Newmar Corp. v. McCrary , 129 Nev. 638 ( 2013 )

  •                                                   129 Nev., Advance Opinion   67
    NEWMAR CORPORATION, A                               No. 58174
    vs.                                                  FILED
    INDIVIDUAL,                                           OCT 0 3 2013
    NEWMAR CORPORATION, A                               No. 59045
    Consolidated appeals from a district court judgment in a
    revocation of acceptance and breach of warranty action and from a post-
    judgment order awarding attorney fees. Eighth Judicial District Court,
    Clark County; Valorie J. Vega, Judge.
    Affirmed in part and reversed in part.
    Morris Law Group and Robert McCoy, Rex D. Garner, and Raleigh C.
    Thompson, Las Vegas,
    for Appellant.
    Alverson, Taylor, Mortensen & Sanders and Kurt R. Bonds, Alan V.
    Mulliner, and Eric W. Hinckley, Las Vegas,
    for Respondent.
    (0) 1947A
    By the Court, CHERRY, J.:
    In this opinion, we consider whether a purchaser of a motor
    home may revoke acceptance and recover the purchase price from the
    motor home's manufacturer under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
    We hold that a purchaser is entitled to revoke acceptance of the motor
    home against its manufacturer where, as here, privity exists between the
    manufacturer and the buyer because the manufacturer interjected itself
    into the sales process and had direct dealings with the buyer to ensure the
    completion of the transaction. We also conclude that the district court
    properly awarded incidental and consequential damages but that it
    abused its discretion in awarding attorney fees. Thus, we affirm the
    judgment but reverse the award of attorney fees.
    Respondent Allison McCrary purchased a luxury motor home
    manufactured by appellant Newmar Corporation from Wheeler's Las
    Vegas RV. The purchase included Newmar's two-year express warranty
    for repair and service. After purchasing the motor home, McCrary let it
    remain in Wheeler's possession for repairs, due to some issues noticed
    during the test drives. A week later, McCrary returned to inspect and
    pick up the motor home. Noticing continued problems with the motor
    home during the inspection, McCrary met with a Newmar factory
    representative. She stated that she would not take possession of the
    1 The Honorable Kristina Pickering, Chief Justice, voluntarily
    recused herself from participation in the decision of this matter.
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    motor home until the representative assured her that Newmar would take
    care of any problems and that there was a full, bumper-to-bumper
    warranty. After receiving the sought-after reassurances from Newmar,
    McCrary took possession of the motor home.
    Shortly thereafter, the motor home experienced significant
    electrical problems, making it unsafe to drive and resulting in repeated
    delays and canceled vacation plans for McCrary. After numerous repairs
    at the Newmar factory and other repair shops, McCrary attempted to
    revoke her acceptance of the motor home from Newmar, but Newmar
    rejected the revocation. McCrary then filed the underlying action
    asserting, inter alia, causes of action for revocation of acceptance, breach
    of contract, and breach of warranty against Newmar. 2
    Prior to trial, both parties made offers of judgment. Neither
    offer was accepted. Following a bench trial, based on the particular facts
    of this case, the district court concluded that McCrary did not take
    possession of the motor home when she signed the contract and would not
    have completed the purchase and eventually taken possession except for
    the interactions with and assurances made by Newmar's representative to
    McCrary. Ultimately, the district court found in favor of McCrary and
    awarded her $406,500 in damages—the $385,000 purchase price for the
    motor home based on the revocation of acceptance, but required McCrary
    to return the motor home as part of the revocation, $12,500 for the cost of
    insuring the motor home, and $9,000 for storage fees—plus $44,251.40 in
    McCrary also asserted claims against Wheeler's. Wheeler's was
    subsequently removed from the litigation during the summary judgment
    stage because McCrary attempted to revoke acceptance only from
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    prejudgment interest and $107,581.50 in attorney fees. The court entered
    judgment accordingly, and these appeals followed.
    We must first determine whether revocation of acceptance is
    an available cause of action against a manufacturer before we can reach
    the issues of damages and attorney fees.
    Revoking acceptance from Newmar
    Newmar argues that, under Nevada's applicable UCC
    provision, NRS 104.2608, a buyer can only revoke acceptance from a seller,
    and while it manufactured the motor home, it was not a seller of the motor
    home. Thus, Newmar contends that Wheeler's is the only entity from
    whom McCrary can revoke acceptance and that, because McCrary revoked
    acceptance with the wrong entity, she alone must bear the consequences of
    that mistake.
    McCrary contends that the district court correctly determined
    that Newmar was a co-seller based on Newmar's exclusive warranty and
    its employee's participation in the sales process. McCrary asserts that
    Newmar should be held to its actions.
    The UCC provision governing revocation of acceptance was
    adopted and codified in Nevada as NRS 104.2608. It allows a buyer to
    revoke her acceptance of a purchased good if the item suffers from a
    "nonconformity [that] substantially impairs its value to the buyer" and the
    buyer accepted the item on the understanding that the seller would cure
    the nonconformity or was induced into accepting a nonconforming item
    "either by the difficulty of discovery before acceptance or by the seller's
    assurances." NRS 104.2608(1)(a), (b); 3 see also NRS 104.2608(2) (requiring
    notification to the seller of the defect and timeliness for revocation).
    Under the UCC, "[s]eller' means a person who sells or contracts to sell
    goods." NRS 104.2103(1)(c). Here, there is no question as to the motor
    home's nonconformity, and thus we turn directly to whether the
    manufacturer can be considered a "seller" under the UCC.
    We have previously addressed revocation of acceptance
    against the immediate seller, but we have not yet determined whether
    revocation of acceptance is available against a manufacturer. See Waddell
    v. L.V.R.V., Inc., 
    122 Nev. 15
    125 P.3d 1160
     (2006) (affirming judgment
    for revocation against the dealer that sold the subject motor home); Havas
    v. Love, 
    89 Nev. 458
    , 459, 
    514 P.2d 1187
    , 1188 (1973) (allowing revocation
    against the defendant who sold a motorbus to the plaintiff). The
    Legislature has given some guidance, directing our courts to liberally
    construe and apply the UCC to "make uniform the law among the various
    jurisdictions." NRS 104.1103(1)(c). However, the jurisdictions are split as
    to whether revocation of acceptance is proper against a manufacturer,
    giving us the opportunity to decide the issue de novo.        See Wyeth v.
    Rowatt, 126 Nev. „ 
    244 P.3d 765
    , 775 (2010) ("[I]ssues involving a
    purely legal question are reviewed de novo.").
    In revocation of acceptance cases, the term "seller" has been
    restricted to the immediate seller by a majority of jurisdictions but has
    been inclusive of the manufacturer by a minority of jurisdictions. A
    3 The
    legislative history of NRS 104.2608 does not indicate whether
    the Legislature intended that the buyer may revoke only against the
    immediate seller or may return the goods to a remote seller such as the
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    majority of jurisdictions have determined that revocation is not available
    against a manufacturer because the manufacturer is not a "seller" under
    the UCC. See, e.g., Seekings v. Jimmy GMC of Tucson, Inc.,         
    638 P.2d 210
    214 (Ariz. 1981) (following "the logic as well as the letter of the U.C.C." to
    require privity and hold that a motor home "manufacturer who does not
    sell to the purchaser [directly and for whom the seller was not agent]
    cannot be liable for revocation and attendant damages");              Griffith v.
    Latham Motors, Inc., 
    913 P.2d 572
    , 577 (Idaho 1996) (determining that the
    manufacturer could not be liable under a revocation claim because it did
    not sell the vehicle to the plaintiffs); Henderson v. Chrysler Corp., 
    477 N.W.2d 505
    , 507-08 (Mich. Ct. App. 1991) (rejecting revocation against
    nonselling manufacturer when there was no privity and leaving plaintiff
    with remedies under a warranty); Neal v. SMC Corp., 
    99 S.W.3d 813
    , 816-
    18 (Tex. App. 2003) (noting that because "[t]he nature of a revocation
    claim logically requires privity of contract [,] . . . revocation is available to
    the buyer only against the immediate seller"; the motor home
    manufacturer, "in the absence of a contractual relationship with the
    consumer, is not a seller" by virtue of a manufacturer's express warranty);
    see generally Fedrick v. Mercedes-Benz USA, L.L.C., 
    366 F. Supp. 2d 1190
    1200 (N.D. Ga. 2005); Conte v. Dwan Lincoln-Mercury, Inc., 
    374 A.2d 144
    150 (Conn. 1976); Hardy v. Winnebago Indus., Inc., 
    706 A.2d 1086
    , 1091
    (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1998); Ayanru v. Gen. Motors Acceptance Corp., 
    495 N.Y.S.2d 1018
    , 1023 (Civ. Ct. 1985); Reece v. Yeager Ford Sales, Inc., 
    184 S.E.2d 727
    , 731 (W. Va. 1971). According to these courts, revocation is not
    available against the manufacturer unless there is a direct contractual
    relationship between the manufacturer and the buyer or an agency
    relationship between the manufacturer and the seller. The rationale
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    behind this position is that revocation is intended to return the buyer and
    seller to their original positions and that because the manufacturer does
    not own the goods or receive the purchase price when the goods are sold, it
    cannot be involved in restoring the parties to their former positions.   See,
    e.g., Seekings, 
    638 P.2d at 214
    ; Griffith, 
    913 P.2d at 577
    ; Henderson, 
    477 N.W.2d at 507-08
    ; Neal, 
    99 S.W.3d at 817-18
    ; Gasque v. Mooers Motor Car
    Co., Inc., 
    313 S.E.2d 384
    , 390 (Va. 1984).
    Conversely, a minority of states have held that revocation of
    acceptance can be had against entities further removed from the
    transaction than the immediate seller, such as the manufacturer.         See,
    e.g., Ford Motor Credit Co. v. Harper, 
    671 F.2d 1117
    , 1126 (8th Cir. 1982);
    Durfee v. Rod Baxter Imps., Inc., 
    262 N.W.2d 349
    , 357-58 (Minn. 1977);
    Volkswagen of Am., Inc. v. Novak,   
    418 So. 2d 801
    , 804 (Miss. 1982); Fode v.
    Capital RV Ctr., Inc., 
    575 N.W.2d 682
    , 687-88 (N.D. 1998); Gochey v.
    Bombardier, Inc., 
    572 A.2d 921
    , 924 (Vt. 1990). As explained in Gochey,
    this decision is based on the viewpoint that traditional privity is not
    necessary, but that the relationship established based on a manufacturer's
    warranty is sufficient:
    "Under state law the right to revoke acceptance
    for defects substantially impairing the value of the
    product and to receive a refund of the purchase
    price are rights available to a buyer against a
    seller in privity. Where the manufacturer gives a
    warranty to induce the sale it is consistent to
    allow the same type of remedy as against that
    manufacturer. Only the privity concept, which is
    frequently viewed as a relic these days, has
    interfered with a rescission-type remedy against
    the manufacturer of goods not purchased directly
    from the manufacturer. If we focus on the fact
    that the warranty creates a direct contractual
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    obligation to the buyer, the reason for allowing the
    same remedy that is available against a direct
    seller becomes clear."
    572 A.2d at 924
     (quoting Ventura v. Ford Motor Corp., 
    433 A.2d 801
    , 811-
    12 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. 1981) (citations omitted)).
    In assessing these two positions, we find the majority position
    to be too inflexible in its adoption of a strict, literal interpretation of
    privity and in defining what constitutes a "seller." This position ignores
    the UCC's mandate for liberal application. We perceive instances where,
    as here, revocation of acceptance against a manufacturer might be
    We also have concerns with the minority view, based on the
    fact that the jurisdictions taking this approach have expressly eliminated
    privity, enacted relevant statutory definitions, or eliminated privity from
    consideration. See, e.g., Novak, 418 So. 2d at 803-04 (determining that
    based on the Mississippi Legislature's "abolish[ment of] privity of contract
    for breach of warranty claims including actions brought under the [UCC],"
    the sales contract and the accompanying manufacturer's warranty were
    "so closely linked both in time of delivery and subject matter, that they
    blended into a single unit at the time of sale"); Harper, 
    671 F.2d at 1126
    (declining to limit relief as it would be "contrary to the Code's mandate to
    administer its remedies liberally," even though the UCC "eliminates the
    defense of privity in suits for damages for breaches of warranties, [but
    remains] silent as to revocation of acceptance"); Durfee, 262 N.W.2d at
    357-58 (concluding that because plaintiff could have sued under a
    warranty theory, when "the absence of privity would not bar the suit
    despite the language of the pertinent Code sections[,]" the same logic
    should be applied to revocation as "[t]he remedies of the Code are to be
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    liberally administered"); Fode, 575 N.W.2d at 687-88 (determining that
    the buyer could revoke acceptance from a nonprivity manufacturer based
    on the merger of the warranty with the contract); Gochey, 
    572 A.2d at 924
    (concluding that an express warranty creates a contract with the ultimate
    buyer, pointing out that "[w]hen the manufacturer's defect results in
    revocation by the consumer, the manufacturer must assume the liability it
    incurred when it warranted the product to the ultimate user"). Our
    Legislature thus far has been silent on the issue of privity. As a result, we
    are hesitant to completely eliminate any requirement of privity,
    particularly because doing so may result in too broad an application of the
    revocation of acceptance cause of action.
    While we have concerns with both positions, because of the
    unique circumstances of this case, we need not choose between the two at
    this point. The direct interactions and representations made by Newmar
    to McCrary expanded the relationship between the two parties and
    created privity. 4 Newmar, even though it was the manufacturer,
    interjected itself into the sales process and through its representations
    assisted in the completion of the sales transaction. Under the unique facts
    of this case, we conclude that this direct involvement on the part of the
    manufacturer in the sales process created a direct relationship with the
    buyer sufficient to establish privity between the manufacturer and the
    buyer. See Alberti v. Manufactured Homes, Inc., 
    407 S.E.2d 819
    , 824 n.4
    4Black's Law Dictionary defines privity as "Mlle connection or
    relationship between two parties, each having a legally recognized interest
    in the same subject matter (such as a transaction, proceeding, or piece of
    property); mutuality of interest." Black's Law Dictionary 1320 (9th ed.
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    (N.C. 1991) (stating that the prerequisite for revocation of acceptance that
    there be a direct contractual relationship between the parties can include
    the manufacturer when the buyer and manufacturer have direct dealings
    with each other); Cedars of Lebanon Hosp. Corp. v. European X-Ray
    Distribs. of Am., Inc., 
    444 So. 2d 1068
    , 1072 & n.4 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App.
    1984) (holding that privity can exist between the manufacturer and buyer
    even though there is an intermediate seller when there are direct contacts
    between the two parties in completing the sale). This resulting
    relationship is sufficient to include the manufacturer within the definition
    of "seller" under NRS 104.2103(1)(c), and, as a result, allow for revocation
    of acceptance against the manufacturer. When the manufacturer is
    ultimately responsible for the defect that resulted in the breach to the
    consumer and has directly involved itself in the transaction to ensure the
    sale, it can be the entity that is held responsible to the consumer.
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court's decision that McCrary was
    entitled to revoke acceptance from Newmar.
    Award of incidental and consequential damages
    Newmar next argues that its single-page warranty explicitly
    and clearly disclaims liability for incidental and consequential damages.
    Newmar further contends that revocation cancels only a contract of sale
    and that the warranty from a manufacturer is still intact, preventing the
    collection of those damages. However, Newmar's repeated failed attempts
    to repair the motorhome under the expanded warranty resulted in the
    frustration and deprivation of McCrary's benefit of the bargain to the
    point that no remedy was available to her. NRS 104.2719(2) provides that
    "[w]here circumstances cause an exclusive or limited remedy to fail of its
    essential purpose, remedy may be had as provided in this chapter."
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    Because McCrary's remedy failed to serve its purpose, she was entitled to
    pursue remedies available under the UCC. The pertinent UCC provision,
    NRS 104.2715, explicitly provides for the award of incidental and
    consequential damages.    See also Clark v. Int'l Harvester Co., 
    581 P.2d 784
    , 797, 802 (Idaho 1978) (noting that "other courts have uniformly held
    that where a party limits its warranty obligation to the repair and
    replacement of defective parts failure to fulfill that obligation, if such
    failure operates to deprive the other party of the substantial value of the
    bargain, causes the limited remedy 'to fail of its essential purpose' within
    the meaning of that section and entitles the party to pursue the remedies
    otherwise available under the UCC" including incidental and
    consequential damages (quoting 
    Idaho Code § 28-2-719
    (2))); Durfee v. Rod
    Baxter Imps., Inc., 
    262 N.W.2d 349
    , 357-58 (Minn. 1977) (awarding the
    purchase price plus incidental damages and determining that because
    "Mlle existence and comprehensiveness of a warranty undoubtedly are
    significant factors in a consumer's decision to purchase a particular
    automobile[,] . . . [w]hen the exclusive remedy found in the warranty fails
    of its essential purpose and when the remaining defects are substantial
    enough to justify revocation of acceptance, we think the buyer is entitled
    to look to the warrantor for relief"); Koperski v. Husker Dodge, Inc., 
    302 N.W.2d 655
    , 664, 666 (Neb. 1981) (noting that "[r]epair and replacement'
    clauses,. . . have become the basic mechanism by which manufacturers
    limit or avoid liability in actions for breach of warranty," and explaining
    that when the car is so defective that the repair and replace warranty fails
    in its essential purpose, the buyer may sue for breach of warranty and
    may, in some cases, sue for incidental and consequential damages); Ehlers
    v. Chrysler Motor Corp., 
    226 N.W.2d 157
    , 161 (S.D. 1975) (determining
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    that respondent was entitled to incidental and consequential damages
    under the warranty when the available remedy failed its essential purpose
    due to a breach caused by unreasonable delays in the vehicle's repairs).
    Accordingly, because incidental and consequential damages may be
    awarded pursuant to the revocation claim, we affirm the district court's
    award of those damages.    See NRS 104.2715; Novak, 418 So. 2d at 803;
    Fode, 575 N.W.2d at 689.
    Award of attorney fees
    Newmar also challenges the award of attorney fees. We
    conclude that the award of attorney fees to McCrary was an abuse of
    discretion, as the award was not authorized under the plain language of
    NRCP 68(f) and NRS 17.115(4). See McCarran Int'l Airport v. Sisolak, 
    122 Nev. 645
    , 673, 
    137 P.3d 1110
    , 1129 (2006). We conclude that the district
    court properly declined to award attorney fees under NRS 18.010 because
    Newmar's defense against revocation was not unreasonable given the split
    in jurisdictions on this issue. Additionally, attorney fees were not proper
    under NRS 17.115(4) because McCrary did not receive a larger award at
    trial than she would have under the pretrial offer of judgment.
    For the reasons articulated above, we conclude that when a
    vehicle has substantial, irreparable defects, a purchaser is entitled to
    revoke acceptance of the vehicle from the manufacturer when the
    manufacturer interjected itself into the sales process and made direct
    representations to the buyer, thereby creating privity. Furthermore,
    under the UCC, the purchaser is permitted to receive the purchase price
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    along with incidental and consequential damages. 5 We further conclude
    that the district court abused its discretion in awarding attorney fees.
    Thus, we affirm the judgment but reverse the order awarding attorney
    5 1n
    light of our resolution of this appeal, we need not reach
    Newmar's remaining contentions.
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