State v. Muhannad ( 2015 )

  •                         Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 59
    fall. Here, the District, the movant, did not produce evidence
    of an alternative cause. It is always possible, of course, that
    Hughes’ feet simply became tangled, even if there is direct
    evidence to the contrary. But a plaintiff is not bound to exclude
    the possibility that the event might have happened in some
    other way.36 Contrary to the District’s argument, Hughes’ case
    is not doomed because there is more than one possible cause.
    It is enough for summary judgment purposes that the evidence
    permits a reasonable inference that negligent conditions on the
    District’s property caused Hughes’ injury.
    Because reasonable minds could draw contrary conclusions
    from the evidence presented, the District did not show that
    it was entitled to judgment as a matter of law. We therefore
    reverse the court’s summary judgment order and remand the
    cause for further proceedings.
    R eversed and remanded for
    further proceedings.
    Wright, J., participating on briefs.
    World Radio Labs. v. Coopers & Lybrand, 
    251 Neb. 261
    557 N.W.2d 1
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Wa’il M. Muhannad, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.    No. S-14-129.
    1.	 Pleadings. Issues regarding the grant or denial of a plea in bar are questions
    of law.
    2.	 Judgments: Appeal and Error. On a question of law, an appellate court reaches
    a conclusion independent of the court below.
    3.	 Motions for Mistrial: Pleadings: Prosecuting Attorneys: Intent: Appeal and
    Error. While the denial of a plea in bar generally involves a question of law, an
    appellate court reviews under a clearly erroneous standard a finding concerning
    the presence or absence of prosecutorial intent to provoke the defendant into
    moving for a mistrial.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    4.	 Double Jeopardy: Motions for Mistrial. It is the general rule that where a court
    grants a mistrial upon a defendant’s motion, the Double Jeopardy Clause does not
    bar a retrial.
    5.	 Motions for Mistrial. A defendant’s motion for a mistrial constitutes a deliber-
    ate election on his or her part to forgo the right to the trial completed before the
    first trier of fact. This is true even if the defendant’s motion is necessitated by
    prosecutorial or judicial error.
    6.	 ____. When a mistrial is declared at the defendant’s behest, the defendant’s
    right to have his or her trial completed by a particular tribunal is, as a general
    matter, subordinated to the public’s interest in fair trials designed to end in
    just judgments.
    7.	 Double Jeopardy: Motions for Mistrial: Prosecuting Attorneys: Intent:
    Proof. Where a defendant moves for and is granted a mistrial based on prosecu-
    torial misconduct, double jeopardy bars retrial when the conduct giving rise to
    the successful motion for a mistrial was intended to provoke the defendant into
    moving for a mistrial. It is the defendant’s burden to prove this intent.
    8.	 Constitutional Law: Double Jeopardy. The Double Jeopardy Clause of the
    Nebraska Constitution provides no greater protection than that of the U.S.
    9.	 Double Jeopardy: Motions for Mistrial: Prosecuting Attorneys: Intent. In
    the absence of an intent to goad the defendant into moving for mistrial, double
    jeopardy would not bar retrial where the prosecutor simply made an error in
    judgment or was grossly negligent.
    10.	 ____: ____: ____: ____. The rule established in Oregon v. Kennedy, 
    456 U.S. 667
    102 S. Ct. 2083
    72 L. Ed. 2d 416
    (1982), does not cease to apply where
    a defendant moves for and is granted successive mistrials due to actions of the
    prosecutor or evidence adduced by the prosecutor. Under such circumstances, the
    relevant factor for determining whether double jeopardy bars retrial is prosecuto-
    rial intent to provoke the defendant to move for mistrial.
    11.	 Double Jeopardy: Motions for Mistrial: Prosecuting Attorneys. The prosecu-
    tor’s knowledge of the potential for mistrial does not change the standard used
    to determine whether double jeopardy bars retrial after a mistrial entered on the
    defendant’s motion.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: Gary B.
    Randall, Judge. Affirmed.
    Alan G. Stoler, P.C., L.L.O., for appellant.
    Jon Bruning, Attorney General, and Stacy M. Foust for
    Connolly, Stephan, McCormack, Miller-Lerman, and
    Cassel, JJ.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 59
    P er Curiam.
    Wa’il M. Muhannad appeals the order of the district court
    which denied his plea in bar following a mistrial. This is the
    second time that this case has been appealed under such cir-
    cumstances. We addressed the denial of Muhannad’s plea in
    bar after the first mistrial in State v. Muhannad (Muhannad I).1
    The present appeal arises from a plea in bar filed after a sec-
    ond mistrial, which, like the first, resulted from impermissible
    testimony by a particular witness.
    In denying the plea in bar filed after the second mistrial,
    the district court determined that double jeopardy did not
    bar retrial, because the prosecutor did not intend to goad
    Muhannad into moving for the mistrial. We affirm the denial
    of Muhannad’s plea in bar.
    Muhannad is charged with first degree sexual assault of
    his stepdaughter, M.H. He has been brought to trial on this
    charge two separate times. Each time, the trial ended in mistrial
    and he filed a plea in bar which alleged that double jeopardy
    barred retrial.
    First Mistrial
    In the first jury trial, the State’s last witness was Carrie
    Gobel, a licensed mental health practitioner and M.H.’s ther-
    apist. Gobel testified, without objection, to the fact that
    M.H. had been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder
    (PTSD) and to the symptoms M.H. exhibited.2 But when the
    prosecutor asked Gobel to describe the “‘traumatic event
    that ha[d] caused this diagnosis,’” Muhannad objected.3 His
    objection was overruled, and the prosecutor again asked,
    “‘According to your assessment of [M.H.], what was the
    traumatic event that initiated the diagnosis of PTSD?’ Gobel
    State v. Muhannad, 
    286 Neb. 567
    837 N.W.2d 792
    See id.
    id. at 572,
    837 N.W.2d at 797.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    answered, ‘[M.H.] was sexually abused by her stepfather,
    [Muhannad], for an extensive period of time.’”4
    At the close of the case but before closing arguments,
    Muhannad moved for a mistrial based on Gobel’s testimony.
    The district court granted the motion, because “while Gobel
    might have been able to opine that ‘sexual abuse’ was the
    cause of M.H.’s PTSD, Gobel’s testimony was ‘over the edge’
    when she stated her belief that Muhannad was the perpetrator
    of the sexual abuse.”5
    Muhannad filed a plea in bar to his retrial, which the dis-
    trict court overruled. The court applied the rule from Oregon
    v. Kennedy6 that “[o]nly where the governmental conduct in
    question is intended to ‘goad’ the defendant into moving for
    a mistrial may a defendant raise the bar of double jeopardy to
    a second trial after having succeeded in aborting the first on
    his own motion.” The court found that the prosecutor “may
    have made an error in judgment” but that the prosecutor did
    not “demonstrate an intent to goad [Muhannad] into moving
    for a mistrial.” Accordingly, the court concluded that there
    was no double jeopardy bar to retrial arising from prosecuto-
    rial misconduct.
    In Muhannad I, we affirmed the judgment of the district
    court which denied Muhannad’s plea in bar. Muhannad had
    argued that the bar to retrial recognized in Oregon v. Kennedy
    was “not limited to circumstances where the State intended to
    provoke a mistrial.”7 But we specifically rejected this argu-
    ment and “declined to extend the Oregon v. Kennedy excep-
    tion beyond situations where the prosecutor intended that the
    misconduct would provoke a mistrial.”8 We determined that
    the evidence supported the district court’s finding that the
    prosecutor “made ‘an error in judgment’” but did not intend to
    id. at 572,
    837 N.W.2d at 798 (alteration in original).
    id. at 573-74,
    837 N.W.2d at 798.
    Oregon v. Kennedy, 
    456 U.S. 667
    , 676, 
    102 S. Ct. 2083
    72 L. Ed. 2d 416
    See Muhannad I, supra note 
    1, 286 Neb. at 574
    , 837 N.W.2d at 799.
    id. at 578,
    837 N.W.2d at 801.
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    provoke a mistrial.9 We thus affirmed the denial of Muhannad’s
    plea in bar.
    Second Mistrial
    Before Muhannad’s second jury trial began, he filed a
    motion in limine seeking to exclude any testimony by Gobel
    concerning M.H.’s PTSD. The district court overruled the
    motion. However, because the court concluded that Gobel
    could not directly or indirectly testify as to M.H.’s credibility,
    it placed limits on the testimony Gobel could provide. On
    December 16, 2013, the court ordered that Gobel’s testimony
    should be “limited to the symptoms, behavior, and feelings
    generally exhibited by the alleged victim as it relates to
    show [how] the alleged victim’s behavior is similar to other
    child sexual abuse victims who exhibit signs of [PTSD]. . . .
    Further, the testimony cannot go beyond the child’s behavior.”
    On December 23, the court further explained that “Gobel can
    only testify that sexual abuse is one of many factors that can
    cause PTSD. Gobel can also testify how PTSD affects the
    alleged victim’s behavior. Gobel cannot state that recent abuse
    or . . . abuse by [Muhannad] was the cause of the alleged vic-
    tim’s PTSD.”
    On January 9, 2014, the fourth day of the second jury trial,
    the State called Gobel to testify. She testified, without objec-
    tion, that M.H. “appeared very nervous and anxious, particu-
    larly when discussing the sexual abuse,” and that M.H.’s treat-
    ment plan included “learning effective [coping] mechanisms
    to deal with symptoms caused by the sexual abuse.” Gobel
    also testified, without objection, to the symptoms generally
    exhibited by children in cases of sexual abuse. The pros-
    ecutor then asked, “Will you describe for me, going through
    each one of the criteria, the symptoms that you took note
    of with respect to [M.H.]?” Gobel responded, “Certainly. In
    regard to intrusive thoughts, [M.H.] was constantly thinking
    of the abuse and of her stepfather when she came into treat-
    ment.” Muhannad immediately objected and asked that Gobel’s
    answer be stricken. The district court sustained the objection,
    id. at 580,
    837 N.W.2d at 803.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    and the answer was stricken. Gobel attempted to continue
    answering the question, but Muhannad asked to approach the
    bench. After a sidebar, he moved for a mistrial and the district
    court granted the motion.
    Muhannad subsequently filed a plea in bar in which he
    argued that double jeopardy barred retrial. The district court
    denied the plea in bar. It found that the prosecutor “did not
    specifically intend to provoke a second mistrial through [the]
    question,” that the prosecutor did not make any error, that
    Gobel “failed to abide by the Court’s Order in Limine regard-
    ing the scope of [her] testimony,” and that Gobel “crossed the
    line [by] providing testimony that granted credibility to the
    testimony of the victim.”
    Muhannad timely appealed, and we granted his petition to
    bypass the Nebraska Court of Appeals.
    Muhannad assigns, restated, that the district court erred
    in determining that double jeopardy principles did not bar
    retrial where a mistrial had been granted based on Gobel’s
    testimony that the alleged victim was sexually assaulted by
    [1,2] Issues regarding the grant or denial of a plea in bar
    are questions of law.10 On a question of law, an appellate court
    reaches a conclusion independent of the court below.11
    [3] While the denial of a plea in bar generally involves a
    question of law, we review under a clearly erroneous standard
    a finding concerning the presence or absence of prosecutorial
    intent to provoke the defendant into moving for a mistrial.12
    The question presented by the instant appeal is whether
    double jeopardy bars retrial of Muhannad following the second
    State v. Huff, 
    279 Neb. 68
    776 N.W.2d 498
    Id. 12 Muhannad
    I, supra note 1.
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    mistrial. Our focus is on the second mistrial only, because
    it has already been decided that the first mistrial did not bar
    ­retrial.13 We similarly conclude that the second mistrial, which
    was granted upon Muhannad’s motion, does not create a dou-
    ble jeopardy bar to retrial.
    [4-6] “[I]t is the general rule that where a court grants a mis-
    trial upon a defendant’s motion, the Double Jeopardy Clause
    does not bar a retrial.”14 A defendant’s motion for a mistrial
    constitutes a deliberate election on his or her part to forgo the
    right to the trial completed before the first trier of fact.15 This
    is true even if the defendant’s motion is necessitated by pros-
    ecutorial or judicial error.16 When the mistrial is declared at
    the defendant’s behest, the defendant’s right to have his or her
    trial completed by a particular tribunal is, as a general matter,
    subordinated to the public’s interest in fair trials designed to
    end in just judgments.17
    [7] There is a “‘narrow exception’” to this general rule.18
    In Oregon v. Kennedy, the U.S. Supreme Court held that
    where a defendant moves for and is granted a mistrial based
    on prosecutorial misconduct, double jeopardy bars retrial
    when the “conduct giving rise to the successful motion for
    a mistrial was intended to provoke the defendant into mov-
    ing for a mistrial.”19 The Court rejected a “more generalized
    standard of bad faith conduct, harassment, or overreaching
    as an exception to the defendant’s waiver of his or her right
    to a determination by the first tribunal.”20 Consequently,
    “[p]rosecutorial conduct that might be viewed as harassment
    or overreaching, even if sufficient to justify a mistrial on [the]
    defendant’s motion, . . . does not bar retrial absent intent on
    id. 14 Id.
    576, 837 N.W.2d at 800
    Id. 16 Id.
    Id. 18 See
    Oregon v. Kennedy, supra note 
    6, 456 U.S. at 679
    See Muhannad I, supra note 
    1, 286 Neb. at 577
    , 837 N.W.2d at 800.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    the part of the prosecutor to subvert the protections afforded
    by the Double Jeopardy Clause.”21 It is the defendant’s burden
    to prove this intent.22
    [8,9] We have consistently held that the Double Jeopardy
    Clause of the Nebraska Constitution provides no greater pro-
    tection than that of the U.S. Constitution.23 We have accord-
    ingly declined to extend the Oregon v. Kennedy exception
    beyond situations where the prosecutor intended that the mis-
    conduct would provoke a mistrial.24 Indeed, in the appeal
    following the denial of Muhannad’s first plea in bar, we
    rejected his arguments that the bar to retrial recognized in
    Oregon v. Kennedy was “not limited to circumstances where
    the State intended to provoke a mistrial.”25 We stated that
    in the absence of an intent to goad the defendant into mov-
    ing for mistrial, double jeopardy would not bar retrial where
    the prosecutor “simply made ‘an error in judgment’” or was
    grossly negligent.26
    In the instant appeal, Muhannad does not argue that the
    prosecutor goaded him to move for mistrial such that Oregon
    v. Kennedy would apply to bar retrial. Rather, he claims that
    the standard established in Oregon v. Kennedy should not
    control his case. He argues that because his case involves suc-
    cessive mistrials entered for identical reasons, double jeopardy
    should bar retrial regardless of whether the prosecutor intended
    to provoke the second mistrial.
    [10] We reject this argument that Oregon v. Kennedy should
    not control Muhannad’s case. The rule established in Oregon
    v. Kennedy does not cease to apply where a defendant moves
    for and is granted successive mistrials due to actions of the
    prosecutor or evidence adduced by the prosecutor. Under such
    circumstances, the relevant factor for determining whether
    Oregon v. Kennedy, supra note 
    6, 456 U.S. at 675-76
    Muhannad I, supra note 1.
    Id. 24 Id.
    See id. at 
    574, 837 N.W.2d at 799
    id. at 580,
    837 N.W.2d at 803.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
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    double jeopardy bars retrial is prosecutorial intent to provoke
    the defendant to move for mistrial,27 as discussed in Oregon
    v. Kennedy.
    The Eighth Circuit has applied Oregon v. Kennedy in cases
    where successive mistrials were caused by similar acts of the
    prosecutor. In U.S. v. Standefer,28 the defendants moved for
    and were granted two mistrials due to the prosecutor’s failure
    to disclose relevant facts during discovery. A third mistrial
    resulted from a hung jury. To determine whether retrial was
    barred by these mistrials, the court looked for evidence of pros-
    ecutorial intent to goad the defendants into moving for mistrial.
    It found that “successive mistrials caused by prosecutorial
    blunders might in some cases evidence an intent to prejudice
    rights secured by the Double Jeopardy Clause” but that there
    was “no such evidence in this case.”29
    Other courts have applied Oregon v. Kennedy in cases where
    impermissible testimony on a certain subject caused multiple
    mistrials to be granted upon the defendant’s motion. In State v.
    Fuller,30 successive mistrials were triggered by the testimony
    of the alleged victim that the defendant’s driver’s license
    had been suspended. To determine whether a third trial was
    barred by these mistrials granted at the defendant’s request,
    the Minnesota Supreme Court applied Oregon v. Kennedy. It
    concluded that in the absence of intent to provoke the mis-
    trials, double jeopardy did not bar a third trial. In State v.
    Koelemay,31 the defendant moved for and was granted a mis-
    trial in two successive trials due to testimony by prosecution
    witnesses about the defendant’s prior drug record. A Louisiana
    appellate court concluded that the mistrials did not bar a third
    See, U.S. v. Amaya, 
    750 F.3d 721
    (8th Cir. 2014); U.S. v. Standefer, 
    948 F.2d 426
    (8th Cir. 1991); U.S. v. Alvin, No. 10-65, 
    2014 WL 2957439
          (E.D. Pa. 2014); State v. Dillard, 
    55 So. 3d 56
    (La. App. 2010); State v.
    497 So. 2d 321
    (La. App. 1986); State v. Fuller, 
    374 N.W.2d 722
    (Minn. 1985).
    28 U.S. v
    . Standefer, supra note 27.
    id. at 432.
    State v. Fuller, supra note 27.
    State v. Koelemay, supra note 27.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    trial, because “there [was] no showing of any intent on the part
    of the prosecutor to cause the defendant to move for a mistrial
    at any time in either trial.”32
    [11] Muhannad argues that his case is different from U.S.
    v. Standefer,33 and other cases that apply Oregon v. Kennedy,
    because in his case, the prosecutor was aware, by virtue of the
    first mistrial, that Gobel’s testimony could cause a mistrial.
    But the prosecutor’s knowledge of the potential for mistrial
    does not change the standard used to determine whether double
    jeopardy bars retrial after a mistrial entered on the defend­
    ant’s motion.34
    In U.S. v. Amaya,35 the Eighth Circuit considered whether
    the conviction of the defendant after two mistrials, both
    entered on the defendant’s motion, violated double jeopardy.
    One mistrial was caused by the prosecutor’s failure to dis-
    close certain facts in discovery. The other mistrial was trig-
    gered by the testimony of a witness for the prosecution that
    the defend­ant was a “‘drug dealer.’”36 Such testimony was
    in direct violation of the trial court’s pretrial ruling that that
    “‘witnesses will not be allowed to opine that [the defendant]
    is a “drug dealer.”’”37 Due to this ruling, the prosecutor argu-
    ably was aware of the potential for mistrial. Nonetheless, the
    Eighth Circuit determined whether the mistrials barred retrial
    by looking for evidence that the “government intended to
    provoke a mistrial.”38 It followed Oregon v. Kennedy, as have
    other courts in similar situations.39
    id. at 325.
    U.S. v
    . Standefer, supra note 27.
    See, U.S. v. Amaya, supra note 27; U.S. v. Alvin, supra note 27; State v.
    Koelemay, supra note 27; State v. Fuller, supra note 27.
    35 U.S. v
    . Amaya, supra note 27.
    id. at 723.
    id. (emphasis in
    id. at 726.
    See, U.S. v. Alvin, supra note 27; State v. Koelemay, supra note 27; State
    v. Fuller, supra note 27.
    Nebraska Advance Sheets
    Cite as 
    290 Neb. 59
    Muhannad’s arguments that Oregon v. Kennedy should not
    apply to his case lack merit. Therefore, we proceed accord-
    ing to the standard established in that case when determining
    whether the second mistrial creates a double jeopardy bar
    to retrial.
    The record supports the district court’s conclusion that the
    prosecutor did not intend to goad Muhannad into moving for
    the second mistrial. The prosecutor’s comments at pretrial
    hearings demonstrated that she understood what testimony
    she could and could not elicit from Gobel. At one hearing,
    the prosecutor stated, “With respect to the expert testimony,
    the one part I don’t disagree with is that I can’t ask about the
    opinions . . . as to whether or not [M.H.] had been sexually
    abused or that the diagnosis is a result of her being sexually
    abused.” Given these limitations, in the second trial, the pros-
    ecutor made changes to the manner in which she questioned
    Gobel and tailored the questions to touch upon permissible
    topics only. Even the question which provoked the inadmis-
    sible testimony was appropriate: “Will you describe for me,
    going through each one of the criteria, the symptoms that
    you took note of with respect to [M.H.]?” At the hearing
    on Muhannad’s plea in bar, the prosecutor denied that she
    asked this question to provoke a mistrial. She stated that any
    suggestion to the contrary was “absolutely absurd [under]
    the circumstance[s].”
    Muhannad argues that “the misconduct of an expert wit-
    ness for the State,” such as Gobel, “should be imputed to the
    prosecution.”40 He alleges that Gobel may have “deliberately
    chose[n] to ignore” the district court’s order limiting the scope
    of her testimony.41 We need not consider whether, as a general
    matter, a witness’ intent can be imputed to the prosecutor,
    because doing so would not change the result in this case.
    Under Oregon v. Kennedy, a mistrial entered on the defendant’s
    See brief for appellant at 11.
    id. at 8.
       Nebraska Advance Sheets
    motion is a bar to retrial only when there is an intent to “‘goad’
    the defendant into moving for a mistrial.”42
    It was not clearly erroneous for the district court to con-
    clude that the prosecutor did not intend to goad Muhannad into
    moving for the second mistrial. Therefore, double jeopardy
    does not bar a third trial of Muhannad and the district court did
    not err in overruling his plea in bar.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the order of the district
    court which overruled Muhannad’s plea in bar following the
    second mistrial.
    Wright, J., participating on briefs.
    Heavican, C.J., not participating.
    See Oregon v. Kennedy, supra note 
    6, 456 U.S. at 676
    State of Nebraska, appellee, v.
    Terrance J. Hale, appellant.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed February 6, 2015.     No. S-14-183.
    1.	 Rules of Evidence. In proceedings where the Nebraska Evidence Rules apply, the
    admissibility of evidence is controlled by the Nebraska Evidence Rules; judicial
    discretion is involved only when the rules make discretion a factor in determin-
    ing admissibility.
    2.	 Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Appeal and Error. Apart from rulings under the
    residual hearsay exception, an appellate court reviews for clear error the factual
    findings underpinning a trial court’s hearsay ruling and reviews de novo the
    court’s ultimate determination to admit evidence over a hearsay objection.
    3.	 Evidence: Appeal and Error. In reviewing a sufficiency of the evidence claim,
    whether the evidence is direct, circumstantial, or a combination thereof, the stan-
    dard is the same: An appellate court does not resolve conflicts in the evidence,
    pass on the credibility of witnesses, or reweigh the evidence; such matters are for
    the finder of fact.
    4.	 ____: ____. The relevant question when an appellate court reviews a sufficiency
    of the evidence claim is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essen-
    tial elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt.