  •                    NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE
    DOCKET NO. A-3318-15T3
    Plaintiff-Appellant,                     August 23, 2017
    v.                                          APPELLATE DIVISION
    Argued May 31, 2017 – Decided August 23, 2017
    Before   Judges       Koblitz,    Rothstadt      and
    On appeal from the Superior Court of New
    Jersey, Law Division, Passaic County, Docket
    No. L-2866-14.
    Antonio J. Casas argued the cause for
    appellant (Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf,
    LLP,   attorneys;  Samuel   G.  Destito, of
    counsel and on the briefs; Mr. Casas and
    Sandy L. Galacio, Jr., on the briefs).
    Michael H. Glovin argued the cause for
    respondent County of Passaic (William J.
    Pascrell,  III,   Passaic  County   Counsel,
    attorney; Mr. Glovin, of counsel and on the
    Marvin J. Brauth argued the cause for
    respondent City of Clifton (Wilentz, Goldman
    & Spitzer, PA, attorneys; Mr. Brauth, of
    counsel and on the brief).
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    In Rutgers v. Piluso, 
    60 N.J. 142
    (1972), the Supreme Court
    addressed     the    limits     of    a    local     government's        authority         to
    regulate development of a state university's property that was
    confined     to   its    campus.      In     this    dispute,      we   are    asked      to
    determine whether those limits apply to a state university's
    construction of a roadway that intersects with a county road.
    For the reason expressed herein, we hold that the limits imposed
    by Rutgers apply equally to the development proposal in this
    case,   reverse         the   trial       judge's    dismissal      of    plaintiff's
    complaint and remand the matter for a trial.
    Plaintiff Montclair State University (MSU) appeals from the
    Law Division's March 7, 2016 order dismissing its complaint for
    declaratory       and     injunctive        relief     that     sought        an      order
    permitting it to proceed with the development of a roadway from
    its campus to Valley Road in Clifton.                       Prior to filing the
    complaint,    MSU     spent    approximately         six   years    consulting         with
    defendants County of Passaic and City of Clifton, both of which
    interposed various objections and concerns about the project.
    Through various meetings between construction professionals, MSU
    was   able   to     satisfy    most   of     defendants'      concerns        about      the
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    In 2014, MSU submitted an application to the county for a
    permit to install traffic controls at the proposed intersection
    of the roadway and Valley Road.             In its cover letter, MSU stated
    that it was exempt under Rutgers from seeking any approvals from
    Clifton's land use boards.          When the county failed to respond,
    MSU filed a complaint for declaratory judgment and injunctive
    relief, seeking a determination that the county's refusal to
    issue the permit was contrary to law and directing that it be
    issued so MSU could construct the proposed roadway.
    At a hearing held on the return date of an order to show
    cause, the trial judge addressed the limits of the county's
    authority to withhold approval.             He stated that the county did
    not have jurisdiction over the speed limit on the roadway as it
    is on state land.        He also noted that while defendants could be
    legitimately concerned with a "palpably unsafe" intersection,
    they   could    not   block   the   proposal      simply    because    it   would
    generate more traffic.         Despite those observations, the judge
    denied   the    relief    plaintiff     sought,    reasoning    MSU     had     not
    complied    with   its    obligations    under    Rutgers    only     because    it
    needed     an   updated     traffic     study.       The     judge,     however,
    specifically contemplated that he would be "review[ing the] up-
    to-date expert reports" and making the ultimate determination
    whether the project should proceed.               On November 6, 2014, he
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    entered an order requiring the parties to submit updated traffic
    studies and requiring "the parties [to] consult, which shall
    include,   without     limitation,         appearances    before    the   Planning
    Boards of the City of Clifton and the County of Passaic."                        The
    court retained jurisdiction in the event the parties could not
    reach a resolution.
    In accordance with the judge's order, the parties obtained
    updated traffic studies that concluded traffic conditions had
    not   changed   from   the    last    completed       traffic    study    in    2004.
    MSU's expert concluded that its proposed "design does not create
    [a] safety risk."      Defendants' expert concluded that the roadway
    did not meet certain American Association of State Highway and
    Transportation       (AASHTO)        and       New    Jersey      Department      of
    Transportation (NJDOT) criteria.               On April 1, 2015, the parties
    and their respective experts met again to resolve the matter.
    Defendants made numerous recommendations to the proposed design,
    which MSU reviewed with its experts.                 Following the meeting, MSU
    proposed additional revisions to its plans, which the county
    found "acceptable."          The county also asked MSU's engineers to
    consider   redesigning       the     road      for   higher     speeds,   but    MSU
    rejected this recommendation explaining that it "would have the
    unintended consequence of encouraging higher operating speeds
    and could result in an unsafe condition."                       In response, the
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    county disagreed, its counsel stating that a thirty-five mile-
    per-hour     design    would   support       anticipated       traffic    volume      and
    explaining that "it is totally unreasonable to expect drivers to
    adhere to a 15 or 20 mph speed limit along a newly constructed
    roadway."     MSU submitted a revised plan that reflected changes
    that    satisfied     some   of   the     county's    concerns.          The    county,
    however,     refused    to   issue    a   permit     because     it   believed        the
    roadway design continued to fail to meet applicable AASHTO/NJDOT
    standards     and   because     Clifton's      approval    was    required        for    a
    proposed traffic signal as it would impact municipal roadways.
    Believing it had reached an impasse with defendants, MSU
    wrote to the court and requested the matter be relisted for a
    decision.     Clifton objected, arguing that MSU had not returned
    to   its   planning    board.        While     awaiting    a    response       from   the
    judge, MSU's and the county's engineers corresponded about the
    roadway's design, the proposed traffic signal and speed limits.
    Clifton did not participate in the exchanges between MSU and the
    The trial judge         heard the matter again on February 25,
    2016.      MSU argued that it had revised its plans to resolve the
    county's and Clifton's concerns regarding safety, that the only
    area on which they could not agree was the design of the roadway
    that was located entirely on MSU's property, and MSU had sole
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    jurisdiction over the roadway.        It also argued there was expert
    testimony that confirmed the roadway design was safe, and had
    met   all   of   the   requirements       under   Rutgers.          The    county
    acknowledged that MSU had accommodated nearly all of the county
    planning board's comments, but it still took issue with the
    stopping distance from the bottom of the hill leading into the
    After considering the parties' arguments and without taking
    any testimony, the judge dismissed MSU's complaint, finding that
    he had an insufficient record to rely upon because MSU had not
    appeared before the county's or Clifton's planning boards as he
    previously ordered.      The judge instructed MSU that its choices
    were to appeal his determination or "set something up so there
    can be a record [which could] be basically an encapsulation of
    the old prior . . . hearings and the plans and how much of an
    accommodation has already been made by the university."
    On appeal, MSU relies on the holding in Rutgers and argues
    that the trial judge abused his discretion by dismissing its
    complaint   without    determining    whether     MSU   met   its    obligation
    under Rutgers "to act reasonably and consult with the county and
    city" and by adding a requirement that MSU return to Clifton's
    planning board for approval for any reason, including, for the
    development of a record.      Defendants respond by arguing Rutgers
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    is "distinguishable" from this case because its exemption from
    the   authority       of     local       zoning      boards          does     not    apply     to
    "legitimate safety concern[s]" about MSU's proposal.
    We     conclude       from    our       review       of    the        record    and     the
    applicable        legal    principles         that       the    trial       judge    correctly
    recognized     that       Rutgers    controlled          MSU's       application,       but    he
    mistakenly        exercised        his     discretion            by     dismissing          MSU's
    complaint and requiring the matter be heard by the municipal and
    county planning boards for development of a record.
    Like    Rutgers       University,            MSU    is     a    state     university,1
    N.J.S.A.     18A:64-45,       and    is       therefore         permitted       to    exercise
    certain "governmentally autonomous powers."                            
    Rutgers, supra
    , 60
    N.J. at 158; see also N.J.S.A. 18A:64-7 (granting state colleges
    broad control over their property).                            In Rutgers, the Supreme
    Court upheld the exclusion of Rutgers University's proposed land
    development from local regulation.                       
    Rutgers, supra
    , 60 N.J. at
    144, 159.         According to the Court, "the Legislature did not
    intend the growth and development of Rutgers University to be
    subject      to     restriction          or     control          by     local        land     use
    MSU was originally a state college and later transitioned
    into a state university. Most recently, the Legislature enacted
    the Montclair State University Act, which placed it on par with
    Rutgers University as a research university.    Montclair State
    University Act, L. 2017, c. 178 (supplementing and amending
    Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes).
    7                                       A-3318-15T3
    regulations."        Twp. of Franklin v. Den Hollander, 
    172 N.J. 147
    150 (2002).
    A    state    university's          "immunity     [from         regulation]     is   not
    completely        unbridled"       and       must    not   "be        exercised      in    an
    unreasonable fashion so as to arbitrarily override all important
    legitimate local interests."                   
    Rutgers, supra
    , 60 N.J. at 153
    (citing Washington Twp. v. Village of Ridgewood, 
    26 N.J. 578
    584-86 (1958)).         Like other state agencies immune from local
    regulation under similar circumstances, a state university must
    "weigh    conscientiously          local      interests,        to    examine      carefully
    whether     the   proposed     .    .    .    facility     is    compatible        with   the
    surrounding land uses and to consult the local ordinances and
    authorities in making its . . . decision."                            Twp. of 
    Franklin, supra
    , 172 N.J. at 150 (quoting Garden State Farms, Inc. v. Bay,
    77 N.J. 439
    ,    455-56        (1978)         (addressing         "Commissioner       of
    Transportation['s]        authority            concerning            the    placement      of
    aeronautical facilities" within a community)).                              The university
    has an "implied duty" to consider local interests that obviously
    include     legitimate    "safety            concerns."         
    Id. at 151
    Holgate Prop. Assocs. v. Twp. of Howell, 
    145 N.J. 590
    , 601, 603
    To satisfy its obligation, a state university "ought to
    consult with the local authorities and sympathetically listen
    8                                    A-3318-15T3
    and give every consideration to local objections, problems and
    suggestions       in    order    to    minimize         the   conflict       as   much    as
    possible."        Twp. of Fairfield v. State, Dep't of Transp., 
    440 N.J. Super. 310
    , 319 (App. Div.) (quoting Garden State Farms,
    Inc., supra
    ,    77    N.J.    at    455),      certif.     denied,    
    222 N.J. 310
    (2015).     It must act reasonably in its consideration of local
    concerns.       See Kearny v. Clark, 
    213 N.J. Super. 152
    , 160-61
    (App. Div. 1986).          A difference of opinion as to the best method
    to address a local traffic safety concern alone, however, does
    not     support     a     finding      that       the    state       university       acted
    unreasonably.          See Cedar Grove v. Sheridan, 
    209 N.J. Super. 267
    280     (App.   Div.)      (addressing         Department      of     Transportation's
    placement of a traffic signal at a location opposed by local
    residents through petitions and letters), certif. denied, 
    104 N.J. 464
    (1986); see also City of Newark v. N.J. Turnpike Auth.,
    7 N.J. 377
    , 381-82, appeal dismissed, 
    342 U.S. 874
    72 S. Ct. 168
    96 L. Ed. 657
    In order to satisfy its obligation to reasonably consider
    local safety concerns, a state university is not obligated to
    appear    before       local    land   use    boards.         "The    fact    that    [its]
    officials did not appear before the Local Planning Board does
    not establish that [it] acted unreasonably [as long as there is
    9                                    A-3318-15T3
    evidence that the university] listened to local objections and
    considered them."             
    Kearny, supra
    , 213 N.J. Super. at 160.
    Because       of    the       limits    imposed          on    a     state     university's
    decision    making        process,      the    immunity             from    regulation,        which
    Rutgers     applied           to    dormitories        and          other      on-site         campus
    construction, applies as well to a state university's proposed
    construction of an on-site road that will intersect a local or
    county    road.          In    either       case,    it    is       clear      that      the   state
    university      must      reasonably         take     local          safety       concerns      into
    consideration when formulating and executing its plans.
    The     determination           of     whether       a        state        university       has
    complied      with    its      obligation       to    consult            and     consider      local
    concerns       is     a       judicial        function          not         conditioned         upon
    consideration by a local zoning board.                                A municipal planning
    board    "lacks      standing        and     jurisdiction            over      the    development
    project       [because         g]enerally,           local          zoning         and     planning
    regulations cannot affect the State's authority to carry out
    public functions for the benefit of all the people of the State,
    especially on the State's own land."                       Jersey City v. State Dep't
    of   Envtl.    Prot.,         227    N.J.    Super.       5,    14       (App.     Div.)    (citing
    Rutgers, supra
    , 60 N.J. at 152-53) (finding appellate review
    appropriate where issue was whether agency met its obligation
    when appeal arose from final agency decision), certif. denied,
    10                                          A-3318-15T3
    111 N.J. 640
    (1988).               Unlike judicial review of a land use
    board's    final     decision      that   requires   a     trial    on    the    record
    developed before a local board, see R. 4:69; see also Willoughby
    v. Planning Bd. of Twp. of Deptford, 
    306 N.J. Super. 266
    , 273-74
    (App. Div. 1997), disputes as to whether a state university
    satisfied its obligation to consider local concerns is a matter
    to be determined based upon a record developed at a trial, see
    N.J.S.A. 2A:16-58, to the extent any facts are in dispute or are
    not   clear.        Cf.   Jersey    
    City, supra
    ,    227    N.J.    Super.       at    14
    (finding     "[t]he       facts     surrounding      the    controversy          [were]
    Applying these guiding principles here, we are constrained
    to remand this matter to the trial judge for reinstatement of
    plaintiff's complaint and a trial, if necessary, for the judge
    to determine whether MSU satisfied its obligation under Rutgers.
    We observe that the record contains substantial evidence of the
    parties' efforts to identify and address local concerns over
    many years, which the trial judge may solely rely upon in his
    discretion     in    determining     whether   MSU    satisfied          its    duty   to
    consider those concerns.            If an evidentiary hearing is required,
    it is to be held before the judge.
    Reversed and remanded for further proceedings consistent
    with our opinion.         We do not retain jurisdiction.
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