In re Complaint Against Schatz ( 2014 )

  •     Nebraska Advance Sheets
    In re Complaint Against Gregory M. Schatz,
    District Court Judge of the Fourth Judicial
    District of the State of Nebraska.
    State of Nebraska ex rel. Commission on
    Judicial Qualifications, relator, v.
    Gregory M. Schatz, respondent.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed April 18, 2014.   No. S-13-139.
    1.	 Judges: Disciplinary Proceedings: Appeal and Error. In a review of the find-
    ings and recommendations of the Commission on Judicial Qualifications, the
    Nebraska Supreme Court shall review the record de novo and file a written opin-
    ion and judgment directing action as it deems just and proper, and may reject or
    modify, in whole or in part, the commission’s recommendation.
    2.	 ____: ____: ____. In a review of the findings and recommendations of the
    Commission on Judicial Qualifications, upon its independent inquiry, the
    Nebraska Supreme Court must determine whether the charges against the
    respond­ nt are supported by clear and convincing evidence and which, if any,
    canons of the Nebraska Code of Judicial Conduct and subsections of 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-722
     (Reissue 2008) have been violated.
    3.	 ____: ____: ____. If violations of the Nebraska Code of Judicial Conduct and
    subsections of 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-722
     (Reissue 2008) are found, the Nebraska
    Supreme Court must then determine what discipline, if any, is appropriate under
    the circumstances.
    Original action. Judgment of public reprimand.
    Anne E. Winner for relator.
    Thomas F. Hoarty, Jr., of Byam & Hoarty, for respondent.
    Wright, Connolly, Stephan, McCormack, Miller-Lerman,
    and Cassel, JJ.
    P er Curiam.
    This is a judicial misconduct case. Gregory M. Schatz,
    a district judge for the Fourth Judicial District, improperly
    intervened in a case involving his friend, Michael Davlin,
    by ordering him released from jail on his own recognizance
    before arraignment. Both the appointed special master and the
    Commission on Judicial Qualifications (Commission) recom-
    mended publicly reprimanding Schatz. Because of the nature
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    287 Neb. 952
    of the misconduct and the presence of several mitigating cir-
    cumstances, we agree with their recommendation and hereby
    publicly reprimand Schatz.
    The Commission’s complaint against Schatz charged him
    with misconduct in violation of the Nebraska Code of Judicial
    Conduct, the Nebraska Constitution,1 and 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-722
    (6) (Reissue 2008). In essence, the complaint alleged
    that Schatz had improperly intervened in a felony drunk driv-
    ing case by contacting the jail and using his judicial authority
    to instruct the personnel to release his friend Davlin without
    paying a bond.
    In his amended answer, Schatz admitted to the majority of
    the complaint’s allegations. Schatz also affirmatively alleged
    that he understood he had been wrong to intervene in Davlin’s
    case, that he had no further involvement in Davlin’s case since
    contacting the jail, and that he would not intervene in any such
    matter in the future. Schatz alleged that he had acted without
    any improper motive and that, when he contacted the jail, he
    believed that a recognizance bond was proper. Schatz also
    affirmatively alleged that he had since taken a judicial eth-
    ics course, that he had never before received any disciplinary
    sanctions, and that he generally had a good reputation with
    members of the bar and voters in his area.
    We appointed the Honorable Jeffre Cheuvront, a retired
    district court judge, to serve as special master. At the hearing
    before the special master, Schatz testified that he had received
    a voicemail message late at night from Davlin’s girlfriend (also
    Schatz’ friend) explaining what had happened to Davlin and
    that he was in jail. Schatz testified that he listened to the voice-
    mail early the next morning, that he called Davlin’s girlfriend
    back around 7 a.m., and that he told her he would “see what
    [he] could do.” Schatz testified that he then called the jail,
    explained who he was, and told them to release Davlin on his
    own recognizance.
    Neb. Const. art. V, § 30.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Schatz testified that after he left for work, he felt he had
    made a mistake and immediately went to see Donald Kleine,
    the Douglas County Attorney. Schatz met with Kleine about an
    hour after Schatz’ telephone call to the jail. Schatz told Kleine
    what he had done and that he was sorry. The record shows
    that Kleine had a policy in felony drunk driving cases to not
    participate in setting a bond until arraignment before a county
    judge. Schatz testified that he was unaware of that policy, but
    now being aware of it, he intended to follow it in the future.
    Schatz testified that he understood he had made a mistake, that
    he had successfully completed a judicial ethics course, and that
    he had not been disciplined in the past. Schatz also offered
    into evidence many letters in support of his character and over-
    all competence.
    Other witnesses’ testimony corroborated and expanded on
    Schatz’ testimony. The jail employee whom Schatz spoke
    with that morning testified that Schatz called the jail around
    7:15 a.m. She verified it was Schatz through his identifica-
    tion code and then set Davlin’s release in motion, as Schatz
    requested. The jail employee testified that although that was
    not normally how things were done, she had to follow a
    judge’s orders.
    Kleine testified that before he became county attorney, there
    was a policy or custom where, in felony drunk driving cases,
    bond could be set early, before arraignment. But that changed
    when Kleine became county attorney, and in such cases, his
    policy was to not participate in setting a bond until arraignment
    before a county judge. Kleine also testified about the conversa-
    tion with Schatz. Kleine described Schatz as apologetic, and
    after Kleine reviewed Davlin’s arrest report, he explained to
    Schatz his policy and that he did not think Schatz’ mistake
    would affect the progression of the case.
    The Honorable Susan Bazis, a county judge, also testified.
    Bazis explained that two other county judges informed her
    of Schatz’ involvement in Davlin’s case. Bazis testified that
    several days after Davlin’s release, she met with Schatz about
    the incident. Bazis testified that she told Schatz she thought
    he may have violated the judicial code and that she felt obli-
    gated to report it if he did not, and she did in fact do so. Bazis
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    testified that Schatz was not “at all” defensive when she came
    to him, that he later apologized to her for putting her in that
    position, and that she respected him as a judge.
    Matt Kuhse, a deputy county attorney, also briefly testified.
    He testified that Davlin would not have been released early but
    for Schatz’ intervention, that Kuhse would not have agreed to
    an initial recognizance bond, that subsequent judges contin-
    ued Davlin’s recognizance bond, and that Schatz had a good
    reputation. Stuart Dornan, a local attorney, similarly testified
    regarding Schatz’ reputation, and he testified about the policy
    regarding bond setting in felony drunk driving cases before
    Kleine became county attorney.
    The special master’s factual findings generally tracked the
    testimony set forth above, as there was no real dispute as
    to what happened. Based on those factual findings, the spe-
    cial master found that Schatz had violated several provisions
    of the judicial code and that he had violated the Nebraska
    Constitution and § 24-722(6). The special master then noted
    that Schatz had admitted his wrongdoing and had “expressed
    genuine remorse for his conduct.” The special master also
    observed that this was an isolated incident unlikely to recur
    and that all the witnesses (and support letters offered into evi-
    dence) praised Schatz’ abilities and integrity. In light of those
    circumstances, the special master felt the appropriate sanction
    was “no more than a public reprimand.”
    The Commission, after independently reviewing the record
    and hearing argument, adopted the special master’s factual
    findings and likewise recommended a public reprimand.
    Schatz subsequently filed a “Consent to Reprimand,” and
    we ordered both the Commission and Schatz to submit briefs
    on whether the Commission’s proposed disposition was just,
    proper, and consistent with prior dispositions involving simi-
    lar misconduct.
    [1-3] In a review of the findings and recommendations of
    the Commission, this court shall review the record de novo
    and file a written opinion and judgment directing action as
    it deems just and proper, and may reject or modify, in whole
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    or in part, the Commission’s recommendation.2 Upon our
    independent inquiry, we must determine whether the charges
    against the respondent are supported by clear and convincing
    evidence and which, if any, canons of the Code and subsec-
    tions of § 24-722 have been violated.3 If violations are found,
    we must then determine what discipline, if any, is appropriate
    under the circumstances.4
    Our first task in judicial misconduct cases is to determine
    whether there is clear and convincing evidence to support the
    charges.5 Here, there is. There is essentially no dispute that
    Schatz used his judicial authority to order the release of Davlin
    without Davlin’s paying a bond. The record shows that Schatz’
    actions were not in accord with how bonds were normally set
    in felony drunk driving cases. Specifically, the record shows
    that without Schatz’ intervention, Davlin would have remained
    in jail until his arraignment in county court, when presumably
    either he would have been released on his own recognizance or
    a monetary bond would have been set. In the latter and more
    probable circumstance, Davlin would have been held in jail
    until he posted bond.
    Based on these facts, we agree with both the special master
    and the Commission that Schatz primarily violated the fol-
    lowing provisions of the Nebraska Revised Code of Judicial
    Conduct: § 5-301.2 (judge shall act to promote confidence
    in judiciary and avoid impropriety and appearance of impro-
    priety), § 5-301.3 (judge shall not abuse office to advance
    personal interests), § 5-302.4(B) (judge shall not allow per-
    sonal interests or relationships to influence judicial conduct
    or judgment), and § 5-302.9(A) (judge shall not, except for
    certain limited situations, have ex parte communications or
    See In re Complaint Against Florom, 
    280 Neb. 192
    784 N.W.2d 897
    See In re Complaint Against Lindner, 
    271 Neb. 323
    710 N.W.2d 866
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    communications outside presence of parties or their lawyers
    concerning pending or impending matter). We also agree that
    Schatz’ actions constituted willful misconduct prejudicial to
    the administration of justice that brings the judicial office
    into disrepute.6
    Our second task is to determine the appropriate sanction for
    Schatz’ misconduct.7 We note that both the special master and
    the Commission independently determined that under the cir-
    cumstances, a public reprimand was the appropriate sanction.
    While we give some weight to these recommendations, we
    must review the record ourselves and come to our own conclu-
    sions as to the proper sanction.8
    In doing so, we find it useful to look at past cases involving
    judicial misconduct. Admittedly, as the Commission noted in
    its brief, prior cases do not involve the same type of miscon-
    duct present here. Nevertheless, we believe that parallels may
    be drawn and comparisons made, and that by doing so, we
    may be consistent in imposing discipline for judicial miscon-
    duct. Moreover, a look at prior cases, regardless whether the
    misconduct is of the same type, provides guidance as to the
    general principles and factors we look at in determining the
    proper discipline.
    For example, in In re Complaint Against White,9 we sus-
    pended a county judge without pay for her actions in trying to
    obtain appellate review of a district court decision reversing
    one of her orders. Over the course of several months, the judge
    met with the deputy county attorney several times; provided
    her with case law and reasons why the district court’s order
    was allegedly incorrect; asked the district court to appoint a
    special prosecutor to appeal the decision; and, through personal
    counsel, later filed her own petition to appoint a special county
    See, Neb. Const. art. V, § 30; § 24-722(6).
    See In re Complaint Against Lindner, 
    supra note 5
    See, e.g., In re Complaint Against White, 
    264 Neb. 740
    651 N.W.2d 551
     (2002); In re Complaint Against Jones, 
    255 Neb. 1
    581 N.W.2d 876
    In re Complaint Against White, 
    supra note 8
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    attorney to render an advisory opinion on the correctness of the
    court’s decision.10
    And in In re Complaint Against Florom,11 we removed a
    county judge from office for his repeated and flagrant interven-
    tion, over several months, in two cases involving his personal
    acquaintances. There, the judge threatened reprisal against a
    practicing attorney if he were to act against the judge’s inter-
    ests, repeatedly made known his personal interest in the cases
    to various lawyers, and “invoked his judicial office repeatedly
    in serving as a character reference for a convicted criminal,”12
    in violation of the judicial code.
    Schatz’ misconduct comes nowhere close to the level
    of impropriety in In re Complaint Against White and In re
    Complaint Against Florom, or in other cases where we have
    ordered suspension or removal from office.13 Further, we note
    that the record shows that Schatz’ misconduct had no effect
    (outside of the obvious) on the progression or outcome of
    Davlin’s case. And we note that Schatz’ misconduct, while
    clearly improper, was an isolated incident; there was no pattern
    of misconduct.14
    Also, there are mitigating circumstances. After calling the
    jail, Schatz immediately recognized he had made a mistake,
    met with Kleine to tell him what he had done, and was apolo-
    getic.15 Schatz, since being appointed to the bench in 2000,
    has never before been disciplined.16 After recognizing what he
    had done was improper, and in an effort to improve his under-
    standing of judicial ethics, Schatz enrolled in and completed
    In re Complaint Against Florom, 
    supra note 2
    Id. at 203
    784 N.W.2d at 905-06
    See, e.g., In re Complaint Against Krepela, 
    262 Neb. 85
    628 N.W.2d 262
     with In re Complaint Against Jones, 
    supra note 8
    , and In re
    Complaint Against Staley, 
    241 Neb. 152
    486 N.W.2d 886
    Cf. In re Complaint Against Reagan, No. S-35-030003 (Neb. Comm. on
    Jud. Qual. June 2, 2003).
    See, In re Complaint Against Lindner, 
    supra note 5
    ; In re Complaint
    Against White, 
    supra note 8
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    a judicial ethics course.17 We note too that Schatz has, at all
    times, cooperated with the Commission.18 Finally, the record
    shows that Schatz, outside of this incident, has served the pub-
    lic well as a judge, a factor to be considered in determining the
    appropriate discipline.19
    After considering our case law and the particular circum-
    stances here, we agree with both the special master and the
    Commission that a public reprimand is appropriate. We recog-
    nize that the misconduct here does not necessarily match up
    with that of prior cases where a public reprimand was issued.20
    But a harsher sanction is unwarranted, because Schatz’ miscon-
    duct is much less severe than in cases where we have ordered
    suspension or removal from office21 and there are several miti-
    gating circumstances.
    Schatz improperly exercised his judicial authority for
    Davlin, a friend. Such misconduct cannot be condoned. Both
    the special master and the Commission suggested that a public
    reprimand was the appropriate sanction. Considering the nature
    of the misconduct and the various mitigating circumstances,
    we agree.
    Judgment of public reprimand.
    Heavican, C.J., not participating.
    See In re Complaint Against Lindner, 
     note 5 (citing In re Complaint
    Against Swartz, No. S-35-000003 (Neb. Comm. on Jud. Qual. Sept. 8,
     (citing In re Complaint Against Huber, No. S-35-050003 (Neb.
    Comm. on Jud. Qual. Aug. 11, 2005)).
    See In re Complaint Against Krepela, 
    supra note 13
    See, e.g., In re Complaint Against Lindner, 
    supra note 5
    See, In re Complaint Against Florom, 
    supra note 2
    ; In re Complaint
    Against White, 
    supra note 8
    ; In re Complaint Against Krepela, 
    supra note 13