State ex rel. Counsel for Dis. v. Panick , 311 Neb. 627 ( 2022 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    07/22/2022 01:07 AM CDT
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    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    311 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    311 Neb. 627
    State of Nebraska ex rel. Counsel for Discipline
    of the Nebraska Supreme Court, relator,
    v. Heather C. Panick, respondent.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed May 20, 2022.     No. S-21-709.
    1. Disciplinary Proceedings. The basic issues in a disciplinary proceeding
    against an attorney are whether discipline should be imposed and, if so,
    the type of discipline appropriate under the circumstances.
    2. Disciplinary Proceedings: States: Proof. In a reciprocal discipline
    proceeding, a judicial determination of attorney misconduct in one
    jurisdiction is generally conclusive proof of guilt and is not subject to
    relitigation in the second jurisdiction.
    3. Disciplinary Proceedings: States. Although a judicial determination
    of attorney misconduct in another state is generally given conclusive
    effect, the Nebraska Supreme Court is entitled, in a reciprocal discipline
    action, to independently assess the facts and independently determine
    the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken against the attorney in
    this state.
    4. Disciplinary Proceedings. In imposing attorney discipline, the Nebraska
    Supreme Court evaluates each case in light of its particular facts
    and circumstances.
    5. ____. For purposes of determining the proper discipline of an attor-
    ney, the Nebraska Supreme Court considers the attorney’s actions both
    underlying the events of the case and throughout the proceeding, as well
    as any aggravating or mitigating factors.
    Judgment of suspension.
    Heavican, C.J., Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy, Funke,
    Papik, and Freudenberg, JJ.
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    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    311 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    311 Neb. 627
    Per Curiam.
    The issue in this attorney reciprocal discipline case is the
    appropriate sanction to be imposed. The State Bar of Texas
    suspended the respondent, Heather C. Panick, from the prac-
    tice of law for 2 years. The relator, the Counsel for Discipline
    of the Nebraska Supreme Court, moved for reciprocal dis-
    cipline. We grant the motion for reciprocal discipline and
    impose a 2-year suspension, retroactive to commencement of
    the Texas suspension.
    The record in this case is limited. It is composed of the
    motion for reciprocal discipline, this court’s order to show
    cause, and the parties’ responses to that order.
    The respondent was admitted to the practice of law in the
    State of Texas. Later, on August 21, 2017, she was admitted to
    the practice of law in the State of Nebraska.
    On July 14, 2021, the State Bar of Texas issued an “Agreed
    Judgment of Active Suspension.” The discipline arose out of
    the respondent’s “engag[ing] in conduct involving dishonesty,
    fraud, deceit or misrepresentation” while serving as volun-
    tary treasurer for a youth sports club. The State Bar of Texas
    found that the respondent violated Texas Disciplinary Rule of
    Professional Conduct 8.04(a)(3), which is the equivalent of
    Neb. Ct. R. of Prof. Cond. § 3-508.4(c) (rev. 2016). It sus-
    pended the respondent from the practice of law in Texas for 2
    years beginning on September 1, 2021, and ending on August
    31, 2023. The State Bar of Texas further ordered the respond­
    ent to complete an additional 10 hours of continuing legal
    education in the area of trust accounts (3 hours), fiduciary
    duties (3 hours), handling client funds (3 hours), and ethics
    (1 hour).
    The respondent provided a self-report of her suspension to
    the relator. The relator then filed a motion for reciprocal disci-
    pline against the respondent.
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    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    311 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    311 Neb. 627
    This court issued an order to show cause as to why we
    should not impose reciprocal discipline. In response, the relator
    requested “a disciplinary sanction warranted by the facts” but
    made no particular recommendation.
    The respondent labeled her response to the show cause
    order as confidential. She requested discipline less severe than
    the Texas discipline. The respondent suggested probation in
    lieu of suspension, reprimand by the court, reprimand by the
    Disciplinary Review Board, or suspension for a period less
    than 1 year. Her unsworn response indicates that she had per-
    sonal issues at the time of her misconduct, which we do not
    detail here.
    After the parties were notified that the case was sched-
    uled for oral argument on March 31, the respondent arranged
    to appear for argument via videoconferencing. The day prior
    to oral argument, the respondent filed a “Motion for Leave to
    File Supplemental Statement in Lieu of Testimony.” The next
    day, following argument, we overruled the motion. Neither
    the respondent nor anyone acting on her behalf appeared
    for argument.
    [1-3] The basic issues in a disciplinary proceeding against
    an attorney are whether discipline should be imposed and,
    if so, the type of discipline appropriate under the circum­
    stances. 1 In a reciprocal discipline proceeding, a judicial
    determination of attorney misconduct in one jurisdiction is
    generally conclusive proof of guilt and is not subject to reliti-
    gation in the second jurisdiction. 2 Although a judicial deter-
    mination of attorney misconduct in another state is generally
    given conclusive effect, this court is entitled, in a recipro-
    cal discipline action, to independently assess the facts and
    State ex rel. Counsel for Dis. v. Beauvais, 
    308 Neb. 704
    956 N.W.2d 298
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    311 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    311 Neb. 627
    independently determine the appropriate disciplinary action to
    be taken against the attorney in this state. 3
    Our disciplinary rules set forth the discipline that may
    be ­considered for attorney misconduct. The disciplinary
    options are:
    (1) Disbarment by the Court; or
    (2) Suspension by the Court; or
    (3) Probation by the Court in lieu of or subsequent to
    suspension, on such terms as the Court may designate; or
    (4) Censure and reprimand by the Court; or
    (5) Temporary suspension by the Court; or
    (6) Private reprimand by the Committee on Inquiry or
    Disciplinary Review Board.
    (B) The Court may, in its discretion, impose one or
    more of the disciplinary sanctions set forth above. 4
    Another disciplinary rule 5 provides in part that upon receipt
    of appropriate notice that a member of Nebraska’s bar has
    been disciplined in another jurisdiction, this court may enter
    an order imposing the identical discipline, or greater or lesser
    discipline as the court deems appropriate.
    [4,5] In imposing attorney discipline, we evaluate each case
    in light of its particular facts and circumstances. 6 In response
    to our order to show cause, the respondent requests less severe
    discipline. For purposes of determining the proper discipline
    of an attorney, we consider the attorney’s actions both under-
    lying the events of the case and throughout the proceeding,
    as well as any aggravating or mitigating factors. 7 The rela-
    tor’s brief points out that the respondent’s misconduct was
    State ex rel. NSBA v. Gallner, 
    263 Neb. 135
    638 N.W.2d 819
    Neb. Ct. R. § 3-304(A).
    Neb. Ct. R. § 3-321(A).
    State ex rel. Counsel for Dis. v. Beauvais, 
    supra note 1
    State ex rel. Counsel for Dis. v. Barfield, 
    305 Neb. 79
    938 N.W.2d 863
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    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    311 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    311 Neb. 627
    unrelated to her law practice, did not implicate any breach in
    her duty to her clients, and did not involve a failure to respond
    to disciplinary inquiries. It appears she had no prior discipline.
    We take into consideration the respondent’s explanation of the
    situation she was in at the time of her misconduct. But we also
    observe that the respondent had an opportunity to contest the
    charge and offer mitigating circumstances during the investi-
    gatory hearing in the Texas proceeding, that she does not chal-
    lenge the discipline ordered by the State Bar of Texas, and that
    she did not request a hearing in Nebraska.
    Upon due consideration of our record and the fact that the
    State Bar of Texas held an investigatory hearing in the matter,
    we determine that suspension is appropriate. During oral argu-
    ment, the relator suggested that reciprocal discipline retroactive
    to September 1, 2021, would be appropriate. We agree. We
    grant the motion for reciprocal discipline and impose a suspen-
    sion of 2 years, retroactive to the commencement of the Texas
    suspension and ending on August 31, 2023.
    It is the judgment of this court that the respondent be sus-
    pended from the practice of law in the State of Nebraska for 2
    years, retroactive to the September 1, 2021, suspension in Texas
    and ending on August 31, 2023. The respondent shall comply
    with all notification requirements by suspended members pro-
    vided by Neb. Ct. R. § 3-316 (rev. 2014), and upon failure to
    do so, she shall be subject to punishment for contempt of this
    court. The respondent is directed to pay costs and expenses in
    accordance with 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 7-114
     and 7-115 (Reissue
    2012) and Neb. Ct. R. §§ 3-310(P) (rev. 2022) and 3-323(B) of
    the disciplinary rules within 60 days after an order imposing
    costs and expenses, if any, is entered by the court.
    Judgment of suspension.