  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court ." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-2366-19
    Third-Party Plaintiff/
    Third-Party Defendants/
    Submitted February 22, 2021 – April 28, 2021
    Before Judges Fasciale and Rothstadt.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Chancery Division, Essex County, Docket No. C-
    Lindgren, Lindgren, Oehm, & You, LLP, attorneys for
    appellants Altilium Power Development, LLC and ADP
    Flemington, LLC (Christian R. Oehm, on the briefs).
    Greenberg Traurig, LLP, attorneys for appellants Scott
    Caputo, Scott Straka, New Jersey Battery Energy
    Storage Project One, LLC, New Jersey Battery Energy
    Storage Project 2, LLC and MSS Capital, LLC (Paul H.
    Schafhauser and Paige Nestel, of counsel and on the
    Curcio, Mirzaian, Sirot, LLC, attorneys for respondents
    (Jason S. Haller, of counsel and on the briefs).
    These two appeals, which we considered "back-to-back" and have now
    consolidated for the purpose of writing one opinion, present a challenge to the
    Chancery Division's January 2, 2020 order that dissolved a previously entered
    temporary restraint and denied preliminary injunctive relief to defendants.
    Judge Jodi Lee Alper, the Chancery judge, entered the order after determining
    that defendants had extinguished their right of first refusal under a settlement
    agreement with plaintiff by not following the agreement's requirements for its
    exercise, thereby defeating their claim for injunctive relief under Crowe.1 As
    described herein, on appeal defendants assert numerous reasons why they
    believe the Chancery judge erred. We reject their contentions and affirm, as we
    conclude the judge properly determined defendants did not exercise their rights
    and failed to meet their burden under Crowe.
    In order to give context to our opinion, we are constrained to provide a
    detailed recitation of the facts from the record. At the outset, we identify the
    parties and their relationships, the history of their transactions, the project they
    pursued, and their earlier litigation before we reach the settlement agreement
    upon which the parties' claims and defenses are based.
    The Parties
    Plaintiff FTERA Advisors, LLC (FAL), FTERA Energy APD Flemington,
    LLC (FEAPD), and Altilium Energy, LLC (AEL), are companies managed by
    Crowe v. De Gioia, 
    90 N.J. 126
    FAL's sole member, third-party defendant Aleksy Krylov. Defendants are Scott
    Caputo and Scott Straka, and their related companies, defendants NJ Battery
    Energy Storage Project One, LLC, NJ Battery Energy Storage Project 2, LLC
    (collectively, Battery), MSS Capital, LLC (MSS), third-party plaintiff Altilium
    Power Development, LLC (APD), and APD Flemington, LLC (APD
    Flemington). APD's members are MSS, Battery, and FAL. Straka is the sole
    member of Battery 2 and Caputo is the sole member of MSS.
    All defendants and APD have appealed from the Chancery judge's order,
    which denied their application for injunctive relief restraining Krylov and his
    entities from alienating FEAPD. Their right to such relief turned on whether
    they had a right of first refusal to acquire FEAPD and the project that APD, and
    later FEAPD, were formed to pursue or sell, and, if so, whether they exercised
    it in accordance with the underlying contract, which was a settlement agreement
    that resolved the earlier litigation between the parties.
    The Project
    In February 2018, Caputo, Straka, and Krylov entered into discussions
    about constructing a battery energy storage facility in Flemington. Caputo and
    In or around September 2018, Straka transferred Battery 1's interest in APD
    to Battery 2.
    Straka, who were familiar with the industry and had contacts in it, did not have
    funds to contribute so they approached Krylov who, upon hearing the pair's
    plans for the facility, agreed to provide the necessary financial backing. The
    three formed APD on or about March 23, 2018, designating FAL, Battery, and
    MSS as its members, in order to build "a battery energy storage system . . .
    which would be connected to the electrical power grid," (the Project). The plan
    called for APD to "ultimately generate revenue by providing certain balancing,
    frequency regulation[,] and other services to the power grid." Its operating
    agreement designated Krylov as Chief Executive Officer.
    The parties simultaneously formed APD Flemington with APD as its sole
    member in order to hold the rights to the land on which the Project would be
    built. APD Flemington's operating agreement similarly designated Krylov as
    the managing director.
    On March 29, 2018, APD Flemington entered into a lease and purchase
    agreement with Raritan Parkway Properties, LLC (RPP) for a certain property
    in Raritan Township. APD estimated that it would need to raise between ten
    and fifteen million dollars in order to build the Project on that property.
    Alternatively, the plan was to sell the lease and rights to connect the facility to
    the electrical grid without having to raise the money to construct the Project.
    In order to complete the Project, APD needed to apply to PJM
    Interconnection, LLC (PJM) for the purpose of connecting to the electrical
    power grid.3    At some point, APD was issued an "interconnection queue
    position" (IQP) for the Project's connection to the electrical power grid. APD's
    primary assets were therefore the IQP and APD Flemington's rights under the
    RPP lease.
    Soon thereafter, disputes arose between the individuals over whether to
    pursue development of the project or to sell it to a third party. One prospective
    buyer, Viridity Energy Solutions, Inc. (VESI), presented a term sheet outlining
    its offer to purchase the Project (First Term Sheet). The purchase price was to
    be $800,000 plus residual payments from operations. Caputo and Straka wanted
    to sell, but Krylov did not.
    Following Krylov's refusal to sell the Project to VESI pursuant to the First
    Term Sheet, APD held a member vote on September 22, 2018, at which Battery
    and MSS voted to remove Krylov as CEO of APD and replace him with Caputo.
    On the same day, Caputo, as the newly appointed representative for APD,
    executed the First Term Sheet with VESI. Days later, Krylov formed FEAPD
    According to the parties, PJM is "an entity that coordinates the interstate
    movement of wholesale electricity."
    and, according to Caputo and Straka, purportedly transferred all of APD’s rights
    in the project to the new entity, including the IQP and the RPP lease.
    The Litigation, Settlement Agreement and Right of First Refusal
    Thereafter, in November 2018, FAL filed a complaint against Caputo,
    Straka, APD, Battery, MSS Capital, and APD Flemington. The next month,
    Krylov allegedly formed AEL. On January 29, 2019, APD filed an amended
    answer asserting affirmative defenses and counterclaims against FAL, and a
    third-party complaint asserting claims against Krylov, FEAPD, and AEL.
    On April 26, 2019, the parties resolved the litigation by entering into a
    settlement agreement that contemplated a sale of the Project to VESI. Paragraph
    one of the agreement stated that, upon Krylov receiving the first $200,000 of the
    purchase price paid by VESI, defendants would receive the balance of the
    purchase price and FEAPD would "assign all rights of payment, and, to the
    extent not required by VESI, all rights in the Lease with [RPP] and to the [IQP
    with] PJM to any Defendant other than [APD] or to a new entity to be
    design[ated] by the [d]efendants."
    Paragraph two of the settlement agreement addressed any "[d]efault by
    VESI" and provided that if one occurred, defendants waived any rights or
    interest in FEAPD, except that they would have "a right of first refusal" to
    acquire FEAPD from Krylov if certain conditions were met.              It stated the
    In the event VESI fails to provide confirmation of the
    initiation of a wire transfer to PJM by 12:00PM on
    April 26, 2019 or fails to close on the purchase of
    [FEAPD, FEAPD] has the right to repay VESI any
    balance extended with respect to the PJM Facility Study
    Deposit which has not been refunded by PJM and to
    thereafter claim against VESI, to sell [FEAPD] or the
    Project to any purchaser of [FEAPD] or the Project
    selected by [FAL] or [FEAPD] without any claim of
    any of the Defendants. In such default context,
    Defendants acknowledge and agree that they waive any
    right or interest with respect to [FAL, FEAPD], Krylov,
    or [AEL], except that, in the event that Defendants pay
    their pro-rata share of any reimbursement to VESI
    (based upon their percentage voting ownership in
    [APD]), or, if no reimbursement is required,
    Defendants shall have a right of first refusal for a period
    of [thirty] days to buy out the interest of Krylov in
    [FEAPD] for a total of the greater of (a) $260,000 or
    (b) cash value of (i) 31.6% ownership in [FEAPD]
    based upon the highest available arms-length
    independent third party offer to acquire [FEAPD] and
    (ii) related expenses incurred to date.
    [Emphasis added.]
    On the same day the parties entered into the settlement agreement,
    FEAPD, through Krylov, and VESI executed a new summary term sheet (Second
    Term Sheet) detailing the contemplated sale to VESI of FEAPD, including the
    IQP and RPP lease. The Second Term Sheet called for a $600,000 purchase
    price to be paid over time, and for VESI to deposit $50,000 with PJM for a
    "facilities study," which it did shortly after execution of the term sheet.
    Three days later, the parties filed a stipulation of settlement which
    incorporated the settlement agreement by reference and stated that the claims,
    counterclaims, actions, and causes of action between the parties were "settled
    upon the terms set forth in" the settlement agreement.
    Litigation Over the Settlement Agreement
    After executing the settlement agreement, Krylov continued negotiations
    with VESI. Eventually the parties reached an impasse and negotiations were
    terminated. On October 17, 2019, Krylov forwarded Straka and Caputo an email
    from VESI attaching a Membership Interest Purchase and Sale Agreement
    (MIPSA) and informing Krylov that if the terms in that agreement , which were
    different than the Second Term Sheet's, were not accepted by the end of the day
    on October 18, 2019, VESI would contact PJM to withdraw from the project.
    The next day, VESI emailed PJM notifying it that VESI's negotiations with
    FEAPD had failed, and that it therefore sought reimbursement of their $50,000
    facilities study deposit, destruction of the project drawings it supplied, and
    withdrawal of the IQP.
    That same day, counsel for Caputo and Straka contacted Krylov regarding
    the latter's failure to close on the sale with VESI and informed him that Caputo
    and Straka intended to act on paragraph two of the settlement agreement under
    which they "ha[d] thirty (30) days to purchase [Krylov's] interests in [FEAPD]."
    Rather than paying the $260,000 contemplated by paragraph two of the
    settlement agreement, Caputo and Straka attempted several times to renegotiate
    the terms of a buyout of Krylov's interest in FEAPD. In response, Krylov
    explained that defendants were not in a position to negotiate buying out his
    interest in the company, as they had not paid the $34,000 to VESI in
    reimbursement as required to even obtain the right of first refusal. As such,
    Krylov refused to accept each of the proposed modified arrangements because
    they were not in compliance with the settlement agreement and informed
    defendants that their right to buy his interest in FEAPD only "kick[ed] in" after
    reimbursing their share of the VESI, whereupon they could then buy his interest
    for $260,000.
    A week later, Krylov sent defendants an email indicating that VESI had
    threatened to "start filing lawsuits" and informed defendants that he would need
    "something in writing" that defendants would have a replacement for their share
    of the $50,000 facilities study deposit VESI had made. Counsel for Caputo and
    Straka emailed Krylov to notify him that Caputo and Straka had deposited
    $34,000 into a trust account on October 28, 2019.
    Shortly thereafter, VESI filed a complaint against FEAPD seeking
    monetary damages from FEAPD and Krylov. After its filing, the parties again
    discussed Caputo and Straka's buyout of Krylov's interest in FEAPD under the
    settlement agreement in a series of emails they exchanged between November 4
    and November 7, 2019.        In one email, defendants offered to pay Krylov
    $155,400 for his interest in FEAPD, the RPP lease and the IQP, and an additional
    $155,400 to VESI in exchange for VESI dismissing its lawsuit against Krylov.
    Krylov rejected the offer.
    On November 13, 2019, five days before the expiration of the thirty-day
    period stated in the settlement agreement, Krylov emailed defendants to inform
    them that he was "inclined to let PJM cancel the facility study and refund the
    deposit to [VESI] . . . unless [defendants] [we]re willing to act on [the] rights
    available to them under the settlement agreement."
    The Award of Temporary Restraints
    Also on November 13, 2019, APD filed an application for entry of an
    order to show cause seeking temporary restraints on Krylov's ability to sell
    FEAPD, including its IQP and the RPP lease.           It also sought an order
    "[e]nforcing the parties' April 26, 2019 [s]ettlement [a]greement;" "[a]ppointing
    an independent agent to act on behalf of [FEAPD]and [Krylov] to facilitate the
    enforcement of the April 26, 2019 [s]ettlement [a]greement and to hold those
    necessary items obligated to be delivered by [d]efendants . . . in escrow pending
    the outcome of the matter" between VESI and FEAPD.
    In support, APD submitted a certification from Caputo, which stated that
    he and the other defendants were seeking emergent relief to protect their rights
    under the settlement agreement and to enforce the agreement. He explained that
    defendants had "substantially complied" with the settlement agreement and
    "tendered necessary items in fulfillment of their obligations." He certified that
    FEAPD and Krylov failed to close on the terms sheet attached to VESI's
    complaint and following the failure to close, defendants "acted in accordance
    with and pursuant to the relevant provisions of the [s]ettlement [a]greement."
    Defendants also represented that they had the funds necessary to make the
    purchase and had confirmed same to Krylov in emails that would be produced
    on the return date. Specifically, defendants' attorney advised the Chancery
    judge that they "[a]bsolutely . . . ha[d] all [of] the proof" that defendants had
    acted "within thirty days" to "buy out [Krylov's] interest [in FEAPD] . . . for a
    total of . . . $260,000."
    Based on defendants' representations, Judge Alper granted the temporary
    restraints on November 19, 2019, reasoning that "it appear[ed] that the
    [defendants we]re attempting to act under paragraph two of the settlement
    agreement and attempting to exercise their right of first refusal." She found that
    there could be irreparable harm to defendants if they were not permitted to
    exercise their right, but she made no findings on the ultimate success on the
    merits. She concluded that Krylov and FEAPD could not "take any action to
    sell, merge, convert, transfer, dissipate, encumber[,] or otherwise dispose of
    [FEAPD]" pending the January 2, 2020 return date of the order to show cause.
    The Dissolution of the Restraints and Denial of a Preliminary Injunction
    Following the hearing, defendants' counsel wrote to Krylov's attorney
    with yet another settlement proposal.         He stated that defendants had
    "approximately $311,000" at their disposal and that Krylov could "divide the
    money between himself and VESI as he may."            Krylov's attorney did not
    On December 13, 2019, FAL filed a motion to dissolve the temporary
    restraints. In a supporting certification, Krylov stated the parties' settlement
    agreement provided that FAL would receive the first $200,000 from the VESI
    sale, with the remaining right to payments assigned to defendants. According
    to Krylov, after VESI emailed PJM for return of their money and drawings and
    the withdrawal of the PJM IQP, he contacted PJM and instructed them not to
    follow VESI's instructions in order "[t]o save the project." He also stated that
    VESI sued him and FEAPD on November 4, 2019, but on December 5, 2019, he
    had a phone call with VESI's parent company, Ormat Technologies, Inc.
    (Ormat), and they were "able to come to a[n] . . . agreement—conditioned on
    th[e trial c]ourt's dissolving the restraints—that would allow the deal to close on
    the original terms and the separate lawsuit against [him would] be dismissed."
    FAL also submitted a certification from Ormat's counsel, Jessica Woelfel
    who stated that pursuant to the Second Term Sheet, VESI had deposited $50,000
    with PJM and obtained engineering studies to allow VESI to develop the FEAPD
    property for electrical storage. She added that VESI filed a complaint against
    FEAPD and Krylov, and thereafter, a temporary restraining order was entered
    against Krylov to enjoin him from selling his interest in FEAPD. She also
    explained that "the impasse between Krylov and VESI ha[d] been resolved." As
    such, VESI had drafted a final MIPSA, and had authorized the dismissal of its
    complaint without prejudice upon the closing of the MIPSA deal. She also
    certified that VESI was "ready, willing[,] and able" to execute the MIPSA when
    the temporary restraints were dissolved.
    During oral argument on the return date of both the order to show cause
    and the motion to dissolve the restraints, counsel for APD and APD Flemington
    explained that defendants deposited $34,000 "representing their contribution to
    the $50,000.00 advanced by [VESI] to PJM in accordance with the terms of the
    [settlement agreement.]" However, counsel represented that defendants did not
    have "any actual verifiable means from [VESI] as to what [defendants']
    contribution would actually be," aside from "the word of [Krylov] who has not
    acted in good faith and has not acted with clean hands throughout this entire
    proceeding." Instead, they asserted that Krylov was "causing conditions that
    [we]re preventing [defendants] from exercising their rights."
    In response to the judge's inquiry as to whether his clients "put
    $260,000.00 in escrow within thirty days of October 18th," counsel responded,
    "[n]o" but explained that putting $260,000 in escrow was not a requirement of
    the settlement, and defendants "did everything that they were supposed to do."
    He added that defendants had a "letter of credit from [an] investor" in the amount
    of $300,000. The letter of credit was not part of any submission to the judge. 4
    In placing her decision on the record, Judge Alper explained that the
    parties entered into a settlement agreement on April 26, 2019, and the agreement
    This letter of credit is also not included in the record on appeal.
    included a right of first refusal in paragraph two. She read from that paragraph
    and explained the following:
    There is no condition in this language regarding
    the closing by [VESI] of its purchase of the project.
    The language clearly states simply that if [VESI] fails
    to close on the purchase then [FAL] here has the right
    to repay [VESI] the balance due for the facility study
    deposit and then [FAL] . . . retains its right to take over
    the project without any claim of the defendants.
    As to defendants' right of first refusal, she explained that the agreement
    provided that defendants "shall have a right of first refusal for a period of thirty
    days to buy out the interest of [Krylov] and [FEAPD] for a total of the greater
    of [(a)] $260,000.00 or [(b)] cash value of . . . 31.6 percent ownership in
    [FEAPD] based upon the highest available arms-length independent third party
    Judge Alper then explained that the relief sought sounded in both breach
    of contract and in equity. She stated that "[t]he relief that's being requested in
    the view of the [c]ourt is not at this point equitable relief," noting that the parties
    agreed the settlement agreement controlled the motions before her and that both
    parties "anchored their relief" in the settlement agreement. But then she added
    "[t]he [c]ourt also finds that the relief that's being requested is equitable relief."
    She then explained that defendants were seeking an injunction and that any
    injunctive relief was "bound by the cases that are precedential for such relief,"
    such as Crowe.
    The Chancery judge concluded that she would not enter a preliminary
    injunction and would set aside the temporary restraints. She found that the relief
    defendants requested sounded "firmly in a breach of contract" and they had not
    shown irreparable harm, but instead that the relief they were seeking was
    "strictly monetary and c[ould] be addressed through monetary damages." She
    added, "[a]s I understand the representations of the . . . parties, the right of first
    refusal was required to be exercised within thirty days of October [18], 2019 [,]
    as specifically set forth in paragraph [two] of the settlement agreement."
    Applying the other Crowe factors, Judge Alper found that the right of first
    refusal was a well-settled legal right, but she explained that she did not find that
    defendants exercised that right. She also found "it noteworthy that there were
    no conditions put on the obligation of [VESI] to purchase the project." She
    explained that "[t]he language is . . . clear in the settlement agreement that if
    [VESI] fails to provide confirmation of the initiation of a wire transfer or fails
    to close on the purchase then [FEAPD] has the right to certain relief subject to
    the right of first refusal."
    Additionally, the judge did not find that defendants established a
    reasonable probability of success because they did not demonstrate that they
    complied with the right of first refusal and because the relief that was being
    requested "sound[ed] in monetary damages not in equity." As to balancing the
    hardships of the parties, she found that the balance was in favor of FAL and
    Krylov, who "negotiated the settlement agreement and defendants had the right
    to comply with the agreement" but failed to comply.           These two appeals
    On appeal, defendants collectively, and some individually, raise various
    arguments. Essentially, they argue that the Chancery judge misinterpreted the
    settlement agreement, erred by finding they did not exercise their right of first
    refusal, and failed to consider Krylov's conduct that allegedly prevented them
    from exercising their right. Additionally, they contend that the judge erred by
    finding they did not satisfy their burden for a temporary injunction and by failing
    to conduct a plenary hearing. In addition, APD and APD Flemington assert that
    the Chancery judge erred when she found no equitable relief was available to
    them and by failing to explain her reasons for dissolving the temporary
    restraints. Defendants also argue that it was an abuse of discretion for the judge
    to dissolve the restraints under the doctrine of unclean hands. Finally, some of
    them contend the judge erred and abused her discretion in allowing the forfeiture
    of defendants' settled contractual right of first refusal. We are not persuaded by
    any of their contentions.
    When determining whether a party is entitled to preliminary injunctive
    relief, a court must consider the four Crowe factors. See Garden State Equal. v.
    216 N.J. 314
    , 320 (2013) (reiterating the factors outlined in 
    Crowe, 90 N.J. at 132-34
    ). First, "a preliminary injunction should not issue except when
    necessary to prevent irreparable harm." 
    Crowe, 90 N.J. at 132
    . As the Crowe
    Court explained, harm is "generally considered irreparable in equity if it cannot
    be redressed adequately by monetary damages."
    Id. at 132-33.
    "temporary relief should be withheld when the legal right underlying plaintiff's
    claim is unsettled."
    Id. at 133.
    Third, a "preliminary injunction should not issue
    where all material facts are controverted."
    Ibid. Under the third
    factor, "to
    prevail on an application for [preliminary] relief, a plaintiff must make a
    preliminary showing of a reasonable probability of ultimate success on the
    Ibid. Fourth and finally,
    a court must consider the "relative hardship
    to the parties in granting or denying relief."
    Id. at 134.
    The moving party has the burden to establish each of the Crowe factors
    by clear and convincing evidence. Brown v. City of Paterson, 
    424 N.J. Super. 176
    , 183 (App. Div. 2012). However, "'a court may take a less rigid view' of
    the Crowe factors and the general rule that all factors favor injunctive relief
    'when the interlocutory injunction is merely designed to preserve the status
    quo.'" Waste Mgmt. of N.J., Inc. v. Morris Cnty. Mun. Utils. Auth., 433 N.J.
    Super. 445, 453 (App. Div. 2013) (quoting Waste Mgmt. of N.J., Inc. v. Union
    Cnty. Utils. Auth., 
    399 N.J. Super. 508
    , 520 (App. Div. 2008)).
    We review a trial court's decision to grant or deny a preliminary injunction
    for an abuse of discretion.
    Id. at 451;
    see also Rinaldo v. RLR Inv., LLC, 
    387 N.J. Super. 387
    , 395 (App. Div. 2006). A court abuses its discretion "when a
    decision is 'made without a rational explanation, inexplicably departed from
    established policies, or rested on an impermissible basis.'" State v. R.Y., 
    242 N.J. 48
    , 65 (2020) (quoting Flagg v. Essex Cnty. Prosecutor, 
    171 N.J. 561
    , 571
    However, where the decision to grant or deny injunctive relief turns on
    the construction and interpretation of a settlement agreement, which is a matter
    of law, our review is de novo. Kaur v. Assured Lending Corp., 
    405 N.J. Super. 468
    , 474 (App. Div. 2009). As such, "[a] 'trial court's interpretation of the law
    and the legal consequences that flow from established facts are not entitled to
    any special deference.'"
    Ibid. (quoting Alfano v.
    BDO Seidman, LLP, 393 N.J.
    Super. 560, 573 (App. Div. 2007)). We "give 'no special deference to the trial
    court's interpretation and look at the contract with fresh eyes.'" Manahawkin
    Convalescent v. O'Neill, 
    217 N.J. 99
    , 115 (2014) (quoting Kieffer v. Best Buy,
    205 N.J. 213
    , 223 (2011)).
    We first address defendants' contention that the Chancery judge
    misinterpreted the settlement agreement and therefore found they had not
    exercised their right of first refusal in light of the fact they posted their share of
    the reimbursement to be paid to VESI. They argue that their further performance
    of the purchase was excused by "[p]laintiff clearly express[ing] his intent not to
    honor [their] rights and interests unless they paid him $400,000." We disagree
    with their contentions.5
    Defendants also argue for the first time on appeal that Krylov's demands for
    more money excused their performance under the doctrines of impossibility and
    frustration of purpose by virtue of VESI filing suit against Krylov. Because
    these doctrines were not argued before the Chancery judge we do not consider
    them on appeal. Nieder v. Royal Indem. Ins., 
    62 N.J. 229
    , 234 (1973); Correa
    v. Grossi, 
    458 N.J. Super. 571
    , 576 n.2 (App. Div. 2019). Even if we did, we
    find the contention has no merit, as the settlement agreement clearly
    contemplated a situation where VESI would not go through with the purchase.
    See Capparelli v. Lopatin, 
    459 N.J. Super. 584
    , 606-07 (App. Div. 2019).
    At the outset, we note that "[g]enerally, a settlement agreement is
    governed by principles of contract law." Brundage v. Est. of Carambio, 
    195 N.J. 575
    , 600-01 (2008) (quoting Thompson v. City of Atl. City, 
    190 N.J. 359
    , 379
    (2007)).   "Fundamental to our jurisprudence relating to settlements is the
    principle that '[t]he settlement of litigation ranks high in our public policy.'"
    Id. at 601
    (alteration in original) (quoting Jannarone v. W.T. Co., 
    65 N.J. Super. 472
    , 476 (App. Div. 1961)). Therefore, "absent a demonstration of 'fraud or
    other compelling circumstances,' [we] should honor and enforce" them.
    Pascarella v. Bruck, 
    190 N.J. Super. 118
    , 124-25 (App. Div. 1983) (quoting
    Honeywell v. Bubb, 
    130 N.J. Super. 130
    , 136 (App. Div. 1974)).
    According to well-settled principals of contract law, "[c]ourts enforce
    contracts 'based on the intent of the parties, the express terms of the contract,
    surrounding circumstances and the underlying purpose of the contract.'" Matter
    of Cnty. of Atl., 
    230 N.J. 237
    , 254 (2017) (alteration in original). Courts
    interpreting contracts are generally required to give the terms "their plain and
    ordinary meaning." E. Brunswick Sewerage Auth. v. E. Mill Assocs., Inc., 
    365 N.J. Super. 120
    , 125 (App. Div. 2004). If the contract language is clear, it must
    be enforced as written.
    Ibid. But if the
    language is "ambiguous, 'courts will
    consider the parties' practical construction of the contract as evidence of their
    intention and as controlling weight in determining a contract's interpretation.'"
    Matter of Cnty. of 
    Atl., 230 N.J. at 255
    (quoting Cnty. of Morris v. Fauver, 
    153 N.J. 80
    , 103 (1998)).
    As with any contract, a reviewing court may not rewrite a settlement
    agreement "to provide a better bargain than contained in [the parties'] writing."
    Kaur, 405 N.J. Super. at 477
    (quoting Grow Co. v. Chokshi, 
    403 N.J. Super. 443
    , 464 (App. Div. 2008)). But, courts of equity are not required to enforce
    contracts when doing so would result in a manifest injustice or would impose a
    great hardship. E. Brunswick Sewerage 
    Auth., 365 N.J. Super. at 125
    Also guiding our review in this action is the fact that the parties' dispute
    is over what the parties labeled as a right of first refusal, which upon closer look
    is more akin to an option to purchase. The primary difference lies in the holder
    of the right's ability to compel a sale. "A privilege of first refusal does not give
    the holder of the privilege the power to compel the owner to sell. It merely
    requires the owner, if and when he decides to sell, to offer the property to the
    holder at a stipulated price." Madison Indus., Inc. v. Eastman Kodak Co., 
    243 N.J. Super. 578
    , 586-87 (App. Div. 1990).
    "An option is a binding unilateral contract whereby the owner offers to
    sell to the optionee at a specified price in the event the latter exercises the option,
    whether the owner is willing to part with ownership or not. . . . The option is
    unilateral because the owner is bound by his offer, but no obligation is imposed
    upon the optionee."
    Id. at 587
    (emphasis omitted).
    Typically, the buyout price under a right of first refusal is simply the price
    offered by a third-party offeror; but here, the price was set by the settlement
    agreement—further persuading us that the so-called right of first refusal is, in
    fact, an option. See Mazzeo v. Kartman, 
    234 N.J. Super. 223
    , 229-30 (App. Div.
    1989) ("Very often it is clearly provided that B shall have a Right of First
    Refusal at the same price and on the same terms as those of an offer by a third
    person that O is willing to accept." (quoting 1A Corbin on Contracts § 261 at
    470 (1963))). The exercise of a right of first refusal must await a seller's tender
    of the property after receiving an offer from a third party. See
    Id. at 229
    right of first refusal has no binding effect unless the offeror decides to sell. . . .
    It limits the right of the owner to dispose freely of his property by compelling
    him to offer it first to the party who has the first right to buy." (quoting 11
    Williston on Contracts § 1441A at 948-50 (Jaeger ed., 3d ed. 1968))). With an
    option, "[b]ecause the property owner cannot withdraw the offer, we require the
    option holder, who is 'free to accept or reject,' to adhere strictly to the terms of
    the contract." Brunswick Hills Racquet Club, Inc. v. Route 18 Shopping Ctr.
    182 N.J. 210
    , 223 (2005); see also Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. v. Kin
    Props., Inc., 
    276 N.J. Super. 96
    , 105 (App. Div. 1994).
    Here, although defendants argue their performance was excused by
    Krylov's alleged demands for more money, the plain language of the settlement
    agreement clearly stated once VESI did not proceed with the purchase by
    making the required payments, defendants had a right to purchase Krylov's
    interest in FEAPD during the thirty days following VESI's default at a specific
    price, the minimum of which was $260,000. If not exercised during that time,
    defendants' right to purchase expired. That language created an option, and as
    such, defendants were bound to exercise it in strict accordance with the
    settlement agreement.
    As Judge Alper found, defendants failed to do so by not ever tendering to
    Krylov the $260,000, which was required in light of the fact there were no other
    purchasers offering a higher price. Defendants not only failed to tender the
    purchase price, they also failed to even deposit the amount in trust to
    demonstrate their ability to perform.
    Contrary to defendants' argument, the fact that they placed the $34,000 to
    reimburse VESI in escrow did not constitute an exercise of the option. That
    $34,000 payment, according to the agreement's plain language, only gave rise to
    their option. Had they not made that payment, no right to purchase existed.
    Under these circumstances, and contrary to defendants' contention on
    appeal, without any proof that they tendered the purchase price and Krylov
    rejected the payment, it did not matter what Krylov allegedly otherwise did or
    said about what he wanted that was inconsistent with the terms of the settlement
    agreement. In any event, Krylov acknowledged defendants' right to purchase
    when he wrote to them five days before the option period expired seeking
    payment in accordance with the settlement agreement.
    Without even an attempt to tender the purchase price within the specified
    time period, defendants did not have any settled rights, nor could they
    demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits that warranted the imposition
    of preliminary restraints. See Crowe, 
    90 N.J. 133-34
    Brown, 424 N.J. Super. at 183
    . Contrary to defendants' argument on appeal, the imposition of injunctive
    relief to preserve their interest in the RPP lease was unwarranted. Without
    exercising the option to purchase, they had no rights—having expressly waived
    them in paragraph two of the settlement agreement—except for their right to
    purchase, which, again, they did not exercise.
    Finally, we find no merit to defendants' claim that the doctrine of unclean
    hands applied to Krylov's demands for more money than required in the
    settlement agreement or to his conduct that led to VESI initially withdrawing
    from the purchase. The doctrine of unclean hands provides "that a court should
    not grant relief to one who is a wrongdoer with respect to the subject matter in
    suit." Borough of Princeton v. Bd. of Chosen Freeholders of Mercer, 
    169 N.J. 135
    , 158 (2001) (quoting Faustin v. Lewis, 
    85 N.J. 507
    , 511 (1981)).
    Although the record certainly contains multiple examples of Krylov
    sending defendants proposals to buy out his interest for amounts well above
    those contemplated by the settlement agreement, it also demonstrates
    defendants' offers to pay less than the contract amount. These negotiations do
    not evidence any interference with the exercise of defendants' right of first
    refusal nor an unambiguous repudiation of Krylov's contractual duties which
    would justify defendants' nonperformance.        Spring Creek Holding Co. v.
    Shinnihon U.S.A. Co., 
    399 N.J. Super. 158
    , 178 (App. Div. 2008) (citing Ross
    Sys. v. Linden Dari-Delite, Inc., 
    35 N.J. 329
    , 340-41 (1961)). To the contrary,
    as late as five days before the thirty-day period expired, Krylov expressly
    recognized defendants' rights and, significantly, he never indicated he would
    reject the $260,000 price stipulated in the settlement agreement if it was offered.
    We conclude that, in light of the undisputed fact that defendants did not
    perform in strict compliance with the settlement agreement, Judge Alper
    properly denied injunctive relief and was justified in not conducting a plenary
    hearing before doing so. See Jacoby v. Jacoby, 
    427 N.J. Super. 109
    , 123 (App.
    Div. 2012) (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting Shaw v. Shaw, 138 N.J.
    Super. 436, 440 (App. Div. 1976)) (stating plenary hearings should be ordered
    "only where the affidavits show that there is a genuine issue as to a material fact,
    and . . . the trial judge determines that a plenary hearing would be helpful in
    deciding such factual issues").
    To the extent we have not specifically addressed any of defendants'
    remaining arguments, we conclude they are without sufficient merit to warrant
    discussion in a written opinion. R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E). We only observe that, as
    Judge Alper found, to the extent that Krylov proceeded with a sale, defendants
    may have a claim for breach of contract and perhaps other causes of action that,
    if proven, can adequately be remedied through an award of damages.