Zapata v. McHugh , 296 Neb. 216 ( 2017 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
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    John Zapata, an individual and as an assignee,
    appellant, v. Donald McHugh, an individual,
    et al., appellees.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed March 31, 2017.    No. S-16-511.
    1.	 Motions to Dismiss: Pleadings: Appeal and Error. A district court’s
    grant of a motion to dismiss on the pleadings is reviewed de novo,
    accepting the allegations in the complaint as true and drawing all rea-
    sonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party.
    2.	 Corporations: Attorney and Client. Business entities existing separate
    from their owners are not their own proper persons who may appear in
    court without the representation of an attorney.
    3.	 Attorney and Client. Persons not licensed to practice law in Nebraska
    are prohibited from prosecuting an action or filing papers in the courts
    of this state on behalf of another.
    4.	 ____. Abstractions cannot appear pro se.
    5.	 ____. A layperson’s lack of professional skills and ethical obligations
    imposes undue burdens on opposing parties and the courts.
    6.	 ____. The rule that a layperson cannot appear in court in a representa-
    tive capacity cannot be circumvented by subterfuge.
    7.	 Corporations: Assignments: Attorney and Client. An assignment of a
    distinct business entity’s cause of action to an assignee who then brings
    such suit requires that the assignee must be represented by counsel and
    cannot bring such action pro se.
    8.	 ____: ____: ____. To permit a distinct business entity to maintain liti-
    gation through the device of an assignment would destroy the salutary
    principle that a corporation cannot act in legal matters or maintain litiga-
    tion without the benefit of an attorney.
    9.	 ____: ____: ____. When an assignee brings suit in his or her own
    name, the assignee is still bound by the business entity’s limitation
    that any legal action arising out of its interests must be represented
    by counsel.
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    10.	 Actions: Pleadings: Parties. The character in which one is a party to
    a suit, and the capacity in which a party sues, is determined from the
    allegations of the pleadings and not from the caption alone.
    Appeal from the District Court for Lancaster County: Steven
    D. Burns, Judge. Affirmed.
    John Zapata, pro se.
    No appearance for appellees.
    Heavican, C.J., Wright, Miller-Lerman, Cassel, K elch,
    and Funke, JJ.
    Wright, J.
    The plaintiff, as both an individual and an assignee, filed
    an action pro se to recover for wrongs allegedly committed
    against the assignor, a limited liability corporation (LLC).
    The district court dismissed the action on the grounds that
    the plaintiff engaged in the unauthorized practice of law and
    that the pleadings, accordingly, were a nullity. The district
    court reasoned that an LLC is an entity incapable of self-­
    representation and that the policy reasons requiring representa-
    tion by an attorney of such entity’s interests cannot be circum-
    vented through the assignment of the business entity’s cause of
    action to a layperson. The plaintiff appeals.
    This action was brought pro se by John Zapata. The first
    pleading in the record is a “Mandatory Disclosure” filed under
    the caption, “John Zapata, an individual and as an Assignee,
    Plaintiff, v. Donald McHugh, an individual, et. al., Defendant.”
    The complaint is not in the record, but documents attached to
    the mandatory disclosure purported to describe $11,100 in lost
    rent and $21,973.41 in repair costs owed by Lincoln Metal
    Recycling and Donald McHugh in relation to an address on
    Saunders Avenue in Lincoln, Nebraska.
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    At the pretrial conference on April 21, 2016, the court asked
    the parties to submit a joint pretrial conference order identify-
    ing the factual and legal issues to be tried. The court gave the
    parties 10 days to complete the order. The court, sua sponte,
    raised the issue whether Zapata could bring an action pro se
    based upon assignments from corporations on claims those
    organizations may have. The court gave the parties time to
    brief the issue.
    The parties subsequently submitted a consolidated joint
    pretrial conference order, which stated that it superseded all
    prior pleadings in the case. The order stated that the claim
    was based on the fact that McHugh Metal Brokerage, LLC,
    vacated premises leased to it by Zapata’s assignor, Coljo
    Investments, LLC (Coljo), the owner of the premises. The
    pretrial order stated that Zapata was “an individual and an
    assignee” who filed his complaint pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat.
    § 25-302 (Reissue 2016). Zapata alleged that he paid consid-
    eration to Coljo in order to collect the alleged debt owed by
    the defendants.
    The parties presented as legal issues whether there was a
    valid assignment to Zapata, whether Zapata was a real party in
    interest and had standing to bring the action, and whether the
    court had jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter
    of the action.
    As to the underlying merits, the parties stated that the legal
    issues were whether McHugh Metal Brokerage was liable to
    Zapata or Coljo arising out of the lease agreement, the nature
    and extent of any unpaid rentals, and the measure of damages
    for the reasonable cost for repairs to Coljo’s premises.
    On May 19, 2016, the district court dismissed the action.
    The court considered the defendants to have moved for dis-
    missal in the joint pretrial conference order. The court con-
    cluded that even if the assignment of any right of action by
    Coljo to Zapata was effective, Zapata could not proceed pro
    se with the action on the assigned claims. The court explained
    that the right to represent oneself pro se, as set forth in Neb.
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    Rev. Stat. § 7-101 (Reissue 2012), does not extend to the rep-
    resentation of any other person or entity. The court cited to sev-
    eral cases setting forth the general propositions that corporate
    entities cannot be represented pro se and that this rule cannot
    be circumvented through an assignment of the corporate claims
    to a pro se plaintiff.1
    The court also cited to an unpublished case in Indiana
    involving Zapata himself, who brought the action as Zapata,
    doing business as Zapata Collection Services, “‘an Individual
    and as Assignee.’”2 In that case, the appellate court affirmed
    the dismissal of Zapata’s action. The court held that there
    was no bona fide assignment, because Zapata and the corpo-
    rate assignor were inextricably linked; therefore, the alleged
    assignor of the claim for damages was the real party in inter-
    est and, as a corporate entity, was required to be represented
    by counsel.3
    While the district court noted that in this case, Zapata did
    not list Coljo as a party, it found that such fact was not deci-
    sive, stating: “[Zapata] may not escape the fact that what he
    is attempting to litigate is not his claim. It is the claim of
    another which has merely been assigned to him. This is true
    even if [Zapata] is the one who will receive the entirety of
    any recovery.”
    As for Zapata’s claim that he had a right to proceed pro se
    under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-304 (Reissue 2016), the district
    court stated that while Zapata had a right to bring an assigned
    See, Palazzo v. Gulf Oil Corp., 
    764 F.2d 1381
    (11th Cir. 1985); Jones v.
    Niagara Frontier Transp. Authority, 
    722 F.2d 20
    (2d Cir. 1983); Bischoff v.
    660 F. Supp. 2d 815
    (E.D. Mich. 2009); In re Thomas, 
    387 B.R. 808
    (D. Colo. 2008); People v. Adams, 
    243 P.3d 256
    (Colo. 2010).
    Zapata v. Ball State University, No. 18A04-1310-CC-534, 
    2014 WL 3547028
    at *1 (Ind. App. July 18, 2014) (unpublished opinion listed in
    table at 
    16 N.E.3d 491
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    action in his own name, this did not excuse the requirement
    that an attorney is required when the action derives from a
    wrong to a corporation. The court concluded that permitting
    the present action to go forward would unlawfully circum-
    vent § 7-101. The court found the proceedings were a nullity.
    Zapata appeals.
    Zapata has brought similar pro se actions in Nebraska. In
    Zapata v. QBE Ins. Co.,4 the Nebraska Court of Appeals, in
    an unpublished opinion, affirmed the dismissal of an action
    brought by Zapata after being assigned a corporation’s claims.
    The Court of Appeals reasoned in relevant part that although
    Zapata may have identified himself as both an individual and
    assignee, his claims were for damages to the corporation.
    Citing to Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb.,5 the Court
    of Appeals concluded that Zapata could not prosecute any
    claim on behalf of the corporation, because he was not a
    licensed attorney.
    Zapata assigns as error, summarized and restated, that the
    district court erred in dismissing his complaint as an individual
    and as an assignee.
    [1] A district court’s grant of a motion to dismiss on the
    pleadings is reviewed de novo, accepting the allegations in
    the complaint as true and drawing all reasonable inferences in
    favor of the nonmoving party.6
    Zapata v. QBE Ins. Co., No. A-15-126, 
    2015 WL 9487813
    (Neb. App.
    Dec. 29, 2015) (selected for posting to court website).
    Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb., 
    289 Neb. 927
    857 N.W.2d 816
    Anderson v. Wells Fargo Fin. Accept., 
    269 Neb. 595
    694 N.W.2d 625
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    Layperson Cannot R epresent LLC
    Zapata does not dispute the general rule that a layperson
    cannot represent a corporation or other distinct business entity
    existing legally separate from its owner—including an LLC.7
    The rule that such entities may litigate only through a duly
    licensed attorney is “venerable and widespread.”8 This rule
    prohibits even presidents, major stockholders, and sole owners
    from appearing pro se in relation to causes of action involving
    the entity’s status as a business.9
    [2] It is well settled that such business entities are artifi-
    cial persons who cannot appear in their own behalf, but must
    appear through an agent; thus, they are not their own proper
    persons who may appear in court without the representation
    of an attorney.10 And “because self-representation by unskilled
    persons usually leads to delay, confusion and other difficulties
    in the judicial system, the state has no interest in extending
    the right of self-representation to corporations.”11
    [3] Persons not licensed to practice law in Nebraska
    are prohibited from prosecuting an action or filing papers
    in the courts of this state “on behalf of another.”12 Under
    § 7-101, no such “person” shall practice law in any action
    or proceeding “to which he is not a party.” Neb. Rev. Stat.
    § 7-110 (Reissue 2012) expands upon the exception to the
    unauthorized practice of law for persons as a party, stat-
    ing that plaintiffs shall have the liberty of prosecuting “in
    See Lattanzio v. COMTA, 
    481 F.3d 137
    (2d Cir. 2007).
    8 Jones v
    . Niagara Frontier Transp. Authority, supra note 
    1, 722 F.2d at 22
    See, Palazzo v. Gulf Oil Corp., supra note 1; Steinhausen v. HomeServices
    of Neb., supra note 5.
    See Annot., 
    8 A.L.R. 5th 653
    Id. at 653.
    Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb., supra note 
    5, 289 Neb. at 934
    , 857
    N.W.2d at 825.
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    their proper persons,” which we have said means, “‘in their
    own persons.’”13
    [4] We have explained that an entity is an abstraction, not
    a person. “‘[A]bstractions cannot appear pro se.’”14 Distinct
    business entities must appear by counsel or not at all.15
    [5] We applied this rule most recently in Steinhausen to
    affirm the dismissal of causes of action relating to an LLC’s
    status as a business, brought pro se by the sole owner of the
    LLC.16 We noted that the prohibition of the unauthorized
    practice of law protects citizens and litigants in the admin-
    istration of justice from the mistakes of the ignorant on the
    one hand and the machinations of the unscrupulous on the
    other.17 A layperson’s lack of professional skills and ethical
    obligations imposes undue burdens on opposing parties and
    the courts.18
    [6] We reasoned that while an LLC has the capacity to sue
    and be sued in its own name, the Legislature’s grace in con-
    ferring the significant privilege of limited liability “‘“carries
    with it obligations . . . to hire a lawyer . . . to sue or defend
    on behalf of the entity.”’”19 This, we said, is no less true for
    an LLC with a single owner.20 And we emphasized that “the
    rule that a layperson cannot appear in court in a representative
    capacity cannot be circumvented by subterfuge.”21
    Id. at 935,
    857 N.W.2d at 825.
    Id. at 936,
    857 N.W.2d at 826. See, also, Niklaus v. Abel Construction Co.,
    164 Neb. 842
    83 N.W.2d 904
    See Ginger v. Cohn, 
    426 F.2d 1385
    (6th Cir. 1970).
    Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb., supra note 5.
    Id. 18 Id.
    Id. at 936,
    857 N.W.2d at 826, quoting Smith v. Rustic Home Builders,
    826 N.W.2d 357
    (S.D. 2013). See, also, Niklaus v. Abel Construction
    Co., supra note 14.
    Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb., supra note 5.
    Id. at 935,
    857 N.W.2d at 825.
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    M ay Assignee of Business Entity’s
    R ight of Action Proceed With
    Such Action Pro Se?
    We have said that the assignee of a cause of action is the
    proper and only party who can maintain the suit thereon.22 But
    whether the assignee of a corporation’s or other distinct legal
    entity’s cause of action may maintain such action pro se is an
    issue of first impression for our court.
    Zapata reasons that if he is the proper party to this action,
    he must be able to proceed pro se pursuant to §§ 7-101 and
    7-110. However, the weight of authority from other jurisdic-
    tions is that an assignment does not erase the requirement that
    the suit arising from the entity’s status as a business must be
    represented by a duly licensed attorney.23
    In Shamey v. Hickey,24 the court explained that although the
    action was brought in the name of the assignee, the assignee
    had essentially assumed the role of a collection agent, and the
    corporation was thus able to avoid the need for representation
    by a member of the bar through the device of selling its claim
    to the assignee. The court stated that it could not sanction
    such a convenience and remanded the cause with directions to
    dismiss the action.25 The court explained that both collection
    agencies and individuals engage in the unauthorized practice
    Eli’s, Inc. v. Lemen, 
    256 Neb. 515
    591 N.W.2d 543
    See, Palazzo v. Gulf Oil Corp., supra note 1; Jones v. Niagara Frontier
    Transp. Authority, supra note 1; Bischoff v. Waldorf, supra note 1; Jones
    v. Dacosta, 
    930 F. Supp. 223
    (D. Md. 1996); Mercu-Ray Industries, Inc. v.
    Bristol-Myers Company, 
    392 F. Supp. 16
    (S.D.N.Y. 1974); Curtis v. U.S.,
    63 Fed. Cl. 172
    (2004); Shamey v. Hickey, 
    433 A.2d 1111
    (D.C. 1981);
    Biggs v. Schwalge, 
    341 Ill. App. 268
    93 N.E.2d 87
    (1950); Property
    Exchange & Sales v. Bozarth, 
    778 S.W.2d 1
    (Mo. App. 1989). See, also,
    Roberts v. State, Dept. of Revenue, 
    162 P.3d 1214
    (Alaska 2007); Heiskell
    v. Mozie, 
    65 App. D.C. 255
    82 F.2d 861
    Shamey v. Hickey, supra note 23.
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    of law when they proceed pro se to recover on claims assigned
    by a corporation.26
    Similarly, the court in Bischoff v. Waldorf27 held that an
    action brought pro se in the name of the layperson assignee,
    alleging various claims relating to wrongs allegedly committed
    against the assignor corporation, must be dismissed. The court
    pointed out the “compelling policy reasons” for the rule requir-
    ing representation of distinct business entities by attorneys.28
    These included protection of the court and the public from
    irresponsible behavior of lay advocates. The court noted that
    the requirement of attorney representation in such actions also
    protected the various interests of a corporation’s managers,
    workers, investors, and creditors, which interests may not be
    aligned with the interests of the layperson assignee making the
    claim.29 In light of these important policy reasons for requir-
    ing attorney representation of claims relating to corporations,
    the court held that a nonlawyer may not circumvent those
    policy reasons through an assignment of corporate claims to
    an individual.30
    In Biggs v. Schwalge,31 the court affirmed the dismissal of
    an action brought in the name of the sole stockholder of a
    corporation and legal assignee of the corporation’s cause of
    action. The record showed that the stockholder had regularly
    appeared pro se by virtue of his status as assignee. The stock-
    holder attempted to convince the court of his competence in
    legal representation despite the fact that he was not an admit-
    ted member of the bar. The court held that the stockholder
    was prohibited from proceeding pro se despite the exception
    Id. 27 Bischoff
    v. Waldorf, supra note 1.
    Id. at 820.
    Id. 30 See
    v. Schwalge, supra note 23.
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    to the ­prohibition of the practice of law by laypersons that
    allows plaintiffs and defendants to defend “in their own proper
    person.”32 The court noted that “[i]t is a compliment to the
    profession that it should have this irresistible attraction for
    some laymen . . . .”33 Nevertheless, “[a]n assignment cannot
    be used as a subterfuge to enable plaintiff to indulge his over-
    whelming desire to practice law, without complying with the
    requirements for admission to the bar.”34
    One case reaching a different result is Traktman v. City
    of New York,35 wherein the court held that an action by an
    assignee to recover damages for breach of contract with the
    assignor corporation did not violate a statute that prohibited
    a corporation from appearing pro se, despite the fact that the
    assignment may have been made to circumvent it. The court
    did not explain its reasoning. This case has been limited
    by subsequent case law36 and cited by other jurisdictions as
    an outlier.37
    [7,8] We agree with those cases that hold an assignment
    of a distinct business entity’s cause of action to an assignee
    who then brings such suit requires that the assignee must be
    represented by counsel and cannot bring such action pro se.
    The important policy reasons supporting the rule that corpora-
    tions and other related legal entities must be represented by an
    attorney should not be easily circumvented. To permit a dis-
    tinct business entity to maintain litigation through the device
    Id. at 271,
    93 N.E.2d at 88.
    Id. 34 Id.
    Traktman v. City of New York, 
    182 A.D.2d 814
    582 N.Y.S.2d 808
    Compare Rembrandt Personnel Group Agency v. Van-Go Transport Co.,
    162 Misc. 2d 64
    617 N.Y.S.2d 258
    Rembrandt Personnel Group Agency v. Van-Go Transport Co., Inc., supra
    note 35.
    See, In re Parrott Broadcasting Ltd. Partnership, 
    492 B.R. 35
    (D. Idaho
    2013); In re Thomas, supra note 1.
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    of an assignment would destroy the salutary principle that a
    corporation cannot act in legal matters or maintain litigation
    without the benefit of an attorney.38
    [9] An assignee stands in the shoes of the assignor and
    accepts it subject to all available defenses.39 The assignment
    transfers to an assignee only the rights of the assignor.40 When
    an assignee brings suit in his or her own name, the assignee
    is still bound by the business entity’s limitation that any
    legal action arising out of its interests must be represented
    by counsel.
    Zapata as Individual?
    [10] We find no merit to Zapata’s argument that because
    the caption of his action is, “John Zapata, as individual and as
    an Assignee,” he was a party to the suit as an individual who
    escapes the rules set forth above and who may proceed pro se.
    We explained in Steinhausen that the character in which one
    is a party to a suit, and the capacity in which a party sues, is
    determined from the allegations of the pleadings and not from
    the caption alone.41 There is nothing in the pleadings indicat-
    ing that Zapata has an interest in the litigation apart from
    those derived from his capacity as an assignee. All the allega-
    tions concern the relationship between the defendants and the
    assignor, Coljo.
    Zapata Engaged in Unauthorized
    Practice of Law
    Zapata engaged in the practice of law in bringing this
    action, and he is a “nonlawyer,” as defined by Neb. Ct. R.
    § 3-1002(A). By bringing the assigned claim of Coljo pro se,
    Property Exchange & Sales v. Bozarth, supra note 23.
    See, Vowers & Sons, Inc. v. Strasheim, 
    248 Neb. 699
    538 N.W.2d 756
          (1995); Johnson v. Riecken, 
    185 Neb. 78
    173 N.W.2d 511
    Ehlers v. Perry, 
    242 Neb. 208
    494 N.W.2d 325
    Steinhausen v. HomeServices of Neb., supra note 5.
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    Zapata engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. We regard
    the unauthorized practice of law as a serious offense and con-
    sider any unauthorized practice a nullity.42 The district court
    was correct in dismissing Zapata’s action.
    Timeliness of Motion
    Given that Zapata’s filings before the court were a nullity
    as a matter of law, we find no merit to Zapata’s claims that
    the issue of his unauthorized practice of law was raised in
    an untimely manner and that the district court’s decision was
    in error.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the
    district court.
    A ffirmed.
    Stacy, J., not participating.
    Kelly v. Saint Francis Med. Ctr., 
    295 Neb. 650
    889 N.W.2d 613