In the Matter of the New Jersey Firemen's Association ( 2015 )

    DOCKET NO. A-2810-13T2
    PUBLIC RECORDS ACT                              December 18, 2015
    Third-Party Defendant.
    Argued June 2, 2015 – Decided December 18, 2015
    Before Judges Messano, Ostrer and Tassini.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Union County, Docket
    No. L-2932-13.
    Jeff Carter, appellant pro se.
    John C. Gillespie argued the cause for
    respondent   New   Jersey  State Firemen's
    Association (Parker McCay P.A., attorneys;
    George M. Morris, of counsel; Stacy L.
    Moore, Jr., on the brief).
    Thomas J. Cafferty argued the cause for
    amicus curiae New Jersey Press Association
    (Gibbons P.C., attorneys; Mr. Cafferty, of
    counsel and on the brief; Nomi I. Lowy and
    Lauren E. James-Weir, on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    OSTRER, J.A.D.
    This appeal involves the Open Public Records Act (OPRA),
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 to -13, the Declaratory Judgment Act (DJA),
    N.J.S.A. 2A:16-50 to -62, and records of the New Jersey State
    Firemen's Association (Association), a public agency under OPRA.
    See N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1.   We must resolve two principal issues
    affecting the public's right to access government records.
    First, we must decide, as a procedural matter, whether a
    government records custodian — in this case, the Association —
    may bring an action pursuant to the DJA to secure a declaratory
    judgment that it properly denied access to a record under OPRA
    and the common law right of access.    With respect to OPRA, we
    conclude that a records custodian may not bring a declaratory
    judgment action against a record requestor to enforce its right
    to withhold records, because OPRA does not provide the records
    custodian an independent right of action.   As to both OPRA and
    the common law, declaratory relief was inappropriate in this
    case because the declaratory judgment action was essentially an
    effort to preempt an imminent claim by the records requestor;
    and allowing a declaratory judgment action solely with respect
    to the common law would unnecessarily fragment claims.
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    Second, we are asked to determine, as a substantive matter,
    whether the requestor in this case, under OPRA or the common
    law, has a right to access records pertaining to a relief award
    made by the Association.       We conclude that both OPRA and the
    common law require disclosure of documents containing the name
    of the applicant and the amount of the award.
    This dispute arose out of the records request of defendant
    Jeff Carter.1     On July 15, 2013, Carter electronically filed a
    request, under OPRA and the common law, for records pertaining
    to an application for relief by John Doe,2 a man associated with
    the   Millstone    Valley   Fire   Department.   Carter   sought    the
    following documents:
    1.      Copies    of     record(s)     (including
    attachments) submitted by [John Doe],
    Local   501   agent(s),    and/or   NJSFA
    agent(s)   seeking   financial   benefits
    described in the "BACKGROUND" section
    above from January 1, 2008 through July
    15, 2013.
    The Association improperly captioned its verified complaint for
    declaratory judgment against Jeff Carter as "In the Matter of
    the New Jersey State Firemen's Association Obligation to Provide
    Relief Applications Under the Open Public Records Act." See R.
    1:4-1 (stating that the title of a complaint shall include the
    names of all parties).
    Although the records request identified the person by name, the
    name is redacted in the public record on appeal.
    3                         A-2810-13T2
    2.   Copies    of     record(s)    (including
    attachments) sent to [John Doe], Local
    501 agent(s), and/or NJSFA agent(s)
    disbursing financial benefits described
    in the "BACKGROUND" section above from
    January 1, 2008 through July 15, 2013.
    3.   If no record(s) are responsive to Items
    No. 1 or 2 above, then copies of the
    front and back of every check providing
    relief and/or similar benefits, both
    State and Local, paid to [John Doe]
    between January 1, 2008 through July
    15, 2013.    (Note that checks are not
    required if responsive records are
    provided for Items No. 1 and 2 above.)
    Association    vice    president        Fred        Gunson    denied   Carter's
    request in a July 22, 2013 email.               Gunson stated that applicants
    for relief through a local firemen's relief association or the
    Association "have a reasonable expectation of privacy"; release
    would constitute an "unwarranted invasion" of those rights; and
    "[a]ccordingly,    the    New   Jersey          State    Firemen's      Association
    cannot release those documents."
    On August 3, 2013, Carter responded that he did "not seek
    any legitimately defined privileged or exempt information," but
    he insisted that "certain records regarding financial matters
    (e.g.,   payroll   records)     must       be     provided       with   appropriate
    redactions."   He asked for an index of any withheld or redacted
    documents, with explanations.          Carter also stated, "Because I
    was unable to respond sooner, I understand that the timeframe
    4                                   A-2810-13T2
    for my original request will resume on the next business day
    (i.e. August 5, 2013)."
    Carter included an additional document request.                   He sought
    "a copy of the policy and/or procedures governing how 'relief'
    applications/requests        are    processed    by   the   State   and   local
    On     August    15,   2013,    the   Association   filed   its    verified
    complaint for declaratory judgment, along with a proposed order
    to show cause, to compel Carter to show cause why the final
    relief sought in the verified complaint should not be entered.
    Although    served    only   upon    Carter,    the   Association   sought    an
    a.      Declaring     that   individual   relief
    applications are of such a private
    nature   that    the New   Jersey  State
    Firemen's Association or the local
    relief association shall be prevented
    from acknowledging the existence of
    individual applications and prohibited
    from releasing the same under . . . the
    Open Public Records Act;
    b.      Declaring that a Requestor, in order to
    determine whether the New Jersey State
    Firemen's Association or the local
    relief association is performing its
    duties appropriately, may request a
    series or date range of applications,
    but said applications may only be
    released upon the redaction of all
    personal   information  including   the
    requestors' names, addresses, account
    5                            A-2810-13T2
    The    Association      sought    identical      relief    with     respect      to   the
    common law right of access.
    The    Association       argued    that   under     OPRA    the    information
    Carter requested should not be subject to disclosure under OPRA
    because it would violate an applicant's reasonable expectation
    of privacy under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.                   The Association asserted
    that upon applying the factors in Doe v. Poritz, 
    142 N.J. 1
    , 88
    (1995),      disclosure    of    applicant-specific         documents       should     be
    The    Association    disclosed         documents    entitled      "Rules      and
    Guidelines      Governing        Relief     Form     101";        "Instruction        for
    Investigation      of    Relief    Applicants      by     Local    Relief       Boards";
    "Application for Local Relief [-] New Jersey State Firemen's
    Association"; and "Instructions for the Board of Trustees and
    Board    of   Representatives       for    Review    of    Relief       Application."
    Although there is no competent evidence before us authenticating
    or    explaining   the    documents,       we    assume    for    the    sake    of   the
    appeal that the Association uses these documents when reviewing
    applications for relief.3
    The documents were attached as exhibits to the Association's
    brief, contrary to R. 1:6-6.   See Pressler & Verniero, Current
    N.J.   Court Rules, comment 1 on R. 1:6-6 (2015); Sellers v.
    270 N.J. Super. 424
    , 427 (1993) ("[O]nly [an]
    affidavit together with properly certified depositions, answers
    6                                    A-2810-13T2
    The application forms generally require the submission of
    detailed      personal     financial          information,        and      a     personal
    statement     of   the    applicant,          to    demonstrate       the       need       for
    financial      assistance     from        a        local      association        or        the
    Association.       The    "Rules    and        Guidelines"      document,        and       the
    respective instructions to the apparent decision-makers, do not
    include    detailed      criteria    for       determining       whether        to      award
    relief and for what amount.          The "Rules and Guidelines" document
    describes the information applicants must submit.                              It states,
    "Relief Assistance is not automatic and will only be considered
    on   merit,     documentation       and        determination          by       the      local
    association."       The    instructions            to   the   local     relief        boards
    The intended use of this form, is to provide
    the   respective  boards   with  information
    pertaining to the applicant's request for
    supplementary financial assistance, and in
    determining the "NEED."
    "NEED" IS: Imperative Demand ***** Time of
    great difficulty ***** Crisis ***** Urgency
    "NEED" is a state of circumstances requiring
    to interrogatories, or admissions can supply facts outside the
    record that are not judicially noticeable.").
    7                                         A-2810-13T2
    It is important to remember, while a
    financial loss may be shown, there may not
    be the "NEED." "NEED" and financial loss do
    not necessarily go hand in hand.    (Example:
    The person may have a financial loss, but
    have financial means and can afford to cover
    the financial loss without the use of local
    relief, thus no "NEED" would then exist.
    Apparently, there are other rules or regulations not in the
    record     before   us,   as    the      "Rules   and    Guidelines"   document
    includes a paragraph authorizing and consenting to the release
    of   financial      documents     to     the   local     association   and     the
    Association    "for    the     purpose    of   determining    eligibility      for
    relief benefits . . . in accordance with the requirements of
    N.J.S.A. 43:17-24 and Article VII of the General Relief Fund
    Rules." (emphasis added).
    The    documents     indicate     that    the     application   process    is
    intended to be confidential.              The instructions to local relief
    boards include the statement: "All information given must be
    held in strict confidence."              The Rules and Guidelines Document
    states, "The New Jersey State Firemen's Association is required
    to protect the confidentiality of information.                All Officers are
    required to comply with our policies."
    The trial court entered the order to show cause, required
    Carter to file a response to the order by September 16, 2013,
    and set a return date of September 27, 2013.                   The order also
    8                             A-2810-13T2
    advised      Carter    that    he   was   required        to   answer    the        verified
    complaint within thirty-five days.
    Carter retained counsel and timely filed a verified answer
    and counterclaim, a third-party complaint against John Doe, and
    a letter brief in opposition to the Association's application
    for declaratory relief.             Carter narrowed his document request,
    stating he only sought disclosure of the checks paid to John Doe
    and did not seek the applications Doe may have filed.                           He argued
    he was entitled to the checks under both OPRA and the common
    law.         He   sought      dismissal      of     the    Association's            verified
    complaint and an award of attorney's fees.
    In a supporting certification, Carter asserted that John
    Doe    served     as    an    elected     fire      commissioner        and     volunteer
    firefighter in Franklin Township.                    Carter stated that Doe was
    also a full-time municipal employee.4                     Carter alleged that John
    Doe    was   found     to    have   viewed       pornographic    images        on    a   fire
    district      computer.        Although      criminal      charges      were    filed,       a
    grand jury returned a no-bill, according to Carter.                                 However,
    Doe was later discharged from his public employment for conduct
    unbecoming of a township employee.                    Carter attached newspaper
    articles to support his assertions.                       Carter also discussed a
    Carter apparently served as elected fire commissioner from 1987
    through 1997.
    9                                      A-2810-13T2
    suit,      filed    by        his    sister    and    later     settled,         alleging     a
    violation of the Law Against Discrimination by the fire district
    and Doe.         Carter maintained that there was a public interest in
    learning         whether       a    person     who    was     discharged         under      the
    circumstances Carter described had received financial assistance
    through the Association.                 He disputed the Association's claim
    that Doe in particular had an expectation of privacy, given past
    In     a     responsive         certification,         Gunson     explained        that
    members are often eligible for financial assistance from local
    associations; and if this assistance "is not adequate to address
    that member's needs, the member can then approach the . . .
    Association, which can award up[] to three (3) times the amount
    of   the    local        contribution."             Gunson    did    not    disclose        the
    criteria utilized for the financial assistance decisions, nor
    did he disclose the rules or regulations governing the decision
    process.         However, he stated that the Association and local
    associations         have          specific     procedures      to      treat       members'
    applications         anonymously,             eliminating      the      possibility          of
    discrimination           in    responding       to    the     request      for     financial
    relief.          These    procedures      include      converting       the      applicant's
    name to a control number.
    10                                   A-2810-13T2
    In    its    answer    to     Carter's      counterclaim,          the   Association
    asserted, among other defenses, that Carter's counterclaim was
    time-barred as it was filed more than forty-five days after the
    Association's denial of his document request.
    The    trial       court    heard     argument     on    the       return      date   in
    September         2013.      The     court    also    reviewed        in    camera       Doe's
    application for assistance, which apparently had been submitted
    to the court in August, but was later sealed.
    In    an    order     filed    January      15,    2014,      the    court      denied
    Carter's      requests       for     dismissal       of   the   verified         complaint,
    disclosure of the checks paid to Doe, and attorney's fees.                                   The
    court did not enter a separate order granting declaratory relief
    to the Association.           However, in an accompanying letter opinion,
    the court found that the names of relief recipients, the amounts
    paid through the Association's financial assistance programs,
    and their applications need not be released.
    The        court     addressed        the     subject         of     applications,
    notwithstanding that Carter had limited his request to checks
    paid   to     John    Doe    and     expressly       stated     he    was       not   seeking
    information in the relief applications.                        The court applied the
    seven factors outlined in 
    Doe, supra
    (1) the type of record requested; (2) the
    information it does or might contain; (3)
    the potential for harm in any subsequent
    nonconsensual disclosure; (4) the injury
    11                                       A-2810-13T2
    from disclosure to the relationship in which
    the record was generated; (5) the adequacy
    of   safeguards   to   prevent   unauthorized
    disclosure; (6) the degree of need for
    access; and (7) whether there is an express
    statutory    mandate,   articulated    public
    policy, or other recognized public interest
    militating toward access.
    [142 N.J. at 88 (internal quotation marks
    and citation omitted).]
    Based on that analysis, the court held that OPRA's privacy
    clause, N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, barred release:
    Applying the Doe factors to the present
    case, the application is a public record as
    a document kept, made or maintained in the
    course   of    official      business      of    the
    Association.     The second factor weighs in
    favor   of     non-disclosure       because      the
    information is an individual's complete and
    personal financial history, including but
    not limited to tax returns, credit card
    bills,   mortgage     payments     and,    hospital
    bills. Applying the third factor, revealing
    this information has the potential to lead
    to great harm created by the release of said
    information because it has the potential to
    lead   to    identity      theft      and     public
    embarrassment.      Defendant's argument that
    John Doe has already sustained great public
    embarrassment is not without merit being
    that the incident for which he was fired was
    disclosed in the newspaper.         A significant
    harm    exists       if     individual        relief
    applications are released.           Applying the
    fourth    factor,      the    release     of     the
    information   may     cause    an   applicant     to
    hesitate before [he or she] seeks assistance
    and may chill the disclosure of critical
    information     regarding       the     need     for
    assistance for fear that the knowledge will
    be subject to public scrutiny.           The fifth
    factor, speaks to the adequacy of safeguards
    12                             A-2810-13T2
    to prevent disclosure.   The Association has
    established   a   system   to   convert   the
    individual's    name     into     a    unique
    identification number for each applicant to
    ensure    the    confidentiality    of    the
    information and to protect the interests of
    the applicant.    While the Association has
    not directed this Court towards a statute
    mandating non-disclosure the seventh factor
    weighs in favor of non-disclosure because
    there is no policy or statute which mandates
    Citing Loigman v. Kimmelman, 
    102 N.J. 98
    , 113 (1986), the
    trial    court   concluded   that   the   common   law     did   not   require
    This appeal followed.         Carter now represents himself pro
    se.     He renews his argument that the Association should not have
    been permitted to seek a declaratory judgment.                    Although he
    limited his request before the trial court to the checks paid to
    John Doe, he now renews his request for John Doe's applications,
    redacted as appropriate.       We subsequently granted permission to
    the New Jersey Press Association (NJPA) to appear as amicus
    curiae.      NJPA   participates    solely   to    argue   that    a   records
    custodian may not seek a declaratory judgment under OPRA.
    We turn first to defendant's argument that the Association
    was not entitled to seek a declaratory judgment confirming its
    denial of access under both OPRA and the common law right of
    13                                A-2810-13T2
    access.       We begin with an overview of the law on declaratory
    The DJA is based on the 1922 Uniform Declaratory Judgments
    Act.     12 U.L.A. 331 (2008).               The DJA provides that "a person
    . . .     whose        rights,   status,     or     other    legal     relations        are
    affected by a statute . . . may have determined any question of
    construction or validity arising under the . . . statute . . .
    and    obtain      a    declaration     of   rights,    status,      or     other     legal
    relations     thereunder."             N.J.S.A.    2A:16-53.        See     Williams     v.
    Borough of Clayton, ___ N.J. Super. ___, ___ (App. Div. 2015)
    (slip   op.       at    10-11)   (approving       resort    to    declaratory        relief
    regarding interpretation of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-129 and -130).                              The
    purpose      of    the     Act   "is    to   settle    and       afford     relief     from
    uncertainty and insecurity with respect to rights, status and
    other    legal         relations."       N.J.S.A.     2A:16-51;      N.J.     Ass'n     for
    Retarded Citizens v. N.J. Dep't of Human Servs., 
    89 N.J. 234
    242 (1982) ("[The purpose of the Act] is to end uncertainty
    about the legal rights and duties of the parties to litigation
    in controversies which have not yet reached the stage at which
    the parties seek a coercive remedy.")
    The    DJA       constitutes      "remedial     legislation          entitled    to
    liberal      construction        and     administration."            N.J.     Ass'n     for
    14                                 A-2810-13T2
    Citizens, supra
    , 89 N.J. at 241-42; N.J.S.A. 2A:16-51.
    The DJA must be "interpreted and construed as to effectuate its
    general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which
    enact it, and to harmonize, as far as possible, with federal
    laws,    rules     and   regulations    on     the        subject   of   declaratory
    judgments."      N.J.S.A. 2A:16-51.
    The    decision    to   grant    or     deny    declaratory        relief    lies
    within the court's discretion.               See In re Resolution of State
    Comm. of Investigation, 
    108 N.J. 35
    , 46 (1987); see also State
    v. Eatontown Borough, 
    366 N.J. Super. 626
    , 637 (App. Div. 2004)
    ("Generally, it rests in the sound discretion of the trial court
    whether declaratory relief under the Act should be granted.").
    "Declaratory relief is not to be denied simply because other
    relief is available."           Nat'l – Ben Franklin Fire Ins. Co. v.
    Camden Trust Co., 
    21 N.J. 16
    , 22 (1956); see also R. 4:42-3 ("A
    judgment     for    declaratory       relief,        if     appropriate,     is    not
    precluded by the existence of another appropriate remedy.").
    On the other hand, "a court might in the proper exercise of
    its     discretion,      deny    such       [declaratory]           relief    if    it
    satisfactorily      appeared    that    the    other       relief    would   be    more
    effective."      Nat'l – Ben Franklin Fire Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 21 N.J.
    at 22.      For example, a court may decline to award relief "where
    only fragmentary redress will be awarded . . . ."                     Utility Blade
    15                                   A-2810-13T2
    & Razor Co. v. Donovan, 
    33 N.J. Super. 566
    , 572 (App. Div.
    1955).   "The court may refuse to render or enter a declaratory
    judgment, when, if rendered or entered, it would not terminate
    the uncertainty or controversy giving rise to the proceeding."
    N.J.S.A. 2A:16-61; see also Nat'l – Ben Franklin Fire Ins. 
    Co., supra
    , 21 N.J. at 23.         A court may also decline to render a
    declaratory judgment if "convinced that the public interest and
    an enlightened use of the judicial function" require restraint.
    The Proprietary Ass'n v. Bd. of Pharmacy, 
    16 N.J. 62
    , 71 (1954).
    The right to relief under the DJA is procedural in nature;
    it does not create substantive rights to relief.          "A declaratory
    judgment act merely provides a procedural device to accelerate
    the resolution of a dispute; the procedural right does not alter
    the substance of the dispute."      Ciba-Geigy Corp. v. Liberty Mut.
    Ins. Co., 
    149 N.J. 278
    , 302 (1997) (O'Hern, J., dissenting); see
    Labor Ready Northeast, Inc. v. Director, Div. of Taxation, 
    25 N.J. Tax 607
    , 621 (2011).       The United States Supreme Court has
    adopted a similar view of the federal Declaratory Judgment Act,
    26 U.S.C.A. § 2201.    See Schilling v. Rogers, 
    363 U.S. 666
    , 677,
    80 S. Ct. 1288
    , 1296, 
    4 L. Ed. 2d 1478
    , 1485-86 (1960) (stating
    that the availability of relief under the federal Declaratory
    Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C.A. § 2201, "presupposes the existence of
    a   judicially   remediable   right");   Skelly   Oil   Co.   v.   Phillips
    16                              A-2810-13T2
    Petroleum Co., 
    339 U.S. 667
    , 671, 
    70 S. Ct. 876
    , 879, 
    94 L. Ed. 1194
    , 1199 (1950) ("The operation of the Declaratory Judgment
    Act is procedural only.              Congress enlarged the range of remedies
    available        in   the    federal       courts    but    did    not   extend      their
    jurisdiction.") (citation omitted).
    Put another way, if there is no private right of action
    under a particular statute, a party may not secure a declaration
    of its statutory rights by seeking relief under the DJA.                              This
    general principle is implied by the Court's decision in In re
    Resolution of State Comm. of 
    Investigation, supra
    , 108 N.J. at
    46.   The Court declined to render a declaratory judgment on the
    question     whether        the    State   Commission       on    Investigation      (SCI)
    unlawfully       disclosed        information       about   the     plaintiffs.         The
    Court held that plaintiffs lacked a private right of action to
    secure injunctive relief against the SCI arising out of the
    alleged disclosures.              
    Ibid. ("[O]ur decision that
    the plaintiffs
    may   not    obtain     the       injunctive      relief    they   sought    undermines
    their need for a declaratory judgment."); see also In re A.N.,
    430 N.J. Super. 235
    , 244-45 (App. Div. 2013) (holding that the
    Chancery Division lacked jurisdiction under N.J.S.A. 2A:16-55 to
    determine Medicaid eligibility, where the authority to do so was
    vested      in    the   Division       of      Medical      Assistance      and    Health
    Services); Med. Soc. of N.J. v. AmeriHealth HMO, Inc., 
    376 N.J. 17
    Super. 48, 59 (App. Div. 2005) (denying Medical Society's claim
    for declaratory and injunctive relief under L. 1989, c. 154, as
    it lacked a private right of action).5
    Courts        in   other     jurisdictions     applying     comparable
    provisions    of    their   declaratory   judgment    acts     have   clearly
    stated the principle that declaratory relief is unavailable when
    there is no private right of action.           See Pono v. Molokai Ranch,
    194 P.3d 1126
    , 1148 (Haw. Ct. App. 2008) ("[I]n order for
    a private citizen to seek a declaratory judgment that a statute
    has been violated, the private citizen must, as a threshold
    matter,   have      a   private   right   of    action   to    enforce      the
    statute."), certif. denied, 208 Haw. LEXIS 304 (2008); Gore v.
    Indiana Ins. Co., 
    876 N.E.2d 156
    , 165-66 (Ill. App. Ct. 2007)
    (finding plaintiff lacked standing to bring declaratory judgment
    action because statute at issue did not confer private right of
    action); Nichols        v. Kansas PAC, 
    11 P.3d 1134
    , 1146-47 (Kan.
    2000) (refusing to grant declaratory relief under consumer fraud
    Bergen Cty. Improvement Auth. v. N. Jersey Media Group, Inc.,
    370 N.J. Super. 504
    (App. Div. 2004), cited by the Association,
    does not support the contrary view.    Although the plaintiff in
    that case sought declaratory relief, the court did not address
    the issue of the plaintiff's right to do so.       In Chamber of
    Commerce v. State, 
    89 N.J. 131
    (1982), and N.L. Industries,
    Inc., v. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, 
    397 N.J. Super. 127
    (App. Div. 2007), certif. denied, 
    195 N.J. 418
    (2008), cited in the concurring opinion, infra, the parties did
    not raise, nor did the court address, the plaintiff's right of
    action, express or implied, under the statute at issue.
    18                               A-2810-13T2
    statute    because     it    contained        no    private    right    of    action);
    Alliance for Metro. Stability v. Metro. Council, 
    671 N.W.2d 905
    916 (Minn. Ct. App. 2003) (stating that where "there was no
    private right to enforce" the statute, the "Uniform Declaratory
    Judgments Act cannot create a cause of action that does not
    otherwise exist"); Delgado v. N.Y.C. Hous. Auth., 
    888 N.Y.S.2d 19
    ,   21   (App.    Div.     2009)     (holding      that     petitioners     did   not
    possess    "a      private     right     of        action    for     injunctive     and
    declaratory     relief       sought"    because       only     the   city's   housing
    official   could     enforce     the    city's       housing    maintenance    code).
    See also Boston Med. Ctr. v. Sec'y of the Exec. Office of HHS,
    974 N.E.2d 1114
    , 1134 (Mass. 2012) (where "the Legislature has
    declined to give the plaintiff providers any private right of
    action and what is at issue is the reasonableness . . . and the
    methodology" of payment rates, "[a] declaratory judgment cannot
    be used to circumvent a legislative judgment denying a provider
    the opportunity to seek administrative or judicial review of the
    reasonableness of payment rates.").6
    Cf. Serv. Emp. Int'l. Union, Local 509 v. Dep't of Mental
    14 N.E.3d 216
    , 227 (Mass. 2014) (citing Boston Med.
    Ctr., supra
    , 974 N.E.2d at 1134) (confirming principle that
    declaratory relief shall be denied in the absence of a private
    right of action where Legislature intended to "foreclose certain
    remedies," but awarding declaratory relief where a party
    "suffered a cognizable injury," lacked other means to assure
    agency's compliance with statute, "[n]o other party [was]
    19                                  A-2810-13T2
    Federal courts applying the federal Declaratory Judgment
    Act,    28   U.S.C.A.      §   2201,      likewise       have       determined        that    the
    federal act does not provide a right to declaratory relief where
    no private right of action exists.                           See, e.g., Mylan Pharm.,
    Inc. v. Thompson, 
    268 F.3d 1323
    , 1332 (Fed. Cir. 2001) (barring
    declaratory relief because the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
    Act did not provide plaintiff a private cause of action), cert.
    537 U.S. 941
    123 S. Ct. 340
    154 L. Ed. 2d 248
    Dallas Cty. v. MERSCORP, Inc., 
    2 F. Supp. 3d 938
    , 947 (N.D.Tex.
    2014)   ("[A]     plaintiff        may    not        obtain   a     declaratory       judgment
    under    a   statute      .    .   .     that    provides          no    private      right   of
    action.");       Reid    v.    Aransas     Cty.,        805    F.       Supp.    2d   322,    339
    (S.D.Tex. 2011) (noting that because the federal act does not
    create a substantive cause of action, but can only be invoked to
    address      a   controversy       arising           under    other       substantive        law,
    plaintiff could not seek relief to which he would otherwise not
    be entitled); Jones v. Hobbs, 
    745 F. Supp. 2d 886
    , 893 (E.D.Ark.
    2010)     ("[T]he       Declaratory        Judgment          Act    does        not   authorize
    actions to decide whether federal statutes have been or will be
    violated when no private right of action to enforce the statutes
    entitled to       challenge the alleged violation,"                         and denial of
    declaratory        relief   would  "contravene  the                          Legislature's
    20                                     A-2810-13T2
    has been created by Congress."); Glen v. Club Mediterranee S.A.,
    365 F. Supp. 2d 1263
    (S.D.Fla. 2005) ("[J]udicial review is
    unavailable    where    no    express    provision    for     judicial    relief
    exists . . . .         For this Court to create a private right of
    action   for   declaratory      relief   [where   none       exists]   would    be
    contrary to legislative intent."), aff’d, 
    450 F.3d 1251
    Cir. 2006).     We construe our DJA in harmony with the foregoing
    state and federal decisions.        See N.J.S.A. 2A:16-51.
    As the federal court in Jones observed, where enforcement
    of a law is vested solely in the executive branch, allowing
    declaratory relief "would circumvent the discretion entrusted to
    the executive branch in deciding how and when to enforce those
    Jones, supra
    , 745 F. Supp. 2d at 893.                   Likewise,
    where no private right of action exists, allowing parties to
    obtain declaratory relief would "evade the intent of Congress
    not to create private rights of action."             
    Ibid. A related principle
    of the law of declaratory judgments is
    that "where a special statutory procedure has been provided as
    an exclusive remedy for a particular type of case in hand . . .
    that specific recourse must be followed," to the exclusion of
    declaratory relief.          Edwin Borchard, Declaratory Judgments (2d
    ed. 1941) at 342.      "So, when the statute provides that an appeal
    from an administrative determination may be taken only in a
    21                               A-2810-13T2
    certain way and to a certain court . . . it would have been
    wrong for another court . . . to interfere and entertain a suit
    for a declaration . . . ."       
    Id. at 343-44.
    We adopt the same reasoning here.                 To do otherwise would
    allow records custodians to evade the Legislature's intent with
    respect to enforcement of rights under OPRA, which we discuss
    below.    We recognize that the phrase "private right of action"
    may appear to be a misnomer when used to define the rights of
    the Association, which is a public agency under OPRA.                 Yet, the
    governing principle is the same.           A party that lacks a statutory
    right of action under OPRA may not obtain declaratory relief
    regarding its rights or obligations under OPRA.
    We conclude that OPRA does not vest a right of action in a
    records custodian.      Consequently, a records custodian has no
    right to declaratory relief.           Put another way, the Legislature
    intended that only requestors may seek review of OPRA decisions,
    by resort to the Government Records Council (GRC) or the court.
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6.
    OPRA    expressly   grants    a    right    of    action   exclusively    to
    requestors.     A   requestor    may    elect    to    bring    an   action   in
    Superior Court, or before the GRC, to challenge a denial of
    22                               A-2810-13T2
    A   person  who   is  denied   access  to   a
    government record by the custodian of the
    record, at the option of the requestor, may:
    institute a proceeding to challenge the
    custodian's decision by filing an action in
    Superior Court which shall be heard in the
    vicinage where it is filed by a Superior
    Court Judge who has been designated to hear
    such cases because of that judge's knowledge
    and expertise in matters relating to access
    to government records; or
    in lieu of filing an action in Superior
    Court, file a complaint with the Government
    Records Council established pursuant to
    section 8 of P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C. 47:1A-7).
    The right to institute any proceeding under
    this section shall be solely that of the
    requestor.      Any such   proceeding  shall
    proceed in a summary or expedited manner.
    The public agency shall have the burden of
    proving that the denial of access is
    authorized by law. If it is determined that
    access has been improperly denied, the court
    or agency head shall order that access be
    allowed.   A requestor who prevails in any
    proceeding shall be entitled to a reasonable
    attorney's fee.
    [N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6 (emphasis added).]
    Even   assuming   for   argument's   sake   that   N.J.S.A.   47:1A-6
    does not grant a right of action exclusively to a requestor,7
    any other party's right of action would have to be inferred,
    given the absence of an explicit grant.           However, our courts
    The Association argues that the right "solely" granted the
    requestor is the right to commence "proceedings under this
    section,"   which  the   Association  contends is limited to
    challenges by a requestor denied access.
    23                              A-2810-13T2
    "have   been   reluctant   to   infer    a   statutory   private   right   of
    action where the Legislature has not expressly provided for such
    action."   R.J. Gaydos Ins. Agency, Inc. v. Nat'l Consumer Ins.
    168 N.J. 255
    , 271 (2001).           The Court has adopted a three-
    part test for determining whether a statute implies a private
    right of action:
    To determine if a statute confers an implied
    private right of action, courts consider
    whether: (1) plaintiff is a member of the
    class for whose special benefit the statute
    was enacted; (2) there is any evidence that
    the Legislature intended to create a private
    right of action under the statute; and (3)
    it   is   consistent  with   the  underlying
    purposes of the legislative scheme to infer
    the existence of such a remedy.
    [Id. at 272.]
    A court's primary mission is to determine legislative intent.
    Id. at 272-73.
    Applying this test, we conclude the Legislature did not
    intend for records custodians to bring actions against record
    requestors to enforce their asserted right to withhold records.
    OPRA was enacted to promote the public's right of access to
    government records, and to enable the public to monitor the
    activities of government.        See, e.g., Educ. Law Ctr. v. N.J.
    Dep't of Educ., 
    198 N.J. 274
    , 284 (2009) ("OPRA's clear purpose
    . . . is 'to maximize public knowledge about public affairs in
    order to ensure an informed citizenry and to minimize the evils
    24                              A-2810-13T2
    inherent in a secluded process.'") (quoting Mason v. City of
    196 N.J. 51
    ,    64    (2008)).        Having     reviewed     OPRA's
    legislative history, we find no evidence of legislative intent
    to grant a right of action to records custodians.                      OPRA provides
    a   broad   right    of     access      to   government     records.     The    statute
    "shall be construed in favor of the public's right of access."
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.
    Recognizing such a right of action would be contrary to
    legislative design.              A right of action would enable records
    custodians to hale into court requestors who have no interest in
    pursuing any review of a records custodian's denial, subjecting
    requestors to the emotional turmoil and burdens attendant to
    being   sued.       Such     a    right      of   action    would    also   undermine
    requestors'       express    right       under    OPRA     to   choose   whether       to
    challenge the denial of access before the GRC or in court, by
    empowering records custodians to choose the forum.                             Just the
    threat of suit may deter some citizens from exercising their
    rights under OPRA.
    Although the foregoing analysis does not address the right
    to declaratory relief regarding the Association's obligations
    under the common law right of access, we conclude that such
    25                                 A-2810-13T2
    relief would have been inappropriate in this case.    We do so for
    two reasons.
    First, the Association's evident intent was to preempt an
    action by Carter.   We long ago held that judicial discretion to
    grant relief under the declaratory judgment statute should be
    withheld from a party whose clear purpose was "to have the court
    adjudicate in advance the validity of its possible defense to
    defendants' imminent law suit."    Rego Indus., Inc. v. Am. Modern
    Metals Corp., 
    91 N.J. Super. 447
    , 453 (App. Div. 1966); see also
    Donadio v. Cunningham, 
    58 N.J. 309
    , 325 (1971) (stating that
    "relief by way of a declaratory judgment should be withheld,
    when the request is in effect an attempt to have the court
    adjudicate in advance the validity of a possible defense in some
    expected future law suit"); Utility Blade & 
    Razor, supra
    , 31
    N.J. Super. at 572-73 ("In the usual case where an action by one
    party is imminent, it would serve no sensible purpose to permit
    his adversary to sue first for a declaration that he has a good
    defense to the action.").8
    We recognize that where a lawsuit is not imminent, but the
    parties' rights and responsibilities in an ongoing relationship
    are   subject  to   uncertainty,    declaratory   relief   may   be
    appropriate, as was found in Utility Blade & 
    Razor, supra
    , 33
    N.J.   Super.  at   573   ("On   the   other   hand,   under   some
    circumstances, if the suit is not imminent and the declaratory
    proceeding will relieve a party of a burden and would seem -- in
    any event, through the interposition of a counterclaim -- to
    26                       A-2810-13T2
    Second, allowing a declaratory judgment action to proceed
    to clarify duties under the common law right of access, when
    relief under OPRA is precluded, would result in "fragmentary
    Id. at 571.
      As noted above, a court is empowered to
    refuse   declaratory   relief     when   it   "would      not    terminate   the
    uncertainty    or   controversy    giving     rise   to    the    proceeding."
    N.J.S.A. 2A:16-61.9
    In sum, we conclude that the court erred in granting the
    Association declaratory relief.
    We turn to the issue whether Carter was entitled under OPRA
    to obtain access to records of relief payments to John Doe. 10
    settle the entire controversy, it may be unjust not to permit
    him to sue immediately to free himself of liability.").
    We also note that the Association's request for declaratory
    relief, and the court's declaration, were overly broad.      The
    relief sought and granted pertained not just to Carter, but any
    prospective requestor of relief applications and payments. Yet,
    only Carter was named and served.    "When declaratory relief is
    sought, all persons having . . . any interest which would be
    affected by the declaration shall be made parties to the
    proceeding."   N.J.S.A. 2A:16-56.   "The court cannot adjudicate
    the rights of parties who are not before the court." Gotlib v.
    399 N.J. Super. 295
    , 313 (App. Div. 2008).
    We decline to address Carter's additional requests because he
    abandoned those in his brief to the trial court.         "[O]ur
    appellate courts will decline to consider questions or issues
    not properly presented to the trial court when an opportunity
    for such a presentation is available 'unless the questions so
    27                                 A-2810-13T2
    Before doing so, we review briefly the role of the Association
    and local relief associations.
    We have previously discussed at some length the history of
    the   Association,   the   local   relief   associations,   and   their
    statutory authority to grant relief payments and burial benefits
    to their members and members' families.          Paff v. N.J. State
    Firemen's Ass'n, 
    431 N.J. Super. 278
    (App. Div. 2013).            Among
    their purposes, local relief associations shall
    maintain a fund for the relief, support or
    burial of:
    (1) needy firefighters and their families;
    (2) any persons and the families of any
    persons who are injured or die in the course
    of doing public fire duty, or who may become
    needy or disabled or die as the result of
    doing such duty or be prevented by the
    injury or by illness arising from doing such
    duty,   from   attending   to  their   usual
    occupation or calling; and
    raised on appeal go to the jurisdiction of the trial court or
    concern matters of great public interest.'"     Nieder v. Royal
    Indem. Ins. Co., 
    62 N.J. 229
    , 234 (1973) (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted).    However, we note that Executive
    Order 26 (McGreevey), issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1,
    exempts from disclosure under OPRA "[i]nformation describing a
    natural person's finances, income, assets, liabilities, net
    worth, bank balances, financial history or activities, or
    creditworthiness, except as otherwise required by law to be
    Ibid. The Order also
    exempts "information related
    to medical, psychiatric or psychological history, diagnosis,
    treatment or evaluation . . . ." 
    Ibid. 28 A-2810-13T2 (3)
    the families of any persons doing
    public fire duty who die as the result of an
    act of terrorism committed against the
    United States of America while such persons
    were serving as federal, State or local law
    enforcement officers.
    [N.J.S.A. 43:17-3.]
    The   Association    "shall     have     the   same   rights,      powers   and
    privileges as the local firemen's relief associations, including
    providing for the distribution of any fund for the relief of
    disabled or needy firefighters and their families."                   N.J.S.A.
    Awards   of   relief    shall    be   made   pursuant   to    rules   and
    regulations    adopted   by   the     Association.    N.J.S.A.      43:17-3(c)
    ("The relief, support or burial benefit shall be granted in
    accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the New
    Jersey State Firemen's Association."); see also N.J.S.A. 43:17-
    24, -35.    However, the Association's rules and regulations have
    not been promulgated with notice and allowing comment.                See N.J.
    Const., Art. V, § 4, para. 6; N.J.S.A. 52:14B-4.
    The statute also authorizes consideration of why a person
    is in need.
    No person shall be given assistance if the
    cause of the need or the reason for the
    disability or the nature or cause of the
    injury or sickness is not in the opinion of
    the board of representatives such as to
    entitle the applicant to assistance, or if
    29                             A-2810-13T2
    the applicant is deemed financially unworthy
    of assistance.
    [N.J.S.A. 43:17-24.]
    The    Department    of   Banking    and    Insurance     (DOBI)   requires
    local relief associations to file annual reports including the
    names   of    relief   beneficiaries      and     the   amounts    paid.11        The
    applicable regulations provide:
    (a) All local relief associations shall
    file with the Commissioner, the Secretary of
    State, and the secretary of the State
    Association, no later than April 1 of each
    year, a sworn statement, which shall contain
    the following information:
    1.   The     names   of  its   representatives,
    visitors    or trustees and other officers,
    with the    amount of their respective fees or
    salaries,   if any;
    2. The names of its beneficiaries during or
    within   the   year  next   preceding   the
    3. The amount of             money    paid    to     each
    beneficiary; . . . .
    [N.J.A.C. 11:1-38.3.]
    The regulations do not expressly require a similar report
    by   the    Association,    notwithstanding        that   it    has   the    power,
    comparable to the local associations, to award relief benefits.
    The Association and local associations are funded through a
    tax on fire insurance premiums of insurers not organized under
    New Jersey law, N.J.S.A. 54:18-1, -2; and fire insurance
    premiums of surplus lines fire insurers, N.J.S.A. 17:22-6.59.
    30                                    A-2810-13T2
    The   issue    presented   is    whether      the    payment    records    are
    shielded by OPRA's "privacy clause," which states: "[A] public
    agency has a responsibility and an obligation to safeguard from
    public access a citizen's personal information with which it has
    been    entrusted      when   disclosure         thereof     would    violate     the
    citizen's reasonable expectation of privacy . . . ."                        N.J.S.A.
    47:1A-1.     We have previously determined that the Association is
    a public agency subject to OPRA.                 
    Paff, supra
    , 431 N.J. Super.
    at 279.      Also, it is undisputed that relief payment records are
    government      records.      N.J.S.A.       47:1A-1.1.       Although      numerous
    categories      of    documents   are       exempt   from    the     definition    of
    government records, see Educ. Law 
    Ctr., supra
    , 198 N.J. at 284
    ("OPRA excludes twenty-one categories of information, making the
    public right of access not absolute.") (citation omitted), none
    of the exemptions apply here.               Furthermore, the Association does
    not    invoke   any    regulation      or    executive      order    that   arguably
    removes the payment records from the scope of its disclosure
    obligations under OPRA.12
    In particular, we note that an agency may exempt certain
    documents by regulation authorized by law.      N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1
    (stating that public agencies may exempt documents from
    disclosure by "regulation promulgated under the authority of any
    statute or Executive Order of the Governor").      The exemption
    power is not "unlimited" and must "be exercised only when
    31                              A-2810-13T2
    The privacy clause is a substantive counterweight to the
    right to access under OPRA.    Burnett v. Cty. of Bergen, 
    198 N.J. 408
    ,   422-23   (2009).   Courts   must   balance   OPRA's   mandate    of
    disclosure with its protection of privacy.          
    Id. at 425-26.
    do so, the Court determined it was appropriate to consider the
    seven factors identified in 
    Doe, supra
    (1) the type of record requested; (2) the
    information it does or might contain; (3)
    the potential for harm in any subsequent
    nonconsensual disclosure; (4) the injury
    from disclosure to the relationship in which
    the record was generated; (5) the adequacy
    of   safeguards   to   prevent   unauthorized
    disclosure; (6) the degree of need for
    access; and (7) whether there is an express
    statutory    mandate,   articulated    public
    policy, or other recognized public interest
    militating toward access.
    [Id. at 427 (quoting 
    Doe, supra
    , 142 N.J. at
    necessary for the protection of the public interest."    Irval
    Realty, Inc. v. Bd. of Public Util. Commrs., 
    61 N.J. 366
    , 374
    (1972) (applying identical language in pre-OPRA Right to Know
    Law).   We express no opinion as to whether the Association,
    pursuant to its power to adopt rules or regulations governing
    the grant of relief, may exempt documents from OPRA.       The
    regulations are not before us, and have not been adopted
    pursuant to public notice and comment under the Administrative
    Procedure Act (APA), N.J.S.A. 52:14B-4; nor are they available
    for public viewing in accord with the APA.    N.J.S.A. 52:14B-
    32                           A-2810-13T2
    A court must engage in a case-specific analysis.                                     
    Id. at 437
    ("This balancing of interests must be applied case by case, and
    under different facts, another result might be proper.").
    Although     the     trial        court      applied       the    Doe      factors,         we
    consider them de novo.              See K.L. v. Evesham Twp. Bd. of Educ.,
    423    N.J.     Super.    337,     349    (App.      Div.       2011)    (stating        that      an
    appellate       court     exercises       de     novo      review       of    a     trial      court
    decision regarding whether OPRA requires disclosure of publicly
    held   records),         certif.    denied,         
    210 N.J. 108
          (2012).          In   so
    doing,     we     part     company       with       the     trial       court,         given       its
    determination       that    the     privacy         clause      shields       relief      payment
    We consider together the first two factors — the record
    type and information contained.                     Carter seeks copies of checks,
    which would confirm the identity of a relief applicant, state
    the    amounts     of     relief     received,            and    state       when      they     were
    received from a public agency empowered to make discretionary
    relief decisions.           However, if Carter is able to confirm that
    Doe    received    relief,       additional         information          may      be    inferred;
    even without his application documents, Carter may infer that
    Doe was in financial distress, although cause and extent were
    not disclosed.
    33                                        A-2810-13T2
    Personal financial information in the possession of public
    agencies — which is what Carter seeks — has not been treated
    uniformly under OPRA and implementing regulations and executive
    orders.     OPRA exempts "the pension or personnel records of any
    individual    in    the   possession    of   a   public    agency"   from   the
    definition of government records, but does not exempt a public
    employee's    "name,      title,   position,     salary,   payroll   record,13
    length of service, date of separation and the reason therefor,
    and the amount and type of any pension received."                    N.J.S.A.
    47:1A-10.    Also, Executive Order No. 26 (McGreevey), ¶ 4(b)(3)
    (2002)    exempts    "[i]nformation     describing     a   natural   person's
    finances, income, assets, liabilities, net worth, bank balances,
    financial history or activities, or creditworthiness, except as
    otherwise required by law to be disclosed."14
    Although "payroll record" is not defined in OPRA, it elsewhere
    has been defined to include more than salary.    For example, to
    comply with The Unemployment Compensation Law, N.J.S.A. 43:21-1
    to -24, and the Temporary Disability Benefits Law, N.J.S.A.
    43:21-25 to -71, among others, employers must maintain "payroll
    records" that include: "[t]otal remuneration paid in each pay
    period showing separately cash, including commissions and
    bonuses . . . gratuities received regularly . . . [and] special
    payments, such as bonuses and gifts . . . ."       N.J.A.C. 12:2
    Appx. A; see also N.J.A.C. 12:16-2.1.
    Also exempt is "[i]nformation relating to medical, psychiatric
    or psychological history, diagnosis, treatment or evaluation."
    Id. at ¶
    34                             A-2810-13T2
    None of these sources directly address Association relief
    payments, although both parties seek support from N.J.S.A. 47:1-
    10.     The payments are not salary or remuneration for employment,
    although     they      are     a   benefit         for   qualified   firefighters         —
    including,       notably,      volunteer       firefighters      —    in   return      for
    service.     Relief payments are discretionary, like bonuses and
    gifts     that    are        reported    on        payroll   records,      but    relief
    recipients       are     not       on   the    Association's         payroll.          The
    Association argues the payments should be withheld as a "pension
    record" exempt under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10, and Carter argues the
    payments should be disclosed as "the amount and type of any
    pension received," which are not exempt under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10.
    In our view, neither interpretation is correct.
    Although        one     might    argue        that    a   relief     award       is
    "information describing a natural person's . . . income" under
    Executive Order No. 26,15 the Order was apparently intended to
    address personal financial information that a citizen entrusts
    to the government.             See Executive Order No. 21 (McGreevey) ¶ 4
    (which Executive Order No. 26 was intended to clarify).                           It was
    not intended to bar release of records pertaining to outlays by
    a public agency to a citizen.                      Further, any ambiguity in the
    Executive Order should be resolved in favor of disclosure.                             See
    We note that the Association has not presented this argument.
    35                                 A-2810-13T2
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 ("[L]imitations on the right of access accorded
    by [OPRA] . . . shall be construed in favor of the public's
    right of access.").
    Although the relief payments do not fall neatly into the
    statutory categories found in N.J.S.A. 47:1-10, their similarity
    to forms of payment that are subject to disclosure arguably
    strengthens the case for access.     However, there is an important
    difference between relief awards and salary, pension payments,
    or even bonuses and gifts reported in payroll records.      Bonuses
    are awarded generally for a job well done — which is unlikely to
    embarrass the recipient.   Relief benefits are awarded upon proof
    that someone is in financial distress, which may subject the
    recipient to embarrassment.   A similar distinction can be drawn
    between disability insurance payments, which the GRC has found
    to be disclosable, see, e.g., Gordon v. City of Orange, GRC
    Complaint No. 2013-255 (2014), and relief benefits.     We conclude
    factors one and two weigh slightly in favor of non-disclosure
    based on this distinction between relief awards and other forms
    of remuneration or compensation that are subject to disclosure
    under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10.
    Doe factors three and four relate to the potential for
    harm.   The Association's vice president asserts that John Doe,
    and other beneficiaries whose records would be released, will
    36                         A-2810-13T2
    suffer public embarrassment.           The Association also speculates
    that future applicants for relief would be deterred from seeking
    benefits to avoid public embarrassment.16              We note that release
    would also arguably have the effect of upsetting the reasonable
    expectations of applicants, inasmuch as the application forms
    state   that    the    "Association     is       required     to    protect     the
    confidentiality of information."             While that may be read to
    refer only to an applicant's submission, it would be reasonable
    for an applicant to expect that any benefits received would also
    be confidential.       Upsetting these expectations may affect "the
    relationship in which the record was generated."                    On the other
    hand, disclosure may empower Association members to assess the
    Association's process for deciding such applications, thereby
    ultimately enhancing their relationship with the organization.
    We   conclude    factors    three     and    four     slightly       favor    non-
    Factor     five   refers   to   "the    adequacy       of     safeguards   to
    prevent unauthorized disclosure."            This concerns the extent to
    which   the    requested   documents       are    otherwise      protected    from
    disclosure.      The   Association's       vice    president       asserted   that
    The Association also discusses the harm that would result from
    the release of the personal financial information included in
    the applications.   As noted, we deem Carter's request for that
    information to have been abandoned in the trial court.
    37                                 A-2810-13T2
    consideration of applications is performed without attaching the
    applicant's     name,    to     assure    unbiased    consideration.        On    the
    other   hand,     Carter      maintained    that     existing   safeguards       were
    inadequate, because he learned through some unnamed source that
    Doe had received benefits.              Given the apparent leak, this factor
    neither favors nor disfavors disclosure.
    It is also reasonable to discuss factors six and seven
    together.     Carter's need for access is based on an interest in
    the Association's exercise of its authority to grant relief in
    Doe's case.       Carter questions whether it is appropriate to award
    benefits to a person who was charged with crimes and allegedly
    terminated for conduct related to those charges.                     We need not
    take    a   position       on    whether       the   circumstances     of      Doe's
    termination should be a factor in the Association's decision-
    making to conclude that Carter's expressed interest relates to
    the Association's governance.             For example, Carter does not seek
    disclosure for financial gain, as a finance company might, in
    seeking the names of beneficiaries because they are in financial
    distress    and    may   be     worth    soliciting.      Carter's   request        is
    instead grounded in an interest in the Association's authority
    to grant Doe a relief award given the allegations of impropriety
    that led to Doe's termination from public employment.
    38                                A-2810-13T2
    We noted above that the statute authorizes consideration of
    the cause of a person's financial need.                       N.J.S.A. 43:17-24.               The
    relief decisions must be made according to the Association's
    rules and regulations.                N.J.S.A. 43:17-3(c).           However, the lack
    of transparency in the Association's decision-making process,
    including the lack of publicly available rules and regulations
    adopted       after    notice     and       comment,       heightens         the    need       for
    disclosure of documents related to individual cases.                                Cf. 
    Mason, supra
    ,      196    N.J.     at   64    (stating       that    OPRA      is    designed         "to
    maximize      public      knowledge        about     public     affairs       in     order      to
    ensure an informed citizenry and to minimize the evils inherent
    in a secluded process.") (internal quotation marks and citation
    omitted).         The need for disclosure is also heightened by the
    fact     that,        apparently,          only      local      relief        associations'
    beneficiaries         and    amounts       of     grants     are   subject          to    DOBI's
    outside review.           N.J.A.C. 11:1-38.3.              We conclude that factors
    six and seven weigh heavily in favor of disclosure.
    Upon       balancing      the       Doe       factors,      in        view        of    the
    circumstances         presented       in     this    case,    we   conclude          that      the
    privacy clause does not bar plaintiff's right under OPRA to the
    records of the relief payments made to Doe.
    We   briefly       address      the      Association's      contention            that     a
    contrary result is compelled by Michelson v. Watt, 
    379 N.J. 39
    Super. 611 (App. Div. 2005).                We disagree.      In 
    Michelson, supra
    plaintiff      sought        disclosure      of     documents      and    information
    pertaining to the health insurance benefits enjoyed by public
    employees of the city in which he lived.                    
    Id. at 614.
        The court
    held that plaintiff's request was "not subject to access and
    disclosure pursuant to OPRA."               
    Id. at 623.
          The court deemed the
    detailed health insurance information requested to be personnel
    records that fell outside of government records as defined in
    N.J.S.A. 47:1A-10.            Also, disclosure was barred by Executive
    Order No. 26, which established that "information regarding an
    individual's health history is not a government record subject
    to    public   access."         
    Id. at 619-20;
      Executive     Order       No.   26
    (McGreevey), ¶ 4(b)(1) (2002).                   Finally, disclosure was barred
    by    N.J.A.C.   17:9-1.2(b),          which      "treats    all   personal      health
    information      as    confidential         information      in    accordance      with
    Michelson, supra
    , 379 N.J. Super. at 620.
    Michelson      does    not     compel     non-disclosure     in    this    case.
    Relief payments are not personnel records under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-
    10.    Furthermore, disclosure is not shielded by Executive Order
    No. 26 or any duly adopted regulation.
    In sum, plaintiff is entitled to the limited disclosure of
    Doe's relief payment checks under OPRA.
    40                                A-2810-13T2
    We also conclude that Carter is entitled to Doe's payment
    records under the common law right of access.                       See 
    Mason, supra
    196 N.J. at 67 (noting that OPRA does not limit the common law
    right   of     access)     (citing     N.J.S.A.          47:1A-8).         There     is    no
    question     that   Carter     seeks    a       public    record,    subject       to     the
    common law right of access.                See Nero v. Hyland, 
    76 N.J. 213
    222   (1978)      ("The    elements    essential          to   constitute      a    public
    record are . . . that it be a written memorial, that it be made
    by a public officer, and that the officer be authorized by law
    to make it.") (internal quotation marks and citation omitted).
    There also is no question that Carter has standing; he is an
    Association member interested in the criteria applied to relief
    decisions.      See 
    Irval, supra
    , 61 N.J. at 372 (stating that some
    showing of interest is required to enforce the common law right
    to inspect).
    An access request under the common law is subject to an
    "exquisite      weighing      process"          that   balances      the    requestor's
    interest     in     disclosure       and        the    government's        interest       in
    confidentiality.          Loigman v. Kimmelman, 
    102 N.J. 98
    , 108 (1986).
    The   balancing     process     must       be    "concretely      focused      upon       the
    relative interests of the parties in relation to the specific
    materials in question."          Piniero v. N.J. Div. of State Police,
    41                                     A-2810-13T2
    404 N.J. Super. 194
    , 206-07 (App. Div. 2008) (citing McClain v.
    Coll. Hosp., 
    99 N.J. 346
    , 361 (1985)).               The Court has identified
    several factors that may be considered:
    (1) the extent to which disclosure will
    impede agency functions by discouraging
    citizens from providing information to the
    government; (2) the effect disclosure may
    have upon persons who have given such
    information, and whether they did so in
    reliance that their identities would not be
    disclosed; (3) the extent to which agency
    self-evaluation,  program   improvement,  or
    other decisionmaking will be chilled by
    disclosure; (4) the degree to which the
    information sought includes factual data as
    opposed     to   evaluative    reports    of
    policymakers; (5) whether any findings of
    public misconduct have been insufficiently
    corrected by remedial measures instituted by
    the investigative agency; and (6) whether
    any agency disciplinary or investigatory
    proceedings    have    arisen    that    may
    circumscribe the individual's asserted need
    for the materials.    Against these and any
    other relevant factors should be balanced
    the importance of the information sought to
    the plaintiff's vindication of the public
    [Loigman, supra
    , 102 N.J. at 113 (citation
    The   requestor's   motivation     is    also    a   relevant   consideration.
    Loigman, supra
    , 102 N.J. at 104 ("Somewhat different but related
    considerations      arise   when    the         citizen   seeks    access    to
    information to further a public good" as opposed to a private
    42                            A-2810-13T2
    Loigman factors one and two slightly favor confidentiality.
    As discussed above, the Association contends disclosure of Doe's
    records may discourage members from applying for benefits in the
    future;      however,      this     fear   is     speculative.          In    any     event,
    Carter's request is confined to a single recipient, limiting any
    chilling effect of disclosure.                     However, as noted above, an
    applicant      may       reasonably    have       relied    on    the    reference         to
    confidentiality in the application form.
    Turning        to    factor     three,      we    discern    no        threat       that
    disclosure would chill the ability of the Association or local
    associations to render their decisions, or to engage in self-
    evaluation         and    improvement.            If   anything,       disclosure          may
    encourage self-criticism and internal oversight.                             Carter seeks
    factual data, not evaluative reports (factor four).                             Moreover,
    there   is    no     evidence      that    alternative      remedial         measures      or
    outside oversight have addressed the issue of concern to Carter
    —   that     is,    whether       benefits      are    granted    to    persons        whose
    financial distress is allegedly the result of their misconduct.
    As     Loigman       provides,       other       relevant    factors          may    be
    considered.         In this case, weight may be given to the fact that
    Doe has already been placed in the public eye.                          His arrest and
    his   termination         received    publicity        in   the   local       newspapers.
    Thus, to some extent, his personal travails are already in the
    43                                     A-2810-13T2
    public domain.        What is not disclosed is whether he has received
    assistance from a local association or the Association.                          This
    distinguishes Carter's request from a request for payments made
    to any and all beneficiaries.
    Carter's professed need is not based on personal curiosity,
    or personal financial interest.                 Rather, it is based on his
    interest      in   determining    the         criteria   for     relief     awards,
    specifically, whether the local association or Association deems
    it appropriate to consider the cause of a person's financial
    need.   The lack of transparency in the Association's decision-
    making, the lack of rules adopted pursuant to the APA, and the
    lack of oversight by DOBI of Association awards, heightens the
    interest in disclosure.
    In sum, we conclude that the public interest in disclosure
    in this case outweighs the interest in confidentiality.
    We briefly address the Association's argument that Carter's
    counterclaim for disclosure was time-barred, as it was filed
    more than forty-five days after the denial.                 OPRA actions have a
    forty-five-day statute of limitations, as do actions in lieu of
    prerogative writs.       
    Mason, supra
    , 196 N.J. at 57.                However, that
    time frame may be enlarged "in the interest of justice."                    
    Id. at 70.
        The    time    period   should    be     enlarged      here    because    the
    44                                A-2810-13T2
    Association's declaratory judgment action effectively preempted
    Carter's option to resort to the GRC, which has no specified
    limitations period.      
    Id. at 70.
           Carter was compelled to respond
    to a lawsuit that, as discussed above, the Association was not
    entitled to bring in the first place.
    We also note that because Carter has prevailed, in that he
    has   secured   access   to   Doe's   relief     payment   records,     he   is
    entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee.            N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6.        We
    remand for the trial court's fee determination.
    Reversed and remanded.     We do not retain jurisdiction.
    45                              A-2810-13T2
    MESSANO, P.J.A.D, concurring.
    For the reasons compellingly presented by Judge Ostrer in
    Parts   III    and   IV    of    his   opinion,     I    agree      that    Carter   was
    entitled to obtain copies of the relief payments made by the
    Association to John Doe under both OPRA and the common law right
    of    access    to   public      records.      I    further         agree    with    the
    conclusions that OPRA "grants a right of action exclusively to
    requestors,"      and     that   "the    Legislature          did   not     intend   for
    records custodians to bring actions against record requestors to
    enforce their asserted right to withhold records." Ante at 22,
    I also agree that the Legislature did not intend to permit
    any "public agency," like the Association, to commence an action
    under OPRA seeking to pre-emptively establish a defense that is
    expressly      provided    by    the   statute.         See    N.J.S.A.     47:1A-5(g)
    (permitting the custodian of a government record to "assert[]
    that part of a particular record is exempt from public access").
    Finally, I agree that permitting a public agency to initiate a
    lawsuit   asserting       a   defense    to   the   production        of    particular
    public records under the common law would result in "fragmentary
    redress," ante at 27, and should be avoided in furtherance of
    the salutary goal of judicial economy.
    I    write    separately,      however,     to     state   my    respectful
    disagreement with my colleagues' expansive conclusion in Part
    II-A of their opinion that "if there is no private right of
    action under a particular statute, a party may not secure a
    declaration of its statutory rights by seeking relief under the
    DJA."      Ante at 17.        In my opinion, that conclusion is not
    supported by the clear and unambiguous language of the DJA,
    which is the clearest indication of the Legislature's intent.
    Town of Kearny v. Brandt, 
    214 N.J. 76
    , 98 (2013).
    As noted by my colleagues, the DJA is remedial in nature
    and entitled to liberal interpretation.                Ante at 14-15.    The DJA
    provides that "[a]ll courts of record . . . shall . . . have
    power     to   declare    rights,   status   and       other   legal   relations,
    whether or not further relief is or could be claimed."                   N.J.S.A.
    2A:16-52 (emphasis added).           Seemingly, the Legislature did not
    intend to foreclose a party from seeking relief under the DJA
    even if "further relief" could not be claimed by that party.
    Id. N.J.S.A. 2A:16-53,
    in turn, provides that "[a] person . . .
    whose rights, status or other legal relations are affected by a
    statute,       . . . may have determined any question of construction
    or validity arising under the . . . statute . . . and obtain a
    declaration        of    rights,    status   or    other       legal    relations
    2                                A-2810-13T2
    thereunder."      (Emphasis added).            As noted, I agree that a public
    agency cannot initiate a lawsuit under OPRA to determine whether
    a specific record is exempt from production under OPRA.                            In my
    mind,   the     highly       discretionary      remedy    of   declaratory       relief
    cannot be invoked to settle such a dispute, because that issue
    has    little    to     do    with   the   "rights,      status   or    other      legal
    relation[]" of and between, in this case, the Association and
    However,    the       Association   is    undoubtedly      a    person    "whose
    rights, status and other legal relations are affected" by OPRA.
    N.J.S.A. 2A:16-53 (emphasis added).                 In a different context, I
    believe the Association could initiate a lawsuit seeking relief
    under the DJA.          For example, in 
    Paff, supra
    , 431 N.J. Super. at
    285,    the     trial    court       dismissed    the     plaintiff's     complaint,
    finding the Association was not a public agency subject to OPRA.
    After     thoroughly          reviewing    the      Association's        "formation,
    structure, and function," we concluded that it was a public
    agency under OPRA and reversed.                
    Id. at 289-90.
    In Paff, the issue arose in the context of an OPRA suit
    already initiated by a "requestor."                      Given the Association's
    unusual status, however, I doubt that we would have dismissed an
    action initiated by the Association pursuant to the DJA seeking
    a declaration as to whether or not it was public agency.                            Even
    3                                    A-2810-13T2
    though OPRA provides no right of action to a public agency, I
    believe the Association's complaint in that context — whether
    the association was subject to OPRA — would have been cognizable
    under the DJA.1
    I   find   support   for   this      conclusion   not    only    through
    application of the plain language of the DJA, but also in cases
    that   have   long-recognized     the    appropriateness   of    such    relief
    under the DJA.       See, e.g., N.J. Ass'n for Retarded 
    Citizens, supra
    , 89 N.J. at 242 (resort to the DJA is appropriate "to end
    uncertainty about the legal rights and duties of the parties
    . . . in controversies which have not yet reached the stage at
    which the parties seek a coercive remedy," and where "there is
    an actual controversy . . . which involves differing views on
    the meaning of applicable statutory provisions").2
    In Paff, we cited three other cases that involved public
    agencies that, given their unusual circumstances, challenged
    whether they were subject to OPRA.    
    Id. at 287
    (citing Sussex
    Commons Assocs., LLC v. Rutgers, the State Univ., 
    210 N.J. 531
    (2012); Fair Share Hous. Ctr., Inc. v. N.J. State League of
    207 N.J. 489
    (2011); The Times of Trenton Publ'g
    Corp. v. Lafayette Yard Cmty. Dev. Corp., 
    183 N.J. 519
    Although in those cases the issue arose in the context of a
    pending prerogative writ lawsuit brought by a requestor, I
    believe the Court would have resolved the issue had the public
    agency initiated the suit for declaratory relief.
    I recognize that there must be an "actual controversy" before
    the DJA can be invoked.    Finkel v. Twp. of Hopewell, 434 N.J.
    Super. 303, 318 (App. Div. 2013). However, that predicate could
    4                               A-2810-13T2
    In this regard, while the out-of-state and federal cases
    cited by my colleagues provide support for their conclusion —
    "if    there   is   no   private     right     of    action    under      a   particular
    statute, a party may not secure a declaration of its statutory
    rights" — I do not believe any of the cited New Jersey cases do.
    Moreover, it strikes me as anomalous that a statute like OPRA
    that    provides     a    specific     unilateral          cause   of    action    to    a
    requestor could nonetheless provide the rationale for barring a
    clearly "affected" party — here, the Association — from seeking
    relief under the DJA.
    Moreover,      our     courts       have      considered         requests      for
    declaratory      relief     under    the   DJA      even    though      the   particular
    statute at issue provided no right of action to a litigant.                           For
    example, in Chamber of Commerce v. State, 
    89 N.J. 131
    , 138-39
    (1982),    the      Court    considered        whether       the     plaintiff     trade
    association was entitled to relief under the DJA declaring the
    Strikebreakers Act, N.J.S.A. 34:13C-1 to -6, unconstitutional.
    The Court ultimately concluded that portions of the statute were
    preempted by federal labor law, but other sections were not.
    Id. at 163.
            The Court did not predicate the relief upon the
    plaintiff, or for that matter, any person, having a private
    be easily satisfied, for example, if a request has been made,
    but the litigation has not commenced, as was the case here.
    5                                    A-2810-13T2
    right    of    action      under     the       Strikebreakers         Act.        Indeed,        the
    statute was essentially penal in nature, and presumably could
    not be invoked by anyone other than the State.                                    See N.J.S.A.
    34:13C-5 (making any violation of the act a misdemeanor).
    In       NL    Indus.,        Inc.    v.        New     Jersey       Dept.       of    Envtl.
    397 N.J. Super. 127
    , 133 (App. Div. 2007), certif.
    195 N.J. 418
        (2008),          we    considered      the    "rights        and
    responsibilities"           of     the    parties          under    N.J.S.A.          58:10B-3.1,
    which permitted a local government unit that condemned property
    to   replace        –    with     the     Department's             approval       –    a     person
    performing         remediation       at        the        contaminated      site.            Before
    considering        the     merits,        we    concluded          that    the        plaintiff's
    complaint was cognizable under the DJA, specifically rejecting
    the Department's argument that jurisdiction lay in the Appellate
    Division and not the trial court.                            
    Id. at 131-32.
    neither the statute at issue, nor the legislation of which it
    was a part, provided the remediating party with a specific cause
    of action by which to challenge the Department's or the public
    entity's decision.
    Finally,           although    I     agree       with     much   of     my       colleagues'
    opinion, I believe it unnecessary to paint with such a broad
    brush.        Whether the DJA means what it says, or, whether its
    remedies are available only to those whom the Legislature has
    6                                         A-2810-13T2
    provided a specific cause of action, is an issue of some import.
    Resolving that issue in a manner that I believe departs from
    existing precedent is more appropriately the province of our
    Supreme Court.       See, e.g., Riley v. Keenan, 
    406 N.J. Super. 281
    297 (App. Div.) (noting that an appellate court "should normally
    defer to the Supreme Court with respect to the creation of a new
    cause of action") (citing Tynan v. Curzi, 
    332 N.J. Super. 267
    277 (App. Div. 2000)),            certif. denied, 
    200 N.J. 207
    Proske v. St. Barnabas Med. Ctr., 
    313 N.J. Super. 311
    , 316 (App.
    Div.    1998)     (declining     to   find       damages   for   personal   injuries
    based    on   a   failure   to    perform         a   contractual   term    "'in   the
    absence of [any] precedent, or . . . clear direction by dictum
    from our Supreme Court'" authorizing such action) (quoting Coyle
    v. Englander's, 
    199 N.J. Super. 212
    , 226 (App. Div. 1985)),
    certif. denied, 
    158 N.J. 685
    I therefore respectfully concur in the judgment.
    7                               A-2810-13T2