Cheryl C. Moore, M.D. v. Charles W. Grau, Esq. & a. , 193 A.3d 272 ( 2018 )

  • NOTICE: This opinion is subject to motions for rehearing under Rule 22 as well
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    No. 2017-0035
    Argued: January 18, 2018
    Opinion Issued: August 8, 2018
    Devine, Millimet & Branch, P.A., of Manchester (Daniel E. Will and
    Joshua M. Wyatt on the brief, and Mr. Will orally), and Associated Attorneys of
    New England, of Manchester (John F. Skinner, III on the brief), for the plaintiff.
    Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer & Nelson, P.A., of Manchester (Andru H.
    Volinsky and Christina A. Ferrari on the brief, and Mr. Volinsky orally), for the
    Shaheen & Gordon, P.A., of Concord (William E. Christie on the
    memorandum of law), for the intervenor.
    HICKS, J. The plaintiff, Cheryl C. Moore, M.D., appeals an order of the
    Superior Court (McNamara, J.) granting summary judgment to the defendants,
    Charles W. Grau, Esquire and Upton Hatfield, LLP, on the plaintiff’s claims for
    legal malpractice, violation of the New Hampshire Consumer Protection Act,
    RSA ch. 358-A (2009 & Supp. 2017), and entitlement to an accounting and
    forfeiture of fees. We reverse and remand.
    The following facts are taken from the trial court’s orders in this case and
    from undisputed documentary evidence contained in the record. The plaintiff,
    a pathologist, was a member of Young & Novis, P.A. (Y&N), along with her
    partner, Dr. Glenn Littell. Y&N provided pathology services to the intervenor,
    Wentworth-Douglass Hospital (WDH), until WDH elected to terminate Y&N’s
    services, effective February 28, 2010. Prior to that date, an attorney acting on
    Y&N’s behalf — Gregory Wirth — solicited trial counsel for a potential wrongful
    termination suit against WDH. Grau, an attorney at Upton Hatfield,
    responded, and, on October 23, 2009, the plaintiff retained Grau and his firm.
    Wirth continued to represent the plaintiff and Littell with respect to their
    exit from WDH. In that capacity, Wirth emailed Grau to inquire what
    documents or information he might need for the anticipated lawsuit. Grau
    responded with a list of documents and records he wanted the plaintiff and
    Littell to “take.” Wirth forwarded Grau’s response to the plaintiff and Littell on
    February 10, 2010.
    On February 28, the termination date for Y&N’s services, the plaintiff
    allegedly permitted her husband, Dr. Thomas Moore, to access Y&N computers
    connected to WDH’s network. The plaintiff’s husband and Littell then
    downloaded confidential documents and destroyed certain electronic data.
    WDH sued the plaintiff, her husband, and Littell (the CFAA defendants)
    in federal court (the CFAA litigation), claiming violations of the Computer Fraud
    and Abuse Act (the CFAA). See 18 U.S.C. § 1030 (2012). The CFAA defendants
    responded with a number of counterclaims against WDH.
    In August 2012, the parties reached a tentative settlement. During
    negotiations preceding the tentative settlement, the CFAA defendants were
    jointly represented by Grau and Upton Hatfield, along with Wirth. In mid-
    August, however, the plaintiff hired a separate attorney, Peter Callaghan, to
    represent her in finalizing the settlement.
    On September 20, 2012, the plaintiff executed a settlement agreement
    (the Settlement Agreement) to which WDH, Y&N, Littell, and the plaintiff’s
    husband were also parties. The Settlement Agreement resolved all claims and
    counterclaims in the pending litigation and contained the following provision
    regarding future suits (Paragraph 4):
    All Parties represent that no future lawsuits will be filed against
    any third parties arising from the former relationship between
    WDH and the [CFAA defendants]. All Parties represent that they
    have fully disclosed to the other Parties any disclosures or
    complaints filed with any state, local or federal law enforcement or
    administrative agency, any accrediting organization, Board,
    professional organization or other entity of any kind that regulates,
    oversees, credentials, accredits or has enforcement authority over
    any party (collectively, “Agencies”) and hereby represent that they
    have no basis to make any further such disclosures or complaints
    and shall not make such disclosures or complaints to any
    In Paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement, however, WDH specifically
    acknowledged that the agreement did not prohibit the CFAA defendants from
    continuing to pursue a pending lawsuit against their insurance company.
    In March 2013, the plaintiff commenced the instant lawsuit against the
    defendants, alleging legal malpractice, violation of the Consumer Protection
    Act, and entitlement to an accounting and forfeiture of fees. WDH intervened
    in the action. The defendants moved for summary judgment on several
    grounds, including that the Settlement Agreement barred the suit. The trial
    court granted summary judgment on that basis, concluding that the plaintiff’s
    claims against the defendants in the instant action “originate or grow out of or
    flow from her relationship with WDH,” and, therefore, fall within the
    prohibition of Paragraph 4 of the Settlement Agreement. Having determined
    that the Settlement Agreement barred the suit, the court found it unnecessary
    to address the defendants’ remaining arguments or to decide a pending motion
    to quash. The plaintiff unsuccessfully moved for reconsideration, and this
    appeal followed.
    On appeal, the plaintiff argues, among other things, that the trial court
    erred in granting summary judgment to the defendants because the plaintiff’s
    legal malpractice claims do not “arise from” her relationship with WDH and,
    therefore, do not fall within the terms of Paragraph 4. Our standard of review
    is well-settled:
    In reviewing the trial court’s grant of summary judgment, we
    consider the affidavits and other evidence, and all inferences
    properly drawn from them, in the light most favorable to the non-
    moving party. If our review of that evidence discloses no genuine
    issue of material fact, and if the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law, we will affirm the grant of summary
    judgment. We review the trial court’s application of the law to the
    facts de novo.
    Pike v. Deutsche Bank Nat’l Trust Co., 
    168 N.H. 40
    , 42 (2015) (citations
    “Generally, parties are free to settle a case on any terms they desire and
    that are allowed by law.” Poland v. Twomey, 
    156 N.H. 412
    , 414-15 (2007).
    “Settlement agreements are contractual in nature and, therefore, are generally
    governed by principles of contract law.” 
    Id. at 414.
    “Interpretation of a
    contract, including whether a contract term or clause is ambiguous, is
    ultimately a question of law for this court to decide.” Merrimack School Dist. v.
    Nat’l School Bus Serv., 
    140 N.H. 9
    , 11 (1995) (quotation and brackets omitted).
    “In interpreting a contract, we consider the contract as a whole,” 
    id., and “we
    give words their ordinary meaning unless it appears from the context that the
    parties intended a different meaning,” 
    id. at 13.
    “When parties use expansive,
    unrestricted language, we will give those phrases their normal, broad reading.”
    Id. “Generally speaking
    and subject to exception, a party is not released
    unless named in the release.” Balamotis v. Hyland, 
    159 N.H. 803
    , 808 (2010)
    (quotation and brackets omitted). Even “a release . . . [that] purports to
    comprehend all claims arising from a particular incident, including claims
    against unspecified strangers, is not dispositive of the question whether the
    release bars later suit against a party not named in the release.” Gagnon v.
    Lakes Region Gen’l Hosp., 
    123 N.H. 760
    , 764-65 (1983). Because the assertion
    that the Settlement Agreement bars this suit against the defendants is an
    affirmative defense, the defendants bear the burden “to show that the release
    was intended to discharge them or that the plaintiff has received full
    Id. at 765.
    We note that Paragraph 4 reads as a covenant not to sue, rather than a
    release. See Stateline Steel Erectors v. Shields, 
    150 N.H. 332
    , 338 (2003)
    (discussing distinction between covenant not to sue and release). Nevertheless,
    we see no impediment to applying the foregoing cases to the provision at issue
    here, whether construed as a release, a covenant not to sue, or, as the
    defendants call it, a “waiver of claims.” Indeed, while in the past, a release of
    one joint tortfeasor generally barred suit against the others, though
    presumably not named in the release, see Wheat v. Carter, 
    79 N.H. 150
    , 150
    (1919); but cf. RSA 507:7-h (2010) (altering common law rule), such was never
    the case with covenants not to sue, see Colby v. Walker, 
    86 N.H. 568
    , 570
    (1934), nor true as a matter of law as to successive tortfeasors, see 
    Wheat, 79 N.H. at 152
    Paragraph 4 does not specifically name Grau or Upton Hatfield, but
    broadly purports to cover “future lawsuits . . . against any third parties arising
    from the former relationship between WDH and the [CFAA defendants].” In
    arguing that Paragraph 4 does not cover the instant action, the plaintiff first
    looks to the phrase “arising from.” She asserts that “[w]hile it could be argued
    that [her] claims might have a remote ‘relation to’ the former pathology contract
    between WDH and Y&N, it cannot plausibly be argued that this action ‘arises
    from’ that former contractual relationship.”
    Although we have not construed the language “arising from” as used in a
    contract, cf. Merrimack School 
    Dist., 140 N.H. at 13
    (construing “arise from or
    out of”), we have construed the phrase “arising out of.” See, e.g., Cannon v.
    Maine Bonding & Cas. Co., 
    138 N.H. 365
    , 366 (1994). As the trial court noted,
    and the defendants reiterate, our cases recognize that “[t]he phrase ‘arising out
    of’ has been interpreted as a very broad, general and comprehensive term,
    which we have defined as meaning ‘originating from or growing out of or
    flowing from.’” Merrimack School 
    Dist., 140 N.H. at 13
    (quotation and brackets
    omitted). Courts in other jurisdictions, at least when construing the phrase in
    an insurance policy, have given the phrase “arising from” the same broad
    construction as “arising out of,” see Spirtas Co. v. Federal Ins. Co., 
    521 F.3d 833
    , 836 (8th Cir. 2008) (noting that, “in the insurance context courts appear
    to be unanimous in interpreting the phrase ‘arising out of’ synonymously with
    the term ‘arising from’”), and we will do likewise here.
    The defendants contend that phrase is even broader than set forth above,
    arguing that “this Court and the First Circuit have defined ‘arising from’ as
    ‘originating from, growing out of, flowing from, incident to or having connection
    with.’” (Emphasis added.) The quoted definition, however, is from a First
    Circuit case applying Maine law in the specific context of insurance policies.
    Penn-America Ins. Co. v. Lavigne, 
    617 F.3d 82
    , 87 (1st Cir. 2010) (noting that
    “[u]nder Maine law, as elsewhere, phrases such as ‘arising out of,’ when used
    in insurance contracts, do not connote a direct causal nexus”). We, however,
    have never interpreted the phrase so broadly, and the defendants have not
    persuaded us to do so in this case. As we have construed the phrase “arising
    out of,” and now construe the phrase “arising from,” for X to “arise out of” or
    “arise from” Y requires some causal connection between X and Y. “While the
    causal connection need not be ‘proximate’ as that term is used in the more
    demanding evidentiary area of tort law, the causal connection must still exist.”
    Pro Con Constr. v. Acadia Ins. Co., 
    147 N.H. 470
    , 472 (2002). “[T]he causal
    connection between the two must be more than ‘tenuous,’” 
    Cannon, 138 N.H. at 366
    , and must consist of more than mere “but for” causation, Pro Con
    Constr., 147 N.H. at 473
    The “Y” in Paragraph 4 is “the former relationship between WDH and the
    [CFAA defendants].” The plaintiff asserts that the instant suit arises not from
    that relationship, but rather, from the relationship between herself and the
    instant defendants. We agree.
    In New Hampshire, legal malpractice is a tort essentially sounding in
    negligence. See Witte v. Desmarais, 
    136 N.H. 178
    , 182 (1992). As such, it
    requires proof of “facts upon which the law imposes a duty of care.” 
    Id. (quotation omitted).
    The duty of care in legal malpractice is one imposed by
    law, and arises out of the attorney-client relationship itself. See id.; Miller v.
    725 N.E.2d 545
    , 549 (Mass. 2000) (“The duty of care owed by an
    attorney arises from an attorney-client relationship.”). Thus, “[t]o establish
    legal malpractice a plaintiff must prove: (1) that an attorney-client relationship
    existed, which placed a duty upon the attorney to exercise reasonable
    professional care, skill and knowledge in providing legal services to that client;
    (2) a breach of that duty; and (3) resultant harm legally caused by that breach.”
    Yager v. Clauson, 
    166 N.H. 570
    , 572-73 (2014) (quotation omitted).
    As the foregoing implies, an action for legal malpractice “is a claim . . .
    for liability ‘unique to and arising out of the rendition of professional services.’”
    Virsen v. Rosso, Beutel, Johnson, Rosso, 
    356 N.W.2d 333
    , 335 (Minn. Ct. App.
    1984) (quoting R. Mallen and V. Levit, Legal Malpractice § 1, at 3 (2d ed.
    1981)). Accordingly, courts have recognized that “the injuries suffered by a
    plaintiff in a legal malpractice suit are separate and distinct from those
    suffered in the underlying suit,” Parnell v. Ivy, 
    158 S.W.3d 924
    , 927 (Tenn. Ct.
    App. 2004), and that a “plaintiff’s malpractice action is an independent cause
    of action, not subsumed in the plaintiff’s personal injury action,” Cook v.
    366 N.W.2d 287
    , 291 (Minn. 1985); see also King v. Jones, 
    483 P.2d 815
    , 818 (Or. 1971) (concluding that “[p]laintiff’s claim against [a tortfeasor] for
    personal injuries and her claim against [her lawyers] for malpractice are
    separate and distinct claims”). It follows, as courts have also concluded, that
    the attorney is not a joint tortfeasor with the defendants in the underlying
    action. See, e.g., 
    King, 483 P.2d at 817
    . Rather, the attorney is a successive or
    independent tortfeasor. Cf. 
    Gagnon, 123 N.H. at 763
    (noting that medical
    malpractice defendants were not joint tortfeasors with settling defendant in
    personal injury suit, but rather, were “successive or independent wrongdoers
    who are not liable for the same loss as the driver because their liability arises
    solely from their alleged negligent conduct which aggravated the plaintiff’s
    existing injury”).
    In light of these distinctions, numerous courts have concluded, on
    various grounds, that settlement of the underlying action does not, as a matter
    of law, bar suit against an attorney for malpractice during that underlying
    action. See, e.g., 
    King, 483 P.3d at 817
    (concluding that settlement of
    underlying action does not bar a malpractice action against attorney “on the
    basis that a release of one joint tort-feasor releases all,” because the attorney is
    not a joint tortfeasor with wrongdoer in underlying action); Parnell, 
    158 S.W.3d 6
    at 925 (holding that because damages sought in plaintiff’s malpractice action
    were “separate and distinct” from those sought in underlying action,
    “settlement of the underlying lawsuit does not shield the former attorneys from
    [malpractice] liability”); see also Becker v. Julien, Blitz & Schlesinger, P. C.,
    406 N.Y.S.2d 412
    , 414 (Sup. Ct. 1977) (concluding that “the cause of action for
    legal malpractice must stand or fall on its own merits, with no automatic
    waiver of a plaintiff’s right to sue for malpractice merely because plaintiff had
    voluntarily agreed to enter into a stipulation of settlement” in the underlying
    action), aff’d as modified on other grounds, 
    411 N.Y.S.2d 17
    (App. Div. 1978).
    While the issue before us is not whether settlement with WDH bars the
    instant action as a matter of law, but whether this action falls within the terms
    of Paragraph 4 of the Settlement Agreement, we believe that the legal principles
    upon which the foregoing cases rest are dispositive. The issue before us is
    analogous to that presented in Lujan v. Healthsouth Rehabilitation Corp., 
    902 P.2d 1025
    (N.M. 1995). There, Irene Lujan’s son was injured in a collision
    between motor vehicles on January 27, 1990. 
    Lujan, 902 P.2d at 1026
    . In
    settling the personal injury action against the other motorist, Lujan signed a
    release “discharg[ing] ‘any and all other persons . . . who together with [the
    other motorist] may be jointly or severally liable to [Lujan] . . . from any and all
    claims . . . and demands of whatsoever kind or nature . . . for damages to
    [Lujan's] person or property arising out of an accident on or about January 27,
    Id. at 1031.
    Lujan later sued Healthsouth Rehabilitation Corporation
    and others (collectively, Healthsouth) “for medical malpractice in connection
    with treatment of the femoral fracture that [her son] suffered in the accident
    with” the other motorist. 
    Id. at 1026.
    Healthsouth successfully moved for
    summary judgment, arguing that the action was barred by the release given in
    settling the underlying action, and the Court of Appeals affirmed. 
    Id. The Supreme
    Court of New Mexico reversed, “conclud[ing] that the
    general release executed by Lujan does not purport to bar her claims against a
    successive tortfeasor whose liability is limited to an injury enhancement arising
    out of the subsequent malpractice.” 
    Id. The court
    noted that the issue before
    it was “whether Healthsouth falls within the category of ‘other person’ who
    together with [the other motorist] may be ‘jointly or severally liable’ to Lujan for
    injuries arising out of the January 1990 accident.” 
    Id. at 1027.
    The court
    It is . . . true that “but for” the accident, [Lujan’s son] would not
    have been subject to Healthsouth’s treatment. Nevertheless,
    factually, [the son’s] separate enhanced injury was caused by the
    alleged negligence of Healthsouth in March 1990 . . . . Thus from
    the perspective of Healthsouth, the would be “other person,” its
    liability for the enhanced injury suffered by [the son] arises solely
    from its alleged negligence and not the January 1990 accident.
    Id. at 1031.
    The court ultimately concluded that “the language ‘arising from
    the January 27, 1990, automobile accident’ is . . . simply insufficient to alert
    Lujan that [the other motorist] was bargaining for the release of Healthsouth in
    addition to her own release.” 
    Id. at 1032.
    Accordingly, it held that
    “Healthsouth does not fall within the category of ‘other person’ liable for
    injuries arising out of the January 1990 . . . accident.” 
    Id. We similarly
    construe the Settlement Agreement here. As noted above,
    legal malpractice — a separate and distinct claim against an independent and
    successive tortfeasor, see, e.g., 
    King, 483 P.2d at 817
    -18 — arises out of the
    attorney-client relationship. See 
    Witte, 136 N.H. at 182
    Miller, 725 N.E.2d at 549
    . The malpractice alleged here cannot be said to bear any causal
    connection to the former relationship between WDH and the CFAA defendants
    other than the fact that “but for” that relationship, Y&N’s services could not
    have been terminated, there would have been no CFAA action, and the plaintiff
    “would not have been subject to” the malpractice allegedly committed by the
    defendants with respect to those matters. 
    Lujan, 902 P.2d at 1031
    . Indeed,
    the defendants themselves assert only a “but for” nexus, arguing that “[a]bsent
    the relationship with WDH, [the plaintiff] would not have sought [the
    defendants’] legal representation.” As noted above, however, the phrase
    “arising from” requires some causal connection greater than mere “but for”
    causation. Pro Con Constr., 
    Inc., 147 N.H. at 472-73
    . Like the court in Lujan,
    we conclude that the language at issue here is “simply insufficient to alert [the
    plaintiff] that [WDH] was bargaining for the release of [the malpractice
    defendants] in addition to [its] own release.” 
    Lujan, 902 P.2d at 1032
    The defendants, nevertheless, raise a number of counterarguments.
    First they assert that the plaintiff’s brief fails to address two facts that the trial
    court found to be undisputed: (1) she had independent counsel prior to
    executing the Settlement Agreement; and (2) she acknowledged, in Paragraph
    14 of the agreement, that she executed it “knowingly, voluntarily and without
    undue influence or duress.” Neither of these facts, however, undermines the
    conclusion we reached above. The plaintiff is neither challenging the validity of
    the Settlement Agreement, “collateral[ly] attempt[ing] to go behind the previous
    Becker, 406 N.Y.2d at 413
    , nor seeking to undo it, see id.; 
    Virsen, 356 N.W.2d at 335
    (noting that “the present legal malpractice action is not an
    action to vacate, revive or set aside the settlement with” the tortfeasor in the
    underlying litigation). Rather, she argues that the Settlement Agreement does
    not bar the instant litigation. Thus, this argument does not persuade us to
    alter our decision.
    The defendants next assert that the plaintiff erroneously “attempts to
    create a dispute between the meaning of ‘arising from’ and ‘arising out of’ as if
    the terms are specific terms of art in contractual construction to be understood
    completely divorced from the factual context in which the terms are used.” The
    defendants contend that “[t]he undisputed factual context surrounding . . .
    execution of the Settlement Agreement” substantiates the trial court’s finding
    that the plaintiff’s claims “arise from” her former relationship with WDH.
    (Bolding omitted.) Specifically, they assert that both the plaintiff and WDH
    intended the Settlement Agreement to effect a “complete, permanent divorce
    from each other” after “bitter and long-standing” litigation. “To that end,” the
    defendants argue, “in the Settlement Agreement, [the plaintiff] specifically
    disclaimed interest in bringing, and relinquished her ability to bring, other
    lawsuits that could embroil WDH.”
    When interpreting a written agreement, we give the language used
    by the parties its reasonable meaning, considering the
    circumstances and the context in which the agreement was
    negotiated, and reading the document as a whole. Absent
    ambiguity, the parties’ intent will be determined from the plain
    meaning of the language used in the contract. We judge the intent
    of the parties by objective criteria rather than the unmanifested
    states of mind of the parties.
    State v. Collyns, 
    166 N.H. 514
    , 519 (2014) (quotations and citations omitted).
    Construing the Settlement Agreement as a whole in the context of the
    “bitter and long-standing” litigation between WDH and the CFAA defendants,
    we do not doubt that the parties sought a “complete, permanent divorce from
    each other.” (Emphasis added.) That intent is manifest in the agreement’s
    following recital:
    WHEREAS, the Parties mutually desire to compromise,
    settle, buy complete peace from, and terminate any and all known
    and unknown disputes, claims, controversies, demands, actions,
    causes of action, and litigation as exist between them including
    any damages, costs, expenses, and/or injuries in order to avoid the
    nuisance, time, and expense of further litigation . . . .
    (Emphases added.) The defendants do not contend that they are parties to the
    Settlement Agreement and, in fact, in arguing that they are “third parties” for
    purposes of Paragraph 4, they specifically assert that they “cannot be deemed a
    party to the Settlement Agreement.” Nor, contrary to the defendants’
    argument, did the plaintiff “relinquish[] her ability to bring[] other lawsuits that
    could embroil WDH.” Rather, she relinquished her ability to bring other
    lawsuits “arising from the former relationship between WDH and the [CFAA
    defendants],” which, as we concluded above, the instant lawsuit is not. To the
    extent that WDH may have desired also to protect itself from becoming
    “embroil[ed]” in litigation between the plaintiff and the instant defendants, that
    “unmanifested state[] of mind,” 
    id., has no
    bearing upon our interpretation of
    the contract’s unambiguous language.
    For its part, WDH argues that if the plaintiff is permitted to maintain this
    lawsuit, WDH “will lose the entire benefit of its bargain in entering into the
    Settlement Agreement,” which was to “end all litigation involving WDH on the
    one hand, and [the CFAA defendants] on the other, regardless of whether the
    signatories to the Settlement Agreement were named parties to existing or
    future litigation.” WDH seeks support in Watkins v. Bailey, 484 F. App’x 18,
    19 (6th Cir. 2012), which held that a legal malpractice case based upon former
    counsel’s conduct in an underlying medical malpractice case was barred by
    judicial estoppel. In addition to the factors of clear inconsistency between a
    party’s earlier and later positions, judicial acceptance, and unfair advantage,
    Watkins, 484 F. App’x at 20, the court addressed “several additional
    considerations” in determining whether to apply judicial estoppel, 
    id. at 24
    (quotation omitted). WDH relies upon one of the additional considerations
    examined by the Watkins court: “There is the hospital to think about: it entered
    into a confidential settlement agreement. If the current lawsuit proceeds to
    trial, the hospital essentially loses the benefit of that bargain, namely to avoid
    Id. The issue
    before us, however, is not application of judicial estoppel but
    contract interpretation, and, therefore, Watkins is inapposite. We know of no
    legal principle that would permit us to allow “additional considerations,” 
    id. (quotation omitted),
    to alter the plain language of an unambiguous contract
    provision. If WDH wanted to indemnify itself from costs associated with future
    actions of the CFAA defendants which might involve WDH or its employees as
    witnesses or otherwise, it could have drafted contract language to that effect.
    The language of Paragraph 4 does not express such an intent and we will not
    rewrite the parties’ contract to do so. “Parties generally are bound by the terms
    of an agreement freely and openly entered into, and courts cannot make better
    agreements than the parties themselves have entered into or rewrite contracts
    merely because they might operate harshly or inequitably.” Appeal of
    163 N.H. 192
    , 202 (2012) (quotation omitted).
    The defendants further argue “the fact that permission to pursue [a]
    declaratory judgment action [against an insurer] was specifically negotiated by
    the parties to the Settlement Agreement, and that no other exceptions to
    [P]aragraph 4’s language were negotiated,” supports the trial court’s decision.
    The specific provision to which the defendants refer is Paragraph 3 of the
    Settlement Agreement, which provides:
    Pending Declaratory Judgment Action. WDH acknowledges
    that [the CFAA defendants] are engaged in litigation in the case of
    Young & Novis Professional Association v. The Travelers Indemnity
    Company and Charter Oak Fire Insurance [Company], 2011-0418,
    currently pending before the New Hampshire Supreme Court and
    agrees that this Agreement does not limit [the CFAA defendants’]
    right to pursue such action.
    The defendants contend that “[t]his pending declaratory judgment action
    arose from [the plaintiff’s] relationship with her insurance carrier and under
    [her] current interpretation, it would not need to have been disclosed to or
    approved by WDH in the Settlement Agreement as an exception to [P]aragraph
    4.” Accordingly, the defendants assert, the inclusion of Paragraph 3 in the
    Settlement Agreement undermines the plaintiff’s interpretation of Paragraph 4.
    The plaintiff disagrees, arguing that the defendants’ “assertion
    misleadingly conflates the separate provisions of the WDH Settlement
    Agreement addressing pending and future lawsuits.” We agree. Because
    Paragraph 4 is, by its terms, a covenant not to bring future lawsuits, we reject
    the defendant’s characterization of Paragraph 3 as a negotiated “exception” or
    “carve-out” to Paragraph 4. A pending action would not fall under Paragraph
    4, and, therefore, would not need to be excepted from it. Conversely, to the
    extent that the dispositions of pending cases are provided for in separate
    paragraphs of the Settlement Agreement, the failure to include a provision for
    the instant litigation is, as the plaintiff argues, of no “interpretive significance .
    . . because this action was not pending.”
    WDH contends that other provisions of the Settlement Agreement —
    requiring dismissal of the CFAA litigation, acknowledging the settlement of a
    lawsuit by the CFAA defendants against a former WDH employee, and reserving
    WDH’s “right to respond to a then pending Office of Civil Rights Investigation
    initiated by [the plaintiff]” — further demonstrate, in conjunction with
    Paragraphs 3 and 4, the parties’ intent to “end all litigation,” and “prohibit[]
    any future lawsuits[,] with one caveat,” namely, the pending declaratory
    judgment action. While we agree that the Settlement Agreement, read as a
    whole, evinces the intent to systematically and comprehensively address both
    pending and future litigation, we disagree that it evinces the intent to end all
    pending and future litigation. In successive paragraphs, the agreement: (1)
    requires that one pending suit (the CFAA litigation) be dismissed; (2)
    acknowledges that another suit has already settled; (3) agrees that another
    pending suit may be maintained; (4) represents that certain future suits will
    not be brought; and (5) reserves WDH’s right to participate in a pending
    administrative investigation. We conclude that the Settlement Agreement
    addresses each proceeding, or class of proceedings, separately, and, rather
    than evincing a blanket prohibition, carefully spells out whether and in what
    manner the parties may engage in each proceeding. Accordingly, we do not
    find WDH’s argument persuasive.
    The defendants next argue that the trial court’s finding that the present
    case “‘arises out of’ the former relationship between WDH and the [CFAA]
    defendants is evidenced by the fact that to meet her burden of proof in the
    present case, the Plaintiff must try a ‘case within the case.’” As the defendants
    correctly note, “[t]o establish proximate causation in a legal malpractice case, a
    plaintiff must demonstrate what result should have occurred if the lawyer had
    not been negligent.” Yager v. Clauson, 
    169 N.H. 1
    , 5 (2016) (quotation
    omitted). This requirement, however, does not affect our conclusion above.
    We have determined, after examining the nature of the instant action,
    that it does not fit within the terms of Paragraph 4. The manner in which the
    plaintiff must prove her case does not alter the nature of the action itself, and
    therefore, the defendant’s argument does not persuade us. As noted in Virsen:
    Although the underlying claim upon which the legal malpractice
    action is based must be examined to ascertain whether the
    respondent-attorney did indeed breach an alleged duty to his
    client, the prayer for relief in this action is against the attorney and
    not against the settlement itself or the parties thereto.
    Virsen, 356 N.W.2d at 335
    ; see also 
    Parnell, 158 S.W.3d at 928
    (noting that
    “[a]lthough [the plaintiff’s] damages in the malpractice lawsuit are measured
    with reference to the underlying claim, her malpractice claim is separate and
    “Having determined that [Paragraph 4 of the Settlement Agreement] does
    not, by its terms, cover [the instant action against] the defendant[s] . . . we
    conclude that it does not support the trial court’s grant of summary judgment.”
    Balamotis, 159 N.H. at 811
    . Moreover, in light of our holdings herein, we find
    it unnecessary to address the parties’ other arguments.
    Reversed and remanded.
    HANTZ MARCONI, J., concurred; KISSINGER, J., superior court justice,
    specially assigned under RSA 490:3, concurred.