Nl Industries, Inc. v. State(076550) , 228 N.J. 280 ( 2017 )

  •                                                      SYLLABUS
    (This syllabus is not part of the opinion of the Court. It has been prepared by the Office of the Clerk for the
    convenience of the reader. It has been neither reviewed nor approved by the Supreme Court. Please note that, in the
    interest of brevity, portions of any opinion may not have been summarized.)
    NL Industries, Inc. v. State of New Jersey (A-44-15) (076550)
    Argued October 26, 2016 -- Decided March 27, 2017
    LaVecchia, J., writing for a majority of the Court.
    In this appeal, the Court determines whether the New Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act (Spill Act),
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11 to -23.24, retroactively abrogated the State’s sovereign immunity for state action taken prior to
    the Act’s 1977 effective date.
    In September 1968, Sea-Land Development Corporation (Sea-Land) notified the State of its plans to protect
    Laurence Harbor from future erosion by the construction of a seawall, which would be made partly with “slag,” an
    industrial byproduct. Sea-Land received a riparian land grant and building permit for the seawall, and completed the
    project during the early 1970s. During the construction, an Old Bridge Township official informed the NJDEP that
    slag was being dumped into Raritan Bay. At the time, the State acknowledged ownership of some of the land on
    which Sea-Land built the seawall; from the record, it does not appear that further action was taken at the time.
    In 2007, the NJDEP detected contamination along the seawall in Laurence Harbor and reported its findings
    to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in June 2008. In 2014, the EPA demanded that NL
    Industries, Inc. (NL), which had operated a factory in Perth Amboy that created slag as a byproduct, remediate the
    site based on the assertion that Sea-Land had obtained from NL slag used in the Laurence Harbor projects.
    NL filed a complaint seeking contribution from the State under the Spill Act, alleging that the State caused
    or contributed to the Raritan Bay contamination in its roles as regulator and riparian landowner. The State filed a
    motion to dismiss based on: (1) sovereign immunity; (2) the immunities and procedural protections in the New
    Jersey Tort Claims Act (TCA), N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 to 12.3; and (3) NL’s failure to state a claim.
    The trial court denied the State’s motion. 
    442 N.J. Super. 428
    (Law Div. 2014). Combining the Spill Act’s
    abrogation of sovereign immunity with its interpretation that this Court recognized a legislative intent that the Act be
    applied retroactively in Department of Environmental Protection v. Ventron Corp., 
    94 N.J. 473
    (1983), the trial
    court concluded, first, that sovereign immunity for pre-Act discharges was waived. Second, the trial court found
    that the Spill Act and the TCA “were enacted at different times for demonstrably different reasons” and declined to
    graft onto the Spill Act the immunities and procedural protections of the TCA. Finally, the trial court rejected the
    State’s argument that the complaint failed to state a claim.
    On leave to appeal, the Appellate Division affirmed the denial of the motion substantially for the reasons
    set forth by the trial court. 
    442 N.J. Super. 403
    . The Court granted the State’s motion for leave to appeal.
    HELD: The Spill Act contains no clear expression of a legislative intent to waive the State’s sovereign immunity
    retroactively to cover periods of State activity prior to the Spill Act’s enactment. Therefore, the State’s sovereign
    immunity prevails against Spill Act contribution claims based on State activities that occurred prior to the original
    effective date of that Act.
    1. In 1976, the New Jersey Legislature enacted the Spill Act. From its origin, the Act provided that “any person”
    responsible for a discharge of a hazardous substance into State waters or onto lands leading to those waters “shall be
    strictly liable . . . for all cleanup and removal costs,” and defined “any person” to include “the State of New Jersey.”
    The inclusion of the State in the definition of “person” signaled the Legislature’s clear intention to include the State
    as a party responsible for its hazardous discharges and the waiver of sovereign immunity. Significantly, the Act’s
    definition of “person” as inclusive of the State has never been altered. (pp. 9-13)
    2. In 1979, the Legislature amended the Spill Act in several important ways. The Legislature opened up the Fund’s
    use for remediation of spills that occurred before the Spill Act was enacted and coupled that action with the
    expansion of NJDEP authority to seek contribution from non-public funding sources: namely, parties in any way
    responsible for the discharge that the NJDEP removed or was removing. In that pointed way, liability was expanded
    to permit the State to seek contribution from persons responsible for, among other discharges, those pre-Spill Act
    enactment discharges that the NJDEP chose to address. In that manner, retroactivity found express authorization in
    the Act, but only under N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(b)(3). (pp. 14-18)
    3. It is debatable from the combination of amendments to the Act in 1991, and accompanying legislative statements,
    whether the change in the first sentence of N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)(1)—to “no matter by whom incurred”—
    signaled a broadly intended opening-up of contribution actions against any and all dischargers, including the State,
    for hazardous discharges that preceded enactment of the Spill Act. (pp. 18-20)
    4. It is an essential aspect of sovereignty to be free from suit by private citizens seeking money damages unless the
    State has given its consent, which requires a clear legislative expression of intent to be subject to suit. A legislative
    waiver of sovereign immunity must be expressed clearly and unambiguously, and a retroactive waiver of sovereign
    immunity requires the clearest of expression. (pp. 20-23)
    5. The inclusion of the State in the definition of “person” subject to the Act when first enacted did not render the
    State liable for any pre-enactment activities. The Act, as originally passed, did not address discharges that predated
    enactment. Although the Legislature did not subsequently alter the definition of “person” to exclude the State
    despite the amendment to permit private contribution actions for pre-Act discharges, that failure does not provide
    any convincing answer to the question of retroactive abrogation of sovereign immunity. (p. 24)
    6. The question is not whether it is arguable that the Legislature passed an amendment that could be construed to
    provide a pathway to imposing liability on the State in a private contribution action based on the State’s pre-Act
    activities; rather, the Court must be able to conclude that the Legislature clearly and unambiguously expressed its
    intention for that result to obtain. The Court does not find the deliberate clarity necessary to reach that conclusion
    and therefore parts ways with the decisions reached by the trial court and Appellate Division. (pp. 24-27)
    7. Ventron underscored the Court’s awareness that the Act’s retroactivity was conditioned—it pertained only to
    those pre-Act discharges that the State cleaned up and sought reimbursement for from private parties. Far from
    supporting the position taken in this action, Ventron highlights the limited nature of the retroactivity permitted under
    the 1979 amendment. Post-Ventron, other courts of this State have recognized that not all of the Act’s provisions
    are intended to be retroactive. (pp. 27-30)
    8. Amendments made to the Spill Act in 1993 do not shore up NL’s position. That the Legislature chose to add to
    the State’s defenses for discharges on property that the State subsequently acquired does not address legislative
    intent regarding a retroactive stripping of the State’s sovereign immunity for pre-1977 liability. (pp. 30-31.)
    9. The trial court, affirmed by the Appellate Division, discerned no evidence that the Legislature intended to require
    the State’s liability under the Spill Act to be harmonized with the procedural protections provided for claims under
    the TCA. The Court agrees. Further, in response to the State’s argument that it should not be held liable when
    exercising its regulatory responsibilities or for its role as a sovereign, the Court finds no clear evidence that the Act
    was intended to strip the State of immunity for the discretionary governmental activities of a sovereign. (pp. 31-33)
    The judgment of the Appellate Division is REVERSED. The matter is REMANDED to the trial court for
    further proceedings consistent with the holding of the Court.
    JUSTICE ALBLIN, DISSENTING, expresses the view that, because there is no ambiguity about how the
    Legislature defined the term “person,” there can be no doubt that the Legislature intended the Spill Act to apply
    retroactively to the State, and sovereign immunity is a non-issue. Exonerating the State from retroactive liability for
    remediating a pre-Act toxic discharge, while all others remain jointly and severally liable, does not accord with the
    Legislature’s carefully crafted scheme of allocating fault equitably, in Justice Albin’s view.
    TIMPONE join in JUSTICE LaVECCHIA’s opinion. JUSTICE ALBIN filed a separate, dissenting opinion.
    A-44 September Term 2015
    Argued October 26, 2016 – Decided March 27, 2017
    On appeal from the Superior Court, Appellate
    Division, whose opinion is reported at 
    442 N.J. Super. 403
    (App. Div. 2015).
    David S. Frankel, Deputy Attorney General,
    argued the cause for appellant (Christopher
    S. Porrino, Attorney General of New Jersey,
    attorney; Melissa H. Raksa, Assistant
    Attorney General, of counsel).
    Christopher R. Gibson argued the cause for
    respondent (Archer & Greiner, attorneys; Mr.
    Gibson and Patrick M. Flynn, on the briefs).
    JUSTICE LaVECCHIA delivered the opinion of the Court.
    Plaintiff NL Industries, Inc. (NL), filed a claim against
    the State of New Jersey seeking contribution under the New
    Jersey Spill Compensation and Control Act (Spill Act), N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11 to -23.24, for environmental-contamination cleanup
    costs for a site in the Laurence Harbor region of Old Bridge
    Township.   The claim is based on State activity that occurred
    prior to enactment of the Spill Act.   NL alleges that the State
    was responsible for pollutant discharge for two reasons:     first,
    because the State was the owner of riparian land that became
    contaminated and polluted the Laurence Harbor shoreline; and
    second, because the State, acting as a regulator through the New
    Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), approved
    action related to the property of a third party that similarly
    is alleged to be responsible for the Laurence Harbor
    The State unsuccessfully sought dismissal of NL’s claim.
    This appeal is before us based on our grant of the State’s
    motion for leave to appeal raising novel questions.    The
    fundamental issue is whether the Spill Act retroactively
    abrogated the State’s sovereign immunity for state action taken
    prior to the Act’s 1977 effective date.   If we determine that
    the State can be liable for its activities during the pre-Spill
    Act time period, then we must decide two other questions that
    are presented in this appeal:   whether the State can be liable
    under the Spill Act for actions taken as a regulator; and
    whether State liability under the Spill Act must be harmonized
    with the New Jersey Tort Claims Act (TCA), N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 to
    12.3, which, among other things, provides the State with
    immunity from tort claims for certain categories of
    discretionary activities.
    There is no dispute in this appeal that, effective with
    enactment of the Spill Act, the State is responsible under the
    Act for its discharges because the State is included in the
    Spill Act’s definition of a “person” potentially liable.
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b.   The contest here centers on whether a
    series of subsequent amendments made to the Spill Act, which
    allowed the Act some retroactive application and which created
    opportunities for private contribution actions, have rendered
    the State liable for activities that occurred before the Act
    became effective.
    Based on careful review of the Act as enacted and as
    serially amended, we conclude that the Spill Act contains no
    clear expression of a legislative intent to waive the State’s
    sovereign immunity retroactively to cover periods of State
    activity prior to the Spill Act’s enactment.   Absent a clear and
    specific indication that the Legislature intended to impose a
    retroactive liability that could have profound impact on the
    fiscal affairs of the State, retroactive waiver of the State’s
    sovereign immunity for Spill Act contribution claims concerning
    pre-Act activities will not be inferred.
    Therefore, on the fundamental issue in this appeal, we hold
    that the State’s sovereign immunity prevails against Spill Act
    contribution claims based on State activities that occurred
    prior to the original effective date of that Act.   The judgment
    of the Appellate Division is reversed, and this matter is
    remanded to the trial court for proceedings consistent with the
    holding of this Court.
    Because this case comes before us on interlocutory appeal
    from the denial of the State’s motion to dismiss plaintiff’s
    complaint, we rely on facts gleaned from the pleadings.1    This
    matter is factually and procedurally complex; we recite those
    facts and procedural steps that are necessary to place the legal
    issue in context.
    The case concerns the contamination of the Laurence Harbor
    shoreline, a part of Raritan Bay, in Old Bridge Township
    (Township).   In the early 1960s, the State of New Jersey, along
    with the Township, retained the services of the United States
    Army Corps of Engineers (Army Corps of Engineers) to build
    structures to protect the Laurence Harbor beach from erosion.
    One such protective measure included the building of a levee and
    the placement of beach fill on riparian land owned by the State.
    The Army Corps of Engineers completed the project in 1966.
    1 In the posture of this appeal, we treat hospitably all of NL’s
    factual allegations. Printing Mart-Morristown v. Sharp Elecs.
    116 N.J. 739
    , 746 (1989).
    In September 1968, Sea-Land Development Corporation (Sea-
    Land), which had earlier acquired land in Laurence Harbor for
    development, notified the State of its plans to protect Laurence
    Harbor from future erosion by the construction of a seawall,
    which would be made partly with “slag,” an industrial byproduct.
    Sea-Land needed a grant of riparian land from the State in order
    to construct its wall.
    In December 1969, the Natural Resources Council of the
    NJDEP approved a riparian land grant to Sea-Land subject to
    several conditions, including that Sea-Land build a beach,
    consistent with Army Corps of Engineers regulations, and allow
    public access to the beach.   At around the same time, acting
    through the NJDEP, the State, with the approval of the Township
    and the Army Corps of Engineers, issued a permit to Sea-Land to
    build the seawall.   Sea-Land accepted the conditions of the
    riparian grant in 1970 and, thereafter, began construction.
    Sea-Land completed the project during the early 1970s,
    using slag on both the seawall and an existing jetty that the
    Army Corps of Engineers had constructed during the 1880s.     The
    seawall was situated on land owned by Sea-Land as well as land
    owned by the State, and the State held, and still retains, an
    ownership interest in the jetty.
    During the construction, a Township official informed the
    Chief of the NJDEP Bureau of Solid Waste Management that slag
    was being dumped into Raritan Bay.     During the fall of 1972,
    various divisions of the NJDEP examined the reported information
    and, in March 1973, the State, the Township, and the Army Corps
    of Engineers met to discuss the slag issue.     At the time, the
    State acknowledged ownership of some of the land on which Sea-
    Land built the seawall; from the record, it does not appear that
    further action was taken at the time.
    In 2007, the NJDEP detected contamination along the seawall
    in Laurence Harbor.     The NJDEP reported its findings to the
    United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in June
    2008.     The EPA investigated and then, in 2009, placed Laurence
    Harbor on a national list of contaminated sites.     In May 2013,
    the EPA issued a Record of Decision on the matter, selecting a
    cleanup and removal remedy for the hazardous material in Raritan
    Bay, including the Laurence Harbor seawall and jetty, that was
    estimated to cost $79 million overall.
    In January 2014, the EPA2 demanded that NL, which had
    operated a factory in Perth Amboy that created slag as a
    byproduct, remediate the site based on the assertion that Sea-
    Land had obtained from NL slag used in the Laurence Harbor
    projects.     NL thereafter filed a state court complaint seeking
    2  The EPA acted pursuant to its authority under Section 106(a)
    of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
    Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C.A. §§ 9601 to 9675.
    contribution from the State under the Spill Act, alleging that
    the State caused or contributed to the Raritan Bay contamination
    in its roles as regulator and riparian landowner.
    Procedurally, NL’s claim unfolded through motion practice.
    With discovery not yet completed, the State filed a motion to
    dismiss NL’s claim based on:    (1) sovereign immunity; (2) the
    common law immunities codified in the TCA, as well as the TCA’s
    procedural protections; and (3) NL’s failure to state a claim
    against the State.3
    The trial court denied the State’s motion.      NL Indus., Inc.
    v. State, 
    442 N.J. Super. 428
    , 449 (Law Div. 2014), aff’d, 
    442 N.J. Super. 403
    (App. Div. 2015).      First, the court determined
    that the Spill Act provided a clear and unambiguous waiver of
    the State’s sovereign immunity.     
    Id. at 442.
      The court noted
    that the State is listed as a potentially liable “person,” and
    that the Legislature did not “immunize or exclude” the State
    from the list of “persons” from whom a discharger may seek
    contribution when amending the Act in 1991 to allow for
    contribution actions.   
    Ibid. For further support,
    the trial
    court relied on Department of Environmental Protection v.
    3  The State filed an answer and counterclaim later in this
    matter, after its motion to dismiss was denied by the trial
    court and while its motion for leave to appeal to the Appellate
    Division was pending.
    Ventron Corp., 
    94 N.J. 473
    (1983), in which Spill Act liability
    was imposed for the pre-enactment activities of private
    responsible parties sued by the NJDEP to recover costs expended
    by the Spill Fund to clean up those private parties’ pre-Act
    Id. at 441.
      The trial court cited Ventron for the
    proposition that this Court has recognized a legislative intent
    that the Act be applied retroactively.         
    Ibid. Combining the Act’s
    abrogation of sovereign immunity with that interpretation
    of Ventron’s holding, the trial court concluded that the State’s
    sovereign immunity from liability for pre-Act discharges was
    Id. at 441-42.
    Second, the trial court declined to read the Spill Act in
    pari materia with the TCA and accordingly refused to bar NL’s
    claim based on noncompliance with the TCA’s procedural
    Id. at 446-47.
       The court found that the two
    statutes “were enacted at different times for demonstrably
    different reasons.”    
    Id. at 445.
          Determining it unnecessary to
    harmonize the two statutory schemes, the court declined to graft
    onto the Spill Act the immunities and procedural protections of
    the TCA.   
    Id. at 446-47.
    Finally, the trial court held that NL’s factual allegations
    established a reasonable nexus between the State’s conduct and
    the slag contamination and rejected the State’s argument that
    the complaint failed to state a claim.         
    Id. at 448-49.
    On leave to appeal granted to the State, the Appellate
    Division affirmed the denial of the State’s motion in a brief
    opinion that relied substantially on the reasons set forth by
    the trial court.   NL Indus., Inc. v. State, 
    442 N.J. Super. 403
    404-05 (App. Div. 2015).   We granted the State’s motion for
    leave to appeal from the Appellate Division judgment.
    The issues raised in the State’s motion for leave to appeal
    were set forth at the outset of this opinion.   The parties’
    arguments before this Court are substantially the same as those
    presented to the courts below.    To the extent elaboration is
    required, the arguments are included directly in our analysis of
    this matter.
    We begin with the fundamental statutory question before us
    -- whether the Spill Act retroactively strips the State of its
    sovereign immunity for pre-Spill Act activities.    To address
    that question, we turn to the Spill Act’s relevant provisions
    when first enacted and how those provisions are illuminated
    through the amendments made to the Act.
    In 1976, the New Jersey Legislature enacted the Spill Act.
    L. 1976, c. 141 (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11 to –23.24).
    The innovative nature and breadth of that enactment has been
    examined by this Court before.     See, e.g., Morristown Assocs. v.
    Grant Oil Co., 
    220 N.J. 360
    , 364-65 (2015) (collecting cases).
    From its origin, the Act provided that “any person”
    responsible for a discharge of a hazardous substance into State
    waters or onto lands leading to those waters “shall be strictly
    liable . . . for all cleanup and removal costs.”     L. 1976, c.
    141, § 8(c).   Section 8 of the original enactment rendered the
    Act’s newly created non-lapsing fund (Spill Fund or the Fund),
    see L. 1976, c. 141, § 10, strictly liable, without fault, for
    all costs of cleanup and removal of such discharges and for all
    direct and indirect damages stemming from the removal of
    hazardous discharges, L. 1976, c. 141, § 8(a).     Removal and
    cleanup activities were placed under NJDEP control through
    Section 7 of the Act.     See L. 1976, c. 141, § 7 (codified at
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f).    Section 8 established the liability
    provisions of the Spill Act (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g).
    From its inception, the Act defined “any person” to include
    “the State of New Jersey.”    L. 1976, c. 141, § 3(n) (codified at
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b).    The inclusion of the State in the
    definition of “person” signaled the Legislature’s clear
    intention to include the State as a party responsible for its
    hazardous discharges and brought about the waiver of sovereign
    immunity for this new breed of statutory liability that repealed
    and supplanted previous water-pollution legislation.     See
    Ventron, supra
    , 94 N.J. at 494-97 (canvassing history of state
    anti-water-pollution statutes leading to Spill Act).    The
    predecessor statute to the Spill Act had not included the State
    in its definition of a liable “person.”     See L. 1971, c. 173,
    § 3(g) (omitting “State” from “persons” subject to predecessor
    Water Quality Improvement Act of 1971).
    The Act defined “discharge” as an “intentional or
    unintentional action or omission resulting in the releasing . .
    . of hazardous substance.”     L. 1976, c. 141, § 3(h) (codified at
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b).     A unique structure was created for
    addressing the prompt remediation of hazardous substances
    discharged “into the waters of the State or onto lands from
    which [those substances] might flow or drain into” such waters.
    Ibid. The Legislature created
    a Spill Fund “to finance . . .
    cleanup of oil spills and hazardous-waste discharges and to
    compensate” for damages caused by those discharges.     Buonviaggio
    v. Hillsborough Twp. Comm., 
    122 N.J. 5
    , 8 (1991) (citing
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11a); see 
    id. at 8-10
    (describing history of
    revolving fund established for cleanups and damages and how
    subsequent legislative alterations expanded its fiscal base).
    A Fund administrator controlled disbursements from the Fund
    and, originally, was authorized to seek reimbursement to the
    Fund from parties responsible for use of Fund monies for cleanup
    and removal costs; later, broad responsibility was transferred
    to the NJDEP, which became responsible for operation and
    implementation, as well as protection of the Fund’s purse.       See
    id. at 9-10.
      Cleanup and removal costs, placed under
    the control of the NJDEP, were defined originally in the Act as
    all costs associated with a discharge incurred
    by the State or its political subdivisions or
    their agents or any person with written
    approval from [the NJDEP] in the (1) removal
    or attempted removal of hazardous substances
    or, (2) taking of reasonable measures to
    prevent or mitigate damages to the public
    health, safety, or welfare . . . .
    [L. 1976, c. 141, § 3(d).]
    Thus, as initially created, the Spill Act established a
    scheme by which “most cleanup actions would be conducted by DEP
    using monies from the Spill Fund where needed.”     Morristown
    Assocs., supra
    , 220 N.J. at 375.     The Act made “[t]he fund . . .
    strictly liable, without regard to fault, for all cleanup and
    removal costs.”   L. 1976, c. 141, § 8(a).   Section 7 of the Act
    authorized the NJDEP to draw from monies available in the Fund
    to remove or to arrange for the removal and cleanup of hazardous
    substances, and to minimize the damage caused by the discharge.
    And the Fund administrator, later the NJDEP, was authorized to
    seek reimbursement to the Fund from parties responsible for the
    discharge, if the discharger did not clean up his or her own
    contamination pursuant to a plan approved by the NJDEP.
    Significantly for purposes of this appeal, the Act’s
    definition of “person” as inclusive of the State has never been
    altered.   The unchanging nature of that term within the Spill
    Act features prominently in NL’s argument in this matter.
    Because NL’s position was adopted by the trial court and the
    Appellate Division, whose decision we now review, we begin by
    summarizing NL’s arguments.
    NL contends that the plain language of the Spill Act’s
    definition of a “person,” which includes the State among
    entities potentially responsible for a hazardous discharge,
    supports its argument that the State may now be held to be
    retroactively liable for pre-Act discharges.    NL maintains that
    because the Act has been amended to permit private contribution
    actions against a potentially responsible party for a discharge
    that predates passage of the Act, such an action may now be
    brought against the State like any other “person” liable under
    the Act.   Based on its plain reading of the current version of
    the Spill Act, particularly its provisions related to
    contribution actions and the definition of “person,” NL contends
    that the Legislature has authorized a retroactive waiver of the
    State’s sovereign immunity for pre-Act activities by the State
    that relate to discharges in Laurence Harbor.   NL also contends
    that this Court’s opinion in Ventron supports its position.
    The State, on the other hand, contests the correctness of
    NL’s plain language interpretation.     The State further argues
    that NL misinterprets the meaning of the Legislature’s
    amendments to the Act and how those alterations fit together
    concerning the State’s liability.     Also, the State maintains
    that Ventron is being overextended in NL’s argument.     Moreover,
    the State asserts that a retroactive waiver of sovereign
    immunity is strongly disfavored and requires the clearest of
    showings to demonstrate such a legislative intent.     That clarity
    of intent is missing here, according to the State.
    The merits of the arguments advanced require an evaluation
    of the series of amendments that are asserted to have authorized
    retroactive application of State liability under the Spill Act.
    We next trace the history of the pertinent amendments.
    In 1979, the Legislature amended the Spill Act in several
    important ways.
    Section 8 of the Act -- the provision addressing liability
    -- was amended to impose strict liability on “[a]ny person who
    has discharged a hazardous substance or is in any way
    responsible for any hazardous substance which [the NJDEP] has
    removed or is removing” pursuant to Section 7(b) of the 1979
    amendments.   L. 1979, c. 346, § 5(c) (codified at N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11g(c)(1)) (new material in bold and underlined).
    Section 7 of the Act -- the provision addressing NJDEP
    authority under the Act -- was modified to clarify the nature of
    the NJDEP’s responsibility for cleanups.   L. 1979, c. 346, § 4
    (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f).   With additions in bold and
    underlined and omissions in angle brackets, the provision was
    amended to read as follows:
    Whenever    any   hazardous    substance    is
    discharged, the department [i.e., the NJDEP]
     may in its discretion act to remove or
    arrange for the removal of such discharge or
    may direct the discharger to remove, or
    arrange for the removal of, such discharge<,
    unless it determines such removal will be done
    properly and expeditiously by the owner or
    operator of the major facility or any source
    from which the discharge occurs>.          Any
    discharger who fails to comply with such a
    directive shall be liable to the [NJDEP] in an
    amount equal to three times the cost of such
    [L. 1979, c. 346, § 4(a) (codified at N.J.S.A.
    The collective effect of those amendments converted the
    NJDEP’s mandatory cleanup duty into a discretionary duty, in
    practical recognition that the NJDEP could not effectively
    manage the remediation of all hazardous discharges implicated
    under the Spill Act.   The amendments enabled the NJDEP to order
    a responsible party to commence cleanup in its stead.      The
    trebling of costs, should a discharger fail to comply with the
    NJDEP’s order, incentivized compliance with the NJDEP’s expanded
    range of cleanup options.
    In the same set of amendments, the Legislature further
    amended Section 7 -- again, the section addressing NJDEP
    authority -- to include a wholly new provision allowing the
    NJDEP to clean up and remediate spills that occurred prior to
    the Act’s original passage.   That 1979 addition addressed, for
    the first time, a retroactive application of the Act to
    hazardous discharges that occurred before the Act’s enactment.
    The Legislature inserted this important new authorization for a
    retroactive application of the Spill Act not into the liability
    section -- Section 8 of the Act -- but rather into Section 7,
    thereby amplifying the NJDEP’s authority to remediate certain
    ancient discharges, subject to the availability of Spill Fund
    monies.   The new subsection added the following:
    b.   Notwithstanding any other provisions of
    [the Spill Act], the [NJDEP], after notifying
    the administrator and subject to the approval
    of the administrator with regard to the
    availability of funds therefor, may remove or
    arrange for the removal of any hazardous
    substance which:
    . . . .
    (3) Has been discharged prior to the effective
    date of the act to which this act is
    amendatory,   if   such  discharge   poses   a
    substantial risk of imminent damage to the
    public health or safety or imminent and severe
    damage to the environment.
    [L. 1979, c. 346, § 4(b) (codified at N.J.S.A.
    That latter addition -- clarifying that a retrospective
    application to the Act was permissible -- constitutes the
    legislative step that first allowed Fund monies to be used to
    clean up discharges that occurred before the enactment of the
    Spill Act.     See 
    Buonviaggio, supra
    , 122 N.J. at 10 (citing
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(b)(3)).     An accompanying committee
    statement memorialized the 1979 amendment’s aim to “open the
    fund to ancient . . . spills which pose a threat to the public
    health and safety.”     Gen. Assem. Agric. and Envtl. Comm.,
    Statement to Gen. Assem. No. 3542 (1979).
    Thus, the 1979 amendments settled an unresolved question
    about whether the State was authorized to expend Fund resources
    remediating discharges that predated the Act’s existence.       See
    Atl. City Mun. Utils. Auth. v. Hunt, 
    210 N.J. Super. 76
    , 87
    (App. Div. 1986); Dep’t of Envtl. Prot. v. J.T. Baker Co., 
    234 N.J. Super. 234
    , 247 (Ch. Div. 1989) (noting importance of
    clarity provided by 1979 amendments to Spill Act), aff’d, 
    246 N.J. Super. 224
    (App. Div. 1991).      Notably, when the Legislature
    opened up the Fund’s use for remediation of spills that occurred
    4  The language in Section 7(b) was later simplified to refer to
    discharges that occurred “prior to the effective date of P.L.
    1976, c. 141.”
    before the Spill Act was enacted, the Legislature coupled that
    action with the expansion of NJDEP authority to seek
    contribution from non-public funding sources:   namely, parties
    in any way responsible for the discharge that the NJDEP removed
    or was removing.   See L. 1979, c. 346, §§ 4, 5.   In that pointed
    way, liability was expanded to permit the State to seek
    contribution from persons responsible for, among other
    discharges, those pre-Spill Act enactment discharges that the
    NJDEP chose to address.   In that manner, retroactivity found
    express authorization in the Act, but only under N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    The other amendment of significance in our analysis
    occurred in April 1991, when the Legislature revisited the
    liability section of the Spill Act.   See N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11g(c)(1).   That amendment is set forth in full, with
    additions in bold and underlined and omissions in angle brackets
    to facilitate identification of the alterations to the
    Any person who has discharged a hazardous
    substance, or is in any way responsible for
    any hazardous substance , shall be strictly
    liable, jointly and severally, without regard
    to fault, for all cleanup and removal costs no
    matter by whom incurred.     Such person shall
    also   be   strictly    liable,   jointly   and
    severally, without regard to fault, for all
    cleanup and removal costs incurred by the
    [NJDEP] or a local unit pursuant to [N.J.S.A.
    [L. 1991, c. 85, § 4(c) (codified at N.J.S.A.
    In addition to that amendment, the 1991 amendment expanded
    Section 7 to permit the expenditure of Fund monies to local
    governmental units, when acting in an emergency response
    situation and with the approval of the NJDEP, for the removal of
    hazardous substances.   L. 1991, c. 85, § 3 (codified at N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11f(b)); see also 
    id. at §§
    5, 6 (amending N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11o and -23.11q to permit Fund administrator to seek
    fund reimbursement in such settings and limiting proof
    requirements in such actions).   Legislative statements issued in
    connection with the 1991 amendments primarily focused on a
    legislative intent to enable municipalities to recover costs in
    responding to the discharge of hazardous substances; none
    referred directly to the changes made to N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11g(c)(1).   See Sen. Envtl. Quality Comm., Statement to Sen.
    No. 1928 (1990); Gen. Assem. Energy & Env’t Comm., Statement to
    Sen. No. 1928 (1990); Sponsor’s Statement to Sen. No. 1928
    Thus, the legislative history is silent on the relationship
    between the 1991 amendment and its connection to contribution
    actions against the State generally, and with respect to pre-Act
    activities by the State, in particular.     It is debatable from
    the combination of amendments to the Act in 1991, and
    accompanying legislative statements, whether the change in the
    first sentence of N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)(1) -- to “no matter
    by whom incurred” -- signaled a broadly intended opening-up of
    contribution actions under N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(a)(2)(a)
    against any and all dischargers, including the State, for
    hazardous discharges that preceded enactment of the Spill Act.
    Only the second sentence of this amendment contains a reference
    to N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f, and N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(b)(3) is
    where one finds the Act’s singular reference to retroactive
    application of Spill Act liability to pre-Act discharges.
    Longstanding principles of statutory interpretation favor
    the prospective application of statutes.      Gibbons v. Gibbons, 
    86 N.J. 515
    , 521 (1981) (recognizing principle that statutes are
    presumed to apply prospectively).      Statutes have received
    retroactive application when:   (1) the Legislature explicitly
    expressed its intent to have the statute apply retroactively, or
    impliedly did so because retroactivity is “necessary to make the
    statute workable”; (2) a curative or ameliorative statute is
    involved; or (3) the reasonable “expectations of the parties . .
    . warrant retroactive application of a statute.”      
    Id. at 522-23;
    see also Twiss v. State, 
    124 N.J. 461
    , 467 (1991) (same).      The
    latter two categories of potential retroactive application are
    not implicated in this appeal.
    In the subset of legislative action modifying existing law,
    a new law is treated as presumptively prospective in application
    “unless there is an unequivocal expression of contrary
    legislative intent.”   Dewey v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 
    121 N.J. 69
    , 95 (1990) (internal quotation marks omitted).       In the
    narrower arena of legislation effecting a waiver of sovereign
    immunity, the presumption against retroactive application is
    even stronger due to protective policies pertaining to sovereign
    It is well settled that “the State may not be sued in [its
    own] courts without its consent.”     Taylor v. N.J. Highway Auth.,
    22 N.J. 454
    , 466-67 (1956) (collecting cases).    It is an
    essential aspect of sovereignty to be free from suit by private
    citizens seeking money damages unless the State has given its
    consent, Lodor v. Baker, Arnold & Co., 
    39 N.J.L. 49
    , 50 (Sup.
    Ct. 1876), which requires a clear legislative expression of
    intent to be subject to suit, N.J. Interstate Bridge & Tunnel
    Comm’n v. Jersey City, 
    93 N.J. Eq. 550
    , 553 (Ch. 1922)
    (requiring strict construction of statutes in abrogation of
    sovereign immunity because such statutes “are not permitted to
    divest the state or its government of any of its prerogatives,
    rights or remedies, unless the intention of the legislature to
    effect such object is clearly expressed in the statute”).       In
    other words, a legislative waiver of sovereign immunity must be
    expressed clearly and unambiguously, Allen v. Fauver, 
    167 N.J. 69
    , 77-78 (2001), and a retroactive waiver of sovereign immunity
    requires the clearest of expression.
    This Court has taken care with any retroactive application
    of the waiver of sovereign immunity when the issue has arisen.
    Such care was taken, for example, in the seminal case involving
    the waiver of sovereign immunity from common law tort actions,
    Willis v. Department of Conservation & Economic Development, 
    55 N.J. 534
    In Willis, after years of growing dissatisfaction with
    application of common law sovereign immunity, this Court
    announced that it would begin to hear tort liability claims
    against the State, subject to the Legislature’s determination to
    satisfy the adjudicated claims.    
    Id. at 537-38,
    541.   In a
    companion case, the Court similarly determined to entertain
    contract claims against the State.     P, T & L Constr. Co. v.
    Comm’r, Dep’t of Transp., 
    55 N.J. 341
    (1970).    The Court
    observed that the Legislature had been slow to draft a
    “comprehensive legislative solution” to liability against the
    sovereign and, therefore, the Court asserted that it was “time
    for the judiciary to accept . . . responsibility and adjudicate
    the tort liability of the State itself.”    
    Willis, supra
    , 55 N.J.
    at 539-40.   The Legislature swiftly responded with the TCA and
    the Contractual Liability Act in 1972.     L. 1972, c. 45 (codified
    at N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 to 14-4).
    Notably, in 
    Willis, supra
    , this Court scrupulously avoided
    any retroactive application of its holding abrogating sovereign
    immunity -- to the extent it permitted the adjudication of
    claims -- by denying that privilege to earlier-in-time 
    claims. 55 N.J. at 541
    .   The Willis Court cited strong fiscal and policy
    reasons for refusing to allow acceptance of other already
    existing claims, including that there were no appropriations to
    pay the obligations or to handle the caseload that might ensue
    and that the Legislature might wish to enact procedural and
    substantive limitations on the right to recover; therefore, the
    Court postponed implementation of its decision, except as to the
    championing successful plaintiff, for more than eight months to
    allow the Legislature to act.   Ibid.; see also Rochinsky v.
    Dep’t of Transp., 
    110 N.J. 399
    , 414 (1988) (considering whether
    common law immunity for snow removal survived TCA adoption and
    concluding that “[a]bsent a clear and specific indication that
    the Legislature intended to impose a liability that could have
    such a radical impact on the fiscal affairs of public entities,”
    TCA did not establish clear enough legislative expression to
    have abrogated that protective immunity).
    We now proceed to determine whether the Legislature clearly
    and unambiguously intended to abrogate, retroactively, the
    State’s sovereign immunity for activities that occurred prior to
    enactment of the Spill Act.
    It is clear that the inclusion of the State in the
    definition of “person” subject to the Act when first enacted did
    not render the State liable for any pre-enactment activities.
    The Act, as originally passed, did not address discharges that
    predated enactment.    Although the Legislature did not
    subsequently alter the definition of “person” to exclude the
    State despite the amendment to permit private contribution
    actions for pre-Act discharges, that failure, contrary to NL’s
    argument, does not in and of itself provide any convincing
    answer to the question of retroactive abrogation of sovereign
    immunity.5   The provisions of the Act must be understood
    together.    To do that, the amendments must be examined in light
    of the legislative intent animating the amendments layered onto
    this complex piece of legislation.
    As noted, retroactivity was not introduced into the Act
    until the 1979 amendments did so, and then only for the limited
    5  Our dissenting colleague’s plain language analysis glosses
    over the central question in this appeal -- namely, whether
    sovereign immunity was intended to be retroactively abrogated.
    purpose of augmenting NJDEP authority by allowing the NJDEP to
    access Spill Fund monies for cleanups of discharges that
    occurred before the enactment of the Spill Act.     
    Buonviaggio, supra
    , 122 N.J. at 10.     To the extent that the liability section
    was amended at the same time, we can perceive, clearly, only the
    following:    the Legislature coupled its amendatory “retroactive”
    action concerning pre-Act discharges, which could now provide a
    basis for the drawdown of Spill Fund monies, with an expansion
    of a liability that the NJDEP could pursue to replenish the
    Fund.    Liability was expanded to permit the State to seek
    contribution from persons responsible for the pre-Spill Act
    discharges that the NJDEP chose to address.
    We fail to see from that combination of amendments in 1979
    any basis for establishing any legislative intent whatsoever --
    let alone a clear or unambiguous intent -- to abrogate the
    sovereign immunity otherwise applicable to the State’s
    activities occurring before the Act became effective in 1977.
    Nor do the 1991 amendments provide that necessary clarity.
    There is no trail between the altered language in Section 8’s
    liability provision, deleting reference to the NJDEP’s removal
    of hazardous substances “pursuant to subsection b. of section 7”
    and adding “no matter by whom incurred,” and the contribution
    section contained in Section 7 (N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(a)(2)(a)),
    that leads directly to the conclusion that the Legislature was
    opening the State to contribution actions for its pre-Spill Act
    activities as landowner or regulator.    Such a conclusion must be
    clearly and unambiguously expressed, and here we do not have
    anything close to that clarity.
    Likewise, the 1991 amendments’ legislative statements do
    not establish that the change in language in the first sentence
    of N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)(1) -- to “no matter by whom
    incurred” -- conveyed with the necessary precision a legislative
    intent to open up contribution actions under N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11f(a)(2)(a) against any and all dischargers, including the
    State, for hazardous discharges that preceded enactment of the
    Spill Act.     A broad, new, retroactive application for
    contribution actions involving pre-Act discharges is at odds
    with, or at the least appears to render redundant, the second
    sentence to the amendment, which expressly refers to cleanups by
    the NJDEP or a local governmental unit pursuant to N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11f.     And, as previously noted, only that second
    sentence refers to N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f, and N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11f(b)(3) is where one finds the Act’s singular reference to
    retroactive application of Spill Act liability to pre-Act
    6  The dissent’s statutory analysis never accounts for this
    limited, singular reference to retroactivity in the logic of its
    plain language interpretation.
    The question is not whether it is arguable that the
    Legislature passed an amendment that could be construed to
    provide a pathway to imposing liability on the State in a
    private contribution action based on the State’s pre-Act
    activities; rather, we must be able to conclude that the
    Legislature clearly and unambiguously expressed its intention
    for that result to obtain.     We do not find the deliberate
    clarity necessary to reach that conclusion and therefore part
    ways with the decisions reached by the trial court and Appellate
    To the extent it is relied upon, 
    Ventron, supra
    , does not
    lend support to the proposition that the Spill Act subjects the
    State to retroactive liability for pre-Spill Act activities.      
    94 N.J. 473
    Ventron’s setting was an action brought by the State
    against private parties responsible for a discharge whose
    cleanup the State had addressed, notwithstanding that the
    discharge predated the original enactment of the Spill Act.       
    Id. at 485.
        In the course of the opinion, the Court tracked the
    Act’s consistency with earlier water-pollution statutes
    applicable to private parties up through the Water Quality
    Improvement Act of 1971, which the Spill Act repealed and
    supplanted, and addressed the 1979 amendment that allowed for
    retroactive application of liability.      
    Id. at 494-97.
    Critically, the Court noted that the 1979 amendment “imposed
    strict liability on any person ‘who has discharged a hazardous
    substance or is in any way responsible for any hazardous
    substance’ removed by DEP.”    
    Id. at 494
    (quoting N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11g(c)).   The Court’s paraphrase of the closing language to
    the sentence taken from the 1979 amendment underscored the
    Court’s awareness that the retroactivity was conditioned on that
    important feature -- it pertained only to those pre-Act
    discharges that the State cleaned up and sought reimbursement
    for from private parties.     See 
    id. at 487,
    494.   Far from
    supporting the position taken in this action, Ventron highlights
    the limited nature of the retroactivity permitted under the 1979
    amendment.    The decision in Ventron did not purport to speak to
    all permutations of retroactive application of the Spill Act.
    Post-Ventron, other courts of this State properly have
    built their holdings carefully from the contextual holding
    provided by Ventron, avoiding any broad interpretation of the
    Act based on generalized statements about retroactivity
    contained in the Court’s opinion.      Such decisions have
    recognized that not all of the Act’s provisions are intended to
    be retroactive.
    The Appellate Division considered Ventron’s effect on pre-
    Act claims against the Spill Fund in 
    Hunt, supra
    , where the
    Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) filed a claim
    against the Spill Fund “to recover cleanup and removal costs
    incurred because of [an] environmental hazard created” at a
    landfill adjacent to MUA wells prior to the Act’s 
    enactment. 210 N.J. Super. at 78-79
    , 92.   The panel held that the Spill
    Fund need not reimburse the MUA for its cleanup of the wells
    because it found “no indication in the Act’s history that the
    Legislature was originally thinking of generally covering
    discharges which occurred before the existence of the Act,” and
    instead found that “the strict liability provision of N.J.S.A.
    58:10-23.11g(a) was prospective except with regard to [NJ]DEP’s
    ability to recover for its cleanup and removal costs incurred in
    removing hazardous substances discharged before the passage of
    the Act.”   
    Id. at 90,
    91 (emphasis added).7
    Notably, the Hunt panel appropriately rejected the argument
    that the Ventron “statement that the Legislature expressly
    intended the Act to be given retroactive effect” meant that “all
    provisions of the Act should be given retroactive effect”
    7  The Hunt court emphasized the fact that the 1979 Legislature
    “decided to give [NJ]DEP the power to clean up pre-Act
    discharges and simultaneously allowed it to recover from the
    fund” when it added L. 1979, c. 346, § 4 (now codified at
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(b)(3)), and amended L. 1979, c. 346, § 5
    (now codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)), such that the 1979
    amendments were meant to permit only the NJDEP to recover its
    cleanup costs for pre-Act spills. 
    Hunt, supra
    , 210 N.J. Super.
    at 87-88, 92 (emphasis added).
    because that reading of Ventron takes the statement out of
    Id. at 93,
    94.   See also J.T. Baker 
    Co., supra
    , 234
    N.J. Super. at 242, 246 (finding that Spill Act’s penalty
    provisions did not apply retroactively despite Ventron because
    Ventron’s holding as to one provision “d[id] not mean that the
    entire statute was intended to have retrospective application,”
    particularly when such retroactivity “would serve no . . .
    rational purpose”); cf. Handy & Harman v. Borough of Park Ridge,
    302 N.J. Super. 558
    , 565 (App. Div.) (noting that only certain
    “portions of the Spill Act have been held to be retroactive”),
    certif. denied, 
    152 N.J. 10
    Finally, we note that, although relied upon by NL,
    amendments made to the Spill Act in 1993 do not shore up NL’s
    position that the Legislature deliberately intended for the
    State to be stripped of its sovereign immunity and liable for
    State activities predating the Act’s original effective date in
    The 1993 Legislature amended the Act to provide a defense
    for governmental entities that acquire land “by virtue of
    [their] function[s] as sovereign[s]” when that land had been
    contaminated prior to the acquisition.     L. 1993, c. 139, § 44
    (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(d)).     The defense is
    unavailable to entities that “caused or contributed to the
    discharge of a hazardous substance.”     
    Ibid. That amendment provides
    no clarity on legislative intent to
    retroactively impose liability under the Act for actions
    predating 1977.     The State concedes that it was stripped of its
    sovereign immunity for conduct occurring since the Act first
    became effective.    Thus, the State could have acquired property
    by virtue of its function as a sovereign both before and after
    the Act’s 1977 effective date.    That the Legislature chose to
    add to the State’s defenses for discharges on property that the
    State subsequently acquired does not address, let alone clearly
    answer, the question of legislative intent regarding a
    retroactive stripping of the State’s sovereign immunity for pre-
    1977 liability.8
    Although our holding rejecting retroactive imposition of
    liability under the Act on the State for pre-1977 activities
    answers the fundamental question in this matter, we add the
    following for completeness.
    8  Although this Court stated in Morristown 
    Associates, supra
    220 N.J. at 381, that N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(a)(2)(a) limits a
    contribution defendant’s “defenses to liability,” that
    limitation does not extend to immunities, as the Act elsewhere
    separately acknowledges immunities as distinct from defenses.
    See N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g3(d).
    The trial court, affirmed by the Appellate Division,
    discerned no evidence that the Legislature intended to require
    the State’s liability under the Spill Act to be harmonized with
    the procedural protections provided for claims under the TCA.
    We agree.    As the trial court stated, “[t]he Spill Act and the
    TCA were enacted at different times for demonstrably different
    reasons.”    NL Indus., 
    Inc., supra
    , 442 N.J. Super. at 445.
    Because the statutes serve different ends, the trial court
    determined it would be inappropriate to impose on Spill Act
    plaintiffs seeking contribution from the State for its
    affirmative discharges the obligation to satisfy the TCA’s
    notice-of-claim requirements.    
    Id. at 447
    n.10 (citing, for
    additional support, Owens v. Feigin, 
    194 N.J. 607
    , 613-14
    (2008)).    We add that guidance in order to avoid confusion in
    contribution claims pertaining to State discharges post-
    enactment of the Spill Act.
    Further, the State forcefully argued that the State should
    not be held liable when exercising its regulatory
    responsibilities or for its role as a sovereign.    See Amelchenko
    v. Borough of Freehold, 
    42 N.J. 541
    , 550 (1964) (“It cannot be a
    tort for government to govern.”).
    The State advanced that argument to underscore the
    absurdity that it perceived would occur were the State held to
    be retroactively stripped of its pre-Act sovereign immunity and
    determined to be potentially liable for discharges into the
    waters and related lands hundreds of years into the past.     The
    State also relied on that argument to maintain that the
    liability section, which includes those who are “in any way
    responsible” for discharges of hazardous substances, should not
    be interpreted so broadly, and in conflict with the TCA’s
    continued maintenance of immunity for discretionary activities.
    See N.J.S.A. 59:2-3.   We note that plaintiff conceded during
    oral argument in this matter that the State, when acting as a
    regulator, cannot be liable for others’ discharges.
    In light of the fact that the State’s regulatory actions in
    this matter all preceded the original passage of the Spill Act,
    we add, concededly in dicta, only that we can find no clear
    evidence in the legislative history of the Act that it was
    intended to strip the State of immunity for the discretionary
    governmental activities of a sovereign.
    The judgment of the Appellate Division is reversed, and the
    matter is remanded to the trial court for proceedings consistent
    with the holding of the Court.
    ALBIN filed a separate, dissenting opinion.
    A-44 September Term 2015
    JUSTICE ALBIN dissenting.
    Today, the majority holds that the State has no cleanup
    liability for its discharge of toxic pollutants onto New
    Jersey’s lands before passage of the New Jersey Spill
    Compensation and Control Act (Spill Act), N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11
    to -23.24.     The majority concludes that only private parties are
    responsible for cleaning up pre-Spill Act toxic discharges.
    In passing and amending the Spill Act, however, the
    Legislature made no distinction between the State and private
    parties as toxic dischargers or owners of contaminated
    properties.    Both the State and private parties are defined as a
    “person” for purposes of the Act.      See N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b.
    Under the Spill Act, when the State and private parties are
    polluters, they have an equal responsibility to remediate
    contamination that threatens the health of our citizens and the
    integrity of our environment.    Property contaminated before
    1977, and not remediated, whether a school ground, a park, or a
    beach retention wall, is a threat to public health, even when
    the State is the polluter.
    In Department of Environmental Protection v. Ventron Corp.,
    we stated, “the Legislature has expressly declared that the
    Spill Act should be given retroactive effect.”   
    94 N.J. 473
    , 498
    (1983).   We specifically held in Ventron that the Legislature
    “established retroactive strict liability” against any “person”
    -- a term that includes the State -- for a hazardous-substance
    discharge, which the New Jersey Department of Environmental
    Protection (NJDEP) is cleaning up or has cleaned up.     
    Id. at 497
    (citing N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)); see also N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11b.   In language that leaves no room for doubt, the
    Legislature made clear that if the State is a polluter, it is as
    responsible as any other party for the cleanup costs of a toxic
    site -- regardless of when the contamination occurred.     This
    clear expression of legislative intent constitutes an
    unmistakable waiver of sovereign immunity.   See Allen v. Fauver,
    167 N.J. 69
    , 74 (2001) (noting that “clear and unambiguous
    legislative expression” constitutes waiver of sovereign
    The majority’s conclusion that only private parties -- and
    not the State -- can be found at fault for pre-Spill Act
    discharges is at odds with the statute’s plain language, the
    Legislature’s policy objectives, and our decision in Ventron.        I
    therefore respectfully dissent.
    In 1976, the Legislature passed the Spill Act, which
    provided that “any person who has discharged a hazardous
    substance shall be strictly liable, without regard to fault, for
    all cleanup and removal costs.”    L. 1976, c. 141, § 8(5)(c)
    (emphasis added).   The Spill Act’s definition of “person”
    includes “the State of New Jersey and any of its political
    subdivisions or agents.”    L. 1976, c. 141, § 3(n) (codified at
    N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b).    That definition of “person” has not
    changed during the Spill Act’s forty-year history.
    In 1979, the Legislature amended the Spill Act, making the
    State and any other person involved in a toxic discharge jointly
    and severally liable and subject to contribution.     See L. 1979,
    c. 346, § 8(5)(c) (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)(1)).
    The Spill Act provides that “any person who has discharged a
    hazardous substance, or is in any way responsible for any
    hazardous substance, shall be strictly liable, jointly and
    severally, without regard to fault, for all cleanup and removal
    costs no matter by whom incurred.”     N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c)(1)
    (emphasis added).   The Act also provides that “dischargers and
    persons shall have a right of contribution against all other
    dischargers and persons in any way responsible” for the
    discharge.   N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(a)(2)(a) (emphasis added).    In
    accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(a)(1), the NJDEP is
    authorized to “direct [a] discharger to clean up and remove, or
    arrange for the cleanup and removal of, the discharge.”
    The 1979 amendment to the Spill Act also included a
    retroactivity provision, stating that “the [NJDEP] . . . may
    remove or arrange for the removal of any hazardous substance
    which . . . [h]as been discharged prior to [April 1, 1977,] the
    effective date of the act.”   L. 1979, c. 346, § 7(b)(3)
    (codified at N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11f(b)).   This Court in 
    Ventron, supra
    , determined that the strict-liability and joint-and-
    several-liability provision of N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c) applies
    to any “person” who has discharged a hazardous substance and is
    retroactive to the period before passage of the Spill 
    Act.1 94 N.J. at 497
    .   The joint-and-several-liability and contribution
    principles of Ventron apply here, as well, see N.J.S.A. 58:10-
    23.11g(c)(1), because the State is a “person” within the
    intendment of that statute, N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11b.
    The Legislature did not change the definition of “person”
    in making the Spill Act retroactive, and we have no authority to
    1Ventron involved various private corporate entities that
    discharged pollutants into Berry’s Creek before the effective
    date of the Spill Act and were held jointly and severally liable
    without regard to fault under N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11g(c).
    Ventron, supra
    , 94 N.J. at 484-86, 503.
    do so.   Our charge is to read the Spill Act as it is written.
    Because there is no ambiguity about how the Legislature defined
    the term “person,” there can be no doubt that the Legislature
    intended the Spill Act to apply retroactively to the State.     As
    a consequence of the Legislature’s clear expression that the
    Spill Act applies retroactively to the State, sovereign immunity
    is a non-issue.
    The majority acknowledges that private parties can be
    jointly and severally liable for pre-Spill Act discharges and
    can seek contribution from another liable party.   Under the
    majority’s reading of the statute, however, a private party
    cannot seek contribution from the State when the State has joint
    responsibility for a pre-Spill Act discharge.   That
    interpretation leads to the absurd result that when the State
    and a private party are both responsible for a toxic discharge,
    the private party is on the hook for the entire cleanup cost.
    And that is so, even when the State is ninety percent
    responsible for a discharge and the private party only ten
    percent responsible.   The unfairness of this outcome is all the
    more flagrant because the NJDEP can select a site to be
    remediated where a private party is required to clean up a toxic
    spill primarily caused by the State.
    The basic aim of allowing a right of contribution is to
    allocate fault so that no party pays more than its percentage of
    liability.    See Magic Petroleum Corp. v. Exxon Mobil Corp., 
    218 N.J. 390
    , 403 (2014).    This approach accords with basic notions
    of “equity and natural justice.”       
    Ibid. (quoting Sattelberger v.
    14 N.J. 353
    , 367-68 (1954)).      The Spill Act allows one
    discharger to seek contribution from another discharger.       See
    id. at 405.
       The right of contribution under the Spill Act
    encourages a discharger to remediate contamination promptly and
    effectively without “fear of bearing the entire cost of cleanup
    when other parties were also responsible.”       
    Id. at 403.
    Exonerating the State from retroactive liability for remediating
    a pre-Act toxic discharge, while all others remain jointly and
    severally liable, does not accord with the Legislature’s
    carefully crafted scheme of allocating fault equitably.
    Resolving the issue before us does not require interpretive
    acrobatics.   A straightforward reading of the Spill Act and a
    simple application of Ventron should have rendered an easy
    answer to the question of the State’s liability.
    The State is the trustee of New Jersey’s natural resources
    and is ultimately responsible for ensuring the remediation of
    toxic contamination of our lands and waters through the Spill
    Act.   See N.J.S.A. 58:10-23.11a.      The Legislature made clear
    that the State should not be treated differently from other
    dischargers of toxic pollutants who have contaminated the
    environment, regardless of when our lands or waters were
    Because I believe the majority has misconstrued the Spill
    Act to reach a result never intended by the Legislature, I
    respectfully dissent.