Despain v. Despain ( 2015 )

  •    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    We find no merit to Sellers’ assigned errors. His assertions
    of ineffective assistance of trial and appellate counsel failed to
    establish any prejudice resulting from the alleged deficiencies
    of his counsel. And his claim of instructional error regarding
    the premeditated murder theory of first degree murder was not
    presented as a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel before
    the district court. We affirm the denial of postconviction relief
    without an evidentiary hearing.
    Wright, J., participating on briefs.
    Abigail K. Despain, appellee, v.
    William E. Despain, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.     No. S-13-1133.
    1.	 Judgments: Appeal and Error. An appellate court determines jurisdictional
    questions that do not involve a factual dispute as a matter of law.
    2.	 New Trial: Appeal and Error. Regarding motions for new trial, an appel-
    late court will uphold a trial court’s ruling on such a motion absent an abuse
    of discretion.
    3.	 Divorce: Property Division: Appeal and Error. In actions for the dissolution
    of marriage, the division of property is a matter entrusted to the discretion of the
    trial judge, whose decision will be reviewed de novo on the record and will be
    affirmed in the absence of an abuse of discretion.
    4.	 Judges: Words and Phrases. A judicial abuse of discretion exists when the
    reasons or rulings of a trial judge are clearly untenable, unfairly depriving
    a litigant of a substantial right and denying just results in matters submitted
    for disposition.
    5.	 Jurisdiction: Appeal and Error. Before reaching the legal issues presented for
    review, it is the duty of an appellate court to determine whether it has jurisdiction
    over the matter before it.
    6.	 Jurisdiction: Time: Notice: Appeal and Error. To vest an appellate court with
    jurisdiction, a party must timely file a notice of appeal.
    7.	 Statutes: Appeal and Error. Statutory language is to be given its plain and
    ordinary meaning, and interpretation will not be used to ascertain the meaning of
    statutory words which are plain, direct, and unambiguous.
    8.	 Divorce: Property Division. Under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-365 (Reissue 2008),
    the equitable division of property is a three-step process. The first step is to clas-
    sify the parties’ property as marital or nonmarital, setting aside the nonmarital
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 32
    property to the party who brought that property to the marriage. The second step
    is to value the marital assets and marital liabilities of the parties. The third step
    is to calculate and divide the net marital estate between the parties in accordance
    with the principles contained in § 42-365.
    9.	 ____: ____. The ultimate test in determining the appropriateness of the divi-
    sion of property is fairness and reasonableness as determined by the facts of
    each case.
    Appeal from the District Court for Saunders County: Mary
    C. Gilbride, Judge. Affirmed as modified.
    Mark A. Steele, of Steele Law Office, for appellant.
    John H. Sohl for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    Miller-Lerman, and Cassel, JJ.
    Miller-Lerman, J.
    Abigail K. Despain, the appellee, and William E. Despain,
    the appellant, were married in June 2012, and Abigail filed
    her complaint for the dissolution of marriage in the district
    court for Saunders County in August 2012. After trial, the dis-
    trict court filed its decree of dissolution of marriage including
    orders regarding property division. William appeals.
    The issues in this appeal are whether William’s appeal was
    timely and whether the district court correctly calculated the
    division of property. We determine that although William’s
    motion for new trial was filed before the entry of judgment,
    it was filed after announcement of the decision. Under Neb.
    Rev. Stat. § 25-1144.01 (Reissue 2008), it is treated as filed
    after the entry of judgment. And, thus, the motion was effec-
    tive and the appeal is timely. We further determine that the
    district court erred in that portion of the decree which divided
    the property, and we modify the decree as indicated below. We
    affirm as modified.
    Abigail and William were married on June 23, 2012. On
    August 27, Abigail filed her complaint for the dissolution
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    of the marriage. No children were born to the parties during
    the marriage.
    Prior to their marriage, Abigail and William purchased a
    house together. The parties sold the house after Abigail had
    filed for divorce but prior to trial. The net sale proceeds were
    $12,453.34, and the parties divided the proceeds equally prior
    to trial, each receiving $6,226.67.
    A trial was held on June 10, 2013. Abigail and William each
    testified and presented evidence at trial. As noted, at the time
    of trial, Abigail and William had already divided the proceeds
    from the sale of the house. According to the evidence, they had
    no joint indebtedness.
    Abigail presented evidence that in purchasing the house
    with William, she had used her premarital funds to pay the
    earnest deposit of $1,000, the closing costs of $4,422, and the
    water deposit of $150. Abigail stated that in total, she had used
    $5,572 of her premarital funds to help purchase the house.
    Abigail also presented evidence that without her knowledge
    at the time, the parties had received a refund in the amount of
    $70 for the overpayment of closing costs, and that William had
    kept the $70.
    William stated at trial that he had made repairs and improve-
    ments to the house using his premarital funds in the amount
    of $3,509.92. The district court did not credit this claim, and
    William does not assign error to this finding on appeal.
    The record shows that after trial, on August 14, 2013, the
    district court sent the parties an unsigned document captioned
    “Journal Entry” (unsigned journal entry) containing the sub-
    stance of its decision and ordered counsel for Abigail to pre-
    pare a dissolution decree. This unsigned journal entry specifi-
    cally states that unsigned copies were sent to counsel for each
    party on August 14.
    In the unsigned journal entry, regarding “property division,”
    the court found that Abigail is entitled to the return of premari-
    tal funds used to purchase the house, in the amount of $5,422;
    the return of the water deposit, in the amount of $150, which
    was paid from her premarital funds; and one-half of the over-
    payment of closing costs, in the amount of $35. The unsigned
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    journal entry states that William shall make an equalization
    payment which flows from those findings. The unsigned jour-
    nal entry states:
    [Abigail’s attorney] shall prepare the decree herein. It
    shall be reviewed by [William’s attorney] and presented
    to the court for signature not later than September 16,
    2013. The decree shall append the appropriate calculation
    of the division of the estate in accordance with paragraph
    2. In order to avoid confusion as to appeal time, [t]his
    order shall be forwarded to counsel both unsigned and
    unfiled. A signed copy will be filed contemporaneously
    with the entry of the decree.
    Following the distribution of the unsigned journal entry on
    August 14, 2013, but before the decree was filed on October
    21, William filed a motion for new trial on October 16 in which
    he claimed that the district court’s decision regarding division
    of property failed to recognize the division of proceeds from
    the sale of the home which had occurred and that an equaliza-
    tion payment based on this failure is erroneous.
    On October 21, 2013, the district court filed its “Decree
    of Dissolution of Marriage,” which included orders reflecting
    its provisions. In the dissolution decree, the court stated that
    Abigail and William’s marriage was irretrievably broken and
    should be dissolved. Abigail’s birth name was restored to her.
    Regarding the division of property, the decree stated:
    [Abigail] should be entitled to the return of premarital
    funds used to purchase the marital home in the amount
    of $5,422.00. [Abigail] should be entitled to the return
    of the water deposit in the amount of $150.00 which was
    paid from premarital funds, less any amounts deducted
    for water usage during the marriage. [Abigail] should be
    entitled to one half of the overpayment of closing costs in
    the amount of $35.00.
    In the decree, the court ordered William to pay Abigail $5,607
    in order to equalize the division of property. The court did
    not award alimony to either party and stated that each party
    shall be responsible for his or her own attorney fees and
    court costs.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    The court signed a copy (signed journal entry) of the
    unsigned journal entry first distributed on August 14, 2013, on
    October 18 and filed it on October 21 along with the decree.
    On November 27, 2013, the court filed its order overruling
    William’s motion for new trial. The order states in its entirety:
    “NOW ON this 27th day of November, 2013, this matter comes
    before the Court on [William’s] Motion for New Trial. The
    Court finds that the Decree has been signed. The Motion for
    New Trial is overruled.”
    On December 26, 2013, William filed his notice of appeal
    from the November 27 order overruling his motion for
    new trial.
    William claims, restated, that the district court erred when it
    overruled his motion for new trial in which he claimed that the
    court erred in its method of calculating the equalization pay-
    ment that William owes Abigail.
    [1] An appellate court determines jurisdictional questions
    that do not involve a factual dispute as a matter of law. Carney
    v. Miller, 
    287 Neb. 400
    842 N.W.2d 782
    [2] Regarding motions for new trial, we will uphold a trial
    court’s ruling on such a motion absent an abuse of discre-
    tion. First Express Servs. Group v. Easter, 
    286 Neb. 912
    840 N.W.2d 465
    [3,4] In actions for the dissolution of marriage, the division
    of property is a matter entrusted to the discretion of the trial
    judge, whose decision will be reviewed de novo on the record
    and will be affirmed in the absence of an abuse of discretion.
    Plog v. Plog, 
    20 Neb. Ct. App. 383
    824 N.W.2d 749
    (2012). A
    judicial abuse of discretion exists when the reasons or rulings
    of a trial judge are clearly untenable, unfairly depriving a liti-
    gant of a substantial right and denying just results in matters
    submitted for disposition. Breci v. St. Paul Mercury Ins. Co.,
    288 Neb. 626
    849 N.W.2d 523
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    Abigail contends that William’s motion for new trial, filed
    before entry of the decree, was a nullity and that as a result,
    the notice of appeal was untimely and the appeal should be
    dismissed. William claims that the district court erred in over-
    ruling his motion for new trial because the district court’s
    method of calculating the equalization payment was incor-
    rect. We conclude that William’s motion for new trial was an
    effective filing pursuant to § 25-1144.01 and that the appeal
    is timely. We further determine that the district court erred in
    its method of calculating the equalization payment owed by
    William to Abigail.
    William’s Motion for New Trial.
    [5,6] Before reaching the legal issues presented for review,
    it is the duty of an appellate court to determine whether it has
    jurisdiction over the matter before it. See Huskey v. Huskey,
    289 Neb. 439
    855 N.W.2d 377
    (2014). To vest an appellate
    court with jurisdiction, a party must timely file a notice of
    appeal. Meister v. Meister, 
    274 Neb. 705
    742 N.W.2d 746
    (2007). A party must file a notice of appeal within 30 days of
    the judgment, decree, or final order from which the party is
    appealing. See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1912(1) (Reissue 2008). A
    motion for a new trial, however, terminates the time in which
    a notice of appeal must be filed. See § 25-1912(3). If the court
    denies the motion for new trial, and assuming that the motion
    for new trial is an effective filing and not a nullity, the party
    has 30 days from the entry of the order denying the motion to
    file a notice of appeal. Meister v. Meister, supra.
    Section 25-1912, upon which the foregoing discussion is
    based provides:
    (1) The proceedings to obtain a reversal, vacation, or
    modification of judgments and decrees rendered or final
    orders made by the district court, including judgments
    and sentences upon convictions for felonies and misde-
    meanors, shall be by filing in the office of the clerk of
    the district court in which such judgment, decree, or final
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    order was rendered, within thirty days after the entry of
    such judgment, decree, or final order, a notice of inten-
    tion to prosecute such appeal signed by the appellant or
    appellants or his, her, or their attorney of record and,
    except as otherwise provided in sections 25-2301 to
    25-2310, 29-2306, and 48-641, by depositing with the
    clerk of the district court the docket fee required by sec-
    tion 33-103.
    (3) The running of the time for filing a notice of
    appeal shall be terminated as to all parties (a) by a timely
    motion for a new trial under section 25-1144.01, (b) by
    a timely motion to alter or amend a judgment under sec-
    tion 25-1329, or (c) by a timely motion to set aside the
    verdict or judgment under section 25-1315.02, and the
    full time for appeal fixed in subsection (1) of this section
    commences to run from the entry of the order ruling upon
    the motion filed pursuant to subdivision (a), (b), or (c) of
    this subsection.
    Section 25-1144.01, mentioned in § 25-1912, provides:
    A motion for a new trial shall be filed no later than ten
    days after the entry of the judgment. A motion for a new
    trial filed after the announcement of a verdict or decision
    but before the entry of judgment shall be treated as filed
    after the entry of judgment and on the day thereof.
    William filed his motion for new trial before the court
    filed the dissolution decree, and the decree is the judgment
    in this dissolution case. See Rice v. Webb, 
    287 Neb. 712
    844 N.W.2d 290
    (2014). Abigail contends that William’s motion
    for new trial filed before entry of the judgment was a nul-
    lity and that therefore, the running time for filing a notice of
    appeal from the decree did not terminate awaiting disposition
    of a new trial motion. According to Abigail, the notice of
    appeal was filed more than 30 days after entry of judgment
    and was untimely. Applying § 25-1144.01, we conclude the
    appeal was timely, and we reject Abigail’s contention that we
    lack jurisdiction.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    290 Neb. 32
    The relevant dates for our analysis are as follows:
    • June 10, 2013: trial conducted.
    • August 14, 2013: unsigned journal entry sent to parties’
    • October 16, 2013: William’s motion for new trial filed.
    • October 21, 2013: dissolution decree filed.
    • October 21, 2013: signed journal entry filed.
    • October 21, 2013: William’s motion for new trial treated as
    filed under § 25-1144.01.
    • November 27, 2013: order overruling William’s motion for
    new trial filed.
    • December 26, 2013: William’s notice of appeal filed.
    [7] The plain terms of § 25-1144.01 are dispositive of the
    jurisdictional issue. Section 25-1144.01 as quoted above had
    been amended in 2004 by 2004 Neb. Laws, L.B. 1207, to add
    the second sentence. As noted above, the second sentence of
    § 25-1144.01 provides: “A motion for a new trial filed after the
    announcement of a verdict or decision but before the entry of
    judgment shall be treated as filed after the entry of judgment
    and on the day thereof.” Statutory language is to be given its
    plain and ordinary meaning, and interpretation will not be used
    to ascertain the meaning of statutory words which are plain,
    direct, and unambiguous. Weber v. North Loup River Pub.
    288 Neb. 959
    854 N.W.2d 263
    The 2004 amendment to § 25-1144.01 was apparently
    adopted in reaction to this court’s decision in Macke v. Pierce,
    263 Neb. 868
    643 N.W.2d 673
    (2002). In Macke, we deter-
    mined that under the version of § 25-1144.01 in effect prior
    to the 2004 amendment, a motion for new trial was effective
    and timely only if it was filed within 10 days after the entry
    of a judgment. Thus, under Macke, a motion for new trial filed
    before the entry of a judgment was a nullity, as was the trial
    court’s ruling on such a motion for new trial. Under Macke,
    such a motion for new trial did not terminate the time for tak-
    ing an appeal. However, under the 2004 amendment, a motion
    for new trial filed after the announcement of the decision but
    before the entry of the judgment is no longer a nullity.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    As we have noted, the court distributed the unsigned journal
    entry on August 14, 2013, containing its substantive decision,
    and it further provided:
    [Abigail’s attorney] shall prepare the decree herein. It
    shall be reviewed by [William’s attorney] and presented
    to the court for signature not later than September 16,
    2013. The decree shall append the appropriate calculation
    of the division of the estate in accordance with paragraph
    2. In order to avoid confusion as to appeal time, [t]his
    order shall be forwarded to counsel both unsigned and
    unfiled. A signed copy will be filed contemporaneously
    with the entry of the decree.
    (Emphasis supplied.)
    We view the copies of the August 14, 2013, unsigned journal
    entry that were sent to the parties as the court’s “announcement
    of a . . . decision” as that expression is used in § 25-1144.01.
    Hence, William’s motion for new trial filed after the announce-
    ment of the decision “but before the entry of judgment shall
    be treated as filed after the entry of judgment and on the day
    thereof.” See § 25-1144.01. William’s motion for new trial was
    effective. In sum, William’s motion for new trial was treated
    as having been filed after judgment on October 21, the same
    date the decree was filed, and was properly before the district
    court. Time to appeal from the decree was terminated until the
    district court ruled on the motion for new trial. The notice of
    appeal filed within 30 days after the ruling on the motion for
    new trial was timely.
    For completeness, we note that William suggests on appeal
    that the district court failed to properly consider his motion
    for new trial, perhaps because the court’s order of denial was
    brief. The district court’s November 27, 2013, order overrul-
    ing the motion for new trial stated in its entirety: “NOW ON
    this 27th day of November, 2013, this matter comes before the
    Court on [William’s] Motion for New Trial. The Court finds
    that the Decree has been signed. The Motion for New Trial
    is overruled.” As we view the order, the court considered the
    motion for new trial and found it to be without merit. The
    language in the order signaled the court’s recognition that the
    motion for new trial had been filed before entry of the decree
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    but, by implicit application of § 25-1144.01, that the decree
    had been signed and that the court could therefore properly
    proceed to the merits of the motion for new trial. We find no
    error in this procedure.
    Equalization Payment Ordered
    by the District Court.
    William claims that the district court erred in the method
    it employed to calculate the equalization payment owed by
    William to Abigail and that the court erred when it overruled
    his motion for new trial on this basis. We agree with William.
    Regarding motions for new trial, we will uphold a trial
    court’s ruling on such a motion absent an abuse of discre-
    tion. First Express Servs. Group v. Easter, 
    286 Neb. 912
    840 N.W.2d 465
    (2013). As explained in more detail below,
    we determine that the district court erred in the method of
    calculating the equalization payment, and accordingly, we
    determine that the district court abused its discretion when
    it overruled William’s motion for new trial challenging the
    equalization calculation. In particular, in this case, the court
    ordered William to pay Abigail an equalization payment of
    $5,607, whereas we determine it should have ordered him to
    pay $2,856.
    [8,9] Under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-365 (Reissue 2008), the
    equitable division of property is a three-step process. The
    first step is to classify the parties’ property as marital or
    nonmarital, setting aside the nonmarital property to the party
    who brought that property to the marriage. The second step is
    to value the marital assets and marital liabilities of the par-
    ties. The third step is to calculate and divide the net marital
    estate between the parties in accordance with the principles
    contained in § 42-365. See, Sitz v. Sitz, 
    275 Neb. 832
    749 N.W.2d 470
    (2008); Plog v. Plog, 
    20 Neb. Ct. App. 383
    824 N.W.2d 749
    (2012). The ultimate test in determining the
    appropriateness of the division of property is fairness and
    reasonableness as determined by the facts of each case. Plog
    Plog, supra
    In calculating the amount of the equalization payment, the
    district court first determined the parties’ total property and
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    then divided the total property equally between the two par-
    ties. In an attempt to equalize the distribution, the court then
    ordered William to pay Abigail $5,607, which represented
    Abigail’s premarital funds used to purchase the house, Abigail’s
    premarital funds used to pay the water deposit, and half of the
    overpayment of closing costs returned by the bank. Because
    Abigail’s evidence showed that the closing costs were paid by
    Abigail’s premarital funds, the district court erred and should
    have ordered that the entire $70 refund be set off to Abigail as
    premarital property, and our calculations in the remainder of
    this opinion treat the $70 accordingly. See Gress v. Gress, 
    271 Neb. 122
    710 N.W.2d 318
    (2006) (stating that burden of proof
    to show property is premarital remains with person making
    claim in dissolution proceeding).
    The district court erred in two fundamental ways in cal-
    culating the equalization payment. First, the district court
    failed to account for the fact that the parties had already
    divided and distributed the proceeds from the sale of the
    house during the pendency of the dissolution proceedings.
    The sale proceeds amounted to $12,453.34, and after dividing
    the proceeds equally, Abigail and William had each received
    $6,226.67 before trial. The district court erred by not recogniz-
    ing this division and distribution when it calculated the equal-
    ization payment.
    Second, the court failed to properly follow the initial step
    of the three-step process set forth above. After determining
    the parties’ total property, which amounted to $12,523.34,
    the court should have identified and separated the marital
    assets and nonmarital assets. Then, the court should have
    subtracted and set aside to Abigail her premarital funds used
    for the downpayment on the house, the closing costs, and the
    water deposit, and the $70 refund, all of which totaled $5,642,
    from the total property of $12,523.34, leaving $6,881.34 as
    the marital assets to be divided between the parties, with
    each receiving $3,440.67. By failing to properly follow this
    process, and failing to recognize the prior distribution of the
    house sale proceeds, the court erred in calculating the amount
    owed by William to Abigail in order to equalize division of
    the estate.
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    After equalization, Abigail should have received $9,082.67
    (consisting of premarital property equaling $5,642 plus one-
    half of the marital estate equaling $3,440.67), and William,
    with no premarital property, should have received one-half of
    the marital estate (equaling $3,440.67). Because the house sale
    proceeds were equally split before trial, Abigail and William
    had each already received $6,226.67 attributable to the sale of
    the house. And because William had already received the $70
    closing cost refund, his receipts before trial totaled $6,296.67.
    To award Abigail the $9,082.62 she was due, and to award
    William the $3,440.67 to which he was entitled, the court
    should have ordered William to pay Abigail $2,856 instead of
    $5,607 as ordered.
    We conclude that under § 25-1144.01, William’s motion for
    new trial filed after the district court’s announcement of the
    decision but before its entry of the decree was an effective fil-
    ing and that the appeal is timely. With respect to property divi-
    sion, we determine that the district court erred in the method
    it employed when it calculated the equalization payment owed
    by William to Abigail. We therefore affirm the district court’s
    dissolution decree but modify the portion of the decree that
    ordered William to pay Abigail $5,607 and instead order that
    William pay Abigail $2,856.
    Affirmed as modified.
    Cassel, J., concurring.
    I join the court’s opinion, but write separately to empha-
    size three points. First, the word “announcement,” as it is
    used in the current statutes governing appeals and motions
    for new trial, is not synonymous with the word “pronounce-
    ment” as it was used in the former statute defining rendition
    of judgment. Second, a premature motion for new trial is still
    possible despite the enactment of the savings clause. Finally,
    because “announcement” can take many forms, counsel rely-
    ing upon the statutory savings clause for a motion for new
    trial should be sure that the “announcement” appears in
    the record.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Before 1999, “rendition” of a judgment was defined as a
    court’s or judge’s two-part act of “pronouncing judgment,
    accompanied by the making of a notation on the trial docket.”1
    And although “entry” of judgment required the court clerk
    to spread the relief upon the court’s journal,2 the time for
    appeal began to run with “rendition,”3 and not from “entry”
    unless there was no “rendition.” And the first part of “rendi-
    tion”—the “pronouncement”—was well settled in our case law.
    Pronouncement occurred when the court or judge made an oral
    pronouncement of judgment in open court.4
    But the 1999 Legislature refined “rendition” as the court’s
    or judge’s act of “making and signing a written notation.”5
    Thus, an oral pronouncement in open court was no longer part
    of the definition of “rendition” of judgment. At the same time,
    the Legislature amended the appeals statute so that the time for
    appeal would run from the “entry” of judgment rather than its
    “rendition.”6 And it redefined “entry” as the court clerk’s act of
    “plac[ing] the file stamp and date” upon the judgment.7
    The 1999 Legislature also introduced the first savings clause
    into our general appeal statute.8 This savings clause treated a
    notice of appeal filed after the “announcement” of a decision,
    but before the entry of the judgment, as having been filed after
    the entry of judgment and on the date of entry.9
    Although the 1999 Legislature failed to add an equiva-
    lent savings clause regarding motions for new trial, the 2004
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1301(2) (Reissue 1989) (emphasis supplied).
    See § 25-1301(3).
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1912(1) (Reissue 1989).
    See, e.g., Tri-County Landfill v. Board of Cty. Comrs., 
    247 Neb. 350
    526 N.W.2d 668
    § 25-1301(2) (Reissue 2008). See 1999 Neb. Laws, L.B. 43, § 3.
    See 1999 Neb. Laws, L.B. 43, § 8.
    § 25-1301(3). See 1999 Neb. Laws, L.B. 43, § 3.
    See 1999 Neb. Laws, L.B. 43, § 8.
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1912(2) (Supp. 1999) (emphasis supplied).
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    290 Neb. 32
    Legislature remedied that omission.10 Thereafter, and currently,
    the savings clause states that “[a] motion for a new trial filed
    after the announcement of a verdict or decision but before the
    entry of judgment shall be treated as filed after the entry of
    judgment and on the day thereof.”11
    The change from “pronouncement” to “announcement” was
    not accidental or meaningless. The Nebraska Court of Appeals
    has recognized that “announcement” can come orally from
    the bench, from trial docket notes, from file-stamped but
    unsigned journal entries, or from signed journal entries which
    are not file stamped.12 And the Court of Appeals acknowl-
    edged that its list was not all inclusive.13 At oral argument in
    the case before us, counsel relied upon decisions discussing
    “pronouncement” under the former statutes to argue that an
    unsigned journal entry setting forth the general terms of the
    court’s decision, although served on the parties’ attorneys, did
    not qualify as an “announcement.” This court’s decision today
    rejects that argument.
    Thus, my first point is that the old term “pronouncement”
    and the new term “announcement” are not synonymous.
    “Pronouncement” occurred when the court or judge orally pro-
    nounced judgment in open court. “Announcement” can occur
    in or out of court. It includes pronouncements, but also con-
    templates other means of communication.
    As the court’s opinion correctly observes, our decision in
    Macke v. Pierce14 appears to have prompted the Legislature
    to provide a savings clause for some motions for new trial
    filed before the entry of judgment. The Legislature evidently
    recognized that a potential trap existed where a decision was
    clearly made but for some reason the entry of a judgment was
    See 2004 Neb. Laws, L.B. 1207, § 3.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1144.01 (Reissue 2008).
    See State v. Brown, 
    12 Neb. Ct. App. 940
    687 N.W.2d 203
    Id. 14 Macke
    v. Pierce, 
    263 Neb. 868
    643 N.W.2d 673
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    delayed. The Legislature had already enacted a savings clause
    for notices of appeal filed after announcement of a decision but
    before the entry of judgment. And it clearly wanted to provide
    a similar savings clause for a motion for new trial.
    But a premature motion for new trial is still possible. If the
    motion is filed before the “announcement” of the verdict or
    decision, the savings clause does not apply.15 And our deci-
    sion in Macke v. Pierce would still dictate that such a motion
    is a nullity.16
    As I have explained, “announcement” of a decision can
    occur in many ways. Some of these ways may not be apparent
    on the trial court’s record.
    Appellate courts cannot ignore a question of whether the
    savings clause applies. Before reaching the legal issues pre-
    sented for review, it is the duty of an appellate court to deter-
    mine whether it has jurisdiction over the matter before it.17
    Thus, where a motion for new trial is filed before the “entry”
    of judgment, an appellate court will examine the record to
    determine whether an “announcement” of a decision occurred
    before the filing of the motion.
    If the motion was filed before any announcement, the motion
    will be deemed void. Thus, in many instances, the time for tak-
    ing an appeal will not be tolled by the motion for new trial.
    And this unfortunate circumstance may not be discovered until
    it is too late. It is well settled that an untimely motion for new
    trial is ineffectual, does not toll the time for perfection of an
    appeal, and does not extend or suspend the time limit for fil-
    ing a notice of appeal.18 Consequently, a premature motion for
    new trial can easily result in the irrevocable loss of the right
    to appeal.
    It is incumbent upon the appellant to present a record sup-
    porting the errors assigned; absent such a record, an appellate
    See § 25-1144.01.
    See Macke v. Pierce, supra note 14.
    Becerra v. United Parcel Service, 
    284 Neb. 414
    822 N.W.2d 327
    Fitzgerald v. Fitzgerald, 
    286 Neb. 96
    835 N.W.2d 44
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 47
    court will affirm the lower court’s decision regarding those
    errors.19 Because the appellant has the duty to present a record
    supporting the assigned errors, he or she necessarily bears the
    burden of presenting a record demonstrating that the appellate
    court has jurisdiction.
    If the party appealing from a judgment after the denial of
    a motion for new trial is relying upon the savings clause of
    § 25-1144.01, the party must ensure that the “announcement”
    of decision appears in the record. If the trial court’s record
    does not include it, the party seeking to appeal must make sure
    that it properly becomes part of the record. And the party must
    then make sure that it is included in the record presented to the
    appellate court.
    The savings clause of § 25-1144.01 is a useful tool to avoid
    losing the right to appeal. But it has no effect when a motion
    is filed before announcement or where the record does not
    show an announcement before entry of judgment. I remind the
    practicing bar that failing to ensure that such an announce-
    ment is included in the record might result in an irrevocable
    loss of an appeal, which in turn is likely to lead to unpleas-
    ant consequences.
    Centurion Stone of Neb. v. Whelan, 
    286 Neb. 150
    835 N.W.2d 62
    John Hughes, appellant, v. School District
    of Aurora, Nebraska, a Nebraska
    political subdivision, appellee.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.     No. S-13-1144.
    1.	 Summary Judgment: Appeal and Error. An appellate court affirms a lower
    court’s grant of summary judgment if the pleadings and admitted evidence show
    that there is no genuine issue as to any material facts or as to the ultimate infer-
    ences that may be drawn from the facts and that the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.
    2.	 ____: ____. In reviewing a summary judgment, an appellate court views the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the party against whom the judgment was