State v. Mora , 298 Neb. 185 ( 2017 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    11/17/2017 09:13 AM CST
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    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Felipe German Mora, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed November 9, 2017.   No. S-16-1120.
    1.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Appeal and Error. Apart from rulings
    under the residual hearsay exception, an appellate court reviews for
    clear error the factual findings underpinning a trial court’s hearsay rul-
    ing and reviews de novo the court’s ultimate determination whether the
    court admitted evidence over a hearsay objection or excluded evidence
    on hearsay grounds.
    2.	 Convictions: Evidence: Appeal and Error. In reviewing a criminal
    conviction for a sufficiency of the evidence claim, whether the evidence
    is direct, circumstantial, or a combination thereof, the standard is the
    same: An appellate court does not resolve conflicts in the evidence, pass
    on the credibility of witnesses, or reweigh the evidence; such matters
    are for the finder of fact. The relevant question for an appellate court
    is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential ele-
    ments of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.
    3.	 Sentences: Words and Phrases: Appeal and Error. An appellate court
    reviews criminal sentences for abuse of discretion, which occurs when a
    trial court’s decision is based upon reasons that are untenable or unrea-
    sonable or if its action is clearly against justice or conscience, reason,
    and evidence.
    4.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. Whether a claim of inef-
    fective assistance of trial counsel may be determined on direct appeal is
    a question of law.
    5.	 ____: ____. In reviewing claims of ineffective assistance of counsel on
    direct appeal, an appellate court decides only whether the undisputed
    facts contained within the record are sufficient to conclusively deter-
    mine whether counsel did or did not provide effective assistance and
    whether the defendant was or was not prejudiced by counsel’s alleged
    deficient performance.
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    6.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Physician and Patient. Statements made
    for purposes of medical diagnosis or treatment and describing medical
    history, or past or present symptoms, pain, or sensations, or the incep-
    tion or general character of the cause or external source thereof insofar
    as reasonably pertinent to diagnosis or treatment are not excluded by the
    hearsay rule.
    7.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Proof. In order for statements to be
    admissible under Neb. Evid. R. 803(3), Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803(3)
    (Reissue 2016), the party seeking to introduce the evidence must demon-
    strate (1) that the circumstances under which the statements were made
    were such that the declarant’s purpose in making the statements was to
    assist in the provision of medical diagnosis or treatment and (2) that the
    statements were of a nature reasonably pertinent to medical diagnosis or
    treatment by a medical professional.
    8.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay. A statement is generally considered
    admissible under the medical purpose hearsay exception if gathered for
    dual medical and investigatory purposes.
    9.	 ____: ____. Excited utterances are an exception to the hearsay rule,
    because the spontaneity of excited utterances reduces the risk of inac-
    curacies inasmuch as the statements are not the result of a declarant’s
    conscious effort to make them.
    10.	 ____: ____. For a statement to be an excited utterance, the following
    criteria must be met: (1) There must be a startling event; (2) the state-
    ment must relate to the event; and (3) the declarant must make the
    statement while under the stress of the event. The true test is not when
    the exclamation was made, but whether, under all the circumstances, the
    declarant was still speaking under the stress of nervous excitement and
    shock caused by the event.
    11.	 Trial: Evidence: Appeal and Error. The improper admission of evi-
    dence is a trial error and subject to harmless error review.
    12.	 Criminal Law: Juries: Evidence. In a jury trial of a criminal case, an
    erroneous evidentiary ruling results in prejudice to a defendant unless
    the State demonstrates that the error was harmless beyond a reason-
    able doubt.
    13.	 Trial: Convictions: Evidence. Where the evidence is cumulative
    and there is other competent evidence to support the conviction, the
    improper admission or exclusion of evidence is harmless beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt.
    14.	 Sentences. When imposing a sentence, the sentencing court should cus-
    tomarily consider the defendant’s (1) age, (2) mentality, (3) education
    and experience, (4) social and cultural background, (5) past criminal
    record or record of law-abiding conduct, and (6) motivation for the
    offense, as well as (7) the nature of the offense and (8) the violence
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    involved in the commission of the offense. However, the sentencing
    court is not limited to any mathematically applied set of factors.
    15.	 ____. The appropriateness of a sentence is necessarily a subjective judg-
    ment and includes the sentencing judge’s observation of the defendant’s
    demeanor and attitude and all the facts and circumstances surrounding
    the defendant’s life.
    16.	 ____. It is within the discretion of the trial court to impose consecutive
    rather than concurrent sentences for separate crimes.
    17.	 Appeal and Error. Plain error may be found on appeal when an error
    unasserted or uncomplained of at trial, but plainly evident from the
    record, prejudicially affects a litigant’s substantial right and, if uncor-
    rected, would result in damage to the integrity, reputation, and fairness
    of the judicial process.
    18.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. When a defendant’s trial
    counsel is different from his or her counsel on direct appeal, the defend­
    ant must raise on direct appeal any issue of trial counsel’s ineffective
    performance which is known to the defendant or is apparent from the
    record. Otherwise, the issue will be procedurally barred.
    19.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Records: Appeal and Error. On direct
    appeal, the resolution of ineffective assistance of counsel claims turns
    upon the sufficiency of the record.
    20.	 ____: ____: ____. The fact that an ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim is raised on direct appeal does not necessarily mean that it can be
    resolved. The determining factor is whether the record is sufficient to
    adequately review the question.
    21.	 ____: ____: ____. An appellate court can determine whether the record
    proves or rebuts the merits of a claim of ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel only if it has knowledge of the specific conduct alleged to con-
    stitute deficient performance.
    22.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Postconviction: Records: Appeal and
    Error. An ineffective assistance of counsel claim is raised on direct
    appeal when allegations of deficient performance are made with enough
    particularity for (1) an appellate court to make a determination of
    whether the claim can be decided upon the trial record and (2) a district
    court later reviewing a petition for postconviction relief to be able to
    recognize whether the claim was brought before the appellate court.
    23.	 Claims: Effectiveness of Counsel. A claim of ineffective assistance
    of counsel insufficiently stated is no different than a claim not stated
    at all.
    Appeal from the District Court for Lancaster County: Jeffre
    Cheuvront, Judge, Retired. Affirmed.
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    Joe Nigro, Lancaster County Public Defender, and Shawn
    Elliott for appellant.
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Nathan A. Liss
    for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    Cassel, J.
    In this direct appeal from criminal convictions and sen-
    tences, Felipe German Mora (Mora) challenges the overruling
    of his hearsay objections, the sufficiency of the evidence, the
    excessiveness of his sentences, and whether his trial counsel
    provided effective assistance. Because we find no error and the
    record is insufficient to review the allegations of ineffective
    assistance of counsel that were sufficiently stated, we affirm
    the district court’s judgment.
    The State charged Mora with four counts of first degree
    sexual assault of a child and one count of third degree sexual
    assault of a child. The victim in each count was B.C. Counts
    I through III alleged that between December 30, 2010, and
    September 18, 2015, Mora subjected B.C. to sexual penetra-
    tion in Lincoln, Nebraska. Each count differed only as to the
    address of the crime: E Street, Theresa Street, and Saunders
    Avenue, respectively. Count IV alleged that on September 19,
    2015, Mora subjected B.C. to sexual penetration. And count V
    alleged that between December 30, 2010, and September 19,
    2015, Mora subjected B.C. to sexual contact. Because Mora
    was born in February 1983 and B.C. was born in December
    2004, at the times of the crimes, Mora was at least 19 years old
    and B.C. was under the age of 12. We recite the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the State.
    The evidence at trial established that B.C. came to the
    United States when she was 6 years old. B.C. began living
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    with her mother, Marcela M., and Marcela’s partner, Mora, on
    E Street. Over time, B.C. got to know Mora and thought of
    him “[l]ike a dad.” Because Mora was acquitted on the count
    pertaining to sexual penetration at the E Street address, we
    recite only the evidence relevant to the count for sexual con-
    tact. While living at the E Street address, Mora began touching
    B.C.’s vagina under her clothes with his hands.
    When B.C. was 8 years old, she moved to Theresa Street.
    B.C. testified that Mora “rubbed his fingers up and down” her
    vagina and began inserting his penis in her vagina. These acts
    occurred at the Theresa Street address more than 20 times.
    When B.C. was 10 years old, she moved to Saunders
    Avenue. At that location, Mora put his penis inside of B.C.’s
    vagina on more than 10 occasions. B.C. did not tell anybody
    what Mora was doing because she was scared.
    On the morning of September 19, 2015, Mora subjected
    B.C. to penile-vaginal intercourse. Defense counsel pointed
    out some inconsistencies in B.C.’s testimony with regard to
    this assault. B.C. testified in a deposition that Mora took her
    clothes off, but she testified at trial that Mora told her to take
    her clothes off and that she complied. At trial, B.C. testified
    that she did not see any ejaculate that day, but she told an
    investigator that Mora “put white stuff on [her] stomach.” B.C.
    admitted that it was difficult to remember all the details. She
    explained that the events happened a number of times, with
    Mora’s taking her clothes off at times and B.C.’s taking her
    own clothes off at other times.
    On the evening of September 19, 2015, Mora took B.C. to
    the residence of his brother, Rafael German Mora (Rafael),
    while Marcela and Mora went to a casino in Council Bluffs,
    Iowa. Rafael’s partner, Maricela Saldivar, saw Rafael kiss-
    ing B.C. and touching her vaginal area with his hand over
    her clothes. After Saldivar sent Rafael to the store, Saldivar
    asked B.C., “‘What is going on? Why did this happen?’” B.C.
    said that nothing happened, but then began crying and said
    that Rafael was touching her. After Saldivar testified she told
    B.C. that Saldivar needed to tell Mora what had occurred,
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    the prosecutor asked what happened. Defense counsel raised
    a hearsay objection, which the court overruled. Saldivar then
    testified that B.C. “said no because her dad was doing the
    same thing to her.” Saldivar testified that when she told Mora
    what happened was not right, Mora did not deny touching B.C.
    and instead just said that Saldivar did not know what he had
    “gone through.”
    Marcela testified that as she and Mora were returning to
    Lincoln from the casino, B.C.’s aunt told Marcela over a cell
    phone that B.C. said Mora had been sexually abusing B.C.
    Marcela asked Mora if it was true, but Mora denied doing any-
    thing. Once they arrived in Lincoln, Marcela went to see B.C.,
    because B.C. was crying. The prosecutor asked what B.C.
    said to Marcela, and Mora’s counsel objected as to hearsay.
    The court overruled the objection. Marcela answered: “I asked
    [B.C.] if it was true what . . . had been said about [Mora’s]
    having been abusing her sexually. [B.C.] said yes.”
    Marcela testified that after police were called, Mora said,
    “‘Yes, I did it,’ but that [Marcela] was at fault because [she]
    would always leave [B.C.] with him when [Marcela] had to
    go to work.” Marcela later discovered a text on her cell phone
    from Mora, sent September 20, 2015, at 2:07 a.m. The message
    was in Spanish, but the English translation was either: “‘Sorry.
    I’ll never forget you.’” or “‘Forgive me. I will never forget
    [the] two of you.’”
    On September 20, 2015, Eileen Bonin, a sexual assault nurse
    examiner, examined B.C. In her experience, it was infrequent
    to find injuries when conducting sexual assault examinations.
    Bonin observed some redness on B.C.’s right labia minora,
    which was an unusual finding. Defense counsel raised a hear-
    say objection when the prosecutor asked what B.C. told Bonin
    about what had occurred, but the court overruled the objection.
    Bonin testified that B.C. said her “stepdad, [who was] not
    really her stepdad,” had been touching B.C. since she was 7
    years old and that her uncle had been touching her for approxi-
    mately 9 months. Bonin testified that B.C. told her that Mora
    “put his private parts in her private parts.”
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    On September 20, 2015, an investigator used cotton swabs
    to obtain DNA from Mora’s hands and penis. The swab from
    Mora’s penis revealed a mixture of DNA of at least two
    individuals. B.C. was included as a major contributor, but
    Mora was excluded. In other words, B.C.’s DNA was on
    Mora’s penis.
    On September 22, 2015, Dr. Stacie Bleicher, the medical
    director at a child advocacy center, performed a followup
    examination on B.C. During Bleicher’s testimony, when the
    prosecutor asked if B.C. said anything that was significant to
    Bleicher, defense counsel objected on the ground of hearsay.
    After the court overruled the objection, Bleicher answered that
    B.C. said she “had sexual contact by both her stepfather and
    . . . her uncle.”
    An inmate incarcerated at prison testified about what Mora
    told him while they were both being held at the Lancaster
    County jail. The inmate asked Mora about his case, and Mora
    said that he did not do the crime. But the next day, Mora told
    the inmate that he had sexual intercourse with a young female,
    his stepdaughter. The inmate had hoped to get some leniency in
    court for this information, but at the time of his testimony, he
    had not received any accommodation nor been offered a deal.
    The inmate admitted that he had previously cooperated with
    authorities on a number of occasions.
    After the State rested its case, the defense did not call any
    witnesses or offer evidence.
    The jury found Mora not guilty of count I, but guilty of the
    other counts. The district court sentenced Mora to imprison-
    ment as follows: on count II, 30 years, 15 of which were a
    mandatory minimum, to life; on count III, 30 years, 15 of
    which were a mandatory minimum, to life; on count IV, 30
    years, 15 of which were a mandatory minimum, to life; and
    on count V, “a period of 3 years.” The court ordered that
    counts II and III run concurrently with one another but con-
    secutively to counts IV and V. It ordered that counts IV and
    V were to be served consecutively to each other and consecu-
    tively to counts II and III.
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    Through counsel different from trial counsel, Mora timely
    filed an appeal.
    Mora assigns that the district court erred in (1) permitting
    the State to introduce hearsay statements of B.C. based on
    the medical purpose and excited utterance exceptions to the
    hearsay rule, (2) adjudging him guilty when the evidence was
    insufficient, and (3) imposing excessive sentences.
    Mora also assigns that he was denied the right to the effec-
    tive assistance of counsel due to counsel’s failure to (1) ade-
    quately communicate in order to prepare a defense and explore
    options, (2) properly advise him about the right to testify, (3)
    have the penile swab retested and retain an expert to refute the
    State’s DNA evidence, and (4) explore calling character wit-
    nesses at trial.
    [1] Apart from rulings under the residual hearsay exception,
    an appellate court reviews for clear error the factual findings
    underpinning a trial court’s hearsay ruling and reviews de novo
    the court’s ultimate determination whether the court admitted
    evidence over a hearsay objection or excluded evidence on
    hearsay grounds.1
    [2] In reviewing a criminal conviction for a sufficiency of
    the evidence claim, whether the evidence is direct, circum-
    stantial, or a combination thereof, the standard is the same:
    An appellate court does not resolve conflicts in the evidence,
    pass on the credibility of witnesses, or reweigh the evidence;
    such matters are for the finder of fact. The relevant question
    for an appellate court is whether, after viewing the evidence in
    the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier
    of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime
    beyond a reasonable doubt.2
    State v. McCurry, 
    296 Neb. 40
    891 N.W.2d 663
    State v. Mendez-Osorio, 
    297 Neb. 520
    900 N.W.2d 776
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    [3] An appellate court reviews criminal sentences for abuse
    of discretion, which occurs when a trial court’s decision is
    based upon reasons that are untenable or unreasonable or
    if its action is clearly against justice or conscience, reason,
    and evidence.3
    [4,5] Whether a claim of ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel may be determined on direct appeal is a question of
    law.4 In reviewing claims of ineffective assistance of counsel
    on direct appeal, an appellate court decides only whether the
    undisputed facts contained within the record are sufficient to
    conclusively determine whether counsel did or did not provide
    effective assistance and whether the defendant was or was not
    prejudiced by counsel’s alleged deficient performance.5
    1. Hearsay
    (a) Medical Purpose Exception
    Mora argues that the district court erred in admitting B.C.’s
    statements to Bonin and Bleicher that Mora sexually abused
    her. Mora contends that such statements were not pertinent to
    medical diagnosis or treatment and that identification of the
    abuser should not have been permitted because he was not in a
    position to return home. We disagree.
    [6-8] Statements made for purposes of medical diagnosis
    or treatment and describing medical history, or past or pres-
    ent symptoms, pain, or sensations, or the inception or gen-
    eral character of the cause or external source thereof insofar
    as reasonably pertinent to diagnosis or treatment are not
    excluded by the hearsay rule.6 In order for statements to be
    admissible under rule 803(3), the party seeking to introduce
    the evidence must demonstrate (1) that the circumstances
    State v. Duncan, 
    293 Neb. 359
    878 N.W.2d 363
    State v. Mendez-Osorio, supra note 2.
    Neb. Evid. R. 803(3), Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803(3) (Reissue 2016).
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    under which the statements were made were such that the
    declarant’s purpose in making the statements was to assist
    in the provision of medical diagnosis or treatment and (2)
    that the statements were of a nature reasonably pertinent to
    medical diagnosis or treatment by a medical professional.7 A
    statement is generally considered admissible under the medi-
    cal purpose hearsay exception if gathered for dual medical and
    investigatory purposes.8
    B.C.’s statements to Bonin and Bleicher meet the admissibil-
    ity requirements. B.C.’s statement to Bonin, a sexual assault
    nurse examiner, came during Bonin’s examination which was
    performed in a hospital’s emergency room. Bonin testified
    that in conducting an examination, she wants to find out what
    happened to help with her medical assessment. B.C.’s state-
    ment to Bleicher, a doctor, occurred while Bleicher performed
    a followup examination. Bleicher testified that she makes
    ­inquiries about what happened in order to determine whether
    any further testing may be necessary and to help guide her
    medical evaluation.
    We have previously touched on whether statements regard-
    ing the identity of the perpetrator could be admitted under rule
    803(3). In State v. Vigil,9 we recognized that identity can be
    pertinent to diagnosis and treatment:
    While statements relating to fault are generally not
    admissible under rule 803(3), when a child is sexually
    abused, and especially when the child has a familial rela-
    tionship with the child’s abuser, the identity of the perpe-
    trator is reasonably pertinent to diagnosis and treatment,
    because the victim cannot be effectively treated if sent
    right back into the abuser’s clutches.
    Mora claims the above reason for allowing the identity of the
    perpetrator is inapplicable here. He points out that in Vigil, the
    defendant was going to return home in approximately 1 week.
    State v. Vigil, 
    283 Neb. 129
    810 N.W.2d 687
    Id. at 141,
    810 N.W.2d at 698.
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    On the other hand, Mora states that “it is fanciful to believe
    that [he] would have been back in the family home.”10 But it
    was not “fanciful” at the time of the examinations: Mora had
    not been charged with a crime at the time of Bonin’s examina-
    tion, and Bleicher’s examination occurred on the same day that
    the State charged Mora with sexual assault.
    Regardless, in Vigil, we concluded that the frequency and
    nature of the victim’s sexual contacts with a perpetrator are
    part of the victim’s medical history. The same is true of B.C.’s
    sexual contacts with Mora. We conclude the district court did
    not err in allowing Bonin and Bleicher to testify as to what
    B.C. told them during their medical examinations.
    (b) Excited Utterance Exception
    Mora next argues that the district court erred by admitting
    B.C.’s statements to Marcela and to Saldivar under the excited
    utterance exception. B.C. made the statements after Rafael
    had touched her, and Mora contends that “[t]he startling event
    which the State relied upon did not relate to [Mora’s] purported
    assault of the victim.”11
    [9,10] Excited utterances are an exception to the hearsay
    rule, because the spontaneity of excited utterances reduces
    the risk of inaccuracies inasmuch as the statements are not
    the result of a declarant’s conscious effort to make them.12
    For a statement to be an excited utterance, the following cri-
    teria must be met: (1) There must be a startling event; (2) the
    statement must relate to the event; and (3) the declarant must
    make the statement while under the stress of the event. The
    true test is not when the exclamation was made, but whether,
    under all the circumstances, the declarant was still speaking
    under the stress of nervous excitement and shock caused by
    the event.13
    Brief for appellant at 35.
    Id. at 30.
    State v. Britt, 
    293 Neb. 381
    881 N.W.2d 818
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    [11-13] Assuming without deciding that the testimony was
    inadmissible hearsay, any error was harmless. The improper
    admission of evidence is a trial error and subject to harmless
    error review.14 In a jury trial of a criminal case, an erroneous
    evidentiary ruling results in prejudice to a defendant unless
    the State demonstrates that the error was harmless beyond
    a reasonable doubt.15 Where the evidence is cumulative and
    there is other competent evidence to support the conviction,
    the improper admission or exclusion of evidence is harmless
    beyond a reasonable doubt.16 Here, there was ample evidence
    to support Mora’s convictions even without these statements:
    B.C. testified that the assaults occurred, a swab of Mora’s
    penis contained B.C.’s DNA, and Mora admitted the assaults
    to Marcela and an inmate.
    2. Sufficiency of Evidence
    Mora attacks the sufficiency of the evidence in a number of
    ways. He claims that the State’s medical evidence and DNA
    evidence did not establish Mora sexually assaulted B.C. He
    also asserts that his purported admissions to Marcela and the
    inmate were unreliable. Mora further argues that B.C.’s tes-
    timony provided little detail about the assaults and that she
    was inconsistent with regard to some of the details about the
    September 19, 2015, assault. But these attacks are directed
    at the credibility of witnesses and the weight to be given
    to evidence—they were matters for the jury to consider. By
    returning guilty verdicts, the jury rejected these arguments. On
    appeal, our role is different.
    As set out in our standard of review, the relevant question
    for an appellate court in reviewing the sufficiency of the evi-
    dence is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could
    State v. Grant, 
    293 Neb. 163
    876 N.W.2d 639
    Id. 16 Id.
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    have found the essential elements of the crime beyond a rea-
    sonable doubt.17 Clearly, one could.
    As applicable to the facts of this case, a person at least
    19 years of age commits sexual assault of a child in the first
    degree when he subjects another person under 12 years of
    age to sexual penetration.18 And a person at least 19 years
    of age commits sexual assault of a child in the third degree
    when he subjects another person 14 years of age or younger
    to sexual contact and does not cause serious personal injury
    to the victim.19 At all relevant times, Mora was at least 19
    years of age and B.C. was a person under 12 years of age.
    B.C.’s testimony established that Mora subjected her to penile-
    vaginal intercourse and that he touched her vagina with his
    hands at various locations in Lincoln. The evidence supported
    Mora’s convictions.
    3. Excessiveness of Sentences
    Mora argues that the district court abused its discretion by
    imposing excessive sentences. He does not assert that the sen-
    tences were outside the statutory ranges; rather, he contends
    that the court should have imposed the minimum sentence
    permitted by law, should have not imposed a life sentence as
    the maximum term, and should have run all of the sentences
    concurrent with one another.
    [14-16] When imposing a sentence, the sentencing court
    should customarily consider the defendant’s (1) age, (2) men-
    tality, (3) education and experience, (4) social and cultural
    background, (5) past criminal record or record of law-abiding
    conduct, and (6) motivation for the offense, as well as (7)
    the nature of the offense and (8) the violence involved in the
    commission of the offense. However, the sentencing court is
    not limited to any mathematically applied set of factors.20 The
    State v. Dehning, 
    296 Neb. 537
    894 N.W.2d 331
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-319.01(1)(a) (Reissue 2016).
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-320.01(1) and (3) (Reissue 2016).
    State v. Dehning, supra note 17.
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    appropriateness of a sentence is necessarily a subjective judg-
    ment and includes the sentencing judge’s observation of the
    defendant’s demeanor and attitude and all the facts and cir-
    cumstances surrounding the defendant’s life.21 It is within the
    discretion of the trial court to impose consecutive rather than
    concurrent sentences for separate crimes.22
    At the time of sentencing, Mora was 33 years old. Mora
    described himself as coming from a “poor and humble family”
    in Mexico. His prior criminal record consisted of minor traf-
    fic violations. And his score on a sex offender risk assessment
    tool placed him in the low risk range. But as the district court
    stated: “[S]ociety has an obligation to protect those of a ten-
    der age who are vulnerable and unable to protect themselves.
    It is clear that [B.C.] loved you, she considered you to be her
    father and trusted you, and you took advantage of that trust
    and violated that trust.” And the violations occurred repeat-
    edly over 4 years. We conclude that the court did not abuse its
    discretion in imposing Mora’s sentences.
    4. Suggestion of Plain Error
    [17] The State asserted in its brief that the sentence
    imposed for third degree sexual assault of a child pre-
    sented plain error. According to the State, Neb. Rev. Stat.
    § 29-2204.02(4) (Reissue 2016) required the district court to
    impose an indeterminate sentence. Plain error may be found
    on appeal when an error unasserted or uncomplained of at
    trial, but plainly evident from the record, prejudicially affects
    a litigant’s substantial right and, if uncorrected, would result
    in damage to the integrity, reputation, and fairness of the
    judicial process.23
    However, at oral argument, counsel for the State forth-
    rightly conceded that there was no plain error. We agree. By
    its terms, § 29-2204.02(4) applies to a Class IIIA felony “for
    Id. 22 State
    v. Artis, 
    296 Neb. 172
    893 N.W.2d 421
    State v. Mendez-Osorio, supra note 2.
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    298 Neb. 185
    an offense committed on or after August 30, 2015.” But in
    this case, the charged offense straddled August 30, 2015. The
    jury did not make any specific finding as to when the crime
    occurred, and B.C.’s testimony about Mora’s assaults could
    cover dates both before and after August 30. Another statute
    adopted at the same time as § 29-2204.02(4) states that “an
    offense shall be deemed to have been committed prior to
    August 30, 2015, if any element of the offense occurred prior
    to such date.”24 In the absence of a specific jury finding dem-
    onstrating that the offense was “committed on or after August
    30, 2015,”25 we find no plain error.
    5. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    [18] Finally, Mora claims that he received ineffective assist­
    ance of trial counsel. When a defendant’s trial counsel is dif-
    ferent from his or her counsel on direct appeal, the defendant
    must raise on direct appeal any issue of trial counsel’s inef-
    fective performance which is known to the defendant or is
    apparent from the record. Otherwise, the issue will be proce-
    durally barred.26
    [19,20] On direct appeal, the resolution of ineffective assist­
    ance of counsel claims turns upon the sufficiency of the
    record.27 The fact that an ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim is raised on direct appeal does not necessarily mean that
    it can be resolved. The determining factor is whether the record
    is sufficient to adequately review the question.28 Both parties
    assert that the record on appeal is insufficient to address any of
    the ineffective assistance of counsel claims.
    [21-23] But an appellate court can determine whether the
    record proves or rebuts the merits of a claim of ineffective
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-116 (Reissue 2016).
    § 29-2204.02(4).
    State v. Filholm, 
    287 Neb. 763
    848 N.W.2d 571
    Id. 28 Id.
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    assistance of trial counsel only if it has knowledge of the
    specific conduct alleged to constitute deficient performance.29
    An ineffective assistance of counsel claim is raised on direct
    appeal when allegations of deficient performance are made
    with enough particularity for (1) an appellate court to make a
    determination of whether the claim can be decided upon the
    trial record and (2) a district court later reviewing a petition
    for postconviction relief to be able to recognize whether the
    claim was brought before the appellate court.30 A claim insuf-
    ficiently stated is no different than a claim not stated at all.31
    We assess the sufficiency of Mora’s claims of ineffective
    assist­ance of counsel.
    (a) Failure to Adequately
    Mora assigns that trial counsel failed to adequately com-
    municate with him to prepare a defense and to explore his
    options. Mora contends that counsel “only met with him a few
    times with an interpreter prior to the commencement of the
    jury trial”32 and that counsel “did not engage in meaningful
    conversations about the State’s evidence and what evidence
    [Mora] had to rebut the charges he faced.”33 But these state-
    ments are not sufficient allegations of deficient performance.
    Mora also claims that due to the lack of communication, “he
    was unable to make an informed decision about whether to
    engage in plea negotiations, whether to accept a plea offer,
    what defense to present at trial and whether he should testify
    or remain silent.”34 But this is a conclusory statement that also
    fails to set forth counsel’s deficiency. We believe the only
    Id. 30 State
    v. Ash, 
    293 Neb. 583
    878 N.W.2d 569
    State v. Abdullah, 
    289 Neb. 123
    853 N.W.2d 858
    Brief for appellant at 46.
    Id. at 46-47.
    Id. at 47.
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    sufficiently specific allegation regarding failure to commu-
    nicate is that trial counsel “did not provide any discovery to
    him, nor did he review the discovery that he had obtained from
    the State with [Mora].”35 The record is insufficient to resolve
    this claim.
    (b) Right to Testify
    Mora argues that counsel failed to properly advise him
    about his right to testify and wrongly recommended that he not
    testify. This allegation of deficient performance is sufficiently
    stated, but the record is insufficient to review it.
    (c) Penile Swab
    Mora claims that counsel performed deficiently by failing
    to have the penile swab retested and failing to retain an expert
    witness to refute the State’s DNA evidence. He backs up this
    statement by making specific arguments about what counsel
    should have done and why. This allegation is also sufficiently
    stated, but the record is insufficient to resolve it.
    (d) Character Witnesses
    Finally, Mora assigns that counsel failed to explore calling
    character witnesses and to call such witnesses at trial. Mora
    states that he provided information about witnesses counsel
    could have interviewed. He states that “[t]hose witnesses were
    individuals he worked with and the relatives and friends who
    had seen him with [B.C. and Marcela] prior to the accusa-
    tions being made against him.”36 Although Mora alludes to
    what the witnesses would have testified to, he did not name
    the individuals.
    We have required a significant degree of specificity in such
    claims. We explained that “we can think of no good reason
    why [an appellant] would be unable to give appellate counsel
    the names or descriptions of the uncalled witnesses he claims
    Id. 36 Id.
    at 53.
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    he informed trial counsel of.”37 And we previously expressed
    concern “with the lack of any specificity as to who those
    uncalled witnesses were from the standpoint of a potential
    postconviction court’s ability to identify if a particular fail-
    ure to call a witness claim is the same one that was raised on
    direct appeal.”38
    The same problem is present here. Mora’s purported
    “descriptions” are too broad and indefinite and thus, fail
    to alleviate our concern. Because Mora did not identify or
    specifically describe the witnesses who he contends counsel
    should have called upon, he failed to make sufficiently specific
    allegations of deficient conduct.
    We conclude that the district court properly admitted state-
    ments under the medical purpose hearsay exception, that
    any error in admitting statements under the excited utterance
    exception was harmless, that the evidence was sufficient, and
    that the sentences imposed were not excessive or plainly erro-
    neous. Finally, we conclude that Mora’s claims of ineffective
    assistance of counsel are either not sufficiently presented for
    our review or not able to be reviewed on the record before us.
    We therefore affirm the judgment of the district court.
    A ffirmed.
    State v. Abdullah, supra note 
    31, 289 Neb. at 134
    , 853 N.W.2d at 867.
    Id. at 133-34,
    853 N.W.2d at 867.