    DOCKET NO. A-1344-14T2
    Plaintiff-Respondent,             APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION
    v.                                          June 13, 2017
    HAKEEM A. CHANCE, a/k/a
    Submitted May 4, 2017 – Decided June 13, 2017
    Before Judges Lihotz, O'Connor and Mawla.
    On appeal from Superior Court of New Jersey,
    Law Division, Bergen County, Indictment No.
    Joseph E. Krakora, Public Defender, attorney
    for appellant Dammen D. McDuffie (Alison
    Perrone, Designated Counsel, on the brief).
    Joseph E. Krakora, Public Defender, attorney
    for appellant Hakeem Chance (Gilbert G.
    Miller, Designated Counsel, on the brief).
    Gurbir S. Grewal, Bergen County Prosecutor,
    attorney for respondent (Suzanne E. Cevasco,
    Assistant Prosecutor, of counsel and on the
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    LIHOTZ, P.J.A.D.
    In   these   back-to-back   appeals,    co-defendants     Dammen    D.
    McDuffie and Hakeem A. Chance, jointly tried before a jury,
    separately appeal from a July 29, 2014 judgment of conviction.
    Co-defendants argue the trial judge impermissibly denied their
    motions requiring the State to release information regarding a
    global positioning system (GPS) tracking device used to prove
    their involvement in two burglaries.         Also, co-defendants argue
    the   judge    erroneously   admitted   testimony   regarding   the   prior
    military training of a police officer, who identified McDuffie as
    the passenger in the vehicle driven by Chance.        More specifically,
    each defendant articulates these challenges, seeking to vacate his
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    Finally,    each    defendant     challenges    the   imposed    sentence     as
    manifestly excessive.
    We have reviewed these arguments in light of the record and
    applicable law.      We affirm each conviction.       However, insufficient
    factual findings require we remand for resentencing and correction
    of the judgments of conviction.
    We recite the facts related to the issues on appeal, taken
    from the record of the ten-day trial.           After obtaining a warrant,
    Detective James Eckert, of the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office
    (BCPO), installed a tracking device on a dark blue BMW X6 (BMW)
    registered to Chance's mother.        The designated device is available
    only   to   law    enforcement;   however,     components   of   the   device,
    including the GPS chip, are sold commercially.              The GPS records
    location data on the device itself, and transmits its position via
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    cell towers, which allows police to track the device location in
    real time on a laptop.
    On July 12, 2012, a joint surveillance team commenced the
    operation.    The team consisted of detectives from the BCPO Special
    Investigation Squad who were assisted by local police, operating
    three unmarked vehicles.       BCPO Sergeant John Booth was in charge
    of the team.      He occupied the tracking vehicle, which was driven
    by    Detective   Jonathan   Arochas       and    contained   Detective     James
    Eckert, the GPS expert, and Detective Michael Falotico.               The first
    of two trailing vehicles contained only BCPO Detective Elliott
    Cookson; the other vehicle, driven by Detective Edward Young of
    the Fort Lee Police Department, was also occupied by undercover
    officers from Hackensack and Teaneck.              The officers in the three
    vehicles communicated with one another using portable radios.
    Detective Eckert tracked the BMW in real time via the GPS data
    transmitted to his laptop, and the officers in the trailing
    vehicles maintained intermittent visual contact with the BMW.
    In the days leading up to the investigation under examination,
    the    accuracy   of   the   GPS   device        was   checked,   using    visual
    observations.     Immediately prior to the events on the evening of
    July 12, 2012, Detective Eckert confirmed the GPS device was
    functioning properly and accurately recording the BMW's location.
    Specifically, Detective Eckert observed the BMW in the parking lot
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    of the Hilton Hotel in Hasbrouck Heights, the same location the
    GPS pinpointed the BMW.
    At 7 p.m. Detective Young observed Chance enter the BMW,
    still parked at the Hilton in Hasbrouck Heights, and drive off.
    Detective Eckert used the GPS device while occupying the tracking
    vehicle, and the trailing vehicles confirmed the BMW, driven by
    Chance, traveled to Englewood and stopped on William Street, across
    from McDuffie's address, at 7:32 p.m.      Chance returned to the
    Hilton and again began to travel at 8:42 p.m.   The BMW was tracked
    to the vicinity of Dubois Court, Englewood, where it stopped for
    two minutes.    Detective Eckert acknowledged Dubois Court, which
    is not a public street, was not specifically displayed on the
    laptop map.    No officer physically observed McDuffie enter the
    BMW.    However, Detectives Cookson and Eckert noted Chance and a
    black male passenger in the BMW when it stopped for gas on Route 4.
    The police continued to track the BMW as it headed North on
    the Garden State Parkway and exited in Nutley at 9:31 p.m.     After
    driving around Nutley, at 9:40 p.m., the BMW drove down Spatz
    Avenue, a cul-de-sac, turned around, drove one block over and
    parked on Margaret Avenue.    The BMW remained parked on Margaret
    Avenue for eleven minutes.      During this time, the three law
    enforcement vehicles were parked approximately three blocks away,
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    and the officers did not observe the BMW parked on Margaret Avenue
    or see defendants.
    A few minutes after 10 p.m., Sergeant Booth received a call
    from the Nutley Police Department, informing him police received
    notice an alarm was triggered from a home on Spatz Avenue.                 Later
    that evening or early the next morning, Nutley police also received
    information regarding the robbery of a second home on Spatz Avenue.
    Spatz Avenue is a short dead end street, with the dead end
    abutting the Garden State Parkway.             The two vandalized homes on
    Spatz    Avenue   sit    adjacent   to   one   another.     The    first   owner
    testified his residence, from which the alarm call was sent, was
    ransacked, but nothing was stolen.              The second owner, a Newark
    Police Officer, reported his home was broken into some time while
    he was at work and listed missing items as a laptop, an iPod, $400
    cash, and $14,500 in jewelry.
    After receiving the call from the Nutley police, Detective
    Booth instructed the trailing vehicles to stop the BMW.              Detective
    Cookson pulled behind the BMW.               The BMW, followed by Cookson,
    passed    the   parked    second    trailing    vehicle,   which   joined   the
    pursuit.    Finally, the tracking vehicle followed behind the other
    two police vehicles.
    When the BMW stopped at a traffic light located at the
    intersection of Centre Street and East Passaic Avenue, Detective
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    Arochas pulled alongside the BMW and activated the police lights
    and siren to commence a motor vehicle stop.               Detective Cookson
    attempted to pull in front of the BMW to block its lane of travel.
    Before   he   could   do   so,   the   traffic   signal   changed,   the   BMW
    accelerated, and collided with Detective Cookson's vehicle.                The
    BMW then slammed into Detective Arochas's vehicle.             As a result,
    the laptop was jarred from Detective Eckert's grasp and closed,
    terminating the real time GPS link. The BMW swerved again, hitting
    Detective Young's vehicle and sped away.
    The BMW accelerated, reaching a high rate of speed; it ignored
    several traffic signals, and drove on the wrong side of the road.
    Detective Arochas led the police pursuit and maintained consistent
    visual contact.       He watched the BMW strike a center concrete
    barrier, while making a sharp left turn.          The impact punctured the
    front left tire, yet the vehicle continued traveling on the rim.
    The BMW could not negotiate a curve on Long Hill Road, Little
    Falls, on three wheels and collided into a stone wall.
    As Detective Arochas's vehicle pulled perpendicular to the
    stopped BMW, the passenger briefly turned and faced him. Detective
    Arochas was able to get a full view of the passenger's face,
    illuminated by headlights, before the passenger turned away and
    fled the BMW.     Chance also abandoned the vehicle, but was found
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    approximately fifty feet from the crash site and arrested. Despite
    Detective Young's efforts, the passenger escaped.
    Detective Eckert retrieved the GPS device and downloaded the
    location data.     The subsequent search of the BMW recovered two
    iPhones traced to Chance, a mini flashlight, a black bandana, ski
    mask and one sneaker on the driver's side, and a pair of sneakers
    and a cell phone on the passenger's side.             None of the reported
    stolen property was recovered or found along the chase route.
    In an unrelated investigation, another officer provided a tip
    to   Detective   Arochas,    received     from   a   credible    confidential
    informant that "Dammen McDuffie" was involved in the burglaries.
    Detective Arochas determined McDuffie lived on Dubois Court in
    Englewood, the same area where the BMW stopped prior to proceeding
    to Spatz Avenue on July 12.         Searching motor vehicle records, he
    found McDuffie's photograph and instantly recognized him as the
    passenger he saw in the BMW.         Police obtained an arrest warrant
    and went to McDuffie's residence.
    McDuffie was located, standing behind his vehicle, in the
    parking lot outside his home on Dubois Court. Four unmarked police
    vehicles, carrying at least five officers, including Detectives
    Eckert   and     Young,     which    surrounded      McDuffie,    identified
    themselves, and attempted to place him under arrest.             When ordered
    to get on the ground, McDuffie unsuccessfully attempted to run,
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    but was grabbed and arrested.               McDuffie resisted efforts to
    handcuff him.
    At trial, Sergeant John Booth, Detectives Eckert, Arochas,
    and Falotico, who were in the tracking vehicle on July 12, along
    with Detectives Cookson and Young from the trailing vehicles,
    testified.     Detectives Eckert and Cookson identified Chance as the
    driver of the BMW.         Detective Young described the male passenger
    in the BMW; Detective Arochas specifically identified McDuffie as
    the passenger he saw flee following the crash.
    At the close of evidence, the jury convicted McDuffie of two
    counts    of    third-degree    burglary,    N.J.S.A.   2C:18-2,   and   the
    disorderly persons offense of resisting arrest, N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2.
    He was acquitted of hindering apprehension.          Chance was convicted
    of two counts of third-degree burglary, three counts of second-
    degree eluding/failure to stop, N.J.S.A. 2C:29-2(b), and eight
    counts of fourth-degree aggravated assault on a police officer,
    N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1(b)(5)(A).        McDuffie's motion for a new trial was
    denied.     Sentence was imposed for each defendant and this appeal
    Co-defendants seek to reverse their convictions challenging
    the admissibility of evidence from the GPS unit and testimony
    regarding      Detective    Arochas's   prior   military   training.     The
    standard for reviewing these issues requires we consider whether
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    the trial judge abused his discretion.      State v. Ates, 
    426 N.J. Super. 521
    , 537 (App. Div. 2012), aff’d, 
    217 N.J. 253
    cert. denied, __ U.S. __, 
    135 S. Ct. 377
    190 L. Ed. 2d 254
    We consider these two issues.
    Co-defendants argue their right to a fair trial was impeded
    because the judge denied their motions to suppress the GPS data
    and to disclose specific information regarding the nature and
    location of the GPS device.    During a December 19, 2013, pre-trial
    Rule 104 hearing, Detective Eckert, who personally installed the
    device, was the only witness.    He testified regarding his training
    and expertise with the GPS device. He stated the device's efficacy
    was dependent upon proper use and acknowledged on occasion the
    device distorted speed or displayed inaccurate information when
    losing power or when the signal was disrupted by reflections from
    water   or   very   tall   structures.   During   cross-examination,
    Detective Eckert declined to disclose the model of the GPS device,
    where police installed the device on the BMW, the exact battery
    used to power the device and the duration of a single charge.
    Detective Eckert confirmed the device was used not just in Bergen
    County, but by hundreds of other law enforcement agencies across
    the country.   Co-defendants objected, asserting non-disclosure of
    the identifying information prevented them from engaging an expert
    who could contest the reliability of the GPS readings.
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    The    trial      judge    considered     and   rejected   co-defendants'
    arguments.        He    stated      co-defendants'    requests   would    provide
    information to identify "the actual item," disseminating the exact
    GPS device, now exclusively accessible to law enforcement, to
    "many people."          Further, he noted co-defendants retained the
    opportunity to cross-examine Detective Eckert and retain an expert
    if they chose.          He concluded the GPS data was admissible.                At
    trial, Detective Eckert was again asked where the device was
    installed on the BMW.           The State's objection was sustained.
    On    appeal,      co-defendants        maintain   withholding     the   GPS
    information impeded their ability to assert a complete defense,
    thus violating their due process rights.                 See Crane v. Kentucky,
    476 U.S. 683
    , 690, 
    106 S. Ct. 2142
    , 2146, 
    90 L. Ed. 2d 636
    , 645
    (1986) ("[T]he Constitution guarantees criminal defendants 'a
    meaningful opportunity to present a complete defense.'" (quoting
    California v. Trombetta, 
    467 U.S. 479
    , 485, 
    104 S. Ct. 2528
    , 2532,
    81 L. Ed. 2d 413
    ,   420   (1984))).      The   issue   implicates    the
    government's privilege to protect law enforcement methods.
    Our law includes authority addressing the law enforcement
    privilege, when police seek to protect the identity of informants.
    In State v. Milligan, 
    71 N.J. 373
     (1976), the Supreme Court noted
    at "common law" there exists a "governmental privilege to withhold
    the identity of informants who assist law enforcement officials."
    11                               A-1344-14T2
    Id. at 380
    ; see also Cashen v. Spann, 
    66 N.J. 541
    , 552, cert. den.
    423 U.S. 829
    96 S. Ct. 48
    46 L. Ed. 2d 46
     (1975) (recognizing
    the government's privilege to protect confidential informants).
    Currently, N.J.R.E. 516 recognizes this privilege, as set forth
    in N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-28, which states:
    A witness has a privilege to refuse to
    disclose the identity of a person who has
    furnished information purporting to disclose
    a violation of a provision of the laws of this
    State   or  of   the   United   States   to  a
    representative of the State or the United
    States or a governmental division thereof,
    charged with the duty of enforcing that
    provision,    and    evidence    thereof    is
    inadmissible, unless the judge finds that (a)
    the identity of the person furnishing the
    information   has   already   been   otherwise
    disclosed or (b) disclosure of his identity
    is essential to assure a fair determination
    of the issues.
    The   right   to   anonymity    of    informants,   however,   is   "not
    absolute."    Milligan,     supra,    
    71 N.J. at 383
    .   In   criminal
    prosecutions, a court must balance the competing interests of
    criminal defendants and the State, a concept stated in federal
    The problem is one that calls for balancing
    the public interest in protecting the flow of
    information against the individual's right to
    prepare his defense. Whether a proper balance
    renders nondisclosure erroneous must depend on
    the particular circumstances of each case,
    taking into consideration the crime charged,
    the   possible    defenses,    the    possible
    12                              A-1344-14T2
    significance of the informer's testimony, and
    other relevant factors.
    [Id. at 384 (quoting Rovario v. United States,
    353 U.S. 53
    , 62, 
    77 S. Ct. 623
    , 628, 
    1 L. Ed. 2d 639
    , 646 (1957)).]
    If the State can demonstrate the applicability of a qualified
    privilege not to disclose sensitive investigation techniques the
    "court then must balance the public interest in nondisclosure
    against 'the need of a particular litigant for access to the
    privileged information,' . . ."        United States v. Matish, 
    193 F. Supp. 3d 585
    , 597 (E.D. Va. 2016) (quoting In re The City of New
    607 F.3d 923
    , 948 (2d. Cir. 2010)).
    The   Court   emphasized   this   test   requires   a   defendant    to
    demonstrate a need for the specific information the government
    seeks to protect.      "[F]rivolous demands for information [or]
    unsubstantiated allegations of need" will not be enough to justify
    disclosure because "[s]omething more than speculation should be
    required of a defendant before the court overrules an informer's
    privilege of nondisclosure."     Milligan, supra, 
    71 N.J. at 393
    .         It
    is now well established that "absent a strong showing of need,
    courts generally deny disclosure where the informer plays only a
    marginal role, such as providing information or 'tips' to the
    police or participating in the preliminary stage of a criminal
    Id. at 387
    ; see also State v. Hernandez, 
    225 N.J. 13
    451, 467 (2016) (applying Milligan's balancing test stating: "At
    least at this stage, we cannot find that the disclosure of the
    Witness's identity in the unrelated investigations is necessary
    for defendants to receive a fair trial in this case."); State v.
    134 N.J. 570
    , 578 (1994) ("Without a strong showing of
    need, courts will generally deny a request for disclosure.").
    The State has also asserted the privilege when declining to
    disclose surveillance vantage points.    See State v. Garcia, 
    131 N.J. 67
    , 70 (1993).   The privilege, set forth in N.J.R.E. 515, is
    grounded on N.J.S.A. 2A:84A-27, which provides:
    No person shall disclose official information
    of this State or of the United States (a) if
    disclosure is forbidden by or pursuant to any
    Act of Congress or of this State, or (b) if
    the judge finds that disclosure of the
    information in the action will be harmful to
    the interests of the public.
    In Garcia, the Court held the precise location of a law
    enforcement surveillance vantage point remained privileged if
    there is "a realistic possibility that revealing the location
    would compromise present or future prosecutions or would possibly
    endanger lives or property."   Garcia, supra, 
    131 N.J. at 78
    .     If
    the State makes such a preliminary showing, disclosure of the
    location should only occur where it "infringes on a defendant's
    constitutional rights."   
    Id. at 79
    ; see also State v. Laws, 262
    14                         A-1344-14T2
    N.J. Super. 551, 558-59 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    134 N.J. 475
    As in the case of overcoming an informant's privilege, a
    defendant must first articulate an actual need for disclosure
    related to the defense.          "Absent some showing of need by a
    defendant for the exact surveillance location, the trial court
    should deny its disclosure.       In reaching that conclusion we note
    'the ease with which the privilege would be destroyed if disclosure
    were required without a substantial showing of need for it.'"
    131 N.J. at 80-81
     (quoting State v. Oliver, 
    50 N.J. 39
    , 47 (1967)).
    Accordingly, when considering application of the privilege
    provided in N.J.R.E. 515, a judge engages a Milligan-type balancing
    test, weighing "the crime charged, the possible defenses, the
    potential significance of the privileged information and other
    relevant factors."       State v. Zenquis, 
    131 N.J. 84
    , 88 (1993)
    (citing Garcia, 
     131 N.J. at 80-81).             An added requirement
    identified in this analysis is the degree to which the testimony
    of the surveillance officer is corroborated by other evidence.
       131    N.J.   at        82-83   (denying    disclosure     of
    surveillance   location    noting      corroboration      of    the   criminal
    activity was provided by an informer's information and drugs found
    in the location when identified by the police officer conducting
    15                               A-1344-14T2
    surveillance);     see    also    Zenquis,     
        131    N.J.   at     88-89
    (requiring disclosure of surveillance vantage point to protect the
    defendant's      confrontation       rights      because       there   was         no
    corroboration and no drugs discovered on the suspects or in the
    identified location).
    These authorities provide guidance to examine defendant's
    demand for disclosure of the GPS device specifics, which the State
    claims are privileged.           Although the exact issue has not been
    addressed   by   our     appellate   courts,     these   guidelines     must       be
    followed in weighing these interests.
    First, we emphasize a defendant's broad claim of need for
    disclosure of police procedures, claimed to be privileged, is
    insufficient to compel disclosure.           Rather, a particularized need
    related to advance a stated defense must be shown.               Florez, supra,
    134 N.J. at 578 (stating disclosure should be denied unless the
    criminal defendant makes a sufficient "showing of need" for the
    information); Garcia, 
     131 N.J. at 80 ("If the State meets
    its preliminary burden for application of the privilege, the court
    should permit disclosure if the information sought is relevant and
    helpful to the defense or essential to a fair determination of the
    Second, the judge must determine whether the opportunity to
    cross-examine    the     officer,    asserting    non-disclosure       based       on
    16                                    A-1344-14T2
    privilege,     satisfies    a    defendant's      need    to    challenge   the
    credibility of the testifying witness.               For example, inquiry
    regarding specific techniques to use the device, issues affecting
    the officer's ability to effectively use the equipment, known or
    demonstrated flaws or deficiencies in use, are easily raised on
    cross-examination to challenge the proficiency of the user and
    even the accuracy of the device.
    Third, law enforcement must provide corroborating evidence
    extrinsic to the GPS, which ensures a               defendant's rights of
    confrontation and fair trial are protected.               As with a claimed
    confidential      surveillance        location,   some     corroboration      is
    necessary to confirm the reliance of GPS location evidence.
    Finally, whether a defendant has the opportunity to provide
    expert testimony to attack the evidence without disclosure of the
    requested information must be weighed.
    Here,   co-defendants      do    not   challenge    Detective   Eckert's
    qualifications as an expert in the use of the GPS device.                   See
    N.J.R.E. 702 ("If scientific, technical, or other specialized
    knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence
    or to determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert
    by   knowledge,    skill,   experience,       training,    or   education   may
    testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise."); see
    also United States v. Thompson, 
    393 F. App'x 852
    , 858 (3d Cir.
    17                              A-1344-14T2
    2010) (holding the trial judge properly allowed a lay witness to
    testify to the results of GPS tracking where the witness had
    particularized knowledge of the GPS's reliability by virtue of his
    experience using the device).      Rather, we deduce co-defendants'
    claims seeking the GPS device specifications and location on the
    BMW challenged the accuracy and reliability of the GPS device's
    technology and reported information.
    Generally, the accuracy of GPS devices is accepted.        "[I]n
    assessing the Fourth Amendment constraints associated with GPS
    tracking,    courts   generally   have   assumed   the   technology's
    accuracy."   United States v. Brooks, 
    715 F.3d 1069
    , 1078 (8th Cir.
    2013).   Our courts routinely order GPS technology to supervise
    individuals released pending trial or on parole.         See N.J.S.A.
    30:4-123.92 (establishing a program for the continuous, satellite-
    based monitoring of sex offenders); N.J.S.A. 2A:162-17(b)(2)(a)-
    (1) (permitting the court to place non-monetary conditions on pre-
    trial release, including GPS monitoring).      Moreover, commercial
    GPS units are widely available, and "smart phones" and laptops all
    contain a form of GPS tracking capability.     See United States v.
    565 U.S. 400
    , 428-31, 
    132 S. Ct. 945
    , 962-64, 
    181 L. Ed. 2d 911
    , 933-34 (2012) (Alito, J., concurring) (noting modern
    devices contain GPS, the technology is ubiquitous and represents
    an inexpensive alternative to traditional physical surveillance);
    18                          A-1344-14T2
    id. at 415
    132 S. Ct. at 955
    181 L. Ed. 2d at 925
    J. concurring) ("GPS monitoring generates a precise, comprehensive
    record of a person's public movements that reflects a wealth of
    detail. . . ."); see also State v. Earls, 
    214 N.J. 564
    , 578-79
    (2013)    (discussing       GPS     technology        used   in    cell   phones).
    Nevertheless, we have no doubt an expert in this area could opine
    on what alters the accuracy of a GPS device, including what
    information must be evaluated to make the determination.                          Co-
    defendants offered no such proofs.
    Perhaps recognizing these holdings, and noting a challenge
    to the accuracy of the GPS device required expert testimony, see
    State    v.   Martini,     
    160 N.J. 248
    ,   263    (1999)     (holding    expert
    testimony may be admitted where the accuracy or trustworthiness
    of evidence is challenged), co-defendants argue their ability to
    obtain an expert was precluded because the information was not
    revealed.       We   are    not    persuaded    by     co-defendants'     circular
    The State revealed the computer chip technology responsible
    for sending and receiving radio signals, employed by the GPS device
    and released the actual location data the device collected.                       The
    related datasheet included the manufacturer of the computer sheet
    and the recorded location of the BMW, the number of satellites the
    device was connected to, and the accuracy, to the meter, of the
    19                                  A-1344-14T2
    reported location.     In our view, this technical data provides an
    adequate foundation for an expert to identify any additional
    information necessary to challenge the GPS device's accuracy.          Co-
    defendants did not present an affidavit of an expert to explain
    common areas of unreliability of GPS devices or offer a link to
    how the location on the BMW affected the device's reporting.
    Moreover, no expert explained what information was needed to make
    this assessment.     The lack of expert testimony or other evidence
    to establish how the undisclosed information was "essential to a
    fair determination of the case," defeats co-defendants' request
    for disclosure.     Garcia, supra, 131 N.J. at 80.
    Co-defendants also suggest the sole evidence tying them to
    the scene of the burglaries was the GPS data, requiring the
    requested disclosures.       As we stated above, corroboration is
    necessary.    Zenquis, 
     131 N.J. at 89.      Based on the record
    evidence,    we   reject   co-defendants'    assertions   as   unfounded.
    Unrefuted facts prove police tested the accuracy of the GPS device
    prior to commencing surveillance.           Detective Young saw Chance
    enter the BMW and Detective Cookson confirmed two men occupied the
    BMW after it was shown to stop near McDuffies' residence.         The BMW
    was observed exiting the highway in Nutley, and after a house
    alarm was tripped on Spatz Avenue, the BMW passed the trailing
    surveillance vehicles prior to stopping at the light on Centre
    20                             A-1344-14T2
    Street and East Passaic Avenue as it headed toward the Parkway
    entrance. These uncontroverted facts sufficiently corroborate the
    GPS data confirming the location of the BMW occupied by defendants.
    Co-defendants further urge reversal arguing the trial judge
    ignored proof of "inconsistencies" in the GPS readings, which
    showed the device incorrectly recorded the BMW traveled at various
    implausible   speeds.     The   "inconsistencies"      in   the   GPS   data
    identified    by   co-defendants    were   examined    during     Detective
    Eckert's   testimony.     He    admitted   certain    readings    showed    a
    "mistake, but only in speed, not in GPS location."           The evidence
    was not offered to prove speed, nor was speed an element of any
    offense charged.
    Having considered each of these arguments, we reject co-
    defendants' claim the trial judge abused his discretion in denying
    their motion for disclosure. See State v. Sessoms, 
    413 N.J. Super. 338
    , 342 (App. Div. 2010).         The judge balanced the competing
    considerations and weighed the claimed needs presented by the
    State and co-defendants.    In light of co-defendants' general claim
    for release of the GPS specifications and its location on the BMW,
    and the absence of a showing of need for these specifics, we
    conclude the interests of the State must prevail to protect ongoing
    and future investigations.
    21                               A-1344-14T2
    Co-defendants' next challenge the admission of Detective
    Arochas's prior military training, as aiding his identification
    of McDuffie, despite viewing him for "a split second" in nighttime
    conditions.      Detective Arochas testified his training as a Marine
    Corps   sniper    provided   special       training   and   expertise,     which
    enabled him to remember faces.
    Co-defendants     assert   the    trial    court   erred   in   admitting
    statements Detective Arochas was trained as a Marine Corps sniper,
    not relevant to his ability to identify the passenger in the BMW.
    Co-defendants maintain Arochas's prior military training had no
    relationship to his ability to observe "from mobile vantage points
    and . . . make reliable split second identifications under . . .
    hectic, harrowing and distracting circumstances."
    The issue arose in limine, as co-defendants moved to bar
    Detective Arochas background training and experience, arguing the
    testimony was prejudicial.        The trial judge denied the motion
    concluding this background, specifically the training involving
    memory tests to recall observed details, was relevant to the
    detective's ability to identify McDuffie.
    When Detective Arochas was questioned regarding his "special
    training and experience" as a Marine, McDuffie's objection was
    overruled. Detective Arochas then testified he attended the Marine
    Corps sniper school and underwent three-months of training in
    22                                 A-1344-14T2
    "memory,    observation,    and    concentration."            He    explained      the
    "memorization school" required "burning an image into your head
    so you can identify the objects later. . . . [Y]ou'll look at a
    picture for a brief split second, then you'll . . . write down
    what you saw in that picture[,]" requiring recall of seven of ten
    objects to qualify as a sniper. He then described his observations
    of McDuffie during the investigation and chase.                    He insisted his
    prior     training   enabled      him    to    remember    McDuffie's         facial
    characteristics, even though he saw him very briefly.
    An     evidentiary    decision      is    reviewed    for      an    abuse     of
    discretion.    "To demonstrate abuse of such discretion, the danger
    of undue prejudice must outweigh probative value so as to divert
    jurors 'from a reasonable and fair evaluation of the basic issue
    of guilt or innocence.'"       State v. Moore, 
    122 N.J. 420
    , 467 (1991)
    (quoting State v. Sanchez, 
    224 N.J. Super. 231
    , 249-50 (App. Div.),
    certif. denied, 
    111 N.J. 653
    N.J.R.E. 403 allows a court to exclude relevant evidence "if
    its probative value is substantially outweighed by the risk of (a)
    undue prejudice, confusion of issues, or misleading the jury or
    (b) undue delay, waste of time, or needless presentation of
    cumulative    evidence."       The      challenged      testimony        related    to
    Detective    Arochas's     ability      to    observe   and    recall      details,
    23                                   A-1344-14T2
    explicitly, a suspect's physical appearance, which related to
    identification at the scene.
    Co-defendants repeat their objection related to the "sniper
    training"   testimony,     insisting         it    was   not    relevant   and   was
    excessively prejudicial.        The arguments do not explain why the
    described memory training and testing was not relevant to Detective
    Arochas's    recall.      Co-defendants'            arguments     merely    suggest
    nighttime   conditions,     limited      lighting,        and   rapidly    changing
    events impeded the detective's observations and concentration,
    areas we note that were fully explored on cross-examination.
    We reject as lacking merit the claims of error, arguing
    Detective    Arochas     "was     not        qualified     as     an    expert     in
    identification" and his statements caused the jury to ignore the
    jury    instruction    directed    to        the    accuracy     of    cross-racial
    identifications.       The testimony was not an area admissible only
    if supported by expert opinion.               Further, "we trust juries to
    follow instructions."      State v. Short, 
    131 N.J. 47
    , 65 (1993).                 We
    have no reason to conclude the jury did not do so in this case.
    Accordingly, we conclude the trial judge did not abuse his
    reasoned discretion when reviewing the evidence and rejecting co-
    defendants' motion to bar admission of Detective Arochas's prior
    qualifications.    State v. Collier, 
    316 N.J. Super. 181
    , 193 (App.
    Div. 1998), aff’d, 
    162 N.J. 27
     (1999).                   Nor do we conclude the
    24                                  A-1344-14T2
    testimony substantially prejudiced co-defendants or led the jury
    to an unjust result.
    We now examine each defendant's arguments asserting errors
    requiring      remand    and   resentencing.          McDuffie       challenges     the
    sentences imposed a five-year term, subject to a two and one-half
    year term of parole ineligibility for the burglary count one; a
    discretionary extended ten-year term with a five-year period of
    parole ineligibility on the third-degree burglary conviction in
    count two, to be served consecutive to the sentence in count one;
    and a consecutive six-month term for resisting arrest in count
    twenty — were insufficiently supported.                Not only does defendant
    assert   the    judge    erroneously      applied     aggravating       factor     two,
    (gravity and seriousness of harm inflicted on the victim), a point
    conceded by the State, he also argues findings underpinning the
    imposition of the discretionary extended term were not fully
    articulated,       see   State    v.   Dunbar,      
    108 N.J. 80
    ,     89     (1987)
    (delineating      a   four-part    test      when   imposing     a    discretionary
    extended    term      sentence),   then      double    counted       when     applying
    aggravating factors three (risk of re-offense), six (extent of
    prior record) and nine (need for deterrence), N.J.S.A. 2C:44-1(a)
    (3), (6), (9).        McDuffie also challenges the support for imposing
    consecutive sentences as flawed and insufficient.                      See State v.
    25                                     A-1344-14T2
    100 N.J. 627
    , 643-45 (1985), cert. denied, 
    475 U.S. 1014
    106 S. Ct. 1193
    89 L. Ed. 2d 308
    After merger, Chance was sentenced to an aggregate term of
    seventeen years in prison: four years for the two burglaries in
    counts one and two, each subject to a two-year period of parole
    disqualification to run consecutive to each other; nine years for
    eluding in counts three, four and five, with a four-year period
    of parole ineligibility, concurrent to each other and consecutive
    to counts one and two, and eighteen months for counts six, seven,
    and   eleven,   aggravated   assault   of   police   officers,    to   run
    concurrent to count one.
    The judge imposed applicable fines and penalties.          Further,
    he ordered each defendant to pay significant restitution.
    Though it maintains the errors are not fatal, and urges the
    sentences be affirmed, the State concedes the trial court failed
    to articulate its reasons for imposing consecutive, rather than
    concurrent sentences.    The State also agrees aggravating factor
    two was inapplicable despite the judge's statements.
    The role of appellate courts in reviewing
    sentences is to determine: (1) whether the
    exercise of discretion by the sentencing court
    was based upon findings of fact grounded in
    competent, reasonably credible evidence; (2)
    whether the sentencing court applied the
    correct legal principles in exercising its
    discretion; and (3) whether the application
    26                              A-1344-14T2
    of the facts to the law was such a clear error
    of judgement that it shocks the conscience.
    [State v. Megargel, 
    143 N.J. 484
    , 493 (1996)
    (citing State v. Roth, 
    95 N.J. 334
    , 363-65
    In this matter, the trial court's sentencing findings were
    less than thorough.      The judge merely recited aggravating and
    mitigating factors he applied, and make findings only regarding
    aggravating factor two, which the State concedes, and we agree,
    does not apply.
    First, we reject, as lacking merit, McDuffie's claim the
    court   impermissibly   double-counted      his   criminal    record,   when
    granting the State's motion for a discretionary extended term, and
    again, when imposing aggravating factor six, which considers the
    extent and seriousness of a defendant's prior record.             "[F]acts
    that establish[] elements of a crime for which a defendant is
    being   sentenced   should    not    be     considered   as    aggravating
    circumstances in determining that sentence."         State v. Kromphold,
    162 N.J. 345
    , 353 (2000) (citation omitted).         McDuffie's criminal
    history was not a "fact" that was a necessary element of an offense
    for which he was being sentenced.         Further, it cannot be disputed
    McDuffie had more than the requisite number of offenses to qualify
    for an extended term.        Indeed, the trial judge was not then
    27                              A-1344-14T2
    required     to   ignore   the   extent   of    his    criminal    history     when
    considering applicable aggravating factors.
    Second, we do agree with co-defendants' arguments stating the
    lack of expressed findings when imposing consecutive rather than
    concurrent sentences require the sentences be vacated and the
    matter remanded for resentencing.              Even though the decision to
    impose a consecutive sentence lies within a judge's discretion,
    the reasons for doing so cannot be assumed and must be stated.
    State   v.   Miller,   
    108 N.J. 112
    ,       122    (1987).     A   remand    for
    resentencing is required when the court fails to set forth a
    separate statement of reasons for imposing consecutive sentences.
    See State v. Abdullah, 
    184 N.J. 497
    , 514-15 (2005) ("[B]ecause the
    trial court did not explain why it imposed consecutive sentences,
    we are compelled to remand for the court to place its reasons on
    the record.").
    Here, rigorous arguments on this aspect of sentencing were
    advanced by the State and on behalf of defendants.                A remand might
    be avoided if the "sentencing transcript makes it possible to
    'readily deduce' the judge's reasoning."                 State v. Miller, 
    205 N.J. 109
    , 129-30 (2011) (quoting State v. Bieniek, 
    200 N.J. 601
    609 (2010)).      However, this is not such a record.           We cannot glean
    from the judge's limited comments what findings he relied upon.
    More significantly, the judge summarily stated the "analysis will
    28                                   A-1344-14T2
    be the same for both defendants."                This "one size fits all
    analysis" falls short of the specific findings required when
    imposing sentencing.
    Finally,    the   State    agrees     the    judge   "improperly   imposed
    separate [Victims of Crime Compensation Board] fees and [Safe
    Neighborhood Service Fund] penalties on the merged convictions."
    In   summary,     we   affirm   the   convictions      imposed    for   each
    defendant.   However, we are constrained to vacate the sentences
    and remand for the court to set forth reasons for the application
    of aggravating and mitigating factors, the basis for rejecting
    argued   mitigating    factors,     and    for     the   imposition    of    the
    consecutive sentences.        The judgment of conviction must also be
    corrected as to assessed fines and penalties.
    Affirmed in part and reversed and remanded in part for
    29                                 A-1344-14T2