State v. Burries , 297 Neb. 367 ( 2017 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    09/15/2017 09:10 AM CDT
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    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    A nthony L. Burries, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed August 4, 2017.    No. S-15-1008.
    1.	 Appeal and Error. An appellate court independently decides questions
    of law presented on appeal.
    2.	 Constitutional Law: Self-Incrimination: Appeal and Error. Whether
    a defendant voluntarily made a statement while in custody and whether
    a defendant unambiguously invoked his or her right to remain silent or
    to have counsel present are mixed questions of law and fact. An appel-
    late court reviews a trial court’s finding of historical facts for clear error
    and independently determines whether those facts satisfy the constitu-
    tional standards.
    3.	 Rules of Evidence. In proceedings where the Nebraska Evidence Rules
    apply, the admissibility of evidence is controlled by such rules; judicial
    discretion is involved only when the rules make discretion a factor in
    determining admissibility.
    4.	 Rules of Evidence: Appeal and Error. Where the Nebraska Evidence
    Rules commit the evidentiary question at issue to the discretion of the
    trial court, an appellate court reviews the admissibility of evidence for
    an abuse of discretion.
    5.	 ____: ____. An appellate court reviews for abuse of discretion a trial
    court’s evidentiary rulings on relevance, whether the probative value of
    evidence is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice,
    and the sufficiency of a party’s foundation for admitting evidence.
    6.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts. An appellate court reviews for abuse
    of discretion a trial court’s evidentiary rulings on the admissibility of a
    defendant’s other crimes or bad acts under Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), or under the inextricably inter-
    twined exception to the rule.
    7.	 Judgments: Words and Phrases. An abuse of discretion occurs when
    a trial court’s decision is based upon reasons that are untenable or
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    unreasonable or if its action is clearly against justice or conscience,
    reason, and evidence.
    8.	 Rules of Evidence: Appeal and Error. When judicial discretion is not
    a factor, whether the underlying facts satisfy the legal rules governing
    the admissibility of a proponent’s evidence is a question of law, subject
    to de novo review.
    9.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay. Hearsay is not admissible except as pro-
    vided by the Nebraska Evidence Rules.
    10.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Appeal and Error. Apart from rul-
    ings under the residual hearsay exception, an appellate court reviews
    for clear error the factual findings underpinning a trial court’s hear-
    say ruling and reviews de novo the court’s ultimate determination to
    admit evidence over a hearsay objection or exclude evidence on hear-
    say grounds.
    11.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Constitutional Law: Statutes: Records:
    Appeal and Error. Whether a claim of ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel can be determined on direct appeal presents a question of law,
    which turns upon the sufficiency of the record to address the claim
    without an evidentiary hearing or whether the claim rests solely on the
    interpretation of a statute or constitutional requirement.
    12.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. An appellate court
    determines as a matter of law whether the record conclusively shows
    that (1) a defense counsel’s performance was deficient or (2) a defend­
    ant was or was not prejudiced by a defense counsel’s alleged defi-
    cient performance.
    13.	 Constitutional Law: Miranda Rights. The warnings required by
    Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
    (1966), are an absolute prerequisite to interrogation and fundamental
    with respect to the Fifth Amendment privilege.
    14.	 Miranda Rights: Waiver: Proof. If a defendant seeks suppression of
    a statement because of an alleged violation of Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966), the State must prove
    that the defendant validly waived his or her Miranda rights by a prepon-
    derance of the evidence.
    15.	 Miranda Rights: Waiver: Appeal and Error. An appellate court looks
    to the totality of the circumstances to determine whether a defendant
    validly waived his or her rights under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966). A valid waiver must be made
    knowingly and voluntarily, in the sense that it was the product of a free
    and deliberate choice and made with a full awareness of both the nature
    of the right being abandoned and the consequences of the decision to
    abandon it. Factors to be considered include the suspect’s age, educa-
    tion, intelligence, prior contact with authorities, and conduct.
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    16.	 Miranda Rights: Police Officers and Sheriffs. Law enforcement offi-
    cers are not required to rewarn suspects from time to time of their
    rights under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966). The Miranda rule and its requirements are met
    if a suspect receives adequate Miranda warnings, understands them,
    and has an opportunity to invoke the rights before giving any answers
    or admissions.
    17.	 Miranda Rights. The precise advisement language set out in Miranda
    v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966), is
    not mandatory.
    18.	 Right to Counsel: Waiver. The key inquiry in determining whether a
    defendant waived his or her right to counsel during an interrogation is
    whether the defendant was made sufficiently aware of his or her right to
    have counsel present during the questioning, and of the possible conse-
    quences of a decision to forgo the aid of counsel.
    19.	 Self-Incrimination: Right to Counsel: Waiver: Proof. Although an
    express written or oral statement of waiver of the right to remain silent
    or the right to counsel is usually strong proof of the validity of the
    waiver, it is not dispositive.
    20.	 Effectiveness of Counsel. A defense counsel is not ineffective for fail-
    ing to raise an argument that has no merit.
    21.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Proof: Appeal and Error. To prevail on a
    claim of ineffective assistance of counsel under Strickland v. Washington,
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
     (1984), the defendant
    must show that his or her counsel’s performance was deficient and that
    this deficient performance actually prejudiced the defendant’s defense.
    An appellate court may address the two prongs of this test, deficient
    performance and prejudice, in either order.
    22.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Proof. To show prejudice under Strickland
    v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    the defendant must demonstrate a reasonable probability that but for
    counsel’s deficient performance, the result of the proceeding would have
    been different.
    23.	 DNA Testing: Evidence. The relevance of DNA evidence depends on
    its tendency to include or exclude an individual as the source of a bio-
    logical sample.
    24.	 Expert Witnesses. A court should exclude an expert’s opinion when
    it gives rise to two conflicting inferences of equal probability, so the
    choice between them is a matter of conjecture.
    25.	 Rules of Evidence: Expert Witnesses: DNA Testing. A DNA expert’s
    testimony that there may have been a minor contributor’s DNA in a bio-
    logical sample is irrelevant evidence because it is not probative of the
    source of the DNA.
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    26.	 Trial: DNA Testing: Evidence. A DNA expert’s inconclusive results
    that a defendant cannot be excluded as a minor contributor to a biologi-
    cal sample allows the jury to speculate that the defendant might have
    been the minor contributor when the expert fails to provide any statisti-
    cal relevance for the detected alleles in relationship to the defendant’s
    DNA profile.
    27.	 ____: ____: ____. The value of inconclusive DNA testing results is
    substantially outweighed by the danger that the evidence will mislead
    the jurors absent statistical evidence that will help them to assess
    whether a defendant is or is not the source of DNA found in a biologi-
    cal sample.
    28.	 Postconviction: Effectiveness of Counsel: Appeal and Error. When
    a defendant’s appellate counsel is not the defendant’s trial counsel, the
    defendant must raise on direct appeal any claim that the trial counsel
    provided ineffective assistance, if the issue is known to the defendant or
    apparent from the record, in order to avoid a procedural bar to raising
    the claim later in a postconviction proceeding.
    29.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Proof: Appeal and Error. An appellant must
    make specific allegations of the conduct that he or she claims constitutes
    deficient performance by a trial counsel when raising an ineffective
    assistance claim on direct appeal.
    30.	 Trial: Effectiveness of Counsel: Records: Appeal and Error. The fact
    that an ineffective assistance of counsel claim is raised on direct appeal
    does not necessarily mean that it can be resolved. The determining fac-
    tor is whether the record is sufficient to adequately review the question.
    An ineffective assistance of counsel claim will not be addressed on
    direct appeal if it requires an evidentiary hearing.
    31.	 Effectiveness of Counsel: Records: Appeal and Error. An appellate
    court will address a claim on direct appeal that a defendant’s trial coun-
    sel was ineffective only if the record is sufficient to adequately review
    the question.
    32.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts. The list of permissible purposes under
    Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), is
    not exhaustive.
    33.	 ____: ____. Neb. Evid. R. 404(2), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue
    2016), does not apply to evidence of a defendant’s other crimes or bad
    acts if the evidence is inextricably intertwined with the charged crime.
    34.	 ____: ____. Inextricably intertwined evidence includes evidence that
    forms part of the factual setting of the crime, or evidence that is so
    blended or connected to the charged crime that proof of the charged
    crime will necessarily require proof of the other crimes or bad acts, or if
    the other crimes or bad acts are necessary for the prosecution to present
    a coherent picture of the charged crime.
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    35.	 Homicide: Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Time. Evidence of a
    murder defendant’s previous threat to the victim or statement to others
    showing a desire to harm or kill the victim are facts that are inextricably
    intertwined with the charged murder if the defendant made the threat or
    statement fairly close in time to the murder.
    36.	 Criminal Law: Witnesses. A defendant’s attempted intimidation or
    intimidation of a State’s witness is evidence of the defendant’s conscious
    guilt that a crime has been committed and serves as a basis for an infer-
    ence that the defendant is guilty of the crime charged.
    37.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Proof. Pursuant to Neb. Evid. R.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (3) (Reissue 2016), before the prosecu-
    tion can offer evidence of a criminal defendant’s extrinsic acts under
    rule 404(2), it must first prove to the trial court, by clear and convincing
    evidence and outside the jury’s presence, that the defendant committed
    the act.
    38.	 ____: ____: ____. Upon objection to evidence offered under Neb. Evid.
    R. 404(2), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), the proponent
    must state on the record the specific purpose or purposes for which the
    evidence is being offered, and the trial court must similarly state the
    purpose or purposes for which it is receiving the evidence. A trial court
    must then consider whether the evidence is independently relevant,
    which means that its relevance does not depend upon its tendency to
    show propensity.
    39.	 Rules of Evidence: Other Acts. Evidence offered under Neb. Evid. R.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), is subject to the
    overriding protection of Neb. Evid. R. 403, 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-403
    (Reissue 2016), which requires a trial court to consider whether the pro-
    bative value of the evidence is substantially outweighed by the danger
    of unfair prejudice.
    40.	 Trial: Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Juries. When requested, the
    trial court must instruct the jury on the specific purpose or purposes for
    which it is admitting the extrinsic acts evidence under Neb. Evid. R.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), to focus the jurors’
    attention on that purpose and ensure that it does not consider it for an
    improper purpose.
    41.	 Trial: Rules of Evidence: Other Acts: Appeal and Error. A pro-
    ponent’s clear explanation for evidence offered under Neb. Evid. R.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
    (2) (Reissue 2016), ensures that a trial
    court has an opportunity to examine the evidence for its independent
    relevance and the potential for unfair prejudice. The requirement that
    the trial court state on the record the purpose or purposes for which such
    evidence is received is primarily to ensure that an appellate court can
    review the trial court’s ruling.
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    42.	 Rules of Evidence: Proof. Neb. Evid. R. 901, 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-901
    (Reissue 2016), requires authentication or identification of evidence suf-
    ficient to support a finding that a matter is what the proponent claims as
    a condition precedent for admission.
    43.	 ____: ____. Authentication or identification under Neb. Evid. R. 901,
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-901
     (Reissue 2016), is not a high hurdle. A pro-
    ponent is not required to conclusively prove the genuineness of the
    evidence or to rule out all possibilities inconsistent with authenticity. If
    the evidence is sufficient to support a finding that the evidence is what
    it purports to be, the rule is satisfied.
    44.	 Circumstantial Evidence. The identity of a participant in a telephone
    conversation may be established by circumstantial evidence such as the
    circumstances preceding or following the telephone conversation.
    45.	 Hearsay: Words and Phrases. Hearsay is a statement, other than one
    made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered to
    prove the truth of the matter asserted.
    46.	 Hearsay. A declarant’s out-of-court statement offered for the truth of the
    matter asserted is inadmissible unless it falls within a definitional exclu-
    sion or statutory exception.
    47.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay. The hearsay exception under Neb. Evid.
    R. 803(1), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803
    (1) (Reissue 2016), for a “statement
    relating to a startling event or condition made while the declarant was
    under the stress of excitement caused by the event or condition,” com-
    prises excited utterances.
    48.	 ____: ____. Excited utterances are an exception to the hearsay rule,
    because the spontaneity of excited utterances reduces the risk of inac-
    curacies inasmuch as the statements are not the result of a declarant’s
    conscious effort to make them. The justification for the excited utterance
    exception is that circumstances may produce a condition of excitement
    which temporarily stills the capacity for reflection and produces utter-
    ances free of conscious fabrication.
    49.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Proof. For a statement to be an excited
    utterance, the following criteria must be met: (1) There must be a star-
    tling event, (2) the statement must relate to the event, and (3) the declar-
    ant must have made the statement while under the stress of the event.
    50.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Time. An excited utterance may be sub-
    sequent to the startling event if there was not time for the exciting influ-
    ence to lose its sway. The true test for an excited utterance is not when
    the exclamation was made, but whether, under all the circumstances, the
    declarant was still speaking under the stress of nervous excitement and
    shock caused by the event.
    51.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Police Officers and Sheriffs. The period
    in which the excited utterance exception applies depends on the facts
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    of the case. Relevant facts include the declarant’s physical conditions
    or manifestation of stress and whether the declarant spoke in response
    to questioning. But a declarant’s response to questioning, other than
    questioning from a law enforcement officer, may still be an excited
    utterance if the context shows that the declarant made the statement
    without conscious reflection.
    52.	   Pretrial Procedure: Evidence: Juries. A motion in limine is a proce-
    dural step to prevent prejudicial evidence from reaching the jury.
    53.	   Trial: Pretrial Procedure: Evidence: Appeal and Error. When a
    motion in limine to exclude evidence is overruled, to preserve error
    for appeal, the movant must renew the objection when the particular
    evidence which was sought to be excluded by the motion is offered dur-
    ing trial.
    54.	   Criminal Law: Juries: Evidence: Appeal and Error. In a jury trial of
    a criminal case, an erroneous evidentiary ruling results in prejudice to a
    defendant unless the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    55.	   Verdicts: Juries: Appeal and Error. Harmless error review looks to
    the basis on which the jury actually rested its verdict. The inquiry is
    not whether in a trial that occurred without the error, a guilty verdict
    would surely have been rendered, but whether the actual guilty verdict
    rendered was surely unattributable to the error.
    56.	   Trial: Evidence. The erroneous admission of evidence is generally
    harmless error and does not require reversal if the evidence is cumula-
    tive and other relevant evidence, properly admitted, supports the finding
    by the trier of fact.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County:
    J Russell Derr, Judge. Affirmed.
    Michael J. Wilson and Glenn Shapiro, of Schaefer Shapiro,
    L.L.P., for appellant.
    Douglas J. Peterson, Attorney General, and Stacy M. Foust.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy,
    K elch, and Funke, JJ.
    Funke, J.
    A jury found the appellant, Anthony L. Burries, guilty of
    premeditated first degree murder for killing his girlfriend, Tina
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    Hoult. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment. This is
    Burries’ direct appeal.
    1. Evidence of Crime
    Hoult lived alone in a southwest Omaha apartment. After
    she failed to report for her scheduled work shifts on Friday
    and Saturday, May 16 and 17, 2014, her employer contacted
    law enforcement. On Sunday morning, May 18, police officers
    went to her apartment to check on her. A neighbor identified
    Hoult’s car in the parking lot and told the officers that he had
    not seen Hoult in about 2 days. When she did not respond to
    knocks at her door, the maintenance manager unlocked the
    deadbolt to her apartment for the officers. None of the apart-
    ment doors had locks on the doorknobs. The deadbolts could
    only be locked from the inside or by someone using a key
    from the outside.
    The officers found Hoult’s body slumped over in a chair
    with multiple gashes in her skull. She was deceased. They saw
    blood on the chair, splattered on the walls, and pooled on the
    floor below her head. Her apartment had no signs of a forced
    entry or a struggle. No weapons were found in the apartment
    that could have inflicted Hoult’s injuries.
    An autopsy revealed that Hoult died from at least nine
    blows to her head from a heavy instrument with a sharp edge.
    She had died at least several hours before she was found,
    but the pathologist could not determine the time or date of
    her death.
    Steffanie Beck was a long-time friend of Hoult who testified
    that Burries had been Hoult’s boyfriend, on and off, for 11 to
    12 years before her death. He was also romantically involved
    with Harmony Howard, who was the mother of his son.
    Howard learned about Burries’ relationship with Hoult when
    Burries was arrested in December 2012 for assaulting Hoult.
    After he was arrested for the assault, he called Howard to tell
    her that her car, which he had borrowed, was in the parking
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    lot of Hoult’s apartment complex. One of Burries’ roommates
    drove Howard there to get it. As a result, Howard knew the
    location of the complex where Hoult lived, but she did not
    know which apartment was Hoult’s.
    At Burries’ trial, the State submitted cell phone records
    showing text messages that Hoult and Burries exchanged from
    late Tuesday, May 13, 2014, until the early morning of Friday,
    May 16. A little before midnight on Tuesday, Burries began
    texting Hoult stating that he wanted to come to her apart-
    ment. Hoult responded that he should stay where he was and
    expressed dissatisfaction with their relationship. Burries’ texts
    expressed his frustration with Hoult. This texting stopped at
    about 1:45 a.m. on Wednesday.
    On Wednesday evening, May 14, 2014, Howard drove
    Burries to a bar close to Hoult’s apartment where Hoult and
    other residents at the apartment complex would often socialize.
    When Burries returned after 10 to 15 minutes, Howard said
    he seemed agitated and she drove him home. Late Wednesday
    night, Burries began texting Hoult again. She responded that
    her cell phone was not working properly and that she was
    going to bed.
    On Thursday, May 15, 2014, beginning about 6 a.m., Burries
    texted Hoult multiple times that he was coming over for sex.
    Hoult repeatedly responded that she was not interested and to
    leave her alone. He accused her of being with other men and
    lying about being at work. She responded that she was tired of
    him trying to control her and threatening her. She specifically
    stated that he should not have threatened to torture her or say
    that she “owe[d him] a limb.” She wrote that she did not feel
    safe around him. Burries responded that she had caused his
    conduct by being disrespectful: “[L]ook at everything you’ve
    been doing lately just disrespect after another. All intentional
    and you think i’m not going to be mad. . . . You caused all of
    this and you ain’t getting away with it. . . . You lucky I haven’t
    fucked you up fur all this shit.” When he said he could easily
    come to her apartment, she responded that she did not want
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    him to; she wanted him to leave her alone. The text messages
    stopped Thursday morning.
    Around 10:30 or 11 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, 2014,
    Burries called Howard to borrow her car. She went and picked
    him up, and he dropped her off at her house before going to a
    bar. She said that he was wearing a striped shirt over a black
    tank top, jeans, and white athletic shoes.
    About 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, Hoult went to visit Adrian
    Hogan, who was a resident at Hoult’s apartment complex.
    Hogan said that Hoult left his apartment about 1:30 a.m.
    on Friday.
    At about 3:20 a.m. on Friday, May 16, 2014, Burries texted
    Hoult that he needed to see her and that he knew she was
    home. At 3:25 a.m., he sent another text message that if her
    cell phone was not working, he would just show up. Hoult
    opened these messages but did not respond.
    Howard came to Burries’ house about 3:30 a.m. on Friday.
    When she arrived, Burries approached her car in his driveway
    and told Howard to take him to the intersection that was close
    to Hoult’s apartment complex. Howard said she was fright-
    ened by a look Burries gets in his eyes: “[I]t’s like a blank
    look. It’s almost like looking in the eyes of the devil.” She
    drove him to the requested intersection.
    When they got to the intersection, Burries told Howard that
    he needed to talk to Hoult. Howard drove to Hoult’s apartment
    complex, and Burries directed her to Hoult’s apartment. She
    waited in her car for 2 to 5 minutes while Burries went inside.
    She estimated that she dropped Burries off at Hoult’s apart-
    ment between 3:30 to 4 a.m. Cell phone records showed that
    at 3:34 a.m., Hoult received two text messages from Burries
    and that she opened them. At 3:40 a.m., Hoult texted Burries
    that he should be sleeping. That was the last text message she
    sent. Burries’ cell phone did not receive this message until
    5:54 a.m.
    When Burries returned to Howard’s car, he told her to
    “‘[d]rive,’” in an “[a]ngry, firm” tone. Howard said that she
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    was afraid because he was yelling at her not to look at him and
    not to pull up next to anyone. She did not see anything in his
    hands, but she believed that the car’s dome light was off. She
    said that he had grabbed his cream-colored coat from the back
    seat and laid the coat over his lap.
    Burries had Howard drive past his house and eventually told
    her to stop in front of a randomly chosen house which was
    close to a bridge in south Omaha. He was screaming at Howard
    that she was the only person who knew that he was “there,”
    which she understood to mean at Hoult’s apartment, and that
    she would be an accessory if she told anyone. Howard said that
    she was not concerned then about what he might have done
    to Hoult, because she was afraid of what he might do to her.
    He instructed her to drive across the bridge. While they were
    crossing the bridge, he rolled down the passenger window and
    threw something out. Howard did not see what he threw out
    because he told her not to look at him. Howard then dropped
    Burries off at his house. It was almost 5 a.m. when Howard
    returned to her home.
    As stated, Burries’ cell phone did not receive Hoult’s last
    text message until 5:54 a.m. on Friday. The testimony of
    an investigator who performed digital forensics for the State
    showed that if a person puts his or her cell phone into airplane
    mode or turns it off, it will not receive a text message during
    this period. The cell phone records showed that approximately
    4 minutes after receiving Hoult’s last text message, Burries
    responded. He asked why she had not answered his messages.
    He said that he had done what she asked and burned all the
    clothes that reminded her of “that night” in the fireplace and
    that he wanted to move on. He repeated that he wanted to come
    over and accused her of playing games by ignoring his text
    messages. His periodic text messages to Hoult continued until
    9 p.m. on Friday. None were opened.
    Between 4 and 5 a.m. on Friday, Burries also contacted
    Melissa Eledge, whom he had been seeing and asked her to
    pick him up. Eledge arrived at Burries’ house before 6 a.m.
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    She said that Burries was intoxicated and asked her to take him
    to his brother’s house. He was carrying a gray or black bag.
    Eledge waited in the car while Burries went inside his brother’s
    house for 5 to 10 minutes. When he returned, he asked Eledge
    to take him to a tire store. When they arrived, Burries took
    the bag and went to a house next to the tire store. He did not
    explain his actions to Eledge.
    After that stop, Eledge took Burries back to his house.
    During the drive, Burries told Eledge that he was texting an
    old girlfriend named “Tina Hoult.” He told Eledge that Hoult
    was mad at him for wearing the same clothes that he had worn
    when he went to jail and that she wanted him to get rid of
    them. When they arrived at Burries’ home, Eledge believed
    that she could smell something that had been burned inside.
    After Eledge’s memory was refreshed, she testified that she
    had asked Burries about the smell and that he had told her he
    had been “‘burning stuff’” before she arrived.
    One of Burries’ roommates, Eric Paine, testified that on
    Friday morning when he woke up, he saw embers from a fire
    in the fireplace and noticed a heavy smoke smell in the house.
    Paine said that Burries called him from Howard’s house some-
    time in the early afternoon on Saturday, May 17, 2014. Burries
    asked him to buy him some items from a store. When Paine
    arrived at Howard’s house, Burries was cleaning a boat with
    Howard’s father and asked Paine to pick up two bottles of
    ammonia for cleaning.
    Burries texted Eledge on Saturday between 1 and 2 p.m. to
    tell her that he was going to Iowa. About 2:30 p.m., he arrived
    at the house where Eledge was. He brought cleaning supplies
    and carpet shampoo with him for cleaning out the car he was
    driving. Unknown to Eledge, Burries had arrived in Howard’s
    car. He and Eledge cleaned Howard’s car for about an hour.
    About 3 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 18, 2014, Burries told
    Eledge he was going fishing with friends and left.
    Sunday evening, Howard called Burries to ask when he
    would be returning her car. Burries told her that Hoult had
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    been found “fucked up in her apartment” and that he was
    going to call the detectives to “clear his name.” He returned
    her car a couple of minutes later. Police officers arrived at
    Howard’s house shortly thereafter and seized the car.
    Also on Sunday evening, investigators arrived at Burries’
    residence, but he was not home. Around midnight, Burries
    called Paine while investigators were at the house and asked
    to speak to a police officer. Burries told the officer that he
    was getting an attorney and planned to come in the next
    day. Officers noticed that the fireplace had been cleaned
    out recently, and Paine told them that he had not done it.
    Investigators searched a bag of ash they found in the trash but
    did not find any clothing remnants.
    On the morning of May 19, 2014, Burries came to Eledge’s
    home. While there, he told her that he needed to get out of
    town. He seemed “frazzled,” and kept saying that “[i]t was
    bad” and he needed to get out of town. He told Eledge that
    he was going to St. Louis and asked if she would at least take
    him to Kansas City. Shortly thereafter, they left her house and
    traveled to “St. Joe.” During the trip, Burries had two cell
    phones with him and would power them off when he was not
    using them.
    2. Burries’ Statements to
    Police Investigators
    A Missouri state trooper arrested Burries in Missouri at
    about 5 p.m. on Monday. Two Nebraska investigators traveled
    to Missouri to interview him. After Det. Larry Cahill, with the
    Omaha Police Department, advised Burries of his Miranda1
    rights, he asked if knowing these rights, Burries was will-
    ing to talk to the officers. Burries said, “Within limitations,
    I’ll talk to you.” During the investigation, Burries stated
    that he and Hoult had hit each other during their fights and
    Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
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    admitted that he had been incarcerated from December 2012
    to November 2013. He admitted that Hoult had given him
    a key to her apartment. He admitted to burning his clothes
    between 3 and 5 a.m. on Friday. He stated that at Hoult’s
    request, he had burned his jeans, a cream-colored jacket, and
    a black hoodie in his fireplace. But when Cahill informed
    Burries that investigators had learned from Howard that he
    was at Hoult’s apartment when she was murdered and that he
    had told Howard not to talk about it, Burries cut off the inter-
    view until he had an attorney.
    3. Pretrial Proceedings
    Before trial, the State filed notice that it intended to present
    evidence under Neb. Evid. R. 404.2 It also requested a pretrial
    hearing to determine the voluntariness of Burries’ statements
    to investigators. Burries moved in limine to exclude the
    evidence that the State wanted to present. He argued it was
    inadmissible on grounds of foundation, relevance, hearsay,
    or prejudice.
    For the voluntariness portion of the hearing, the court admit-
    ted the audio recording of the investigator’s interview of
    Burries in Missouri. The court later ruled in a written order that
    the statement was admissible.
    Regarding the State’s rule 404 motion, the State argued that
    it intended to prove Burries had assaulted Hoult in December
    2012, had served a year of imprisonment for the crime, and
    had harmed or threatened Hoult since 2012. For the hearing,
    the court admitted a copy of the complaint, conviction, and
    sentencing order for the 2012 assault, which evidence showed
    Burries was convicted of assaulting Hoult and was sentenced
    to 2 years’ imprisonment. In addition to these documents, the
    State intended to present the testimony of witnesses who had
    seen Hoult after the 2012 assault. The State also intended to
    call “a number of witnesses” to prove “motive, opportunity,
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-404
     (Reissue 2016).
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    intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, and identity.” But it did
    not specify the purpose for admitting any witness’ testimony,
    and it argued that its evidence “may not be [rule] 404 evidence
    but rather really res gestae of the crime.”
    In support of its res gestae argument, the prosecutor stated
    that Burries had told his roommate that the clothes he burned
    on Friday morning were the clothes that still had blood on
    them from the last time he assaulted Hoult. The State argued
    that because of Burries’ statement, the 2012 assault was res
    gestae to the murder crime: “[A]rguably, the clothes he was
    burning [were] either bloody clothes from the actual event in
    this case or the previous assault.” The State also argued that
    the 2012 assault was inextricably intertwined with the murder
    charge because very soon after the murder, Burries had told
    Cahill that he had burned his clothes. Additionally, the State
    intended to present the testimony of witnesses who would say
    they had overheard telephone conversations in which Burries
    had threatened Hoult before her murder.
    After the hearing, the court issued an order in which it
    addressed both the State’s rule 404 motion and Burries’ motion
    in limine resisting the evidence. The court ultimately accepted
    the State’s argument that Burries’ December 2012 assault
    of Hoult was inextricably intertwined with her murder in
    May 2014:
    [T]he events surrounding the December, 2012 incident,
    including [Burries’] conviction, are admissible, particu-
    larly because there is evidence of the burning of clothes
    by [Burries] so close to the time of the murder of . . .
    Hoult. The State will argue this was an act of [Burries]
    to dispose of the evidence of . . . Hoult’s murder even
    though [Burries] argues that the clothes that were burned
    were from the 2012 incident. The 2012 incident is an
    integral part of the allegations against [Burries] in this
    case such that the evidence may “complete the story or
    provide a total picture of the charged crime[.]”
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    The court then set out the specific testimony that it would
    allow from the State’s witnesses. It rejected Burries’ rele-
    vance, hearsay, and foundation challenges to the witnesses’
    4. State’s Evidence at Trial of
    Burries’ Other Bad Acts
    Despite the court’s inextricably intertwined ruling, just
    before the State presented evidence at trial, the court again
    heard argument as to the State’s evidence of Burries’ other
    bad acts. The court ruled that Burries’ attorney could have
    a standing objection to the rule 404 evidence that the court
    ruled on in its pretrial order. The court rejected Burries’
    request to give an instruction limiting the jurors’ consideration
    of the evidence to help them decide whether he had a motive
    to murder Hoult. The court stated that it was “just going to
    read [rule] 404(2), as to evidence of other crimes, wrongs, et
    cetera.” The State agreed to this approach, arguing that all of
    its intended evidence was relevant to prove “motive, opportu-
    nity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absen[ce
    of] mistake or accident.”
    One of the court’s approved witnesses was the apart-
    ment complex maintenance manager. He stated that in 2010,
    Hoult moved into apartment No. 19. He also testified that in
    December 2012, Hoult asked him to come to her apartment,
    at which time he saw that she had been beaten. Her eyes were
    blackened, and he saw blood on her face, arms, and neck. The
    manager then changed Hoult’s lock, and later that month, she
    moved to apartment No. 142. He said he changed her locks
    at least three times before she moved to apartment No. 142.
    After the manager’s testimony, in the jury’s presence, the State
    submitted exhibit 1, which it described as a copy of Burries’
    conviction and sentence for assaulting Hoult on December
    1, 2012.
    Brian Coburn was Hoult’s neighbor when she lived in
    apartment No. 142. He testified that when he first met Hoult
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    in October 2012, she had obviously been beaten up because
    her eyes were blackened and swollen. Coburn testified that he
    knew Hoult had a boyfriend named “Tony.” About a month
    before Hoult’s murder, Coburn was out by the parking lot
    with Hoult when a car passed them. Hoult identified the
    driver as “Tony,” and then received a call from “Tony.” She
    put the call on “speaker,” and Coburn could hear Tony ask-
    ing Hoult where she was. Hoult said she was home, and Tony
    called her a “‘fucking liar’” and said, “‘I will find you, you
    cunt — you f’ing cunt.’” Coburn said Hoult looked a little
    nervous but brushed it off. Coburn said that on the Sunday
    before Hoult was murdered, Hoult came to his apartment and
    asked him to check her apartment because she thought “Tony”
    was inside.
    Another witness testified that in 2014, he and his wife lived
    across the hall from Hoult’s apartment. He testified that when
    Hoult was moving into apartment No. 142, he saw her in the
    hall and she had a black eye. She told him that the black eye
    was the reason she was moving.
    Terry Robinson also lived in Hoult’s apartment complex
    and met her in the summer of 2013. About the middle of April
    2014, he was with Hoult and other neighbors in the outside
    commons area when her cell phone rang. She told Robinson
    that he could answer it, and he saw the name “Tony” on her
    cell phone. A male, whom Robinson believed to be Burries,
    asked where Hoult was and said that “he did time once for
    [Hoult] and he wasn’t scared to do it again.”
    On Monday, May 12, 2014, Robinson and three other people
    were with Hoult in her apartment when her cell phone rang.
    She told Robinson that the call was from “Tony,” and Robinson
    could hear that the male caller was upset. Hoult held the cell
    phone so he could listen. “Tony” said that Hoult had “‘better
    be [home] when [he] g[o]t there’” and that he had come by
    the previous night and she was not home. Robinson said Hoult
    “teared up” during this call. He and Hoult’s other guests then
    went outside while she was talking. When Hoult joined them,
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    she told Robinson that “Tony” had accused her of cheating and
    threatened to “beat her, revive her, and repeat it.”
    As stated, Steffanie Beck was Hoult’s long-time friend and
    had worked with Hoult for 4 years before the murder. Beck
    had never met Burries, but she knew he was Hoult’s boyfriend.
    Beck said that she knew Burries’ voice because he had called
    Hoult many times from jail when Beck was present, and Hoult
    would hold the cell phone so that Beck could hear him. While
    Burries was incarcerated, Beck said she had heard him accuse
    Hoult of cheating and threaten to “kill her, tear her face off,
    cut her legs off.”
    Beck also said that when Burries was going to be released,
    Hoult was nervous and planned to leave the state and move
    in with her mother. Beck testified that the last time she saw
    Hoult was on Thursday afternoon, May 15, 2014, when Beck
    was leaving work and Hoult was walking in from the parking
    lot. Although it was a hot day, Hoult was wearing a long-
    sleeved jacket. Beck thought Hoult was hiding something and
    convinced Hoult to take the jacket off. Beck said that Hoult
    had bruising on her arms from her elbows to her shoulders but
    told Beck it was nothing.
    Howard testified that she had received a 4-page handwritten
    letter from Burries a few days before giving her trial testimony.
    After the court gave its rule 404(2) instruction, it allowed
    the prosecutor to read the entire letter verbatim. In the letter,
    Burries warned Howard that he would be getting out shortly
    and not to “lie” at his trial. He threatened retribution to anyone
    who interfered with his ability to rear his children.
    5. DNA Evidence
    At trial, Mellissa Helligso, a forensic DNA analyst, testified
    for the State about her testing of a blood sample from Hoult’s
    arm. Helligso testified the testing showed that the blood was
    from a single source and that Hoult could not be excluded as
    the contributor, because every allele she detected in Hoult’s
    DNA profile matched the alleles that she found in the blood
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    sample. An allele is a genetic variation in the sequencing of
    the DNA molecule at one of the specific segments, or loci,
    with known individual variations, which forensic analysts
    focus on to determine an individual’s DNA profile.3 The pros-
    ecutor also elicited Helligso’s testimony that the DNA test-
    ing had produced an allele that could have been a common
    “artifact” that the testing produces or it could have come from
    another person, but that she could not compare a single allele
    to another person’s profile.
    Burries’ attorney did not object to the prosecutor’s ques-
    tions or the expert’s testimony. On cross-examination, he elic-
    ited testimony that the allele could have come from someone
    else and that the State’s expert had not analyzed Burries’
    DNA profile.
    Burries assigns, restated and renumbered, that the court
    erred as follows:
    (1) in finding that Burries’ statements to investigators were
    (2) in admitting evidence of his 2012 assault of Hoult and
    threats that he made to her because the evidence constituted
    hearsay, lacked proper foundation, was irrelevant, or was inad-
    missible under Neb. Evid. R. 4034;
    (3) in allowing the State to introduce the same evidence
    under rule 404(2) and as part of the res gestae of the crime;
    (4) in admitting an August 2015 letter from Burries to
    Howard, because the evidence was inadmissible under rules
    403 and 404.
    Additionally, Burries assigns that his trial counsel provided
    ineffective assistance as follows:
    (1) in failing to file a motion to suppress Burries’ state-
    ments to investigators when the recorded interview showed
    See State v. Johnson, 
    290 Neb. 862
    862 N.W.2d 757
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-403
     (Reissue 2016).
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    that Burries did not understand his constitutional right to a
    court-appointed attorney;
    (2) in failing to object to irrelevant DNA evidence and
    exacerbating the jury’s likely confusion by eliciting testimony
    that Burries could have been the contributor;
    (3) in failing to renew an objection to the certified copy of
    Burries’ assault conviction; and
    (4) in failing to adequately investigate and present several
    aspects of Burries’ defense.
    [1,2] An appellate court independently decides questions
    of law presented on appeal.5 Whether a defendant voluntarily
    made a statement while in custody and whether a defendant
    unambiguously invoked his or her right to remain silent or to
    have counsel present are mixed questions of law and fact. We
    review a trial court’s finding of historical facts for clear error
    and independently determine whether those facts satisfy the
    constitutional standards.6
    [3-7] In proceedings where the Nebraska Evidence Rules
    apply, the admissibility of evidence is controlled by such rules;
    judicial discretion is involved only when the rules make discre-
    tion a factor in determining admissibility.7 Where the Nebraska
    Evidence Rules commit the evidentiary question at issue to
    the discretion of the trial court, an appellate court reviews
    the admissibility of evidence for an abuse of discretion.8 We
    review for abuse of discretion a trial court’s evidentiary rul-
    ings on relevance,9 whether the probative value of evidence is
    See, e.g., State v. Benavides, 
    294 Neb. 902
    884 N.W.2d 923
     (2016); State
    v. Parnell, 
    294 Neb. 551
    883 N.W.2d 652
     (2016); In re Interest of Edward
    285 Neb. 556
    827 N.W.2d 805
    See State v. Rogers, 
    277 Neb. 37
    760 N.W.2d 35
    State v. Smith, 
    292 Neb. 434
    873 N.W.2d 169
    State v. Draper, 
    295 Neb. 88
    886 N.W.2d 266
    State v. Patton, 
    287 Neb. 899
    845 N.W.2d 572
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    substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice,10
    and the sufficiency of a party’s foundation for admitting evi-
    dence.11 We also review for abuse of discretion a trial court’s
    evidentiary rulings on the admissibility of a defend­ant’s other
    crimes or bad acts under rule 404(2), or under the inextrica-
    bly intertwined exception to the rule.12 An abuse of discretion
    occurs when a trial court’s decision is based upon reasons that
    are untenable or unreasonable or if its action is clearly against
    justice or conscience, reason, and evidence.13
    [8-10] When judicial discretion is not a factor, whether the
    underlying facts satisfy the legal rules governing the admissi-
    bility of a proponent’s evidence is a question of law, subject to
    de novo review.14 Hearsay is not admissible except as provided
    by the Nebraska Evidence Rules.15 Apart from rulings under
    the residual hearsay exception, we review for clear error the
    factual findings underpinning a trial court’s hearsay ruling and
    review de novo the court’s ultimate determination to admit
    evidence over a hearsay objection or exclude evidence on hear-
    say grounds.16
    [11,12] Whether a claim of ineffective assistance of trial
    counsel can be determined on direct appeal presents a ques-
    tion of law,17 which turns upon the sufficiency of the record to
    address the claim without an evidentiary hearing18 or whether
    the claim rests solely on the interpretation of a statute or
    State v. Pullens, 
    281 Neb. 828
    800 N.W.2d 202
    State v. Casterline, 
    293 Neb. 41
    878 N.W.2d 38
    See, Parnell, 
    supra note 5
    ; State v. Ash, 
    286 Neb. 681
    838 N.W.2d 273
    supra note 8
    Smith, supra note 7.
    State v. Draganescu, 
    276 Neb. 448
    755 N.W.2d 57
    See State v. Trice, 
    292 Neb. 482
    874 N.W.2d 286
    See State v. Betancourt-Garcia, 
    295 Neb. 170
    887 N.W.2d 296
    State v. Filholm, 
    287 Neb. 763
    848 N.W.2d 571
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    constitutional requirement.19 We determine as a matter of law
    whether the record conclusively shows that (1) a defense
    counsel’s performance was deficient or (2) a defendant was
    or was not prejudiced by a defense counsel’s alleged defi-
    cient performance.20
    1. Burries Validly Waived His R ight to
    Counsel When He M ade Incriminating
    Statements to Investigators
    After the pretrial hearing on the admissibility of Burries’
    statements to police investigators, the court determined that the
    statements were voluntary:
    There is nothing to suggest that [Burries’] statement
    was involuntary. While there is no question that [Burries]
    was in custody at the time, he was advised of his Miranda
    rights and once he requested an attorney no further sub-
    stantive questions were asked of [Burries]. Although he
    mentioned getting an attorney early in the interview, he
    did not invoke his right to an attorney in such a manner
    that it was unequivocal.
    Burries does not contend that the officer’s language was
    insufficient to convey his Miranda right to appointed counsel
    if he could not afford one. He posits no other language that the
    officers should have used. Instead, without citing any author-
    ity, Burries argues that under these circumstances, the officers
    should have reread the advisement and confirmed his under-
    standing of his right to a free appointed counsel. We disagree.
    [13-15] Miranda warnings are “‘an absolute prerequisite to
    interrogation’ . . . and ‘fundamental with respect to the Fifth
    Amendment privilege.’”21 If a defendant seeks suppression
    See State v. Castillo-Zamora, 
    289 Neb. 382
    855 N.W.2d 14
    See State v. Juranek, 
    287 Neb. 846
    , 856-57, 
    844 N.W.2d 791
    , 801 (2014),
    quoting Miranda, 
    supra note 1
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    of a statement because of an alleged Miranda violation, the
    State must prove that the defendant validly waived his or
    her Miranda rights by a preponderance of the evidence.22 We
    look to the totality of the circumstances to determine whether
    a defendant validly waived his or her Miranda rights during
    an interrogation:
    Miranda rights can be waived if the suspect does so
    knowingly and voluntarily. A valid Miranda waiver must
    be voluntary in the sense that it was the product of a free
    and deliberate choice and made with a full awareness
    of both the nature of the right being abandoned and the
    consequences of the decision to abandon it. In deter-
    mining whether a waiver is knowingly and voluntarily
    made, a court applies a totality of the circumstances
    test. Factors to be considered include the suspect’s age,
    education, intelligence, prior contact with authorities,
    and conduct.23
    [16] But law enforcement officers “are not required to
    rewarn suspects from time to time. . . . The Miranda rule and
    its requirements are met if a suspect receives adequate Miranda
    warnings, understands them, and has an opportunity to invoke
    the rights before giving any answers or admissions.”24
    Before questioning Burries, Cahill read him the following
    Miranda 25 advisements: You have the right to remain silent and
    not make any statements; anything that you may say can be
    used against you in a court; you have the right to consult with
    a lawyer and have a lawyer with you when you are questioned;
    if you cannot afford a lawyer, the court will appoint one to
    See State v. Fernando-Granados, 
    268 Neb. 290
    682 N.W.2d 266
    citing Colorado v. Connelly, 
    479 U.S. 157
    107 S. Ct. 515
    93 L. Ed. 2d 473
     (1986). See, also, Berghuis v. Thompkins, 
    560 U.S. 370
    130 S. Ct. 2250
    176 L. Ed. 2d 1098
     (2010), citing Miranda, 
    supra note 1
    State v. Goodwin, 
    278 Neb. 945
    , 956, 
    774 N.W.2d 733
    , 743 (2009).
    Accord Fernando-Granados, 
    supra note 22
    See, e.g., Berghuis, 
    supra note 22
    560 U.S. at 386-87
    supra note 1
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    represent you. After each statement, Cahill asked Burries if he
    understood and Burries said yes.
    [17] In Miranda, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that
    a suspect
    must be warned prior to any questioning that he has the
    right to remain silent, that anything he says can be used
    against him in a court of law, that he has the right to the
    presence of an attorney, and that if he cannot afford an
    attorney one will be appointed for him prior to any ques-
    tioning if he so desires.26
    But the precise advisement language set out in Miranda is
    not mandatory.27
    [18] We have recognized that under Patterson v. Illinois,28
    Miranda warnings which adequately inform a defendant of
    his or her Fifth Amendment right to counsel are also adequate
    to inform a defendant of his or her Sixth Amendment right
    to counsel.29 In either case, the “key inquiry” in determin-
    ing whether a defendant waived his right to counsel during
    an interrogation is whether the defendant was “made suf-
    ficiently aware of his right to have counsel present during
    the questioning, and of the possible consequences of a deci-
    sion to forgo the aid of counsel.”30 And in analyzing waivers
    of the right to counsel during an interrogation under both
    the Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment, the U.S.
    Supreme Court has held that substantially similar advise-
    ments were sufficient to convey to the defendant his right to
    counsel during the questioning even if he could not afford
    384 U.S. at 479
    See, State v. Nave, 
    284 Neb. 477
    821 N.W.2d 723
     (2012), citing California
    v. Prysock, 
    453 U.S. 355
    101 S. Ct. 2806
    69 L. Ed. 2d 696
    supra note 22
    Patterson v. Illinois, 
    487 U.S. 285
    108 S. Ct. 2389
    101 L. Ed. 2d 261
    See State v. Bjorklund, 
    258 Neb. 432
    604 N.W.2d 169
     (2000), abrogated
    on other grounds, State v. Mata, 
    275 Neb. 1
    745 N.W.2d 229
    supra note 28
    487 U.S. at 292-93
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    one, and sufficient to convey the consequences of foregoing
    that right.31
    [19] Although an “express written or oral statement of
    waiver of the right to remain silent or the right to counsel is
    usually strong proof of the validity of the waiver,” it is not
    dispositive.32 But here, the totality of the circumstances shows
    that Burries understood his right to consult with counsel and
    that he voluntarily and intelligently waived that right to the
    extent that he answered Cahill’s questions.
    Immediately after Cahill advised Burries of his Miranda
    rights, Burries stated that he would answer questions with
    some limitations. He explained that he wanted to answer some
    questions with an attorney present:
    I’m not going to throw the lawyer word out there right
    now, but I’m going to say this though. There’s a lot of
    things that I would like to talk about. I would like to
    talk about in the presence of my attorney. I mean I’ll
    get one eventually. I don’t [know] when. I don’t know
    how. [Slight pause.] But in [the] simplest terms, this
    situation with me and [Hoult] has been going on for way
    too long.
    Burries contends that his statement—he did not know when or
    how he would get an attorney—showed he did not understand
    that he had the right to a free attorney if he could not afford
    one. But his other statements during the interrogation refute
    that argument.
    When Cahill asked Burries if he wanted to talk about Friday
    morning, Burries said, “That’s the point where I should prob-
    ably have somebody here, but I’m going to break it down flat
    out from the point of 10 talking to her on Thursday evening
    up ‘til going to the bar about 11:30-12, getting home about
    2:30-3 in the morning.” He then made the incriminating
    See, Patterson, 
    supra note 28
    ; Prysock, 
    supra note 27
    . Accord Wilkerson
    v. State, 
    365 Ark. 349
    229 S.W.3d 896
    North Carolina v. Butler, 
    441 U.S. 369
    , 373, 
    99 S. Ct. 1755
    60 L. Ed. 2d 286
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    statements about burning his clothes on the night that Hoult
    was murdered, purportedly because Hoult had asked him to
    get rid of his clothes from their fight in December 2012, to
    close the door on their past. He stated that these clothes still
    had blood on them and that between 3 and 5 a.m. on Friday, he
    burned his jeans, a cream-colored jacket, and a black hoodie
    in his fireplace.
    Cahill then told Burries that he knew Howard drove him
    to Hoult’s apartment about 3 a.m. and drove him to a bridge
    afterward where he threw something off the bridge. He said
    Howard had placed him at Hoult’s apartment at the time of the
    murder and that he knew Burries had told Howard not to talk
    to anyone about the incident and had burned his clothes after
    Howard dropped him off at his home. Burries responded that
    he could not give Cahill any information and cut off the ques-
    tioning: “I’m going to leave it at that and I’m going to talk to
    my attorney about it. . . . I’ll talk to my attorney, and then we’ll
    talk.” Cahill told Burries he could talk to him later with an
    attorney if he wanted. Burries said that he was definitely going
    back to Nebraska and that his trip was about getting money
    for an attorney, not running. Cahill said that after Burries was
    booked for a homicide in Nebraska, he could get an attorney
    or one would be appointed, but that their current conversation
    would stop.
    Burries’ firm statement that he was ending the interrogation
    until he could consult with an attorney demonstrated his under-
    standing of his right to do so. Burries’ understanding of his
    rights is further supported by his previous encounters with law
    enforcement in 2012. Finally, Burries specifically stated that he
    had gone to Missouri to get money for an attorney, and he was
    represented by a nonresident attorney at trial.
    Under these facts, Burries’ statement that he did not know
    how or when he would obtain an attorney was a reference
    to his intent to retain a paid attorney. It did not show that he
    failed to understand his right to have an attorney present even
    if he could not afford one. It is true that at the end of the
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    interrogation, Cahill stated that after Burries was booked for
    homicide in Nebraska, he could get an attorney or one would
    be appointed. But this statement was made after the question-
    ing had stopped and was in response to Burries’ statement that
    he had gone to Missouri to get money for an attorney. It did
    not negate Cahill’s explicit Miranda advisements that Burries
    was entitled to consult an attorney and have an attorney pres-
    ent during the interrogation and that the court would appoint
    an attorney if he could not afford one.33 We conclude that the
    court did not err in determining that Burries voluntarily and
    intelligently waived his right to counsel when he answered
    Cahill’s questions, despite understanding his right to terminate
    the questioning until he obtained an attorney.
    [20] This conclusion also resolves Burries’ claim that his trial
    attorney provided ineffective assistance in failing to seek sup-
    pression of his statements during the interrogation. A defense
    counsel is not ineffective for failing to raise an argument that
    has no merit.34
    2. Defense Counsel’s Failure to Object
    to DNA Expert’s Testimony and
    Cross-Examination of Expert
    Is Not R eversible Error
    Burries contends that his trial attorney was ineffective for
    failing to object to the State’s introduction of irrelevant DNA
    testing results through Helligso, its DNA expert. He argues
    that under our decision in State v. Johnson,35 the introduction
    of this evidence was improper. He also contends that his trial
    counsel was ineffective in cross-examining Helligso because
    his questions suggested that Burries could have been a con-
    tributor to the DNA sample that she testified about.
    See Duckworth v. Eagan, 
    492 U.S. 195
    109 S. Ct. 2875
    106 L. Ed. 2d 166
    See, e.g., State v. Erpelding, 
    292 Neb. 351
    874 N.W.2d 265
    Johnson, supra note 3.
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    (a) Additional Facts
    As previously mentioned, Helligso testified that her testing
    of the blood sample from Hoult’s arm contained DNA from
    a single source and that Hoult could not be excluded as the
    contributor because every allele she detected in Hoult’s DNA
    profile matched the alleles that she found in the blood sample.
    The prosecutor then asked if the detected alleles had matched
    Hoult’s profile perfectly or if there were some alleles in the
    blood sample “popping up” that did not match. Burries did
    not object. Helligso said that the testing showed one addi-
    tional allele, “but it was in a position that is a common artifact
    when doing DNA testing, and I only had one extra allele. So
    when I only have one extra allele, I can’t really compare that
    to anyone else, but the major profile and every other single
    number matched . . . Hoult.” Helligso said that the term “arti-
    fact” meant something that was not real and just a product
    of the DNA testing and that there was no way for her to tell
    whether the allele was an artifact or from another person. She
    said that she could not “do anything with that information any-
    way” because she would need three to five additional alleles
    before she could determine that someone else’s DNA was in
    the sample. She stated that for this reason, she concluded the
    DNA came from a single source. Burries did not object during
    this colloquy.
    On cross-examination, Burries’ attorney asked Helligso if
    she had determined that the artifact was not an allele because it
    fell below the threshold requirement for an allele. Helligso said
    no; it was above the threshold. This colloquy followed:
    Q. . . . Now, you never — you never actually ran
    [Burries’ profile], but there is at least some possibility
    or maybe a very small possibility that this random allele
    could be coming from someone else besides . . . Hoult,
    A. Yes.
    Q. Okay. You never did a profile for . . . Burries,
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    A. Right.
    Q. You also never did a profile for anyone else besides
    . . . Hoult in this case, correct?
    A. Right.
    On redirect examination, Helligso testified that even if she
    had detected a real allele and had the DNA profile for Burries
    or other persons, she could not have made a comparison with
    only one allele.
    (b) Ineffective Assistance Standards
    [21,22] To prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of
    counsel under Strickland v. Washington,36 the defendant must
    show that his or her counsel’s performance was deficient
    and that this deficient performance actually prejudiced the
    defendant’s defense.37 An appellate court may address the two
    prongs of this test, deficient performance and prejudice, in
    either order.38 To show prejudice, the defendant must demon-
    strate a reasonable probability that but for counsel’s defi-
    cient performance, the result of the proceeding would have
    been different.39
    (c) Admissibility of DNA Evidence
    [23] In Johnson, we explained that the relevance of DNA
    evidence depends on its tendency “to include or exclude an
    individual as the source of a biological sample.”40 We reiter-
    ated that DNA evidence without a probability assessment does
    not aid the trier of fact to make that determination. We con-
    cluded that the trial court erred in admitting inconclusive DNA
    testing results from three biological samples.
    Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    supra note 17
    Johnson, supra note 3, 290 Neb. at 879, 862 N.W.2d at 771.
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    The DNA expert in Johnson testified that one DNA sample
    revealed a partial DNA profile for a minor contributor to
    the sample; a “‘possible mixture’” because the expert had
    detected a “‘possible allele’” separate from the victim’s pro-
    file but could not determine if it was “‘a true allele or not.’”41
    The expert could not draw any conclusions about the contribu-
    tor to the partial minor profile in a second sample because
    she had detected only three weak alleles, two of which did
    not match the defendant’s DNA profile. In a third sample, she
    detected a partial minor profile from a weak DNA sample,
    but did not explain why she could not exclude the defendant
    as the contributor despite recording alleles that did not match
    his profile.
    [24-27] We explained in Johnson that a court should exclude
    an expert’s opinion when it gives rise to two conflicting infer-
    ences of equal probability, so the choice between them is a
    matter of conjecture.42 We concluded that a DNA expert’s tes-
    timony that there may have been a minor contributor’s DNA
    in a biological sample is irrelevant evidence because it is not
    probative of the source of the DNA.43 Additionally, we held
    that a DNA expert’s inconclusive results that a defendant can-
    not be excluded as a minor contributor to a biological sample
    allows the jury to speculate that the defendant might have
    been the minor contributor when the expert fails to provide
    any statistical relevance for the detected alleles in relationship
    to the defendant’s DNA profile.44 We held that the value of
    inconclusive DNA testing results is substantially outweighed
    by the danger that the evidence will mislead the jurors absent
    statistical evidence that will help them to assess whether a
    Id. at 877, 862 N.W.2d at 770.
    Johnson, supra note 3.
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    defendant is or is not the source of DNA found in a biologi-
    cal sample.45
    (d) Defense Counsel’s Failure to Object
    to Irrelevant DNA Evidence and
    Cross-Examination of State’s
    Expert Did Not Prejudice Burries
    The State contends that the instant case is distinguishable
    from Johnson. It argues that because Helligso testified that
    the additional allele she detected was probably an artifact, no
    inconclusive testing results were presented. It argues that on
    cross-examination and redirect examination, Helligso was dis-
    cussing only a hypothetical scenario of “what if the artifact had
    been a true allele.”46 We disagree.
    On direct examination, Helligso testified that she had no
    way of determining whether she had detected an artifact or
    an allele from another person. On cross-examination, Helligso
    conceded that the additional allele she detected during testing
    was probably an artifact or false reading, but she agreed that
    she could have detected an allele from another person. On redi-
    rect examination, she testified that even if it were a real allele,
    she could not compare it to another person’s profile without
    detecting three to five alleles.
    Helligso’s testimony was the functional equivalent of pre-
    senting inconclusive DNA evidence that suggested a defendant
    could be linked to the evidence if investigators had found a
    better biological sample. We specifically held in Johnson that
    a DNA expert’s opinion that there may have been a minor con-
    tributor’s DNA in a biological sample was irrelevant because
    the evidence was not probative of the source of the DNA.47
    The same problem exists here. Evidence of a minor contribu-
    tor in the blood sample could only be relevant to Burries’ guilt
    Brief for appellee at 42.
    See Johnson, supra note 3.
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    if it tended to include or exclude him as the minor contributor.
    Because Helligso’s opinion did neither, the jurors could find it
    relevant only through pure speculation. Accordingly, any rel-
    evance the evidence had was substantially outweighed by its
    potential to mislead the jurors.
    But we need not consider whether any strategic decision
    justified defense counsel’s failure to object to the evidence.
    In the context of the State’s other evidence, we conclude that
    there is no reasonable probability that the result of the pro-
    ceeding would have been different even if Burries’ counsel
    had successfully objected to Helligso’s testimony and had not
    elicited her testimony on cross-examination that the additional
    allele could have come from someone else and that she had not
    determined Burries’ DNA profile.
    First, the DNA evidence was weak. As stated, Helligso
    conceded that the additional allele was probably an artifact or
    false reading and that she had no way of determining whether
    the allele was an artifact or came from another person. Equally
    important, while the evidence permitted the jurors to speculate
    that Burries was linked to the evidence, this case is also similar
    to Johnson in that the State’s other evidence of Burries’ guilt
    was overwhelming.
    Howard’s testimony and the State’s cell phone records
    showed that Burries was inside Hoult’s apartment within min-
    utes of 3:40 a.m. on Friday, when Hoult sent her last text
    message to him. After returning to Howard’s car, he covered
    himself from view with his jacket, ordered her not to look at
    him, and demanded that she drive him across a bridge where he
    threw something out the passenger window. Shortly before he
    demanded that Howard drive him across the bridge, he threat-
    ened her that she would be prosecuted as an accessory if she
    told anyone that he had been at Hoult’s apartment.
    His statements to investigators showed that he had a key to
    Hoult’s apartment and that after Howard drove him back to his
    residence, he burned his clothes in the fireplace. On Saturday,
    he thoroughly cleaned Howard’s vehicle. On Monday morning,
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    after police officers had found Hoult’s body and he knew they
    were investigating at his residence, he frantically told Eledge
    that something bad had happened and that he needed to get out
    of town. Shortly before trial, he again threatened Howard about
    testifying against him through a letter he penned.
    We conclude that the record in this direct appeal is suffi-
    cient to show that Burries was not prejudiced by his attorney’s
    failure to object to the State’s inconclusive DNA evidence
    or his cross-examination of Helligso. There is no reasonable
    probability that the jury’s guilty verdict rested on speculation
    that Burries’ DNA was found in a blood sample taken from
    Hoult’s arm.
    3. R ecord Is Insufficient to A ddress
    Burries’ R emaining Ineffective
    Investigation Claims
    Burries also contends that his trial counsel was ineffective
    in failing to investigate and obtain favorable evidence from
    several potential witnesses and in failing to investigate other
    potential sources of favorable evidence.
    Specifically, Burries contends that despite his requests, trial
    counsel failed to independently investigate, interview, depose,
    or subpoena each of the following entities and/or potential wit-
    nesses: subpoena cell phone location and/or global positioning
    system data, nor did he obtain all information extracted from
    Hoult’s cell phone in 2014, which would have demonstrated
    that Howard, Burries, and/or Hoult were not present in the
    places or at the times offered by the State’s theory at trial;
    subpoena records, receipts, and video from a fast-food restau-
    rant, which would have disproved Howard’s testimony regard-
    ing her visit to the restaurant at Burries’ request on the night
    of the murder and further disproved the State’s theory as to
    the timeline of the murder; call Burries’ brother as a witness,
    who would have confirmed Hoult’s involvement with multiple
    boyfriends with whom Hoult drank excessively and who sub-
    jected Hoult to violence; call Burries’ brother-in-law as a wit-
    ness, who would have testified similarly to Burries’ brother,
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    and who also would have testified that he saw Howard in
    handcuffs on her front lawn just prior to her interview with
    police; call Burries’ cousin as a witness, who would have tes-
    tified that police interrogated her and disclosed their motive
    for maliciously prosecuting Burries—that all the women asso-
    ciated with Burries were scared of him and had been beaten
    and that it needed to stop; call an acquaintance of Burries as
    a witness, who would have provided an alibi for Burries at a
    time when, according to the neighbors’ testimony, Burries was
    arguing with Hoult; subpoena an airline itinerary that would
    have corroborated Burries’ alibi for the time when, accord-
    ing to the neighbors’ testimony, Burries was arguing with
    Hoult in her apartment; call a potential witness who would
    have provided testimony invalidating the State’s witnesses’
    claims that Hoult had bruising and that Burries had likely
    caused the bruising; call another potential witness who would
    testify as to seeing Hoult alive after the time of death accord-
    ing to the State’s theory, corroborating a neighbor of Hoult’s
    testimony that Hoult was alive the morning of Friday, May
    16, 2014; subpoena records of a hospital which would have
    disproved Hoult’s coworkers’ testimony that Hoult did not
    work Friday, May 16; subpoena Hogan’s work and cell phone
    records which would have disproved Hogan’s alibi at the time
    of Hoult’s death and proved that Hogan did have a romantic
    relationship with Hoult; obtain Hogan’s prior criminal record
    which could have been used in impeachment; subpoena video
    footage from a bar in Hoult’s neighborhood on May 13,
    which would have disproved the testimony of the State’s wit-
    nesses; obtain all video footage of Hoult’s apartment com-
    plex’s address between the dates of May 14 and June 14,
    which would have supported the exculpatory testimony of two
    potential witnesses; subpoena medical records from Hoult’s
    medical providers, which contained evidence suggesting drug
    use, supporting the defense’s theory that Hoult’s involvement
    in the illicit drug community led to her murder; obtain record-
    ings of inmate calls from the Douglas County Correctional
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    Center which would have provided support to the defense’s
    theory that someone other than Burries murdered Hoult; call
    Hoult’s aunt, who would have testified as to Hoult’s having
    multiple boyfriends at the time of her murder, at least one of
    which was potentially dangerous.
    Burries further contends that trial counsel failed to act or
    present evidence during trial when trial counsel knew action
    was required or evidence should be presented. The following
    is a list of trial counsel’s failures as alleged by Burries: con-
    front a trial witness who was a police investigator with prior,
    off-the-record, inconsistent statements made to her during her
    interview with a potential witness who told her that she saw
    Hoult alive at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2014; make a
    record and move for replacement of a juror or a mistrial after
    he learned that one of the jurors had a close association with
    one of the State’s witnesses; make a record and either move
    for replacement of a juror or a mistrial when the juror repeat-
    edly slept through much of the trial; make a record and object
    during voir dire to the State’s peremptory challenges that the
    State used those challenges to strike all but one minority juror
    for race-based reasons; present evidence of Burries’ heavy
    intoxication at the time of his interview with Cahill; file a
    motion based on the State’s violation of Brady v. Maryland 48
    that occurred when the State refused to turn over exculpatory
    text messages it obtained during its 20l4 extraction of data
    from Hoult’s cell phone; call as a witness a cell phone expert
    hired by Burries, who would have rebutted the testimony of
    the State’s cell phone experts as to the reasons for the delayed
    text message between Hoult and Burries on May 16; impeach
    a trial witness who was a neighbor of Hoult with his prior
    inconsistent identification of a different man as Burries; intro-
    duce Burries’ clothing that would have proved, contrary to the
    State’s theory, that he did not burn the clothing he had worn
    on the night of May 15.
    Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    83 S. Ct. 1194
    10 L. Ed. 2d 215
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    [28,29] When a defendant’s appellate counsel is not the
    defendant’s trial counsel, the defendant must raise on direct
    appeal any claim that the trial counsel provided ineffective
    assistance, if the issue is known to the defendant or apparent
    from the record, in order to avoid a procedural bar to raising
    the claim later in a postconviction proceeding.49 An appellant
    must make specific allegations of the conduct that he or she
    claims constitutes deficient performance by a trial counsel
    when raising an ineffective assistance claim on direct appeal.50
    [30,31] The fact that an ineffective assistance of counsel
    claim is raised on direct appeal does not necessarily mean
    that it can be resolved.51 The determining factor is whether
    the record is sufficient to adequately review the question.52 An
    ineffective assistance of counsel claim will not be addressed
    on direct appeal if it requires an evidentiary hearing.53 We
    will address a claim on direct appeal that a defendant’s trial
    counsel was ineffective only if the record is sufficient to
    adequately review the question.54 This principle applies to
    Burries’ claims that his trial counsel should have investigated
    sources of potentially favorable evidence, and we do not
    address them here.
    4. Court Did Not Err in A dmitting
    Evidence of Burries’ 2012
    Assault of Hoult
    Rule 404(2) provides the following:
    Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admis-
    sible to prove the character of a person in order to show
    that he or she acted in conformity therewith. It may,
    See Parnell, 
    supra note 5
    supra note 17
    State v. Abejide, 
    293 Neb. 687
    879 N.W.2d 684
    See Betancourt-Garcia, 
    supra note 17
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    however, be admissible for other purposes, such as proof
    of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowl-
    edge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident.
    [32,33] It should be noted that rule 404(2)’s list of permis-
    sible purposes is not exhaustive.55 Nonetheless, under our
    decisional law, rule 404(2) does not apply to evidence of a
    defend­ant’s other crimes or bad acts if the evidence is inextri-
    cably intertwined with the charged crime.56
    In its pretrial order, the court ruled that evidence of Burries’
    2012 assault of Hoult was admissible under the inextricably
    intertwined exception to rule 404(2), because Burries had
    claimed that the clothes he burned on May 16, 2014, were
    from the 2012 assault. At trial, however, the court concluded
    that rule 404 governed the admission of the assault evidence.
    It overruled Burries’ request to limit the jurors’ consideration
    of 2012 assault evidence to determining whether Burries had a
    motive to murder Hoult. Instead, the court stated it would read
    rule 404(2) as an instruction to the jury. The State then agreed
    that all of its intended evidence was relevant to prove “motive,
    opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or
    absen[ce of] mistake or accident.”
    (a) Parties’ Contentions
    Burries contends that the court committed reversible error
    when it admitted documentary and testimonial evidence of
    his 2012 assault of Hoult. He argues that the State’s primary
    purpose for presenting this evidence was to establish that he
    had a bad character and to suggest that he likely killed Hoult
    because of his propensity to perpetrate domestic violence. He
    contends that the court erred in concluding in its pretrial order
    that the evidence was part of the res gestae of the crime. He
    argues that the assault occurred 17 months before Hoult’s mur-
    der and was not closely intertwined with it.
    See Parnell, 
    supra note 5
    See State v. Perrigo, 
    244 Neb. 990
    510 N.W.2d 304
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    Burries also contends that both the prosecutor’s arguments to
    the court for admitting the evidence and the court’s instruction
    to the jury did not comply with our requirements under State
    v. Sanchez 57 for admitting evidence of a defendant’s other bad
    acts under rule 404(2). He argues that the prosecutor offered no
    purpose for the evidence other than to state it was res gestae
    evidence and that the court failed to identify a specific purpose
    for which it would receive the evidence.
    The State contends that rule 404 did not apply because the
    evidence of Burries’ 2012 assault of Hoult and Beck’s testi-
    mony of his past conduct was inextricably intertwined with the
    charged murder. It argues that this evidence was part of the fac-
    tual setting of the crime because it showed the following: (1)
    the increasingly violent nature of Hoult and Burries’ relation-
    ship; (2) why law enforcement focused on him as a suspect;
    (3) what Burries meant when he told investigators that he had
    burned his clothes from the December 2012 assault at Hoult’s
    request; (4) why Hoult sent texts to Burries about his control
    of her and his threats to torture her, and why she stated that
    she did not feel safe around him; and (5) what Burries meant
    when he told Robinson that “he did time once for [Hoult] and
    he wasn’t scared to do it again.” The State argues that without
    Beck’s testimony and evidence of Hoult’s injuries from the
    2012 assault, the jury would believe that despite Hoult’s long-
    term relationship with Burries, she had an “unexplained and
    unsupported fear of Burries.”58
    (b) Evidence of Burries’ 2012 Assault
    Was Inextricably Intertwined
    With Charged Murder
    [34] Inextricably intertwined evidence includes evidence
    that forms part of the factual setting of the crime, or evidence
    that is so blended or connected to the charged crime that proof
    State v. Sanchez, 
    257 Neb. 291
    597 N.W.2d 361
    Brief for appellee at 29.
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    of the charged crime will necessarily require proof of the other
    crimes or bad acts, or if the other crimes or bad acts are nec-
    essary for the prosecution to present a coherent picture of the
    charged crime.59
    We have previously explained that our jurisprudence initially
    adopted a broad concept of this class of evidence.60 Although
    in other cases we have partially backed away from the inex-
    tricably intertwined exception and instead applied a broader
    notion of rule 404, the exception is still viable.61
    The 2012 assault of Hoult was part of the factual setting
    of her murder in May 2014. During the murder trial, the jury
    heard testimony that Burries and Hoult had a volatile relation-
    ship; that while Burries was in prison for the assault, he would
    call Hoult and threaten her; that after being released from
    prison, Burries threatened Hoult on multiple occasions; that
    prior to the murder, Hoult had injuries consistent with being
    assaulted; that Burries told Robinson that he had served time
    in prison for Hoult; and that Burries told Cahill and Eledge
    that he burned his clothes because they still had blood on them
    from the last time he assaulted her before he went to prison.
    Burries himself repeatedly interjected the 2012 assault of
    Hoult into the 2014 murder of Hoult. Burries told investigators
    that Hoult had asked him to get rid of the clothes he had worn
    during the previous assault, Burries told Eledge that Hoult
    wanted him to get rid of the clothing from the last time he went
    to jail, and Burries told Robinson that “he did time once for
    [Hoult] and he wasn’t scared to do it again.”
    The record supports the trial court’s finding that the evi-
    dence of the assault was necessary to present a coherent picture
    of the murder. As a result, we conclude that the trial court did
    not err in its pretrial ruling that the 2012 assault was part of the
    factual setting of the crime.
    See, e.g., Parnell, 
    supra note 5
    State v. Cullen, 
    292 Neb. 30
    870 N.W.2d 784
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    We are cognizant of the fact that at trial, the court con-
    cluded that the admission of Burries’ 2012 assault of Hoult
    was admissible under rule 404(2). However, since we find that
    the assault evidence was inextricably intertwined and not 404
    evidence, we need not consider that ruling.
    5. Court Did Not Err in A dmitting
    Testimony of Burries’ Threats
    of Further Assaults
    Burries contends that the court erred by admitting the tes-
    timony from Hoult’s acquaintances that Burries threatened
    Hoult while he was incarcerated from December 2012 to
    November 2013, and after his release from prison. However,
    in several circumstances, this court has held that evidence of a
    defend­ant’s threats to a murder or assault victim can be admit-
    ted under the inextricably intertwined exception to rule 404.
    In State v. Smith,62 the defendant and another man were
    convicted of shooting two brothers, one fatally, after the broth-
    ers cooperated with federal authorities in exchange for more
    lenient sentencing. We concluded that rule 404 did not apply to
    evidence that within 30 to 40 days prior to the shootings, one
    of the defendants’ made threatening statements to the brothers
    on two occasions. We held that the evidence was necessary
    to present a coherent picture of the crime and was part of the
    factual setting.
    In concluding that the threats were inextricably intertwined
    with the shootings, we relied on another case involving evi-
    dence of a defendant’s stated desire to harm or kill a murder
    victim. In State v. Canbaz,63 the disputed evidence did not
    involve the defendant’s threats to the victim. Instead, after the
    defendant’s girlfriend broke up with him, he told witnesses
    that he wanted to kill her and her family members, or he made
    statements that evidenced his desire to kill her. Some of his
    State v. Smith, 
    286 Neb. 856
    839 N.W.2d 333
    State v. Canbaz, 
    259 Neb. 583
    611 N.W.2d 395
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    statements were made a few days before the murder, but oth-
    ers were made at an unspecified time after the defendant’s
    girlfriend broke up with him in early July. He killed her in
    early September. We held that rule 404(2) did not govern the
    admission of the defendant’s statements to these witnesses and
    that the trial court erred in concluding otherwise. Instead, the
    statements were admissible as evidence that the defendant had
    killed intentionally and with premeditation.
    More recently, in State v. Parnell,64 the defendant shot two
    women multiple times, killing one of them. The woman who
    survived described the defendant’s vehicle, which she had
    previously seen. She testified that 2 days before the shooting,
    the defendant had threatened her with a gun because she had
    brought a rival gang member to a party. He was prosecuted
    and convicted of making a terroristic threat before the State
    tried him for shooting the women. The State filed notice that
    it intended to present evidence of the terroristic threat under
    rule 404 to show his motive, intent, and plan. After a pretrial
    hearing, the trial court ruled that the threat was inextricably
    intertwined with the shooting but would have also been admis-
    sible under rule 404. We affirmed the court’s ruling that the
    inextricably intertwined exception applied. We reasoned that
    evidence of the threat was necessary to present a coherent pic-
    ture of the crimes because it showed that he had acted upon a
    recent threat to the victim.
    [35] Under this precedent, evidence of a murder defend­
    ant’s previous threat to the victim or statement to others
    showing a desire to harm or kill the victim are facts that
    are inextricably intertwined with the charged murder if the
    defend­ant made the threat or statement fairly close in time to
    the murder.65
    Accordingly, the inextricably intertwined exception applied
    to Beck’s testimony that she overheard threats from Burries
    Parnell, supra note 5.
    See id.
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    in his calls to Hoult while he was incarcerated. Though these
    threats were made at least 6 months prior to the murder, the
    threats were relevant to show that Burries killed Hoult inten-
    tionally or with premeditation or that he had acted on a recent
    threat to harm or kill Hoult.
    The inextricably intertwined exception applied to Robinson’s
    testimony of hearing Burries’ statement about doing time for
    Hoult in April. It also applied to Robinson’s testimony of
    seeing Hoult upset after getting a call from Burries in May.
    Further, it applied to Hoult’s statement to Robinson shortly
    after that call about the threats made to her by Burries.
    The inextricably intertwined exception applied to Coburn’s
    testimony that about a month before Hoult’s murder, he also
    heard Burries threaten Hoult.
    Because Burries’ threats prior to the murder were inextrica-
    bly intertwined with the murder, the court did not err in fail-
    ing to comply with the procedural requirements for admitting
    evidence under rule 404 and failing to properly instruct the
    jury on the specific purpose for which it was receiving the
    As we discuss later, we reject Burries’ argument that the
    State failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence that
    Burries, and not someone else, had threatened Hoult. There
    was ample evidence that Burries was known as “Tony.” These
    witnesses testified to hearing threatening statements in calls
    from “Tony” to Hoult, or Hoult told them that “Tony” had
    threatened her after speaking to him on her cell phone.
    6. Court Erred in A dmitting Burries’
    Threatening Letter to Howard
    (a) Additional Facts
    Burries’ letter to Howard was presented to the court during
    the trial because Howard gave it to the prosecutor when she
    appeared to testify. During an in camera hearing, the State
    argued that the letter was relevant because Burries’ intimidat-
    ing statements to Howard bordered on witness tampering. The
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    prosecutor stated that if the court ordered a redaction, she
    would comply. But she felt strongly that the entire letter should
    be admitted. Defense counsel did not believe the letter was
    admissible at all but stated that the defense would consider
    a redacted version after seeing it. The court agreed with the
    prosecutor and admitted the entire letter.
    Before the letter was read to the jury, the court instructed
    the jury as follows:
    [S]ome of the evidence you are about to receive is — evi-
    dence of other crimes, wrongs or acts is not admissible to
    prove the character of a person or in order to show that
    he or she is acting in conformity therewith. It may, how-
    ever, be admissible for other purposes, such as proof of
    motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge,
    identity or absence of mistake or accident.
    (b) Parties’ Contentions
    Burries contends that the court erred in admitting the entire
    letter because portions of the letter were not relevant for any
    purpose other than proving that he had a bad character. He
    also contends that the court erred in reciting potential pur-
    poses under rule 404(2) per the letter, instead of providing the
    jury with a precise purpose for which the court was admitting
    the evidence. The State responds that Burries did not ask for
    a redaction and that even if he had, the unredacted portions
    would have been the most probative of his consciousness of
    guilt. Relying on State v. Jenkins,66 the State also argues that
    Burries’ letter was not subject to rule 404 and that it was highly
    probative of his consciousness of guilt.
    (c) Resolution
    We disagree with the State that Burries’ attorney should
    have requested a redaction when the prosecutor offered to
    redact the letter and the court determined that the entire letter
    was admissible under rule 404. However, as the State argued,
    State v. Jenkins, 
    294 Neb. 475
    883 N.W.2d 351
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    the unredacted portions would have been the most probative of
    his consciousness of guilt and the admission of the remaining
    portions of the letter was harmless error.
    We also disagree with the State that under Jenkins, Burries’
    letter to Howard was not subject to rule 404. In Jenkins, the
    defendant was convicted of first degree murder. Sometime after
    the murder, the defendant got into a heated argument with her
    mother. When her brother took the defendant into a different
    room, her sisters heard her yell that she would “‘pop that bitch
    like I popped that nigga.’”67 We concluded that in the context
    of witnesses’ testimonies, the jurors could have reasonably
    inferred that she had threatened to shoot her mother, just like
    she had shot the victim. We concluded that her statement was
    an admission, which was not subject to exclusion under rule
    404(2), because it was direct evidence of the charged crime.
    But Burries did not admit to killing Hoult in his letter to
    Howard, so Jenkins does not control here.
    [36] However, we do agree with the State that Burries’ let-
    ter to Howard was intended to threaten her on the eve of her
    testimony. This court has held that “[a] defendant’s attempted
    intimidation or intimidation of a State’s witness is evidence of
    the defendant’s ‘conscious guilt’ that a crime has been commit-
    ted and serves as a basis for an inference that the defendant is
    guilty of the crime charged.”68
    In State v. Clancy,69 evidence was presented that the defend­
    ant had called a woman and threatened to kill her or her
    husband or to blow up their house if the woman provided
    further information to law enforcement authorities. We held
    that evidence of a threatening communication to a witness had
    probative value and was admissible as relevant evidence if it
    Id. at 480
    , 883 N.W.2d at 357.
    State v. Clancy, 
    224 Neb. 492
    , 499, 
    398 N.W.2d 710
    , 716 (1987),
    disapproved on other grounds, State v. Culver, 
    233 Neb. 228
    444 N.W.2d 662
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    allowed a reasonable juror to believe that it was more prob-
    able that the declarant was conscious or knew that a crime had
    been committed.70
    As such, Burries’ letter to Howard was relevant to show
    his consciousness of guilt.71 Though neither the prosecutor
    nor the court stated this purpose, the court acknowledged that
    portions of the letter were relevant to show Burries’ threats to
    a witness.
    However, we also held in Clancy that consciousness of guilt
    evidence is subject to rule 404(2).72 As a result, evidence of
    Burries’ letter to Howard was subject to the same procedural
    requirements as other evidence offered under rule 404(2).
    [37] Pursuant to rule 404(3), before the prosecution can
    offer evidence of a criminal defendant’s extrinsic acts under
    rule 404(2), it must first prove to the trial court, by clear and
    convincing evidence and outside the jury’s presence, that the
    defendant committed the act.73
    [38-40] Upon objection to evidence offered under rule
    404(2), the proponent must state on the record the specific
    purpose or purposes for which the evidence is being offered,
    and the trial court must similarly state the purpose or purposes
    for which it is receiving the evidence.74 A trial court must
    then consider whether the evidence is independently relevant,
    which means that its relevance does not depend upon its
    tendency to show propensity.75 Additionally, evidence offered
    under rule 404(2) is subject to the overriding protection of
    rule 403, which requires a trial court to consider whether the
    probative value of the evidence is substantially outweighed
    See Jenkins, 
    supra note 66
    See, e.g., id.; State v. Torres, 
    283 Neb. 142
    812 N.W.2d 213
    See, State v. Oldson, 
    293 Neb. 718
    884 N.W.2d 10
     (2016); State v.
    286 Neb. 494
    837 N.W.2d 767
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    by the danger of unfair prejudice.76 Finally, when requested,
    the trial court must instruct the jury on the specific purpose
    or purposes for which it is admitting the extrinsic acts evi-
    dence under rule 404(2), to focus the jurors’ attention on
    that purpose and ensure that it does not consider it for an
    improper purpose.77
    In Sanchez, we agreed with the reasoning of federal courts
    under their counterpart to rule 404(2) that a fine line often
    exists between what is admissible and inadmissible evidence
    under this rule because such evidence can sometimes carry a
    substantial danger of unfair prejudice. “‘Therefore, it is advis-
    able for a trial judge to insist that a party offering [extrinsic
    acts] evidence place on the record a clear explanation of
    the chain of inferences leading from the evidence in ques-
    tion to a fact “that is of consequence to the determination of
    the action.”’”78
    [41] A proponent’s clear explanation for evidence offered
    under rule 404(2) ensures that a trial court has an opportunity
    to examine the evidence for its independent relevance and the
    potential for unfair prejudice. The requirement that the trial
    court state on the record the purpose or purposes for which
    such evidence is received is primarily to ensure that an appel-
    late court can review the trial court’s ruling.79 The requirement
    that the court give the jury a limiting instruction upon request
    ensures that the jury does not focus on the evidence for an
    improper purpose.80
    In the instant case, the court’s limiting instruction did not
    instruct the jury on the specific purpose or purposes for which
    the letter was being admitted. Instead, it instructed the jury
    See, Pullens, supra note 10; Perrigo, 
    supra note 56
    See, Oldson, 
    supra note 75
    ; Torres, supra note 74.
    supra note 57
    257 Neb. at 307
    597 N.W.2d at 374
    , quoting U.S.
    v. Murray, 
    103 F.3d 310
     (3d Cir. 1997).
     Accord State v. Glazebrook, 
    282 Neb. 412
    803 N.W.2d 767
    See Oldson, 
    supra note 75
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    that the evidence “may . . . be admissible for other pur-
    poses, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation,
    plan, knowledge, identity or absence of mistake or accident.”
    (Emphasis supplied.)
    The court’s instruction allowed the jury to consider the let-
    ter for any purpose under rule 404(2) instead of considering it
    for Burries’ conscious guilt for the crime charged, exclusively.
    As a result, the court’s admission of the letter was error.
    7. Court Properly A dmitted Evidence of
    Burries’ and Hoult’s Statements
    to Robinson
    Although we have concluded that Robinson’s testimony
    about Burries’ threatening statements to Hoult were inextri-
    cably intertwined with the charged crime, Burries argues that
    the court erred in failing to exclude his testimony under other
    evidence rules.
    (a) Additional Facts
    As previously mentioned, Robinson testified that about the
    middle of April, he answered a call on Hoult’s cell phone and
    saw the name “Tony” on it. Robinson believed that he was
    speaking to Burries. Robinson said that after asking where
    Hoult was, the caller said that “he did time once for [Hoult]
    and he wasn’t scared to do it again.” The court overruled
    Burries foundation objection to this testimony. In its pretrial
    order, the court explained its ruling:
    [Robinson] can testify as to what he saw and observed
    even though he cannot testify that the caller actually was
    [Burries]. This is no different from a fact witness testify-
    ing that he saw a particular make/model/color of car in a
    parking lot without . . . being able to specifically iden-
    tify it as belonging to a Defendant. The evidence is still
    admissible even though it is subject to weight and cred-
    ibility considerations.
    Robinson also testified that on Monday, May 12, 2014,
    Hoult told him “Tony” was calling and that he overheard
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    part of the conversation and saw Hoult become distressed
    and emotional. He stated that about 20 to 30 minutes later,
    she told him that “Tony” had threatened to beat her, revive
    her, and beat her again. The court overruled Burries’ hear-
    say objections to Robinson’s testimony that Hoult told him
    “Tony” was the caller and that Hoult told him that “Tony”
    had said he would beat her. In its pretrial order, the court
    ruled that Hoult’s statements to Robinson on May 12 were
    admissible under three hearsay exceptions: the excited utter-
    ance exception, the state-of-mind exception, and the resid-
    ual exception.
    (b) Foundation Challenge to
    Robinson’s Testimony
    Regarding Burries’ Call
    to Hoult in April 2014
    Burries argues that the court erred in rejecting his founda-
    tion challenge because Robinson could not know that Burries
    was the person calling Hoult in April 2014 when he saw the
    name “Tony” on Hoult’s cell phone. He argues that despite
    the court’s ruling that Robinson could not identify Burries as
    the caller, it permitted him to testify that he believed the caller
    was Burries.
    First, we reject Burries’ interpretation of the court’s order.
    The court meant that Robinson could testify to what he saw on
    Hoult’s cell phone—i.e., the name “Tony”—even if Robinson
    could not positively know whether Hoult had assigned the
    name “Tony” to calls that she received from Burries’ cell
    phone number. It did not preclude Robinson from testifying
    that he believed the caller was Burries. It ruled that the evi-
    dence was admissible even though it was subject to weight and
    credibility considerations.
    [42-44] Second, we reject Burries’ authentication argument.
    Neb. Evid. R. 90181 requires authentication or identification of
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-901
     (Reissue 2016).
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    evidence sufficient to support a finding that a matter is what
    the proponent claims as a condition precedent for admission.
    But authentication or identification under rule 901 is not a high
    hurdle.82 A proponent is not required to conclusively prove
    the genuineness of the evidence or to rule out all possibilities
    inconsistent with authenticity.83 If the evidence is sufficient to
    support a finding that the evidence is what it purports to be,
    the rule is satisfied.84 And we have held that the identity of a
    participant in a telephone conversation may be established by
    circumstantial evidence such as the circumstances preceding
    or following the telephone conversation.85 Many other courts
    hold the same.86
    The State did not submit records of the cell phone calls
    that Hoult received in April 2014. But at that time, her cell
    phone was programmed to identify the caller as “Tony.” As
    stated, ample evidence in the record established that Burries
    was known as Tony. The record also showed that Robinson
    knew Hoult had a boyfriend named “Tony” and that on May
    12, 2014, he heard “Tony” speaking to Hoult on her cell phone
    in a threatening manner. It would have been an implausible
    coincidence if Hoult had known two different males named
    “Tony” who called her to make threats. Equally important, on
    redirect examination, Robinson testified that he recognized the
    voice he heard on May 12—when Hoult identified the caller
    as “Tony”—as the same voice that he had heard when he
    answered Hoult’s cell phone in April. We conclude that the cir-
    cumstantial evidence sufficiently established that Burries was
    the “Tony” who called Hoult’s cell phone in April and spoke
    to Robinson.
    See, e.g., Casterline, 
    supra note 11
    See State v. McSwain, 
    194 Neb. 31
    229 N.W.2d 562
    See Annot., 
    79 A.L.R.3d 79
     (1977 & Supp. 2017).
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    (c) Hearsay Challenge to
    Robinson’s Testimony
    About May 12, 2014,
    Call From Burries
    Burries contends that the court erroneously ruled that
    Hoult’s statements to Robinson on May 12, 2014, were admis-
    sible under residual hearsay exception or under the excep-
    tions for excited utterances and to show the declarant’s state
    of mind. The State argues that Burries’ statements to Hoult
    were admissible as the statement of a party opponent and that
    Hoult’s statements to Robinson were admissible as excited
    utterances. Regarding the excited utterance exception, Burries
    argues that Hoult did not tell Robinson about Burries’ threats
    to beat her until 20 to 30 minutes after Robinson observed
    her change in demeanor during the call. He also suggests
    that Hoult was not upset by the time she made the statement
    because Robinson testified that she “‘just needed someone to
    vent to.’”87
    [45,46] Hearsay is a statement, other than one made by the
    declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered to
    prove the truth of the matter asserted.88 A declarant’s out-of-
    court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted is
    inadmissible unless it falls within a definitional exclusion or
    statutory exception.89
    [47] Under Neb. Evid. R. 803(1),90 the rule against hearsay
    does not exclude a “statement relating to a startling event or
    condition made while the declarant was under the stress of
    excitement caused by the event or condition.” This exception
    comprises excited utterances.91
    Brief for appellant at 27.
    Neb. Evid. R. 801(3), 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-801
    (3) (Reissue 2016).
    See, Neb. Evid. R. 802, 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-802
     (Reissue 2016); State v.
    282 Neb. 500
    805 N.W.2d 290
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803
    (1) (Reissue 2016).
    See, e.g., Smith, supra note 62.
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    [48] Excited utterances are an exception to the hearsay rule,
    because the spontaneity of excited utterances reduces the risk
    of inaccuracies inasmuch as the statements are not the result of
    a declarant’s conscious effort to make them.92 The justification
    for the excited utterance exception is that circumstances may
    produce a condition of excitement which temporarily stills the
    capacity for reflection and produces utterances free of con-
    scious fabrication.93
    [49,50] For a statement to be an excited utterance, the fol-
    lowing criteria must be met: (1) There must be a startling
    event, (2) the statement must relate to the event, and (3) the
    declarant must have made the statement while under the stress
    of the event.94 An excited utterance does not have to be con-
    temporaneous with the exciting event.95 An excited utterance
    may be subsequent to the startling event if there was not time
    for the exciting influence to lose its sway.96 The true test for
    an excited utterance is not when the exclamation was made,
    but whether, under all the circumstances, the declarant was
    still speaking under the stress of nervous excitement and shock
    caused by the event.97
    [51] The period in which the excited utterance exception
    applies depends on the facts of the case.98 Relevant facts
    include the declarant’s physical conditions or manifestation
    of stress and whether the declarant spoke in response to ques-
    tioning.99 But a declarant’s response to questioning, other than
    questioning from a law enforcement officer, may still be an
    State v. Britt, 
    293 Neb. 381
    881 N.W.2d 818
    See State v. Hale, 
    290 Neb. 70
    858 N.W.2d 543
    Britt, supra note 92.
    Hale, supra note 95.
    See id.
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    excited utterance if the context shows that the declarant made
    the statement without conscious reflection.100
    The record does not show the lapse of time from when
    Hoult ended her conversation with Burries and when Robinson
    saw her outside. Robinson testified that Hoult was still on
    the cell phone with Burries when he and Hoult’s other guests
    went outside because “it was getting inappropriate for a child
    to be in the room.” He said he saw Hoult 20 to 30 min-
    utes later when she came outside. But she could have been
    on her cell phone with Burries until just before she appeared
    Moreover, Robinson’s statement that Hoult “just needed
    someone to vent to” showed only that Hoult spoke voluntarily,
    as distinguished from responding to questioning. It did not
    show that Hoult was no longer speaking under the influence
    of nervous excitement and shock because of Burries’ threats.
    Robinson specifically testified that Hoult came outside with
    tears in her eyes. We conclude that the court did not err in
    admitting Hoult’s statement to Robinson under the excited
    utterance exception. Because we reach this conclusion, we do
    not consider the court’s rulings that the statement was admis-
    sible under other hearsay exceptions.
    8. Burries Failed to Preserve
    Error R egarding Coburn’s
    Testimony A bout Hoult’s
    Statements to Him
    Burries contends that Coburn’s testimony was inadmissible
    for other reasons, despite our conclusion that it was inextrica-
    bly intertwined with the charged murder. Coburn testified that
    on the Sunday before Hoult was killed, he checked her apart-
    ment, because Hoult wanted him to make sure that Burries
    was not inside. After Coburn assured Hoult that Burries was
    not there, she gathered some clothes to stay at a friend’s
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    house. But when her friend did not come, Coburn took Hoult
    back to her apartment and made sure she was locked inside.
    Burries did not object to Coburn’s testimony.
    Burries argues that the court erred in its pretrial ruling that
    (1) Hoult’s statements to Coburn were admissible under the
    residual hearsay exception and under exceptions for excited
    utterances and present sense impressions and (2) the tes-
    timony was relevant to show Hoult was avoiding Burries
    and the volatility of their relationship was escalating just
    before Hoult’s murder. The State contends that Burries did
    not timely object to this testimony. Alternatively, the State
    argues that Coburn’s testimony was relevant to show Hoult’s
    fear of Burries and not offered to prove the truth of the mat-
    ter asserted.
    [52,53] A motion in limine is a procedural step to prevent
    prejudicial evidence from reaching the jury.101 Normally, when
    a motion in limine to exclude evidence is overruled, to pre-
    serve error for appeal, the movant must renew the objection
    when the particular evidence which was sought to be excluded
    by the motion is offered during trial.102 We recognize that
    the court allowed Burries to have a standing objection to its
    pretrial rulings under rule 404. But it did not give Burries a
    standing objection to its pretrial rulings under any other rule
    of evidence. Accordingly, because Burries failed to object to
    Coburn’s testimony at trial, he did not preserve his claimed
    errors for appeal.
    9. Burries Failed to Preserve Error
    R egarding A nother of Hoult’s
    Neighbor’s Testimony A bout
    Overhearing A rguments
    Another of Hoult’s neighbors testified that she would often
    hear loud arguments between Hoult and a male or Hoult
    State v. Huston, 
    285 Neb. 11
    824 N.W.2d 724
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    and a female. She thought that the last time she heard yell-
    ing between Hoult and a male was on the Wednesday or
    Thursday night before Hoult was killed. But she could not
    identify the male who had argued with Hoult because she
    never saw anything.
    Burries contends that this testimony lacked foundation
    because she could not identify the male voice and that her
    testimony posed a high potential for unfair prejudice because
    Hoult could have been arguing with another person. However,
    the record shows that Burries failed to object to the neighbor’s
    testimony at trial. So, we again conclude that he did not pre-
    serve his claimed error for appeal.
    10. Court’s Improper A dmissions of
    Burries’ Letter to Howard
    Was H armless Error
    [54-56] In a jury trial of a criminal case, an erroneous evi-
    dentiary ruling results in prejudice to a defendant unless the
    error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.103 Harmless
    error review looks to the basis on which the jury actually
    rested its verdict. The inquiry is not whether in a trial that
    occurred without the error, a guilty verdict would surely have
    been rendered, but whether the actual guilty verdict rendered
    was surely unattributable to the error.104 The erroneous admis-
    sion of evidence is generally harmless error and does not
    require reversal if the evidence is cumulative and other rel-
    evant evidence, properly admitted, supports the finding by the
    trier of fact.105
    As stated, the court erred in admitting evidence of the letter
    that Burries wrote to Howard shortly before the trial to show
    his consciousness of guilt. Although the letter was admissible
    for that purpose, the court’s jury instruction was erroneous.
    State v. Rask, 
    294 Neb. 612
    , 617, 
    883 N.W.2d 688
    , 693 (2016).
    supra note 8
    See State v. Williams, 
    295 Neb. 575
    889 N.W.2d 99
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    297 Neb. 367
    But the jury heard cumulative, and much stronger, evidence of
    his consciousness of guilt that was properly admitted.
    Specifically, Howard testified that after she drove Burries
    away from Hoult’s apartment, he had her stop in front of a
    randomly chosen house and screamed at her that she would
    be an accessory if she told anyone that he had been at Hoult’s
    apartment that night. An innocent person would not have
    referred to Howard as an accessory or threatened her with
    criminal liability for reporting his whereabouts on the night
    Hoult was killed. Immediately after this statement, Burries had
    Howard drive across a bridge where he threw something out
    the window. Howard testified that she complied with his orders
    that night because she was afraid of what he might do to her.
    This evidence firmly established that Burries had attempted
    to intimidate Howard into silence and that she was afraid he
    would harm her.
    Given the strength of the State’s properly admitted evidence,
    we conclude that the jury’s guilty verdict was surely unattrib­
    utable to the court’s error.
    We conclude that the court erred in admitting evidence of
    Burries’ letter to Howard without complying with the pro-
    cedural requirements for admitting such evidence under rule
    404(2). But we conclude that because the State’s other evi-
    dence of Burries’ guilt was overwhelming, the court’s error was
    harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. As a result, we affirm.
    A ffirmed.