Appeal of N. Miles Cook, III , 186 A.3d 228 ( 2018 )

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    Wetlands Council
    No. 2017-0142
    (New Hampshire Wetlands Council)
    Argued: November 16, 2017
    Opinion Issued: May 4, 2018
    Wadleigh, Starr & Peters, P.L.L.C., of Manchester (Michael J. Tierney on
    the brief and orally), for N. Miles Cook, III.
    Gordon J. MacDonald, attorney general (Mary E. Maloney, assistant
    attorney general, on the brief and orally), for New Hampshire Department of
    Environmental Services.
    LYNN, C.J. The petitioner, N. Miles Cook, III, appeals a ruling of the
    Wetlands Council (Council) upholding the decision of the New Hampshire
    Department of Environmental Services (DES) denying his request for a permit
    to reconstruct and extend his dock on the Piscataqua River. We vacate and
    The following facts were found by the Council, or are otherwise derived
    from the administrative record. The petitioner owns property on the
    Piscataqua River in Dover. In 2006, he obtained a wetlands permit to construct
    “a tidal docking structure to serve his private residence,” which provides
    “partial tide access.” In March 2015, the petitioner applied to DES for a permit
    to reconstruct and extend the existing dock for the purpose of providing him
    with “reasonable access to navigable water.” In his application, the petitioner
    maintained that “[t]he existing dock . . . does not provide reasonable access to
    navigable public water over more [than] half of the tidal cycle, and provides
    problematic access during almost all of the tidal cycle.” As a result, he
    contended that “a larger dock is needed” for him to reasonably exercise his
    “access rights at this property.”
    In October, DES denied the application, citing seven findings in support
    of its decision. As relevant here, DES found that the petitioner failed to
    demonstrate “need” pursuant to New Hampshire Administrative Rules, Env-Wt
    302.01(a) and 302.04(a)(1) (respectively, Env-Wt 302.01 and Env-Wt 302.04)
    because he “has an existing dock with partial tide access, a mooring in the
    Piscataqua River in front of the subject property, and the ability to become part
    of the Brickyard Estates Dockowner’s Association and use the all-tide access
    dock on the abutting property to access his mooring.” In that same paragraph,
    DES found that the petitioner’s “plan shows that there will be no more water
    depth at the new proposed float location at 280’ from shore, than is available to
    the applicant with his current 107’ dock.” It also determined that extending
    the petitioner’s dock did not meet the “public good” requirement in Env-Wt
    302.01(a) because the use of the community dock structure was available and
    the community dock was “constructed to serve many users in one location and
    thereby minimize impacts.”
    The petitioner appealed to the Council. Following an adjudicatory
    hearing and subsequent deliberations, the Council issued a decision denying
    the petitioner’s appeal. In its decision, the Council noted that “[t]he central
    issue in [the petitioner’s] appeal . . . is whether [he] could justify the expanded
    dock proposal based on his ‘need’ to access navigable water on a more frequent
    basis than he currently experiences with the existing dock.” The Council
    explained that it was evenly split on whether the petitioner had met his burden
    to demonstrate that DES acted unlawfully or unreasonably by finding that he
    failed to prove that he had a “need” for the expanded dock within the meaning
    of Env-Wt 302.01(a). The Council also evenly split their votes on whether the
    petitioner had satisfied his burden of demonstrating that DES erred by finding
    that “there was no more usable water at the proposed dock compared with the
    existing dock.” The Council further explained that it was either “evenly divided”
    or had not specifically voted on the issues raised respecting DES’s other
    findings in support of denial.
    Finally, the Council explained that its members “split their vote five in
    favor, five against” whether the petitioner had met his burden to demonstrate
    that DES’s decision was unlawful or unreasonable. Therefore, the Council
    concluded that the petitioner did not meet his burden of demonstrating that
    DES erred by denying his permit because the petitioner “failed to convince a
    majority of the Council that DES acted illegally or unreasonably.” The
    petitioner’s motion for reconsideration was denied, and this appeal followed.
    RSA chapter 541 governs our review of Council decisions. See RSA 21-
    O:14, III (Supp. 2017). Under RSA 541:13 (2007), we will not set aside the
    Council’s order except for errors of law, unless we are satisfied, by a clear
    preponderance of the evidence, that it is unjust or unreasonable. The
    Council’s findings of fact are presumed prima facie lawful and reasonable. RSA
    541:13. In reviewing the Council’s findings, our task is not to determine
    whether we would have found differently or to reweigh the evidence, but,
    rather, to determine whether the findings are supported by competent evidence
    in the record. Appeal of Michele, 
    168 N.H. 98
    , 105 (2015). We review the
    Council’s rulings on issues of law de novo. 
    Id. On appeal,
    the petitioner argues that DES erred by requiring him to
    demonstrate a need for an expanded dock because need is not required by RSA
    chapter 482-A (2013 & Supp. 2017), which governs fill and dredge in wetlands.
    Nonetheless, he maintains that, even if “need” is required, DES improperly
    applied the need requirement in this case. The petitioner further argues that
    “there were several procedural errors at the [Council’s adjudicatory] hearing
    and deliberations.” Specifically, he contends that the Council erred by: (1) not
    reaching a decision pursuant to RSA 482-A:10, VI (2013) because the votes
    were split five to five; (2) allowing a council member to vote after attending only
    part of the deliberations; and (3) failing to maintain a complete audio recording
    of the adjudicatory hearing as required by RSA 541-A:31, VII (2007).
    We begin by addressing the petitioner’s argument that DES erred by
    requiring that he demonstrate a need to expand his dock as a requirement for
    approval of his application. He contends that RSA chapter 482-A “does not
    require an applicant to show ‘need’” and, therefore, the need requirement in
    Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) impermissibly adds to the statutory
    scheme. DES counters that the need requirement reflects the purpose of the
    chapter as articulated in RSA 482-A:1 (2013), and was properly promulgated
    pursuant to “RSA 482-A:11, which directs the Commissioner to adopt
    reasonable rules to implement the purposes of” RSA chapter 482-A.
    Resolving this issue requires us to engage in statutory and regulatory
    interpretation. We review the interpretation of statutes and regulations de
    novo. See Bach v. N.H. Dep’t of Safety, 
    169 N.H. 87
    , 91 (2016). We use the
    same principles of construction when interpreting both statutes and
    administrative rules. 
    Id. at 92.
    When interpreting statutes, “we are the final
    arbiters of the legislature’s intent, as expressed in the words of the statute
    considered as a whole.” Petition of Sawyer, 
    170 N.H. 197
    , 203 (2017)
    (quotation and brackets omitted). “We first examine the language of the
    statute, and, where possible, ascribe the plain and ordinary meanings to the
    words used.” 
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    “Our goal is to apply statutes in light of
    the legislature’s intent in enacting them, and in light of the policy sought to be
    advanced by the entire statutory scheme.” 
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    While the legislature may delegate to administrative agencies the power
    to promulgate rules necessary for the proper execution of the laws, this
    authority “is designed only to permit the [agency] to fill in the details to
    effectuate the purpose of the statute.” Appeal of Wilson, 
    161 N.H. 659
    , 662
    (2011) (quotation omitted). “Thus, administrative rules may not add to, detract
    from, or modify the statute which they are intended to implement.” 
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    Moreover, agency regulations that contradict the terms of
    a governing statute exceed the agency’s authority. 
    Id. RSA chapter
    482-A as a whole regulates fill and dredge in wetlands. RSA
    482-A:1 states the purpose of the chapter:
    It is found to be for the public good and welfare of this state
    to protect and preserve its submerged lands under tidal and fresh
    waters and its wetlands, (both salt water and fresh-water), as
    herein defined, from despoliation and unregulated alteration,
    because such despoliation or unregulated alteration will adversely
    affect the value of such areas as sources of nutrients for finfish,
    crustacea, shellfish and wildlife of significant value, will damage or
    destroy habitats and reproduction areas for plants, fish and
    wildlife of importance, will eliminate, depreciate or obstruct the
    commerce, recreation and aesthetic enjoyment of the public, will
    be detrimental to adequate groundwater levels, will adversely affect
    stream channels and their ability to handle the runoff of waters,
    will disturb and reduce the natural ability of wetlands to absorb
    flood waters and silt, thus increasing general flood damage and the
    silting of open water channels, and will otherwise adversely affect
    the interests of the general public.
    Env-Wt 302.01(a) specifies that “[f]or tidal wetlands, need shall be
    demonstrated by the applicant prior to department approval of any alteration of
    tidal wetlands. No project shall be allowed that intrudes into a tidal wetland
    unless the department finds it to be for the public good as set out in RSA 482-
    We agree with the petitioner that the language of RSA 482-A:1 and the
    accompanying statutes in the chapter do not specify need as a requirement for
    applicants seeking a wetlands permit under RSA chapter 482-A. Viewing the
    statutory scheme as a whole, however, we conclude that the need requirement
    in Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) is a reasonable rule for carrying
    out DES’s function, see RSA 21-O:1, II (2012), and that it does not conflict with
    RSA 482-A:1. The purpose of RSA chapter 482-A is to “protect and preserve
    [the state’s] submerged lands under tidal and fresh waters and its wetlands . . .
    from despoliation and unregulated alteration.” RSA 482-A:1. The legislature
    charged the commissioner of environmental services with adopting “reasonable
    rules, pursuant to the rulemaking provisions of RSA 541-A, to implement” this
    purpose. RSA 482-A:11, I (2013) ; see also RSA 482-A:2, I (2013).
    Given the stated purpose of RSA chapter 482-A, see RSA 482-A:1, we believe
    that it is reasonable for DES to require a permit applicant to demonstrate a
    need for any alteration of those submerged lands and wetlands. In this way,
    Env-Wt 302.01(a) merely fills in the details of RSA chapter 482-A to effectuate
    the chapter’s purpose. See Appeal of 
    Wilson, 161 N.H. at 662
    Nonetheless, the petitioner argues that even if need is a proper
    requirement for obtaining a permit, DES erred by “applying the wrong
    definition of need and improperly looking at offsite structures.” Relying upon
    Appeal of Town of Nottingham, 
    153 N.H. 539
    (2006), the petitioner contends
    that the term “need” means “requisite, desirable, or useful,” and that both DES
    and the Council erred by failing to apply a definition of need consistent with
    this definition. (Quotation and bolding omitted.)
    DES disagrees that need as used in Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt
    302.04(a)(1) should be defined as we defined it in Appeal of Town of
    Nottingham. DES does not offer a clearly defined alternative meaning for the
    term need, but contends that it “has consistently interpreted [need] in the
    context of dock permits in a manner that reflects the purpose of the statute,
    and also an applicant’s common law right to wharf out.”
    In Appeal of Town of Nottingham, we interpreted the term “need” in the
    context of whether an applicant seeking a large groundwater withdrawal permit
    under RSA chapter 485-C, the Groundwater Protection Act, had made the
    requisite showing of need as required by RSA 485-C:4, XII(b) (2001) (amended
    2006) and DES’s rules. Appeal of Town of 
    Nottingham, 153 N.H. at 553
    . The
    version of RSA 485-C:4, XII in effect at that time directed DES to adopt rules
    relating to “new groundwater withdrawals of 57,600 gallons or more in any 24-
    hour period,” including “requirements relative to conservation management
    plans which demonstrate the need for the proposed withdrawals.” 
    Id. (quotations and
    brackets omitted). In turn, former New Hampshire
    Administrative Rules, Env-Ws 388.05 required the applicant to “prepare a
    water conservation management plan and description of need to demonstrate
    the efficient use of, and need for, the proposed withdrawal in the permit
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    Noting that the legislature had failed to define “need” in RSA chapter
    485-C, we looked to the plain and ordinary meaning of the term. 
    Id. We 5
    concluded that the most relevant definition of “need” in Webster’s Dictionary is
    “‘a want of something requisite, desirable, or useful.’” 
    Id. (quoting Webster’s
    Third New International Dictionary 1512 (unabridged ed. 2002)). Thus, we
    held that RSA 485-C:4, XII(b) and former New Hampshire Administrative Rules,
    Env-Ws 388.05 required DES to determine whether the applicant’s proposed
    withdrawal was “requisite, desirable, or useful.” 
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    Similarly, here, DES has failed to define the term “need” in Env-Wt
    302.01(a) or in Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) governing requirements for an application.
    See N.H. Admin. R., Env-Wt 101; see also N.H. Admin. R., Env-Wt 302.04.
    When regulatory terms are undefined, we ascribe to them their plain and
    ordinary meaning. See Appeal of Town of 
    Nottingham, 153 N.H. at 555
    ; see
    also Petition of Hagenbuch, 
    169 N.H. 555
    , 560 (2017). As in Appeal of Town of
    Nottingham, we conclude that the most relevant definition of “need” is “a want
    of something requisite, desirable, or useful.” Webster’s Third New International
    Dictionary, supra at 1512. Accordingly, Env-Wt 302.01(a) and, in turn, Env-
    Wt 302.04(a)(1) require an applicant to demonstrate “a want of something
    requisite, desirable, or useful” prior to approval of any project that alters tidal
    Id. DES argues
    that we should not adopt the same definition of need for
    Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) that we did in Appeal of Town of
    Nottingham because RSA chapter 485-C and RSA chapter 482-A are two
    “entirely different” chapters, and defining need as we did in that case “would
    not be consistent with the purposes identified by the legislature in RSA 482-
    A:1.” We are not, however, merely adopting the definition of “need” used in
    Appeal of Town of Nottingham in a different context. Rather, as in Appeal of
    Town of Nottingham, in accordance with our rules of statutory and regulatory
    construction, we are ascribing to the term its plain and ordinary meaning as
    found in the dictionary. See Appeal of Town of 
    Nottingham, 153 N.H. at 555
    DES further contends that, given its “fair and consistent application of
    guidelines,” the doctrine of administrative gloss supports its interpretation of
    need. We disagree. “The doctrine of administrative gloss is a rule of statutory
    construction. Administrative gloss is placed upon an ambiguous clause when
    those responsible for its implementation interpret the clause in a consistent
    manner and apply it to similarly situated applicants over a period of years
    without legislative interference.” Appeal of Stewart, 
    164 N.H. 772
    , 776 (2013)
    (quotation omitted). However, “a lack of ambiguity in a statute or ordinance
    precludes application of the administrative gloss doctrine.” Anderson v.
    Motorsports Holdings, 
    155 N.H. 491
    , 502 (2007). Here, the term “need” is not
    Because DES did not have the benefit of our interpretation of the term
    “need” as used in Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) for determining
    whether an applicant has met the permit requirements, and because, as the
    Council noted, the central issue was whether the petitioner “could justify the
    expanded dock proposal based on his ‘need’ to access navigable water on a
    more frequent basis than he currently experiences with the existing dock,” we
    vacate DES’s decision and remand to the Council with instructions to remand
    to DES for further consideration in light of the definition we have adopted
    Although we have vacated DES’s decision, we nonetheless address the
    petitioner’s argument that DES erred by determining that the petitioner failed
    to demonstrate a need for the expanded dock because he could “use a dock on
    a different property,” as the issue may arise on remand. See Axenics, Inc. v.
    Turner Constr. Co., 
    164 N.H. 659
    , 673 (2013). In its denial of the petitioner’s
    permit application, DES found that the petitioner failed to meet the need
    requirement in Env-Wt 302.01(a) and Env-Wt 302.04(a)(1) because he “has an
    existing dock with partial tide access, a mooring in the Piscataqua River in
    front of the subject property, and the ability to become part of the Brickyard
    Estates Dockowner’s Association and use the all-tide access dock on the
    abutting property to access his mooring.” We agree with the petitioner that his
    ability to use an all-tide access dock on an abutting property is not relevant to
    whether he has demonstrated “need,” i.e., “a want of something requisite,
    desirable, or useful,” for further access on his property. See Lakeside Lodge v.
    Town of New London, 
    158 N.H. 164
    , 169 (2008) (“Littoral rights are incidental
    property rights associated with ownership of lakeshore property.” (quotation
    omitted)); Donaghey v. Croteau, 
    119 N.H. 320
    , 323 (1979) (“In New Hampshire,
    the right to wharf out to navigable depth has long been recognized as a
    common-law littoral right.”); see also Appeal of 
    Michele, 168 N.H. at 103-04
    (“Instead of altering the state of property rights under the common law, the
    purpose of [RSA chapter 482-A] is to ‘protect and preserve the state’s
    submerged lands under tidal and fresh waters and its wetlands from
    despoliation and unregulated alteration.’” (brackets and ellipsis omitted)).
    In light of our decision, we need not address the petitioner’s procedural
    error arguments. Finally, any issues raised in the petitioner’s notice of appeal
    or in his brief that are not adequately developed are deemed waived. See State
    v. Blackmer, 
    149 N.H. 47
    , 49 (2003).
    Vacated and remanded.
    C.J., retired, specially assigned under RSA 490:3, concurred.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2017-0142

Citation Numbers: 186 A.3d 228

Filed Date: 5/4/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023