State v. Branch ( 2015 )

  •                           Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. BRANCH	523
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 523
    court computed damages based on testimony of one of the
    buyers regarding the cost paid for replacement doors. Because
    there is no indication that the court relied upon the other wit-
    ness’ testimony or estimate, any error in the court’s decision to
    receive such evidence was harmless.
    We conclude that the doctrine of merger was inapplicable,
    because the seller had a duty to disclose that the interior doors
    would be removed and the seller’s nondisclosure amounted
    to a misrepresentation. We further conclude that the doors
    were fixtures rather than trade fixtures and, thus, were not
    removable by the former tenant. Because the county court’s
    award of damages is supported by competent evidence, we
    affirm the decision of the district court affirming the county
    court’s judgment.
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    James Branch, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed March 27, 2015.      No. S-14-711.
    1.	 Postconviction: Proof: Appeal and Error. A defendant requesting postconvic-
    tion relief must establish the basis for such relief, and the findings of the district
    court will not be disturbed unless they are clearly erroneous.
    2.	 Postconviction: Evidence: Witnesses. In an evidentiary hearing for postconvic-
    tion relief, the postconviction trial judge, as the trier of fact, resolves conflicts in
    evidence and questions of fact, including witness credibility and the weight to be
    given a witness’ testimony.
    3.	 Effectiveness of Counsel. A claim that defense counsel provided ineffective
    assistance presents a mixed question of law and fact.
    4.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. When reviewing a claim of inef-
    fective assistance of counsel, an appellate court reviews the factual findings of
    the lower court for clear error. With regard to the questions of counsel’s per­
    formance or prejudice to the defendant as part of the two-pronged test articulated
    in Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    (1984), an appellate court reviews such legal determinations independently of the
    lower court’s decision.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    5.	 Postconviction: Effectiveness of Counsel: Proof: Appeal and Error. In order
    to establish a right to postconviction relief based on a claim of ineffective
    assistance of counsel, the defendant has the burden first to show that counsel’s
    performance was deficient; that is, counsel’s performance did not equal that of a
    lawyer with ordinary training and skill in criminal law. Next, the defendant must
    show that counsel’s deficient performance prejudiced the defense in his or her
    case. In a nonplea context, the defendant must show a reasonable probability that
    the result would have been different had counsel not performed deficiently. The
    two prongs of this test, deficient performance and prejudice, may be addressed in
    either order.
    6.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Presumptions. The entire ineffectiveness analysis is
    viewed with a strong presumption that counsel’s actions were reasonable.
    7.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. When reviewing a claim of inef-
    fective assistance of counsel, an appellate court will not second-guess reasonable
    strategic decisions by counsel.
    8.	 Trial: Effectiveness of Counsel: Witnesses. The decision to call, or not to call,
    a particular witness, made by counsel as a matter of trial strategy, even if that
    choice proves unproductive, will not, without more, sustain a finding of ineffec-
    tiveness of counsel.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: W.
    Mark Ashford, Judge. Affirmed.
    Sean M. Conway, of Dornan, Lustgarten & Troia, P.C.,
    L.L.O., for appellant.
    Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and George R. Love for
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack,
    Miller-Lerman, and Cassel, JJ.
    Stephan, J.
    A jury convicted James Branch of robbery and kidnap-
    ping, and we affirmed his convictions and sentences on direct
    appeal.1 Branch sought postconviction relief, which was denied
    by the district court without an evidentiary hearing.2 Branch
    appealed, and we reversed, and remanded for an evidentiary
    hearing on the issue of whether Branch’s trial counsel was
    State v. Branch, 
    277 Neb. 738
    764 N.W.2d 867
    State v. Branch, 
    286 Neb. 83
    834 N.W.2d 604
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    STATE v. BRANCH	525
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 523
    ineffective in not calling a witness to corroborate Branch’s
    alibi defense.3 On remand, the district court conducted an evi-
    dentiary hearing on this issue and again denied postconviction
    relief. Branch now appeals from the order dismissing his post-
    conviction motion. We find no error and affirm.
    The underlying facts are fully set forth in our opinion deny-
    ing Branch relief in his direct appeal.4 We repeat only the rel-
    evant facts here. Paul Miller was the primary witness against
    Branch at his trial. Miller testified that he, Branch, and Michael
    Johnson developed a plan to rob a vehicle storage facility.
    Miller testified that he and Branch went to the business “6
    days before the robbery to ‘scope it out.’”5 Miller testified that
    on July 16, 2007, “Branch and Johnson picked up Miller in
    [Laquesha] Martin’s white Chevrolet Corsica. They arrived at
    [the victim’s] business at around 11 or 11:15 a.m.”6 They beat
    the victim, robbed him, and placed him in the trunk of a car in
    the building.
    At trial, Branch testified in his own behalf. He admitted
    using a credit card taken from the victim during the robbery
    but denied involvement in the robbery itself. He testified that
    he slept in an apartment he shared with his girlfriend, Laquesha
    Martin, until either 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. on July 16, 2007, and
    then picked up Martin from work. Branch stated that he did not
    know whether they returned to the apartment at 2:30 or 4:30
    p.m., but then he said he and Miller left the apartment around
    2 or 3 p.m. Branch said they arrived at the convenience store,
    where the credit card was used, around 4 p.m. and were there
    for 2 hours.
    In April 2011, Branch filed a pro se motion for postconvic-
    tion relief.7 His appointed counsel filed an amended motion.
    Branch, supra note 1.
    Id. at 743, 
    764 N.W.2d at 871
    Id. at 744
    764 N.W.2d at 871
    Branch, supra note 2.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    The district court denied the motion without an evidentiary
    hearing. Branch appealed, and we remanded for a hearing on
    the issue of whether trial counsel was ineffective for failing to
    present alibi evidence in the form of Martin’s testimony.8
    On remand, the court received the depositions of Martin,
    Branch, and the attorney who represented Branch at trial and
    on direct appeal. The court found Branch’s deposition testi-
    mony was consistent with his testimony at trial. Significantly,
    Branch testified in the deposition that on July 16, 2007, he
    slept until 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. at Martin’s house and then left to
    pick up Martin from work. He said they then ran some errands
    and returned to Martin’s home between 2 and 4 p.m. Branch
    testified that later that afternoon, he and Miller left in Martin’s
    car to use some credit cards which Miller had obtained to fill
    up gas tanks. Branch testified that he wanted his trial counsel
    to call Martin as a witness at trial because he felt that “she
    could have pretty much told them where we was that day and
    probably helped me out a little bit with this case.”
    Martin testified that she and Branch ran errands on the morn-
    ing of July 16, 2007, before he took her to work around noon.
    She testified that Branch picked her up from work between
    5 and 6 p.m. and that she was with him for the remainder of
    the evening.
    Branch’s trial counsel testified in her deposition that she
    talked to Martin on the telephone several times before trial,
    but that Martin was evasive and said she could not testify
    that Branch was with her or picked her up from work at the
    time the crime occurred. Martin further told counsel she could
    not testify that Branch’s version of events was “factually cor-
    rect.” Nevertheless, counsel subpoenaed Martin for trial. When
    counsel approached Martin during the trial about what her
    testimony would be, Martin again told her that she could not
    testify to Branch’s version of events. Counsel testified that she
    decided not to have Martin testify because
    she didn’t want to be put up on the stand, which obviously
    makes a terrible witness because [potential witnesses]
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. BRANCH	527
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 523
    become somewhat hostile if you call them and they don’t
    want to be up there.
    Secondly, if she told the truth, which I’m assuming
    she would have, it would have destroyed any of his testi-
    mony . . . .
    In denying postconviction relief, the district court deter-
    mined that the testimony of Branch and Martin was incon-
    sistent as to the events of July 16, 2007. It noted that Branch
    claimed “to have been alone all morning until he picked . . .
    Martin up at 11 a.m. or 2 p.m., whereas . . . Martin states she
    was with [Branch] all morning until he dropped her off at work
    around noon.” The court found that “[c]onsidering the evidence
    adduced at trial in combination with this extreme contrast[,
    Branch] failed to establish that . . . Martin even provides
    an alibi.”
    The court then addressed whether trial counsel was deficient
    for failing to call Martin at trial. It found that counsel’s deci-
    sion not to call Martin as a witness was reasonable “based
    on the interactions with . . . Martin, especially in light of the
    fact that such testimony would be in direct contradiction with
    [Branch’s] own version of the events he insisted on relaying
    during trial.” Thus, the court found Branch failed to establish
    that trial counsel performed deficiently in not calling Martin
    as a witness. The court also determined that this decision was
    not prejudicial to Branch because “the inconsistencies between
    [Branch’s] and . . . Martin’s testimony would lead one to
    believe her testimony would actually have hindered his efforts
    to establish his defense at trial.” Thus, the court concluded that
    Branch had not been denied his constitutional right to effective
    assistance of counsel.
    Branch assigns the district court erred in denying his
    amended motion for postconviction relief.
    [1] A defendant requesting postconviction relief must
    establish the basis for such relief, and the findings of the
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    district court will not be disturbed unless they are clearly
    [2] In an evidentiary hearing for postconviction relief, the
    postconviction trial judge, as the trier of fact, resolves conflicts
    in evidence and questions of fact, including witness credibility
    and the weight to be given a witness’ testimony.10
    [3,4] A claim that defense counsel provided ineffective
    assistance presents a mixed question of law and fact.11 When
    reviewing a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, an
    appellate court reviews the factual findings of the lower court
    for clear error.12 With regard to the questions of counsel’s
    performance or prejudice to the defendant as part of the two-
    pronged test articulated in Strickland v. Washington,13 an appel-
    late court reviews such legal determinations independently of
    the lower court’s decision.14
    Branch claims that Martin’s testimony would have cor-
    roborated his alibi and that thus, trial counsel was deficient for
    failing to call Martin at trial. His claim is based solely upon
    an alleged deprivation of his constitutional right to effective
    assistance of counsel. Because Branch’s trial counsel was also
    his appellate counsel, this is his first opportunity to assert his
    claims relating to ineffective assistance of his trial and appel-
    late counsel.15
    State v. Glover, 
    278 Neb. 795
    774 N.W.2d 248
     (2009); State v. McDermott,
    267 Neb. 761
    677 N.W.2d 156
    State v. Benzel, 
    269 Neb. 1
    689 N.W.2d 852
     (2004); McDermott, 
    supra note 9
    supra note 9
    ; State v. Hudson, 
    277 Neb. 182
    761 N.W.2d 536
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    supra note 9
    ; Hudson, 
    supra note 11
    State v. Robinson, 
    285 Neb. 394
    827 N.W.2d 292
     (2013); State v.
    284 Neb. 382
    821 N.W.2d 680
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    STATE v. BRANCH	529
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 523
    [5,6] In order to establish a right to postconviction relief
    based on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, the
    defend­ant has the burden first to show that counsel’s perform­
    ance was deficient; that is, counsel’s performance did not equal
    that of a lawyer with ordinary training and skill in criminal
    law. Next, the defendant must show that counsel’s deficient
    per­formance prejudiced the defense in his or her case.16 In a
    nonplea context, the defendant must show a reasonable proba-
    bility that the result would have been different had counsel not
    performed deficiently.17 The two prongs of this test, deficient
    performance and prejudice, may be addressed in either order.18
    The entire ineffectiveness analysis is viewed with a strong pre-
    sumption that counsel’s actions were reasonable.19
    [7,8] When reviewing a claim of ineffective assistance
    of counsel, an appellate court will not second-guess reason-
    able strategic decisions by counsel.20 The decision to call, or
    not to call, a particular witness, made by counsel as a mat-
    ter of trial strategy, even if that choice proves unproductive,
    will not, without more, sustain a finding of ineffectiveness
    of counsel.21
    Branch’s trial counsel articulated two reasons for not call-
    ing Martin at trial. First, Martin appeared reluctant to testify
    and thus would have made a bad witness. Second, Martin told
    counsel that her version of events would not have corrobo-
    rated Branch’s testimony. Both are sound reasons for coun-
    sel’s strategic decision not to call Martin as a witness. Based
    upon what Martin told her, counsel reasonably believed that
    Martin’s testimony would not benefit Branch’s defense but
    would in fact be detrimental.
    State v. Watkins, 
    277 Neb. 428
    762 N.W.2d 589
     (2009); State v. Bazer,
    276 Neb. 7
    751 N.W.2d 619
    See, State v. Robinson, 
    287 Neb. 606
    843 N.W.2d 672
     (2014); Glover,
    supra note 9
    See State v. Dunkin, 
    283 Neb. 30
    807 N.W.2d 744
    supra note 9
    ; Benzel, 
    supra note 10
    Robinson, supra note 15; State v. Thomas, 
    278 Neb. 248
    769 N.W.2d 357
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Even when viewed with the benefit of hindsight, counsel’s
    decision not to call Martin as a witness was correct. It is evi-
    dent from Martin’s subsequent deposition testimony that she
    could not corroborate Branch’s claim that he was alone in her
    home all morning before leaving to pick her up from work.
    Martin testified that she was with Branch in the morning until
    he took her to work in the afternoon. Faced with inconsistent
    testimony of this nature, a jury would likely have concluded
    that either Branch, Martin, or both of them were not telling
    the truth. Martin’s testimony would likely have undermined
    Branch’s credibility as to his whereabouts at the time of the
    crime. Based upon our review of the record, we agree with the
    district court that Branch has not shown that he was denied
    the effective assistance of counsel. The evidence does not sup-
    port either the deficient performance prong or the prejudice
    prong of the Strickland standard.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court
    denying postconviction relief is affirmed.