Trujillo (Ruben) v. State ( 2014 )

  •                             Second, Trujillo contends that the imposition of jail time as a
    condition of probation after the rescinding of his diversion program
    constitutes cruel and unusual punishment. We disagree.
    This court will not disturb a district court's sentencing
    determination absent an abuse of discretion.     Parrish v. State, 
    116 Nev. 982
    , 989, 
    12 P.3d 953
    , 957 (2000). After the revocation of his probationary
    term and the rescinding of his diversion program, the district court
    sentenced Trujillo to a suspended prison term of 12-36 months and, as a
    condition of probation, ordered him to serve 12 months in jail Trujillo's
    sentence falls within the parameters provided by the relevant statutes, see
    NRS 193.130(2)(e); NRS 453.336(2)(a); see also Igbinovia v. State, 
    111 Nev. 699
    , 707, 
    895 P.2d 1304
    , 1309 (1995), and the sentence imposed is not so
    unreasonably disproportionate to the gravity of the offense as to shock the
    conscience, see Culverson v. State, 
    95 Nev. 433
    , 435, 
    596 P.2d 220
    , 221-22
    (1979); see also Harmelin v. Michigan, 
    501 U.S. 957
    , 1000-01 (1991)
    (plurality opinion). Additionally, Trujillo has not alleged that the district
    court relied solely on impalpable or highly suspect evidence or that the
    sentencing statutes are unconstitutional.    See Chavez v. State, 
    125 Nev. 328
    , 347-48, 
    213 P.3d 476
    , 489-90 (2009). We conclude that the district
    court did not abuse its discretion at sentencing by imposing jail time as a
    condition of probation.
    Third, Trujillo contends that the district court erred by
    sentencing him to a fixed probationary term of 60 months. We agree. The
    district court failed to consider the period Trujillo spent on probation for
    the instant offense prior to the ultimate sentencing hearing when it
    imposed an additional 60-month probationary term in violation of NRS
    176A.500(1)(b) (providing that "Nile period of probation or suspension of a
    (0) 1947A
    sentence" must not exceed five years); Wicker v. State, 
    111 Nev. 43
    , 46-47,
    888 P.2d 918
    , 919-20 (1995). Further, the district court violated NRS
    176A.500(7) by failing to provide Trujillo with credit for time served for
    the period spent successfully completing the drug court program.
    Therefore, we conclude that the district court erred by imposing a 60-
    month probationary term and remand this case for the correction of the
    illegal sentence. See NRS 176.555. Accordingly, we
    ORDER the judgment of conviction AFFIRMED IN PART
    AND REMAND this matter to the district court for proceedings consistent
    with this order.
    ' , s
    k                  ,J.
    , J.                   1
    Douglas                                   Cherry
    cc: Hon. Alvin R. Kacin, District Judge
    Elko County Public Defender
    Attorney General/Carson City
    Elko County District Attorney
    Elko County Clerk
    (0) 1947 A •