Maria T. v. Jeremy S. , 300 Neb. 563 ( 2018 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    08/24/2018 01:09 AM CDT
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    M aria T., appellant, v. Jeremy S.
    and Jamie S., appellees.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed July 20, 2018.    No. S-17-925.
    1.	 Habeas Corpus: Child Custody: Appeal and Error. A decision in a
    habeas corpus case involving the custody of a child is reviewed by an
    appellate court de novo on the record.
    2.	 Habeas Corpus: Appeal and Error. Whether the allegations in an
    application for a writ of habeas corpus are sufficient to warrant dis-
    charge is a matter of law that an appellate court reviews de novo.
    3.	 Habeas Corpus: Constitutional Law. The writ of habeas corpus derives
    from common law and is guaranteed by the Nebraska Constitution.
    4.	 Habeas Corpus. The function of the application for a writ of habeas
    corpus is to procure the issuance of the writ, and ordinarily when this is
    done, the application is functus officio for procedural purposes.
    5.	 Habeas Corpus: Courts. Courts are cautioned in habeas proceedings to
    follow the traditional procedure illustrated by the habeas corpus statutes
    rather than make up their own procedure.
    6.	 Habeas Corpus: Child Custody. The writ of habeas corpus has been
    extended to, and may be used in, controversies regarding the custody
    of infants.
    7.	 ____: ____. In the case of a writ of habeas corpus sued out for the
    detention of a child, the law is concerned not so much about the illegal-
    ity of the detention as about the welfare of the child.
    8.	 ____: ____. When habeas corpus is used in child custody cases, such
    proceedings are governed by considerations of expediency and equity
    and should not be bound by technical rules of practice.
    9.	 Habeas Corpus. In a habeas corpus proceeding, before a hearing on the
    merits, the person to whom the writ is directed makes a response to the
    writ and not, strictly speaking, to the relator’s application.
    10.	 Habeas Corpus: Child Custody. A habeas corpus proceeding involv-
    ing the custody of a child is a proceeding in rem, in which the res is the
    child and its custody.
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    11.	 Habeas Corpus: Child Custody: Jurisdiction. After the court’s juris-
    diction has been invoked by a petition for habeas corpus seeking the
    custody of children, the children become wards of the court and their
    welfare lies in the hands of the court.
    12.	 Habeas Corpus. The proper method for attacking the sufficiency of
    the application for a writ of habeas corpus is by a motion to quash
    the writ.
    13.	 Habeas Corpus: Child Custody. The procedure set forth in Neb. Rev.
    Stat. §§ 29-2801 through 28-2824 (Reissue 2016 & Supp. 2017) applies
    to child custody habeas proceedings.
    14.	 Habeas Corpus: Pleadings. The motion to quash admits all ultimate
    facts well pleaded in a relator’s application, as distinguished from con-
    clusions of law therein, and when thus tested it is ascertained that the
    allegations thereof are not sufficient to warrant discharge, the motion
    should be sustained and the writ of habeas corpus dissolved or quashed.
    15.	 Adoption: Parent and Child: Parental Rights. Agreements in adop-
    tion proceedings allowing contact between an adopted child and the
    child’s biological parents require court approval to be enforceable, and
    even if approved, noncompliance may not be the basis for setting aside
    a particular adoption, or revoking a relinquishment to the Department of
    Health and Human Services.
    16.	 Statutes: Legislature: Intent. A court gives statutory language its
    plain and ordinary meaning and will not look beyond the statute to
    determine the legislative intent when the words are plain, direct, and
    17.	 Adoption: Statutes: Legislature: Intent. There is no ambiguity in the
    Legislature’s stated intent to encompass within Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-163
    (Reissue 2016) all written or oral agreements regarding communication
    or contact after an adoption, when the prospective adoptee is in the cus-
    tody of the Department of Health and Human Services.
    18.	 Appeal and Error. Appellate courts do not generally consider argu-
    ments and theories raised for the first time on appeal.
    19.	 Constitutional Law: Appeal and Error. Except in the most unusual
    cases, for a question of constitutionality to be considered on appeal, it
    must have been properly raised in the trial court. If not so raised, it will
    be considered to have been waived.
    20.	 Constitutional Law: Rules of the Supreme Court: Statutes. Strict
    compliance with Neb. Ct. R. App. P. § 2-109(E) (rev. 2014) is necessary
    whenever a litigant challenges the constitutionality of a statute, regard-
    less of how that constitutional challenge may be characterized.
    Appeal from the District Court for Lancaster County: Susan
    I. Strong, Judge. Affirmed.
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    David V. Chipman, of Monzón, Guerra & Associates, for
    Steffanie J. Garner Kotik, of Kotik & McClure Law, for
    Heavican, C.J., Miller-Lerman, Cassel, Stacy, Funke, and
    Papik, JJ., and Dobrovolny, District Judge.
    Dobrovolny, District Judge.
    The district court dismissed on the pleadings a biological
    mother’s petition for habeas corpus challenging the adop-
    tive parents’ custody over the child. The mother alleged in
    the petition that her relinquishment of parental rights to the
    Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and con-
    sent to adoption had been obtained through coercion, false
    pretenses, or fraud. She attached a communication and consent
    agreement to the petition and alleged that the biological parents
    had failed to allow her to have contact with the child. The dis-
    trict court concluded the petition did not state a claim, because
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-164 (Reissue 2016) provides that failure
    to comply with a court-approved communication or contact
    agreement shall not be grounds for setting aside or revoking
    the relinquishment, the consent to adoption, or the adoption
    decree. We affirm.
    Maria T. filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus on May
    2, 2017, naming Jeremy S. and Jamie S. as respondents.
    She alleged that she was the biological mother of a minor
    child, born in 2012, who was unlawfully restrained by Jeremy
    and Jamie.
    In paragraph IV, Maria alleged that the restraint was illegal,
    because her “consent to adoption and/or voluntary relinquish-
    ment was obtained through coercion and/or false pretenses
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    and/or fraud, which invalidates such relinquishment and/or
    In paragraph V, Maria alleged that her relinquishment was
    conditioned upon the retention of some “parental rights and
    any relinquishment or consent given by [Maria] is therefore
    invalid.” In this paragraph, she stated that she was attach-
    ing a “‘Communication and Contact Agreement’” signed by
    the parties.
    In paragraph VI, Maria alleged that Jeremy and Jamie had
    failed to allow her to have contact with the child after having
    made promises and representations that they would.
    Maria asked that the court find the relinquishment was
    invalid and revoked. She asked that the court take custody
    of the child and determine whether the child’s best interests
    would be served by returning the child to Maria.
    The relinquishment was not attached to the petition, but
    Maria did attach the agreement signed by Maria, Jeremy,
    and Jamie.
    Though the petition did not set forth whether the child was
    in the custody of DHHS at the time of the relinquishment, the
    agreement set forth that Jeremy and Jamie were the child’s
    foster parents and that they would be entering into a foster
    parent adoption after Maria relinquished her parental rights
    to DHHS.
    The agreement set forth that Jeremy and Jamie were to com-
    municate with Maria regarding the child’s welfare and allow
    periodic contact between Maria and the child. However, the
    agreement also set forth that the parties understood that “this
    agreement is subject to the approval of the court having juris-
    diction over the adoption proceedings.”
    Further, in the agreement, the parties set forth their under-
    standing that
    the failure to comply with the terms of the order as pursu-
    ant to Section 43-163 shall not be grounds for setting aside
    an adoption decree, for revocation of a written consent
    for adoption after the consent has been approved by the
    court having jurisdiction over the adoption proceedings,
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    or for revocation or relinquishment of parental rights
    after the relinquishment has been accepted in writing by
    [DHHS] as provided in Section 43-106.01.
    Instead, according to the agreement, any order pursuant to
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-163 (Reissue 2016) could be enforced by
    civil litigation.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-106.01 (Reissue 2016) provides:
    When a child shall have been relinquished by written
    instrument, as provided by sections 43-104 and 43-106,
    to [DHHS] or to a licensed child placement agency and
    the agency has, in writing, accepted full responsibility for
    the child, the person so relinquishing shall be relieved of
    all parental duties toward and all responsibilities for such
    child and have no rights over such child. Nothing con-
    tained in this section shall impair the right of such child
    to inherit.
    The petition did not specifically allege whether the court
    having jurisdiction over the child’s adoption had approved the
    communication and contact agreement.
    Hearing on Motion to Dismiss
    Jeremy and Jamie moved to dismiss for failure to state a
    claim. Their motion is not in the record. At the hearing on
    the motion to dismiss, Jeremy and Jamie offered three exhib-
    its into evidence. Maria objected on the ground that it was a
    hearing on a motion to dismiss “and you’re not supposed to
    consider matters outside the pleading, otherwise it becomes a
    summary judgment.” She did not challenge the authenticity of
    the documents in the exhibits or object on any other grounds.
    Jeremy and Jamie’s attorney responded that she believed the
    evidence was appropriately offered in support of her motion to
    dismiss, because the exhibits contained documents recited in
    Maria’s petition.
    The court asked Maria if she would “like a time to submit
    evidence in this matter.” Maria said she would not. But the
    court did not explicitly state it had changed the status of the
    motion. The parties proceeded with argument without the
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    court’s ruling on the offer of exhibits and apparently under
    the assumption that the court was considering a motion
    to dismiss.
    Jeremy and Jamie’s attorney indicated her understanding
    that the allegations in Maria’s petition were based on Jeremy
    and Jamie’s alleged failure to comply with the agreement. At
    no point did Maria’s attorney respond that her allegations of
    “coercion and/or false pretenses and/or fraud” were based on
    anything other than Jeremy and Jamie’s failure to comply with
    the agreement. Maria’s attorney did not ask the court for leave
    to amend the petition.
    At the conclusion of the hearing, the court received the
    exhibits into evidence. Exhibit 1 consists of Maria’s relinquish-
    ment to DHHS, her consent form, and DHHS’ acceptance of
    her relinquishment. Exhibit 1 reflects that Maria voluntarily
    relinquished to DHHS her parental rights over the child on
    June 12, 2015. Exhibit 2 is the agreement that was attached to
    the petition. Exhibit 3 is the bill of exceptions for the adoption
    hearing. The bill of exceptions reflects that on May 13, 2016,
    the separate juvenile court approved the adoption of the child
    by Jeremy and Jamie, but explicitly did not approve the com-
    munication and contact agreement for the reason that it was not
    in the child’s best interests.
    District Court’s Order
    The district court dismissed the petition for failure to state a
    claim and alternatively addressed granting summary judgment
    in favor of Jeremy and Jamie.
    In the court’s analysis on the motion to dismiss, the court
    stated that it did not consider any of the exhibits. But the
    court considered the attached agreement as part of the allega-
    tions of the petition. The agreement, the court said, confirmed
    that the child was adopted by way of a foster parent adop-
    tion wherein Maria unconditionally relinquished her parental
    rights to DHHS.
    The court concluded that Maria had failed to state a claim,
    because she had failed to allege that the agreement had been
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    approved by the court. Alternatively, after citing to both
    § 43-164 and Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-166(6) (Reissue 2016), the
    court concluded that “neither the statutes in effect at the time,
    nor the case law, afford [Maria] the opportunity to allege fraud,
    duress or coercion on the basis of the Communication and
    Contact Agreement entered into between the parties.”
    Next, the court set forth an analysis regarding “if this
    Court were to treat [Jeremy and Jamie’s] motion as a motion
    for summary judgment rather than a motion to dismiss.” The
    court found no genuine issue as to the fact that the court never
    approved the agreement. Therefore, the court reasoned, the
    agreement could not provide any basis for Maria’s allegation
    that the relinquishment was procured through fraud, duress,
    and coercion. Even if the agreement had been approved, the
    court stated that as a matter of law, Jeremy and Jamie’s failure
    to comply with the agreement’s terms could not be used as
    a basis for invalidating the relinquishment and setting aside
    the adoption.
    In its conclusion, the court set forth in the order that it was
    sustaining Jeremy and Jamie’s motion to dismiss. The court
    ordered the case dismissed with prejudice. Maria appeals.
    Maria assigns that the district court erred in (1) granting
    Jeremy and Jamie’s motion to dismiss and (2) finding in the
    alternative that Jeremy and Jamie were entitled to summary
    [1] A decision in a habeas corpus case involving custody of a
    child is reviewed by an appellate court de novo on the record.1
    [2] Whether the allegations in an application for a writ of
    habeas corpus are sufficient to warrant discharge is a matter of
    law that an appellate court reviews de novo.2
    Monty S. v. Jason W., 
    290 Neb. 1048
    863 N.W.2d 484
    See State v. Determan, 
    292 Neb. 557
    873 N.W.2d 390
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    As a threshold matter, we clarify the procedural rules appli-
    cable to an application for a writ of habeas corpus in a child
    custody matter. For the reasons that follow, we conclude that
    the court and the parties did not follow the correct procedure
    for a habeas proceeding. Nevertheless, the court did not err in
    its ultimate determination that Maria failed to allege facts that
    would establish that Jeremy and Jamie were not entitled to
    sole custody of Maria’s biological child.
    [3] The writ of habeas corpus derives from common law3
    and is guaranteed by the Nebraska Constitution in article I,
    § 8, which provides that “[t]he privilege of the writ of habeas
    corpus shall not be suspended.” Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-2801
    through 29-2824 (Reissue 2016 & Supp. 2017) set forth cer-
    tain procedures for a habeas corpus proceeding. The statutory
    procedure set forth in §§ 29-2801 through 29-2824 appears to
    have largely codified the traditional procedure under common
    law for the writ.4 We have said that the Nebraska Constitution
    provides for the remedy of habeas corpus, while the pro-
    cedure for the writ is governed by statute.5 It is a special
    civil proceeding providing a summary remedy to persons ille-
    gally detained.6
    The first step in order to initiate a habeas proceeding is
    for “any person,” who “is or shall be confined in any jail
    . . . or shall be unlawfully deprived of his or her liberty,” to
    “make application, either by him or herself or by any per-
    son on his or her behalf.”7 If, “by oath or affirmation,” it
    appears in the application that “the person so imprisoned or
    See, e.g., In re Application of Tail, Tail v. Olson, 
    144 Neb. 820
    14 N.W.2d 840
    See, e.g., Brandon L. Garrett, Habeas Corpus and Due Process, 98
    Cornell L. Rev. 47 (2012).
    Sanders v. Frakes, 
    295 Neb. 374
    888 N.W.2d 514
    § 29-2801.
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    detained is imprisoned or detained without any legal authority
    . . . it shall be [the judge’s] duty forthwith to allow a writ of
    habeas corpus.”8
    Before anything else, the court must determine, sua sponte
    and based on the allegations in the application, if the writ
    should issue.9 We have explained that if the relator shows by
    the facts alleged in the application for the writ that the relator
    is not entitled to relief, then the writ should be denied and the
    application dismissed, and that order may be appealed.10 In
    contrast, when the relator sets forth facts which, if true, would
    entitle the relator to discharge, the writ is a matter of right
    and the relator should be produced before the court.11 Habeas
    corpus is a Latin term that, translated literally, means “‘“that
    you have the body,”’”12 and the writ commands that the person
    holding the body of the person allegedly illegally detained pro-
    duce the body on the day specified and submit to and receive
    whatever the court shall consider in the relator’s behalf.13
    Thus, pursuant to §§ 29-2802 and 29-2803, when a judge
    issues the writ, it must be obeyed, or resistance thereto made
    in the regular manner.14 The person detained and named in the
    writ must be brought before the court on the day specified,
    and while the hearing and final disposition are pending, the
    person allegedly illegally detained will be subject to a court
    order for safekeeping or detention, as the nature of the case
    See Hennings v. Chandler, 
    229 Ill. 2d 18
    890 N.E.2d 920
    322 Ill. Dec. 1
          (2008) (and discussion of cases therein).
    See In re Application of Tail, Tail v. Olson, supra note 3. See, also, e.g.,
    Johnson v. Gage, 
    290 Neb. 136
    858 N.W.2d 837
    In re Application of Dunn, 
    150 Neb. 669
    35 N.W.2d 673
    Sanders v. Frakes, supra note 
    5, 295 Neb. at 379
    , 888 N.W.2d at 519.
    See, e.g., Click v. Click, 
    98 W. Va. 419
    127 S.E.2d 194
    (1925); Black’s
    Law Dictionary 825 (10th ed. 2014).
    See Nebraska Children’s Home Society v. State, 
    57 Neb. 765
    78 N.W. 267
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    may require.15 “Neither ministerial officer nor private citizen
    can be permitted to ignore its mandate because he [or she]
    may think the judge allowed it on insufficient grounds.”16
    Section 29-2817 describes that before the hearing on the
    underlying merits, the person to whom the writ is directed
    shall file a “return,” explaining whether he or she has the
    relator under his or her “custody or power, or under restraint”
    and the authority for such custody, power, or restraint. Under
    § 29-2819, the “return” is treated differently depending upon
    whether the person detained is in custody under any warrant
    or commitment in pursuance of law or is instead restrained
    of liberty by any alleged private authority. In the case of
    an alleged private authority, “the return of the writ shall be
    considered only as a plea of the facts therein set forth, and
    the party claiming the custody shall be held to make proof of
    such facts.”17
    [4] The habeas statutes do not describe by what means,
    if any, the respondent may challenge the sufficiency of the
    relator’s application. But we have held that before filing a
    response, the respondent may challenge the sufficiency of the
    statements in the application of the relator by filing a motion
    to quash or to “dissolve” the writ.18 This is consistent with tra-
    ditional common-law habeas corpus procedure.19 The function
    of the application is to procure the issuance of the writ, and
    See §§ 29-2802 and 29-2822. See, also, § 29-2806.
    Nebraska Children’s Home Society v. State, supra note 
    14, 57 Neb. at 770
    78 N.W. at 269.
    § 29-2819.
    See Sedlacek v. Greenholtz, 
    152 Neb. 386
    , 388, 
    41 N.W.2d 154
    , 156
    (1950). See, also, Case v. State, 
    177 Neb. 404
    129 N.W.2d 107
    quoting Sedlacek v. Hann, 
    156 Neb. 340
    56 N.W.2d 138
    (1952), vacated
    on other grounds 
    381 U.S. 336
    85 S. Ct. 1486
    14 L. Ed. 2d 422
    In re Application of Dunn, supra note 11.
    See, Kennedy v. Walker, 
    135 Conn. 262
    63 A.2d 589
    (1948); Com. ex
    rel. Margiotti, Aplnt. v. U. Tr. Co. et al., 
    327 Pa. 497
    194 A. 661
    Garrett, supra note 4.
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    ordinarily when this is done, the application is functus officio
    for procedural purposes.20
    [5] As such, when the proper procedure is followed, the
    application has served its purpose by obtaining the writ and,
    by the time the respondent is on notice, the application is
    no longer in effect such that it could be subject to a motion
    to dismiss for failure to state a claim. For this reason, we
    have said that a demurrer is not a motion usually associated
    with writs of habeas corpus.21 Courts are cautioned in habeas
    proceedings to follow the traditional procedure illustrated
    by the habeas corpus statutes rather than make up their own
    [6-8] The traditional procedure described above applies
    equally to child custody habeas proceedings. Since 1890,23
    we have recognized, “‘“[T]he writ of habeas corpus has been
    extended to, and may be used in, controversies regarding the
    custody of infants.”’”24 This extension occurred under the
    English common law before the establishment of our state.25
    In the case of a writ of habeas corpus sued out for the deten-
    tion of a child, the law is concerned not so much about the
    illegality of the detention as about the welfare of the child.26
    See In re Application of Tail, Tail v. Olson, supra note 3.
    See Rehbein v. Clarke, 
    257 Neb. 406
    598 N.W.2d 39
    See O’Neal v. State, 
    290 Neb. 943
    863 N.W.2d 162
    (2015) (Cassel, J.,
    See Giles v. Giles, 
    30 Neb. 624
    46 N.W. 916
    State ex rel. Cochrane v. Blanco, 
    177 Neb. 149
    , 152, 
    128 N.W.2d 615
    , 617
    (1964); Lung v. Frandsen, 
    155 Neb. 255
    51 N.W.2d 623
    (1952); Hanson
    v. Hanson, 
    150 Neb. 337
    34 N.W.2d 388
    See, e.g., Sarah Abramowicz, Note, English Child Custody Law, 1660-
    1839: The Origins of Judicial Intervention in Paternal Custody, 99
    Colum. L. Rev. 1344 (1999); Eric M. Freedman, Habeas Corpus in Three
    Dimensions, Dimension I: Habeas Corpus as a Common Law Writ, 46
    Harv. C.R.-C.L.L. Rev. 591 (2011).
    See Christopherson v. Christopherson, 
    177 Neb. 414
    129 N.W.2d 113
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    Further, we have repeatedly recognized, as was acknowl-
    edged under common law,27 that when habeas corpus is used
    in child custody cases, such proceedings are governed by
    considerations of expediency and equity and should not be
    bound by technical rules of practice.28 But while there may
    be some distinctions in child custody habeas proceedings
    from prisoner habeas proceedings as to the treatment of the
    underlying merits, it does not follow that the traditional writ
    procedures outlined in our habeas statutes do not govern
    applications for writs of habeas corpus when child custody
    is involved.
    [9-11] In In re Application of Tail, Tail v. Olson,29 a pris-
    oner habeas case, we considered the nature of habeas corpus
    proceedings, both involving prisoners and child custody. We
    cited to §§ 29-2802 and 29-2817, and explained that before a
    hearing on the merits, the person to whom the writ is directed
    makes a response to the writ and not, strictly speaking, to
    the relator’s application. In In re Application of Tail, Tail, we
    observed that we previously held a habeas corpus proceed-
    ing involving the custody of a child is a proceeding in rem,
    in which the res is the child and its custody.30 Once the writ
    issues, “[a]fter the court’s jurisdiction has been invoked by a
    petition for habeas corpus seeking the custody of children, the
    children become wards of the court and their welfare lies in the
    hands of the court.”31
    See Annot., 
    4 A.L.R. 3d 1277
    , § 1[c] (1965).
    McCormick v. State, 
    218 Neb. 338
    354 N.W.2d 160
    (1984); Walker v.
    172 Neb. 398
    109 N.W.2d 724
    (1961); State ex rel. Hamilton
    v. Boiler, 
    159 Neb. 458
    67 N.W.2d 426
    (1954); Lung v. Frandsen, supra
    note 24; Hanson v. Hanson, supra note 24.
    See In re Application of Tail, Tail v. Olson, supra note 3, citing Terry v.
    77 Neb. 612
    110 N.W. 733
    Id. 31 Osterholt
    v. Osterholt, 
    173 Neb. 683
    , 685, 
    114 N.W.2d 734
    , 736 (1962).
    See, also, Hanson v. Hanson, supra note 24.
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    [12] In Nebraska Children’s Home Society v. State,32 a
    child custody habeas case, we again cited to our habeas stat-
    utes, to what is now § 29-2804. And we applied the principle
    that the proper method for attacking the sufficiency of the
    application for a writ of habeas corpus is by a motion to
    quash the writ.33 Several other child custody habeas cases in
    Nebraska appear to have followed the traditional writ proce-
    dure set forth in the habeas statutes, albeit without citing to
    the statutory scheme.34
    We recognize that our case law concerning child custody
    habeas proceedings has not always been consistent. For the
    most part, our cases have failed to cite to §§ 29-2801 through
    29-2824.35 Furthermore, our child custody habeas case law
    appears to have oftentimes treated the application for a writ of
    habeas corpus as if it were a petition setting forth a cause of
    action, to which the respondents would file an answer, with the
    Nebraska Children’s Home Society v. State, supra note 14.
    Id. 34 See,
    Reynolds v. Green, 
    232 Neb. 60
    439 N.W.2d 486
    (1989), overruled
    on other grounds, Gomez v. Savage, 
    254 Neb. 836
    580 N.W.2d 523
          (1998); Walker v. Gehring, supra note 28; State v. Porter, 
    78 Neb. 811
    112 N.W. 286
    (1907); Terry v. Johnson, 
    73 Neb. 653
    103 N.W. 319
          (1905); Nebraska Children’s Home Society v. State, supra note 14; Janet
    K. v. Kevin B., 
    5 Neb. Ct. App. 169
    556 N.W.2d 270
    See, e.g., Brett M. v. Vesely, 
    276 Neb. 765
    757 N.W.2d 360
    Gomez v. Savage, supra note 34; Uhing v. Uhing, 
    241 Neb. 368
    488 N.W.2d 366
    (1992); L.G.P. v. Nebraska Dept. of Soc. Servs., 
    239 Neb. 644
    477 N.W.2d 571
    (1991); Friedrichsen v. Koehn, 
    216 Neb. 628
    344 N.W.2d 672
    (1984); Marcus v. Huffman, 
    187 Neb. 798
    194 N.W.2d 221
    (1972); Hausman v. Shields, 
    184 Neb. 88
    165 N.W.2d 581
    Gray v. Hartman, 
    181 Neb. 590
    150 N.W.2d 120
    (1967); State ex rel.
    Cochrane v. Blanco, supra note 24; Osterholt v. Osterholt, supra note 31;
    Lakey v. Gudgel, 
    158 Neb. 116
    62 N.W.2d 525
    (1954); Barnes v. Morash,
    156 Neb. 721
    57 N.W.2d 783
    (1953); Lung v. Frandsen, supra note 24;
    Hanson v. Hanson, supra note 24; In re Application of Schwartzkopf, 
    149 Neb. 460
    31 N.W.2d 294
    (1948); State v. Bryant, 
    95 Neb. 129
    145 N.W. 266
    (1914); Clarke v. Lyon, 
    82 Neb. 625
    118 N.W. 472
    (1908); Norval v.
    57 Neb. 158
    77 N.W. 373
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    writ issuing or not issuing at the close of all the proceedings
    rather than at the beginning.36 Contrary to our cases stating
    that a motion to quash is the proper procedure to challenge the
    sufficiency of the application for the writ, in Christopherson v.
    Christopherson,37 for example, we applied the civil procedure
    statutes to determine that the respondent’s demurrer should
    be considered a motion to dismiss. We ultimately held that
    the motion to dismiss was improper insofar as it attempted to
    obtain dismissal by means of factual allegations as yet untested
    in court.38
    [13] Thus, we clarify here that the procedure set forth
    in §§ 29-2801 through 29-2824 applies to child custody
    habeas proceedings. In Mayfield v. Hartmann,39 we addressed
    a habeas proceeding involving civil commitment and said that
    we have uniformly applied rules limiting collateral attacks by
    habeas corpus to void judgments to “both civil and criminal
    cases alike.” We likewise find that the procedure for child
    custody and prisoner custody habeas proceedings should be
    uniform. Even if §§ 29-2801 through 29-2824 did not directly
    control, the traditional common-law procedures would not
    be different.40 The procedural mechanism to bring the child
    into court quickly and procure the court’s temporary custody
    See, e.g., Brett M. v. Vesely, supra note 35; Gomez v. Savage, supra note
    34; Uhing v. Uhing, supra note 35; L.G.P. v. Nebraska Dept. of Soc. Servs.,
    supra note 35; Friedrichsen v. Koehn, supra note 35; Marcus v. Huffman,
    supra note 35; Gray v. Hartman, supra note 35; Osterholt v. Osterholt,
    supra note 31; Lakey v. Gudgel, supra note 35; Hanson v. Hanson, supra
    note 24; In re Application of Schwartzkopf, supra note 35; State v. Bryant,
    supra note 35; Clarke v. Lyon, supra note 35.
    Christopherson v. Christopherson, supra note 26.
    id. 39 Mayfield
    v. Hartmann, 
    221 Neb. 122
    , 125, 
    375 N.W.2d 146
    , 149 (1985),
    citing Schleuter v. McCuiston, 
    203 Neb. 101
    277 N.W.2d 667
    State ex rel. Casselman v. Macken, 
    194 Neb. 806
    235 N.W.2d 867
    and Sedlacek v. Hann, supra note 18.
    See Freedman, supra note 25.
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    over that child’s welfare through issuance of a writ pending
    a custody hearing protects the interests of the child and the
    parents alike.
    Accordingly, a motion to dismiss under Neb. Ct. R. Pldg.
    § 6-1112(b) should play no role in a child custody habeas pro-
    ceeding. Instead, a challenge should be made to the writ, if it is
    issued, by means of a motion to quash.
    That was not the procedure followed below. The court erred
    by failing to determine sua sponte whether to issue the writ,
    from which could have been followed a motion to quash rather
    than a motion to dismiss under § 6-1112(b). We will neverthe-
    less review the court’s ultimate conclusion that the allegations
    in the application were insufficient to state a claim challeng-
    ing the lawfulness of the restraint of the child in Jeremy and
    Jamie’s custody. In Rehbein v. Clarke,41 we similarly consid-
    ered whether the court had properly dismissed the application
    for writ of habeas corpus, even though we held that the court
    had failed to follow proper procedure when it entertained a
    demurrer instead of a motion to quash. The question regardless
    was whether the allegations of the application were sufficient
    to warrant discharge.42
    In accordance with Rehbein, we will examine whether
    Maria’s allegations were sufficient to warrant the child’s dis-
    charge from Jeremy and Jamie’s custody, but we will not
    address the mandate in § 6-1112(b) regarding conversion of
    a motion to dismiss into a motion for summary judgment.
    Habeas corpus proceedings, like postconviction proceedings,
    are not governed by the Nebraska Court Rules of Pleading in
    Civil Cases.43 The mandate in § 6-1112(b) is thus inapplicable
    to habeas proceedings. Further, we can determine, without
    considering the exhibits admitted at the hearing, whether Maria
    failed to allege facts warranting relief.
    Rehbein v. Clarke, supra note 21.
    id. 43 See
    State v. Robertson, 
    294 Neb. 29
    881 N.W.2d 864
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    [14] The motion to quash admits all ultimate facts well
    pleaded in a relator’s application, as distinguished from conclu-
    sions of law therein, and when thus tested it is ascertained that
    the allegations thereof are not sufficient to warrant discharge,
    the motion should be sustained and the writ of habeas corpus
    dissolved or quashed.44 Maria alleged in her application that
    the relinquishment was “conditioned upon the retention of
    some parental rights” and that Jeremy and Jamie “made prom-
    ises and representations to [Maria] that she could see the child”
    and had failed to allow her to do so. The attached agreement
    provides the additional factual allegations that this was a foster
    parent adoption after Maria gave consent to adopt and signed
    a voluntary relinquishment to DHHS (which DHHS accepted).
    The agreement is asserted to amount to a condition under
    paragraph V of the petition, therefore rendering the relinquish-
    ment invalid.
    [15] Communication and contact agreements are contem-
    plated and discussed by the law at Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 43-162
    to 43-166 (Reissue 2016). These statutes specifically provide
    that the agreements require court approval to be enforceable,
    and even if approved, noncompliance may not be the basis for
    setting aside a particular adoption, or revoking a relinquish-
    ment to DHHS. Therefore, under the law, such an agreement
    in any form could never be considered an invalidating con-
    dition, and noncompliance cannot be the basis for the relief
    Maria seeks.
    [16] Section 43-162 provides for court approval of com-
    munication or contact agreements for adoptees in the custody
    of DHHS:
    The prospective adoptive parent or parents and the birth
    parent or parents of a prospective adoptee may enter into
    an agreement regarding communication or contact after
    the adoption between or among the prospective adoptee
    and his or her birth parent or parents if the prospective
    See Sedlacek v. Greenholtz, supra note 18.
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    adoptee is in the custody of [DHHS]. Any such agreement
    shall not be enforceable unless approved by the court pur-
    suant to section 43-163.
    A court gives statutory language its plain and ordinary meaning
    and will not look beyond the statute to determine the legisla-
    tive intent when the words are plain, direct, and unambiguous.45
    Under the plain language of § 43-162, “an agreement regarding
    communication or contact . . . shall not be enforceable unless
    approved by the court.”
    While the application failed to describe whether the agree-
    ment was approved by the juvenile court, even had the agree-
    ment been approved, its breach would not have rendered
    Maria’s relinquishment and consent invalid. Section 43-164
    states that failure to comply with a court-approved commu-
    nication or contact agreement shall not be grounds for setting
    aside or revoking a relinquishment, consent to adoption, or an
    adoption decree:
    Failure to comply with the terms of an order entered
    pursuant to section 43-163 shall not be grounds for
    setting aside an adoption decree, for revocation of a
    written consent to adoption after the consent has been
    approved by the court, or for revocation of a relinquish-
    ment of parental rights after the relinquishment has been
    accepted in writing by [DHHS] as provided in section
    [17] Maria argues on appeal that her factual allegations in
    the application for the writ included an alleged breach of a pri-
    vate, apparently oral, promise to maintain contact, as opposed
    to the written agreement presented during the adoption pro-
    ceeding. But these statutes are not limited to written agree-
    ments or agreements presented to the juvenile court. We find
    no ambiguity in the Legislature’s stated intent to encompass
    within § 43-163 all written or oral agreements regarding com-
    munication or contact after an adoption, when the prospective
    In re Interest of Joseph C., 
    299 Neb. 848
    910 N.W.2d 773
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    adoptee is in the custody of DHHS. Under § 43-163, such
    agreements are enforceable only if approved by the juvenile
    court and, pursuant to § 43-164, such agreements are never
    enforceable by way of revoking the consent and dissolving
    the adoption.
    Thus, the facts alleged in Maria’s application, as distin-
    guished from conclusions of law therein, were not sufficient
    to warrant discharge. Rather, the allegations in the applica-
    tion show on their face that there is an insuperable bar to
    relief. While Maria asserted more broadly in her application
    that her relinquishment and consent was invalid because it
    was “obtained through coercion and/or false pretenses and/or
    fraud,” this naked conclusion of law was insufficient to warrant
    a writ of habeas corpus.
    [18-20] For the first time on appeal, Maria raises the con-
    stitutionality of the statutes governing consent and contact
    agreements in relinquishments to DHHS. Appellate courts
    do not generally consider arguments and theories raised for
    the first time on appeal.46 Except in the most unusual cases,
    for a question of constitutionality to be considered on appeal,
    it must have been properly raised in the trial court.47 If
    not so raised, it will be considered to have been waived.48
    Furthermore, strict compliance with Neb. Ct. R. App. P.
    § 2-109(E) (rev. 2014) is necessary whenever a litigant chal-
    lenges the constitutionality of a statute, regardless of how
    that constitutional challenge may be characterized.49 Maria
    failed to file a separate notice challenging the constitutional-
    ity of a statute and serve her brief on the Attorney General, as
    required by § 2-109(E).
    State v. Ortega, 
    290 Neb. 172
    859 N.W.2d 305
    State ex rel. Shepherd v. Neb. Equal Opp. Comm., 
    251 Neb. 517
    557 N.W.2d 684
    Id. 49 State
    v. Boche, 
    294 Neb. 912
    885 N.W.2d 523
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    While habeas corpus is an appropriate remedy to challenge
    the legality of a child’s adoption and custody,50 §§ 43-162
    and 43-164 present an insuperable bar to relief under the cir-
    cumstances and events alleged in Maria’s petition. Although
    the proper procedure was not followed, we affirm the court’s
    ultimate determination that the application failed to allege facts
    that could warrant relief in a habeas proceeding. For this rea-
    son, we find no merit to Maria’s assignments of error.
    For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the district court
    did not err in dismissing Maria’s application for a writ of
    habeas corpus.
    A ffirmed.
    See Jesse B. v. Tylee H., 
    293 Neb. 973
    883 N.W.2d 1