FCH1, L.L.C. v. Rodriguez , 2014 NV 46 ( 2014 )

  •                                                    130 Nev., Advance Opinion Askr,
    FCH1, LLC, A NEVADA LIMITED                           No. 59630
    LIABILITY COMPANY D/B/A THE                              FILED
    Appellant,                                                JUN 115 2014
    vs.                                                      TRACT K. LINDEMAN
    CLERg\ OFi 141,SPRMAabc
    ENR,IQUE RODRIGUEZ, AN                             BY
    Appeal from a district court judgment following a bench trial
    in a tort action. Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County; Jessie
    Elizabeth Walsh, Judge.
    Reversed and remanded with instructions.
    Lemons, Grundy & Eisenberg and Robert L. Eisenberg, Reno,
    for Appellant.
    Hutchison & Steffen, LLC, and Michael K Wall, Las Vegas,
    for Respondent.
    By the Court, PICKERING, J.:
    At issue is the alleged negligence of Palms Casino Resort in
    allowing promotional actors to toss souvenirs into a crowd of patrons
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    watching a televised sporting event at the casino's sports bar. Specifically,
    we must decide whether to extend the limited-duty rule that this court
    established in Turner v. Mandalay Sports Entertainment, 
    124 Nev. 213
    180 P.3d 1172
    , 1177 (2008), to these facts. We decline to do so,
    and thus hold there was no error in the district court's refusal to find, as a
    matter of law, that Palms owed no duty of care. Nonetheless, a new trial
    is warranted due to evidentiary errors that affected the outcome of the
    proceeding below.
    Respondent, Enrique Rodriguez, sued the Palms Casino
    Resort to recover damages for the knee injury he suffered while sitting in
    its "Sportsbook" bar watching Monday Night Football on television. The
    injury occurred when another patron dove for a sports souvenir that
    Brandy Beavers, an actress paid by the Palms to dress as a cheerleader for
    the Monday Night Football event, had tossed into the group.' Rodriguez
    sued Palms on a theory of negligence.
    The matter was tried before the court in a bench trial. Over
    objection by Palms, the district court permitted several of Rodriguez's
    treating physicians to testify to the nature and severity of his condition,
    its causes, and the appropriateness of treatment, both rendered to and
    recommended for him. It then struck the testimony of Palms' experts on
    security and crowd control, and economics because they failed to "opine [
    that their opinions were given to a reasonable degree of professional
    'Whether or not Beavers and two other women who were also
    engaged in this souvenir tossing were Palms' employees is unclear and not
    analyzed or argued on appeal.
    (0) 1947A
    probability." Ultimately, the district court determined that Palms was
    liable as a matter of law and awarded Rodriguez $6,051,589 in damages.
    This appeal followed.
    The parties and the district court assumed that Rodriguez's
    claim was based on a theory of premises liability, namely that the Palms
    had increased the risk posed to Rodriguez by not stopping the promotional
    actors' souvenir-tossing. This is a somewhat unusual application of the
    doctrine, because alleged negligent conduct and not a condition on the
    Palms' land caused the injury, perhaps settled upon because the
    employment status of the women doing the tossing could not be
    established below. But this court has not limited premises liability to
    circumstances where a condition on the land caused an injury, see, e.g.,
    Estate of Smith v. Mahoney's Silver Nugget, Inc.,     127 Nev. „ 
    265 P.3d 688
    , 692 (2011); Basile v. Union Plaza Hotel & Casino, 
    110 Nev. 1382
    , 1384, 
    887 P.2d 273
    , 275 (1994); Gott v. Johnson, 
    79 Nev. 330
    , 332,
    383 P.2d 363
    , 364 (1963), and the Restatement sanctions such an
    application where the landowner has acted to increase the risk posed to
    entrants. See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Phys. & Emot. Harm § 51(a)
    (2012). In any case, because the district court and both parties analyzed
    the claim as one based on premises liability, we follow suit.
    Generally a premises owner or operator owes entrants a duty
    to exercise reasonable care, Foster v. Costco Wholesale Corp., 128 Nev. ,
    291 P.3d 150
    , 152 (2012), but courts may limit that duty.        See
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 496C cmt. d (1965); Restatement (Third)
    of Torts: Phys. & Emot. Harm § 7(b) (201W; see also Turner v. Mandalay
    Sports Entm't, L.L.C., 
    124 Nev. 213
    , 220-21, 
    180 P.3d 1172
    , 1177 (2008).
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    Typically, courts make such limitations in "the sports setting" as this court
    had occasion to do in Turner. See Nalwa v. Cedar Fair, L.P., 
    290 P.3d 1158
    , 1162 (Cal. 2012). Palms analogizes the circumstances surrounding
    Rodriguez's injury to those in Turner, as well as those in similar cases
    cited in an annotation we relied upon in Turner: Pira v. Sterling Equities,
    790 N.Y.S.2d 551
    , 552 (App. Div. 2005); Harting v. Dayton Dragons
    Prof? Baseball Club, L.L.C., 
    870 N.E.2d 766
    (Ohio Ct. App. 2007);
    Loughran v. The Phillies, 
    888 A.2d 872
    (Pa. Super. Ct. 2005).
    In Turner, a foul ball struck a baseball game attendee in the
    face while she sat in Cashman Fields' unfenced "Beer Garden."         
    Turner, 124 Nev. at 216
    , 180 P.3d at 1174. We held that the duty the stadium's
    owners and operators owed an attendee was limited to providing covered
    seating and otherwise protecting her from "unduly high risk of injury,"
    and that a foul ball did not pose such a risk because it was a "known,
    obvious, and unavoidable part of all baseball games."     
    Id. at 216-19,
    P.3d at 1174-76. In adopting this rule, this court acted as had many
    others—there is a well-established and long-standing body of case law
    similarly limiting the duty owed by baseball stadium owners and
    operators to game attendees.     See W. Page Keeton et al., Prosser and
    Keeton on the Law of Torts § 68, at 485 (5th ed. 1984).
    The foreign cases relied upon by Palms are part of this body of
    law. Thus, in Pira the plaintiff was struck by a baseball that a player
    "tossed casually to fans as a souvenir. . . after he completed his pre-game
    warmup routine." 
    Pira, 790 N.Y.S.2d at 551
    . The New York court granted
    summary judgment because "the plaintiff failed to raise a triable issue of
    fact as to whether the defendants unreasonably increased the inherent
    risks to spectators associated with the game of baseball."    
    Id. at 552.
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    Loughran, the plaintiff was hit by a baseball thrown into the stands by a
    player after the player had caught it for the last out.   
    Loughran, 888 A.2d at 874
    . The appellate court upheld the trial court's grant of summary
    judgment because "[c]ountless Pennsylvania court cases [had] held that a
    spectator at a baseball game assumes the risk of being hit by batted balls,
    wildly thrown balls, foul balls, and in some cases bats." 
    Id. at 876.
    And in
    Harting, the plaintiff was struck by a foul ball while she was "distracted
    by the antics" of a costumed mascot chicken. 
    Harting, 870 N.E.2d at 770
    The Ohio court applied the limited-duty rule because the plaintiff
    "understood the risks associated with being a spectator at a baseball
    game, and management for the [baseball team] made numerous
    announcements designed to warn patrons of the possible dangers inherent
    in the sport." 
    Id. at 770-71.
                                In sum, though the facts vary slightly among these cases, the
    question in each was the extent to which a baseball stadium owner or
    operator has a duty to protect game attendees from errant baseballs and
    bats, and each holding was limited to the specific facts in issue.      See
    Turner, 124 Nev. at 216
    -19, 180 P.3d at 1174-76; 
    Pira, 790 N.Y.S.2d at 551
    Harting, 870 N.E.2d at 768-69
    Loughran, 888 A.2d at 877
    . Thus
    they do not control the circumstances at hand in any obvious way;
    Rodriguez's injury occurred while he watched a televised sporting event at
    a bar, not while he attended a live game at a stadium, and he was hit by a
    third-party patron diving for promotional gear, not a piece of sporting
    equipment involved in the game itself.
    Courts in other jurisdictions have extended the "primary-
    assumption-of-the-risk," "limited-duty," or "no duty" doctrine—the names
    are used interchangeably, see 
    Turner, 124 Nev. at 218
    , 180 P.3d at 1176
    (0) 1947A
    ("limited duty"); 
    Harting, 870 N.E.2d at 768-69
    ("primary assumption of
    risk");   Loughran,    
    888 A.2d 872
    ("no duty")—from these limited
    circumstances to other recreational activities "involving an inherent risk
    of injury to voluntary participants ... where the risk cannot be eliminated
    without altering the fundamental nature of the activity." See, e.g., 
    Nalwa, 290 P.3d at 1163
    . Palms claims that "tossing souvenirs to audiences at
    sporting events and other entertainment venues is a very common, well-
    accepted activity," and suggests that therefore the risk associated with
    such promotional tossing cannot be eliminated without altering the
    fundamental nature of the underlying sporting or entertainment event.
    But, even assuming that this court was willing to extend the Turner
    doctrine to all recreational activities involving an inherent risk of injury,
    we cannot agree that any risk of injury inheres in the underlying activity
    Rodriguez engaged in here, namely attending a televised sporting event at
    a casino sports bar.
    "[M]any spectators prefer to sit where their view of the game
    is unobstructed by fences or protective netting and the proprietor of a ball
    park has a legitimate interest in catering to these desires."     Benejam v.
    Detroit Tigers, Inc., 
    635 N.W.2d 219
    , 222-23 (Mich. Ct. App. 2001)
    (quotation marks omitted). A stadium owner or operator cannot eliminate
    the risk errant balls might pose to spectators in such seating without
    fundamentally altering the game: a batter cannot predict the flight of a
    ball, so an owner or operator can only remove the risk that a struck ball
    might fly foul into uncovered seating by prohibiting all batting; and, the
    hope of retrieving a baseball as a souvenir has "become inextricably
    intertwined with a fan's baseball experience." 
    Loughran, 888 A.2d at 876
    The risk involved in riding in bumper cars, the activity to which the
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    California Supreme Court extended the limited-duty rule in Nalwa, is
    inherent because "Mlle point of the bumper car is to bump."        
    Nalwa, 290 P.3d at 1164
    . And, "[i] mposing liability would have the likely effect of the
    amusement park either eliminating the ride altogether or altering its
    character to such a degree. . . that the fun of bumping would be
    eliminated. . Indeed, who would want, to ride a tapper car at an
    amusement park?" 
    Id. at 1164
    (quotation marks omitted).
    In Nalwa, the California Supreme Court approved a California
    appellate court's extension of the limited-duty doctrine where a plaintiff
    was burned when he "tripped and fell into the remnants of the Burning
    Man effigy while participating in the festival's commemorative ritual." 
    Id. at 1163
    (citing Beninati v. Black Rock City, L.L.G.,      
    96 Cal. Rptr. 3d 105
    106 (Ct. App. 2009)). In that case the court had noted: "As in previous
    years, the festival participants had set ablaze a 60-foot combustible
    sculpture of a man which, because of its gigantic size, was built on an
    equally large platform made of combustible material and was held upright
    by wire cables. Once much of the material had burned, and the
    conflagration had subsided but was still actively burning, Beninati and
    others walked into the fire." 
    Beninati, 96 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 110
    . Because
    "[plersons who attend Burning Man throw objects into the fire               'so
    attendees can participate . . . completely with [sic] the Burning Man
    experience," the court determined that the risk of burns associated with
    the fire was "necessary to the event." 
    Id. at 107,
    Put simply: the point of attending a live baseball game is to
    watch athletes bat at and throw baseballs, the point of driving a bumper
    car is to bump, the point of attending Burning Man is to participate in a
    "commemorative ritual" involving a giant bonfire; so batting, throwing,
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    bumping, and bonfires cannot be eliminated from these activities. But the
    point of watching a televised sporting event at a sports bar is . . . to watch
    a televised sporting event at a sports bar; having souvenirs tossed in one's
    direction may or may not enhance the experience depending on one's
    preference, but as long as the televised event may still be viewed in that
    venue the activity retains its character. And, if the proprietor of a sports
    bar declines to hire promotional actors to toss merchandise at attendees,
    participants can still watch a game with other fans in a sports-themed,
    alcohol-fueled venue.
    So, assuming but not deciding that Turner could be extended
    along Nalwa's lines—and it may be that for certain activities in certain
    venues the tossing of promotional items is so "inextricably intertwined
    with [the] . . . experience" that its elimination would alter the fundamental
    nature of the event in question, see, e.g., 
    Loughran, 888 A.2d at 876
    though writers elsewhere have suggested that once the injury-causing
    conduct has strayed too far from the core activity the limited-duty doctrine
    is inapplicable, 2 see Scott B. Kitei, Is the T-Shirt Cannon "Incidental to the
    Game" in Professional Athletics?, 11 Sports Law. J. 37, 56 (2004)—
    extending it to the circumstances before us here would be a bridge too far.
    The district court did not err by declining to find that Palms owed no duty
    as a matter of law.
    2Though, as we note below, even where the connection between the
    injury-causing conduct and the core activity is attenuated, affirmative
    defenses may survive.
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    We thus turn to whether Palms breached the duty it owed
    Rodriguez as a premises owner by failing to take reasonable care.           See
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 341A; Restatement (Third) of Torts § 7
    cmts. i & j. Palms called an expert on security and crowd control, Forrest
    Franklin, who offered an opinion that throwing promotional items into
    crowds is not uncommon and generally was safe. He described his
    experience working crowd control and security at events where promoters
    threw memorabilia, in settings ranging from bicycle races to a conference
    for "the largest security organization on the planet," and indicated that he
    knew of no resulting injuries. And he stated that in his years of
    experience he had "never read anything anywhere that prohibits or
    inhibits or suggests that, or mandates that it [throwing items into an
    audience] shouldn't be done." Indeed, according to Franklin the activity
    was so commonplace that he had "hardly ever heard of anybody not doing
    it." This testimony suggests that the Palms' conduct was both commonly
    engaged in and safe, and in turn that the Palms acted reasonably and that
    Rodriguez's injury was not foreseeable. Given that Rodriguez did not
    present any expert testimony to the contrary, such evidence could
    reasonably have shifted the district court's verdict in the Palms' favor.
    But, the district court struck Franklin's testimony based on
    his failure to state that he testified to a "reasonable degree of professional
    probability." In doing so the district court relied on Hallmark v. Eldridge,
    124 Nev. 492
    , 504, 
    189 P.3d 646
    , 654 (2008) (holding that evidence was
    improperly admitted where a medical expert failed to testify to a
    "reasonable degree of medical certainty"). This reliance was in error. As
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    we have previously indicated, Hallmark's refrain is functional, not
    talismanic, because the "standard for admissibility varies depending upon
    the expert opinion's nature and purpose."        Morsicato v. Say-On Drug
    Stores, Inc., 
    121 Nev. 153
    , 157, 
    111 P.3d 1112
    , 1115 (2005). Thus, rather
    than listening for specific words the district court should have considered
    the purpose of the expert testimony and its certainty in light of its context.
    See Williams v. Eighth Judicial Dist. Court, 127 Nev. „ 
    262 P.3d 360
    , 368 (2011).
    Perhaps recognizing this, on appeal Rodriguez attempts to
    refrarne the district court's holding as one finding the Palms' experts'
    testimony unduly speculative. But Franklin stated that he based his
    opinion on his years of experience in crowd control and safety and that he
    had "never read anything anywhere that prohibits or inhibits or suggests
    that, or mandates that it shouldn't be done." He thus offered a definitive
    opinion based on research and expertise, not speculation. So, exclusion of
    his testimony was an abuse of discretion. Inasmuch as it is probable that
    but for this erroneous ruling a different result might have been reached on
    the matter of Palms' breach, a new trial is warranted.        Cook v. Sunrise
    Hosp. & Med. Ctr., L.L.C., 
    124 Nev. 997
    , 1009, 
    194 P.3d 1214
    , 1221 (2008).
    And because we remand for a new trial on the issue of Palms' negligence,
    we leave for another day the question of whether Rodriguez engaged in
    risk assumption so as to implicate any affirmative defense that is
    available in Nevada.
    In light of our decision to remand for a new trial, we offer
    additional instruction. First, we conclude that the district court
    improperly excluded testimony by Dr. Thomas Cargill, an economist who
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    countered Rodriguez's measure of damages based on the "paucity" of
    information that his expert relied upon as well as his "averaging" of
    Rodriguez's tax returns. Like Franklin, Cargill did not state that he
    testified to a reasonable degree of professional probability, but as we held
    with regard to Franklin, this failure is not dispositive. And, because Dr.
    Cargill explained that he used his "expertise" to make this calculation and
    attempted to further instruct the district court as to his methodology
    (though the district court prohibited him from so doing), his testimony was
    sufficiently certain given its purpose and context.   
    Williams, 127 Nev. at 262
    P.3d at 368.
    The district court judge also admitted and considered
    inadmissible testimony by Rodriguez's treating physicians. Rodriguez did
    not provide a written NRCP 26 expert witness report for any of these
    physicians. While a treating physician is exempt from the report
    requirement, this exemption only extends to "opinions [that] were formed
    during the course of treatment."          Goodman v. Staples the Office
    Superstore, L.L.C., 
    644 F.3d 817
    , 826 (9th Cir. 2011); see Rock Bay, L.L.C.
    v. Eighth Judicial Dist. Court, 129 Nev. , n.3, 
    298 P.3d 441
    , 445
    n.3 (2013) (noting that when an NRCP is modeled after its federal
    counterpart, "cases interpreting the federal rule are strongly persuasive").
    Where a treating physician's testimony exceeds that scope, he or she
    testifies as an expert and is subject to the relevant requirements.
    Goodman, 644 F.3d at 826
    One of Rodriguez's physician-witnesses, Dr. Joseph Schifini,
    treated Rodriguez for pain associated with his knee injury but testified
    about: orthopedic surgery (noting that he often could "predict" what a
    surgeon would do, deeming the orthopedic surgeon's billing rate
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    reasonable, and finding Rodriguez's surgeon to be well-educated and
    qualified); neurology and neurological science (predicting the reasonable
    cost of a "spinal stimulator" and its likely effect on Rodriguez); podiatry
    (suggesting that Rodriguez's injury caused his ingrown toenail); radiology
    (assessing what type of X-ray allowed for the most accurate readings); and
    damages (criticizing a life-care plan as "one of the worst" he had seen in
    terms of its assessment of damages). Dr. Schifini testified that he formed
    these opinions during his review of a compendium of Rodriguez's medical
    records, which consisted of "thousands of pages of documents" from "many,
    many providers." To the extent that Dr. Schifini reviewed these
    documents in the course of providing treatment to Rodriguez, he could
    offer an opinion based on them. See 
    Goodman, 644 F.3d at 826
    ; see also
    NRCP 16.1 drafter's note (2012 amendment). But Dr. Schifini did not
    testify that he had reviewed the documents during the course of his
    treatment, only that he had "reviewed all the medical records in this case."
    In Ghiorzi v. Whitewater Pools & Spas Inc., No. 2:10-cv-01778-
    2011 WL 5190804
    (D. Nev. Oct. 28, 2011) (not reported), the
    same Dr. Schifini opined, ostensibly as the plaintiffs treating physician,
    as to the appropriateness and value of treatments that he did not provide
    to the plaintiff; that all that treatment was "directly related to" the
    defendants' alleged negligence; that the plaintiff "had tremendous pain
    and suffering"; and what future treatment the plaintiff might require.
    Ghiorzi, 2011 VVL 5190804, at *8. Similar to his assertions before the
    state district court in this case, Dr. Schifini indicated to the federal district
    court in Ghiorzi that he formed these opinions during his review of the
    plaintiffs medical records, but elaborated that he undertook that review in
    order to form "opinions regarding the care, appropriateness of care,
    (0) 1947A    e'
    necessity of care and relatedness of care provided to [the plaintiff]."      
    Id. The federal
    district court limited Dr. Schifini's testimony to "his single
    examination of the [p]laintiff," the results of MRIs he ordered for the
    plaintiff, and the necessity and cost of the epidural injection he
    administered to the plaintiff; because by testifying more broadly Dr.
    Schifini testified as an expert, not a treating physician.    
    Id. at *9.
    the similar breadth in Dr. Schifini's testimony in this case and his
    vagueness as to the purpose of his review of Rodriguez's medical records,
    the federal district court's assessment is applicable.          See Sehuck v.
    Signature Flight Support of Nev., Inc., 126 Nev. , n.2, 
    245 P.3d 542
    546 n.2 (2010) (this court may rely on unpublished federal district court
    opinions as persuasive, though nonbinding authority). Allowing Dr.
    Schifini to testify as he did without an expert witness report and
    disclosure was an abuse of the district court's discretion.
    Moreover, even if Dr. Schifini reviewed records from other
    providers in the course of his treatment of Rodriguez and not in order to
    form the opinions he proffered, he could only properly testify as to those
    opinions he formed based on the documents he disclosed to Palms. NRCP
    16.1 drafter's note (2012 amendment); see also Washoe Cnty. Bd. of Sch.
    Trustees v. Pirhala, 
    84 Nev. 1
    , 5, 
    435 P.2d 756
    , 758 (1968) (noting that the
    purpose of discovery is to take the "surprise out of trials of cases so that all
    relevant facts and information pertaining to the action may be ascertained
    in advance of trial"). And of the "thousands of pages" Dr. Schifini
    apparently read to form the opinions he expressed at trial, he disclosed
    only 21 pages of records in discovery.
    (0) 1.947A
    As to Rodriguez's remaining "treating physician" witnesses,
    Dr. Walter Kidwell testified for Rodriguez as to "the mechanism" of his
    injury, and Dr. Maryanne Shannon testified as to whether another
    doctor's treatment of Rodriguez was "causally related" to his initial injury.
    Allowing Dr. Kidwell and Dr. Shannon to so testify without requiring
    them to disclose expert reports was also an abuse of the district court's
    discretion—once they opined as to the cause of Rodriguez's condition and
    treatments they testified as experts and should have been subject to the
    expert witness standards. Brooks v. Union Pac. R. Co., 
    620 F.3d 896
    , 900
    (8th Cir. 2010).
    As the Palms notes, the district court judge in this case has
    heard the evidence that should have been excluded and formed and
    expressed an opinion on the ultimate merits. We therefore grant the
    Palms' request to have this case reassigned if remanded.        See Leven v.
    Wheatherstone Condo. Corp., Inc., 
    106 Nev. 307
    , 310, 
    791 P.2d 450
    , 451
    For these reasons, we reverse and remand for reassignment
    and a new trial consistent with this opinion.
    We concur:
    Cin                          J.
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