Gamino v. Renown Health ( 2015 )

  •                             To show a retaliatory discharge, Gamin° was required to
    demonstrate that his filing a workers' compensation claim "was the
    proximate cause of his discharge." Allum v. Valley Bank of Nev.,       
    114 Nev. 1313
    , 1319-20, 
    970 P.2d 1062
    , 1066 (1998). Renown's motion for summary
    judgment undermined Gamino's case by showing that his termination was
    not related to his workers' compensation claim.          See Cuzze v. Univ. &
    Cmty. Coll. Sys. of Nev.,   
    123 Nev. 598
    , 602, 
    172 P.3d 131
    , 134 (2007)
    (observing that a moving party who does not bear the burden of
    persuasion at trial satisfies the burden of production on summary
    judgment by "submitting evidence that negates an essential element of the
    nonmoving party's claim"). In order to defeat Renown's motion, Gamino
    was required to "by affidavit or other admissible evidence, introduce
    specific facts that show a genuine issue of material fact."      Id. at 602-03,
    172 P.3d at 134
    . Instead of doing so, Gamino attacked some, but not all, of
    the evidence that Renown provided as inadmissible.
    In this regard, the district court properly considered Renown's
    affidavits, which were offered, in part, to show the effect of third-party
    statements upon the listener and the reason for Renown's investigation
    into Gamino's actions. See Grosjean v. Imperial Palace, Inc., 
    125 Nev. 349
    212 P.3d 1068
    , 1077 (2009) C[A] statement merely offered to show
    that the statement was made and the listener was affected by the
    statement, and which is not offered to show the truth of the matter
    asserted, is admissible as non-hearsay." (quoting Wallach v. State, 
    106 Nev. 470
    , 473, 
    796 P.2d 224
    , 227 (1990))). Because Gamin° proffered no
    evidence conflicting with Renown's, it was not necessary for a jury to
    consider the declarants' credibility.       See Gaxiola v. State, 
    121 Nev. 638
    119 P.3d 1225
    , 1233 (2005) ("The jury determines the weight and
    credibility to give conflicting testimony."). And finally, the temporal
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    proximity of Gamino's workers' compensation claim and his termination,
    in the absence of other circumstances and in light of Renown's preexisting
    investigation into Gamino's alleged breach of confidentiality, does not
    defeat summary judgment. See Clark Cnty. Sch. Dist. v. Breeden, 
    532 U.S. 268
    , 272-73 (2001) (noting that an employer proceeding with an action
    that was contemplated prior to the occurrence of a protected activity
    suggests that the action was not caused by the protected activity, and that
    an adverse employment action must be very close in time to the protected
    activity in order for temporal proximity to suggest causality); Green v.
    Lowe's Home Ctrs., Inc.,   
    199 S.W.3d 514
    , 518-23 (Tex. Ct. App. 2006)
    (stating that "knowledge of a workers' compensation claim alone does not
    establish a causal link between the alleged discriminatory behavior and
    the filing of a claim sufficient to defeat summary judgment," and
    upholding summary judgment when the employee failed to establish a
    causal link between termination and the workers' compensation claim).
    Accordingly, we perceive no error in the district court's summary
    judgment, and we
    ORDER the judgment of the district court AFFIRMED.'
    LC\            , C.J.
    'We have considered Gamino's other arguments on appeal and
    conclude that they do not warrant reversal of the district court's summary
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    cc:   Hon. Elliott A. Sattler, District Judge
    Jonathan L. Andrews, Settlement Judge
    Brian R. Morris
    Littler Mendelson/Las Vegas
    Washoe District Court Clerk
    (0) 1947A    en.