Coyote Springs Inv. v. Eighth Jud. Dist. Ct. , 2015 NV 18 ( 2015 )

  •                                        131 Nev., Advance Opinion   IS
    COYOTE SPRINGS INVESTMENT,                             No. 64623
    THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT                                FILED
    APR 0 2 2015
    CLARK; AND THE HONORABLE                                                    C
    Respondents,                                                            1°.
    Real Party in Interest.
    Original petition for a writ of prohibition or mandamus
    challenging a district court order that required the disclosure of a private
    communication between a witness and plaintiffs counsel during a
    Petition denied.
    Pisanelli Bice, PLLC, and Todd L. Bice, James J. Pisanelli, Debra L.
    Spinelli, Maria Magali Calderon, and Jordan T. Smith, Las Vegas,
    for Petitioner.
    Kaempfer Crowell and Peter C. Bernhard and Lisa J. Zastrow, Las Vegas,
    for Real Party in Interest.
    1cj -099 11
    1j24/15: Corriefeei Tv-r          pa91f5he   CT'
    By the Court, CHERRY, J.:
    This petition for extraordinary writ relief challenges a district
    court order requiring a witness for the plaintiff to disclose the substance of
    communications that took place between the witness and plaintiff's
    counsel during a break in the witness's deposition. To resolve it, we must
    decide whether a private communication between a witness and an
    attorney during a requested break in the witness's deposition is entitled to
    protection from discovery under the attorney-client privilege.
    We hold that attorneys may confer with witnesses during
    requested recesses in depositions only to determine whether to assert a
    privilege. For the attorney-client privilege to apply to these conferences,
    however, counsel must state on the deposition record (1) the fact that a
    conference took place, (2) the subject of the conference, and (3) the result
    of the conference. In the instant case, we conclude that the
    communications between the witness and plaintiff's counsel during the
    break in the witness's deposition are discoverable because plaintiffs
    counsel requested the recess in the deposition and failed to make a
    sufficient, contemporaneous record of the privileged communications.
    Petitioner Coyote Springs Investment, LLC, and real party in
    interest BrightSource Energy, Inc., entered into a lease for BrightSource
    to develop a solar energy generating facility on Coyote Springs' property.
    The parties negotiated the terms of the lease through several term sheets
    exchanged via email. The parties then finalized and executed the lease,
    and Coyote Springs created a lease summary for its bankers and
    appraisers. Roughly one year later, BrightSource sought to terminate the
    lease. In response, Coyote Springs informed BrightSource that the
    termination was ineffective in the absence of a lease termination fee. A
    dispute arose regarding the termination terms and whether just one or
    both of two conditions (the so-called tower height approval and
    transmission solution achievement conditions) had to be met before a
    termination fee could be imposed because the term sheets and the lease
    summary apparently contained language different from the actual lease as
    to those conditions. Subsequently, Coyote Springs sued BrightSource,
    arguing that the lease's termination was ineffective without payment of
    the termination fee.
    The deposition discussions at issue
    In preparation for trial, the parties deposed Harvey
    Whittemore, the former co-owner and manager of Coyote Springs.
    Whittemore testified that he and Coyote Springs' general counsel, Emilia
    Cargill, negotiated the lease for Coyote Springs. Whittemore was
    questioned regarding the lease's termination provisions. Specifically,
    BrightSource's counsel asked Whittemore whether he had agreed to the
    termination provisions in the lease. Whittemore answered, "I believe that
    [the provision] appropriately reflects the definitions" of the lease to which
    the parties agreed. When asked again about the lease's termination
    conditions, Whittemore stated that they were the business terms agreed
    upon by both parties.
    Whittemore's deposition was continued and resumed nearly
    six months later, and BrightSource's counsel further questioned
    Whittemore about his approval of the term sheets and the lease summary.
    Whittemore testified that he believed that the term sheets were an
    accurate statement of terms agreed upon before the lease agreement was
    finalized. And when BrightSource's counsel questioned Whittemore about
    (0) 1947A
    the lease summary distributed to Coyote Springs' bankers and appraisers,
    Whittemore testified that he believed he had reviewed earlier versions of
    the summary for accuracy and approved sending the final draft of the
    After BrightSource's counsel completed this round of
    questioning, Coyote Springs' litigation counsel suggested taking a break
    and requested a conference room for him, Whittemore, and Cargill.
    BrightSource's counsel objected to any discussion during the break
    regarding questions that Whittemore had been asked. Coyote Springs'
    litigation counsel and Cargill then met with Whittemore in a conference
    room. After returning from the conference, Coyote Springs' counsel
    resumed questioning Whittemore. During that questioning, Whittemore
    clarified that he believed the term sheets were not controlling. Upon
    further questioning, Whittemore explained his understanding of the lease
    was that once one of the conditions—tower height approval—was met, the
    company had earned the termination fee. When Coyote Springs' counsel
    asked whether he had previously noticed that the lease summary was
    inaccurate, Whittemore agreed that the lease summary was inaccurate
    but did not recall whether he had noticed it before.
    After Coyote Springs' counsel completed his examination of
    Whittemore, BrightSource's counsel posed several follow-up questions.
    Although Whittemore could not indicate specific details or cite to any
    evidence in support of his statement, he emphasized that, prior to the
    lease's finalization, the parties agreed that the termination fee would be
    owed solely upon tower height approval and that a transmission solution
    would not be required for the termination fee to be due.
    (0) 1947A
    BrightSource moves to exclude Whittemore's testimony
    Following Whittemore's depositions, BrightSource filed a
    motion in limine to exclude Whittemore's post-conference testimony and to
    "elicit at trial the substance of what was said during the private
    conference." At a hearing on the motion, the district court concluded that
    "in general. . . you can't do your witness prep during breaks" and
    explained that "if [Whittemore] talk[ed] about it at a deposition break and
    it wasn't part of his preparation that was done ahead of time, it may be
    fair game" for inquiry. After Coyote Springs' counsel questioned whether
    this would apply to privileged discussion that occurred during the
    deposition break, the district court exclaimed, "Why on earth would you do
    that?" The court explained to counsel that "[y]ou are entitled to go inside
    that privilege[,] [Mut you're not entitled to do prep as part of a break in a
    deposition." Nevertheless, the court then indicated that it was "not sure
    that that particular instance is one where I wouldn't then give you some
    leeway and give you some protection."
    The trial commenced, and during cross-examination of
    Whittemore, BrightSource's counsel inquired as to what was discussed at
    the deposition conference. Coyote Springs' counsel objected based on
    attorney-client privilege. Although noting that the conference may have
    addressed privileged information, the court overruled the objection, "given
    the timing of the communication between counsel and the witness," and
    allowed the questioning to continue. Coyote Springs' counsel asked to voir
    dire Whittemore to establish compliance with In re Stratosphere Corp.
    Securities Litigation, 
    182 F.R.D. 614
    (D. Nev. 1998), a case in which a
    federal district court addressed the propriety of an in-deposition
    conference, which the court permitted. Whittemore first confirmed that
    (0) I947A
    there was no question pending when he had the private conference during
    his deposition. Coyote Springs' counsel then asked Whittemore about the
    substance of the conference, and Whittemore testified that
    communications he had with Cargill while he was in a leadership role at
    Coyote Springs were "part of [the] discussion," that whether he
    misunderstood or misinterpreted either questions or documents presented
    to him during his examination was "also part of [the] conversation," and
    that he "[did not] think [they] talked about manners or methods of
    refreshing [his] recollection at all."
    At the close of BrightSource's case, Coyote Springs made an
    oral motion for reconsideration of the Whittemore deposition issue. The
    district court denied the oral motion at the time, but the judge stated that
    she would reconsider after hearing closing arguments. After Coyote
    Springs' oral motion to reconsider, the district court entered an interim
    order concerning whether Coyote Springs' contract claims were barred by
    the doctrine of unilateral or mutual mistake. The court, however, also
    determined that Whittemore's anticipated testimony about the conference
    discussion was material to the issue of mistake, and thus stayed the entry
    of its findings of fact and conclusions of law pending resolution of the
    instant petition.
    "[P]rohibition is a more appropriate remedy for the prevention
    of improper discovery than mandamus."        Wardleigh v. Second Judicial
    Dist. Court, 
    111 Nev. 345
    , 350, 
    891 P.2d 1180
    , 1183 (1995). Consequently,
    we consider this petition under the prohibition standard and deny Coyote
    Springs' alternative request for a writ of mandamus. Although "writs are
    generally not available to review discovery orders," this court has issued
    writs to prevent improper discovery orders compelling disclosure of
    (0) 1947A
    privileged information. Valley Health Sys., LLC v. Eighth Judicial Dist.
    127 Nev. Adv. Op. No. 15
    252 P.3d 676
    , 678-79 (2011). The
    reasoning behind the privilege exception is that "if the discovery order
    requires the disclosure of privileged material, there would be no adequate
    remedy at law that could restore the privileged nature of the information,
    because once such information is disclosed, it is irretrievable." 
    Id. at 679;
    see also Aspen Fin. Servs., Inc. v. Eighth Judicial Dist. Court, 128 Nev.
    Adv. Op. No. 57, 
    289 P.3d 201
    , 204 (2012) (explaining that writ relief may
    be available when "it is necessary to prevent discovery that would cause
    privileged information to irretrievably lose its confidential nature and
    thereby render a later appeal ineffective"). Here, because Coyote Springs
    seeks to prevent privileged information from being disclosed to
    BrightSource, we consider this petition and examine whether the
    conference between Whittemore and Coyote Spring's counsel was
    Protection of private communications during deposition breaks
    The parties dispute whether the conversation between
    Whittemore and Coyote Springs' counsel during Whittemore's deposition
    is entitled to protection based upon the attorney-client privilege. Coyote
    Springs argues that writ relief is warranted because its attorney-client
    privilege is not waived when its witness and its counsel have privileged
    communications during a deposition break. BrightSource asserts that the
    private conference with Whittemore is not privileged because there was
    discussion about Whittemore's substantive testimony in order to prepare
    him for examination or to refresh his recollection. It points out that after
    the private conference occurred, Whittemore repudiated his previous
    testimony on a material, contested issue of fact.
    The attorney-client privilege, codified in NRS 49.095, protects
    communications between clients or client representatives and lawyers
    when made in furtherance of legal services and "appl[ies] at all stages of
    all proceedings." NRS 47.020(2). Clients and attorneys are generally not
    permitted to confer in the midst of giving testimony, however, and some
    jurisdictions have concluded that such conferences may lead to a waiver of
    the attorney-client privilege.   See Aiello v. City of Wilmington,   
    623 F.2d 845
    , 858-59 (3d Cir. 1980) (holding that plaintiff and counsel could not
    communicate during breaks in cross-examination during trial); see also
    NRCP 30(c) (requiring that witness examination and cross-examination
    during a deposition proceed as permitted at trial). Two seminal cases
    directly address the propriety of conferences between attorneys and
    witnesses during deposition breaks: Hall v. Clifton Precision, 
    150 F.R.D. 525
    (E.D. Pa. 1993), and In re Stratosphere Corp. Securities Litigation, 
    182 F.R.D. 614
    (D. Nev. 1998).
    In Hall, the United States District Court for the Eastern
    District of Pennsylvania held that "conferences between witness and
    lawyer are prohibited both during the deposition and during recesses,"
    unless the conference concerns the assertion of a 
    privilege. 150 F.R.D. at 529
    . If a conference is called during a deposition to determine whether to
    assert a privilege, the Hall court further held that "the conferring attorney
    should place on the record the fact that the conference occurred, the
    subject of the conference, and the decision reached as to whether to assert
    a privilege." 
    Id. at 530.
    In Hall, plaintiffs counsel informed his client-
    witness that he could request a private conference at any time during his
    Id. at 526.
    The deposition was twice interrupted: first, when
    the plaintiff requested a private conference about the meaning of the word
    (0) 147A
    "document," and again when the plaintiffs counsel wished to review a
    document before his client answered questions pertaining to it. 
    Id. In its
    ruling, the court referred to Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 30(c), which then stated that "examination and cross-
    examination of witnesses [during deposition] may proceed as permitted at
    the trial." 
    Id. at 527
    (emphasis added) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 30(c)
    (1987)). 2 The court explained that during a civil trial examination, "a
    witness and his or her lawyer are not permitted to confer at their pleasure
    during the witness's testimony. Once a witness has been prepared and
    has taken the stand, that witness is on his or her own." 
    Id. at 528
    Aiello, 623 F.2d at 858-59
    ). The Hall court emphasized the need to protect
    the underlying purposes of deposition rules, which include eliciting the
    facts of a case before trial, evening the playing field, and obtaining
    testimony before the witness's recollection "has been altered by. . . the
    helpful suggestions of lawyers." 
    Id. The court
    reasoned that depositions
    serve to find out what a witness saw, heard, did, or thinks, and that
    lawyers "[are] not entitled to be creative with the facts" but instead "must
    accept the facts as they develop." 
    Id. The court
    acknowledged that prohibiting private conferences
    during depositions may create concerns for a witness's right to an attorney
    'Similarly, the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure do not contain a rule
    specifically outlining deposition conference procedure. Rather, deposition
    conferences are governed by NRCP 30(c), which reads similarly to Fed. R.
    Civ. P. 30(c): "Examination and cross-examination of witnesses may
    proceed as permitted at the trial."
    2 Thecurrent federal rules states that "[t]he examination and cross-
    examination of a deponent proceed as they would at trial under the
    Federal Rules of Evidence."
    (0) 1947A
    and due process.      
    Id. The court
    stated, however, that it is a lawyer's
    "right, if not [his or her] duty" 3 to adequately prepare the witness before a
    deposition, and any concern after the deposition begins "is somewhat
    tempered by the underlying goal of our discovery rules: getting to the
    Id. The court
    therefore determined that the deposing attorney
    may inquire about any private conferences during depositions in order to
    ascertain whether there had been any witness coaching and, if so, what
    that coaching entailed. 
    Id. at 529
    After the Hall decision was published, the United States
    District Court for the District of Nevada concluded that the Hall court
    may have gone too far in its restriction of private conferences during
    depositions. In re Stratosphere Corp. Sec. Litig., 
    182 F.R.D. 614
    , 621 (D.
    Nev. 1998). The In re Stratosphere court held that attorneys may conduct
    private meetings during unrequested recesses in depositions in order to
    ensure that the "client did not misunderstand or misinterpret questions or
    documents," to fulfill their "ethical duty to prepare a witness," see supra
    3 1n  support of the view that a lawyer has a duty to adequately
    prepare a witness before deposition, the court pointed to Pennsylvania
    Rule of Professional Conduct (PRPC) 1.1, which reads identically to
    Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct (RPC) 1.1: "Competent
    representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and
    preparation reasonably necessary for the representation."          
    Hall, 150 F.R.D. at 528
    n.4 (citing P1.1); RPC 1.1. In In re Stratosphere, the
    court commented on the responsibility of an attorney to prepare a client:
    "The right to prepare a witness is not different before the questions begin
    than it is during (or after, since a witness may be recalled for rebuttal,
    etc., during 
    trial)." 182 F.R.D. at 621
    . Although neither the caselaw nor
    the rules further explain an attorney's responsibility to prepare a witness
    to testify, we believe that the responsibility to prepare the witness clearly
    era- "g.tiesf frb-f '1 Opti411.t e;+-
    (0) I947A
    note 2, or to determine whether to assert a privilege. 
    Id. at 621.
    The In re
    Stratosphere court agreed with Hall that if an attorney holds a private
    conference to determine whether to assert a privilege, it "should [be]
    place [d] on the record the fact that a conference is held. , the subject of
    the conference . . . , and the decision reached as to whether to assert a
    Id. at 621-22.
    In In re Stratosphere, the plaintiffs, basing their
    arguments on Hall, filed a motion to establish deposition procedures that
    prohibited all conferences during the deposition—including conferences
    during breaks and lunches—and plaintiffs sought to establish that
    opposing counsel may "inquire into whether they have spoken [during
    deposition breaks] and, if so, what was discussed." 
    Id. at 619.
                                In resolving the motion, the In re Stratosphere court agreed
    with Hall that a "questioning attorney is entitled to have the witness, and
    the witness alone, answer questions," and the witness should not "seek
    understanding or direction about how to answer the question from his or
    her attorney."   
    Id. at 621.
    But the court did not adopt Hall's "strict
    requirements[,]" which, the court opined, do not differentiate between
    "preclud[ing] attorney-coaching of witnesses" and "deny [ing] someone the
    right to counsel." 
    Id. The court
    held that absent a showing of abuse of the
    deposition process, precluding counsel and witness from communicating
    once a deposition commences unnecessarily infringes upon the right to an
    Id. at 620-21.
                                In refusing to adopt Hall's strict guidelines, the court noted
    that unlike Hall's description of a witness being "on his or her own" during
    trial, attorneys and clients confer regularly during trial and even when the
    court calls a recess during the client's testimony.   In re 
    Stratosphere, 182 F.R.D. at 621
    Hall, 150 F.R.D. at 528
    . The court clarified, however, that
    (0) 1947A
    "[s]uch breaks in the action are usually not taken when a question is
    pending and are usually not at the instigation of the deponent or counsel."
    In re 
    Stratosphere, 182 F.R.D. at 621
    . Further, the court emphasized that
    "consultation between lawyers and clients cannot be neatly divided into
    discussions about testimony and those about other matters," and adopting
    strict guidelines would allow for "unfettered inquiry into anything which
    may have been discussed." 
    Id. (internal quotations
    Several jurisdictions have followed In re Stratosphere's
    reasoning and criticized Hall's guidelines as unnecessarily burdensome on
    the deponent's right to an attorney.       See, e.g., McKinley Infuser, Inc. v.
    200 F.R.D. 648
    , 650 (D. Colo. 2001) (concluding that Hall's
    guidelines, taken to the extreme, could effectively bar a deponent from
    conferring with his or her attorney from the time of deposition through
    trial because there could be "coaching" that could alter the deponent's trial
    testimony, which would be an absurd result); State ex rel. Means v. King,
    520 S.E.2d 875
    , 882-83 (W. Va. 1999) (explaining that "[a] n attorney
    should be able to ensure that his or her client did not misunderstand or
    misinterpret a question or a document" and that "Mlle right to counsel
    should not be jeopardized absent a showing that the attorney or the
    deponent is abusing the deposition process"). Accordingly, these
    jurisdictions have cited In re Stratosphere's guidelines favorably. See, e.g.,
    McKinley, 200 F.R.D. at 650
    ("I agree with the reasoning of In re
    Stratosphere. . . that the truth finding function is adequately protected if
    deponents are prohibited from conferring with their counsel while a
    question is pending."); 
    King, 520 S.E.2d at 882
    ("With regard to discovery
    depositions taken in the course of litigation, we believe that the approach
    taken in Stratosphere is the more logical and fair approach.").
    (0) 1947A
    We agree with the reasoning in In re Stratosphere that Hall's
    discovery guidelines—which essentially preclude conversations between
    counsel and witness at any point between the start of depositions until
    trial when they involve an issue beyond whether to exercise a privilege—
    are unnecessarily restrictive. Although the holding in In re Stratosphere
    was limited to unrequested recesses, to the extent that the In re
    Stratosphere court appeared to approve of witness-counsel conferences
    during requested breaks so long as the break did not occur in the middle of
    questioning, we decline to adopt that reasoning here.             See In re
    Stratosphere, 182 F.R.D. at 621
    . Accordingly, we hold that attorneys may
    confer with witnesses during an unrequested recess or break in a
    discovery deposition. See 
    id. Furthermore, we
    hold that attorneys may
    not request a break to confer with witnesses in a discovery deposition
    unless the purpose of the break is to determine whether to assert a
    Id. We additionally
    hold that once the deposition proceedings
    resume after a private conference that is requested to determine whether
    to assert a privilege, the attorney must place the following on the record:
    (1) the fact that a conference took place; (2) the subject of the conference;
    and (3) the result of the conference, specifically, the outcome of the
    decision whether to assert a privilege. See 
    id. at 621-22;
    see also 
    Hall, 150 F.R.D. at 530
    . We stress that counsel must make a record of the
    confidential communications promptly after the deposition resumes in
    order to preserve the attorney-client privilege.
    Coyote Springs' assertion of privilege
    At trial, Coyote Springs relied upon In re Stratosphere and
    sought to protect the contents of the private conference through voir dire
    of Whittemore. Coyote Springs argues that the record reflects that it
    followed the precise practice approved by In re Stratosphere and the
    (0) 1947A
    communications should therefore be protected. We disagree, as Coyote
    Springs' record of the deposition conference was insufficient.
    The trial record reflects that counsel and Whittemore "broke
    and went into a private office." Had this been placed on the deposition
    record, it would have satisfied the first requirement of record sufficiency, a
    record that a conference took place. The trial record next reflects that,
    during the deposition conference, Coyote Springs' counsel asked
    Whittemore if he "misunderstood or misinterpreted either questions or
    documents that had been presented . . . earlier in the examination" and
    that counsel did not "coach" Whittemore's testimony or refresh his
    recollection. Had this been placed on the deposition record, this also
    would have satisfied the second requirement for record sufficiency, a
    record of the subjects discussed between the attorney and the witness.
    However, Coyote Springs did not make a record of the result of the
    conference, such as the outcome of a decision whether to assert a privilege.
    Therefore, even if the two previous representations had been placed on the
    deposition record, Coyote Springs still would not be able to assert the
    privilege because it did not satisfy the third requirement.
    Accordingly, the communications between Whittemore and
    Coyote Springs' counsel during the break in Whittemore's deposition are
    not privileged because Coyote Springs requested a break in the
    proceedings, failed to make a record of the result reached in the
    conference, and failed to make a prompt record of the communications.
    Coyote Springs requested a recess in order to conduct a
    private conference with Whittemore. Following the conference, it did not
    make a prompt, sufficient record of the conference so as to preserve the
    attorney-client privilege. Cf. In re 
    Stratosphere, 182 F.R.D. at 621
    . Thus,
    (0) 1947A
    the district court did not abuse its discretion in determining that the
    conference was not privileged.       Club Vista Fin. Servs., LLC v. Eighth
    Judicial Dist. Court, 
    128 Nev. Adv. Op. No. 21
    276 P.3d 246
    , 249 (2012).
    Writ relief is therefore not warranted, and we deny this petition.
    We concur:
    , C.J.