American Fam. Mut. Ins. Co. v. Wheeler ( 2014 )

  •     Nebraska Advance Sheets
    American Family Mutual Insurance Company, appellee
    and cross-appellee, v. R ick W. Wheeler,
    appellee and cross-appellant, and
    Joshua McCrary et al., appellants.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed January 24, 2014.     No. S-13-240.
    1.	 Insurance: Contracts: Appeal and Error. An insurance policy’s interpretation
    presents a question of law that an appellate court decides independently of the
    trial court.
    2.	 Summary Judgment: Appeal and Error. In reviewing a summary judgment, an
    appellate court views the evidence in the light most favorable to the party against
    whom the court granted the judgment and gives such party the benefit of all rea-
    sonable inferences deducible from the evidence.
    3.	 Insurance: Contracts: Appeal and Error. An insurance policy is a contract. An
    appellate court construes insurance contracts like any other contract, according to
    the meaning of the terms that the parties have used.
    4.	 ____: ____: ____. When an insurance contract’s terms are clear, an appellate
    court gives them their plain and ordinary meaning as a reasonable person in the
    insured’s position would understand them.
    5.	 Insurance: Contracts: Words and Phrases: Appeal and Error. When an insur-
    ance contract is ambiguous, an appellate court will construe the policy in favor
    of the insured. A contract is ambiguous when a word, phrase, or provision in the
    contract has, or is susceptible of, at least two reasonable but conflicting interpre-
    tations or meanings.
    6.	 Insurance: Contracts: Appeal and Error. An appellate court’s goal in
    interpreting insurance policy language is to give effect to each provision of
    the contract.
    Appeal from the District Court for Sarpy County: David K.
    Arterburn, Judge. Affirmed.
    David A. Domina, Brian E. Jorde, and Jeremy R. Wells,
    of Domina Law Group, P.C., L.L.O., for appellants Joshua
    McCrary et al.
    Betty L. Egan, of Walentine, O’Toole, McQuillan & Gordon,
    L.L.P., for appellee Rick W. Wheeler.
    Jane D. Hansen for appellee American Family Mutual
    Insurance Company.
    Heavican, C.J., Connolly, Stephan, McCormack, Miller-
    Lerman, and Cassel, JJ.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    287 Neb. 250
    Connolly, J.
    Ryan Wheeler, Rick Wheeler’s son, allegedly sexually
    assaulted Joshua McCrary and Maren McCrary’s minor daugh-
    ter, C.M. The McCrarys sued Rick for negligence. American
    Family Mutual Insurance Company (American Family), Rick’s
    liability insurer, sought a declaratory judgment that its pol-
    icies did not cover Rick, which request the district court
    granted. The primary issue is whether a severability clause,
    which requires that the insurance be applied separately to each
    insured, changes the effect of (or renders ambiguous) exclu-
    sions which would otherwise bar coverage for Rick. We con-
    clude that it does neither. We affirm.
    Insurance Policies
    Rick has two liability insurance policies with American
    Family: a homeowners’ policy that includes personal liability
    coverage and a separate personal liability umbrella policy.
    Both he and Ryan are insureds under the policies. Both
    policies provide personal liability coverage; the homeowners’
    policy, for example, provides coverage for “compensatory
    damages for which any insured is legally liable because of
    bodily injury or property damage caused by an occurrence.”
    Both policies define an “occurrence,” as an accident or expo-
    sure to conditions which results in bodily injury or prop-
    erty damage.
    Both policies also contain a long list of exclusions from
    coverage. As relevant here, the homeowners’ policy contains
    exclusions for “Abuse” and “Intentional Injury.” The “Abuse”
    exclusion reads:
    We will not cover bodily injury or property damage for
    any insured who participates in, acquiesces to or in any
    way directs any act of sexual molestation or contact,
    corporal punishment, or physical or mental abuse of a
    sexual nature.
    The “Intentional Injury” exclusion reads:
    We will not cover bodily injury or property damage
    caused intentionally by or at the direction of any insured
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    even if the actual bodily injury or property damage is dif-
    ferent than that which was expected or intended from the
    standpoint of any insured.
    As relevant here, the umbrella policy also contains exclu-
    sions for “Sexual Abuse” and “Intentional Injury.” The “Sexual
    Abuse” exclusion reads:
    We will not cover injury arising out of or resulting
    from any:
    a. Actual or alleged sexual molestation;
    b. Corporal punishment; or
    c. Physical or mental abuse of a person by an insured.
    The “Intentional Injury” exclusion reads:
    We will not cover injury caused by or at the direction of
    any insured even if the actual injury is different than that
    which was expected or intended from the standpoint of
    any insured. This exclusion does not apply to personal
    injury when your actions are not fraudulent, criminal
    or malicious.
    Both policies contain identical “Severability of Insurance”
    clauses, which provide: “This insurance applies separately to
    each insured. This condition will not increase our limit for any
    one occurrence.”
    Factual and P rocedural
    The McCrarys sued Rick and Ryan for Ryan’s alleged
    sexual assault of C.M. The McCrarys sued Ryan for intentional
    assault, and the McCrarys sued Rick for negligently failing to
    warn the McCrarys of Ryan’s dangerous nature and for negli-
    gently supervising Ryan. Rick submitted a claim for coverage
    to American Family for the McCrarys’ claims against him.
    American Family assumed Rick’s defense under a reservation
    of rights.
    After doing so, American Family filed a complaint for
    declaratory judgment. Specifically, American Family—based
    on Ryan’s alleged intentional conduct and the exclusions in its
    policies—sought a judgment that its policies did not “provide
    liability coverage to Rick . . . for the claims of the [McCrary]
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    287 Neb. 250
    Defendants and that American Family [had] no duty to defend
    or indemnify Rick . . . in the [McCrary] lawsuit.” Rick and the
    McCrarys both filed answers generally contesting American
    Family’s position and requesting attorney fees.
    American Family then moved for summary judgment, which
    the district court granted. The court, after reciting the general
    factual and procedural history, noted that the parties did not
    dispute that Ryan’s alleged conduct was both an intentional
    act and sexual molestation or abuse. The court noted that all
    of the parties agreed that the policies did not provide coverage
    for Ryan.
    The court then recited the various exclusions in the insur-
    ance policies. Relying on Volquardson v. Hartford Ins. Co.,1 the
    court ruled that the “an insured” and “any insured” language
    contained in the exclusions was clear and unambiguous. The
    court concluded:
    [I]t is clear that the loss claimed by Defendants McCrary
    was caused intentionally by someone insured under the
    policy. Additionally, the loss claimed by Defendants
    McCrary was caused by the sexual abuse committed
    by Ryan . . . , an insured under the policy. As such, the
    intentional act exclusion and the sexual abuse exclusion
    exclude[] coverage to all insureds.
    The court then addressed the effect, if any, of the “Severability
    of Insurance” clause on the policies’ coverage. The court noted
    that this was an issue of first impression in Nebraska and that
    in other jurisdictions, a split in authority existed. After ana-
    lyzing cases addressing the issue,2 the court concluded that
    “the clear language of the exclusions in [the] policies bar[s]
    coverage to [Rick] for the claims being made by Defendants
    McCrary, irrespective of the severability clause.” The court
    granted American Family summary judgment.
    Volquardson v. Hartford Ins. Co., 
    264 Neb. 337
    647 N.W.2d 599
    See, e.g., American Family Mut. Ins. Co. v. Bower, 
    752 F. Supp. 2d 957
          (N.D. Ind. 2010); Chacon v. American Family Mut. Ins. Co., 
    788 P.2d 748
          (Colo. 1990); Caroff v. Farmers Ins. Co. of Wash., 
    155 Wash. App. 724
    261 P.3d 159
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    The McCrarys assign, restated, that the court erred in (1)
    ruling that the “Severability of Insurance” clause did not
    require that Rick’s coverage be determined based solely on
    Rick’s conduct; (2) ruling that the “Severability of Insurance”
    clause did not create ambiguity in the policies’ coverage; and
    (3) failing to award the McCrarys attorney fees.
    On cross-appeal, Rick assigns that the court erred in mak-
    ing any rulings as to Ryan, over whom it did not have per-
    sonal jurisdiction.
    [1,2] An insurance policy’s interpretation presents a ques-
    tion of law that we decide independently of the trial court.3
    In reviewing a summary judgment, an appellate court views
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the party against
    whom the court granted the judgment and gives such party
    the benefit of all reasonable inferences deducible from the
    The parties agree that if there were no severability clause, the
    exclusions would bar coverage for Rick (based on Ryan’s con-
    duct). The issue, then, is whether the severability clause affects
    the exclusions’ otherwise clear application. The McCrarys
    argue that the effect of the severability clause is to treat each
    insured as if he had his own insurance policy. That being the
    case, and because Rick’s liability hinges on his own alleged
    negligence,5 the McCrarys argue coverage for Rick must be
    determined based solely on Rick’s alleged negligence. And if
    that were true, the policies would cover Rick. Alternatively, the
    McCrarys argue that the severability clause (when read with
    See, e.g., Federated Serv. Ins. Co. v. Alliance Constr., 
    282 Neb. 638
    805 N.W.2d 468
    See, Sinsel v. Olsen, 
    279 Neb. 38
    777 N.W.2d 54
    (2009); Popple v. Rose,
    254 Neb. 1
    573 N.W.2d 765
    (1998), abrogated on other grounds, A.W. v.
    Lancaster Cty. Sch. Dist. 0001, 
    280 Neb. 205
    784 N.W.2d 907
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    287 Neb. 250
    the exclusions) at least renders the policies ambiguous, which
    we must construe in favor of coverage.
    [3-5] We begin by setting forth certain well-known prin-
    ciples for interpreting insurance policies. An insurance policy
    is a contract.6 We construe insurance contracts like any other
    contract, according to the meaning of the terms that the par-
    ties have used.7 When an insurance contract’s terms are clear,
    we give them their plain and ordinary meaning as a reasonable
    person in the insured’s position would understand them.8 But
    when an insurance contract is ambiguous, we will construe the
    policy in favor of the insured.9 A contract is ambiguous when
    a word, phrase, or provision in the contract has, or is suscep-
    tible of, at least two reasonable but conflicting interpretations
    or meanings.10
    The severability clause in each policy reads: “This insur-
    ance applies separately to each insured. This condition will
    not increase our limit for any one occurrence.” Severability
    clauses are common in insurance contracts, as is this particular
    language.11 Historically, severability clauses became part of the
    standard insurance industry form contract in 1955 to clarify
    “‘what insurance companies had intended all along, namely
    that the term “the insured” in an exclusion refer[red] merely
    to the insured claiming coverage.’”12 As noted by the parties,
    however, the question is not how the severability clause affects
    exclusions referencing “the insured,” but, rather, how it affects
    exclusions (such as the ones in this case) referencing “an
    insured” or “any insured.”
    Guerrier v. Mid-Century Ins. Co., 
    266 Neb. 150
    663 N.W.2d 131
    See Federated Serv. Ins. Co., supra note 3.
    See id.
    See Guerrier, supra note 6.
    Id. 11 See,
    e.g., United Services Auto. Ass’n v. Neary, 
    307 P.3d 907
    Michael Carbone, Inc. v. General Acc. Ins. Co., 
    937 F. Supp. 413
    , 419
    (E.D. Pa. 1996) (citing State, Dept. of Transp. v. Houston Cas., 
    797 P.2d 1200
    (Alaska 1990)). See, also, Ohio Cas. Ins. Co. v. Holcim (US), 744 F.
    Supp. 2d 1251 (S.D. Ala. 2010).
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Courts across the country have grappled with this issue,
    and there is a split in authority.13 Commentators also dis-
    agree.14 A majority conclude that severability clauses do not
    nullify plainly worded exclusions and that they therefore
    have no effect on exclusions referencing “an insured” or
    “any insured.”15 A minority conclude that severability clauses
    require that “insurance coverage and any exclusion of cover-
    age . . . be judged [solely] on the basis of [each insured’s]
    particular conduct and acts within [the insured’s] control.”16
    Or at the very least, they conclude that severability clauses
    create ambiguity as to the scope of exclusions referencing
    “an insured” or “any insured,” which a court must construe in
    favor of coverage.17
    A good example of the rationale behind the majority posi-
    tion is American Family Mutual Ins. Co. v. Corrigan.18 In that
    case, Mark Francke pleaded guilty to child endangerment for
    injuries suffered by Jeffrey and Kirsten Corrigan’s child while
    at Mark’s daycare. Mark ran his daycare in the home of his
    father, Harold Francke. The Corrigans sued Mark “based on
    his allegedly negligent, reckless, and/or intentional conduct
    resulting in serious harm to” their child, and they sued Harold
    for various claims of negligence, including failure to warn
    and failure to supervise.19 Harold’s liability insurer sought a
    declaratory judgment that its policy did not cover the claims.
    Compare, e.g., Holcim (US), supra note 12, and American Family Mut.
    Ins. Co. v. Corrigan, 
    697 N.W.2d 108
    (Iowa 2005), with Bower, supra note
    2, and Minkler v. Safeco Ins. Co. of America, 
    49 Cal. 4th 315
    232 P.3d 612
    110 Cal. Rptr. 3d 612
    Compare, e.g., 3 Allan D. Windt, Insurance Claims & Disputes:
    Representation of Insurance Companies and Insureds § 11.8 (6th ed.
    2013); 3 New Appleman Law of Liability Insurance § 20.02[7][c] (rev.
    ed. 2013); Hazel Glenn Beh, Tort Liability for Intentional Acts of Family
    Members: Will Your Insurer Stand by You?, 
    68 Tenn. L
    . Rev. 1 (2000).
    See, e.g., Holcim (US), supra note 12.
    Bower, supra note 
    2, 752 F. Supp. 2d at 971
    See, e.g., Minkler, supra note 13.
    Corrigan, supra note 13.
    Id. at 110.
                           Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    As to the claims against Harold, the trial court disagreed and
    concluded that the various exclusions did not apply to Harold,
    because the Corrigans “‘[did] not seek to hold Harold vicari-
    ously liable for Mark’s actions, but assert[ed] separate claims
    against Harold for negligence.’”20
    On appeal, the Iowa Supreme Court focused solely on
    the policy’s criminal acts exclusion (finding it dispositive),
    and reversed. That exclusion stated that the insurer would
    not “‘cover bodily injury or property damages arising out of
    . . . violation of any criminal law for which any insured is
    convicted.’”21 The court concluded that the exclusion’s plain
    language barred coverage not only for Mark, but also for
    Harold. And the court rejected the Corrigans’ argument that
    the policy’s severability clause, which stated that the insurance
    “‘applie[d] separately to each insured,’” mandated a differ-
    ent result.22
    The court acknowledged that it had held differently in a prior
    case involving a severability clause, but noted that that case
    involved an exclusion referencing “the insured” rather than
    “any insured.” The court explained that “[the insurer’s] use of
    the term ‘any insured’ in its criminal acts exclusion unambigu-
    ously convey[ed] an intent to exclude coverage when recovery
    is sought for bodily injury proximately caused by the criminal
    act of any insured.”23 Although the Corrigans suggested that
    the severability clause required that Harold be viewed as the
    sole insured under the policy, the court concluded that such an
    interpretation was unreasonable “[b]ecause the language of the
    exclusion clearly contemplate[d] its applicability to multiple
    insureds under the policy . . . .”24 And the court concluded
    that to interpret the policy as the Corrigans suggested “would
    require [the] court to conclude the term ‘the insured’ mean[t]
    the same as ‘any insured,’” a conclusion it had rejected in the
    Id. at 111.
    Id. at 112.
    id. 23 Id.
    at 116 (emphasis in original).
    Id. Nebraska Advance
    past.25 Because such an interpretation was unreasonable, the
    court concluded that the severability clause did not render the
    exclusion ambiguous and that the exclusion’s plain language
    excluded Harold from coverage under the policy.26
    A good example of the rationale behind the minority posi-
    tion is American Family Mut. Ins. Co. v. Bower.27 In that case,
    Jonathan Bower sexually molested a minor. The minor sued
    Bower and, as relevant here, also sued Bower’s parents for
    their alleged negligence in Bower’s assaults. Bower’s parents
    sought coverage under their homeowners’ insurance liability
    policies. Their insurer then sought declaratory judgment that
    its policies (by way of multiple exclusions from coverage) did
    not cover the claims against Bower’s parents. As here, the poli-
    cies contained certain exclusions referencing “any insured” and
    also contained a severability clause stating that “‘this insurance
    applies separately to each insured.’”28
    The federal district court concluded that those exclusions
    did not bar coverage for Bower’s parents. Regarding the insur-
    er’s argument that the severability clause had no effect on
    the unambiguous exclusions referencing “any insured,” the
    court disagreed. The court concluded that “adopting [the insur-
    er’s] reasoning . . . would make the severability provision
    superfluous.”29 The court then reasoned:
    [A] reasonable insured would believe from the sever-
    ability provision that [his or her] insurance coverage and
    any exclusion of coverage would be judged on the basis
    of [the insured’s] particular conduct and acts within [his
    or her] control. To then exclude coverage on the basis
    of another insured’s conduct creates a conflict between
    the two provisions and denies the reasonable insured
    the coverage protection which the severability provi-
    sion affords.30
    Id. 26 See
    Corrigan, supra note 13.
    Bower, supra note 2.
    id. at 962.
    Id. at 970.
    Id. at 971.
                          Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    287 Neb. 250
    As such, the court held that the severability clause required
    the exclusions to be applied to each insured based on each
    insured’s own conduct.31
    Summed up, the majority position emphasizes the plain
    meaning of the “an insured” or “any insured” language in
    a particular exclusion.32 It emphasizes that the severability
    clause’s command to apply the insurance separately to each
    insured does not change the exclusion’s plain language or
    create ambiguity in its application.33 The minority position,
    on the other hand, concludes that the severability clause’s
    command to apply the insurance separately to each insured
    requires that each insured’s conduct be analyzed as if he or
    she were the only insured under the policy.34 Or, at the very
    least, such an interpretation is a reasonable one, making
    the policy ambiguous, which a court must construe in favor
    of coverage.35
    We find the majority position more persuasive and adopt
    it here. It is consistent with our oft-stated approach to give
    language in an insurance contract its plain meaning.36 We
    have in the past concluded that the “an insured” language,
    and implicitly the “any insured” language, is clear and unam-
    biguous.37 Such language means what it says, and the sev-
    erability clause does not operate to override this clear and
    unambiguous language.38 In other words, applying the insur-
    ance separately to each insured, as the severability clause
    requires, does not change that the exclusions reference “an
    insured” or “any insured.” As one appellate court explained,
    See Bower, supra note 2.
    See, e.g., Corrigan, supra note 13.
    See, e.g., Holcim (US), supra note 12; Chacon, supra note 2.
    See, e.g., Bower, supra note 2.
    See, e.g., Minkler, supra note 13; Premier Ins. Co. v. Adams, 
    632 So. 2d 1054
    (Fl. App. 1994).
    See Federated Serv. Ins. Co., supra note 3.
    See Volquardson, supra note 1.
    See, Corrigan, supra note 13; T.B. ex rel. Bruce v. Dobson, 
    868 N.E.2d 831
    (Ind. App. 2007); Argent v. Brady, 
    386 N.J. Super. 343
    901 A.2d 419
          (2006); Caroff, supra note 2.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    “The act of applying the policy separately to each insured
    does not alter or create ambiguity in the substance or sweep
    of the exclusion.”39
    [6] Our goal in interpreting insurance policy language is to
    give effect to each provision of the contract.40 Adopting the
    minority position would render the “an” or “any” language
    superfluous, while adopting the majority position would not.41
    Further, we do not agree with the McCrarys’ argument that the
    majority position renders the severability clause meaningless.
    First, the severability clause affects the interpretation of exclu-
    sions referencing “the insured.”42 There are such exclusions in
    these policies, such as the “Illegal Consumption of Alcohol”
    exclusion. And second, as American Family explained at oral
    argument, the severability clause still has application outside of
    its role in interpreting the scope of exclusions.43
    Here, the exclusions (generally speaking) bar coverage for
    injuries intentionally caused by “any insured” and injuries
    resulting from sexual abuse by “an insured” or “any insured.”
    The meaning of that language is plain. We hold that a sever-
    ability clause stating that the insurance “applies separately to
    each insured” does not change that language, its meaning, or
    its application. We agree with the district court that the poli-
    cies excluded Rick from coverage for injuries resulting from
    the alleged intentional sexual abuse of C.M. committed by
    Ryan (an “insured” under the policies). We conclude that the
    McCrarys’ first two assigned errors lack merit. As for the third,
    in which the McCrarys ask for attorney fees, we note that such
    fees are not warranted because judgment for American Family
    is proper.44
    SECURA Supreme Insurance Company v. M.S.M., 
    755 N.W.2d 320
    , 329
    (Minn. App. 2008).
    See Guerrier, supra note 6.
    See, Adams, supra note 35; Worcester Mutual Ins. Co. v. Marnell, 
    398 Mass. 240
    496 N.E.2d 158
    See Holcim (US), supra note 12.
    See 3 Windt, supra note 14.
    See Neb. Rev. Stat. § 44-359 (Reissue 2010). See, also, American Family
    Ins. Group v. Hemenway, 
    254 Neb. 1
    575 N.W.2d 143
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    287 Neb. 250
    We briefly note Rick argues on cross-appeal that the dis-
    trict court lacked personal jurisdiction over Ryan and that,
    so, any rulings as to Ryan were void.45 All the parties agree
    on this point, as do we, though it seems to us that the court’s
    observations as to Ryan were simply incidental to determin-
    ing whether Rick was covered under the policy. But to the
    extent the court’s order makes rulings as to Ryan, such rulings
    are ineffectual.
    We conclude that the severability clause does not affect the
    unambiguous language of the policies’ exclusions, which bar
    coverage for Rick.
    Wright, J., not participating.
    See, Johnson v. Johnson, 
    282 Neb. 42
    803 N.W.2d 420
    (2011); In re
    Interest of William G., 
    256 Neb. 788
    592 N.W.2d 499