  •                         NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court."
    Although it is posted on the internet, this opinion is binding only on the
    parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R.1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-3654-15T3
    Administrator Ad
    Prosequendum and General
    Administrator of The Estate
    of DAFIQ RASHEED, Deceased,
    Argued May 23, 2017 – Decided July 21, 2017
    Before Judges Messano and Espinosa.
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Atlantic County,
    Docket No. L-4771-11.
    Christopher S. Lipari argued the cause for
    appellant (Lipari & Walcoff, LLC, attorneys;
    Mr. Lipari, of counsel and on the brief).
    Chad M. Moore argued the cause for
    respondents (Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst &
    Doukas, LLP, attorneys; Mr. Moore, of
    counsel; Dawn P. Marino, on the brief).
    Defendants Doris and James Astacio1 permitted Doris's sister
    and brother-in-law, Diana and Jason Adams, to host a party at
    their home.   Dafiq Rasheed, an adult guest, drowned in their pool.
    Dafiq's father, plaintiff Dennis White, brought this negligence
    action against defendants, alleging a survivorship claim on behalf
    of Dafiq and a wrongful death claim on behalf of Dafiq's estate.
    Plaintiff appeals from an order granting summary judgment to
    defendants.     We affirm.
    We review the facts, drawing all legitimate inferences in
    plaintiff's favor, to determine if a genuine issue of material
    fact exists that precludes summary judgment.    R. 4:46-2(c).
    Diana and Jason hosted a sixteenth birthday party for their
    son at defendants' home. Although the complaint alleges defendants
    hosted the party, plaintiff admitted in answers to interrogatories
    that Diana was the host and that Doris was not present at the time
    of the party.    James testified he was doing yardwork in the front
    of the house most of the time "because it wasn't [his] party," and
    he actually left the premises at some point.
    Because some witnesses and parties share last names, we refer
    to them all by their first names to avoid confusion. No disrespect
    is intended.
    2                        A-3654-15T3
    Diana testified that, as the party was ending, Dafiq decided
    to go into the pool.     She observed him putting on goggles, dancing
    around and then jumping in, feet first, into the deep end of the
    pool.   Christopher Maglione, another adult guest, laughed as he
    watched Dafiq dancing on the side of the pool.
    Jason was in the pool when he saw Dafiq jump in.             He stated
    Dafiq "started bobbing for like 30 seconds" and then grabbed
    Jason's shoulder, pulling him under the water.           Jason testified,
    "Chris said he was in trouble" and Dafiq "went under water right
    away, within a minute['s] time."          Christopher jumped into the
    pool, fully clothed.     He brought Dafiq's head above the water, and
    pulled him to the edge of the pool where Jason helped to pull
    Dafiq out of the water and onto the concrete.            The immediacy of
    the   response   was   confirmed   by   Diana,   who   testified    she   saw
    Christopher jump into the pool within one minute of the time that
    Dafiq had jumped in.
    Jason administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to
    Dafiq for several minutes. James heard someone call out, "somebody
    call 911."    He ran to the backyard, saw Dafiq and ran inside to
    call 911.
    Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) administered CPR when
    they arrived, but to no avail. Dafiq was pronounced dead at the
    hospital.    Dr. Ian Hood, a forensic pathology expert retained by
    3                               A-3654-15T3
    plaintiff, issued a report in which he concluded Dafiq likely
    struggled in the water for two to four minutes before dying from
    "asphyxia due to drowning."
    When asked whether a person had been assigned to watch the
    pool area that day, James testified: "No, not necessarily.         We
    just try and keep a vigilant eye on it, you know, in general."
    James also testified he owned a shepherd's crook2 and kept it along
    the fence near the pool on the day of the incident.         At his
    deposition, James was shown a photograph of the area where he
    purportedly kept the shepherd's crook and acknowledged it was not
    shown there.   Jason could not recall whether a shepherd's crook
    was present.
    Christopher testified "safety devices or flotation devices"
    were affixed to a three-foot-high fence that surrounded the pool
    area on the day of the incident, including a shepherd's crook.     He
    explained he did not grab any of the safety devices because he was
    very close to the pool and going to get them would have taken
    longer than jumping in.   He and Jason were able to get Dafiq out
    of the pool quickly, within "[f]our or five seconds," without any
    of the safety devices.
    A shepherd's crook is a ten-to-twelve-foot pole with a loop on
    the end that can be used to pull someone out of water.
    4                          A-3654-15T3
    Jason testified seeing signs around the pool at the time that
    said "swim at your own risk, deep end, shallow end, stuff like
    that . . . I think one was no lifeguard present, swim at your own
    Plaintiff's pool safety expert, Dr. Francesco Pia, stated
    "defendants owed an inherent duty to provide both a safe swimming
    environment to invited pool party guests who were using their in-
    ground backyard pool and to protect their invited guests from
    drowning by the exercise of reasonable care."             He identified pool
    safety recommendations of the American Red Cross for pool safety
    that defendants failed to follow, two of which are relevant for
    this appeal. First, defendants did not provide a shepherd's crook,
    which would have been used to pull Dafiq out when he was in
    distress.         Second, defendants failed to have a lifeguard or
    "designated water watcher," trained in first aid, CPR, and water
    safety, "whose specific responsibility is to supervise bathers
    during a pool party" and who could have used the shepherd's crook
    to prevent Dafiq from drowning.             Dr. Pia opined that defendants'
    "deviat[ions] from acceptable unguarded backyard pool party safety
    standards . . . were substantial factors which contributed to
    [Dafiq's] drowning."
    At     his     deposition,   Dr.       Pia   testified,   "[Christopher]
    correctly made a determination that it would be faster for him to
    5                            A-3654-15T3
    hop over the fence . . . to dive into the pool and pick [Dafiq]
    up as opposed to running over and getting the shepherd's crook."
    He   clarified   that    Christopher's   actions   were   appropriate   to
    recover Dafiq's body even if the shepherd's crook had been present.
    The complaint alleged Dafiq was an invitee to defendants'
    premises; they owed him a duty to use reasonable care to keep the
    premises free from dangerous conditions; and defendants breached
    that duty by allowing a dangerous condition that was the proximate
    cause of Dafiq's death.       The breaches of duty alleged are based
    on Dr. Pia's opinion, that defendants failed: (1) to have a
    shepherd's crook easily accessible while guests were in the pool,
    and (2) to designate a water watcher while guests were in the
    In their motion for summary judgment, defendants argued that,
    pursuant to Tighe v. Peterson, 
    175 N.J. 240
     (2002), they did not
    owe any duty to Dafiq, a social guest, to make their pool safer
    for him than for themselves because he was familiar with the pool.
    In opposition, plaintiff argued defendants failed to exercise
    reasonable care.        The Law Division granted defendants' motion,
    Defendants had no duty . . . to obtain a water
    watcher or shepherd's crook. [Dafiq] was an
    adult swimmer, who was at [d]efendants' pool
    6                            A-3654-15T3
    before, and he was intelligent enough to
    notice that there was no water watcher present
    before, during or after the party. More so,
    the shepherd's crook is immaterial as [Dafiq]
    was taken out of the pool quickly by
    . . . .
    Defendants were not throwing a party, hosting
    a party, or conducting activities on the date
    in    question.       Rather,    [d]efendants
    allowed . . .   Diana . . .   to  use   their
    backyard to host a birthday party, wherein
    Diana . . . hosted the party and invited
    In this appeal, plaintiff argues the trial judge erred by
    applying an incorrect standard of care, defendants had a duty to
    exercise reasonable care when permitting a pool party to occur at
    their residence, and genuine issues of fact exist, precluding
    summary judgment.   We have considered these arguments in light of
    the record and applicable principles of law and conclude they lack
    In reviewing a summary judgment decision, we apply the same
    standard as the trial court.   Murray v. Plainfield Rescue Squad,
    210 N.J. 581
    , 584 (2012). Viewing "the evidence in a light most
    favorable to the non-moving party," we "determine if there is a
    genuine issue as to any material fact or whether the moving party
    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law." Rowe v. Mazel Thirty,
    7                         A-3654-15T3
    209 N.J. 35
    , 38, 41 (2012) (second quotation citing Brill v.
    Guardian Life Ins. Co. of Am., 
    142 N.J. 520
    , 529 (1995)).                             We
    review questions of law de novo, and need not accept the trial
    court's conclusions of law.          Davis v. Devereux Found., 
    209 N.J. 269
    , 286 (2012).
    To defeat a motion for summary judgment, "[t]he opponent must
    'come forward with evidence' that creates a genuine issue of
    material fact."      Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of N.J. v. State,
    425 N.J. Super. 1
    , 32 (App. Div.) (quoting Brill, 
    142 N.J. at 529
    ), certif. denied and appeal dismissed, 
    211 N.J. 608
    see   R.   4:46-2(c).     "An     issue      of   fact    is    genuine     only    if,
    considering    the   burden   of    persuasion       at     trial,    the     evidence
    submitted    by   the   parties     on     the    motion,      together     with    all
    legitimate inferences therefrom favoring the non-moving party,
    would require submission of the issue to the trier of fact." 
    Plaintiff argues the duty defendants owed to Dafiq was not
    merely that of a landowner to disclose or neutralize dangerous
    conditions    the    landowner     knows     or   should       know   exist    on   the
    property.    Relying upon Hanna v. Stone, 
    329 N.J. Super. 385
    Div. 2000), he argues defendants owed a "heightened standard" to
    him "to exercise reasonable care for the protection of his/her
    guest."     Model Jury Charge (Civil), 5.20F(4), "Social Guest –
    Defined and General Duty Owed," Note to Judge 2, "Exception as to
    8                                    A-3654-15T3
    Host's Activities" (2014).   This duty arises "[i]n cases where the
    host is conducting some 'activity' on the premises at the time of
    his/her guest’s presence."   
    Hanna, the case relied upon by plaintiff, instructs that
    where the focus is not on a physical condition of the property but
    on activities conducted thereupon, the duty to use reasonable care
    falls upon "the person conducting the activity."    
    329 N.J. Super. at 389
    .   The "activity" defendants conducted was to allow their
    adult relatives to host a party on their property.         Although
    plaintiff acknowledges that Diana and Jason were the hosts, he
    contends defendants had a duty to exercise reasonable care at a
    party hosted by others that required them to do the following
    while guests are in the pool: (1) have a shepherd's crook easily
    accessible, and (2) designate a water watcher.
    In Parks v. Rogers, the Court "revisit[ed] the scope of a
    homeowner's duty to protect an unsuspecting social guest of dangers
    on the premises," 
    176 N.J. 491
    , 494 (2003) (emphasis added), and
    noted, "[a] landowner is not required to provide greater safety
    on his premises for a social guest than he would for himself," 
    id. at 497-98
    .   The landowner has "the duty to disclose to the social
    guest the dangerous condition or to correct it" so the social
    guest has "the same knowledge possessed by the host of dangerous
    Id. at 498
     (citation omitted).    "If, however, 'the
    9                         A-3654-15T3
    guest is aware of the dangerous condition or by a reasonable use
    of his faculties would observe it, the host is not liable' because
    of the guest's failure to use due care." 
     (citation omitted).
    It is undisputed that Dafiq was familiar with defendants'
    pool, having used it previously.         It is also evident that he would
    have been aware of the absence of a shepherd's crook or a water
    watcher through "a reasonable use of his faculties."             Even if we
    do not impute knowledge of the dangerous condition to Dafiq,
    defeating any claim that defendants are liable, plaintiff's proofs
    fail to establish a genuine issue of fact as to proximate cause.
    To prove a breach of duty proximately caused an alleged
    injury, a plaintiff must establish "any cause which in the natural
    and continuous sequence, unbroken by an efficient intervening
    cause, produces the result complained of and without which the
    result would not have occurred."         Townsend v. Pierre, 
    221 N.J. 36
    51 (2015) (quoting Conklin v. Hannoch Weisman, 
    145 N.J. 395
    , 418
    (1996)).   While causation is an issue ordinarily determined by the
    factfinder,   "in   the   unusual   setting    in   which   no   reasonable
    factfinder could find that the plaintiff has proven causation by
    a preponderance of the evidence, summary judgment may be granted
    dismissing the plaintiff's claim."         Id. at 60.
    As we have noted, plaintiff's expert opined that it was the
    breach of the duty to have a shepherd's crook and a water watcher
    10                             A-3654-15T3
    that    proximately      caused    Dafiq's   death.     However,    Dr.     Pia's
    testimony that the action taken by Christopher – to hop over the
    fence, dive into the pool and pick up Dafiq – would have been the
    correct course of action even if a shepherd's crook had been
    present and would also have been faster than attempting to rescue
    Dafiq with a shepherd's crook.
    Turning to the function of a water watcher, Dr. Pia stated:
    Once [Dafiq's] surface struggle started in the
    defendants' in-ground backyard pool, an
    attentive trained "water watcher" would have
    used ordinary care to rescue [him] while he
    was struggling on the surface of the water.
    The extension of the shepherd's crook by the
    "water watcher" on the pool deck of the
    defendants to the decedent would have taken
    seconds and enabled the rescue of [Dafiq]
    before his submersion.
    The record shows Dafiq was observed by the other adults
    present continuously from the time he jumped into the pool and
    Christopher jumped into the pool to rescue him within a minute.
    CPR was administered immediately.            The actions taken correspond
    to Dr. Pia's description of activities a designated water watcher
    would perform.         And, as noted, Dr. Pia acknowledged the actions
    taken would have been the correct choice even if a shepherd's
    crook had been available.
    On this record, no reasonable factfinder could conclude that
    the    failures   to    have   a   shepherd's   crook   or   a   water   watcher
    11                                A-3654-15T3
    constituted breaches of a duty that proximately caused Dafiq's
    death and therefore, summary judgment was appropriate.
    12                         A-3654-15T3