AVG Partners I v. Genesis Health Clubs , 307 Neb. 47 ( 2020 )

  • Nebraska Supreme Court Online Library
    10/01/2020 12:09 AM CDT
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    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    307 Nebraska Reports
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    307 Neb. 47
    AVG Partners I, LLC, also known as AVG Partners,
    appellee and cross-appellant, v. Genesis Health
    Clubs of Midwest, LLC, and 24 Hour
    Fitness USA, Inc., appellants
    and cross-appellees.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed September 4, 2020.   No. S-19-857.
    1. Appeal and Error. An alleged error must be both specifically assigned
    and specifically argued in the brief of the party asserting the error to be
    considered by an appellate court.
    2. Standing: Jurisdiction: Parties. Standing is a jurisdictional com­ponent
    of a party’s case because only a party who has standing may invoke the
    jurisdiction of a court.
    3. Jurisdiction: Appeal and Error. The question of jurisdiction is a ques­
    tion of law, upon which an appellate court reaches a conclusion indepen­
    dent of the trial court.
    4. Directed Verdict: Appeal and Error. A directed verdict is proper at the
    close of all the evidence only when reasonable minds cannot differ and
    can draw but one conclusion from the evidence, that is, when an issue
    should be decided as a matter of law.
    5. ____: ____. In reviewing a trial court’s ruling on a motion for directed
    verdict, an appellate court must treat the motion as an admission of the
    truth of all competent evidence submitted on behalf of the party against
    whom the motion is directed; such being the case, the party against
    whom the motion is directed is entitled to have every controverted fact
    resolved in its favor and to have the benefit of every inference which
    can reasonably be deduced from the evidence.
    6. Motions for New Trial: Appeal and Error. An appellate court reviews
    a denial of a motion for new trial or, in the alternative, to alter or amend
    the judgment, for an abuse of discretion.
    7. Rules of Evidence: Appeal and Error. When the Nebraska Evidence
    Rules commit the evidentiary question at issue to the discretion of the
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    trial court, an appellate court reviews the admissibility of evidence for
    an abuse of discretion.
    8.   Rules of Evidence: Hearsay: Appeal and Error. Apart from rulings
    under the residual hearsay exception, an appellate court reviews for
    clear error the factual findings underpinning a trial court’s hearsay rul-
    ing and reviews de novo the court’s ultimate determination to admit evi-
    dence over a hearsay objection or exclude evidence on hearsay grounds.
    9.   Prejudgment Interest: Appeal and Error. Awards of prejudgment
    interest are reviewed de novo.
    10.   Verdicts: Appeal and Error. When reviewing a jury verdict, the appel-
    late court considers the evidence and resolves evidentiary conflicts in
    favor of the successful party.
    11.   Verdicts: Juries: Appeal and Error. A jury verdict may not be set
    aside unless clearly wrong, and it is sufficient if there is competent
    evidence presented to the jury upon which it could find for the success-
    ful party.
    12.   Courts: Appeal and Error. Appellate review of a district court’s use of
    inherent power is for an abuse of discretion.
    13.   Standing: Jurisdiction: Proof. A party invoking a court’s or tribunal’s
    jurisdiction bears the burden of establishing the elements of standing.
    14.   Standing: Jurisdiction. Standing requires that a litigant have such a
    personal stake in the outcome of a controversy as to warrant invocation
    of a court’s jurisdiction and justify exercise of the court’s remedial pow­
    ers on the litigant’s behalf.
    15.   Leases: Words and Phrases. A lease is a species of contract for the
    possession and profits of land and tenements, either for life or for a
    certain period of time, or during the pleasure of the parties, and the
    essential elements of a contract must be present.
    16.   Actions: Landlord and Tenant. In an action for rent, it is sufficient to
    show a contract with plaintiff and a holding under him or her; plaintiff’s
    title or right of possession is immaterial.
    17.   Rules of Evidence: Proof. There is no general rule of evidence
    that a party must produce the best evidence which the nature of the
    case permits.
    18.   Trial: Evidence: Appeal and Error. In a civil case, the admission or
    exclusion of evidence is not reversible error unless it unfairly prejudiced
    a substantial right of the complaining party.
    19.   ____: ____: ____. Erroneous admission of evidence does not require
    reversal if the evidence is cumulative and other relevant evidence, prop-
    erly admitted, supports the finding by the trier of fact.
    20.   Prejudgment Interest. 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-104
     (Reissue 2010)
    applies to four types of judgments: (1) money due on any instrument
    in writing; (2) settlement of the account from the day the balance shall
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    be agreed upon; (3) money received to the use of another and retained
    without the owner’s consent, express or implied, from the receipt
    thereof; and (4) money loaned or due and withheld by unreasonable
    delay of payment.
    21.   Rules of the Supreme Court: Pleadings: Prejudgment Interest:
    Notice. Compliance with Neb. Ct. R. Pldg. § 6-1108(a) is not determina­
    tive where entitlement to interest is based on statute and the adverse
    party had notice and an opportunity to be heard prior to judgment.
    22.   Leases: Prejudgment Interest. Interest under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-104
    (Reissue 2010) can be recovered on a lease, although the statute’s provi-
    sions may be superseded by terms set forth in the lease.
    23.   Claims: Prejudgment Interest. Whether a claim is liquidated or unliq-
    uidated is immaterial with respect to a litigant’s ability to recover pre-
    judgment interest under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-104
     (Reissue 2010).
    24.   Rules of Evidence: Words and Phrases. Authentication or identifica-
    tion of evidence is a condition precedent to its admission and is satisfied
    by evidence sufficient to support a finding that the matter in question is
    what its proponent claims.
    25.   Rules of Evidence: Proof. A proponent of evidence is not required to
    conclusively prove the genuineness of the evidence or to rule out all
    possibilities inconsistent with authenticity.
    26.   Rules of Evidence: Records: Words and Phrases. The term “data
    compilation” in 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803
    (5)(b) (Reissue 2016) is broad
    enough to include records furnished by third parties with knowledge of
    the relevant acts, events, or conditions if the third party has a duty to
    make the records and the holder of the record routinely compiles and
    keeps them.
    27.   Leases: Real Estate: Taxes: Assessments. The right to recover real
    estate taxes and assessments under a lease depends upon the wording of
    the lease contract.
    28.   Taxes: Interest: Penalties and Forfeitures: Costs. It is a general rule
    that in the absence of an express statute to the contrary, interest, penal-
    ties, and costs collected on delinquent taxes follow the tax.
    29.   Appeal and Error. An argument that does little more than restate an
    assignment of error does not support the assignment, and an appellate
    court will not address it.
    30.   Actions: Pleadings: Notice. Under Nebraska’s liberal pleading regime
    for civil actions, a party is required to set forth only a short and plain
    statement of the claim showing the pleader’s entitlement to relief and is
    not required to plead legal theories or cite appropriate statutes so long as
    the pleading gives fair notice of the claims asserted.
    31.   Leases: Damages. When a lease provides for late charges, they may be
    recoverable as damages.
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    32. Appeal and Error: Words and Phrases. Plain error is error plainly
    evident from the record and of such a nature that to leave it uncorrected
    would result in damage to the integrity, reputation, or fairness of the
    judicial process.
    33. Courts: Jurisdiction. A district court, as a court of general jurisdiction,
    has inherent power to do all things necessary for the proper administra-
    tion of justice and equity within the scope of its jurisdiction.
    34. Rules of the Supreme Court: Judges: Motions for Continuance. Trial
    judges are encouraged to implement firm, consistent procedures for
    minimizing continuances to meet case progression standards.
    35. Trial: Judges. A trial judge has broad discretion over the conduct of
    a trial.
    36. Affidavits: Public Officers and Employees. In connection with an affi-
    davit, a notary public completes a certificate, known as a jurat, which
    confirms that the affiant appeared before the notary, attested to the truth
    of his or her statements, and signed the affidavit.
    37. Oaths and Affirmations: Affidavits: Public Officers and Employees.
    The fact that an affiant signed an affidavit in the presence of a notary
    and that the affiant’s signature was in fact notarized is sufficient as an
    oath or affirmation.
    38. Affidavits. Unless required by statute, an omission in a jurat that an
    affidavit was sworn to will not be fatal if the fact otherwise appears.
    39. Judgments: Words and Phrases. A court abuses its discretion when
    its decision is based upon reasons that are untenable or unreasonable
    or if its action is clearly against justice or conscience, reason, and
    40. Appeal and Error. An appellate court is not obligated to engage in an
    analysis that is not necessary to adjudicate the case and controversy
    before it.
    Appeal from the District Court for Douglas County: J
    Russell Derr, Judge. Affirmed.
    W. Patrick Betterman, P.C., L.L.O., for appellants.
    William F. Hargens and Lauren R. Goodman, of McGrath,
    North, Mullin & Kratz, P.C., L.L.O., and Gregory M. Bordo and
    Christopher J. Petersen, of Blank Rome, L.L.P., for appellee.
    Heavican, C.J., Cassel, Stacy, Funke, Papik, and
    Freudenberg, JJ.
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    Cassel, J.
    After a tenant breached its written leases on two commercial
    properties, the landlord obtained a money judgment—based
    upon a jury’s special verdict for “[u]npaid rent and late fees”
    and “[u]npaid taxes.” The tenant appeals, and the landlord
    cross-appeals. We find no merit in the tenant’s numerous argu-
    ments—challenging the landlord’s standing, evidentiary rul-
    ings, damages based on lease provisions governing late fees and
    real estate taxes, statutory prejudgment interest, 1 and expenses
    awarded for a trial delay caused by the tenant’s last-minute
    discharge of its lawyer. Not reaching the cross-appeal of an
    evidentiary ruling, we affirm the district court’s judgment.
    We begin with a brief background. Additional facts will be
    discussed, as necessary, in the analysis section.
    As landlord, AVG Partners I, LLC, also known as AVG
    Partners (AVG), sued its tenant’s assignee, Genesis Health
    Clubs of Midwest, LLC, and its original tenant, 24 Hour
    Fitness USA, Inc. (collectively Genesis), for breaches of two
    commercial leases for property in Omaha, Nebraska. Each
    written lease was for a building that was used as a fitness club.
    One was located on South 145th Plaza (145th Plaza) and the
    other on North 118th Circle (North Circle).
    In April 2017, Genesis closed the North Circle facility and
    vacated the premises even though the lease did not expire until
    October 2019. It failed to make any of the monthly $63,154.29
    rent payments for April 2017 or thereafter and failed to pay
    property taxes. AVG sent Genesis a notice of default each
    month from April 2017 to April 2019.
    With respect to the 145th Plaza lease, Genesis paid one-
    half of the $56,291.67 monthly rent due from September
    2017 through June 2018. In response to the insufficient rent
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-104
     (Reissue 2010).
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    payments, AVG sent notices of default. Despite the notices
    of default, Genesis never paid the remaining half of the rent
    due from September 2017 through June 2018. Since June
    2016, Genesis had not paid any of the property taxes levied on
    145th Plaza.
    The matter proceeded to a jury trial. Genesis did not dispute
    the amounts of monthly rent owed under the written leases.
    Nor was there any dispute that Genesis breached the leases by
    failing to pay rent and real property taxes. In Genesis’ open-
    ing statement, counsel informed the jury that there were two
    reasons why AVG was not owed all the money it claimed:
    AVG’s failure to mitigate the loss and its failure to give the
    required notice.
    The jury returned a special verdict in AVG’s favor. Regarding
    the North Circle property, it found that AVG met its burden of
    proving Genesis breached the lease agreement, causing AVG
    damages of $1,657,800 for unpaid rent and late fees from
    April 1, 2017, to the date of the verdict and of $264,937.47 for
    unpaid taxes payable to that date. The jury found that Genesis
    did not meet its burden of proving AVG failed to take reason-
    able steps to minimize its damages. Regarding the property at
    145th Plaza, the jury found that AVG met its burden of prov-
    ing Genesis breached the lease agreement. According to the
    verdict, AVG’s damages were $303,974.96 in unpaid rent and
    late fees from September 20, 2017, to the date of the verdict
    and $236,745.77 in unpaid taxes payable to that date. The court
    entered judgment on the verdict and further awarded prejudg-
    ment interest.
    Genesis appealed, and AVG cross-appealed. We moved the
    case to our docket. 2
    [1] Genesis assigned 14 errors, most of which contained
    multiple subparts. An alleged error must be both specifically
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-1106
    (3) (Cum. Supp. 2018).
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    assigned and specifically argued in the brief of the party
    asserting the error to be considered by an appellate court. 3 We
    address only those errors both assigned and argued.
    Genesis alleges, consolidated and restated, that the court
    erred in (1) failing to find that AVG lacked standing because
    it failed to prove its ownership of the properties at issue,
    (2) awarding prejudgment interest, (3) failing to reduce the spe-
    cial verdict for penalty interest on taxes and late fees for both
    properties and failing to grant Genesis a new trial on late fees,
    (4) admitting certain exhibits and testimony into evidence, and
    (5) awarding sanctions of $69,179.19.
    On cross-appeal, AVG assigns that the court erred in sustain-
    ing Genesis’ hearsay objection to the admission of exhibit 132.
    [2,3] Standing is a jurisdictional com­ponent of a party’s
    case because only a party who has standing may invoke the
    jurisdiction of a court. 4 The question of jurisdiction is a ques-
    tion of law, upon which an appellate court reaches a conclusion
    indepen­dent of the trial court. 5
    [4,5] A directed verdict is proper at the close of all the evi-
    dence only when reasonable minds cannot differ and can draw
    but one conclusion from the evidence, that is, when an issue
    should be decided as a matter of law. 6 In reviewing a trial
    court’s ruling on a motion for directed verdict, an appellate
    court must treat the motion as an admission of the truth of all
    competent evidence submitted on behalf of the party against
    whom the motion is directed; such being the case, the party
    against whom the motion is directed is entitled to have every
    TNT Cattle Co. v. Fife, 
    304 Neb. 890
    937 N.W.2d 811
    In re Maint. Fund Trust of Sunset Mem. Park Chapel, 
    302 Neb. 954
    925 N.W.2d 695
    Anderson v. Babbe, 
    304 Neb. 186
    933 N.W.2d 813
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    controverted fact resolved in its favor and to have the benefit
    of every inference which can reasonably be deduced from
    the evidence. 7
    [6] An appellate court reviews a denial of a motion for new
    trial or, in the alternative, to alter or amend the judgment, for
    an abuse of discretion. 8
    [7,8] When the Nebraska Evidence Rules commit the evi-
    dentiary question at issue to the discretion of the trial court,
    an appellate court reviews the admissibility of evidence for
    an abuse of discretion. 9 Apart from rulings under the residual
    hearsay exception, an appellate court reviews for clear error
    the factual findings underpinning a trial court’s hearsay rul-
    ing and reviews de novo the court’s ultimate determination to
    admit evidence over a hearsay objection or exclude evidence
    on hearsay grounds. 10
    [9] Awards of prejudgment interest are reviewed de novo. 11
    [10,11] When reviewing a jury verdict, the appellate court
    considers the evidence and resolves evidentiary conflicts in
    favor of the successful party. 12 A jury verdict may not be set
    aside unless clearly wrong, and it is sufficient if there is com-
    petent evidence presented to the jury upon which it could find
    for the successful party. 13
    [12] Appellate review of a district court’s use of inherent
    power is for an abuse of discretion. 14
    Jacobs Engr. Group v. ConAgra Foods, 
    301 Neb. 38
    917 N.W.2d 435
    Armstrong v. Clarkson College, 
    297 Neb. 595
    901 N.W.2d 1
    Pantano v. American Blue Ribbon Holdings, 
    303 Neb. 156
    927 N.W.2d 357
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    303 Neb. 280
    929 N.W.2d 40
    Jacobs Engr. Group v. ConAgra Foods, 
    supra note 7
    Bohling v. Bohling, 
    304 Neb. 968
    937 N.W.2d 855
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    1. Assignment of Leases to AVG
    (a) Additional Background
    Genesis moved for a directed verdict on the basis that
    there was no evidence of an assignment of the lessor’s inter-
    est. Genesis’ counsel noted that there was no deed showing
    the conveyance of the leased property to AVG and moved to
    dismiss on the ground that AVG did not have standing. The
    court overruled the motion, stating that the evidence as a whole
    demonstrated AVG had the right to enforce the agreements and
    collect rent. The court also overruled Genesis’ posttrial motion
    to set aside the verdict and judgment and motion for new trial
    asserting that AVG failed to prove the assignments.
    (b) Discussion
    [13,14] Genesis argues that AVG’s claims fail, because
    AVG did not prove an assignment of the written leases to it.
    And in the absence of the assignment, it challenges AVG’s
    standing. A party invoking a court’s or tribunal’s jurisdiction
    bears the burden of establishing the elements of standing. 15
    Standing requires that a litigant have such a personal stake
    in the outcome of a controversy as to warrant invocation of a
    court’s jurisdiction and justify exercise of the court’s remedial
    powers on the litigant’s behalf. 16 As discussed below, the evi-
    dence supported AVG’s status as the landlord under the leases,
    and as the landlord, AVG obviously had a personal stake in
    this action.
    [15,16] This is an action for two claims of breach of a writ-
    ten contract. A lease is a species of contract for the posses-
    sion and profits of land and tenements, either for life or for a
    certain period of time, or during the pleasure of the parties,
    and the essential elements of a contract must be present. 17
    In re Maint. Fund Trust of Sunset Mem. Park Chapel, 
    supra note 4
    Krance v. Faeh, 
    215 Neb. 242
    338 N.W.2d 55
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    In an action for rent, it is sufficient to show a contract with
    plaintiff and a holding under him or her; plaintiff’s title or
    right of possession is immaterial. 18 Generally the relation of
    landlord and tenant is founded upon express contract, but
    such relation may be presumed from the conduct of the par-
    ties in the premises. 19 One in exclusive possession of the real
    estate of another with the latter’s knowledge, in the absence
    of all evidence on the subject, will be presumed in posses-
    sion by the owner’s permission. 20 It is well settled that a ten-
    ant cannot, while occupying the premises, dispute his or her
    landlord’s title. 21 And the estoppel of a tenant to deny the title
    of his or her landlord extends to everyone in privity with the
    landlord, and it inures to the benefit of any person to whom
    the landlord’s title may pass, and continues until possession is
    actually surrendered. 22
    [17] Genesis emphasizes the absence of a document assign-
    ing the leases, but it was not essential. There is no general rule
    of evidence that a party must produce the best evidence which
    the nature of the case permits. 23 Thus, we have explained that
    there is no hierarchy of evidence. 24 Here, the evidence at trial
    demonstrated Genesis’ understanding that AVG was its landlord
    under the leases; there was no evidence to the contrary. Genesis
    made rent checks payable to “AVG Partners I, LLC.” When 24
    Hour Fitness USA entered into a June 2016 lease assignment
    Bartlett v. Robinson, 
    52 Neb. 715
    72 N.W. 1053
    Steen v. Scheel, 
    46 Neb. 252
    64 N.W. 957
    Skinner v. Skinner, 
    38 Neb. 756
    57 N.W. 534
    See, Bender v. James, 
    212 Neb. 77
    321 N.W.2d 436
     (1982); Penn Mutual
    Life Ins. Co. v. Sweeney, 
    132 Neb. 624
    273 N.W. 46
     (1937); Kouma v.
    129 Neb. 892
    263 N.W. 211
     (1935); Carson v. Broady, 
    56 Neb. 648
    77 N.W. 80
    Hackney v. McIninch, 
    79 Neb. 128
    112 N.W. 296
    Burgardt v. Burgardt, 
    304 Neb. 356
    934 N.W.2d 488
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    agreement with Genesis, it listed the leases involved here and
    identified the chain of assignments leading to the assignments
    of the leases to AVG. In April 2017, when Genesis vacated
    the North Circle premises, its law firm notified AVG, stating
    that “AVG Partners I, LLC” and Genesis were parties to the
    lease. Letters from the Douglas County treas­urer concerning
    delinquent real estate taxes for 145th Plaza and North Circle
    were addressed to “AVG Partners I LLC” as the owner of
    the properties.
    [18,19] In connection with this issue, Genesis argues that the
    court erred in admitting the opinion of Tere Throenle, AVG’s
    chief financial officer, regarding AVG’s ownership of the prop-
    erties. In a civil case, the admission or exclusion of evidence
    is not reversible error unless it unfairly prejudiced a substantial
    right of the complaining party. 25 Erroneous admission of evi-
    dence does not require reversal if the evidence is cumulative
    and other relevant evidence, properly admitted, supports the
    finding by the trier of fact. 26 Here, other properly admitted
    evidence demonstrated AVG’s status as landlord under the
    leases. Assuming, without deciding, that it was error to admit
    Throenle’s opinion on ownership of the properties, any such
    error was harmless.
    We conclude that the assignments of error directed to AVG’s
    alleged failure to prove assignment of the leases lack merit.
    2. Prejudgment Interest
    (a) Additional Background
    AVG filed its operative complaint in November 2017, set-
    ting forth when breaches occurred. The complaint requested
    damages in an amount to be proved at trial and “[f]or all other
    relief that the Court deems just and proper.” But it did not spe-
    cifically request prejudgment interest.
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    See Worth v. Kolbeck, 
    273 Neb. 163
    728 N.W.2d 282
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    Prejudgment interest was litigated at trial. Throenle testified
    that AVG calculated 12 percent interest on the outstanding rent.
    It was Throenle’s understanding that 12 percent interest was
    the statutory amount of interest applicable under Nebraska law.
    In connection with Genesis’ motion for directed verdict, coun-
    sel and the court discussed interest and the liquidated nature
    of the claims. In closing arguments, AVG’s counsel stated,
    “[W]hen . . . Throenle was testifying, we showed you a couple
    of charts that had some numbers on them . . . . Those numbers
    that were provided during . . . Throenle’s testimony, included,
    . . . a 12 percent prejudgment interest amount that was added
    to it.” Counsel stated that the court would calculate the interest
    charge after trial.
    The court awarded AVG “prejudgment interest in the
    amount of $254,118.78 (as of May 22, 2019, with prejudg-
    ment interest accruing thereon at $611.50 per day until entry of
    (b) Discussion
    (i) Application of Recent Decision
    Genesis argues that our recent decision in Weyh v. Gottsch 27
    should be applied only prospectively. Weyh was released after
    trial but 11 days before the court entered its order on the jury
    verdict and on prejudgment interest. Genesis contends that it
    would be inequitable to apply Weyh retroactively, because liti-
    gants have operated under the belief that prejudgment interest
    under § 45-104 was not allowed for unliquidated claims except
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-103.02
     (Reissue 2010) applied.
    In Weyh, we clarified Nebraska’s existing law on pre-
    judgment interest. We held that § 45-103.02(2) was not the
    exclusive means of recovering prejudgment interest. We
    explained that “§§ 45-103.02 and 45-104 provide[d] separate
    and independent means of recovering prejudgment interest,
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
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    and we h[e]ld that when a claim is of the types enumerated in
    § 45-104, then prejudgment interest may be recovered without
    regard to whether the claim is liquidated.” 28 As we discuss
    below, § 45-104 has long been part of Nebraska law.
    In rare circumstances, fairness and equity dictate that a
    newly announced rule of law be effective as of the date of the
    court’s opinion. 29 Nearly half a century ago, the U.S. Supreme
    Court set forth the following standard for prospective applica-
    tion of a substantive change in law:
    First, the decision to be applied nonretroactively must
    establish a new principle of law, either by overruling
    clear past precedent on which litigants may have relied
    . . . or by deciding an issue of first impression whose
    resolution was not clearly foreshadowed . . . . Second,
    [the court] “must . . . weigh the merits and demerits in
    each case by looking to the prior history of the rule in
    question, its purpose and effect, and whether retrospec-
    tive operation will further or retard its operation.” . . .
    Finally, [the court must weigh] the inequity imposed by
    retroactive application, for “[w]here a decision of [the
    court] could produce substantial inequitable results if
    applied retroactively, there is ample basis in our cases
    for avoiding the ‘injustice or hardship’ by a holding of
    nonretroactivity.” 30
    Genesis’ rationale seems to be that one who violates a
    contract falling squarely within the statute should nonetheless
    avoid prejudgment interest because this court had judicially
    imposed a limitation appearing nowhere in the statute. We see
    no unfairness, inequity, injustice, or hardship in enforcing the
    statute as written. We will apply Weyh here.
    Id. at 283, 929 N.W.2d at 45.
    See Commercial Fed. Sav. & Loan v. ABA Corp., 
    230 Neb. 317
    431 N.W.2d 613
    Chevron Oil Co. v. Huson, 
    404 U.S. 97
    , 106-07, 
    92 S. Ct. 349
    30 L. Ed. 2d 296
     (1971) (citations omitted).
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    (ii) Compliance With
    Neb. Ct. R. Pldg. § 6-1108(a)
    Genesis argues that AVG’s failure to comply with a plead-
    ing rule is fatal to its claim for prejudgment interest. Section
    6-1108(a) states in part, “If the recovery of money be demanded,
    the amount of special damages shall be stated but the amount
    of general damages shall not be stated; and if interest thereon
    be claimed, the time from which interest is to be computed
    shall also be stated.”
    The above-quoted language of § 6-1108(a) is not a new
    requirement. It was long codified in statute. 31 The statu-
    tory language was repealed in 2002, 32 when the Legislature
    “amend[ed] the civil procedure code of Nebraska from that
    of a code pleading system to a notice pleading system.” 33 In
    connection with the repeal, the Legislature enacted a statute
    empowering this court to promulgate rules of pleading to apply
    in civil actions. 34 Hence, the statutory language became part of
    pleading rule § 6-1108(a).
    Genesis directs our attention to our cases stating that a
    party was not entitled to prejudgment interest where it was
    not requested in the party’s complaint. 35 In Higgins v. Case
    Threshing Machine Co., 36 we observed that the petition did not
    mention interest, that a statute required the time from which
    interest is to be computed to be stated, and that we did not
    allow interest in two earlier cases where it was not prayed for
    See, e.g., Rev. Stat. §§ 92 (1867) and 7664 (1913), Comp. Stat. §§ 8608
    (1922) and 20-804 (1929), and 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-804
    See 2002 Neb. Laws, L.B. 876, § 92.
    Introducer’s Statement of Intent, L.B. 876, Judiciary Committee, 97th
    Leg., 2d Sess. (Jan. 25, 2002).
    See, 2002 Neb. Laws, L.B. 876, § 1; 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-801.01
    See, Life Investors Ins. Co. v. Citizens Nat. Bank, 
    223 Neb. 663
    392 N.W.2d 771
     (1986); Higgins v. Case Threshing Machine Co., 
    95 Neb. 3
    144 N.W. 1037
    Higgins v. Case Threshing Machine Co., supra note 35.
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    in the petition. In one of those earlier cases, we stated that
    where “the plaintiff does not pray for interest, but simply prays
    a judgment for $200 and costs,” it was error to authorize the
    jury to add interest to whatever damages it found due. 37 In the
    other, we cited the statute and stated that it was error to permit
    the jury to include interest on the sum claimed in the absence
    of a prayer for interest in the petition. 38 In Life Investors Ins.
    Co. v. Citizens Nat. Bank, 39 we cited Higgins and stated that
    prejudgment interest could not be awarded because it was not
    requested in the petition.
    Significantly, there is no indication in these earlier cases of
    any statutory basis for an award of prejudgment interest. We
    stated in Weyh: “In Nebraska, there are two statutes that autho-
    rize recovery of prejudgment interest. The first, § 45-104, was
    enacted in 1879, and the second, § 45-103.02, was enacted in
    1986 and amended in 1994.” 40
    Section 45-103.02 could not have supplied a basis for an
    award in the cases Genesis cites, because it was not in effect
    at the time of these pre-1987 cases. As originally adopted,
    § 45-103.02 applied to “‘all causes of action accruing on or
    after January 1, 1987.’” 41
    [20] Section 45-104 and its prior codifications were in
    effect, but it is not clear that the statute would have applied
    to the earlier cases. “Since its adoption more than a century
    ago, § 45-104 has identified four types of claims—all con-
    tract based—under which prejudgment interest is allowed.” 42
    Section 45-104 applies to four types of judgments: (1) money
    due on any instrument in writing; (2) settlement of the
    City of South Omaha v. Ruthjen, 
    71 Neb. 545
    , 549, 
    99 N.W. 240
    , 242
    See Rawlings v. Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass’n., 1 Neb. (Unoff.) 555, 
    95 N.W. 792
    Life Investors Ins. Co. v. Citizens Nat. Bank, 
    supra note 35
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    , 303 Neb. at 301, 929 N.W.2d at 55.
    Id. at 306, 929 N.W.2d at 58. See § 45-103.02 (Reissue 1988).
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    , 303 Neb. at 301, 929 N.W.2d at 55.
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    account from the day the balance shall be agreed upon; (3)
    money received to the use of another and retained without the
    owner’s consent, express or implied, from the receipt thereof;
    and (4) money loaned or due and withheld by unreasonable
    delay of payment. 43 But Higgins was an action upon an appeal
    bond, City of South Omaha v. Ruthjen was an action for dam-
    ages to property resulting from grading of a street, and Life
    Investors Ins. Co. was an action to recover overpayment of
    insurance proceeds under alternative theories of fraudulent
    misrepresentation and mutual mistake. 44 It does not appear that
    there would have been any entitlement to prejudgment interest
    under § 45-104 in these cases.
    Genesis also relies on Albrecht v. Fettig, 45 a recent decision
    by the Nebraska Court of Appeals. There, the court rejected
    an argument that a plaintiff’s request for “‘further relief as the
    Court deems just and equitable’” sufficiently put the defendant
    on notice that prejudgment interest could be awarded. 46 The
    decision did not mention Weyh 47—decided 1 month earlier—
    and erroneously stated that “[p]rejudgment interest may be
    awarded only as provided in . . . § 45-103.02.” 48 The Court of
    Appeals recognized that § 45-103.02(2) was adopted after Life
    Investors Ins. Co. and that tension appeared to exist between
    the language of § 45-103.02(2) that prejudgment interest “shall
    accrue” and § 6-1108(a). The Court of Appeals reasoned:
    [W]e do not believe that this tension is irreconcilable.
    Section 45-103.02(2) clearly sets out the availability of
    prejudgment interest. However, the court rule (adopted as
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    See, Life Investors Ins. Co. v. Citizens Nat. Bank, 
    supra note 35
    ; Higgins
    v. Case Threshing Machine Co., supra note 35; City of South Omaha v.
    Ruthjen, supra note 37.
    Albrecht v. Fettig, 
    27 Neb. App. 371
    932 N.W.2d 331
    Id. at 387
    , 932 N.W.2d at 342.
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    Albrecht v. Fettig, supra note 45, 27 Neb. App. at 387, 932 N.W.2d at 342.
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    part of the introduction of notice pleading to Nebraska)
    is concerned with litigants having adequate notice of the
    relief a plaintiff is seeking to obtain. Therefore, although
    the rule does place a procedural condition on a plaintiff’s
    ability to recover prejudgment interest, it does not negate
    a plaintiff’s ability to recover. Moreover, the rule secures
    a defendant’s ability to have notice of the entire scope of
    the relief requested and prepare defenses thereto. 49
    In Albrecht, like in the earlier cases, there was no indication
    that the defendant had notice of a claim for prejudgment inter-
    est or had an opportunity to argue against an award of such
    interest prior to entry of judgment.
    The district court cited a case decided by the Court of
    Appeals shortly before Albrecht. In Farm & Garden Ctr. v.
    Kennedy, 50 the complaint requested interest under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-101.04
     (Reissue 2010), but the plaintiff ultimately
    sought interest under § 45-104. The Court of Appeals reasoned
    that “[t]here was no question [the plaintiff] was seeking inter-
    est on unpaid balances preceding the entry of a final judgment”
    and that “there was no surprise or prejudice” to the defendant. 51
    The court then stated the Nebraska Supreme Court has held that
    “if a statutory basis exists for an award of interest, . . . interest
    can be awarded even if the petition is silent as to a request for
    interest.” 52 For that proposition, the Court of Appeals cited to
    Thacker v. State, 53 an eminent domain proceeding. In Thacker,
    interest was awarded under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 76-711
    but the condemnor claimed the award was erroneous because
    Albrecht v. Fettig, supra note 45, 27 Neb. App. at 389, 932 N.W.2d at 343.
    Farm & Garden Ctr. v. Kennedy, 
    26 Neb. App. 576
    921 N.W.2d 615
    Id. at 600
    , 921 N.W.2d at 632.
    Thacker v. State, 
    193 Neb. 817
    229 N.W.2d 197
     (1975), overruled in part
    on other grounds, Langfeld v. Department of Roads, 
    213 Neb. 15
    328 N.W.2d 452
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    the petition did not pray for interest. We disagreed, stating
    that “[t]he owner’s right to interest rests upon the provisions
    of [§ 76-711], and not upon the prayer of the petition.” 54 In a
    2009 case, the Court of Appeals reached the same conclusion,
    noting that although the plaintiff did not request interest in the
    prayer of its petition, the plaintiff was entitled to interest under
    § 76-711 (Reissue 2003). 55
    [21] Under the circumstances before us, we agree with the
    district court that AVG is not precluded from recovering pre-
    judgment interest under § 6-1108(a). Specifically requesting
    interest in the complaint is encouraged, because it clearly puts
    the opposing party on notice. But compliance with § 6-1108(a)
    is not determinative where entitlement to interest is based on
    statute and the adverse party had notice and an opportunity to
    be heard prior to judgment. That is the situation here, where
    prejudgment interest was the subject of extensive argument
    prior to judgment.
    (iii) Liquidated Nature of Claims
    and Commencement
    Genesis advances two more reasons why AVG should not be
    able to recover prejudgment interest: AVG’s rent claims were
    unliquidated and it failed to prove when prejudgment interest
    commenced. Both reasons fail.
    [22,23] Section 45-104 allows for interest “on money due
    on any instrument in writing.” We have recognized that inter-
    est under § 45-104 can be recovered on a lease, although the
    statute’s provisions may be superseded by terms set forth in
    the lease. 56 And in Weyh, we clarified that § 45-104 contained
    no requirement that the claims described therein must also be
    liquidated in order to recover prejudgment interest. 57 Thus,
    Id. at 821, 
    229 N.W.2d at 201
    See Walter C. Diers Partnership v. State, 
    17 Neb. App. 561
    767 N.W.2d 113
    See Prudential Ins. Co. v. Greco, 
    211 Neb. 342
    318 N.W.2d 724
    Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
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    whether a claim is liquidated or unliquidated is immaterial with
    respect to a litigant’s ability to recover prejudgment interest
    under § 45-104.
    Genesis also argues that there was a failure of proof regard-
    ing when interest should commence. According to Genesis,
    “AVG failed to prove it gave notice in any manner specified
    in §19.2 and thus failed to prove the date prejudgment interest
    commenced, if at all.” 58 We disagree.
    Section 19.2 of the written leases addressed the notice that
    must be given, stating that notice must be given in writing and
    would be deemed effective “(2) business days after deposit in
    the United States mail in the County, certified and postage pre-
    paid” or “upon receipt if sent in any other way.” The notices of
    default showed that all were sent via email and that some were
    additionally sent via certified mail. The co-owner and president
    of Genesis admitted receiving letters, emails, and notices of
    default from AVG’s counsel. The evidence sufficiently estab-
    lished Genesis’ receipt of the notices of default.
    Section 15.1 of the leases provided that default occurs if
    the tenant fails to pay rent within 10 days of written notice of
    nonpayment. The first notice of default for North Circle was
    sent on April 4, 2017. Thus, prejudgment interest on that claim
    of unpaid rent commenced running on April 15. The com-
    mencement date for prejudgment interest for the other claims
    of unpaid rent can similarly be ascertained by adding 11 days
    to the date on which the notice of default was sent.
    We conclude that Genesis’ challenges to the award of pre-
    judgment interest lack merit.
    3. Tax Penalties
    (a) Additional Background
    The written leases addressed payment of real property taxes.
    They obligated the tenant to pay “any tax, assessment, charge,
    license, fees, levy, real property or other tax” levied against
    the premises. The leases required that the landlord send the
    Brief for appellants at 34.
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    tax-due notice to the tenant and that the tenant “pay said taxes
    prior to delinquency dates.” There is no dispute that Genesis
    failed to pay the property taxes due under both leases for tax
    years 2016 through 2018.
    Throenle instructed AVG’s law firm to issue notices of
    default for delinquent property taxes concerning 145th Plaza.
    Because property taxes on these properties were “billed” every
    6 months, the notices were sent August 2, 2017; April 2 and
    August 2, 2018; and April 10, 2019. The notices of default
    identified the amount of unpaid property taxes. To obtain such
    information, AVG consulted the Douglas County treasurer’s
    website. AVG followed up with a telephone call to confirm
    whether any payment had been made that was not posted to
    the website.
    Throenle testified that she received a letter in the mail from
    the Douglas County treasurer regarding a listing for a tax lien
    sale of the delinquent property taxes for 145th Plaza. She relied
    on the information in the letter to provide Genesis with the
    amounts that were unpaid. According to Throenle, the letter
    was something that AVG maintains in its files for the property
    in the ordinary course of its business. Douglas County also
    charged interest and penalties for late payment. To ascertain
    the amount owed on any given day, Throenle testified that she
    called the “Assessor’s” office to obtain the interest charges
    through that actual day. She last called on April 26, 2019.
    Similarly, Throenle instructed AVG’s law firm to send
    notices of default to Genesis for nonpayment of property taxes
    on the North Circle property. The amounts stated on the notices
    were obtained from documentation from the Douglas County
    treasurer. Throenle testified regarding her efforts to determine
    the amount of property taxes, interest, and penalties due for the
    North Circle property on any given day. She obtained the total
    amount due as of April 26, 2019.
    The court received into evidence exhibits 117 and 123,
    which set forth a compilation of AVG’s alleged damages for
    each respective lease. Throenle testified that she prepared the
    exhibits with one of AVG’s attorneys and that she obtained
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    the information contained in the exhibits from AVG’s account-
    ing records and from the “County Assessor.” Throenle also
    testified that the information on the exhibits was contained in
    exhibits that had been admitted into evidence.
    The exhibit for 145th Plaza, exhibit 117, showed unpaid rent
    from September 2017 through June 2018 of $281,458.30, with
    late charges at 5 percent amounting to $14,072.92. Late charges
    for August, September, and November 2018 totaled $8,443.74.
    The unpaid property taxes, including interest and late fees, as of
    April 26, 2019, were calculated to be $236,745.77. According
    to the exhibit, AVG’s total damages for 145th Plaza as of
    May 6, 2019, were $540,720.73. The exhibit for North Circle,
    exhibit 123, showed total unpaid rent from April 2017 to April
    2019 to be $1,578,857.25 and total late charges at 5 percent
    during that period to be $78,942.75. The total unpaid property
    taxes, including interest and late fees, were $264,937.47. The
    exhibit showed AVG’s total damages as of May 6, 2019, to be
    (b) Discussion
    (i) Admissibility of Exhibits and Testimony
    Genesis both assigned and argued that the court erred in
    admitting exhibits 116 and 122, which contained tax informa-
    tion from the Douglas County treasurer, and exhibits 117 and
    123, which showed a compilation of damages for the respec-
    tive leases. Genesis also argues that Throenle’s testimony about
    her telephone calls to the “Assessor’s Office” should not have
    been admitted.
    a. Exhibits 116 and 122
    Exhibit 116—pertaining to 145th Plaza—and exhibit 122—
    concerning North Circle—were five-page documents contain-
    ing similar information from the Douglas County treasurer
    regarding taxes for the two properties. The first two pages of
    each exhibit were black-and-white printouts titled “Douglas
    County Treasurer - Real Property Tax Inquiry,” with each
    page appearing to contain identical information, purportedly
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    from the treasurer’s official website. The third page was a
    February 2018 letter from the treasurer to AVG setting forth
    the amount of delinquent taxes and the amount that needed
    to be paid by February 28 to avoid additional penalty interest
    and prevent a tax lien. The fourth and fifth pages showed the
    tax billed each year, tax paid, and interest paid. The fourth
    page contained the interest calculation to February 28, and the
    “Grand Total Due” matched the amount stated in the letter.
    Throenle testified that the fourth and fifth pages were enclosed
    with the letter.
    When AVG offered exhibits 116 and 122 into evidence,
    Genesis objected on numerous grounds, including that they
    failed to comply with the authenticity requirements of 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 27-901
     and 27-902 (Reissue 2016), that founda-
    tion was incomplete under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-1005
    2016), and that they were hearsay. The court overruled the
    objections and received the exhibits. In Genesis’ brief, it
    asserts that the exhibits were “unauthenticated hearsay.” 59
    [24,25] Authentication or identification of evidence is a
    condition precedent to its admission and is satisfied by evi-
    dence sufficient to support a finding that the matter in ques-
    tion is what its proponent claims. 60 A proponent of evidence
    is not required to conclusively prove the genuineness of the
    evidence or to rule out all possibilities inconsistent with
    authenticity. 61
    Throenle’s testimony about the exhibits satisfied the authen-
    tication requirement. She identified the first two pages of
    each exhibit as a “print screen” or “printout.” Although she
    incorrectly stated at times that an exhibit was from the asses-
    sor’s website rather than that of the treasurer, the exhibit
    clearly showed that the documents were from the treasurer.
    A computer printout is admissible as a business record if the
    Brief for appellants at 38.
    See § 27-901(1).
    State v. Savage, 
    301 Neb. 873
    920 N.W.2d 692
     (2018), modified on denial
    of rehearing 
    302 Neb. 492
    924 N.W.2d 64
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    offeror establishes a sufficient foundation in the record for
    its introduction. 62 Throenle testified that the last three pages
    were received by AVG from the Douglas County treasurer and
    maintained in AVG’s files in the ordinary course of business
    and in connection with establishing the taxes due. Through
    Throenle’s testimony, AVG provided the court with sufficient
    evidence to show that the documents were what they purported
    to be.
    [26] To the extent the exhibits were hearsay, an exception to
    the hearsay rule applied. Under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-803
    (Reissue 2016), an exception to the hearsay rule includes
    [a] memorandum, report, record, or data compilation,
    in any form, of acts, events, or conditions, other than
    opinions or diagnoses, that was received or acquired in
    the regular course of business by an entity from another
    entity and has been incorporated into and kept in the regu-
    lar course of business of the receiving or acquiring entity;
    that the receiving or acquiring entity typically relies upon
    the accuracy of the contents of the memorandum, report,
    record, or data compilation; and that the circumstances
    otherwise indicate the trustworthiness of the memoran-
    dum, report, record, or data compilation, as shown by the
    testimony of the custodian or other qualified witness.
    The term “data compilation” in § 27-803(5)(b) is broad enough
    to include records furnished by third parties with knowledge
    of the relevant acts, events, or conditions if the third party
    has a duty to make the records and the holder of the records
    routinely compiles and keeps them. 63 It is not disputed that the
    county treasurer had a duty to make such records.
    Throenle testified extensively concerning her duties in
    admin­istering the leases for AVG. She obtained the neces-
    sary information to include in notices of default regarding
    the amount of unpaid taxes. To do so, she would consult
    State v. Robinson, 
    272 Neb. 582
    724 N.W.2d 35
     (2006), abrogated on
    other grounds, State v. Thorpe, 
    280 Neb. 11
    783 N.W.2d 749
    See Arens v. NEBCO, Inc., 
    291 Neb. 834
    870 N.W.2d 1
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    information displayed on the treasurer’s website. She fol-
    lowed up with a telephone call, ensuring the accuracy of the
    website’s data. She also relied on the letter mailed to AVG
    from the treasurer, which letter AVG maintained in its files in
    the ordinary course of its business. The exhibits fit within the
    business record exception to hearsay.
    We find no error or abuse of discretion in admitting exhibits
    116 and 122.
    b. Throenle’s Testimony and
    Exhibits 117 and 123
    After the court had received notices of default for 145th
    Plaza and data from the county treasurer in exhibit 116,
    Throenle testified that AVG determined the outstanding taxes,
    interest, and penalties for 145th Plaza via an April 26, 2019,
    telephone call. When asked what that amount was, Throenle
    answered, “I don’t recall the exact amount.” AVG’s counsel
    responded: “All right. We’ll provide that for you.” Counsel
    then had Throenle look at exhibit 117, which had not been
    offered into evidence at that point. Shortly thereafter, the
    exhibit was offered and received, and Throenle proceeded to
    testify to the amounts shown on the exhibit.
    Throenle confirmed that she ascertained the unpaid prop-
    erty taxes for the North Circle property in the same manner
    as for 145th Plaza. After the court received notices of default
    concerning North Circle and the county treasurer’s data con-
    tained in exhibit 122, counsel showed Throenle exhibit 123.
    Throenle identified it as summaries that she prepared with
    counsel and testified that she obtained the information from
    documents that had been admitted into evidence and about
    which she had already testified. When asked if exhibit 123
    would be helpful to Throenle in testifying to the amounts owed
    by Genesis for the property, Throenle answered, “Yes.” AVG
    then offered the exhibit into evidence, and the court received it
    over Genesis’ objections. Throenle testified that she reviewed
    a chart for accuracy, and she later testified about the amounts
    displayed thereon.
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    Genesis argues that Throenle’s testimony about the April
    26, 2019, telephone call to the treasurer’s office was hearsay
    and that exhibits 117 and 123—which contained the amount of
    unpaid property taxes, interest, and penalties based on the tele-
    phone call—were also hearsay. Genesis additionally challenges
    the overruling of its objections to exhibits 117 and 123 based
    on improper foundation for a summary under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 27-1006
     (Reissue 2016). Even if we assume there was error
    in admitting Throenle’s testimony or the exhibits, it would not
    be reversible error.
    Exhibits 117 and 123 were offered during Throenle’s testi-
    mony. Throenle helped prepare the exhibits and was familiar
    with the information they contained. Importantly, she was
    subject to cross-examination at trial. The exhibits compiled
    evidence from the notices of default sent by AVG and from the
    county treasurer’s documents—evidence that, with one caveat,
    was already received at trial. The only information contained
    on exhibits 117 and 123 that was not already in evidence
    was the interest charges through a particular day. Aside from
    calling the treasurer’s office, Throenle was unaware of any
    other means to obtain the amount of unpaid taxes and interest
    charges due through any particular day. But determining that
    amount involved only a mathematical calculation. Because
    exhibits 117 and 123 were based on information already in
    evidence and otherwise determinable by use of a calculator,
    the only possible “prejudice” to Genesis was that it made the
    jury’s duty to determine damages too easy. We find no revers-
    ible error on that basis.
    (ii) Inclusion of “Penalties”
    in Award for Taxes
    Genesis argues that the jury’s special verdict erroneously
    included “[t]ax [p]enalties.” 64 The tax penalties to which
    Genesis refers are amounts assessed as statutory interest at
    Brief for appellant at 34.
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    the rate of 14 percent on delinquent payments of taxes. 65 The
    county treasurer’s documents show that it also imposed a $5
    advertising charge. We have declared that interest imposed on
    an unpaid tax is a penalty. 66 Genesis contends that because the
    court instructed the jury that the measure of the damages was
    “[t]he amount of unpaid real estate taxes due,” it was error to
    include penalties as part of the award.
    [27] Prudential Ins. Co. v. Greco 67 provides insight on the
    right to recover taxes and assessments under a lease. There,
    the lease provided: “‘Tenant shall be liable for and shall pay to
    either the Owner or the taxing authority before delinquent all
    taxes levied or assessed against or for leasehold improvements
    . . . .’” 68 Landlord presented testimony that it paid the full
    amount due on the taxes, including amounts due on tenant’s
    improvements. We stated: “The elements necessary to establish
    a right of recovery were that [landlord] paid taxes levied to
    the taxing authority; that included in the amount paid as taxes
    was a sum based upon tenant’s improvements; and that [tenant]
    owes [landlord] a sum certain for the payment of the taxes.” 69
    We determined that landlord made out a prima facie case under
    provisions of the lease establishing the right to recover taxes
    paid for improvements. In other words, the right to recover real
    estate taxes and assessments under a lease depends upon the
    wording of the lease contract.
    [28] The lease agreements here broadly defined Genesis’
    obligation to pay real estate taxes. Under a statute governing
    collection of delinquent real estate taxes, interest is “collected
    the same as the tax upon which the interest accrues.” 70 Another
    statute declares taxes on real property to be a first lien on
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 45-104.01
     (Reissue 2010).
    See Ameritas Life Ins. v. Balka, 
    257 Neb. 878
    601 N.W.2d 508
    Prudential Ins. Co. v. Greco, 
    supra note 56
    211 Neb. at 344
    318 N.W.2d at 726
    Id. at 345
    318 N.W.2d at 727
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-207
     (Reissue 2018).
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    the property taxed. 71 It is a general rule that in the absence
    of an express statute to the contrary, interest, penalties, and
    costs collected on delinquent taxes follow the tax. 72 Here,
    §§ 2.1 and 7.2 of the leases define “‘Real Property Taxes’”
    to be “any tax, assessment, charge, license, fees, levy, real
    property or other tax” levied against the premises. (Although
    § 2.1 refers to the definition contained in § 7.5, this appears
    to be a typographical error insofar as § 7.5 addresses utilities
    and makes no mention of taxes.) One definition of “charge”
    is “[p]ecuniary burden; expense, cost.” 73 We conclude that
    the county treasurer’s collections of statutory interest and the
    advertising fee fit within that definition. Because the county’s
    interest and advertising imposed a pecuniary burden on the real
    estate, they were “charges” as that term was used in the lease.
    Thus, the provisions of the lease made them recoverable as a
    component of “real estate taxes.”
    (iii) Failure to Mitigate
    Tax Penalties
    [29] Genesis assigned that AVG was barred from recovering
    tax penalties because it failed to mitigate them, but we do not
    resolve the insufficiently argued assignment. The totality of
    Genesis’ support for the assigned error contained in the argu-
    ment section of its brief stated: “The tax penalties AVG seeks
    are avoidable. AVG’s failure to mitigate them bars its recovery.
    Tedd Bish Farm, Inc. v. Southwest Fencing Services, LLC, 
    291 Neb. 527
     (2015).” 74 An argument that does little more than
    restate an assignment of error does not support the assignment,
    and an appellate court will not address it. 75
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-203
     (Reissue 2018).
    School District of the City of Omaha v. Adams, 
    147 Neb. 1060
    26 N.W.2d 24
    “Charge,” Oxford English Dictionary Online, http://www.oed.com/view/
    Entry/30686 (last visited Aug. 26, 2020).
    Brief for appellants at 37.
    Marcuzzo v. Bank of the West, 
    290 Neb. 809
    862 N.W.2d 281
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    4. Late Charges for Nonpayment of Rent
    (a) Additional Background
    The written leases contained similar terms on payment of
    rent and late charges. They specified that rent was due on
    the first day of each month. According to the leases, the ten-
    ant acknowledged that its late payment of rent “will cause
    Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this Lease, the
    exact amount of which is extremely difficult or impracticable
    to determine.” Therefore, if any installment of monthly rent
    was not received by the landlord within 10 days of the tenant’s
    receipt of a written notice of nonpayment, the tenant shall pay
    to the landlord “a one-time additional sum equal to five per-
    cent (5%) of the amount overdue as a late charge for each such
    overdue payment.”
    Throenle explained that late rent payments caused AVG to
    incur administrative costs to calculate and verify amounts owed
    and to alert AVG’s attorneys to prepare a notice of default for
    the tenant. AVG then incurred legal fees in connection with
    counsel’s preparation of the notices. Throenle estimated that
    she spent 2 to 3 hours per month assisting with the notices
    of default and that the actual cost to AVG for her services in
    that regard was $150 an hour. Throenle testified that she was
    assisted by an individual who spent approximately 30 minutes
    to 1 hour each month at a cost of $30 to $40. Thus, Throenle
    testified that $370 a month for her work and that of the other
    individual was a fair estimate of costs incurred by AVG’s staff
    associated with notices of default, but AVG also incurred attor-
    ney fees. In contrast, the 5-percent late charge amounted to
    around $2,500 for the 145th Plaza lease and over $3,000 for
    the North Circle lease.
    (b) Discussion
    (i) Whether AVG Claimed
    Late Charges
    Genesis argues that AVG should not have been able to
    recover late charges, because it failed to claim them. According
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    to Genesis, the complaint did not allege Genesis breached the
    leases by failing to pay late charges. We disagree.
    [30] Under Nebraska’s liberal pleading regime for civil
    actions, a party is required to set forth only a short and plain
    statement of the claim showing the pleader’s entitlement to
    relief and is not required to plead legal theories or cite appro-
    priate statutes so long as the pleading gives fair notice of
    the claims asserted. 76 The complaint alleged that the leases
    required Genesis to “[p]ay late charges in the event of a failure
    to make timely rent payments.” It set forth an “amount of rent
    including late charges pursuant [to] the 145th Plaza Lease”
    that was due. And it further alleged that Genesis breached both
    leases by “[f]ailing to make timely rent payments . . . .” The
    complaint gave fair notice that AVG was seeking to recover
    late charges as a part of rent.
    (ii) Whether Late Charges
    Are Recoverable
    Genesis next contends that late charges were not recoverable
    for three reasons. We find no merit to its arguments.
    First, Genesis argues that late fees were not included as
    recoverable damages in the jury instructions. The instructions
    stated that the “measure of the damage” was “[t]he amount of
    unpaid rent due” and “[t]he amount of unpaid real estate taxes
    due.” While the instructions did not separately identify late
    charges as a measure of damages, such charges fall within the
    definition of “rent” under the leases. Both of the leases define
    “rent” as “Monthly Rent and Additional Rent, collectively.”
    And they define “additional rent” to mean “any and all sums
    (whether or not specifically called ‘Additional Rent’ in this
    Lease) other than Monthly Rent which [tenant] is or becomes
    obligated to pay to Landlord under this Lease.” Thus, late
    charges are recoverable as a component of “rent.”
    [31] Second, Genesis argues that late fees are a penalty and
    thus not recoverable as a matter of law. When a lease provides
    See Vasquez v. CHI Properties, 
    302 Neb. 742
    925 N.W.2d 304
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    for late charges, they may be recoverable as damages. 77 Here,
    the leases provided for a 5-percent late charge on overdue
    payments and the leases’ definition of rent encompassed such
    charges. They were recoverable as damages.
    Third, Genesis claims that AVG failed to prove Genesis
    received default notices. The leases provide that Genesis shall
    pay to AVG a late charge if any payment of rent due “is not
    received by Landlord within ten (10) days of [tenant’s] receipt
    of a written notice of nonpayment.” As we explained above
    regarding prejudgment interest, the evidence sufficiently estab-
    lished Genesis’ receipt of the notices of default.
    (iii) Whether New Trial on
    Late Charges Is Required
    Alternatively, Genesis argues that a new trial on late fees
    is required. During the jury instruction conference, Genesis
    objected to the verdict form, claiming that “the late fees based
    on the testimony of . . . Throenle were for the purpose of pen-
    alty and are unenforceable under Nebraska law, and it would
    be error to instruct on late fees.” The court responded, “I’m
    going to go with the verdict form that we’ve talked about
    and the one I’ve provided to you.” Later, Genesis timely
    filed a motion for new trial asserting, among other things,
    that the court committed plain error by adding “late fees” after
    “[u]npaid rent” on the verdict form, by failing to instruct the
    jury not to award late fees if the jury determined they were a
    penalty, and by including late fees with damages on the verdict
    form when such fees were not recoverable. The court overruled
    the motion.
    [32] Genesis argues that the court committed plain error by
    failing to instruct the jury on Genesis’ penalty and condition
    precedent defenses to late charges. It further asserts that there
    was plain error in the jury’s award of late charges for August,
    September, and November 2018. Plain error is error plainly
    See GFH Financial Serv. Corp. v. Kirk, 
    231 Neb. 557
    437 N.W.2d 453
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    evident from the record and of such a nature that to leave it
    uncorrected would result in damage to the integrity, reputation,
    or fairness of the judicial process. 78 We see no plain error.
    5. Award of Sanctions
    (a) Additional Background
    Six days before trial was originally set to begin, Genesis
    moved for a continuance. Genesis stated in the motion that it
    had terminated the attorney-client relationship with its counsel
    and requested 3 weeks to retain new counsel. Genesis’ attorney
    submitted an affidavit which stated that his representation of
    Genesis was terminated “as a result of a good faith disagree-
    ment . . . regarding trial strategy.”
    Two days later, the court held a hearing on the motion for
    continuance. Genesis’ attorney recognized that it was “two
    business days before trial is to begin,” but stated that there
    was “no time for new counsel to get up to speed and to try the
    case on Monday.” Counsel explained that he and Genesis had a
    difference of opinion about trial strategy and that the disagree-
    ment “came to a head” as they prepared to file documents with
    the court indicating how they planned to proceed at trial. The
    court allowed the attorney, having been fired by Genesis, to
    withdraw. But the court declined to continue the trial.
    Genesis obtained counsel to make a limited appearance on
    its behalf in order to file a renewed motion for continuance of
    trial and to appear at a hearing on the motion. The court heard
    the motion on February 4, 2019, the day trial was to com-
    mence. The court explained that it earlier declined to continue
    the trial because the matter had been on file for nearly 2 years,
    the request for continuance was a late one, and only a vague
    reason of dispute in trial strategy was given.
    AVG opposed a continuance. It asserted that it has “$60,000
    a month of continuing damages” and did not see why Genesis’
    decision to terminate its representation by counsel should force
    AVG to continue incurring over $2,000 a day in damages.
    In re Application No. OP-0003, 
    303 Neb. 872
    932 N.W.2d 653
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    Because trial was set to begin, the court observed that 35
    jurors had been called “at great expense to the county.” And
    AVG had in attendance its chief financial officer, its chief oper-
    ating officer, and an expert witness. The court asked AVG’s
    attorneys: “[I]n the last, say, five days, what have you incurred
    in travel expenses, witness — expert witnesses, your time?
    Just a ballpark estimate. Twenty thousand, 25,000?” One attor-
    ney responded that $25,000 “was what was in my head,” and
    the other stated, “I think that sounds fair from what they’ve
    told me.”
    The court inquired whether Genesis was prepared to “pay a
    substantial sanction, which would include, at a minimum, all of
    [AVG’s] costs, travel costs, preparation costs, our juror costs,
    [and] their expert witness costs” if the court continued the trial.
    Counsel responded that if the court so ordered, he believed
    Genesis would pay.
    The court sustained the motion to continue. The court cau-
    tioned that Genesis would have to pay for substantial costs
    incurred as a result:
    The sanction’s going to consist of our cost of jurors,
    [c]ounsel’s time — all three of them — their travel
    expenses, their prep time over the last four or five days,
    their client’s travel time and their time that they’re here,
    and I’d like an affidavit, if you would, to that effect. If
    necessary, I’ll — we can conduct a telephonic hearing on
    it. But, please, include all your related costs, prep costs,
    expert witness costs for being here. You know, not that
    unusual to have prep time for any trial, but specifically
    the prep time in the last four or five days, the time we
    spent at this hearing, the time we spent on Thursday, and
    — because I anticipate it’s going to be very significant.
    Attorney Gregory M. Bordo submitted an affidavit setting
    forth AVG’s expenses. He averred that his hourly rate was
    $550 and that cocounsel’s rate was $475 per hour. Their attor-
    ney fees for January 29 through February 4, 2019, amounted
    to $42,780, and their travel and lodging expenses were
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    $2,878.66. AVG’s local counsel charged $450 per hour, and
    he billed $5,556.78 for those 5 business days. AVG incurred
    fees of $4,500 for its expert’s services during that time. Bordo
    asserted that the value of AVG’s chief operating officer’s time
    to prepare and appear at trial was $6,375 and that his travel
    and lodging expenses were $1,212.40. Bordo averred that
    the value of AVG’s chief financial officer’s time to prepare
    and appear at trial was $4,750 and that her travel and lodg-
    ing expenses were $1,126.35. Thus, Bordo requested fees and
    costs of $69,179.19.
    The court’s February 13, 2019, order recounted that it heard
    the renewed motion to continue on an expedited basis on
    February 4—the first day of the scheduled jury trial—while
    summoned jurors were in the courthouse awaiting trial to begin.
    The order stated that on February 7, AVG submitted Bordo’s
    affidavit with exhibits demonstrating a total of $69,179.19 in
    costs and fees incurred by AVG from January 29 to February 4
    in preparation for the scheduled trial. The order recited that as
    of February 12, it had received no opposition from Genesis. It
    ordered Genesis to pay for AVG’s fees and costs in the amount
    of $69,179.19.
    A week later, Genesis filed a motion to alter or amend the
    order. Among other things, Genesis requested that Bordo’s
    affidavit be stricken because it did not contain a proper jurat
    showing that Bordo was sworn and because it was not marked
    and offered at a hearing on the record at which Genesis could
    object and be heard. Alternatively, Genesis asked that the court
    reduce the award to take into account the reasonable local
    hourly rate of lawyers practicing in Douglas County, to include
    the expense of only one out-of-state lawyer, and to eliminate
    compensation of AVG’s personnel.
    The court held a hearing on the motion to reconsider the
    sanctions. AVG offered Bordo’s affidavit into evidence, Genesis
    objected, and the court reserved ruling.
    Nine days after the hearing, Genesis filed objections to
    Bordo’s affidavit. It objected that the jurat did not recite that
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    the affidavit was duly sworn to by the party making the same.
    The document further set forth numerous specific objections to
    parts of the affidavit.
    On March 13, 2019, the court overruled the motion to alter
    or amend and the objections to Bordo’s affidavit. After quoting
    its dialogue with Genesis’ counsel during the February 4, 2019,
    hearing, the court stated:
    The Court made it clear at the hearing on February 4 . . .
    that [AVG] had no doubt incurred considerable expenses
    in preparing for the trial in the previous four days, had
    incurred considerable expenses to travel to Omaha from
    Los Angeles, CA, with client representatives who were
    necessary witnesses at trial, had incurred considerable
    lodging expenses, and had retained an expert witness who
    was present for trial. It would be inequitable for [AVG] to
    have incurred these expenses to appear at trial as ordered
    by the Court, only to have the trial continued because
    [Genesis], on the eve of trial (which had been specially
    set for more than six (6) months) fired its attorney for
    reasons still largely unknown. The Court does not believe,
    under the circumstances presented, that failure to continue
    the trial would have been an abuse of discretion.
    The court explained that it did not use local rates in its award
    of attorney fees because, consistent with its stated intention
    during the February 4 colloquy, it awarded AVG its actual fees,
    costs, and expenses. The court also clarified that although it
    had referred to the award as a “‘sanction,’” it was not one:
    “The Court was not sanctioning [Genesis]—this was an equi-
    table award to [AVG] for doing what the Court ordered—be
    prepared for trial, and appear at the trial, on February 4, 2019.
    [AVG] should not be penalized for [Genesis’] last minute firing
    of its attorney.”
    On June 18, 2019, the court entered an order addressing,
    among other things, pretrial motions. With respect to Bordo’s
    affidavit, the court recognized Genesis’ lengthy objection filed
    on March 7 but stated that “[h]aving submitted the matter to
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    the Court on February 26, 2019, the Court sustained the objec-
    tion to [Genesis’] objections . . .” and received the exhibit.
    (b) Discussion
    (i) Jurisdiction
    [33-35] We quickly dispose of Genesis’ first argument.
    It claims that the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to
    award sanctions. A district court, as a court of general juris-
    diction, has inherent power to do all things necessary for the
    proper administration of justice and equity within the scope
    of its jurisdiction. 79 Trial judges are encouraged to implement
    firm, consistent procedures for minimizing continuances to
    meet case progression standards. 80 And a trial judge has broad
    discretion over the conduct of a trial. 81 As the court clarified,
    its so-called “sanction” was an equitable award. Through its
    inherent authority, the court possessed the power to make such
    an award.
    (ii) Lack of Hearing
    on Amount
    Genesis next faults the court for not holding a de novo hear-
    ing on the amount of the award. It cites no authority to support
    entitlement to such a hearing. As recounted above, the court
    asked AVG to submit an affidavit setting forth the expenses
    it incurred in connection with its trial preparation over the
    days before the original trial date and stated that “[i]f neces-
    sary, . . . we can conduct a telephonic hearing on it.” Genesis
    did not request a hearing at the time; nor did it ask for time to
    respond. Bordo submitted his affidavit on February 7, 2019,
    and when the court entered its order on February 13, it had
    heard no opposition from Genesis.
    See Holt County Co-op Assn. v. Corkle’s, Inc., 
    214 Neb. 762
    336 N.W.2d 312
    Putnam v. Scherbring, 
    297 Neb. 868
    902 N.W.2d 140
     (2017), citing Neb.
    Ct. R. § 6-101(B)(5) (rev. 2013).
    Connelly v. City of Omaha, 
    278 Neb. 311
    769 N.W.2d 394
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    Despite Genesis’ inaction prior to the February 13, 2019,
    order, the court provided Genesis an opportunity to respond
    to the reasonableness of the expenses claimed by AVG. The
    court stated that there would not be a “trial” on the matter and
    that it could be done by affidavit. Genesis’ counsel agreed that
    “typically these are done on affidavit,” adding that “there’s no
    use making this more painful.” The court then allowed Genesis
    7 days to submit any affidavits and any objections to Bordo’s
    affidavit. Here, the court afforded Genesis with a means to be
    heard regarding the reasonableness of AVG’s claimed expenses
    and considered Genesis’ response. No more was required.
    (iii) Objections to Bordo Affidavit
    a. Specific Objections
    Genesis argues that the court failed to consider the myriad
    specific objections it directed to the affidavit. The court’s order
    stated that it overruled Genesis’ objection to Bordo’s affidavit
    and received it as an exhibit. As Genesis correctly observes,
    the order did not specifically reference Genesis’ numerous spe-
    cific objections and instead added only that Bordo’s affidavit
    met the criteria set out in Johnson v. Neth. 82
    At a later hearing, the court stated that it “overruled [Genesis’]
    objections” in the earlier order. It inquired of Genesis’ counsel,
    “[W]hat you’re asking me to do is make a specific ruling on
    each objection you made . . . ?” Counsel responded: “Right. Or
    it could be a general denial.” The court stated it would “take a
    look,” but added, “[M]y intent was, based on what I had at the
    time of the February 27th hearing in preparation to issue the
    March 13th order, I generally overruled any objection . . . .” In
    a posttrial motion, Genesis asserted that the court erred in fail-
    ing to rule on each specific objection to Bordo’s affidavit. The
    court overruled the motion.
    Genesis has not cited any authority requiring the court to
    specifically address the merits of each objection to an exhibit.
    Johnson v. Neth, 
    276 Neb. 886
    758 N.W.2d 395
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    By receiving the affidavit and holding firm to that ruling,
    the court essentially overruled every objection to the exhibit.
    We see no abuse of discretion. The court’s ruling preserved
    Genesis’ opportunity to appeal from the evidentiary rulings;
    but Genesis has not assigned and argued error in those rulings
    except regarding the sufficiency of the certification of an oath
    or affirmation.
    b. Jurat
    [36] Genesis’ other argument is directed to the jurat of the
    affidavit. Under Nebraska law, an affidavit is one mode by
    which testimony of a witness may be taken. 83 As defined by
    statute, “[a]n affidavit is a written declaration under oath, made
    without notice to the adverse party.” 84 Oaths and affirmations
    may be administered by notaries public. 85 In connection with
    an affidavit, a notary public completes a certificate, known
    as a jurat, which confirms that the affiant appeared before the
    notary, attested to the truth of his or her statements, and signed
    the affidavit. 86 The certificate of a notary public to an affidavit
    is presumptive evidence of the facts stated in such certificate,
    including the statement that affiant signed the affidavit. 87 The
    customary form of a jurat has long been understood. 88 It differs
    from an acknowledgment.
    Bordo executed his affidavit in California. Under 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1245
     (Reissue 2016) and Neb. Ct. R. Disc.
    § 6-328(b), an affidavit may be used in support of a motion
    in a court of this state if the affidavit is made and authenti-
    cated, out of state, before a person authorized to administer
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1240
     (Reissue 2016).
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-1241
     (Reissue 2016).
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 64-107.01
     (Reissue 2018).
    See In re Interest of Fedalina G., 
    272 Neb. 314
    721 N.W.2d 638
    Smith v. Johnson, 
    43 Neb. 754
    62 N.W. 217
    See 1 Winsor C. Moore, Nebraska Practice § 539 (1964) (including both
    short form and long form).
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    oaths in the place where the affidavit is made. 89 Attached to
    the affidavit was an “[a]cknowledgment,” in the form autho-
    rized by California law, 90 which stated that Bordo “personally
    appeared” before the notary public. In a certificate of acknowl-
    edgment under California law, the notary public certifies that
    the signer acknowledged executing the document. 91 Like in
    Nebraska, a notary public in California is authorized by law to
    administer oaths. 92 In a jurat under California law, the notary
    public certifies that the signer signed the document in the pres-
    ence of the notary public and that the notary public adminis-
    tered an oath or affirmation. 93 A California court has said that
    an “acknowledgment appearing at the end of the document
    reciting only that [an individual] appeared before a notary pub-
    lic ‘and acknowledged that she executed the same’ is not in any
    sense the equivalent of a jurat or of a verification.” 94
    Genesis points out that the jurat did not recite that the
    affidavit was duly sworn to by the party making it. The affi-
    davit began by stating that “Bordo, being first duly sworn,
    deposes and states as follows . . . .” And the acknowledgment
    was signed by a notary public. The notary public signed the
    acknowledgment under penalty of perjury and affixed her
    notarial seal.
    [37,38] But we have stated that the fact that an affiant
    signed an affidavit in the presence of a notary and that the
    affiant’s signature was in fact notarized is sufficient as an oath
    or affirmation. 95 Unless required by statute, an omission in a
    See In re Interest of Fedalina G., supra note 86.
    Cal. Civ. Code § 1189
     (West 2019).
    Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 2093
    (a) (West 2019).
    See Cal. Gov’t Code § 8202 (West 2015).
    Palm Springs Alpine Estates, Inc. v. Superior Court for Los Angeles Cty.,
    255 Cal. App. 2d 883
    , 888, 
    63 Cal. Rptr. 618
    , 621 (1967).
    See Moyer v. Nebraska Dept. of Motor Vehicles, 
    275 Neb. 688
    747 N.W.2d 924
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    jurat that an affidavit was sworn to will not be fatal if the
    fact otherwise appears. 96 Here, the affidavit states on its face
    that it was sworn, and it was signed before an official autho-
    rized to administer oaths. Although the affidavit was irregular
    in the sense that an acknowledgment rather than a jurat was
    attached, Genesis suffered no prejudice. As set forth earlier,
    the admission of evidence in a civil case is not reversible error
    unless it unfairly prejudiced a substantial right of the complain-
    ing ­party. 97 There is no reversible error here.
    While the confusion associated with the distinctions
    between forms of notarial acts is not prejudicial, it is easily
    avoidable. A notary public or other authorized officer should
    use a traditional jurat (long or short) to certify the administra-
    tion of an oath or affirmation and employ an acknowledgment
    for documents requiring that type of proof. Both are types
    of notarial acts, “which the laws and regulations of this state
    authorize notaries public of this state to perform, including
    the administering of oaths and affirmations, taking proof of
    execution and acknowledgments of instruments, and attesting
    documents.” 98 An acknowledgment is the act by which a party
    who has executed an instrument goes before a competent offi-
    cer and declares or acknowledges the same as his or her genu-
    ine and voluntary act and deed. 99 A statute defines the words
    typically used in the customary short form of an acknowl-
    edgment. 100 Acknowledgments are employed mainly in con-
    nection with transactions involving real estate, 101 wills, 102
    2A C.J.S. Affidavits § 31 (2013).
    See Weyh v. Gottsch, 
    supra note 11
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 64-201
     (Reissue 2018).
    McCauley v. Stewart, 
    177 Neb. 759
    131 N.W.2d 174
     (1964). See, also, 1
    Moore, supra note 88, § 121.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 64-205
     (Reissue 2018).
    See, e.g., 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 40-104
     (Reissue 2016) and 76-203 through
    76-205, 76-211, 76-216, 76-235, and 76-241 (Reissue 2018).
    See, e.g., 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 30-2329
     (Reissue 2016).
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    powers of attorney, 103 and establishment of a filial relation-
    ship. 104 Adding to this confusion is the largely historical form
    of an affidavit described as a verification. Prior to 1969, 105
    every pleading of fact in a civil action had to be verified by
    the affidavit of the party, his or her agent, or attorney. 106 In
    most instances, it was sufficient if the affidavit stated that the
    affiant believed the facts stated in the pleading to be true. 107
    In some situations, however, the pleading was required to be
    “positively verified, and a verification based upon mere belief
    [was] inadequate.” 108 The form for a positive verification 109
    ended with the word “true,” 110 thereby omitting the words “as
    he believes” used at the end of the usual verification form. 111
    Either version, being a type of affidavit, was followed by
    the jurat of the officer administering the oath (and not by
    an acknowledgment). 112 Here, the question could have been
    avoided by adherence to well-settled and understood lan-
    guage. As Winston Churchill is reputed to have said: Broadly
    speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best
    of all.
    (iv) Amount of Award
    [39] Finally, Genesis argues that the court abused its discre-
    tion in awarding AVG $69,179.19. A court abuses its discretion
    See, e.g., 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 30-4005
     (Reissue 2016).
    See, e.g., 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 43-1408.01
     and 43-1409 (Reissue 2016).
    See 1969 Neb. Laws, L.B. 375.
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-824
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-827
     (1943); Harden v. A. & N. R. R., 
    4 Neb. 521
    State ex rel. Van Cleave v. City of No. Platte, 
    213 Neb. 426
    , 429, 
    329 N.W.2d 358
    , 360 (1983).
    See 7 Winsor C. Moore, Nebraska Practice § 5813 (1967).
    Id., § 5805.
    Id., §§ 5805 and 5813.
    - 87 -
    Nebraska Supreme Court Advance Sheets
    307 Nebraska Reports
    Cite as 
    307 Neb. 47
    when its decision is based upon reasons that are untenable
    or unreasonable or if its action is clearly against justice or
    conscience, reason, and evidence. 113 As we have previously
    observed, “[t]his is a fairly deferential standard.” 114
    Genesis challenges the amount of the awards for AVG’s
    chief financial officer and chief operating officer, asserting that
    any reimbursement should be based on statutory witness fees.
    It further contends that the court abused its discretion in award-
    ing the attorneys their hourly rate and that a reasonable hourly
    rate would be the local hourly rate.
    Before agreeing to grant a continuance, the court made clear
    that it would award AVG its actual expenses. In other words,
    payment of those expenses was a condition required to obtain
    the continuance. The court cogently explained that “[i]t would
    be inequitable for [AVG] to have incurred these expenses to
    appear at trial as ordered by the Court, only to have the trial
    continued because [Genesis], on the eve of trial . . . fired its
    attorney for reasons still largely unknown.” To award AVG
    only a statutory witness fee or an Omaha attorney’s prevailing
    hourly rate would frustrate the purpose of the award.
    The record does not show that the court rendered its award
    for any reasons that were untenable or unreasonable. Rather,
    “the record reflects that the court carefully considered its
    decision and sought to achieve a balanced outcome for both
    parties.” 115 The court’s decision allowed Genesis the continu-
    ance it desired for new counsel to prepare for trial, and it reim-
    bursed AVG for its expenses incurred to be present and ready
    for the scheduled trial. Although the court’s award was sub-
    stantial, it represented the significant costs that AVG suffered.
    Under the circumstances, the court’s award was not untenable
    or unreasonable.
    See Putnam v. Scherbring, 
    supra note 80
    Id. at 878
    , 902 N.W.2d at 146.
    Id. at 878, 902 N.W.2d at 147.
    - 88 -
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    307 Neb. 47
    6. AVG’s Cross-Appeal
    [40] On cross-appeal, AVG assigns that the court erred in
    sustaining Genesis’ hearsay objection to exhibit 132, a 2017
    Delaware lawsuit that 24 Hour Fitness USA filed against
    Genesis Health Clubs of Midwest. Because we are affirming
    the judgment in AVG’s favor, we need not resolve this issue.
    An appellate court is not obligated to engage in an analysis
    that is not necessary to adjudicate the case and controversy
    before it. 116
    As landlord, AVG had standing in this action for breach
    of written leases and was not required to produce the actual
    assignment of the leases in order to prevail. We find no error
    in the award of prejudgment interest under § 45-104 or in the
    special verdicts awarding late fees associated with tardy rent
    payments and penalties in the form of interest and advertis-
    ing in connection with delinquent property taxes. Further, the
    court had inherent authority to award AVG its actual expenses
    as a condition of sustaining Genesis’ motion for continuance
    of trial. Finding no abuse of discretion or reversible error in
    any of the respects alleged, we affirm the judgment of the dis-
    trict court.
    Miller-Lerman, J., not participating.
    Saylor v. State, 
    304 Neb. 779
    936 N.W.2d 924

Document Info

Docket Number: S-19-857

Citation Numbers: 307 Neb. 47

Filed Date: 9/4/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/1/2020

Authorities (34)

State v. Savage , 301 Neb. 873 ( 2018 )

In re Maint. Fund Trust of Sunset Mem. Park Chapel , 302 Neb. 954 ( 2019 )

Johnson v. Neth , 276 Neb. 886 ( 2008 )

GFH Financial Services Corp. v. Kirk , 231 Neb. 557 ( 1989 )

Thacker v. STATE, DEPARTMENT OF ROADS , 193 Neb. 817 ( 1975 )

Langfeld v. State Dept. of Roads , 213 Neb. 15 ( 1982 )

Anderson v. Babbe , 304 Neb. 186 ( 2019 )

Vasquez v. CHI Properties , 302 Neb. 742 ( 2019 )

Pantano v. American Blue Ribbon Holdings , 303 Neb. 156 ( 2019 )

AVG Partners I v. Genesis Health Clubs , 307 Neb. 47 ( 2020 )

TNT Cattle Co. v. Fife , 304 Neb. 890 ( 2020 )

Weyh v. Gottsch , 303 Neb. 280 ( 2019 )

Burgardt v. Burgardt , 304 Neb. 356 ( 2019 )

Saylor v. State , 304 Neb. 779 ( 2020 )

Commercial Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n v. ABA Corp. , 230 Neb. 317 ( 1988 )

Worth v. Kolbeck , 273 Neb. 163 ( 2007 )

Jacobs Engr. Group v. ConAgra Foods , 301 Neb. 38 ( 2018 )

Putnam v. Scherbring , 297 Neb. 868 ( 2017 )

Armstrong v. Clarkson College , 297 Neb. 595 ( 2017 )

Bohling v. Bohling , 304 Neb. 968 ( 2020 )

View All Authorities »