Shear v. City of Wayne Civil Serv. Comm. ( 2014 )

  •    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    As stated above, delay, alone, is an insufficient reason to
    deny a motion for leave to amend a pleading. Since defendants
    failed to show they would be unduly prejudiced if the amend-
    ment were granted, the trial court abused its discretion in disal-
    lowing it.
    Having found that the district court should have allowed the
    amendment in 2010, we need not address plaintiffs’ remaining
    assignments of error.
    We find that the district court abused its discretion in deny-
    ing plaintiffs’ motion to amend the first amended complaint in
    2010. Accordingly, we reverse, and remand for a new trial.
    R eversed and remanded for a new trial.
    Irwin, Judge, participating on briefs.
    Philip Shear, appellant, v. City of Wayne Civil Service
    Commission and the City of Wayne, Nebraska,
    a municipal corporation, appellees.
    ___ N.W.2d ___
    Filed January 14, 2014.    No. A-12-830.
    1.	 Constitutional Law: Due Process. The determination of whether the procedures
    afforded an individual comport with constitutional requirements for procedural
    due process presents a question of law.
    2.	 Judgments: Appeal and Error. On a question of law, an appellate court is
    obligated to reach a conclusion independent of the determination reached by the
    court below.
    3.	 Administrative Law: Appeal and Error. In reviewing an administrative agency
    decision on a petition in error, both the district court and the appellate court
    review the decision to determine whether the agency acted within its jurisdiction
    and whether sufficient, relevant evidence supports the decision of the agency.
    4.	 ____: ____. The reviewing court in an error proceeding is restricted to the record
    before the administrative agency and does not reweigh evidence or make inde-
    pendent findings of fact.
    5.	 Administrative Law: Evidence. The evidence is sufficient, as a matter of law,
    if an administrative tribunal could reasonably find the facts as it did from the
    testimony and exhibits contained in the record before it.
    6.	 Public Officers and Employees: Termination of Employment: Due Process.
    Under Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, 
    470 U.S. 532
    , 105 S. Ct.
    Decisions   of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    84 L. Ed. 2d 494
     (1985), a public employee possesses certain due process
    rights when state law grants a property right to continued employment.
    7.	 ____: ____: ____. When a state deprives a public employee of the right to contin-
    ued employment, the deprivation must be preceded by notice and an opportunity
    for hearing appropriate to the nature of the case.
    8.	 Termination of Employment: Due Process. Deficiencies in due process during
    pretermination proceedings may be cured if the employee is provided adequate
    posttermination due process.
    9.	 ____: ____. An impartial decisionmaker is not required at the pretermination
    stage so long as the employee has access to posttermination proceedings before
    an impartial adjudicator.
    Appeal from the District Court for Wayne County: Robert
    B. Ensz, Judge. Affirmed.
    Steven M. Delaney and Richard Whitworth, of Reagan,
    Melton & Delaney, L.L.P., for appellant.
    Jerry L. Pigsley and Karen A. Haase, of Harding & Schultz,
    P.C., L.L.O., for appellees.
    Moore and Bishop, Judges.
    Moore, Judge.
    Following termination from his position as a lieutenant for
    the Wayne Police Department, Philip Shear filed a written
    demand for an investigation and public hearing with the City of
    Wayne Civil Service Commission (the Commission). After the
    Commission upheld the termination, Shear filed a petition in
    error in the district court for Wayne County. The district court
    also affirmed the Commission’s decision to terminate Shear’s
    employment. Shear now appeals to this court, asserting that his
    due process rights were violated in his pretermination hearing,
    that the Commission’s decision was arbitrary and capricious,
    and that the Commission erred in allowing undisclosed testi-
    mony at the hearing. Finding no merit to these assignments of
    error, we affirm.
    The City of Wayne, Nebraska (the City), employed Shear
    as a lieutenant in the Wayne Police Department. As lieutenant,
    Shear acted in a supervisory capacity within the department.
    In a letter dated February 17, 2011, Lowell Johnson, in his
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    position as city administrator for the City, filed written accu-
    sations with the Commission, alleging Shear had engaged in
    misconduct. Specifically, Johnson alleged that Shear had com-
    mitted the following acts:
    1. Created and tolerated an environment within the
    Wayne Police Department in which employees were hos-
    tile to other staff members, to other members of law
    enforcement and to the community; he further failed
    to demand the unquestionable integrity, reliability, and
    honesty from Wayne Police Department employees that
    would be consistent with public expectations, undermin-
    ing the efficiency, morale and good order of the Wayne
    Police Department.
    2. Engaged in an extramarital affair with an employee
    he supervised in the Wayne Police Department.
    3. Made sexual advances to employees in the Wayne
    Police Department he supervised.
    4. Used his City-issued cell phone for excessive
    personal calls and texts, and failed to supervise the
    use of City-issued cell phones and computers for per-
    sonal use by Wayne Police Department employees and
    5. Advised Wayne Police Department employees to not
    go to the Wayne Police Chief with any problems, con-
    cerns or questions.
    6. Advised Wayne Police Department employees to not
    go to [Johnson] because [Johnson] is not [their] friend or
    friend of the Wayne Police Department and to be careful
    what [they] tell him.
    In these allegations, Johnson claimed that Shear’s conduct
    was cause for disciplinary action under two provisions of the
    Wayne city code:
    1. Incompetency, inefficiency, or inattention to or der-
    eliction of duty;
    2. Dishonesty, prejudicial conduct, immoral conduct,
    insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public or
    a fellow employee, any act of omission or commission
    tending to injure the public service, any willful failure on
    the part of the employee to properly conduct himself, or
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    any willful violation of this chapter or the rules and regu-
    lations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
    See Code of Ordinances for the City of Wayne, Nebraska,
    art. II, § 26-45(b) (2010). Johnson also stated in the letter that
    he was immediately suspending Shear with pay.
    On March 7, 2011, Johnson sent Shear a 12-page let-
    ter explaining Johnson’s decision to suspend Shear. Johnson
    included a number of exhibits to support this explanation. At
    the end of the letter, Johnson informed Shear of his right to
    schedule a meeting with Johnson, during which Shear could
    present his side of the story. Shear immediately objected to
    Johnson’s decision to preside over this meeting, noting that
    he believed Johnson’s participation violated his right to due
    process. Shear demanded that an independent administrator be
    appointed to review the allegations.
    Despite receiving Shear’s objections, Johnson presided over
    the meeting with Shear and his attorney on April 22, 2011.
    At the outset of this meeting, Shear objected on the record
    to Johnson’s participation. Johnson again refused to recuse
    himself. Having noted his objection, Shear’s attorney then pro-
    ceeded to refute Johnson’s allegations through oral argument,
    during which he denied each of the accusations. Other than
    Shear’s offering of Johnson’s March 7 letter, no other evidence
    was produced at this meeting.
    In a letter dated April 28, 2011, Johnson terminated Shear
    from his position with the police department. In this letter,
    Johnson informed Shear of his right to demand an investigation
    and public hearing before the Commission. Shear exercised
    this right on May 6 by filing a written demand for investigation
    and hearing.
    The Commission held a public hearing from October
    31 through November 4, 2011. By stipulation of all par-
    ties involved, Shear’s hearing was consolidated with that of
    the police chief, whose employment was also terminated by
    Johnson. After the City presented its consolidated case, both
    Shear and the police chief presented their own evidence. The
    resulting record in this case is extensive and includes a bill of
    exceptions of nearly 1,500 pages and 141 received exhibits.
    This court has conducted an extensive review of the record
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    and will summarize the evidence that relates to Shear’s termi-
    nation. In our summary, we discuss only the evidence relating
    to the allegations which the Commission ultimately found sup-
    ported Shear’s termination.
    The majority of the evidence the City presented to the
    Commission involved Shear’s interactions with Rena Alonso, a
    former dispatcher with the Wayne Police Department. Alonso’s
    testimony was presented through a deposition of over 6 hours
    in length which was received in evidence. Alonso claimed that
    while she was employed with the police department, Shear
    attempted to initiate a sexual relationship with her. Alonso
    testified that although the relationship was never consummated
    by any sexual act, Shear kissed her twice, hugged her, and put
    his hands on her thighs in an intimate fashion. Alonso also
    testified that she exchanged numerous personal text messages
    and had many personal telephone calls with Shear. The City
    introduced usage records from Shear’s cell phone issued by the
    City, which records showed numerous calls and text messages
    between Shear and Alonso. Several of these calls were nearly
    an hour in length.
    Alonso highlighted one particular event during which Shear
    attempted to use his desire for a sexual relationship with
    Alonso to affect her employment with the department. While
    on duty as a dispatcher, Alonso was instructed to contact the
    Norfolk, Nebraska, police to dispatch an officer to obtain a
    blood sample from the driver of a vehicle after an injury acci-
    dent. Ultimately, Alonso did not have the officer dispatched,
    but instead contacted a hospital to have the blood draw com-
    pleted. This error negatively affected the outcome of the case
    against the driver.
    After the department discovered this error, Shear informed
    Alonso that she would be reprimanded, which included a 2-day
    unpaid suspension. Alonso claimed that when she became
    upset about the 2-day suspension, Shear offered to recommend
    to the police chief that the suspension be reduced to 1 day
    without pay. However, she claimed that Shear then told her that
    she would personally “owe” him a day. Alonso also testified
    that Shear told her he would kiss her if she began to cry and
    that Shear did in fact hug her when she began to cry.
    Decisions  of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    The City also adduced evidence relating to a division
    among the employees within the police department. During
    her testimony, Alonso testified that she was aware of an “in
    group” and an “out group” within the police department.
    Alonso claimed that Shear told her that she did not want to be
    in the “out group.” Alonso stated that if there was something
    that did not meet police department approval, it would go
    “bye-bye.” A Wayne police officer confirmed the existence of
    this division. He testified that he became a part of this outer
    group after he and a Wayne police sergeant decided not to
    sign a “lack of confidence” letter directed against Johnson in
    his position as city administrator. The City presented evidence
    to suggest that Shear did not intervene in this division, but,
    rather, participated in it.
    In addition to division within the department, the City
    focused on the department practice to refer to white persons as
    “number ones” and to black persons as “number twos.” During
    his testimony, a former Wayne police officer admitted that this
    system existed, but stated that it was taken out of context. He
    maintained that this was a communication system to ensure
    officer safety and was not a discriminatory practice. The City
    claimed that as a supervisor, Shear should have corrected this
    practice, but did not.
    Shear presented extensive evidence to attempt to contradict
    the City’s case. As the City did during its case, Shear also
    focused on Alonso. He introduced the severance and settlement
    agreement Alonso signed with the City in an attempt to show
    her bias. Additionally, a number of police department employ-
    ees and former employees testified on his behalf that Alonso
    was often the person making sexual comments and further
    testified that they did not witness any inappropriate conduct
    by Shear directed toward Alonso. Shear also introduced mes-
    sages that he sent to Alonso which he claimed demonstrated
    his rejection of her sexual advances. During his testimony,
    Shear was adamant that he had a “personal relationship” with
    all employees in the police department and that his relationship
    with Alonso was no different than his interaction with anyone
    else in the department.
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Besides focusing on Alonso, Shear also highlighted his
    achievements as a lieutenant with the police department.
    Various department employees and former employees testified
    that Shear was a good police officer and made the depart-
    ment feel as though it were a family. These same witnesses
    claimed that morale in the department had declined after Shear
    was terminated.
    After reviewing the evidence, the Commission issued its
    decision on December 16, 2011, affirming Shear’s termina-
    tion. The Commission first found that Shear had attempted
    to maintain a sexual relationship with Alonso, that Shear
    failed to correct Alonso’s inappropriate behavior, that Shear
    had intimate physical contact with Alonso, that Shear offered
    to influence a reduction of her suspension in exchange for
    a sexual relationship, and that Shear excessively communi-
    cated with Alonso, using his cell phone issued by the City.
    The Commission determined this to be prejudicial conduct,
    immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of a
    fellow employee, an act of omission or commission tending to
    injure the public service, a willful failure to properly conduct
    himself, inattention to or dereliction of duty, and in violation
    of policy and procedure.
    The Commission then addressed the “‘inner circle’” dynamic
    within the department, finding that Shear did nothing to inter-
    vene regarding the practice, but, rather, reinforced it. The
    Commission found that this practice tended to undermine the
    overall efficiency and effectiveness of the department and that
    Shear’s failure to intervene to address this dynamic and his
    reinforcement of it constituted incompetency, inefficiency or
    inattention to or dereliction of duty, prejudicial conduct, dis-
    courteous treatment of fellow employees, an act of omission
    or commission tending to injure the public service, a willful
    failure on the part of Shear to properly conduct himself, and in
    violation of policy and procedure.
    Finally, the Commission found that Shear created and
    tolerated, and failed to address or correct, an environment
    within the department in which officers referred to “‘black
    guys as #2’” and “‘white guys as #1.’” The Commission
    Decisions  of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    found that Shear’s failure to address or correct the practice
    undermined the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the
    department and constituted prejudicial conduct, discourteous
    treatment of the public, an act of omission or commission
    tending to injure the public service, incompetency, ineffi-
    ciency or inattention to or dereliction of duty, and in violation
    of policy and procedure.
    The Commission thereafter stated that to the extent that
    Shear’s testimony and evidence were not consistent with its
    findings, the Commission found Shear’s testimony and evi-
    dence not credible. After so finding, the Commission noted that
    its findings and conclusions, whether considered independently
    or in the aggregate, constituted cause for Shear’s termination.
    The Commission concluded that Johnson’s action in terminat-
    ing Shear’s employment was supported by a preponderance of
    the evidence and was made in good faith for cause, that termi-
    nation was based on competent evidence and was neither arbi-
    trary nor capricious, and that Shear’s claim that he was denied
    due process of law was without merit.
    Shear perfected an appeal to the district court on January 13,
    2012. Although Shear’s notice of appeal was lengthy, the dis-
    trict court determined that he had essentially raised two assign-
    ments of error: (1) His due process rights were violated in his
    pretermination hearing, and (2) the Commission’s decision was
    arbitrary and capricious and, therefore, not made in good faith
    for cause. The district court found each of the assigned errors
    to be without merit and affirmed the Commission’s decision.
    Shear timely appeals.
    Shear assigns, consolidated and restated, three errors in his
    brief. He contends that (1) he was denied his pretermination
    due process rights, because there was not an impartial deci-
    sionmaker at his pretermination hearing; (2) the Commission’s
    order affirming his termination was not made in good faith
    for cause, but was arbitrary and capricious; and (3) the
    Commission should not have allowed undisclosed testimony
    at the hearing.
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    [1,2] The determination of whether the procedures afforded
    an individual comport with constitutional requirements for pro-
    cedural due process presents a question of law. Fleming v. Civil
    Serv. Comm. of Douglas Cty., 
    280 Neb. 1014
    792 N.W.2d 871
    (2011). On a question of law, an appellate court is obligated to
    reach a conclusion independent of the determination reached
    by the court below. 
    [3] In reviewing an administrative agency decision on a
    petition in error, both the district court and the appellate court
    review the decision to determine whether the agency acted
    within its jurisdiction and whether sufficient, relevant evi-
    dence supports the decision of the agency. Blakely v. Lancaster
    284 Neb. 659
    825 N.W.2d 149
    [4,5] The reviewing court in an error proceeding is restricted
    to the record before the administrative agency and does not
    reweigh evidence or make independent findings of fact. 
    evidence is sufficient, as a matter of law, if an administrative
    tribunal could reasonably find the facts as it did from the testi-
    mony and exhibits contained in the record before it. 
    Pretermination Procedures.
    [6,7] In Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill, 
    470 U.S. 532
    105 S. Ct. 1487
    84 L. Ed. 2d 494
     (1985), the
    U.S. Supreme Court held that a public employee possesses
    certain due process rights when state law grants a property
    right to continued employment. When a state deprives a
    public employee of this right to continued employment, the
    deprivation must “‘“be preceded by notice and opportunity
    for hearing appropriate to the nature of the case.”’” Scott v.
    County of Richardson, 
    280 Neb. 694
    , 700, 
    789 N.W.2d 44
    , 50
    (2010), quoting Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill,
     After Loudermill, courts have concluded that proce-
    dural due process claims are divided into three stages: pre-
    termination process, actual termination, and posttermination
    process. See, Scott v. County of Richardson, supra; Parent v.
    City of Bellevue Civil Serv. Comm., 
    17 Neb. App. 458
    763 N.W.2d 739
    Decisions  of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    In the present case, there is no dispute that Shear had a
    property right in his continued employment with the Wayne
    Police Department and could not have been discharged without
    due process. See Code of Ordinances for the City of Wayne,
    Nebraska, § 26-1 et seq. (2010). However, the parties disagree
    as to the necessary extent of the pretermination process. Shear
    argues that the pretermination procedures were insufficient
    because there was a biased decisionmaker. He claims that
    because city administrator Johnson was both the complain-
    ing party and the adjudicator in the pretermination hearing,
    Johnson effectively served as “the accuser, the judge, and the
    executioner,” rendering the pretermination process a nullity.
    Brief for appellant at 12.
    In interpreting Cleveland Board of Education v. Loudermill,
     the Nebraska Supreme Court has adopted the view that
    only limited pretermination process is required, especially if
    posttermination proceedings are available and extensive. Scott
    v. County of Richardson, supra, citing Krentz v. Robertson,
    228 F.3d 897
     (8th Cir. 2000). In adopting this view, the court
    noted that the purpose of a pretermination proceeding is not to
    resolve the propriety of the discharge, but, rather, to serve as
    an initial check against mistaken decisions. Scott v. County of
    Richardson, supra. Thus, pretermination proceedings need not
    be elaborate. Id. Informal meetings with supervisors are suf-
    ficient pretermination proceedings. Id.
    [8] Despite the foregoing, Shear claims that his case is dis-
    tinct because Johnson brought the charges and also functioned
    as the decisionmaker in the pretermination process. This argu-
    ment fails. The Nebraska Supreme Court in Scott held that
    “deficiencies in due process during pretermination proceedings
    may be cured if the employee is provided adequate posttermi-
    nation due process.” 280 Neb. at 703, 789 N.W.2d at 52 (over-
    ruling Martin v. Nebraska Dept. of Public Institutions, 
    7 Neb. App. 585
    584 N.W.2d 485
    [9] Although no Nebraska appellate court appears to have
    confronted this specific scenario, we find the Eighth Circuit’s
    holding in a similar case to be convincing and in line with
    the Nebraska Supreme Court’s decision in Scott. The Eighth
    Circuit, in adopting the prevailing view in the federal circuits
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    on this issue, specifically rejected the argument that biased
    decisionmakers in the pretermination process violate due
    proc­ss. The court held that “[a]n impartial decisionmaker
    is not required at the pre-termination stage so long as the
    employee has access to post-termination proceedings before
    an impartial adjudicator.” Sutton v. Bailey, 
    702 F.3d 444
    , 449
    (8th Cir. 2012).
    In the present case, there is no question that Johnson was
    not an impartial decisionmaker at the pretermination stage.
    Johnson not only investigated Shear and brought the charges
    against him, but he also conducted the pretermination hearing.
    However, the record reveals extensive posttermination pro-
    ceedings occurred. After Shear was terminated, he exercised
    his right to a hearing before the Commission, an impartial
    adjudicator. At this hearing, which extended approximately 5
    days, Shear was represented by an attorney and had the oppor-
    tunity not only to contradict the City’s evidence, but also to
    present extensive evidence of his own. Following this hearing,
    the Commission reviewed the evidence and made its decision
    to uphold the termination. These posttermination procedures
    provided the required measure of due process. This assigned
    error is without merit.
    Was Commission’s Decision Made
    in Good Faith for Cause?
    For the majority of his brief, Shear attacks the Commission’s
    decision, claiming that it was not supported by a “preponder-
    ance of the relevant and competent evidence contained in
    the record.” Brief for appellant at 14. Shear argues that the
    evidence in the record is decidedly in his favor and that the
    Commission disregarded the facts and circumstances of the
    case when it made its decision.
    The record in this case contains significantly conflicting evi-
    dence. In his hearing before the Commission, Shear responded
    to every allegation the City raised with his own evidence that
    supported his cause. The Commission reviewed both par-
    ties’ evidence and determined that Shear’s evidence was not
    credible. Shear now asks this court to essentially reweigh the
    evidence and the Commission’s findings of fact, substituting
    Decisions  of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Cite as 
    21 Neb. App. 644
    our own judgment. However, as explained above, we do not
    reweigh evidence or make independent findings of fact when
    reviewing an administrative agency’s decision. See, Blakely
    v. Lancaster County, 
    284 Neb. 659
    825 N.W.2d 149
    Barnett v. City of Scottsbluff, 
    268 Neb. 555
    684 N.W.2d 553
    (2004). The record of the hearing demonstrates that the City
    produced sufficient, relevant evidence to support its deci-
    sion to terminate Shear’s employment and from which the
    Commission could reasonably find the facts as it did. In our
    review, we have focused on only those allegations upon which
    the Commission based its findings to support the termina-
    tion of Shear’s employment. In sum, there was sufficient rel-
    evant evidence to support the Commission’s findings regarding
    Shear’s inappropriate conduct with Alonso, Shear’s involve-
    ment in the department practices regarding the “‘inner circle,’”
    and Shear’s failure to correct the “number one” and “number
    two” references.
    We agree with the district court that the Commission’s deci-
    sion to affirm Shear’s termination was made in good faith for
    cause. This assigned error is without merit.
    Did Commission Improperly Allow
    Testimony at Hearing?
    In his final assignment of error, Shear argues that the
    Commission improperly allowed the City to expand the basis
    of his employer’s evidence at the hearing without giving
    him notice. Citing both the Wayne city code and Nebraska’s
    Civil Service Act, Shear argues that he was not properly
    informed that Amy Miller would testify to additional reasons
    that would support the City’s decision to terminate his employ-
    ment. See, 
    Neb. Rev. Stat. § 19-1833
    (1) (Reissue 2012);
    Code of Ordinances for the City of Wayne, Nebraska, art. II,
    § 26-46(a). He claims that because the City relied on this tes-
    timony in reaching its decision, the result is flawed and must
    be reversed.
    Miller is a deputy county attorney for Wayne and Pierce
    Counties. At the hearing before the Commission, the City
    called Miller as a witness to testify regarding her experi-
    ences as a county attorney interacting with the Wayne Police
    Decisions of the Nebraska Court of Appeals
    Department. Miller testified that there was a general lack of
    cooperation between the county attorney’s office and the police
    department, that officers and dispatchers were uncooperative in
    providing reports, that reports were not timely provided, and
    that instructions were ignored.
    At the hearing, both Shear and the police chief objected to
    Miller’s testimony, arguing that it was not disclosed prior to
    the hearing. The special counsel overruled these objections,
    finding that the City disclosed Miller as a witness and that both
    parties had an adequate opportunity to depose her during the
    lengthy discovery period prior to the hearing.
    We find Shear’s argument to be without merit. Although
    Miller was not mentioned in the City’s statement of charges
    against Shear, she was included as a potential witness in the
    charges related to the police chief’s termination. Further, both
    Shear and the police chief agreed to have one consolidated
    hearing related to these two terminations. Therefore, during
    the hearing, there were a number of times when testimony
    was given that related to the charges against only one of the
    individuals. Finally, despite Shear’s contention to the con-
    trary, the Commission did not rely upon Miller’s testimony
    in its decision to uphold Shear’s termination. In fact, the
    Commission’s findings of fact do not contain any reference
    to Shear’s involvement with the county attorney’s office as a
    ground for his termination. We agree with the district court’s
    conclusion that the Commission did not err when allowing
    Miller’s testimony.
    The district court determined that Shear was afforded due
    process and that the Commission’s decision was made in good
    faith for cause. This was not made in error, and we affirm.
    Irwin, Judge, participating on briefs.