  •                                 NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court." Although it is posted on the
    internet, this opinion is binding only on the parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R. 1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-1287-20
    Argued April 26, 2021 – Decided May 17, 2021
    Before Judges Sabatino and Gooden Brown.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New Jersey, Law
    Division, Burlington County, Docket No. L-2149-19.
    Robert S. Baranowski, Jr., argued the cause for
    appellant (Hyland Levin Shapiro, LLP, attorneys;
    Robert S. Baranowski, Jr., and Megan Knowlton Balne,
    on the briefs).
    Christopher J. Norman argued the cause for respondent
    (Craig, Annin & Baxter, LLP, and Platt & Riso, PC,
    attorneys; Christopher J. Norman, on the brief).
    This land use appeal arises from an application by plaintiff DePetris
    Family Associates 2, LLC ("DePetris") seeking to build a drive-thru1 Dunkin'
    Donuts establishment in Medford Township along with three adjacent retail
    buildings. Although coffee shops are allowed in the pertinent Community
    Commercial ("CC") zone in Medford, the zoning ordinance treats such
    businesses with a "drive-thru" component as only conditional uses. Hence, a
    use variance is required to enable the drive-thru feature.
    DePetris applied to the municipality's Zoning Board of Adjustment ("the
    Board") for a use variance for the proposed project, along with several bulk
    variances.   By a five-to-two vote, the Board rejected the application,
    substantially (albeit not exclusively) because of concerns about traffic impacts,
    in particular, customers who would be making left-hand turns into and out of
    the Dunkin' Donuts.
    Although the term "drive-through" would be more formal and traditional, we
    instead shall use "drive-thru" in this opinion, comporting with how the term is
    spelled in the record and the parties' briefs.
    DePetris challenged the Board's denial by filing a complaint in lieu of
    prerogative writs in the Law Division. The Law Division upheld the Board's
    decision, and this appeal by DePetris ensued.
    For the reasons that follow, we must remand this matter because the
    Board's resolution failed to analyze DePetris's revision of its application at the
    end of the hearings. Specifically, the resolution assumed there would be "full
    movement access" to the Dunkin' Donuts by motorists at all hours, overlooking
    that DePetris agreed in its revised plan to a daily prohibition on left-hand turns
    out of the premises onto Taunton Road between the anticipated peak usage hours
    of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Because this revision appears to affect a key aspect of
    the use variance analysis, the matter must be reconsidered by the Board to take
    the revision into account and evaluate it explicitly.
    Since we are remanding the case, we need not detail the facts and
    procedural history at length. The following background will suffice for present
    DePetris first applied for a use variance from the Board to build a drive-
    thru Dunkin' Donuts within a different parcel it owns, a retail complex known
    as the Village at Taunton Forge. That parcel fronts Tuckerton Road (Burlington
    County Route 620) at a stoplight-controlled intersection with Taunton Road
    (Burlington County Road 623). At that intersection, Tuckerton Road consists
    of two lanes and runs northwest to southeast, while Taunton Road is a two-lane
    road that runs northeast to southwest. It is undisputed that the intersection is
    busy, particularly during rush hours.
    By a five-to-two vote in 2017, the Board rejected DePetris's application
    for a use variance for a drive-thru Dunkin' Donuts at the Village at Taunton
    Forge parcel. That rejection was largely due to concerns about traffic and safety
    relating to left-hand turns out of the premises onto Tuckerton Road made by
    motorists heading northwest in the direction of Evesham Township and
    Philadelphia. In its 2017 resolution denying that application, the Board included
    the following suggestion:
    The Zoning Board finds that a more suitable and
    appropriate location for a Dunkin['] Donuts with [a]
    drive-thru may exist on the opposite side of Tuckerton
    Road (e.g.[,] where the recently vacant PNC Bank
    building is located). There, the [a.m.] traffic heading
    westbound to Evesham Township [on Tuckerton Road]
    could readily egress from a Dunkin['] Donuts drive-thru
    by a more manageable and safer right-turn.
    [(Emphasis added).]
    DePetris challenged the Board's denial concerning the Village at Taunton
    Forge parcel, through a civil action in lieu of prerogative writs. The judge (now
    retired) who presided over that case, agreed with DePetris's arguments and
    reversed the Board's decision and remanded for further proceedings. Thereafter,
    the Board appealed to this court. In an unpublished opinion issued by a different
    panel of this court, we reversed the Law Division and reinstated the Board's
    denial as to the first parcel. DePetris Family, LLC v. Medford Twp. Zoning Bd.
    of Adjustment, No. A-6009-17 (App. Div. Apr. 21, 2020).
    Meanwhile, DePetris acquired the former bank parcel, which had
    previously had a drive-thru component, and again sought a use variance for a
    Dunkin' Donuts. This proposed project would also include several retail shops.
    Specifically, in April 2019, DePetris 2 submitted an application to the
    Board for use and bulk variance approval to develop a 6,804 square foot retail
    shopping center, including an 1,804-square-foot Dunkin' Donuts with a drive-
    thru, and up to three adjoining retail or other uses. The site was the vacant
    0.917-acre lot formerly occupied by the PNC Bank.
    The Board reviewed this application at public hearings conducted on June
    19, 2019 and July 17, 2019. Plaintiff presented four expert witnesses, including
    The business entity's name is slightly different than the owner of the first
    parcel, but it is clear that it is a related entity owned or controlled by James
    an architect, an engineer, a traffic consultant, and a professional planner, plus
    testimony from Mr. DePetris and the proposed operator of the Dunkin' Donuts.
    The proposed access drive on Taunton Road is located 150 feet from the
    Tuckerton Road/Taunton Road traffic-light intersection.        Plaintiff's traffic
    expert explained that, because of the "pass-by" nature of its business, the
    Dunkin' Donuts would not appreciably increase the number of vehicles traveling
    through the intersection. Instead, the establishment would tend to cause some
    motorists who were already on their journey to pull over briefly and use the
    drive-thru to obtain a morning coffee and other items. The drive-thru is expected
    during peak times to serve over 100 customers in an hour.
    The traffic expert testified that the proposed Dunkin' Donuts, from a
    parking and traffic analysis, would be "complementary" to the three proposed
    retail stores, given the drive-thru's peak usage times before the retail stores
    would open. He stated that 95% of Dunkin' Donuts business traffic on weekdays
    is during the a.m. peak hours, i.e., between 7:15 and 8:30 a.m. Additionally, the
    Dunkin' Donuts would account for 70% of the site's traffic on Saturdays. He
    testified that 17% less traffic exists at the intersection during the morning
    commute than at other hours, and that the proposed Dunkin' Donuts would
    increase overall traffic at the intersection by only 1-3%.
    The expert estimated that 88% of all traffic patronizing the Dunkin'
    Donuts would use the drive-thru. He asserted the proposed drive-thru lane had
    been designed to permit queuing for up to nine motor vehicles. According to
    the expert, the average queuing, on the whole, would be four-to-five motor
    vehicles at a time, with an average of six during the peak hour.
    Several residents testified in opposition to the project, nearly all of them
    expressing concerns about traffic impacts at the intersection. The municipal
    engineer and several Board members likewise voiced concerns about traffic
    impacts, especially customers in the morning who would be making left-hand
    turns out of the Dunkin' Donuts onto Taunton Road near the traffic light.
    Near the end of the second day of hearings on July 17, a Board member
    asked plaintiff's counsel if DePetris would be willing to modify its application.
    The Board member noted that he regarded the left-hand turn onto Taunton as
    "problematic," and also expressed concerns about aspects of the bulk variances
    sought, particularly the deviation from lot coverage restrictions. Other Board
    members chimed in, likewise noting, among other things, the left-hand turn
    Plaintiff's counsel obtained a recess to confer with his client and experts
    about these concerns.    When the hearing was resumed, plaintiff's counsel
    announced that DePetris would agree "to restrict the left turn movements out
    onto Taunton Road from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m." Pursuant to this revised
    proposal, left turns into the Dunkin' Donuts would still be permitted at all hours.
    A Board member asked plaintiff's counsel to clarify whether the proposed
    restriction on left-hand turns out of the parcel would only be in force on
    weekdays. Counsel responded that the restriction would be in force from 7:00
    a.m. to 9:00 a.m., seven days a week. Counsel also agreed to other restrictions
    that did not involve traffic matters.
    A roll call vote ensued, with two Board members voting in favor of the
    modified application and five voting nay.
    The Board issued a resolution on August 21, 2019 rejecting the
    application.   The resolution cited various reasons why DePetris had not
    persuaded a majority of the Board members that it had met its burden to establish
    the so-called "positive criteria" and "negative criteria" for a use variance under
    N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d) and Medici v. BPR Co., 
    107 N.J. 1
    , 18, 21 (1987). The
    resolution further explained why the bulk variances sought by DePetris
    concerning lot coverage and other items had also been rejected.
    Critical to our review here, paragraph 38 of the resolution states the
    following about the traffic and left-hand-turn concerns:
    The Zoning Board finds that Applicant's proposed plan
    for a full movement access at Taunton Road creates an
    unsafe ingress/egress and inefficient traffic circulation
    for motor vehicles attempting a left-turn movement
    from the Dunkin['] Donuts onto Taunton Road. This
    Zoning Board finding is supported by [B]oard
    members' personal knowledge of existing conditions at
    this    highly-trafficked   intersection     and    their
    understanding that the zoning prohibition of drive-
    thru's in the CC Zone is based, in part, on traffic
    [(Emphasis added).]
    Notably, this analysis does not address the applicant's revised proposal
    that would restrict left-hand turns onto Taunton Road each day during peak
    hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.      The temporal restriction is mentioned in
    paragraph 35 of the resolution (although misstated as a six-day limitation) as a
    component of the modified application, but it is not analyzed.
    Later, in the final paragraph of the resolution (number 44), the Board
    "emphasizes that the drive-thru traffic at a Dunkin['] Donuts during the [a.m.]
    peak hour is significantly higher and more intense than drive-thru traffic at a
    bank and pharmacy throughout a full business day." But this finding ignores the
    applicant's concession that it would disallow left-hand turns onto Taunton Road
    during peak morning hours.
    When counsel argued this case before the Law Division in a remote
    hearing on June 5, 2020, the judge3 pressed the Board's attorney about the
    significance of DePetris's agreement "not to have left hand turns during the peak
    morning hour[s]." The Board's counsel responded that drivers often do not "pay
    attention to those signs," although he cited no supporting data to substantiate
    this phenomenon or how frequently it occurs.
    The judge issued an oral opinion affirming the Board's decision, agreeing
    that DePetris had not established the positive and negative criteria required to
    obtain a use variance, and, moreover, that the Board was justified in rejecting
    the applicant's multiple requests for bulk variances. The judge determined that
    the Board's decision was neither arbitrary nor capricious. This appeal ensued.
    Generally, judicial review of a decision of a municipal planning board or
    board of adjustment is highly deferential. "[T]he law presumes that boards of
    adjustment and municipal governing bodies will act fairly and with proper
    motives and for valid reasons [and] . . . [a] local zoning determination will be
    set aside only when it is arbitrary, capricious or unreasonable." Kramer v. Bd.
    A different judge heard this application than the one who had heard the
    previous case involving the Village at Taunton Forge parcel.
    of Adjustment, Sea Girt, 
    45 N.J. 268
    , 296 (1965); see also Price v. Himeji, LLC,
    214 N.J. 263
    , 284 (2013) (reiterating the judiciary's limited standard of review
    of zoning board decisions). The plaintiff has the burden of proving the land use
    decision is arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable. See Dunbar Homes, Inc. v.
    Zoning Bd. of Adjustment of Franklin, 
    233 N.J. 546
    , 558 (2018).
    That said, a municipal land use board's interpretation of the law is
    reviewed de novo and is not entitled to deference. Dunbar Homes, 233 N.J. at
    559 (citation omitted). In addition, the record must contain sufficient evidence
    to support the land use board's factual findings. Darst v. Blairstown Twp.
    Zoning Bd. of Adjustment, 
    410 N.J. Super. 314
    , 325 (App. Div. 2009) (citation
    With respect to obtaining use variances, the law prescribes that an
    applicant has an enhanced burden. The applicable statute provides:
    No variance or other relief may be granted under the
    terms of this section . . . without a showing that such
    variance or other relief can be granted without
    substantial detriment to the public good and will not
    substantially impair the intent and the purpose of the
    zone plan and zoning ordinance.
    [N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d) (emphasis added).]
    The grant of a use variance pursuant to this section requires proof of both
    "positive and negative criteria." Sica v. Bd. of Adjustment of Wall, 
    127 N.J. 152
    , 156 (1992).
    In cases where the asserted use is not inherently beneficial to the public
    good, the applicant's proof of "positive criteria" requires a showing that special
    reasons exist to grant the use variance. See N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d). These
    "special reasons" are defined by the general purposes of the zoning laws, as
    codified in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-2. Burbridge v. Twp. of Mine Hill, 
    117 N.J. 376
    386 (1990). The asserted positive criteria must be site-specific, in that the
    applicant must show that the proposed use is "peculiarly fitted to the particular
    location for which the variance is sought." Kohl v. Mayor of Fair Lawn, 
    50 N.J. 268
    , 279 (1967) (citations omitted) (emphasis added). In the years since Kohl
    was decided, that requirement has not changed. Medici, 
    107 N.J. at 18
    Meanwhile, the "negative criteria" requirement of subsection (d)
    incorporates two distinct, but related, forms of proof. First, an applicant must
    show that the non-conforming use of the property will not cause "substantial
    detriment to the public good."     N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d).     The focus of this
    criterion is also site-specific, and requires an assessment of the proposed
    variance's impact on the surrounding properties, and whether it will cause
    "damage to the character of the neighborhood." Medici, 
    107 N.J. at
    22 n.12.
    A second demonstration required under the negative criteria prong of
    subsection (d) is a showing that the proposed non-conforming use "will not
    substantially impair the intent and the purpose of the zone plan and zoning
    ordinance." N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70(d). The burdens involved in making this
    showing were substantially increased by the Supreme Court in Medici.
    Specifically, since Medici, applicants seeking a use variance must now offer "an
    enhanced quality of proof . . . that the variance sought is not inconsistent with
    the intent and purpose of the master plan and zoning ordinance." Medici, 
    107 N.J. at 21
    . Such "enhanced proof" must "reconcile the proposed use variance
    with the zoning ordinance's omission of the use from those permitted in the
    zoning district." Ibid.; see also Saddle Brook Realty, LLC v. Twp. of Saddle
    Brook Zoning Bd. of Adjustment, 
    388 N.J. Super. 67
    , 75 (App. Div. 2006).
    In applying these factors, zoning boards of adjustment must make "clear
    and specific findings" as to the positive and negative criteria underlying their
    decisions. Medici, 
    107 N.J. at 21
    . A board's resolution granting a use variance
    must therefore contain sufficient findings to allow a reviewing court to conclude
    that the board rigorously performed the required analysis of the proposed
    variance's compatibility with the master plan and zoning ordinance. 
    Id. at 23
    With these principles in mind, we proceed to address at this time two
    facets of this case, one of which requires a remand.
    The first issue we address is the legal significance of the Board's comment
    in its resolution concerning the first parcel, insofar as it suggested that DePetris
    consider applying for a use variance for the vacated bank parcel across the street.
    We agree with the Law Division judge that the comment was merely a
    suggestion and should not guide the present litigation.
    For one thing, the passage used the word "may," which is indicative of
    something that is possible but not mandated. In re State Bd. of Educ. Denial of
    422 N.J. Super. 521
    , 532 (App. Div. 2011).
    Second, as the judge rightly noted, the Board's suggestion concerned
    another Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru, not a more expansive application that
    includes three retail stores and a number of necessary bulk variances. We agree
    that the earlier resolution is legally inconsequential.
    The second point we address is more concerning. For reasons that are
    unclear, the traffic impact analysis in paragraph 38 of the Board's resolution says
    nothing about DePetris's express revision of its application to include a peak-
    hour prohibition on left-hand turns out of the premises onto Taunton Road. As
    we have recounted, that modification was tendered by DePetris in direct
    response to concerns about left-hand turns expressed by the township engineer,
    several Board members, and members of the public. The Board voted on the
    modified application, not the original version.
    Because a substantial portion of the Dunkin' Donuts customers are
    expected to patronize the drive-thru during the morning rush hours, and then
    business slackens later in the day, the peak-hour concession potentially could
    have a material impact on the traffic analysis. But the Board said nothing about
    it within its evaluation. The non-evidential comments by its counsel at oral
    argument in the Law Division about disobedient drivers, although perhaps
    intuitively correct, cannot salvage the omission.
    N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10(g) requires municipal land use boards to render
    written findings of fact and conclusions on "any application for development."
    The importance of this obligation was underscored by the Supreme Court in
    107 N.J. at 21, 23
    . Here, we cannot tell from the resolution why the
    Board majority deemed the seven-day peak-hours limitation on left turns onto
    Taunton Road inadequate to address the traffic objections.
    The Court has expressly "discouraged" reviewing courts from exercising
    original jurisdiction over factfinding in land use cases. Price v. Himeji, 214 N.J.
    at 294. Only when "[n]o useful purpose would be served by remanding the
    matter" may we decide the land use issue in the first instance. Ibid. (alteration
    in original) (quoting Bressman v. Gash, 
    131 N.J. 517
    , 529 (1993)); see also
    Urban v. Planning Bd. of Manasquan, 
    124 N.J. 651
    , 663 (1991) (remanding a
    case to a land use board, with instructions to consider an applicant's amended
    Although the Board's rejection of DePetris's application also concerned
    non-traffic considerations, including the bulk variance requests, we cannot
    determine whether such factors would have defeated the application without the
    traffic concerns. Clearly the traffic concerns were a major part of the proceeding
    and the commentary. It is not our role to read the minds of the decision-makers.
    Thus, we must remand this case to the Law Division, which in turn is
    directed to remand the matter to the Board for further consideration and the
    issuance of a new resolution. Either party is free to adduce further relevant
    evidence on the traffic issues before the Board, including, for example, any data
    that may exist or be compiled about the compliance of motorists with rush -hour
    turn limitations and signage, as well as expert analysis of how the rush-hour
    limitation would be expected to impact the volume and flow of vehicles .
    We express no views about the merits, and decline to comment at this time
    about the separate bulk variances.
    Vacated and remanded for further proceedings.        We do not retain