_ comm we An unpub|is|'l¥d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA ADVANCED CLIENT soLuTloNs, No. 64301 LLc, A NEVADA LIMITED LIABILITY C0MPANY; KENNETH KESTENBAUM, INDIVIDUAL; AND PAUL coNsrANTiNou, INDIVIDUAL, Appellants, L § w vs. _ MARQUIS AURBACH coFFlNo, P.c., JUN 1 3 2°"* A NEVADA PR0FESSI0NAL @LEL*"*°;ES’JJ§B§?;~"€§‘L,RT c0RP0RAT10N; AND MARY J. w DRURY, AN INDIVIDUAL, E “°“E " Respondents. ORDER DISMISSING APPE'AL Pursuant to the stipulation of the parties, this. appeal is hereby dismissed The parties shall bear their own costs and attorney fees. NRAP 42(b). k It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT TRACIE K. LINDEI\/I.Al\] BY: AA/\»'vvm»\/\/:’_)) f 67 cc: Hon. Susan Scann, District Judge Nathaniel J. Reed, Settlement Judge J0hn Peter Lee Ltd. Lipson Neilson Co1e Seltzer & Garin, P.C. Eighth District Court Clerk SuPREME Coun'r or NevAoA CLERK``S ORDEF| ~ I‘~l-l@l~‘-) 77
Document Info
Docket Number: 64301
Filed Date: 6/13/2014
Precedential Status: Non-Precedential
Modified Date: 10/30/2014