State v. Anthony K. Cole (076255) (Middlesex and Statewide) , 229 N.J. 430 ( 2017 )

  •                                                       SYLLABUS
    (This syllabus is not part of the opinion of the Court. It has been prepared by the Office of the Clerk for the
    convenience of the reader. It has been neither reviewed nor approved by the Supreme Court. Please note that, in the
    interest of brevity, portions of any opinion may not have been summarized.)
    State v. Anthony K. Cole (A-66-15) (076255)
    Argued January 17, 2017 -- Decided June 27, 2017
    PATTERSON, J., writing for the Court.
    In this appeal, the Court reviews the trial court’s denial of defendant’s motion to bar the admission into
    evidence of three segments of video, recorded during breaks from questioning at police headquarters, in which
    defendant appeared alone in the interrogation room.
    On the evening of September 7, 2009, David Donatelli was in Spring Lake Park, preparing for South
    Plainfield’s annual Labor Day fireworks display. As he stood looking up to examine a light stanchion, Donatelli
    was slashed. The laceration on the side of his neck exposed his carotid artery and jugular vein.
    A police officer found two matching black-and-gray gloves. Blood identified by DNA analysis as
    Donatelli’s was found on the outside of the glove. State Police forensic scientists then swabbed the interior of both
    gloves and detected skin cells that matched defendant’s DNA profile in the database. Officers arrested defendant.
    Police officers interrogated defendant in two sequential conversations, both video-recorded. Advised that
    the officers had forensic evidence linking him to the crime, defendant maintained his innocence, provided an alibi,
    and asked to be released. When the officers were in the room, defendant was gregarious and engaged. When briefly
    left alone during three breaks from the questioning, however, defendant adopted a starkly different demeanor; he
    muttered to himself, mouthed obscenities toward the location where the officers had been sitting and the video
    camera, and placed his hand inside his pants.
    Defendant was tried before a jury over six days. On the second day of trial, defense counsel stated that the
    portions of the video recordings in which defendant appeared alone were unduly prejudicial under N.J.R.E. 403.
    The trial court ruled that the contested sections were relevant because they reflected on defendant’s demeanor and
    the accuracy of his statements. The court admitted the video recordings in their entirety. It invited defense counsel
    to submit a proposed jury instruction addressing the limited purpose for which the jury should consider the segments
    of the recordings in which defendant appeared alone.
    During the State’s case, the contested video recordings were played for the jury. The trial court reiterated
    its offer to give the jury a cautionary instruction. The record does not indicate that defense counsel proposed such
    an instruction. The prosecutor specifically addressed defendant’s conduct when he was alone and suggested that
    defendant’s “manipulation” of his presentation to police signaled his guilt. Defendant did not object.
    In its jury charge, the trial court instructed the jurors that they were the sole and exclusive judges of the
    evidence, including the credibility of witnesses, but did not specifically address the portions of the video recordings
    in which defendant sat alone in the interrogation room. The jury convicted defendant of attempted murder, unlawful
    possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, and hindering apprehension. In a separate
    proceeding, the jury convicted defendant of the remaining offense, certain persons not to have a weapon.
    An Appellate Division panel reversed defendant’s conviction and remanded for a new trial. The panel
    deemed the contested segments too equivocal to be admitted as consciousness-of-guilt evidence, particularly without
    a limiting instruction. The Court granted the State’s petition for certification. 
    224 N.J. 527
    HELD: The trial court properly exercised its broad discretion when it applied N.J.R.E. 401 and 403 to the contested
    evidence and admitted the video recordings in their entirety. The lack of a limiting instruction and the prosecutor’s
    comment on the evidence did not constitute plain error.
    1. N.J.R.E. 401 defines “[r]elevant evidence” as “evidence having a tendency in reason to prove or disprove any
    fact of consequence to the determination of the action.” Once a logical relevancy can be found to bridge the
    evidence offered and a consequential issue in the case, the evidence is admissible, unless exclusion is warranted
    under a specific evidence rule. N.J.R.E. 403 mandates the exclusion of evidence that is otherwise admissible “if its
    probative value is substantially outweighed by the risk of . . . undue prejudice, confusion of issues, or misleading the
    jury.” To determine the admissibility of evidence under N.J.R.E. 401 and 403, the trial court conducts a fact-
    specific evaluation of the evidence in the setting of the individual case. On appellate review, considerable latitude is
    afforded to the court’s ruling, which is reversed only if it constitutes an abuse of discretion. (pp. 17-21)
    2. In this case, the conduct depicted in the video recordings was germane to the jury’s assessment of defendant’s
    credibility in his statement to police and therefore relevant to its determination of pivotal issues. The portions of the
    two video recordings in which defendant was alone in the interrogation room met N.J.R.E. 401’s standard of
    relevancy. The segments at issue were potentially prejudicial to defendant; that evidence, however, was not
    prejudicial to the point at which the risk of prejudice substantially outweighed the probative value of the evidence,
    as N.J.R.E. 403 requires for the evidence to be excluded. The trial court did not abuse its discretion when it
    admitted into evidence the video recordings, including the portions in which defendant was alone. (pp. 21-27)
    3. The Appellate Division panel reversed defendant’s conviction based not on a relevance analysis, but on its
    conclusion that the video segments were inadmissible as evidence of consciousness of guilt. The three video-
    recorded segments were not offered or admitted as consciousness-of-guilt evidence but on the ground that they were
    relevant to the jury’s evaluation of the credibility of defendant’s statement. Accordingly, the Court does not
    determine whether the evidence in question was admissible as consciousness-of-guilt evidence. (pp. 27-28)
    4. The Appellate Division noted that the trial court did not give a limiting instruction. The trial court twice offered
    to give a limiting instruction. Defense counsel did not submit a proposed instruction and the trial court did not sua
    sponte charge the jury regarding the video recordings. Given the brief duration of the video-recorded excerpts in a
    six-day trial, it is unclear whether a limiting instruction would have clarified the limited purpose of the videotaped
    segments or overemphasized the evidence. Moreover, the State presented overwhelming evidence of defendant’s
    guilt, including DNA evidence linking defendant to a glove on which the victim’s blood was found shortly after the
    crime, as well as testimony by defendant’s mother and friends that substantially undermined his account of his
    activities during the critical time period. The trial court’s decision not to charge the jury on this issue was not
    “clearly capable of producing an unjust result,” and was not plain error. R. 2:10-2. (pp. 28-31)
    5. The prosecutor’s reference to defendant’s demeanor as proof of his guilt was beyond the scope of fair comment.
    The prosecutor was free to discuss the video-recorded segments in which defendant was alone but should have
    constrained any such discussion to the question of credibility. The Court cautions prosecutors that when evidence is
    admitted for a limited purpose, comments in summation that exceed the bounds of that purpose must be avoided.
    However, the comment was not clearly capable of producing an unjust result, giving rise to plain error. (pp. 31-34)
    6. The Court addresses the issues raised in the concurrence, and stresses that its ruling is distinctly fact-sensitive and
    based on the standard of review. (pp. 34-38)
    The judgment of the Appellate Division is REVERSED, and the matter is REMANDED to the Appellate
    Division for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    CHIEF JUSTICE RABNER, CONCURRING, is of the view that multiple reasonable inferences can be
    drawn from defendant’s behavior after the interview and that no authority directly supports the use of evidence of a
    witness’s demeanor after an interrogation has ended. According to Chief Justice Rabner, the video’s minimal
    relevance was substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice and the danger that the recording would
    mislead the jury, and the evidence should have been excluded under N.J.R.E. 403. Chief Justice Rabner concurs in
    the judgment because he finds the error was harmless in light of other strong evidence of defendant’s guilt.
    opinion. CHIEF JUSTICE RABNER filed a separate, concurring opinion, in which JUSTICES ALBIN and
    TIMPONE join.
    A-66 September Term 2015
    Argued January 17, 2017 – Decided June 27, 2017
    On certification to the Superior Court,
    Appellate Division.
    Joie D. Piderit, Assistant Prosecutor,
    argued the cause for appellant (Andrew C.
    Carey, Middlesex County Prosecutor,
    Susan Brody, Deputy Public Defender, argued
    the cause for respondent (Joseph E. Krakora,
    Public Defender, attorney).
    Jennifer E. Kmieciak, Deputy Attorney
    General, argued the cause for amicus curiae
    Attorney General of New Jersey (Christopher
    S. Porrino, Attorney General, attorney).
    JUSTICE PATTERSON delivered the opinion of the Court.
    In this appeal, we review an evidentiary ruling made by the
    trial court during defendant’s trial for attempted murder and
    other offenses.
    Several months after a municipal employee was assaulted and
    seriously injured during a public event, defendant Anthony K.
    Cole was linked by DNA analysis to evidence found at the scene.
    Police officers arrested defendant, transported him to police
    headquarters, and interrogated him in two sequential
    conversations, both video-recorded.   Advised that the officers
    had forensic evidence linking him to the crime, defendant
    maintained his innocence, provided an alibi, and asked to be
    released.   When the officers were in the room, defendant was
    gregarious and engaged.   When briefly left alone during three
    breaks from the questioning, however, defendant adopted a
    starkly different demeanor; he muttered to himself, mouthed
    obscenities toward the location where the officers had been
    sitting and the video camera, and placed his hand inside his
    The trial court denied defendant’s motion to bar the
    admission into evidence of the three segments of the video
    recordings in which defendant appeared alone in the
    interrogation room.   The court ruled that the contested portions
    of the video recordings were relevant to the credibility of
    defendant’s statement denying involvement in the crime and that
    they met the standard of N.J.R.E. 401.   The court rejected
    defendant’s argument that the evidence was unduly prejudicial
    and should be excluded under N.J.R.E. 403.
    At trial, the State presented the video recordings in their
    entirety, along with substantial evidence of defendant’s guilt,
    including DNA analysis and the testimony of witnesses who
    contradicted defendant’s statement.    The trial court offered to
    give the jury a limiting instruction about the video-recorded
    evidence upon defendant’s request; defendant did not seek such
    an instruction.   In summation, the prosecutor not only urged the
    jury to consider the video recording in assessing defendant’s
    credibility, but also suggested that defendant’s behavior when
    the officers were out of the interrogation room signified his
    guilt.   The jury convicted defendant of all charges.
    An Appellate Division panel reversed defendant’s
    conviction.   The panel did not determine whether the trial court
    had properly admitted the video-recorded segments at issue as
    relevant to the credibility of defendant’s statement to police.
    It held, however, that those segments were inadmissible as
    consciousness-of-guilt evidence.
    We do not concur with the Appellate Division’s analysis of
    this case.    The trial court admitted the disputed video-recorded
    segments not because they constituted proof of defendant’s
    consciousness of guilt, but by virtue of their relevance to
    defendant’s credibility when he denied involvement in the crime
    immediately before and after those segments were recorded.    We
    conclude that the trial court properly exercised its broad
    discretion when it applied N.J.R.E. 401 and 403 to the contested
    evidence and admitted the video recordings in their entirety.
    We further hold that the lack of a limiting instruction and the
    prosecutor’s comment on the evidence did not constitute plain
    Accordingly, we reverse the Appellate Division’s judgment
    and remand this matter to the panel for a determination of the
    issues raised by defendant on appeal that remain unresolved.
    We derive our account of the facts from the trial record.
    On the evening of September 7, 2009, David Donatelli, a
    supervisor employed by the Borough of South Plainfield
    Department of Public Works, was on duty in Spring Lake Park,
    preparing for the Borough’s annual Labor Day fireworks display.
    As he stood in the northeast portion of the park near its tennis
    courts and an adjacent walking path, looking up to examine a
    light stanchion, Donatelli sensed someone brushing up against
    his shoulder.   He felt as if his neck were struck by “a whip,”
    began to bleed, and realized that he had been slashed with a
    sharp object.   Donatelli implored his fellow employees to help
    him, laid down on the ground, and went into shock.
    After a police officer rendered first aid, an ambulance
    transported Donatelli to a trauma center.     Physicians conducted
    emergency surgery to close a laceration on the side of
    Donatelli’s neck; the laceration measured six to eight inches in
    length and was deep enough to expose, but not to sever, his
    carotid artery and jugular vein.     Donatelli was left with a
    permanent scar and loss of sensation in the affected area.     He
    never returned to his job.
    Two witnesses who had been in the park to attend the
    fireworks display generally described a man whom they had seen
    running near the path in the vicinity of the assault.     Police
    officers searched the area but did not locate a suspect.     A K-9
    dog led its handler along a scent trail near the path but
    stopped abruptly on a nearby street, signaling that an
    individual may have exited the park and departed in a vehicle.
    The following morning, during a search of the path near the
    location where Donatelli had been attacked, a police officer
    found two matching black-and-gray gloves, one on the ground and
    the other suspended from a tree thirteen feet above the ground.
    The gloves were secured and delivered to the New Jersey State
    Police forensic laboratory for DNA testing.
    For several weeks, the investigation stalled as officers
    interviewed various individuals but ruled them out as suspects.
    Five weeks after the assault, however, the State Police
    laboratory advised South Plainfield officers that blood
    identified by DNA analysis as Donatelli’s had been found on the
    outside of the glove, on the index finger portion of the glove.
    State Police forensic scientists then swabbed the interior of
    both gloves and detected skin cells.   They submitted samples of
    those cells for comparison with the statewide database of known
    DNA profiles.   That comparison revealed a match between DNA
    extracted from the skin cells found in the gloves and
    defendant’s DNA profile in the database.
    On December 16, 2009, the State Police forensic laboratory
    advised the South Plainfield Police Department that DNA evidence
    connected defendant to the gloves.    Several of the Borough’s
    officers were acquainted with defendant through encounters with
    him at the Police Athletic League (PAL) facility, where
    defendant regularly lifted weights.   An officer contacted
    defendant by cellphone to determine his location.     Several
    officers arrested defendant and brought him to police
    Defendant stated that he wanted to talk to police officers
    and was immediately escorted to an interrogation room, where
    video-recording equipment documented the proceedings.
    After waiving his rights under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    86 S. Ct. 1602
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966), defendant was
    interviewed by two officers for approximately two hours.
    Defendant was talkative and responsive during the conversation;
    he addressed the officers in a familiar and friendly tone,
    invoking his prior contacts with them while lifting weights at
    the PAL facility.   He admitted that he was in Spring Lake Park
    the night of the incident but denied that he was in the section
    of the park where the attack on Donatelli occurred.     Defendant
    told the officers that he was alone in the park that evening and
    that he did not encounter anyone he knew.   He stated that as the
    fireworks were beginning, his mother called him and said that
    she needed him to come home “to cut some boxes or something
    stupid and take them out for recycling,” and that he “just
    left.”   Defendant gave the officers an incorrect cellphone
    number for his mother.
    Shown a photograph of gloves similar to the gloves found in
    Spring Lake Park the morning after Donatelli was attacked,
    defendant denied ever owning or wearing gloves of that type.     He
    offered to prove that contention by retrieving his own pair of
    gloves from his home and bringing them to the officers.      At the
    officers’ request, defendant provided a DNA sample by buccal
    As the interview progressed, the officers revealed to
    defendant that “scientific” evidence connected him, as well as
    the victim, to the gloves found in the park.   Late in the
    interview, an officer showed defendant an excerpt of the DNA
    testing results provided by the State Police laboratory.
    Defendant challenged the DNA evidence, reiterated his innocence,
    and insisted that he should be permitted to leave the police
    station.   The officers declined to release defendant, offered to
    resume the conversation at defendant’s request, and left the
    The video recording then displayed an abrupt change in
    defendant’s demeanor.     After a few seconds of silence, defendant
    began to mutter to himself in an agitated manner.    He put his
    hand inside his pants and mouthed obscenities in the direction
    of the seats where the officers had been sitting, and in the
    direction of the camera.     Approximately five minutes later,
    defendant stood up and summoned an officer by knocking on the
    door.    When an officer responded, defendant addressed him in a
    collegial manner.   Defendant was escorted from the room.     At
    that point, the first of the two video recordings ended.
    Minutes later, defendant spotted South Plainfield’s Chief
    of Police, with whom he was acquainted, and asked to speak with
    him.    Defendant, the Chief of Police, and another officer
    entered the interrogation room and the video-recorded
    interrogation resumed.1    After waiving his Miranda rights for the
    second time, defendant again denied involvement in the attack on
    Donatelli and requested that the Chief of Police release him
    from custody.   The Chief told defendant that according to the
    DNA evidence, defendant had worn the gloves found at the scene.
    He offered to leave the room to give defendant an opportunity to
    decide whether to explain the presence of his DNA in the gloves.
    1  The second video recording admitted at trial began recording
    approximately seventeen minutes after the completion of the
    first video recording.
    Left alone in the interrogation room for less than two minutes,
    defendant became agitated and muttered to himself.
    When the Chief of Police returned, defendant resumed his
    cooperative demeanor.   He bantered with the Chief about
    weightlifting and referred to one of the other officers as a
    “cool guy.”   Defendant offered to state his case to a judge,
    provided that the Chief release him from custody.    The Chief
    asked defendant to explain what had happened at Spring Lake Park
    on the evening of the crime.   Defendant insisted that he was
    alone that evening and that he was not by the tennis courts.       He
    again requested to be released and promised to explain his
    innocence to “the judge.”
    The Chief of Police again left the room.     For about three
    minutes, the camera recorded defendant as he reviewed a document
    regarding the DNA test results and mouthed words.    The Chief of
    Police then returned and offered to call one of defendant’s
    relatives regarding defendant’s status.    Defendant insisted that
    if the Chief of Police called someone on his behalf, that person
    should be permitted to drive him home.    Defendant told the Chief
    of Police that he had “nothing to do” with Donatelli and “[did
    not] even care about him.”   The Chief departed, and the second
    video recording concluded.
    Police officers later conducted consent searches of the
    rooms that defendant occupied in his parents’ homes but found no
    evidence.   Pursuant to a communications data warrant, officers
    obtained records of cellphone calls to and from defendant and
    his mother for September 7, 2009; those records revealed no
    telephone conversation between defendant and his mother on that
    date.   Defendant’s cellphone records indicated that at 8:47 p.m.
    that evening, shortly after Donatelli was assaulted, defendant
    used his cellphone to call a local taxi service.
    The State Police forensic laboratory advised the
    investigating officers that the DNA sample taken by buccal swab
    during defendant’s interrogation confirmed that defendant was
    the source of the skin cells extracted from the gloves found in
    Spring Lake Park the morning after Donatelli was assaulted.
    According to the State’s forensic expert, defendant’s DNA sample
    and the cells found in the left glove shared a DNA profile found
    in “one in a quadrillion” individuals.2
    Defendant was indicted for first-degree attempted murder,
    N.J.S.A. 2C:11-3(a)(1) and 2C:5-1; fourth-degree unlawful
    possession of a weapon, N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5(d); third-degree
    possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, N.J.S.A. 2C:39-
    2  The comparison of defendant’s confirmed DNA sample with DNA
    derived from skin cells found in the right glove also revealed a
    match, but that match was substantially less definitive than the
    match revealed by the left glove, because the skin cells in the
    right glove generated only a partial DNA profile.
    4(d); third-degree hindering apprehension, N.J.S.A. 2C:29-3(b);
    and fourth-degree certain persons not to have weapons, N.J.S.A.
    Defendant was tried before a jury over six days.   On the
    second day of trial, the trial court heard argument regarding
    the admissibility of the two video recordings of defendant’s
    conversations with the South Plainfield officers.3   Defense
    counsel stated that the portions of the video recordings in
    which defendant appeared alone were “weird” and “unsettling” and
    objected to their admission as unduly prejudicial under N.J.R.E.
    403.    The State noted that when the officers left the
    interrogation room, defendant abandoned his “guy next door . . .
    persona” and put “his hand down his pants, MF’n the [o]fficers.”
    The State argued that the contested video-recorded segments were
    relevant and should be admitted so that the jury would have
    complete information to evaluate defendant’s statement.
    After reviewing the video recordings, the trial court ruled
    that the contested sections were relevant because they included
    “nonverbal . . . acts and facial expression[s,] . . . some
    directly to the camera” that reflected on defendant’s demeanor
    and the accuracy of his statements.    The court admitted the
    3  For reasons the record does not reveal, and with no objection
    by defendant, the State redacted portions of the video
    recordings. Those redactions are not at issue in this appeal.
    video recordings in their entirety.    It invited defense counsel
    to submit a proposed jury instruction addressing the limited
    purpose for which the jury should consider the segments of the
    recordings in which defendant appeared alone.
    During the State’s case at trial, the investigating
    officers testified about the discovery of the gloves the day
    after the assault of Donatelli and described the events that led
    to defendant’s arrest.    The two contested video recordings were
    played for the jury during direct examination of the lead
    investigator.    The trial court reiterated its offer to give the
    jury a cautionary instruction about the portions of the video
    recording in which defendant was alone in the interrogation
    room.   The record does not indicate that defense counsel
    proposed such an instruction.
    The State also presented the testimony of forensic experts
    to explain the DNA evidence that linked defendant and the victim
    to the gloves.   The witnesses who had seen a man running in the
    vicinity of the crime testified about what they observed.   A
    late-disclosed witness, who described himself as a “good
    acquaintance[]” of defendant, told the jury that he saw
    defendant at the Labor Day fireworks that evening and that,
    although defendant asked him for a ride home and told him that
    he would see him later, he never saw defendant again.
    The State also presented evidence to undermine defendant’s
    contention that he left the fireworks event early to assist his
    mother by cutting boxes for recycling.   Defendant’s mother
    testified that she was unsure whether she spoke with her son on
    September 7, 2009, but was certain that she did not ask him to
    help with her recycling; she noted that residents in her area
    are not required to cut boxes to prepare them for recycling.
    The State also presented the cellphone records indicating that
    defendant and his mother did not speak by cellphone that
    evening.   Donatelli described the assault, and medical
    professionals who treated him testified about the nature and
    extent of his injuries.
    Defendant declined to testify and presented no witnesses.
    Relying in part on defendant’s video-recorded statements to
    the officers, defense counsel argued in summation that defendant
    was innocent and that the investigating officers ignored leads
    that could have implicated another individual in the crime.     The
    prosecutor specifically addressed defendant’s video-recorded
    conduct when he was alone in the interrogation room; he
    initially focused on that conduct’s impact on the credibility of
    defendant’s statement.    He then suggested, however, that
    defendant’s “manipulation” of his presentation to police
    signaled his guilt.   Defendant did not object to the State’s
    In its jury charge, the trial court instructed the jurors
    that they were the sole and exclusive judges of the evidence,
    including the credibility of witnesses, but did not specifically
    address the portions of the video recordings in which defendant
    sat alone in the interrogation room.   During deliberations, the
    jury requested a playback of two excerpts of the video
    recordings:   the last five minutes of the first video recording,
    in which defendant was alone in the interrogation room, and the
    portion of the second video recording in which defendant
    “state[d] he doesn’t care about the [victim.]”
    The jury convicted defendant of attempted murder, unlawful
    possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful
    purpose, and hindering apprehension.   In a separate proceeding,
    the jury convicted defendant of the remaining offense, certain
    persons not to have a weapon.   The trial court sentenced
    defendant to an aggregate term of incarceration of twenty-six
    and a half years, subject to eighty-five percent parole
    ineligibility in accordance with the No Early Release Act,
    N.J.S.A. 2C:43-7.2(a).
    Defendant appealed his conviction and sentence.      An
    Appellate Division panel reversed defendant’s conviction and
    remanded for a new trial.   The panel did not determine whether
    the trial court had properly found that the contested segments
    of the video were relevant to the jury’s assessment of
    defendant’s credibility.   Instead, the panel characterized those
    segments as consciousness-of-guilt evidence, admissible only if
    the conduct is intrinsically indicative of the defendant’s
    guilty conscience.   Citing the possibility that defendant’s
    behavior reflected an innocent man’s anger at a false
    allegation, the panel deemed the contested segments too
    equivocal to be admitted as consciousness-of-guilt evidence,
    particularly without a limiting instruction.   The panel declined
    to determine whether N.J.R.E. 403 would bar the evidence.      The
    panel stated that additional arguments raised by defendant were
    either without merit or were obviated by the panel’s holding,
    but did not specify which of the remaining issues had been
    We granted the State’s petition for certification.      
    224 N.J. 527
     (2016).   We also granted the Attorney General’s motion
    to appear as amicus curiae.
    The State argues that all of the video recordings of
    defendant in the interrogation room were properly admitted as
    relevant to his credibility.   The State asserts that the
    Appellate Division panel improperly focused its inquiry on the
    standard for consciousness-of-guilt evidence, and applied that
    standard too strictly.   It notes that Rule 3:17(a) mandates the
    videotaping of interrogations of some defendants if they are
    conducted in a place of detention and asserts that the admission
    of evidence video-recorded in conformance with that Rule
    enhances a jury’s ability to assess the defendant’s credibility.
    Finally, the State contends that in light of DNA evidence and
    other proofs against defendant, any evidentiary error was
    Defendant counters that, by definition, a police
    interrogation excludes any setting in which there are no
    officers in the room.   He characterizes the disputed video
    segments as post-interrogation and distinguishes this case from
    cases in which a video recording depicts a defendant briefly
    alone in an interrogation room between questioning sessions.
    Defendant contends that the Appellate Division panel properly
    evaluated the evidence within the framework of consciousness of
    guilt and that, even if the video recordings were admissible in
    their entirety, the trial court should have issued a limiting
    instruction.   Defendant contends that the alleged error was not
    harmless because the DNA found in the gloves was insufficient to
    definitively identify defendant.
    The Attorney General asserts that the Appellate Division
    panel improperly substituted its judgment for that of the trial
    court.   It contends that a jury should consider all evidence
    that is relevant to a defendant’s credibility, and that the
    State conformed with court rules when it presented a complete
    video recording of the events in the interrogation room.
    In its ruling that the contested evidence was admissible,
    the trial court applied two fundamental rules of evidence:
    N.J.R.E 401, which prescribes the standard of relevancy, and
    N.J.R.E. 403, which directs a court to bar the admission of
    relevant evidence when the probative value of that evidence is
    substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice.
    N.J.R.E. 401 defines “[r]elevant evidence” as “evidence
    having a tendency in reason to prove or disprove any fact of
    consequence to the determination of the action.”   N.J.R.E 401;
    see also State v. Perry, 
    225 N.J. 222
    , 236-37 (2016) (discussing
    N.J.R.E. 401 analysis when considering Rape Shield Law); State
    v. Jenewicz, 
    193 N.J. 440
    , 457-58 (2008) (considering N.J.R.E.
    401 in determining whether testimony as to identity of initial
    aggressor in previous fight was relevant to identity of initial
    aggressor in fight at issue in case).   When a court decides
    whether evidence is relevant, “the inquiry should focus on the
    logical connection between the proffered evidence and a fact in
    issue.”   State v. Bakka, 
    176 N.J. 533
    , 545 (2003) (internal
    quotation marks omitted) (quoting State v. Darby, 
    174 N.J. 509
    519 (2002)).
    “Courts consider evidence to be probative when it has a
    tendency ‘to establish the proposition that it is offered to
    prove.’”   State v. Burr, 
    195 N.J. 119
    , 127 (2008) (quoting State
    v. Allison, 
    208 N.J. Super. 9
    , 17 (App. Div.), certif. denied,
    102 N.J. 370
     (1985)).   The evidence must be probative of a fact
    that is “really in issue in the case,” as determined by
    reference to the applicable substantive law.     State v. Buckley,
    216 N.J. 249
    , 261 (2013) (quoting State v. Hutchins, 
    241 N.J. Super. 353
    , 359 (App. Div. 1990)).
    Under N.J.R.E. 401, “[e]vidence need not be dispositive or
    even strongly probative in order to clear the relevancy
    bar.”   Id. at 261.   The proponent need not demonstrate that the
    evidence can, in and of itself, establish or disprove a fact of
    consequence in order to meet the benchmark of N.J.R.E. 401.
    “Once a logical relevancy can be found to bridge the evidence
    offered and a consequential issue in the case, the evidence is
    admissible, unless exclusion is warranted under a specific
    evidence rule.”   Burr, supra, 
    195 N.J. at 127
    One such rule excluding relevant evidence is N.J.R.E. 403.
    That rule mandates the exclusion of evidence that is otherwise
    admissible “if its probative value is substantially outweighed
    by the risk of (a) undue prejudice, confusion of issues, or
    misleading the jury or (b) undue delay, waste of time, or
    needless presentation of cumulative evidence.”    N.J.R.E 403.
    Here, defendant relies on the “undue prejudice” factor of
    N.J.R.E. 403.   As this Court has noted, the inquiry under that
    provision of N.J.R.E. 403 is whether the probative value of the
    evidence “is so significantly outweighed by [its] inherently
    inflammatory potential as to have a probable capacity to divert
    the minds of the jurors from a reasonable and fair evaluation of
    the” issues.    State v. Thompson, 
    59 N.J. 396
    , 421 (1971).   It is
    not enough for the opposing party to show that the evidence
    could be prejudicial; “[d]amaging evidence usually is very
    prejudicial but the question here is whether the risk of undue
    prejudice was too high.”    State v. Morton, 
    155 N.J. 383
    , 453-54
    (1998) (quoting State v. Bowens, 
    219 N.J. Super. 290
    , 297 (App.
    Div. 1987)); see also State v. Swint, 
    328 N.J. Super. 236
    , 253
    (App. Div.) (“The mere possibility that evidence could be
    prejudicial does not justify its exclusion.”), certif. denied,
    165 N.J. 492
    To determine the admissibility of evidence under N.J.R.E.
    401 and 403, the trial court conducts a fact-specific evaluation
    of the evidence in the setting of the individual case.     See,
    e.g., State v. Cotto, 
    182 N.J. 316
    , 333 (2005) (stating that
    ruling on admissibility of evidence of third-party guilt
    “requires a fact-sensitive inquiry”); State v. Koedatich, 
    112 N.J. 225
    , 300 (1988) (noting “particularly fact-sensitive”
    nature of relevancy determination when defendant asserts third-
    party guilt), cert. denied, 
    488 U.S. 1017
    109 S. Ct. 813
    102 L. Ed. 2d 803
    In light of the broad discretion afforded to trial judges,
    an appellate court evaluates a trial court’s evidentiary
    determinations with substantial deference.     State v. Kuropchak,
    221 N.J. 368
    , 385 (2015).    On appellate review, “[c]onsiderable
    latitude is afforded” to the court’s ruling, which is reversed
    “only if it constitutes an abuse of discretion.”     
    (alteration in original) (quoting State v. Feaster, 
    156 N.J. 1
    82 (1998), cert. denied, 
    532 U.S. 932
    121 S. Ct. 1380
    149 L. Ed. 2d 306
     (2001)); see also State v. Gorthy, 
    226 N.J. 516
    , 539
    (2016) (citing State v. T.J.M., 
    220 N.J. 220
    , 233-34 (2015);
    State v. Buda, 
    195 N.J. 278
    , 294 (2008)).     When a trial court
    weighs the probative value of evidence against its prejudicial
    effect pursuant to N.J.R.E. 403, its ruling should be overturned
    only if it constitutes “a clear error of judgment.”     Koedatich,
    112 N.J. at 313
    .     As this Court observed, applying the
    predecessor rule to N.J.R.E. 403, a trial court’s weighing of
    probative value against prejudicial effect “must stand unless it
    can be shown that the trial court palpably abused its
    discretion, that is, that its finding was so wide of the mark
    that a manifest denial of justice resulted.”     State v. Carter,
    91 N.J. 86
    , 106 (1982).
    In accordance with the deferential standard of review, we
    apply N.J.R.E. 401 and 403 to the evidence that the trial court
    admitted in defendant’s trial.
    We first consider whether the trial court abused its
    discretion when it found that the contested evidence had “a
    tendency in reason to prove or disprove any fact of
    consequence,” and that it accordingly met the relevancy standard
    of N.J.R.E. 401.
    In his video-recorded statement, defendant addressed
    several factual issues that would be disputed before the jury at
    his trial.    Defendant identified the time frame of his visit to
    Spring Lake Park during the evening of September 7, 2009.       He
    described his location and activities in the park.    Defendant
    denied that he encountered anyone he knew at the fireworks
    event, thus contradicting one of the State’s key witnesses.          He
    asserted an alibi, premised on a call from his mother summoning
    him home to assist her.    Defendant denied any connection to the
    gloves found at the scene.   Most critically, defendant
    repeatedly and unequivocally denied any involvement in the
    attack on Donatelli.    Defendant’s video-recorded statement thus
    challenged the State’s theory in significant respects.    Not
    surprisingly, both counsel discussed that statement in their
    As the trial court properly instructed the jury, it was the
    jury’s province to assess the credibility of all of the
    evidence.    “[C]redibility is an issue which is peculiarly within
    the jury’s ken.”    State v. Frisby, 
    174 N.J. 583
    , 595 (2002)
    (quoting State v. J.Q., 
    252 N.J. Super. 11
    , 39 (App. Div. 1991),
    130 N.J. 554
     (1993)); see also Kansas v. Ventris, 
    556 U.S. 586
    , 594 n., 
    129 S. Ct. 1841
    , 1847 n., 
    173 L. Ed. 2d 801
    809 n. (2009) (“Our legal system . . . is built on the premise
    that it is the province of the jury to weigh the credibility of
    competing witnesses . . . .”).    Here, that evidence included
    defendant’s self-exculpatory statement.    Our Model Jury Charges
    admonish jurors, in considering whether or not a defendant’s
    statement is credible, to “take into consideration the
    circumstances and facts as to how the statement was made, as
    well as all other evidence in this case relating to this issue.”
    Model Jury Charges (Criminal), “Statements of Defendant” (June
    14, 2010).
    In that inquiry, a video recording is a valuable tool.       As
    this Court observed in State v. Cook, videotaping a statement
    “enhance[s] a judge or juror’s assessment of credibility by
    providing a more complete picture of what occurred.”     
    179 N.J. 533
    , 556 (2004) (quoting Heath S. Berger, Let’s Go to the
    Videotape:   A Proposal to Legislate Videotaping of Confessions,
    3 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 165
    , 173-74 (1993)).4    Viewing the video
    recording, the jury could assess defendant’s facial expressions
    and gestures as well as his words and determine whether his
    assertions of innocence were strategic or sincere.
    Defendant’s behavior during the brief intervals in which he
    was alone in the interrogation room was closely intertwined with
    his assertions of innocence.   Each of the three disputed
    segments immediately followed a conversation in which defendant
    stressed his camaraderie with the officers as he disclaimed
    involvement in the crime; each was followed by a similar
    exchange between defendant and the officers.     In the complete
    video recordings, the jury was able to view defendant’s abrupt
    changes in behavior -- attentive and communicative in the
    officers’ presence, muttering and silently cursing in their
    4  The Court’s opinion in Cook led to Rule 3:17, which addresses
    the video recording of statements made by defendants. In Cook,
    supra, the Court rejected the defendant’s due process challenge
    based on the admission of his confession without a video
    recording of that confession. 
    179 N.J. at 559-60
    . The Court
    stated, however, that it intended to “evaluate fully the
    protections that electronic recordation affords to both the
    State and to criminal defendants.” 
    Id. at 562
    . The Court
    referred the issue to a committee and later adopted Rule 3:17.
    With specific exceptions, that Rule requires the videotaping of
    a defendant’s statement taken in a place of detention, if the
    defendant is charged with one of the offenses enumerated in the
    Rule. Rule 3:17(a). Thus, the video recordings at issue in
    this case were prepared in conformance with a court rule
    intended, among other objectives, to assist the jury in its
    evaluation of a defendant’s credibility. See R. 3:17(d); Cook,
    179 N.J. at 556
    direction after they departed, then resuming his congenial
    demeanor when they returned.    When the jury viewed defendant’s
    account of the critical evening, the disputed video-recorded
    segments provided important context for the factual assertions
    that preceded them and for those that followed.
    As the Appellate Division panel observed, the conduct
    reflected in the disputed segments of the video recordings is
    subject to more than one interpretation.    The jury could infer
    from the video recordings that when arrested and confronted with
    forensic evidence months after the crime, defendant contrived an
    affable demeanor and exculpatory account of the critical events
    as a strategy to avoid prosecution.    Alternatively, the jury
    could infer that defendant was innocent and that he acted as he
    did because he was shocked by his arrest and frustrated by the
    officers’ skeptical responses to his truthful denials.    The jury
    could, of course, draw some alternative inference or none at
    all.   In this case, however, the conduct depicted in the video
    recordings was germane to the jury’s assessment of defendant’s
    credibility in his statement to police and therefore relevant to
    its determination of pivotal issues in the case.
    Accordingly, we concur with the trial court that the
    portions of the two video recordings in which defendant was
    alone in the interrogation room met N.J.R.E. 401’s standard of
    The trial court also found that the probative value of the
    evidence was not substantially outweighed by the risk of undue
    prejudice.   N.J.R.E. 403.   The court acknowledged that the
    excerpts from the video recordings could have a negative impact
    on defendant, but noted that the admission of any defendant’s
    confession is also prejudicial.    It did not find the specter of
    prejudice to substantially outweigh the probative value of the
    We agree with the trial court that N.J.R.E. 403 does not
    bar the admission of the video-recorded segments.    As noted, the
    evidence was pertinent to the jury’s credibility determination
    and, consequently, was probative as to an array of factual
    issues addressed by defendant in his video-recorded statement.
    To be sure, the segments at issue were potentially prejudicial
    to defendant; the jury learned that defendant’s demeanor in the
    interview strikingly contrasted with his behavior when he was
    alone.   That evidence, however, was not prejudicial to the point
    at which the risk of prejudice substantially outweighed the
    probative value of the evidence, as N.J.R.E. 403 requires in
    order for the evidence to be excluded.    See Morton, 
    155 N.J. at 453-54
     (“The mere possibility that evidence could be
    prejudicial does not justify its exclusion.” (citing Bowens,
    219 N.J. Super. at 296-97
    )).    Instead of “divert[ing] the
    minds of the jurors” from their responsibility to fairly decide
    the case, Thompson, 
    59 N.J. at 421
    , the video-recorded
    segments assisted the jury in conducting the credibility
    assessment at the core of its charge.   Thus, we do not find the
    trial court’s application of N.J.R.E. 403 to represent a “clear
    error of judgment,” Koedatich, 
    112 N.J. at 313
    , or to be
    “so wide of the mark that a manifest denial of justice
    resulted,” Carter, 
    91 N.J. at 106
    In short, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse
    its discretion when it admitted into evidence the video
    recordings of defendant in the South Plainfield Police
    Department’s interrogation room, including the portions of those
    video recordings in which defendant was alone in the room, on
    the ground that the evidence was relevant to the credibility of
    5   There is no evidence in this case that the police officers
    who interrogated defendant or the prosecutors who represented
    the State deliberately protracted the videotaping in the hope
    that defendant would behave in an aberrant manner when left
    alone. To the contrary, it appears that the officers video-
    recorded the interrogation using routine procedures. Nor is
    there any evidence that defendant was led to believe that the
    video camera was turned off when the police officers left the
    room; indeed, defendant appeared at certain points in the video
    to be looking directly at the camera. Accordingly, we need not
    consider whether a video recording showing a defendant
    temporarily alone in an interrogation room would be admissible
    if there were evidence of misleading or otherwise improper
    conduct on the part of the State.
    defendant’s statement, and its probative value was not
    substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice.
    The Appellate Division panel reversed defendant’s
    conviction based not on a relevance analysis, but on its
    conclusion that the video segments were inadmissible as evidence
    of consciousness of guilt.   Our jurisprudence regarding
    consciousness-of-guilt evidence derives from the principle that
    certain conduct may be “intrinsically indicative of a
    consciousness of guilt,” and may therefore be admitted as
    substantive proof of the defendant’s guilt.   State v. Phillips,
    166 N.J. Super. 153
    , 160 (App. Div. 1979), certif. denied, 
    85 N.J. 93
     (1980).   Such conduct may include “unexplained flight,
    or an unusual exhibition of remorse for the victim of the crime,
    or the switching of clothes [with] a cellmate before a lineup.”
    Ibid.; see also State v. Ingram, 
    196 N.J. 23
    , 46-50 (2008)
    (holding that trial court abused discretion in allowing State to
    argue that defendant’s absence from trial constituted
    consciousness-of-guilt evidence); State v. Mann, 
    132 N.J. 410
    421-24 (1993) (considering evidence of defendant’s attempted
    suicide as consciousness-of-guilt evidence); State v. Mills, 
    51 N.J. 277
    , 286 (holding that evidence that defendant, in
    distraught state, visited victim’s grave was admissible
    consciousness-of-guilt evidence), cert. denied, 
    393 U.S. 832
    89 S. Ct. 105
    21 L. Ed. 2d 104
    As this Court has noted, “[t]he potential for prejudice to
    the defendant and the marginal probative value of evidence of
    flight or escape mandate careful consideration of the nature of
    the evidence to be admitted and the manner in which it is
    presented.”   Mann, 
    132 N.J. at
    420 (citing United States
    v. Hankins, 
    931 F.2d 1256
    , 1261-62 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 886
    112 S. Ct. 243
    116 L. Ed. 2d 198
     (1991)).     In such
    cases, the Court has mandated “a strong limiting instruction . .
    . informing the jury that it should not draw any inference of
    consciousness of guilt by defendant from his post-crime conduct
    unless it believes that defendant acted to cover up a crime.”
    State v. Williams, 
    190 N.J. 114
    , 134 (2007).
    That jurisprudence does not govern this case.      Here, the
    three video-recorded segments were not offered or admitted as
    consciousness-of-guilt evidence but on the ground that they were
    relevant to the jury’s evaluation of the credibility of
    defendant’s statement.   Accordingly, we do not determine whether
    the evidence in question was admissible as consciousness-of-
    guilt evidence.
    The Appellate Division panel noted that the trial court
    did not give a limiting instruction regarding the contested
    evidence.   Defendant argues before this Court that the trial
    court’s failure to give such an instruction constituted error.
    Because defendant did not request an instruction, the trial
    court’s determination is reviewed under a plain error standard.
    See State v. Montalvo, ___ N.J. ___, ___ (2017) (slip op. at 23)
    (“Without an objection at the time a jury instruction is given .
    . . this Court reviews the instruction for plain error.”
    (citations omitted)); see also State v. Townsend, 
    186 N.J. 473
    498 (2006) (reviewing trial court’s lack of limiting instruction
    on proper use of expert testimony under plain error standard set
    forth in Rule 2:10-2 because defendant did not object at trial
    and raised issue for first time on appeal); State v. Krivacska,
    341 N.J. Super. 1
    , 42-43 (App. Div.) (finding that trial court’s
    failure to provide limiting instruction was not plain error
    because defendant failed to request one), certif. denied, 
    170 N.J. 206
     (2001), cert. denied, 
    535 U.S. 1012
    122 S. Ct. 1594
    152 L. Ed. 2d 510
    When a party challenges relevant evidence pursuant to
    N.J.R.E. 403, “[a]s an alternative to total exclusion of highly
    prejudicial but also probative evidence, trial courts may use
    the device of a limiting instruction under N.J.R.E. 105.”
    Biunno, Current N.J. Rules of Evidence, comment 5 on N.J.R.E.
    403 (2016); see also Ocasio v. Amtrak, 
    299 N.J. Super. 139
    , 159-
    60 (App. Div. 1997) (holding that total exclusion of evidence is
    error where prejudice can be minimized through limiting
    instructions or other means).     In some cases, a limiting
    instruction may provide important guidance as the jury evaluates
    a video recording and should constrain counsel from addressing
    extraneous issues in summation.    In other cases, such an
    instruction could focus the jury’s attention on a fleeting
    segment of video recording it might otherwise have ignored.     We
    urge judges to consider giving such an instruction in
    appropriate circumstances, should they be confronted with an
    issue similar to that presented by this case.
    Here, the trial court twice offered to give a limiting
    instruction, in a form to be submitted by defendant, to ensure
    that the jury would not misconstrue the evidence.    Defense
    counsel did not submit a proposed instruction and the trial
    court did not sua sponte charge the jury regarding the video
    recordings.   Given the brief duration of the video-recorded
    excerpts in a six-day trial, it is unclear whether a limiting
    instruction would have clarified the limited purpose of the
    videotaped segments or overemphasized the evidence.     Moreover,
    the State presented overwhelming evidence of defendant’s guilt,
    including DNA evidence linking defendant to a glove on which the
    victim’s blood was found shortly after the crime, as well as
    testimony by defendant’s mother and friends that substantially
    undermined his account of his activities during the critical
    time period.
    We therefore hold that the trial court’s decision not to
    charge the jury sua sponte on this issue was not “clearly
    capable of producing an unjust result,” and was not plain error.
    R. 2:10-2; see also State v. Mohammed, 
    226 N.J. 71
    , 89 (2016)
    (holding that trial court’s determination that portion of trial
    was inconsequential will be reviewed under Rule 2:10-2); State
    v. Weston, 
    222 N.J. 277
    , 300 (2015) (noting that plain error was
    proper standard of review); State v. Macon, 
    57 N.J. 325
    , 337-41
    (1971) (defining bounds of plain error standard).
    Finally, we comment on a brief portion of the prosecutor’s
    summation to the jury in which the prosecutor addressed the
    video recordings.
    With no objection from defendant, the prosecutor argued to
    the jury:
    All the statements that [defendant] made [during
    the interview] are to be analyzed and considered
    in the context of the level of anger and
    disturbance that existed when the police leave
    the room.    You observed it, members of the
    [j]ury. He’s the pillar of the community, the
    Mayor of the metropolis throughout the whole
    And on that board as soon as the [p]olice
    [o]fficers leave, he knows they got him and
    that’s when his hand goes down his pants and he’s
    mouthing “M F’er” to the world because he knew
    they got him. And you saw the switch and that’s
    how you’re to analyze the credibility of the
    statements made by the defendant on [that day].
    Utilize those portions of his statement when law
    enforcement was not in the room.
    Able to turn it on and off at his leisure, and
    unless guilty, there is no need to manipulate
    your presentation, your appearance to law
    enforcement.   Manipulation is the process by
    which a guilty party attempts to get over.
    Thus, after commenting on the credibility question for
    which the contested portions of the video recordings were
    offered and admitted into evidence, the prosecutor ventured
    beyond that limited purpose.   The prosecutor suggested to the
    jury that the distinction between defendant’s demeanor when
    police officers were in the room, and his demeanor when he was
    alone, indicated that defendant was a “guilty party” seeking to
    mislead the officers.
    This Court has long recognized that “[p]rosecutors are
    afforded considerable leeway in closing arguments as long as
    their comments are reasonably related to the scope of the
    evidence.”   State v. Frost, 
    158 N.J. 76
    , 82 (1999) (citing State
    v. Harris, 
    141 N.J. 525
    , 559 (1995); State v. Williams, 
    113 N.J. 393
    , 447 (1988)); accord State v. Timmendequas, 
    161 N.J. 515
    587 (1999), cert. denied, 
    534 U.S. 858
    122 S. Ct. 136
    151 L. Ed. 2d 89
     (2001).   Notwithstanding that latitude, prosecutors
    should be mindful of the purpose for which evidence is admitted
    when they comment on that evidence in summation.   See, e.g.,
    United States v. Gross, 
    511 F.2d 910
    , 919 (3d Cir.) (finding
    that prosecutor’s suggestion, in summation, that evidence
    admitted only on issue of credibility was probative of guilt was
    “troublesome,” but did not give rise to plain error), cert.
    423 U.S. 924
    96 S. Ct. 266
    46 L. Ed. 2d 249
    People v. Lang, 
    782 P.2d 627
    , 647 (Cal. 1989) (noting that
    prosecutor’s “urging use of evidence for a purpose other than
    the limited purpose for which it was admitted is improper
    argument”), cert. denied, 
    498 U.S. 881
    111 S. Ct. 224
    112 L. Ed. 2d 178
     (1990); People v. Williams, 
    681 N.E.2d 115
    , 122 (Ill.
    App. Ct.) (holding that prosecutor’s argument that defendant’s
    guilt was proven by evidence admitted only to show police
    officers’ investigative steps gave rise to error), appeal
    686 N.E.2d 1172
     (Ill. 1997).
    We view the prosecutor’s brief reference to defendant’s
    demeanor as proof of his guilt to be beyond the scope of fair
    comment on the evidence.   The prosecutor was free to discuss the
    video-recorded segments in which defendant was alone but should
    have constrained any such discussion to the question of
    credibility.   We caution prosecutors that when evidence is
    admitted for a limited purpose, comments in summation that
    exceed the bounds of that purpose must be avoided.
    We do not conclude, however, that the comment was “clearly
    capable of producing an unjust result” giving rise to plain
    error.   R. 2:10-2; see State v. Garrison, 
    228 N.J. 182
    , 201
    (2017) (finding challenged jury instruction did not amount to
    plain error).    In light of the substantial evidence presented by
    the State, the prosecutor’s brief comment on the video recording
    did not give rise to an unjust result and does not warrant
    reversal of defendant’s conviction.
    Our concurring colleagues diverge from our opinion on a
    single point:    whether the trial court abused its discretion
    when it held that the probative value of the disputed evidence
    for the jury’s assessment of defendant’s credibility was not
    substantially outweighed by the risk of undue prejudice, and
    declined to bar that evidence under N.J.R.E. 403.    Post at ___
    (slip op. at 11).    They consider the trial court’s ruling under
    N.J.R.E. 403 to be error, but find it to be harmless error in
    light of the evidence presented by the State.    Post at ___ (slip
    op. at 11-12).   We briefly address the issues raised in their
    separate opinion.
    Our colleagues are concerned about a broad application of
    our ruling in this case to future trials.    Our ruling is
    distinctly fact-sensitive and based on our standard of review.
    We do not determine, in this case, that every segment of video
    recording that shows a defendant alone in an interrogation room
    should be admitted under N.J.R.E. 401 and 403 for an assessment
    of credibility, or on any other basis.    Indeed, we would not
    subscribe to such a bright-line rule.     We too would be concerned
    about the open-ended use of video recordings of a defendant,
    ostensibly for the assessment of demeanor and credibility.       A
    careful balancing of probative value and prejudicial effect is
    always required under N.J.R.E. 403.    Based on the facts before
    the court in this matter and the parties’ distinct arguments, we
    view the trial court’s ruling to be a reasoned application of
    N.J.R.E. 401 and 403 to a unique set of facts, not a “clear
    error of judgment” that is “so wide of the mark” as to warrant
    reversal.   See Koedatich, 
    112 N.J. at 313
    ; Carter, 
    91 N.J. at 106
    The trial court made its ruling that the video recordings
    would be useful in the jury’s assessment of this defendant’s
    credibility in his interrogation in light of the sequence of
    events that led to those recordings.     The court did not confront
    a case in which officers video-recorded a defendant after they,
    or the defendant, terminated the interrogation.    To the
    contrary, immediately before they left the interrogation room,
    the officers discussed with defendant the prospect of continuing
    the discussion, if defendant wished to talk further.6    Minutes
    6  After defendant said, “I might have a little secret in my mind
    that proves I’m innocent,” and that he would not “say anything,”
    the officer said that was “fine.” The officer added that if
    defendant changed his mind and wanted to “reach out” he should
    later, the interrogation resumed.     Each of the disputed segments
    -- the five-minute segment that is the focus of our colleagues’
    concurring opinion, and the two shorter segments that followed -
    - was recorded immediately after one phase of the interrogation,
    and shortly before the next.    That is the setting in which the
    trial court made its case-specific ruling pursuant to N.J.R.E.
    403.    That ruling is the only determination that we review for
    abuse of discretion.
    Our colleagues note that the trial court did not
    specifically refer to N.J.R.E. 403 when it made its ruling.
    However, the absence of a specific reference to the Rule in the
    trial court’s oral decision does not signal that the court was
    call the officer “from the County Jail tell your attorney to
    reach out to me. That’s where it’s going.” Defendant asked why
    he was going to jail and was told he was going to be charged.
    He questioned the fact that he was being charged and said that
    “[t]his is a joke because I know I’m not guilty.” The officer
    told defendant again that he would be going “in the cell for the
    time being” but that if defendant thought about it and decided
    he wanted to talk to the detectives, “[t]hen by all means talk
    to an Officer get someone’s attention and say I don’t want to
    remain silent anymore I want to talk. And talk to someone.”
    Defendant asked the officer’s name, and the officer provided it.
    Defendant then stated, “[i]f I was to make a statement you know
    what I would say. I’m not guilty.” The officer responded that
    if defendant changed his mind, “[y]ou know where to find us.”
    Defendant then asked, “[i]s it almost over? Can I leave?” The
    officer said “No. You’re not leaving,” and left the room, at
    which point defendant shouted toward the door that his detention
    was “against the law.” A few minutes later, defendant knocked
    on the door and summoned an officer, who escorted him from the
    room. Defendant then requested to speak to the Chief of Police,
    and the interrogation resumed.
    not applying N.J.R.E. 403’s balancing test.     It is clear that
    the court weighed the probative value of the evidence against
    its potential for prejudice in accordance with that Rule.
    When the parties initially raised the issue before the
    trial judge and defense counsel generally expressed concerns
    about the video recordings, the judge specifically asked whether
    defendant’s objection was based on N.J.R.E. 403, and was told
    that it was.   In its decision the following day, the trial court
    expressly applied both components of the standard of that Rule.
    The court discussed the video recordings’ probative value in the
    jury’s assessment of credibility.     It found that while the video
    recordings depicting defendant’s demeanor while alone in the
    interrogation, like a defendant’s confession, were prejudicial,
    they were not so prejudicial as to mandate exclusion.     The trial
    court, in sum, applied N.J.R.E. 403’s standard to this case and
    made a ruling that clearly fell within its discretion.
    Our colleagues suggest that following our opinion, judges
    will admit any evidence showing changes in a defendant’s
    demeanor on the ground that it is relevant to the defendant’s
    credibility.   If, in another matter, the State offers into
    evidence video recordings such as those at issue in this case,
    our trial judges can assess that evidence in accordance with
    N.J.R.E. 401’s standard of relevancy, in light of the
    circumstances of the specific case.
    Finally, our colleagues suggest that in summations in
    future cases, prosecutors may overstate the significance of a
    defendant’s change in demeanor or otherwise mischaracterize the
    video-recorded evidence.   Post at ___ (slip op. at 10-11).    We
    do not share our colleague’s concerns.    This Court has defined
    what constitutes a prosecutor’s proper comment on the evidence
    in summation, and what does not.     See, e.g., State v. Bradshaw,
    195 N.J. 493
    , 510 (2008); State v. R.B., 
    183 N.J. 308
    , 331-34
    (2005); Timmendequas, 
    161 N.J. at 584-89
    .    Guided by that
    jurisprudence, our experienced criminal trial judges routinely
    scrutinize prosecutors’ comments in summation, and appellate
    courts review those determinations.    We respectfully note that
    if a summation in a future case raises the concerns identified
    by our colleagues, the trial court charged to oversee that case,
    guided by this Court’s case law on prosecutorial misconduct and
    in accordance with the specific purpose of the evidence, will
    rule on the propriety of the prosecutor’s comments.    Here, we
    conclude that the prosecutor briefly exceeded the boundaries of
    proper comment on the evidence by suggesting that defendant’s
    demeanor signified his guilt, but that the remarks in summation
    did not give rise to plain error.
    The judgment of the Appellate Division is reversed, and the
    matter is remanded to the Appellate Division panel for
    determination of any issues that the panel did not resolve.
    separate, concurring opinion, in which JUSTICES ALBIN and
    TIMPONE join.
    A-66 September Term 2015
    CHIEF JUSTICE RABNER, concurring.
    In this case, officers interrogated defendant Anthony Cole
    for two hours and ended the interview.     Defendant cooperated
    throughout; he calmly answered questions and denied that he had
    committed a crime.     At the very end of the interview, defendant
    repeated that he was innocent and asked to be released.    The
    officers instead told him that he was headed to the county jail.
    They then left the room.
    Over the objection of defense counsel, the jury watched a
    six-minute video recording of what happened next -- while
    defendant sat alone in the interrogation room after the
    interview had ended.     He was visibly upset, muttered to himself,
    and cursed.   Based on that evidence, the prosecution argued in
    summation that defendant manipulated his appearance during the
    interview because he was guilty.
    The Appellate Division concluded that it was error for the
    trial court to admit the video in evidence.     The majority
    disagrees.     In my judgment, the jury should not have seen the
    video based on a straightforward application of the rules of
    Under the circumstances, the video’s probative value was
    limited.     Its minimal relevance was substantially outweighed by
    the risk of undue prejudice and the danger that the recording
    would mislead the jury.     As a result, the evidence should have
    been excluded under N.J.R.E. 403.      Because the error was
    harmless in light of other strong evidence of defendant’s guilt,
    I concur in the judgment.
    The facts are not in dispute.      On December 16, 2009, the
    police arrested defendant for the attempted murder of David
    Donatelli several months earlier.      Donatelli, a long-time
    employee of the South Plainfield Public Works Department, had
    been at the park preparing for the town’s Labor Day fireworks
    display when someone slashed his neck with a knife.      Because of
    the severe nature of the wound, Donatelli faced a substantial
    risk of death and was rushed to the hospital.     After emergency
    surgery, he fortunately survived.
    The police brought defendant to headquarters, where he
    waived his rights under Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    , 86 S.
    Ct. 1602, 
    16 L. Ed. 2d 694
     (1966).     At trial, the jury watched
    the recorded statement of the interview that followed.
    Defendant responded to questions that two detectives posed and
    admitted that he went to the park on the night of the fireworks
    display.     But he repeatedly denied that he attacked Donatelli.
    During the interview, defendant was responsive, talkative, and
    in control.
    The interview lasted about two hours.     At the end,
    defendant insisted that he was innocent, as he had throughout
    the interrogation.     A detective then said the following:     “[I]f
    you change your mind and you do want to reach out back to me[,]
    [c]all me from the County Jail[;] tell your attorney to reach
    out to me.    That’s where it’s going.”   (emphases added).
    Defendant replied, “Why am I going to jail? . . . I’m not
    guilty.”     In response, the detective told defendant he was
    headed to “the cell for the time being” but, if he “want[ed] to
    talk to the detectives,” he could “talk to an officer,” “get
    someone’s attention,” and “talk to someone.”     Defendant again
    insisted that he was not guilty and asked, “Can I leave?”        When
    he was told, “[y]ou’re not leaving,” he protested again.        At
    that point, the detectives walked out of the interview room and
    the interview ended.     Nothing in the record suggests this marked
    the start of a short break with more questions to follow; the
    interview was over.
    The detectives left defendant alone in the room, and a
    camera continued to record him for almost six minutes.       While
    alone, defendant appeared angry and distraught; he cursed,
    gestured, and muttered quietly to himself.
    Defendant was then moved back to the booking room and, when
    the chief of police walked by in the hallway, defendant asked to
    speak with him.   Defendant was escorted back to the interview
    room where a second interview took place.       The jury watched a
    video of that statement as well.       In it, defendant continued to
    insist that he was innocent.     The police left defendant alone
    for ninety seconds during the second interview and for another
    two minutes at the end.     Each time, he again muttered quietly to
    At trial, defense counsel argued that the State should not
    be allowed to introduce the six-minute portion of the video
    taken when defendant was alone.    Counsel stressed that the
    evidence had no probative value and was prejudicial.       He also
    argued that the jury was “not going to know what to do with” the
    ambiguous evidence.     The State countered that the evidence
    offered context and would enable jurors to determine the
    witness’s credibility during the prior statement.
    The trial judge overruled the objection.       He reasoned that,
    although the evidence
    is subject to interpretation, I have to agree
    with the State that it’s clearly conduct which
    relates to the statements previously made by
    this defendant.
    The ability of a defendant to maintain
    control of himself, to respond in the manner
    in which he responded to police questions, to
    be demonstrative in his -- and appropriately
    demonstrative to questioning, and then when
    the defendant believes, I assume, knows that
    police aren’t there, knows that it’s being
    recorded, he mouths some of the curse words
    directly to the camera.    Clearly, that’s an
    indication of his demeanor and his conduct,
    and I think it is something that a jury should
    see in helping them understand [the] full
    tenor    and  context   of   the   defendant’s
    Aside from noting generally that “when a [d]efendant confesses,
    that also impacts negatively on a [d]efendant,” the trial court
    did not reference N.J.R.E. 403 or weigh the disputed evidence’s
    probative value against its risk of undue prejudice or of
    misleading the jury.    The court ruled that both videos could be
    viewed in their entirety “with appropriate limiting
    instructions.”     The judge invited defense counsel to present an
    instruction.     Counsel did not submit one, and the court did not
    give one to the jury.
    The prosecution, in summation, stressed the importance of
    defendant’s demeanor after the first interview, when he sat
    alone in the interview room.     The State’s arguments, repeated
    below, were more than a stray, passing reference:
    All the statements that he made on that
    day, December 16th, are to be analyzed and
    considered in the context of the level of
    anger and disturbance that existed when the
    police leave the room.      You observed it,
    members of the jury. He’s the pillar of the
    community, the Mayor of the metropolis
    throughout the whole interview.
    And on that board as soon as the police
    officers leave, he knows they got him and
    that’s when his hand goes down his pants and
    he’s mouthing “M F’er” to the world because he
    knew they got him. And you saw the switch and
    that’s how you’re to analyze the credibility
    of the statements made by the defendant on
    December 16th. Utilize those portions of his
    statement when law enforcement was not in the
    Able to turn it on and off at his leisure,
    and unless guilty, there is no need to
    manipulate your presentation, your appearance
    to law enforcement.      Manipulation is the
    process by which a guilty party attempts to
    get over.
    Relevant evidence is generally admissible.   See N.J.R.E.
    402.    The threshold for relevancy is not high; to be “relevant,”
    evidence must have “a tendency in reason to prove or disprove
    any fact of consequence to the determination of the action.”
    N.J.R.E. 401.
    Evidence of a person’s demeanor will ordinarily meet that
    standard for a simple reason:    how a person behaves can reveal
    whether he or she should be believed.    If an individual reacts
    to an officer’s questions in a hostile, defensive, or evasive
    way, for example, a juror might reasonably think that the
    person’s answers are not credible.   That type of evidence is
    plainly relevant.
    In this case, it is questionable whether evidence of
    defendant’s demeanor during the six minutes he was alone after
    the interview can satisfy the relevancy test.    The State
    contends that defendant’s marked change in demeanor bears on
    credibility.   But it can also mean a number of other things.    In
    fact, there are multiple reasonable inferences that can be drawn
    from defendant’s behavior after the interview.
    As the State argues, defendant’s change in mood may be a
    sign that his denials during the interrogation were not
    credible.   In essence, as the State suggests, defendant may have
    been upset because he realized he had been caught, and he only
    revealed his true beliefs when left alone.   Yet defendant may
    also have been upset because he believed he was innocent and law
    enforcement officers decided not to release him.    Or the
    evidence could prove that he has a habit of mumbling to himself
    when alone -- as he did three times in the span of an hour.
    Under the circumstances, the evidence is not powerful proof
    of defendant’s guilt.   At most, it is minimally probative.
    If evidence is relevant, trial courts may be asked to
    assess whether “its probative value is substantially outweighed
    by the risk of . . . undue prejudice, confusion of issues, or
    misleading the jury.”     N.J.R.E. 403.   To be sure, the video
    portrays defendant in a very unflattering light, which
    underscores the risk of undue prejudice the video presented.
    Even more problematic, though, the type of evidence in question
    could well mislead a jury.
    We trust jurors to evaluate a witness’s credibility.       When
    they hear trial testimony or review a suspect’s recorded
    statement, jurors evaluate not only what the witness has said
    but also how he spoke.    This case is different.    Defendant was
    no longer being questioned; he was alone after an interview had
    ended.     He did not make audible comments that might be
    admissible; he was agitated and upset.
    Jurors, as factfinders, are routinely asked to decide what
    evidence means and choose among conflicting inferences.      But
    there are no standards to guide a jury and help it understand a
    witness’s ambiguous change of mood after an interrogation has
    ended.     Left on its own, as the jury was in this case, this type
    of equivocal evidence could easily mislead a jury.      Even with a
    limiting instruction, the jury could not interpret defendant’s
    behavior after the interview without speculating about its
    meaning.     It was therefore error to admit the evidence.   In my
    view, that ruling was an abuse of discretion.       See State v.
    226 N.J. 516
    , 539 (2016).
    Today’s opinion expands the law but cites no authority that
    directly supports the broader approach it adopts.      The
    prosecution has not identified any case law that approves the
    use of evidence of a witness’s demeanor after an interrogation
    has ended.   Nor does the majority rely on any such precedent.
    The State and the Attorney General, as amicus, discuss
    State v. Cook, 
    179 N.J. 533
     (2004).       That important decision
    considered the benefits of recording custodial interrogations
    and announced that the Court would establish a committee to
    “study and make recommendations on the use of electronic
    recordation of custodial interrogations.”       
    Id. at 562
    .    The
    ruling in no way addressed the particular issue this appeal
    raises.   A year later, the Court adopted Rule 3:17 on
    “electronic recordation.”     That rule, as well, does not answer
    the question now before the Court.
    The State’s reliance on State v. Diaz-Bridges, 
    208 N.J. 544
    (2012), is also unavailing.     Diaz-Bridges analyzed a pretrial
    ruling that suppressed a defendant’s taped statement.         The case
    turned on whether the defendant’s request to speak with his
    mother during an interrogation amounted to an assertion of the
    right to silence.   
    Id. at 548
    .      The defendant spoke with the
    police on two separate occasions.      At different times during the
    lengthy second interrogation, the police took breaks and left
    defendant alone.    
    Id. at 554-55
    .     During a break after six
    hours, with the recording equipment running, defendant began to
    cry and said he wanted to go home.     
    Id. at 555
    The trial court suppressed the entire second statement; the
    Appellate Division suppressed part of it.     
    Id. at 558
    .   The
    Court reversed after it concluded that, under all of the
    circumstances, defendant’s request did not “constitute [an]
    invocation of his right to silence.”     
    Id. at 572
    The State maintains that the Court’s reversal of the
    suppression order in Diaz-Bridges amounted to a finding that the
    entire video should be admitted at trial.    But no party argued
    about whether portions of the video when defendant was alone --
    during breaks in an interrogation -- should be played for the
    jury.   And the opinion simply does not consider the issue.
    In short, neither Cook nor Diaz-Bridges supports the
    majority’s ruling.
    Today’s outcome also leaves a number of unanswered
    questions.   Will it become common at trial for prosecutors to
    play recordings of defendants after an interview has ended --
    while defendants sit alone in an interrogation room?    What will
    qualify as relevant evidence of demeanor in those instances?       If
    a witness responds to questioning in a pleasant tone but turns
    sullen when alone afterward, can that be presented to assail the
    witness’s credibility?   Suppose a witness starts to cross his
    arms and look about nervously after an interview?    Can
    prosecutors refer to that to offer context?
    In my judgment, the risk of undue prejudice and of
    misleading the jury substantially outweighed the probative value
    of the six-minute video.    As a result, it should have been
    excluded under N.J.R.E. 403, and it was an abuse of discretion
    to admit the evidence.1
    The majority ably recounts the strong evidence in the
    record against defendant:    police found gloves near the scene of
    the crime with both the victim’s blood on the outside and skin
    cells on the inside that matched defendant’s DNA; defendant’s
    mother contradicted his alibi; and a friend testified that
    defendant had asked if he could get a ride home from the
    fireworks display, said he would be back in a few minutes, and
    never reappeared.   In light of that and other evidence, I do not
    believe the admission of the six-minute video “raise[s] a
    reasonable doubt as to whether [the error] led the jury to a
    The Appellate Division remanded for a new trial and suggested
    in a footnote that N.J.R.E. 403 posed a “formidable barrier.”
    The panel, though, analyzed the disputed evidence under a line
    of authority about consciousness of guilt. See State v.
    190 N.J. 114
    , 125-29 (2007). Because I believe the
    evidence was inadmissible in the first place, I do not reach
    that question. That said, the prosecutor’s arguments in
    summation went beyond his stated purpose in seeking to admit the
    verdict it otherwise might not have reached.”   See State v.
    215 N.J. 65
    , 101 (2013).   The error was harmless.
    I therefore respectfully concur in the judgment.