  •                         NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    This opinion shall not "constitute precedent or be binding upon any court."
    Although it is posted on the internet, this opinion is binding only on the
    parties in the case and its use in other cases is limited. R.1:36-3.
    DOCKET NO. A-1897-16T4
    BEST BUY CO. INC., and
    Argued May 31, 2017 – Decided August 11, 2017
    Before Judges Vernoia and Moynihan (Judge Vernoia
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Burlington County,
    Docket No. L-1946-16.
    Patricia A. Barasch argued the cause for
    appellant (Schall & Barasch, LLC, attorneys;
    Ms. Barasch, on the briefs).
    Lynn A. Kapelman argued the cause for respondents
    (Seyfarth Shaw LLP, attorneys; Ms. Kapelman,
    Howard M. Wexler and Maria Papasevastos, of
    counsel and on the brief).
    Plaintiff, Kevin Dugan, appeals from the December 6, 2016
    order granting defendant, Best Buy's motion to compel arbitration
    and dismiss plaintiff's suit.              He argues the judge improperly
    granted the motion because plaintiff did not agree to be bound by
    the arbitration policy introduced by defendant; and that claims
    relating to the termination of his employment are not arbitrable
    under the terms of the policy.
    We agree that plaintiff did not assent to the policy and
    The     existence    of   a   valid        and   enforceable    arbitration
    agreement poses a question of law; our standard of review of an
    order granting a motion to compel arbitration is de novo. Hirsch
    v. Amper Fin. Servs., LLC, 
    215 N.J. 174
    , 186 (2013).                     The "trial
    court's interpretation of the law and the legal consequences that
    flow from established facts are not entitled to any special
    deference." Manalapan Realty, L.P. v. Twp. Comm. of Manalapan, 
    140 N.J. 366
    , 378 (1995). We, therefore, construe the arbitration
    contract "with fresh eyes." Kieffer v. Best Buy, 
    205 N.J. 213
    , 223
    Defendant    hired    plaintiff       in    June   2000   as   an    assistant
    manager.   He was promoted to general manager in 2003.
    2                                    A-1897-16T4
    On February 4, 2016, plaintiff logged on to an eLearning
    program     utilized       by    defendant       to   introduce       employees     to    an
    arbitration policy defendant sought to implement on March 15,
    2016.     The eLearning module consisted of four screens.
    The first screen, titled "Employee Solutions Process," read:
    Best Buy is committed to a welcoming,
    inclusive environment where employees come to
    work every day to do what they enjoy doing.
    From time to time you may encounter a concern
    that, if left unresolved, could negatively
    affect your employment experience.    It [i]s
    Best Buy's goal to resolve all these [i]ssues
    and, in fact, has a clear well-established
    [i]nternal process to do just that.
    The   second       screen,     bearing      the       same    title,     outlined    a
    progressive system for employees to address employment-related
    concerns, starting with discussions with the employee's manager,
    next to human resources personnel, and then to the Employee
    Relations (ER) team.             The text continued, "Under the Peer Review
    Program,        eligible        employees    may       have        certain     involuntary
    terminations reviewed, first by an ER manager and, if still not
    satisfied by the outcome, by a panel of managers and peers."                              If
    those steps did not address the concern, employees could "choose
    to   file   a    formal     legal    claim."          The    screen    text    concluded,
    "Effective       March     15,     2016,    you       will    bring     that    claim     in
    arbitration, rather than in court."
    3                                     A-1897-16T4
    A note at the bottom of both the first and second screens
    directed the employee to a link to a site at which "[a]dditional
    details" could be found.
    The   heading   of   the   third       screen   was:    "Why    is    Best   Buy
    Implementing   an    Arbitration   policy?"          The    text    that   followed
    suggested that the arbitration process was more favorable than
    court proceedings.
    The last screen read:
    As with any other Best Buy policy, by
    remaining employed, you are considered to have
    agreed to the policy.     The purpose of the
    eLearning is to ensure you read and understand
    the policy.
    Employees who do not take this eLearning are
    still subject to the policy.
    I have read and understand the Best Buy
    Arbitration Policy that takes effect on March
    15, 2016.
    Just below that paragraph, the words, "I acknowledge," appeared
    in a box that was intended to be mouse-clicked by the reader.                       A
    link at the bottom of the page allowed the reader the opportunity
    to "read and review" the policy and "FAQs" - frequently asked
    Plaintiff clicked on the "I acknowledge" box without reading
    the policy. He was also responsible, as general manager, to ensure
    his staff completed the eLearning module.
    4                                   A-1897-16T4
    The policy went into effect on March 15.             Plaintiff was
    terminated on April 5.1       On September 16, plaintiff filed an age
    discrimination action against defendant under the New Jersey Law
    Against Discrimination (LAD), N.J.S.A. 10:5-1 to -49. Those claims
    are, according to the terms of the motion judge's order, subject
    to arbitration.
    The Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), 9 U.S.C.A. §§ 1-16, and
    the New Jersey Arbitration Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:23B-1 to -32, are
    premised on policies favoring arbitration as a means of resolving
    disputes.     Atalese v. U.S. Legal Servs, Grp., 
    219 N.J. 430
    , 440
    (2014), cert. denied, 
    135 S. Ct. 2804
    192 L. Ed. 2d 847
    "Arbitration's favored status does not mean that every arbitration
    clause, however phrased, will be enforceable."              
    Id. at 441.
    "Although it is firmly established that the FAA preempts state
    laws that invalidate arbitration agreements, the FAA specifically
    permits     states   to   regulate   contracts,     including   contracts
    containing     arbitration    agreements    under     general   contract
    principles; therefore, an arbitration clause may be invalidated
    The reason for the termination is in dispute. Plaintiff alleges
    he was fired because of his age, and complaints he lodged about
    discriminatory comments made by his supervisor regarding
    plaintiff's age.    Defendant avers plaintiff was fired for an
    inappropriate comment plaintiff made to an employee (according to
    plaintiff's complaint, it was to an employee; the motion judge
    found the comment was made to a customer). We do not address the
    merits of those claims.
    5                            A-1897-16T4
    'upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation
    of any contract.'" Martindale v. Sandvik, Inc., 
    173 N.J. 76
    , 85
    (2002) (quoting 9 U.S.C.A. § 2).
    "An agreement to arbitrate, like any other contract, 'must
    be the product of mutual assent, as determined under customary
    principles of contract law.'"        
    Atalese, supra
    , 219 N.J. at 442
    (citation omitted).      An employee's waiver of the right to sue in
    court "must reflect that an employee has agreed clearly and
    unambiguously to arbitrate the disputed claim."         Leodori v. CIGNA
    175 N.J. 293
    , 302, cert. denied, 
    540 U.S. 938
    124 S. Ct. 74
    157 L. Ed. 2d 250
    (2003).        Such a waiver, the Court found,
    "results   only   from   an   explicit,   affirmative   agreement    that
    unmistakably reflects the employee's assent."           
    Id. at 303;
    Atalese, supra
    , 219 N.J. at 442-43.
    Since assent requires a full understanding of the terms of
    the agreement and the rights being waived, 
    id. at 442,
    we must
    first   determine   if   defendant   provided   sufficient   notice     to
    plaintiff.   "The point is to assure that the parties know that in
    electing arbitration as the exclusive remedy, they are waiving
    their time-honored right to sue."         Marchak v. Claridge Commons,
    134 N.J. 275
    , 282 (1993).
    The terms of defendant's arbitration policy satisfactorily
    alert employees they are waiving their right to sue in court.         The
    6                           A-1897-16T4
    policy, on page one, plainly warns that any disputes governed by
    the policy terms "will be decided by an arbitrator in arbitration
    and not by way of a court or jury trial."2 That warning is repeated
    four pages later, and the policy spells out the arbitration
    The policy does not express that employees are "waiving"
    their right to sue.3      The policy, presented as a fait accompli,
    requires employees to arbitrate as a "mandatory" condition of
    employment; "by becoming or remaining employed after the effective
    date of this Policy, employees agree[d] to th[e] Policy's terms."
    The policy makes no mention of any "right" of an individual to sue
    in   court.    Although   "[t]he   absence     of   any   language   in    the
    arbitration provision that plaintiff was waiving [his] statutory
    right to seek relief in a court of law renders the provision
    Atalese, supra
    , 219 N.J. at 436 (emphasis in
    original),    "[n]o   particular   form   of    words     is   necessary    to
    accomplish a clear and unambiguous waiver of rights." 
    Id. at 444.
    The Court cited a few examples of policy language that adequately
    Although plaintiff claims he did not read the policy, he
    acknowledged that he did when he clicked the box on the last page
    of the eLearning module.
    The policy mentions waivers only in provisions related to claims
    against the defendant "on a class or collective basis" or in
    California Private Attorney General Act representative actions.
    7                                A-1897-16T4
    advised a party that the longstanding right to sue was being
    relinquished, one of which provided:
    Instead of suing in court, we each agree to
    settle disputes (except certain small claims)
    only by arbitration. The rules in arbitration
    are different. There's no judge or jury, and
    review is limited, but an arbitrator can award
    the same damages and relief, and must honor
    the same limitations stated in the agreement
    as a court would.
    [Id. at 445 (quoting the arbitration clause
    in Curtis v. Cellco Partnership, 413 N.J.
    Super. 26, 31 (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    203 N.J. 94
    The   language    in   defendant's    policy    similarly      notified
    employees of the distinction between resolution of a conflict in
    arbitration and in a court.      Although the policy does not include
    an explicit "waiver," it does advise that a dispute will not be
    handled in a court, and explains the arbitration process.                 The
    terms   adequately    inform   employees   that,    by   agreeing    to   the
    arbitration policy, they are waiving their right to access the
    court to resolve disputes.
    The terms of the agreement, however, are unenforceable unless
    plaintiff's assent to its terms is established by either his
    signature on the agreement or "some other explicit indication that
    [he] intended to abide by that provision."           
    Leodori, supra
    , 175
    N.J. at 305.   It is undisputed that plaintiff did not mechanically
    sign any document.     That is a "significant factor in determining
    8                                A-1897-16T4
    whether" an agreement was reached.    
    Ibid. A handwritten signature
    "is the customary and perhaps surest indication of assent."        
    Id. at 306-07.
    Plaintiff did click on the box acknowledging that he read and
    understood the policy.   We have recognized that a party can assent
    to the terms of a contract by electronically clicking on a website
    box.    See Caspi v. Microsoft Network, LLC, 
    323 N.J. Super. 118
    122 (App. Div.)(recognizing assent to a forum selection clause can
    be established by a party clicking on a block labeled, "I Agree"),
    certif. denied, 
    162 N.J. 199
    (1999).   Merely acknowledging receipt
    of a policy, however, does not indicate assent to the policy.
    Leodori, supra
    , 175 N.J. at 307.        We have also held that by
    "obtaining the employee's signature on a rider, which stated only
    that the employee 'received' and 'underst[ood]' the contents of
    the company handbook or rules or regulations, the employer cannot
    fairly contend the employee 'agreed' to a waiver of the right to
    sue that might be found within those materials."           Morgan v.
    Raymours Furniture Co., 
    443 N.J. Super. 338
    , 343 (App. Div.)
    (alteration in original)(citations omitted), certif. denied, 
    225 N.J. 220
    , cert. denied, 
    137 S. Ct. 204
    196 L. Ed. 2d 132
    Plaintiff's mouse-click on the acknowledgment box did not manifest
    his assent to the policy, only that he read and understood the
    9                           A-1897-16T4
    It has been over thirteen years since our Supreme Court
    advised employers of an easy method to avoid the problem defendant
    now faces:
    [W]ith minimal effort, employers can revise
    the language to include an indication that the
    recipient has received and agreed to an
    arbitration policy. The acknowledgment form
    need not recite that policy verbatim so long
    as the form refers specifically to arbitration
    in a manner indicating an employee's assent,
    and the policy is described more fully in an
    accompanying handbook or in another document
    known to the employee.
    Leodori, supra
    , 175 N.J. at 307.]
    Defendant could have firmly established plaintiff's assent by
    simply adding the words "and agree to the terms of the policy" to
    the acknowledgment box.   
    Ibid. The fact that
    plaintiff knew of the policy, and his status
    as a general manager who was tasked with having other employees
    complete the eLearning module, does not establish his assent to
    the policy.   
    Id. at 306;
    Garfinkel v. MOGA, 
    168 N.J. 124
    , 136
    (2001). His knowledge of the policy and employment status may be
    factors related to his understanding of the policy, but do not
    indicate his agreement to same.
    The terms of the policy provided employees agreed to be bound
    "[b]y remaining employed" after its effective date of March 15,
    10                       A-1897-16T4
    2016.     The   only   possible   indication      of    plaintiff's   assent,
    therefore, was his continued employment.
    "[C]ontinued      employment    has   been        found   to   constitute
    sufficient      consideration       for    certain        employment-related
    agreements."     Martindale v. Sandvik, 
    173 N.J. 76
    , 88 (2002);
    Quigley v. KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP, 
    330 N.J. Super. 252
    , 265-66
    (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    165 N.J. 527
    (2000).              Under the facts
    of this case, plaintiff's continued employment did not amount to
    an "explicit, affirmative agreement that unmistakably" reflected
    his assent to the arbitration policy.          
    Leodori, supra
    , 175 N.J.
    at 303.
    Our holding in Jaworski v. Ernst & Young U.S., 
    441 N.J. Super. 464
    (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    223 N.J. 406
    (2015), upon which
    defendant relies in arguing that continued employment reflected
    plaintiff's consent, is distinguishable.          The policy in this case
    contained language similar to that in Jaworski, providing that the
    employee's continued employment after the effective date of the
    policy signified the employee's agreement to the terms requiring
    arbitration.     In Jaworski, however, the employee continued his
    employment for five years after the effective date of the policy
    11                                A-1897-16T4
    until his termination.4 Plaintiff, by remaining employed for three
    weeks after its effective date, did not indicate his assent to the
    policy; employment for that brief period does not meet the high
    standard   required   to    establish   an   unambiguous   waiver    of
    plaintiff's right to sue.    Plaintiff did no more than he did every
    other day during his tenure with Best Buy - he showed up for work.
    While remaining employed for five years may reflect an employee's
    acquiescence to employment terms, plaintiff's continuation of
    employment for three weeks was not an explicit, unmistakable
    acceptance of the policy.5
    The policy was offered on a take-it-or-leave it basis.6        The
    policy provides that it "is a mandatory condition of initial and
    continuing employment."     Employees who did not take the eLearning
    module were, according to the fourth screen of the training course,
    still subject to the terms of the policy.      Defendant's position,
    The policy was actually a revision to one that was initiated in
    id. at 468,
    before the employee signed his original
    employment agreement in 2004, 
    id. at 473,
    and revised several
    times in 2006 and 2007, 
    id. at 470-71.
    We are careful not to conflate the concept of continued
    employment as sufficient consideration for an agreement with
    continued employment as an indication of explicit assent to an
    It is clear defendant did not intend to negotiate the terms of
    the policy; although we recognize negotiation of an arbitration
    clause is not required. 
    Leodori, supra
    , 175 N.J. at 307.
    12                           A-1897-16T4
    if adopted, does not reasonably allow enough time for an objecting
    employee to find another situation, especially in circumstances
    such as these.         This is not the case where an applicant for
    employment could simply walk away upon disagreeing with a proposed
    policy.       See    
    Martindale, supra
    ,      173   N.J.     at    91    (holding      a
    prospective     employee        was   not    forced     to     sign     an    employment
    application containing an arbitration clause; also indicating the
    prospective employee had an opportunity to ask the employer for
    changes). Plaintiff had worked for defendant for almost sixteen
    years.    He was forty-six years old.             The choice given by defendant
    to   "leave    it"    if   an    employee       did   not     agree    to    the    policy
    "amount[ed]     to    no   choice     at    all."       
    Id. at 103
       (Stein,    J.,
    dissenting)7 (quoting Cooper v. MRM Investment Co., 
    199 F. Supp. 771
    , 778 (M.D. Tenn. 2002)).                 It is unreasonable to expect an
    established employee to walk away from a career, without any
    prospects, when an employer unilaterally presents a new agreement.
    Plaintiff's choice to stay at his job for the short period did not
    indicate his agreement to the policy.
    The Court was considering whether an agreement was a contract of
    adhesion. We do not undertake such an analysis here. Nor do we
    consider whether an agreement was the result of coercion or duress.
    We consider only whether plaintiff assented to the policy, and
    whether there was an agreement.
    13                                      A-1897-16T4
    Plaintiff's conduct was insufficient to establish his assent
    to the defendant's arbitration policy.   In light of our decision
    that no agreement to arbitrate was reached, we need not address
    the scope of the arbitration agreement. Because of our disposition,
    we need not address appellants' remaining arguments. To the extent
    we have not explicitly addressed any other argument a party has
    advanced, it is because the argument is without sufficient merit
    to require discussion in a written opinion. See R. 2:11-3(e)(1)(E).
    We reverse the entry of the order compelling arbitration and
    dismissing plaintiff's complaint.     The matter is remanded for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion. We do not retain
    14                           A-1897-16T4
    VERNOIA, J.A.D., concurring.
    I join in the reversal of the order dismissing the complaint
    and directing that plaintiff's claims be resolved in arbitration,
    but write separately because I respectfully disagree with the
    portion    of   my    colleague's   thoughtful    opinion     suggesting     that
    plaintiff could not have assented to the arbitration policy because
    he continued his employment with defendant for only three weeks
    following the policy's promulgation.
    An   arbitration      agreement   that    includes    a   waiver   of   an
    employee's right to assert causes against an employer in court
    requires "an explicit, affirmative agreement that unmistakenly
    reflects the employee's assent." Leodori v. Cigna Corp., 
    175 N.J. 293
    , 303 (2001), cert. denied, 
    540 U.S. 938
    124 S. Ct. 74
    157 L. Ed. 2d 250
    (2003).         An employee's "signature to an agreement
    is the customary and perhaps surest indication of assent," but
    where an employee has not signed an arbitration agreement, assent
    may be inferred based on "some other unmistakable indication that
    the   employee       affirmatively .    .   .   agreed   to     arbitrate"    the
    employee's claims. 
    Id. at 306-07.
    In Jaworski v. Ernst & Young US LLP, 
    441 N.J. Super. 464
    (App. Div.), certif. denied, 
    223 N.J. 406
    (2015), we recognized
    that under certain circumstances an employee may manifest binding
    assent to an arbitration agreement by continuing employment with
    the employer. In Jaworski, the employer promulgated an arbitration
    program    stating        that    "[a]n    [e]mployee       indicates      his    or   her
    agreement to the [p]rogram and is bound by its terms and conditions
    by beginning or continuing employment with [the employer] after"
    a designated effective date. 
    Id. at 474.
    We found the plaintiff
    was bound by the arbitration program because he continued to work
    for the defendant following the effective date, "thus manifesting
    his     intent    to   be        bound    pursuant     to    the   unambiguous         and
    specifically-emphasized            terms    of   the   [arbitration]           [p]rogam."
    Ibid. Our finding was
    supported by the clear language of the
    arbitration program - that the plaintiff assented to agreement by
    continuing employment beyond the designated effective date.
    To be sure, we also noted that the plaintiff continued to
    work for the defendant for five years after the effective date.
    Ibid. However, I disagree
    with my colleague that Jaworski requires
    a lengthy period of continuing employment, or anything beyond the
    mere    commencement        of     continued     employment,       to    establish       an
    employee's       assent    to     an   arbitration     agreement        that   otherwise
    clearly and expressly provides that an employee manifests assent
    by continuing employment. Such a holding is not supported by our
    decision in Jaworski, and contravenes a basic principle guiding
    our interpretation of contracts: we will not "rewrite a contract
    2                                     A-1897-16T4
    for the parties better than or different from the one they wrote
    for themselves." Kieffer v. Best Buy, 
    205 N.J. 213
    , 223 (2011).
    My reading of Jaworski does not require an affirmance of the
    court's   order.         As   noted,    in       Jaworski    the    policy     at     issue
    unambiguously advised the plaintiff that his continuing employment
    constituted assent to the arbitration program and an agreement to
    be bound by its terms. 
    Jaworski, supra
    , 441 N.J. Super. at 474.
    In    contrast,    the    language       used      by   defendant      here     did      not
    unambiguously advise plaintiff that he assented to the arbitration
    policy by continuing his employment. The fourth screen of the
    eLearning    program      vaguely       stated      only    that    defendant         would
    "consider" an employee's continued employment as the employee's
    consent to be bound by the policy.
    Unlike the policy language in Jaworski, defendant's eLearning
    screen described only how defendant would perceive an employees'
    continued employment, and did not clearly inform plaintiff that
    his   continuing    employment          constituted         his    agreement    to       the
    arbitration   policy.         It   is   for      that   reason,     and   not   because
    plaintiff's continuing employment lasted for only three weeks
    beyond the policy's putative effective date, that I concur in the
    conclusion that plaintiff's continued employment did not establish
    the explicit and unmistakable assent required to support the motion
    court's decision. See 
    Leodori, supra
    , 175 N.J. at 303.
    3                                      A-1897-16T4