State v. Dist. Ct. (Maddox) ( 2014 )

  •                 NRS 34.160; Int'l Game Tech., Inc. v. Second Judicial Dist. Court, 
    124 Nev. 193
    , 197, 
    179 P.3d 556
    , 558 (2008). "An arbitrary or capricious
    exercise of discretion is one 'founded on prejudice or preference rather
    than on reason,' (defining 'arbitrary), or "contrary to the evidence or
    established rules of law" (defining 'capricious).    State v. Eighth Judicial
    Dist. Court,       Nev. „ 
    267 P.3d 777
    , 780 (2011) (quoting Black's
    Law Dictionary 119, 239 (9th ed. 2009)). And,       "WTI   the context of a writ
    petition, this court gives deference to the district court's findings of fact."
    Williams v. Eighth Judicial Dist. Court,         Nev. „ 
    262 P.3d 360
    365 (2011). It is within this court's sole discretion to determine if a writ
    petition will be considered. Smith v. Eighth Judicial Dist. Court, 
    107 Nev. 674
    , 677, 
    818 P.2d 849
    , 851 (1991). Petitioner bears the burden of
    demonstrating that extraordinary relief is warranted.            Pan v. Eighth
    Judicial Dist. Court, 
    120 Nev. 222
    , 228, 
    88 P.3d 840
    , 844 (2004).
    Having considered the petition and the supplement to the
    petition, we conclude that our intervention by extraordinary writ relief is
    not warranted. See NRS 34.160; Pan, 120 Nev. at 229, 
    88 P.3d at 844
    ; see
    also NRAP 21(b). The district court's written findings of fact and
    conclusions of law reflect the exercise of discretion, not its abuse. While
    we are sensitive to the time pressures under which the parties have
    proceeded, we note that petitioner failed to provide this court with an
    appendix supporting the factual assertions made in its writ petition,
    NRAP 21(a)(4), and petitioner failed to cite to any evidence that the
    district court acted arbitrarily or capriciously. Because petitioner has
    prohibition is available to arrest proceedings of a district court when such
    proceedings are in excess of the district court's jurisdiction).
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    failed to meet its burden of demonstrating that extraordinary writ relief is
    warranted here, we
    ORDER the petition DENIED. 2
    Pafraguirre                                Saitta
    cc: Hon. Frank P. Sullivan, District Judge, Family Court Division
    Clark County District Attorney
    Clark County District Attorney/Juvenile Division
    William L. Wolfbrandt, Jr.
    Lisa M. Kent
    Eighth District Court Clerk
    2 In light of this order, we deny petitioner's motion to file a
    supplement to its stay motion, or in the alternative, to file a response to
    the real parties in interest's oppositions to the stay.
    This court entered a temporary stay of the child's release to real
    party in interest Carnell Duhon, which expires by its own terms at noon
    on Monday, July 28, 2014. Accordingly, no further action is necessary by
    this court.
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