as “Movant-Appellee.”
    Wisniewski assigns the following errors of the district
    court: (1) finding it had jurisdiction to hear Welsh’s motion,
    (2) granting Welsh’s motion without an evidentiary hear­
    ing, (3) finding Welsh was entitled to attorney fees, and
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    (4) denying Wisniewski’s motion to alter or amend and
    stay proceedings.
    [1] When a jurisdictional question does not involve a factual
    dispute, determination of a jurisdictional issue is a matter of
    law which requires an appellate court to reach a conclusion
    independent from the trial court’s decision.1
    In her first assignment of error, Wisniewski asserts that the
    district court erred in finding it had jurisdiction to hear Welsh’s
    motion for attorney fees and costs.
    Wisniewski argues that the motion was an effort to enforce a
    contract and that, as such, Welsh was required to file a separate
    lawsuit against Wisniewski. We reject this argument.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 7-108
     (Reissue 2012) states:
    An attorney has a lien for a general balance of compen­
    sation upon any papers of his client which have come into
    his possession in the course of his professional employ­
    ment; and upon money in his hands belonging to his cli­
    ent, and in the hands of the adverse party in an action or
    proceeding in which the attorney was employed from the
    time of giving notice of the lien to that party.
    We have repeatedly stated an attorney may file a petition in
    intervention in the original action to enforce an attorney’s lien.2
    Recently, in Meister v. Meister,3 we reiterated that interven­
    tion is the proper method of enforcing an attorney’s lien in
    the original action and explained that equity excuses the usual
    requirement of intervening before trial as required by 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-328
     (Reissue 2008). We also noted in Meister
    that an attorney’s failure to intervene before arguing his lien
    did not destroy the attorney’s entitlement to the lien.4
    See Holste v. Burlington Northern RR. Co., 
    256 Neb. 713
    592 N.W.2d 894
    See, e.g., Barber v. Barber, 
    207 Neb. 101
    296 N.W.2d 463
    Meister v. Meister, 
    274 Neb. 705
    742 N.W.2d 746
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    287 Neb. 551
    In this case, Welsh never filed a petition in intervention.
    Although Welsh claims to have filed the equivalent in a writ­
    ten motion, no such motion appears in the record before this
    court. At the time of his oral motion, Welsh was not a party
    to the suit. Furthermore, Welsh stated at the hearing that he no
    longer represented Wisniewski. Lacking subject matter juris­
    diction, the court erred in deciding Welsh’s oral motion for
    payment. We have stated that a ruling made in the absence of
    subject matter jurisdiction is a nullity.5 We therefore vacate the
    district court’s order granting Welsh’s oral motion and dismiss
    the appeal.
    Order vacated, and appeal dismissed.
    Miller-Lerman, J., participating on briefs.
    Spady v. Spady, 
    284 Neb. 885
    824 N.W.2d 366
     (2012); Hunt v. Trackwell,
    262 Neb. 688
    635 N.W.2d 106
     (2001); In re Estate of Andersen, 
    253 Neb. 748
    572 N.W.2d 93
     (1998); Billups v. Scott, 
    253 Neb. 287
    571 N.W.2d 603
    Jason M. Bruno, appellant, v. Metropolitan Utilities
    District et al., appellees, and Northern Natural
    Gas Company, intervenor-appellee.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 28, 2014.   No. S-13-212.
    1.	 Motions to Dismiss: Appeal and Error. A district court’s grant of a motion to
    dismiss is reviewed de novo.
    2.	 Motions to Dismiss: Pleadings: Appeal and Error. When reviewing an order
    dismissing a complaint, the appellate court accepts as true all facts which are
    well pled and the proper and reasonable inferences of law and fact which may be
    drawn therefrom, but not the plaintiff’s conclusion.
    3.	 Statutes: Appeal and Error. To the extent an appeal calls for statutory interpre­
    tation or presents questions of law, an appellate court must reach an independent
    conclusion irrespective of the determination made by the court below.
    4.	 Contracts: Legislature. Competitive bids and public letting are unquestionably a
    matter of legislative prerogative.
    5.	 Statutes: Appeal and Error. The language of a statute is to be given its plain
    and ordinary meaning, and an appellate court will not resort to interpreta­
    tion to ascertain the meaning of statutory words which are plain, direct, and